Ei2353:Digital System Design: Question Bank
Ei2353:Digital System Design: Question Bank
Ei2353:Digital System Design: Question Bank
Question Bank
1. What factors determine CMOS Fan out?
2. How is saturation delay time reduced with schottky TTL?.
3. Compare TTL, CMOS and ECL logic families with respect to power dissipation and
propagation delay.
4. List the salient features of ECL family.
5. What is the main advantage of ECL over other IC technologies? In what type of
application should ECL not be considered?
6. Which logic family performs better in a high-noise environment : CMOS or TTL? Why?
7. State the advantages of a CMOS logic family.
1. Explain the working of basic TTL NAND gate with a neat diagram. Explain the following
three types of output configurations 1)operation of open collector 2)Totem-pole 3) Tristate output.
2. Explain the transfer characteristics of CMOS gate, , 2 input NAND gate and 2 input NOR
3. Discuss on basic ECL inverter/buffer circuit, two input OR/NOR gate operation and
mention the characteristics of the ECL family.
4. Discuss in detail TTL-to-CMOS interface. Explain the features of I2L.
5. Draw the circuit of CMOS inverter and explain its operation. Also explain CMOS-toTTL interface.