3rd P.test 2023
3rd P.test 2023
3rd P.test 2023
Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the BEST answer and
write it on your answer sheet.
2. Which of the following characteristics is present in the vocal music of Islamic Mindanao?
A. a fixed ending for songs.
B. the observance of the instrumental accompaniment
C. the time signatures
D. the use of tremolo in singing
4. In Islamic music, the vocal aspect must overpower the instrumental. What does the
given statement mean?
A. A full band must sing the song.
B. More emphasis on the vocal parts than the instrumental part.
C. Musical accompaniment is required.
D. Same volume for instrumental and vocal parts
6. Islamic vocal music requires improvisation. How must a singer apply this characteristic
when singing their native songs?
A. The singer can also be a composer
B. The singer must always rely on the musical piece.
C. The singer must always sing the original tune.
D. The singer’s voice must be versatile.
A. Aerophone
B. Chordophone
C. Idiophone
D. Xylophone
A. Gabbang
B. Seronggagandi
C. Suling
D. Tumpong
9. The following statements describe Kubing or Jaws harp of the Tagalog, Mangyan,
Manobo, Negritos and Yakans EXCEPT:
A. It is made of brass and animal skin.
B. The instrument is made of bamboo with a plain or more ornate design.
C. The sound is produced by blowing air into the resonator.
D. The sound is produced by placing the instruments between lips while plucking the
bamboo tongue.
E. A and C.
10. These are the tree bamboo flutes of the Maguindanaon. Which of the following is being
pertained by the statement?
A. suling, gabbang, kudyapi
B. suling, kudyapi, babendil
C. suling, kudyapi, seronggagandi
D. suling, tumpong, palendag
11. There are two factors that affect a fine suling’s tone. What are the two factors being
referred to?
A. fingering position and airflow blown by the mouth
B. fingering position and the size
13. Which of the following rhythmic pattern is used by Major Chords in their rendition of No
Te Vayas De Zamboanga?
A. Boogie beat
B. Four- on -the floor disco beat
C. It is A and B
D. Swing beat
14. What musical instrument is widely used among the tribes of Mindanao including the
Maranao and Maguindanao?
A. Gabbang
B. Gandang
C. Kulaing
D. Kulintangan
16. Which of the following is defined as a process of dyeing the fabric where the yarns are
wrapped with strings and dyed before weaving? ARTS
A. badjulapi
B. ikat
C. malong
D. pinalantupan
17. Which of the following is known to be a symbolic protection from spears and knives
during combat? ARTS
A. gilim
B. kandit
C. pis
D. saruk
18. What is the MOST distinct characteristic of the T’boli accessory, Hilot?
A. It has triangular amulets with symbols.
B. It is furnished with ball-bearings.
20. Where do the T’boli people get their inspiration for their designs and patterns? ARTS
A. the geographical location of Mindanao
B. the traditions of the other ethnic groups
C. the weather and climate in their community
D. the wildlife in their local area
21. Which of the following is a metallic armor made of brass plates, carabao horn, and
interlocking ringlets?
A. Gador
B. Kampilan
C. Kendi
D. Rarub-A-Klong
22. Tanyak-tanyak is a face paint that is worn by Yakan people during weddings. What
supports this practice? ARTS
A. It is their tradition that rules above them all
B. Make-ups have not been developed during those times.
C. They have no other means of face ornamentation
D. Yakans lean and cling to their geometric symbols
23. Malong is said to be worn in many different ways. Which among the following functions
is highly cultural in nature? ARTS
A. As a bedding
B. As a clothing
C. As a costume in kappa malong malong
D. As a toweo or cover
24. Gador is highly ornamental. Which among the following reasons supports this idea?
A. It adds beauty to the house
B. It is a normal display in every Maranao family
C. It symbolizes the wealth of Maranao family.
D. The families have no other material to display.
25. T’boli weavers are also called dream weavers. Why is it so? ARTS
A. Because their designs are the interpretation of their dreams.
B. Because they dream while weaving
C. Dreams are a symbol of wisdom for them
D. They sleep all day and weave at night.
28. In the dance Tinikling, the dancers wear patadyong or kimono, while the boys wear
Barong _____________.
A. Bisaya
B. Kamison
C. Saya
D. Tagalog
30. In the dance Tinikling, Music B uses “and” in the count. Where is the “and” located?
A. After ct. 1
B. After ct. 3
C. Before ct. 1
D. Before ct. 3
31. How many bamboo poles are used in the dance Tinikling?
A. four bamboo poles
B. one bamboo pole
C. three bamboo poles
D. two bamboo poles
33. It is a locomotor movement which is performed by a spring motion on one foot and
landing on the same foot
A. Galloping
B. Hopping
C. Jumping
D. Leaping
34. It refers to a locomotor movement that springs a person using both feet into the air and
land on both feet.
A. Galloping
B. Hopping
C. Jumping
D. Leaping
35. On figure VII (b) of Tinikling, the dancer is supposed to hop on __________?
A. Left arm
B. Left foot
C. Right arm
D. Right foot
36. In a figure of Tinikling: d. Repeat (a-c) except hand movement, girl holding skirt, boy’s
hands on waist.....................................................4m What does “m” in 4m means?
A. Measure
B. Meter
C. Millimeter
D. Minute
38. On figure VII (f) of Tinikling, the boy leaps to the __________ side of outside 1.
A. Down
B. Left
C. Right
D. Up
39. The music of Tinikling dance is divided into two parts: Music A and Music B. Music A
uses counting __________ in every measure.
A. 1 &, 2, 3
B. 1, 2 & 3
C. 1, 2, 3
D. 1, 2, 3 &
40. For figure VIII in Tinikling (e), boy jumps over the left side of the girl and they join right
A. Arm
B. Elbow
C. Feet
D. Hand
41. This refers to a positive and healthy response of the body from a stressor.
A. Distress
B. Eustress
C. Grieving
D. Stressor
42. The following are factors affecting mental health, EXCEPT one;
A. Getting a failing grades
B. Going to a new place
C. Positive relationship with others
D. Self-acceptance
43. Stress is normal and inevitable. Which one is TRUE about stress?
A. A flight or fight feeling to of a person experiencing stress
B. All of these
C. It is a physiological and emotional responses to a significant or
unexpected change or disruption in one’s life.
D. The gate toward burnout or stress overload
45. What do you call to the “Flight or Fight feeling” stage of stress?
A. Alarm stage
B. Exhaustion stage
C. General Adaptation Syndrome
D. Resistance stage
46. This refers to the emotional suffering caused by a loss, disaster or misfortune.
A. Death
B. Grief
C. Loss
D. Stress
47. Which of the following stages is shown in the given situation below?
Situation: “When the fire was killed, the Lara was not able to move on. She
experienced extreme sadness and loss. She began to feel health problems.”
A. Alarm stage
B. Exhaustion stage
C. None of these
D. Resistance stage
49. The following are the people whom you can ask for help when experiencing stress,
A. Friend
B. None of them
C. Parent
D. Teacher