Space Climate Observatory Program Application To The GEO Work Program 2020-2022 As A GEO Initiative by CNES and SCO Founding Partners
Space Climate Observatory Program Application To The GEO Work Program 2020-2022 As A GEO Initiative by CNES and SCO Founding Partners
Space Climate Observatory Program Application To The GEO Work Program 2020-2022 As A GEO Initiative by CNES and SCO Founding Partners
Application to the
GEO Work Program 2020-2022
As a GEO Initiative
by CNES and SCO Founding Partners
The SCO will adopt a co-designing approach to achieve these objectives, the collective
international effort aiming at stimulating, supporting and multiplying local/individual initiatives
in a joint approach. Through SCO coordination, duplication of efforts and expenses will be
minimized. Relevant procedures, information and data will be made available to a number of
countries to which they wouldn’t be affordable otherwise. SCO will be dedicated at filling the
gap between on one hand operational and well assessed products and data produced globally,
particularly from space, and on the other hand the needs for relevant information to track Climate
Change impacts in various domains, contexts and environments : this will require specific
collection and consultation of information, case studies, and robust, well-established and well
referenced methods to track impacts. These would result in fully documented, fully assessed
protocols designed by the SCO or referenced by the SCO when they already exist. It would allow
building a worldwide network of Climate Change impact assessments, whose methods could be
at least partially mobilized and used by stakeholders facing a specific climate change impact.
SCO is relying on a network of organizations addressing climate change issues in all
countries keen to participate. The missions of SCO would be deployed in each country by
national stakeholders and the outputs and results in terms of impact of climate change and related
indicators and scenarios would then be freely available, shared and disseminated to all through
the SCO network. One challenge facing the SCO is to provide an easy access to all available data
and to establish indicators and decision-support tools at population level (national and
subnational scale) in coordinated and cross-disciplinary fashion, including with social and
economic sciences.
Because of the unique characteristics and added value of satellite data, space agencies have a
major role to play articulating their efforts in order to deploy an easy multi-source data access
through the SCO international gateway or HUB. This gateway will be open to the science
community and public authorities, supporting them to develop products using space data in
complement of in-situ data, in their efforts to identify and characterize the impacts of climate
change. Specifically, the SCO, defined as a network of organizations designing, referencing and
assessing climate change impact cases and scenarios, would be a major user of climate data
production services (ESA, Copernicus Climate Change Service, EUMETSAT, NASA, NOAA,
etc..), among others and in combination with other high-resolution space data. The products, the
associated expertise and methodology, will be promoted and made available through the SCO so
that they can be mobilized, reproduced or adapted in quasi-similar contexts. This way, the
regional, national or local added value brought by international experts establishing the climate
change impact identification and related protocols would be recognized to the benefit of other
countries or users.
The specific SCO added value in the monitoring of the impacts of climate change can be
synthesized in the following way:
Key role of Satellite Earth Observation data for monitoring the impacts of climate
change: Space agencies have a major role to play, in complement to already existing
services delivering global datasets, Climate Data Records and Essential Climate Variables, to
provide dedicated or tailored space data addressing the impacts of climate change at local
(regional/national/sub-national) scale. These can be for instance High Resolution data, multi-
mission/multi-sensor data from data fusion processing, etc, needed to support specific studies
when associated to other sources of data (global environment datasets, records, ECVs,
infrastructure, socio-economic data and statistics, etc). Indeed a large variety of space data
may be necessary for monitoring the impacts of climate change in specific application
domains or geographical areas, but are not in the list of existing ECVs or global Climate Data
Records. One can cite for instance optical High Resolution data for monitoring the shoreline
or local ground motion measurements from Radar interferometry.
Data, results and indicators produced from studies tackling the impacts of climate
change: each regional/national/local initiative will produce study reports, specific indicators,
as results of analysis of the impact of climate change from heterogeneous sources of data.
This information will be produced for the specific benefit of the particular and local study, but
it could also be made available through the SCO for a better international dissemination (e.g.
to promote the exchange of best practices), improving global knowledge and awareness about
the impacts of climate change for different kinds of audience like policy makers, local and
international media and citizens.
International coordination of regional/national/local initiatives about the impacts of
climate change is another major SCO objective. It will be highly valuable, when appropriate
and possible, to facilitate agreements between different initiatives, for sharing input data,
protocols, knowledge, processing, results, etc. Such procedures could be made at least partly
re-usable in other contexts or areas, therefore saving regional/national/local funding and not
duplicating efforts. When made available through the SCO these data and information would
be made available according to coordinated rules and standards, if appropriate. Through the
SCO, a specific support will be provided for the deployment of impact case studies building
upon already existing and shared initiatives, and enabling an easy interface between local
actors from different contexts and data information providers, including Space Data providers.
An international shared data portal to monitor the impacts of climate change: this portal
will be the enabling unified system through which most objectives of the SCO will be made
possible. It will give access to all sources of data and information relevant to monitoring the
impacts of climate change. Built in a co-constructing effort as a network of
regional/national/local portals, it will be designed as the one-stop-shop for users interested on
the impacts of climate change. Through this portal, each local initiative keen to contribute will
provide valuable information and procedures that can be re-produced, with adaptation, when
deploying similar studies in other domains or geographical areas, and at the same time will
see its audience extended. Through the international SCO portal, it will be eventually possible
to design common tools, processing capabilities, access to existing datasets, so that climate
change impact studies would be made easier and affordable at a lower effort, in particular in
developing countries.
Initiated by CNES, SCO is a project that must federate energies at the global level in order to create
the world's reference hub for local modeling of climate change. This vision has been shared during
the first international meeting of the SCO on February 1st 2019 with the participation of 25 space
agencies and international organizations such as UNDP. SCO is also open to the participation of
private parties through public-private partenships.
SCO will also build its networks on national SCO entities, countries like Vietnam, China, Morocco,
Greece and France have already expressed their willing to create a SCO national entity. As well as
ESA that proposed to present the SCO during the next Program Board for Earth Observation.
4. Description of activities
The SCO precise task definition will be co-defined during the first six months of the program by
the SCO participants together with the national parties. However the SCO overall architecture
was already defined as follow:
One challenge facing the SCO is to provide an easy access to all available data and to establish
indicators and decision-support tools at population level (national and subnational scale) in
coordinated and cross-disciplinary fashion, including with social and economic sciences.
This will be underpinned by large-scale digital technologies like big data and artificial
At technical level, the SCO also has an international existence through its infrastructure via a
dedicated international web portal linked to regional/national/local web portals (potential
grouping of several countries) delivering information and data related to impacts of Climate
According to the concept of a co-designed architecture, it assembles main services provided by
regional/national/local SCOs.
It is based on a fully distributed architecture, but provides also users with virtualized central
access to SCO services.
Each portal (SCO at international level and regional/national/local centers) will have its own
catalogue (and its own archive database and services), but the SCO international catalogue will
harvest the contributing regional/national/local catalogues, therefore providing an overall view of
the SCO data, information and services.
Main services provided at each regional/national/local SCO front end.
The international SCO platform gives also access to case studies defined by
regional/national/local SCOs.
The SCO hub is also linked to Space Agencies and International Organizations allowing to
retrieving data such as reprocessing and reanalysis datasets, Climate Data Records, ECVs
produced by e.g. Copernicus, NOAA, EUMETSAT, ESA, etc. by use of dedicated links.
It complies with rules and agreements enacted by international coordination bodies like WMO,
CEOS, GCOS, WCRP, etc., without substituting for their mandate. This can particularly apply to
terminology, data units, uncertainty requirements, formats, etc.
Therefore, via this International Web Portal, the SCO is a hub throughout which all users can
access to data, products, services, information available at international SCO level or at
regional/national/local SCO level thanks to large interoperability of systems.
The international platform groups all services of data and information provision, case study
referencing, and actors/users identification.
Moreover, international SCO offers a specific and major service: “Help Desk” allowing users
(and/or potential future contributors) to have a contact point in the scope of project submission or
climate change impact indicators and adaptation research. Indeed, this service is in charge of
analyzing user requests and providing recommendations for redirection to the
regional/national/local SCO or SCOs providing similar or adaptable case study and data on their
own platform data. In the case of a non-similar case study, the helpdesk will forward this need to
the different committees for a potential new project in coordination with the original applicant.
The SCO architecture shall be such that the international portal and individual
regional/national/local portals are interoperable. However it shall be independent from internal
regional/national/local system architecture and hosting.
To ensure this compatibility, the international SCO will define rules for regional/national/local
SCOs technical interfaces so that services provided to users are ensured regardless of the
particular implementations within the various SCO distributed instances.
Interoperability applies to operations at technical level but also through common working rules
to articulate effectively in operating mode.
The SCO is complementary to other data providers involved in Climate Change. It doesn’t
duplicate the efforts already made by these institutions but builds upon the services already
developed by them. With respect to the global climate databases delivering ECVs, long time
series of Space or In Situ data, model reanalyzes, etc., offered by institutions like the Copernicus
Climate Change Service, EUMETSAT or NOAA, CMIP, etc., the SCO is located downstream in
the data value chain. It benefits from, and is connected with, these already existing components.
The SCO implements downstream impact study cases at local or socio-economic levels.
The internal architecture of the SCO, with its international body and the connection with the
network of regional/national/local SCOs is shown on the following figure. The figure also
depicts the coordination links between the international body and all local SCO instances. Users
are interfaced either directly to local SCOs for obtaining the requested services (Access to data,
information and referenced climate change impact cases studies) or to the international SCO
front end which gives access to this information in a distributed architecture. In addition, users
can obtain organizational advices from the SCO international body which gathers all necessary
information to redirect them on relevant local SCO or to provide them with toolkits, computing
resources, etc.
Geographical scope
The SCO initiative geographical scope is global but is focused on local and regional scale
SCO will address some of the research and education specific needs on climate change impacts
understanding. The scientific community needs access to data or information within its expertise
area but also within other areas in order to broaden the cross-use of various indicators and further
develop realistic forecasts whilst considering indicators from different scientific fields. Being a
Hub giving access to inter-disciplinary data, the SCO will facilitate and enable more scientific
research on climate change impacts at local and regional scale and consequently at global scale.
The education world is also interested in accessing to climate change impact information, in
particular when concrete and local use cases showing the impact of climate change are available.
This allows increasing the awareness of future citizens about the impacts of climate which they
will undoubtedly be faced with. Traditional and New Media will be able to use information
available from the SCO to disseminate appropriate and well-documented information. A special
care to guarantee a easier access to scientific information for journalist and new media actors
will be carefully taken in account.
The SBSTA (UNFCC Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Technological Advice) noted the
urgency for enhanced science communication. It welcomed the work of the scientific community
on science communication, including some examples to support action under the Paris
The SBSTA noted the importance of regional institutions and networks and the importance of
providing and exchanging knowledge at the regional, national and local level. The SBSTA also
noted that regional initiatives on science communication would be valuable, organized in close
collaboration with regional research organizations and networks and other relevant stakeholders,
subject to the availability of financial resources. It urged Parties to continue to engage with the
scientific community. The SCO will have a special attention concerning regional and local
communication on climate change impacts to encourage dissemination of the scientific results to
the local and regional communities.
5. Involvement of end-users
Climate change has become a reality increasingly affecting every ecosystem on a global scale.
As a consequence, humanity is directly affected by those changes which impact on our societies.
Thereby, everyone is impacted and SCO users can be any group or individuals likely to seek
information about the potential impact of climate change on society. The SCO Hub will be
designed to link with :
Society, citizens
Different types of stakeholders: NGOs, associations, opinion leaders in the environmental sector.
The civil society: this is an important category of future SCO Users hence representing the
societal contribution and participation to SCO, especially through their local involvement,
through “citizen science”. Local engagement of society should be enabled by capacity building.
How the activity would benefit stakeholders (in particular developing countries)
One way of engaging with developing countries national stakeholders will be through National
Adaptation Plans under the Cancun Adaptation Framework. On a regular basis SCO will
organize regional workshop with stake-holders to share experiences and address specific regional
needs. SCO will count on the participation of the GEO secretariat to promote information on EO
efforts and programs for adaptation and mitigation issues to National Delegates.
SCO is intended to address the very different needs of a large community of Regional, national,
basin scale, local actors and decision makers. These institutional users are the ones responsible of
the mitigation of the risks related to climate change. At territorial level, the users shall base their
environmental and socio-economic development policy on accurate, science based, well
documented and concrete climate change impact measures for attenuation and adaptation
strategies. These are the main actors in charge of adaptation to the effects (risks) of climate
change. These users can also frequently be involved (actors) in the local co-construction of the
SCO, as they influence or take decisions about local infrastructure design and funding.
Stakeholder adaptation strategy to climate change impacts for the cities, territories, regions, they
have in charge can benefit directly from the SCO. By reinforcing local and regional climate
change impact simulations through better international cooperation and easier access to remote
sensing data
If successful in its first development, the SCO should become a GEO Initiative and aggregate
more countries to reinforce its international ambition. The scope is to reach a more global range
of regional and local participants and users. While launched by a limited group of countries
during the One Planet Summit, the ambition is to make it grow very quickly to a much larger
number of countries and regions of the globe. The ambition is also to structure the program by a
real co-construction between data provider, scientist and stake-holders from different countries
and cultures.
The SCO implementation plan has been initiated since the first One Planet Summit in December
2018 with key contributions on the definition and engagement steps from the founding partners
during the First SCO International Meeting in February 2019 which gathered 25 space agencies
and 4 international organizations including EC, African Union and UN. This meeting will be
followed by the signature of the founding partners in March 2019 during the the second One
Planet Summit event in Nairobi of a letter of intention to confirm engagement towards the SCO
implementation. After this political phase, the SCO implementation plan will be set-up in two
phases, a two years and five years period: during the first two years from 2019 to 2020, the SCO
will address climate change impact through a selection of use cases to validate the
approach/concept and to demonstrate the clear added value for the Society, both internationally
and locally. During the following three years (2021-2023), the SCO will develop its full capacity
to address the climate change impacts on the SDGs at all scale.
The following issues are planned for the first 2-year period :
international agreements
o Signed an international Protocol Agreement with Agencies willing to participate,
o Coordinated definition and partnership with international bodies: GEO, CEOS,
Setting up governance bodies and as a first step the Steering Committee
o Referencing local initiatives as SCO candidates.
at technical level, the International SCO system first version could gather:
o A Web portal,
o Space Agencies coordination to build up a unified space data access,
o Referenced information about impact studies,
o Reference of local initiatives,
o First definition of the common architecture and common tools.
impact case studies: it would be desirable that demonstrations are available for each
priority areas as defined by the GFCS, i.e.:
o Agriculture and food security, Disaster risk reduction, Energy, Health, Water.
As a first step, and within 2 years from its creation, the SCO should show concrete
realizations in areas already presented as proofs of concept at the Toulouse Space Show
in June 2018,e.g.:
o Global warming, heatwaves and urban hothouses,
o Glaciers melting faster, sea level rise impact at the coasts,
o Pollutants and green gases, impact on city air quality,
o More frequent droughts: impacts on agriculture and water resources management,
o Extreme events, precipitations and floods,
o Freshwater reserves.
Similarly, tentative objectives were fixed for a 5-year period. At this stage the the SCO will be
almost completely deployed, maybe not with all sub-systems and SCO local instances, but with
the full scope of functionalities and services. The proposition objectives for this period are :
At organizational level:
o Complete Comprehensive governance in place.
o Several local SCOs labelled according to a coordinated agreement.
International agreements:
o Second step of SCO agreement signatures (almost final number of agreements).
o Implementation of coordination with international bodies (CEOS, CGOS, CGMS,
GFSC, etc.…).
technical level:
o Availability of web portal with full capacity.
o Dynamic links to all referenced SCOs for data and information access: full access
to data, information and case study description sheets implemented by local
o Deployment of common tools and computing capacity at international SCO level.
o Agreements on SCO labelling specifications.
o Network of SCOs in operations.
impact case studies
o All priorities as defined by GFCS covered by use cases – achieved and complete.
Organizational structure
The SCO should be developed in an inclusive manner and each partner is invited to propose its
own contribution at the level it wishes, based on its own achievements and responsibilities. The
international SCO is the organization's primary overarching body with a governance body
representative of regional/national/local SCOs. The SCO is therefore the consistent and
coordinated assembly of each individual regional/national/local SCOs, represented by the SCO
international. The international SCO shall be representative of all regional/national/local SCO
initiatives, partners or stakeholders who sit at the SCO general assembly.
The international SCO is governed by a Steering Committee, which provides vision, strategy,
policy, and guidance for the SCO. It establishes and controls partnerships with
regional/national/local SCO activities. The SCO Steering Committee is responsible for the
external relationships with other international coordination bodies and programs related climate
change. It is in charge of the external communication and outreach activities for the SCO at
international level.
The Steering committee reports to the General Assembly, it benefits from the
recommendations of the Scientific Committee. It receives requirements and validation
statements from users represented in the Users Committee. The SCO implementation and
consistency with respect to other international initiatives on climate change is independently
reviewed by the Observers Committee.
Day to day implementation and technical activities of the international SCO are carried out by
the SCO Executive Secretariat, which acts on behalf of the SCO Steering Committee and
reports to it.
General Assembly
The General Assembly gathers one representative of each SCO (regional, national, local).
It nominates the members of the Steering Committee besides the founding members and
approves those of the Technical and Scientific Committee under proposition of the Steering
The General Assembly meets annually to assess SCO achievements, current status, and both
yearly work plan and mid-term roadmap. It controls annually the orientations made by the
Steering Committee and can be asked to vote under request of the Steering Committee in case of
any strategic decision. Each member of the general assembly represents one voice when
decisions have to come to vote.
SCO governance with internal and external bodies
Steering Committee
The SCO Steering Committee provides strategy, policy and technical guidance and
recommendations for the implementation of the SCO. In particular:
It is responsible of the development of a long-term strategy for the SCO.
It identifies and mobilizes potential funding opportunities for the SCO activities.
It is responsible for the SCO external communication and outreach at international level.
It assesses progress of the SCO activities.
It advises, and responds to requests from, the SCO Executive Secretariat on day to day
and technical implementation of the SCO activities.
It reviews the documents submitted by the SCO Executive Secretariat about any SCO
initiative goals, achievements, implementation plans, and progress, as well as strategic
issues requiring guidance.
It activates the SCO Scientific and Technical Committee on the main issues to be solved
at Scientific and Technical levels.
It receives requirements and users’ validation for the SCO from the Users Committee.
It receives recommendations from the external Expert Group on SCO orientations and
interfaces with international coordination bodies or programs related to Climate Change.
It represents the SCO programme at official meetings.
Membership is reviewed annually by the General Assembly under proposition of the Steering
Committee, in particular for inclusion of new members.
The members of the SCO Steering Committee are individuals in a position to provide strategic
advice and help identify and mobilize international support, partnerships or funding for the
implementation of the SCO.
The Steering Committee is led by one Chair person, nominated on a periodic basis (e.g. annual
or biennial) from the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee Chair person is the primary
point of contact for the SCO Executive Secretariat, for the Scientific Committee, for the Users
Committee and for the Observers Committee.
The Steering Committee convenes periodic (twice a year and quarterly in the initial part of the
program) meetings in order to take decisions on the day-to-day implementation of the SCO to be
operated and monitored by the SCO secretariat. To this end, it receives the support of the
Scientific Committee which submits recommendations to it. Observers from both Users
Committee and external Observers Committee also attend the meetings to provide respectively
requirements, validation statements and recommendations.
Executive Secretariat
The SCO Executive Secretariat acts on behalf of the SCO Steering Committee which delegates
to it the day-to-day implementation of the SCO activities.
It ensures all activities needed to implement SCO Steering Committee decisions and
recommendations. In particular:
It prepares Steering Committee meetings, agenda and organization.
It prepares the Steering Committee decisions by analyzing in advance all issues, in
particular at technical and implementation levels.
It proposes the SCO external communication and outreach plan at international level to
the Steering Committee and implements the approved plan.
It interfaces with all other committees on behalf of the Steering Committee.
It monitors SCO progress and achievements and reports to the Steering Committee.
It requests advices and guidance to the SCO Steering Committee on any issue related to
strategy, partnership or international relationships.
It works on a daily basis on all technical subjects relative to the SCO and specifically:
o analyses the users requirements and translates them into high level technical
specifications to be agreed by the Steering Committee, after consultation of the
Scientific Committee.
o collects validation reports and assessments from the Users Committee and
proposes necessary action plans to take them into account.
o works in advance on external Observer Committee recommendations in order to
translate them into potential decisions to be taken by the Steering Committee.
The SCO Executive Secretariat Members are nominated by the Steering Committee and shall be
sufficiently well experienced, scientifically and technically skilled persons, seconded from the
SCO partners.
Considering the amount and diversity of tasks needed for the SCO Executive Secretariat, full
time and part time appointment for one or several positions will have to be considered.
The Scientific Committee is in charge of analyzing the scientific and technical (use of data, IT
issues and technologies, technical interfaces) relevance of existing or new SCO projects. In
particular it supports creation of any new SCO initiative on a scientific and technical point of
It provides guidance on publications strategy and assess the scientific outputs.
It advises the Steering Committee on scientific issues on a regular basis (Steering Committee
meeting) or on request from the Steering Committee.
It reports annually to the General Assembly.
Scientific Committee members are nominated by the General Assembly upon proposition by the
Steering Committee.
Day to day interactions of the SC with the Steering Committee are processed through the SCO
Executive Secretariat which acts on behalf of the Steering Committee.
The Users Committee is composed of internationally representative users from the main thematic
field of applications covered by the different national SCO.
Its main roles are:
To synthetize collected user needs in the field of the impact of climate change and
provide the high level recommendations on the indicators and scenarios to be produced.
To produce assessment and validation reports about the adequacy of SCO
regional/national/local initiatives from a user point of view (fitness for purpose, societal
impact, etc.…).
The Users Committee outputs are produced regularly (yearly as a minimum when reporting to
the General Assembly).
The members of the User Committee are nominated by the General Assembly upon proposition
of the Steering Committee.
One designated member of the Users Committee sits at Steering Committee as observer in order
to provide recommendations and collect information on a regular basis.
Day to day interactions of the UC with the Steering Committee are processed through the SCO
Executive Secretariat which acts on behalf of the Steering Committee.