Prashant Tiwari Mini Project
Prashant Tiwari Mini Project
Prashant Tiwari Mini Project
Batch (2022-2024)
United institute of management
Mini project report-2, 2022-2024
He/she has worked on identifying issues & challenges as well as the application of emerging
technologies in above industry, under my supervision and has completed the same in
conformance with / partial fulfillment of the provisions of AKTU, Lucknow.
The work is original and has not been submitted anywhere in any manner,
Name of
Department of business
Counter Signed:
(Prof K.K. Malviya)
This is to certify that I have completed the mini project 2 titled “Indian Food Industry Its
Issues/Challenges and Emerging Technologies” under the guidelines of Mrs. Humaira
Khatoon in partial fulfillment the requirement for the award of degree of master of business
administration at united institute of Management, Naini, Prayagraj.
This is an original piece of work and i have not submitted earlier elsewhere.
I Offer My Sincere Thanks and Humble Regard To United Institute Of Management, AKTU
I Pay My Gratitude and Sincere Regards To My Principal Sir (Prof. K.K. Malviya) And HOD
Sir Dr. Rohit Kumar Vishwakarma for Giving Me This Wonderful Opportunity. I Would Like
Thank My Project Guide Mrs. Humaira Khatoon For Guiding Me In Making This Project. I
I Am Also Thankful To Him For Giving Suggestion And Encouragement Throughout The
Project Work. I Take Opportunity To Express My Gratitude And Thanks To Our Computer Lab
Staff Library Staff For Providing Me Opportunity To Utilize Their Resources For The
Prashant Tiwari
S.NO. Topics Page no.
1 Introduction
3 Review of literature
7 Suggestive strategies
8 Learning outcomes
9 Recommendations
10 Bibliography
The food industry is a complex, global network of diverse businesses that supplies most of
the food consumed by the world's population. The term food industries covers a series of
preservation, transport, certification and packaging of foodstuffs. The food industry today has
become highly diversified, with manufacturing ranging from small, traditional, family-run
activities that are highly labor-intensive, to large, capital-intensive and highly mechanized
industrial processes. Many food industries depend almost entirely on local agriculture, produce,
or fishing.
India is the second biggest food producer globally, and it has the potential to become the largest
producer of food in the whole world. The food industry in India includes milk and milk products,
plantation, alcoholic beverages, vegetables and fruits, fisheries, poultry and meat, grain
confectionary, chocolates. The food industry in India exported products worth around us$ 5.8
billion in 1998, while the total world food export stood at us$ 438 billion. This shows that
although India is one of the biggest food producers globally, it accounted for only 1.5% of the
international trade in food as in 1998. The food industry is the complex networks of farmers and
diverse businesses that together supply much of the food consumed by the world population.
Although there is no formal definition for the term, the food industry covers all aspects of food
The food industry covers diverse activities including food supply, production, harvesting,
Food is an essential part of our lives. The food industry is the basic and important to every
nation. It is one of the seventeen national critical sectors of us economy. It plays a crucial role in
public health, food safety, food security, social development, and nutrition. Product quality,
health, and sanitation issues are major concerns in the food industry.
Through the ministry of food processing industries (mofpi), the government endeavours to urge
more investments in the business. It has sanctioned joint ventures (jv) proposals, foreign
collaborations, industrial licenses and 100% export oriented units. The indian food processing
industry amounts to 32% of the country’s aggregate food market. It contributes approximately
8.80 and 8.39% of gross value added (gva) in manufacturing and agriculture, respectively, is13%
➢ To understand the working of the food industry and its impact on other industries.
➢ To identify the issues and challenges in the food industry which are impacting to
➢ To find out the new technologies in the food industry and its effect on resolving
Food processing industry is the fifth largest industry in India in terms of production,
consumption, export and growth. Indian processed foods sector stood at USD 157 billion in 2012
and it is expected to reach USD 255 billion by 2016 with 13 percent growth rate per annum
(Indian food processing industry-opportunities and outlook 2015, 2012; bowman et. Al, 2004).
Young people who eat fast food consume more calories, fat, sugar, and sugar sweetened
beverages, and less fiber, milk, fruit and vegetables than peers who do not eat fast food.1 if
today’s youth consumed fast food occasionally, this would not be a public health crisis. But
every day, one-third of American children and adolescents eat fast food.2 fast food contributes
16-17% of adolescents’ total caloric intake.3 the fast food industry spent more than 4.2 billion
dollars in 2009 to advertise their products to all audiences.4 they are marketing to children and
teens more than ever – exposure to fast food ads on TV increased by 21% for preschoolers, 34%
for children (2-11), and 39% for teens (12-17) from 2003 to 2009. Marketing goes far beyond
television ads. The companies use websites, banner ads, and social and mobile media to reach
young people.
Proper nutrition offers one of the most effective and least costly ways to decrease the burden of
many diseases and their associated risk factors. Processed foods/ fast foods are those which have
been altered from their natural state, either for safety reasons or for convenience. The set of
methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into food or to transform food into
other forms for consumption by humans is called food processing. Processed foods have many
benefits including improved taste, prolonged self life and availability of product throughout the
year. But some ultra processed food also imposed some detrimental health risks to consumers
like obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases etc. Even some of the food additives added to food
to preserve flavor or enhance its taste are carcinogenic. So we should try to avoid ultra processed
food and should give more stress on unprocessed or minimally processed foods. Government and
health authorities should also promote the healthy eating habits by regulating the excessive use
The attainment of good nutrition depends on and encompasses the entire food supply. Plant and
animal foods and their various components are the primary vehicles that provide nourishment to
human beings. Nutrition is vital, not only in the growth and development of humans and animals
but also in the prevention and treatment of disease. Fast food is a term given to food that can be
prepared and served very quickly. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered
to be fast food typically the term refers to food sold in a restaurant or store with low quality
preparation and served to the customer in a packaged form for take-out/ take away. Tran’s fats
which are commonly found in fast food have been shown in many tests to have a negative health
effects on the body. The fast food consumption has been shown to increase calorie intake,
promote weight gain and elevate risk for diabetes. Originally, foods were grown and eaten
directly from a relatively unpolluted earth. Wild foods were sought and gathered. Cleaner
oceans, lakes and rivers fed us nutritious fish. Animals in the wild provide protein foods to
hunters and their tribes. As the human population multiplied, the world expanded, farming
progressed, trade specialties developed, and town markets shared a variety of goods among a
diversity of people. Techniques for food preparation and preservation, such as pickling, salting,
and smoking, were developed to deal with the new problems of storage, waste, and food-borne
illnesses. With advanced technology, our modern food industry’s reliance on processing and
additives continues to increase (haas, 2004). So in this way processed foods come into existence.
They have been altered from their natural state, either for safety reasons or for convenience. The
set of methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into food or to transform food
into other forms for consumption by humans is called food processing. Food processing typically
takes clean, harvested crops or butchered animal products and uses these to produce attractive,
marketable and often long shelf-life food products. Similar processes are used to produce animal
feed. The methods 8 amity research journals of tourism, aviation and hospitality vol. 01, issue
02, july-dec 2016 used for processing foods include canning, freezing, refrigeration, dehydration
and aseptic processing etc. India is world’s second largest producer of food next to china and has
potential of being the biggest with its food and agricultural sector. The food processing industry
is one of the largest industries in India and it is ranked 5th in term of production, consumption,
export and expected growth. The food industry is on a high as Indians continue to have a feast
In present scenario, food processing is used as a major way to enhance human nutrition. It
improves global food security by enhancing the nutritional composition of foods and its
techniques with minimal loss of bioactivities are highly desirable for the food processing in
foods industries. Human health will be benefitted by processed food products that meet food
safety regulations. The present need of time is to meet the challenge of food security and
availability of food that is not only for feeding purpose but also rich in nutrition, because it is
associated with well development of human resources in any country and it directly affects their
contributions to the world (satyanarayana et al., 2012). Food processing increases seasonal
availability of many foods, often improve the taste of food significantly, enables transportation
of delicate perishable foods across long distances and makes many kinds of foods safe to eat by
de-activating spoilage and pathogenic micro-organisms. Processed foods are usually less
susceptible to early spoilage than fresh foods there by reducing the incidence of food borne
disease. Processed food freed people from the large amount of time involved in preparing and
cooking "natural" unprocessed foods. Modern food processing also improves the quality of life
for people with allergies, diabetics, and other people who cannot consume some common raw
India is the world’s second–largest producer of fruits and vegetables. India enjoys a similar
stature in the production of marine products, and meat and poultry. India is the single largest
producer of milk in the world, with the production estimated at 137.7 mt.
India has the largest livestock population across the globe which is equal to 512 million,
including 119 million (in-milk and dry) animals, 135 million goats and 65 million sheep. The
segment contributes about 25 per cent to the country’s farm gross domestic product (GDP).
To reduce post-harvest losses of fruits and vegetables, government plans to set up 500 cold chain
projects in the country. Moreover, 42 sanctioned mega food parks in the country are likely to
As on November 2016, food safety and standards authority of India as launched a major scheme
worth us$ 72 million to address the urgent need to upgrade food testing laboratories in India.
Given the above context, it is easy to understand that the food processing industry is one of the
largest industries in India. The country’s food processing industry ranks fifth in terms of
Strategic geographic location and proximity to food importing nations benefit India in terms of
exporting processed foods. Main export destinations for food products have been the Middle East
India has the largest livestock population across the globe which is equal to 512 million,
including 119 million mulch (in-milk and dry) animals, 135 million goats and 65 million sheep.
The segment contributes about 25 per cent to the country's farm gross domestic product.
retailing and distribution of food products in various forms. The food industry has evolved
greatly over the past two decades thanks to technological advances, keeping pace with growing
demand for convenience foods. This sector calls for greater demand for packaging to ensure safe,
fresh, easy-to-use products. Demand for better quality foods and in greater quantity means the
food industry drives several other industries such as convenience stores, supermarkets,
hypermarkets and gasoline outlets with grocery sections. Supermarkets and hypermarkets
Food retail is dominated by outfits in the growing their market share in emerging nations and
small retailers accounting for an increasing share of food sales. The 15 leading global
supermarket companies represent around 30% of global supermarket sales. The industry is not
concentrated, with the 50 leading food manufacturers representing less than 20% of the global
packaged food sales. Food manufacturers are developing specialized product lines to remain
competitive and direct growth rather than the traditional approach of diversifying product
portfolios. Regional markets and product lines may be concentrated, though the global food
industry is not. Areas exhibiting market concentration include sales of branded goods such as
baby food and breakfast cereal. Natural highs, convenience, foraged ingredients, flavor-full
benefits and next generation proteins are the five key foods and drink trends to watch in the near
The food industry faces several challenges. Various areas of the industry have been criticized
and the food industry works hard to discredit its critics. Challenges associated with the current
food system such as climate change, pollution, manure disposal, soil and water damage,
deforestation, environmental degradation, and strain on natural resources are forcing every
country to create a more sustainable food system. The food industry needs to deal with new
legislation and increased regulation on environmental issues. The excessive use of fertilizers,
pesticides, and food additives may adversely affect the environment and human health.
Compliance with regulatory standards is an issue for many food manufacturers. As public shifts
toward a greener planet the food industry should implement green policies. Bringing to market
new products in a timely manner is difficult for many food companies. The process of creating
new, relevant products and moving them through r&d, testing, and marketing to retail takes time.
Consumers' tastes are fickle and targeting them is increasingly more crucial. A big challenge
facing the food is transparency. Consumers are reading the back of packages now more ever.
They want to know what ingredients are going into their products. Their interest for transparency
continues to hold food companies accountable. They are becoming more educated on the benefits
of healthier choices.
Enterprises in the food industry are operating in a highly competitive, glob al environment and
they must constantly engage in product development. They are in a state of change driven by
cost of operations. This change is heading change driven by cost of operations. This change is
heading for automation solutions that can enable the industry to become more lean and agile.
The food industry is widely known as having strong economic and political power. It is creative
in both its technological innovation and desire to satisfy the requirements of consumers, health
professionals, and its critics. It is striving to economically and efficiently produce high quality
products. It has also begun to take responsibility for healthy eating issues.
The food industry has undergone a series of changes in the last decade due to the rapidly
factors have plagued the industry with a series of obstacles. Being a consumer-driven industry,
this industry is facing serious challenges with the change in the perspective of the consumers as
Today, food products are judged based on not only the quality but also the nutritional value. As a
result, food manufacturers need to bring about significant changes in their existing
manufacturing processes. In this article, our food and beverage industry experts have highlighted
some of the major challenges that companies in this industry are going to face in 2021.
Food and beverage companies and manufacturers are now striving towards making the food
practices. In 2021, the need for deploying green business practices right from production to
Packaging and supply chain management will become very important to tackle the current issues
Most of the food and beverage companies adhere to the regulatory norms perfunctorily. But the
consistent changes with respect to surplus production, waste disposal, quality of food, raw
material, and documentation are emerging out to be major hurdles for food and beverage
manufacturers. To deal with such challenges, companies in the food and beverage industry need
Another major challenge that the food and beverage industry is facing in 2021 is the challenge of
improving online visibility. Today consumers have become more tech-savvy and digitally
informed and this has raised their expectations. Unlike e-commerce companies, food and
beverage companies are still lagging when it comes to analyzing their online presence. With the
emergence of the newer market, changing nature of consumer spending, and advancing
technology, it is high time for companies in the food and beverage industry to focus on
marketing products online. This can also help them serve their customers better and stay ahead in
the competition.
With the increasing number of consumers turning vegan, the demand for meat and other products
has witnessed a significant decline. This has posed a serious challenge to the food and beverage
industry. Food and beverage manufacturers today need to maintain their reputation with regard to
ethical treatment of animal concerns. As a result, companies have come up with meat-free
Grocery stores have seen an increase in demand lately, and the food industry is dealing with labor
shortages across the board. This makes it kind of an anomaly when considering that many other
More demand means more employees, and more employees mean higher carrying and overhead
costs. Companies also have to pay more to recruit, onboard, and train employees. They will have to
work harder to retain them with better pay and packages as well, which further increases costs.
Having more employees also increases the risk of contamination. Entire shop floors will have to be
remained to facilitate distancing. Some companies may have to institute new rules for lunch breaks to
keep contact to a minimum. Ventilation and filtration will also need to become a priority and
The fragility of the global and local supply chain has been exposed over the last year, and many
Companies have realized how poorly prepared they were. Shortages or irregular supply puts a lot of
stress on manufacturers and retailers who now have to better manage their inventory and diversify
their supply chain. More manufacturers also understand the importance of tracking in the shipping
process. Human error can lead to even more stress on the supply chain, delays, and loss of product.
This is why more are implementing barcode solutions for enhanced traceability.
For those in the sector who would like to learn more about bar-coding and how it could improve the
manufacturing process at every stage, we suggest you give diagraph a look. Diagraph has an
extensive selection of product, case, and pallet coding solutions, as well as software solutions for
Agricultural produce is an important factor for sustaining food processing activities. Due to
seasonal availability of certain crops, the sector faces delays in production resulting in low
supply. For oil production, the majority of oilseed producers are small and marginal farmers with
poor access to resource bases such as fertilizers, manure, etc. Hence, oilseeds grown by such
farmers have low yield. Rabi crops like wheat, barley and mustard are sown around mid-
November and harvested in April or may. These food grains are dependent on forces of nature,
which are rather unpredictable. Seasonal scarcity and high cost of raw materials constitutes one
of the major constraints affecting the growth of small-scale food processing enterprises. This
Many of these shortage or scarcity issues can be solved by following proper storage norms for
raw materials. However, this is a major challenge faced by the Indian small-scale food
processing industry. The absence and inadequacy of infrastructure facilities to store raw
There are two ways for proper storage – warehousing and cold storage.
In warehouses, problems arise due to scarcity of space and how commodities are optimally
stored in that space. Product damages are another problem faced in warehouse; few damages are
inevitable but can be reduced with a rack safety netting and avoiding overload of shelves.
Cold storage for frozen food is a massive sub-industry in and of itself. With ever-evolving food
trends there are growing varieties of ready-to-eat food, beverages, processed frozen fruit and
vegetable products, marine and meat products and so on – many of these items require
The lack of availability of these types of facilities poses a major constraint for the food
processing sector.
Perishable food items must be shipped with proper packaging to avoid breakages and damages
during transportation. Also, timely delivery is important to avoid spoilage – certain food items do
In the Indian food processing sector, we stick to traditional production processes where the
quality of agricultural and food products is being inspected by human evaluators. This manual
inspection is time-consuming, labor intensive and prone to human error. To lessen the impact of
This industry is highly competitive with many players in the organized, as well as, unorganized
sectors. A few of the top indian food processors include nestle india limited, britannia industries
limited, amul india, parle agro private limited, haldiram’s food international limited and itc
limited. In order to survive in a competitive environment, the food processing industry can
definitely develop through marketing channels, improving food quality standards and strengthen
In spite of the problems faced, food‐processing technology in India has continued to make steady
progress towards modernization. The sector will continue to witness increases in the number of
food processing units. Some key drivers include the entry of international companies, availability
of cheap work force, rising demand of Indian products in international markets, and demand for
processed food.
consumption. We believe this trend will continue with a diet. This needs to be met with a
corresponding increase in vegetarian and vegan products. This has led to giants in the food and
beverage industry such as sainsbury, nestle, and aldi launching meat alternatives at retail outlets.
The main checkpoints are taste, texture, and nutrition. However, the challenge has been the time
frame. With evolving expectations and demand, consumers and retailers alike are looking for
new options.
With growing ethical concerns, consumers want to be associated with brands that maintain
transparency and accountability. International and fragmented supply chains often cause gaps in
traceability. Transparency covers aspects ranging from the source of fresh produce, the kind of
farms, the employees, and their working conditions to the type of processing, packaging, and
While large brands in the food and beverage industry can cover the gaps, tier two and three
brands will have a hard time. This leads to a lack of transparency across the global food supply
Impact Of Technologies/Application To Resolve Issues
The impacts of technology on the food industry have gone extensive. The food industry has
developed tremendously in the 21st century and it has now become more complex to maintain
the long chain of supply and satisfy the human love for food.
It requires innovation to maintain the processes in the food industry because food is one of the
It is important in maintaining a healthy life and normal growth. Due to the love of humans
Modern food industry uses a wide variety of sophisticated technologies. Agricultural machinery
(such as tractor) has practically eliminated human labor in many areas of production. Robots
have the potential to transform food processing, food handling, food packaging, and food
serving. They have incredibly increased the productivity as compared to the manual production.
Block chain can be used to see where delays and waste occur in the supply chain for food
products. Microwave heating or infra-red energy from a hot surface is widely used in food
engineering has been used for the production of carotenoids by different yeast cells. Ultrasound
is another technique which offers the potential of non-invasive, hygienic measurement for the
food industry. Nanotechnology has been used in food processing, food packaging, and food
preservation. It has the potential to revolutionize agriculture and food systems. Ozone has been
used to disinfect water for various purposes such as drinking and swimming pools. Enzymes, the
natural catalysts for chemical reactions, are produced by all living cells. They are used in food
processing and the food industry, Computer simulation is used in R&D in the food industry. It
plays a key role in solving complex operational problems. For example, through the use of
simulation, production and service aspects of Pizza Hut restaurant and delivery unit operations
can be examined. Computer networks (such as the Internet) provide the support infrastructure to
allow global movement of food. The food industry is getting into the e-commerce game slowly.
As consumers are shifting to a preference for online shopping, the food industry are finding ways
areas. Agricultural machinery, originally led by the tractor, has practically eliminated human
labor in many areas of production. Biotechnology is driving much change, in areas as diverse
as agrochemicals, plant breeding and food processing. Many other types of technology are also
involved, to the point where it is hard to find an area that does not have a direct impact on the
Technology is providing convenience and aid in every aspect of life. It is providing human
Technology is playing a role in all aspects including food production, processing, packaging,
safety, etc.
All those technological processes that help us in providing food to our belly can be incorporated
1. Alternative Proteins
Consumers are shifting towards alternative protein sources due to both health and environmental
concerns, making it one of the most prominent food technology trends. Cultured meat, lab-grown
food, plant-based nutrition, edible insects, and mycoprotein are the primary alternative protein
sources. Not only are they nutrient-rich, but they also minimize resource use from farm to fork,
unlike protein from livestock. They reduce the overall costs as alternative protein sources
printing, fermentation, and molecular biology enable startups to develop sustainable alternative
protein production solutions. This aids food companies to offset the ethical concerns and carbon
2. Nutraceuticals
There is an increasing concern about the impact of food habits on health and a growing need for
essential nutrients for a healthy lifestyle. With the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers are focusing
more on eating healthy, making nutraceuticals a top trend in the food industry. This is a critical
element in driving the demand for nutraceuticals. These include nutritional supplements,
functional foods, medicinal food, and gut micro biomes enhancement foods such as prebiotics,
nutraceuticals provide health benefits against disorders related to oxidative stress such as allergy,
3. E-Commerce
E-Commerce has been in the spotlight in the food & beverages industry for a while now. But, the
COVID-19 situation further pushed innovations in food supply chains. Food brands utilize
digital platforms to offer on-demand online delivery services and reach customers through direct-
to-customer (D2C) distribution models. Also, the safety concerns during the pandemic are
promoting the growth of ghost kitchens or cloud kitchens that offer only food takeout and
deliveries. Along with D2C, brands are focusing on omnichannel distribution to improve
customer experience and improve sales. Moreover, food & beverage E-Commerce allows food
As customers now are more thoughtful about the quality of food products they buy, food safety
is a significant concern. With smart labels and standalone food grading devices available to
customers, it is easy for them to make knowledgeable decisions before choosing food items.
Also, advancements in block chain and real-time food monitoring using Internet of Things (IoT)
devices enable food brands to provide end-to-end traceability. Startups are furthering food safety
and transparency by developing cost-effective and scalable monitoring solutions. This increases
the trust between food producers and consumers, positively impacting brand credibility and
5. Personalized Nutrition
The rise in nutrition awareness among consumers is driving the demand nutrition personalized
solutions. These are not only limited to nutrigenomics-based diets but also include personal
preferences such as sugar- and gluten-free diet, vegan diet, and clean label food products.
Innovations in 3D printing and the adoption of robotics in food assembly lines allow food
manufacturers to provide nutrition personalization at scale. Also, at-home blood- and urine-based
testing kits enable consumers to determine food habits that best suit their genetic profiles.
Furthermore, various tracking devices allow users to track diet and health conditions to
streamline their diet. This allows consumers to dictate their dietary preferences, thereby
6. Restaurant Digitization
Restaurant digitization provides enhanced customer experience and enables smooth operation
management. Additionally, it allows restaurant brands to gather data points at each stage,
food & beverage industry due to the COVID-19 is causing a shift in restaurants adopting digital
management systems across the supply chain. To reduce direct human-to-human contact,
restaurants integrate digital menus, self-service kiosks, and cashless payment methods.
Furthermore, chat bots and voice bots are up-and-coming tools for assisting customers with food
orders and other restaurant-related queries. With customer preference and behavior data, AI-
enabled tools offer food recommendations to the customers and develop new recipes.
Big data analytics and AI, along with real-time monitoring, enable digital food management
from farm to fork. Startups develop food management solutions to optimize manufacturing
processes and supply chain operations. Moreover, restaurant digitization enables customer
behavior analysis and demand forecasting based on consumer preferences. Altogether, these
solutions allow food producers to better understand market requirements and predict disruptions,
thereby reducing losses and managing surplus food. For example, quantum computing enables
startups to analyze critical disruptions, such as pandemics, and simulate market fluctuations
efficiently. Additionally, customer and market intelligence allows brands to optimize their
marketing strategies and effectively reach the relevant audience, boosting sales.
8. Food Waste Reduction
A large fraction of the food produced globally is lost or wasted. Therefore, curbing food wastage
is critical to addressing food insecurity. Food entrepreneurs and large corporations now focus on
reducing food wastage to minimize environmental footprint and save costs. Food monitoring
solutions allow food producers, restaurants, and smart cities to reduce their food waste. Also,
there is a paradigm shift from food waste reduction to zero waste approaches in food
manufacturing. Food brands are up cycling and reusing food waste to generate value and
increase their reach to consumers interested in sustainability. For example, 3D food printing
solutions that use food waste to print edible food products curb food waste at restaurants and
9. Robotics
The food industry incorporates into the entire value chain to advance efficiency, consistency, and
scale during food production. Food brands also deploy hospitality robots at hotels and restaurants
to improve customer convenience and safety. Robotic chefs and food processing robots further
fuel food robotics as a prominent food technology trend. Autonomous drones and vehicles are
emerging to be efficient substitutes for manual delivery services while saving overall costs.
Drones and other food handling robots at warehouses and grocery stores enable fast and cost-
effective food tagging and monitoring. In effect, the robotics bloom in the food industry is
expediting food production revenue with enhanced speed and precise food quality control.
3D food printers enable personalized diet and alternative protein-based meals, as well as precise
and reproducible nutrition. Even though material extrusion is the most common food printing
method, startups are using laser and inkjet food printing, as well as bioprinting methods, to
develop food products. These approaches focus on increasing the quality and precision of 3D-
printed food products. Since food brands need products with exact specifications and quality
reproducibility, more research is ongoing in 3D food printing for large-scale food production.
Such solutions reduce the complexity and costs of food production. Also, 3D printing allows
food brands to offer personalized food products at scale without additional tooling and
operational costs.
Impacts of Technology on the Food Industry are that technology has enabled the food industry to
Companies have developed large storage facilities for food products. The storage area has the
prescribed cooling or warm environment with the best nitrogen and oxygen levels.
Storage facilities are installed on transport vehicles to safely store and transfer food commodities
An oxygen absorber is used in storage facilities to prevent rotting and insect attacks on fruits,
Food packaging:
One of the greatest impacts of technology on foods is food packaging. It is the most important
and basic component of the food industry. The technology of food packaging has revolutionized
Packaging protects food from the physical contamination of germs and ensures safe delivery to
The packaging is made according to the food items and their characteristics. Every food item has
Dairy products are delivered in tetra packaging keeping in mind the delivery and shelf life while
for beverages tins and glasses are used with a specific amount of O, CO2, and nitrogen to
➢ How to manage the human resources within a food services organization or department.
If you’re building a new plant, design the layout to accommodate future expansion. Ensure you
don’t just meet today’s demands, but that you also create space for projected manufacturing
needs five to ten years down the road. Processing lines don’t get shorter or slower; they get
Don’t design a floor plan just big enough for today’s equipment; set yourself up for success by
factoring in that extra breathing room. An experienced design firm that specializes in the food
and beverage industry, like Stellar, can help you analyze your current processing, strategically
plan for future growth and design a facility that can meet current and future needs.
Any time you expand or renovate a food plant, you heighten the risk for exposure to
contaminants. Cutting into walls creates dust and workers coming to your facility can introduce
cross-contamination that threatens food safety. Especially with a RTE facility, you want to
avoid penetrating the building envelope, if possible, to reduce this risk during construction. You
can proactively avoid these issues by designing a building to more easily accommodate future
For example, consider selecting a site with enough space to build an additional facility next
door to your existing one, if that will be needed. Or consider locating storage tanks or other
infrastructure so they’re not immediately adjacent to an exterior wall. Plan logistically for future
This so-called “end-state design” process is a win-win: It reduces the risk of contamination
when you decide to renovate/expand and you minimize downtime when the addition is under
Growing with the market isn’t always about leaving room for expansion at a particular facility.
Depending on the segment and company, you may want to prioritize looking at the geographic
market to see where future plants are needed. If you have substantial operations on the east
coast, but demand is growing in the west, it may make more sense to build a facility there rather
than build upon existing operations. It is possible to build a plant that is too large and not
As RTE food manufacturers prepare for the future, they must account for the growth
of automation and robotics. Traditionally, RTE plants have had more people working in them
than highly mechanized beverage facilities, for example, but advancements in technology and
You must consider what you can afford and where it makes sense to incorporate automation
into your process. It’s not just about efficiency, either. After all, people are the biggest culprits
when it comes to bringing bacteria and contaminants onto the plant floor.
Of course, these are just a few considerations for how you can grow your RTE manufacturing
business sustainability and successfully when it comes to your brick-and-mortar processing. The
best advice is to partner with a qualified, experienced engineering firm who understands all the
Food is an essential part of our lives. The food industry is the basic and important
It plays a crucial role in public health, food safety, food security, social
Development, and nutrition. Product quality, health, and sanitation issues are
Major concerns in the food industry. Figure 1 shows the double pyramid which
Suggests a virtuous model to promote sustainable food choices for health and the
They have incredibly increased the productivity as
Food is an essential part of our lives. The food industry is the basic and important
It plays a crucial role in public health, food safety, food security, social
Development, and nutrition. Product quality, health, and sanitation issues are
Major concerns in the food industry. Figure 1 shows the double pyramid which
Suggests a virtuous model to promote sustainable food choices for health and the
Food is an essential part of our lives. The food industry is the basic and important
It plays a crucial role in public health, food safety, food security, social
Development, and nutrition. Product quality, health, and sanitation issues are
Major concerns in the food industry. Figure 1 shows the double pyramid which
Suggests a virtuous model to promote sustainable food choices for health and the
Food is an essential part of our lives. The food industry is the basic and important
It plays a crucial role in public health, food safety, food security, social
Development, and nutrition. Product quality, health, and sanitation issues are
Major concerns in the food industry. Figure 1 shows the double pyramid which
Suggests a virtuous model to promote sustainable food choices for health and the