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Simple Properties and Existence Theorem for the Henstock-Kurzweil-

Stieltjes Integral of Functions Taking Values on C[a,b] Space-valued Functions

Article in European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics · January 2020

DOI: 10.29020/nybg.ejpam.v13i1.3626


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2 authors, including:

Julius Benitez
Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology


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PUL-Stieltjes Integral of a Banach space valued function View project

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Vol. 13, No. 1, 2020, 130-143
ISSN 1307-5543 – www.ejpam.com
Published by New York Business Global

Simple Properties and Existence Theorem for the

Henstock–Kurzweil–Stieltjes Integral of Functions
Taking Values on C[a, b] Space-valued Functions
Andrew Felix Cunanan1,∗ , Julius Benitez2
Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences,
Surigao Del Sur State University, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, Philippines
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Sciences and Mathematics,
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, Tibanga, Iligan City, Philippines

Abstract. Henstock–Kurzweil integral, a nonabsolute integral, is a natural extension of the Rie-

mann integral that was studied independently by Ralph Henstock and Jaroslav Kurzweil. This
paper will introduce the Henstock–Kurzweil–Stieltjes integral of C[a, b]-valued functions defined on
a closed interval [f, g] ⊆ C[a, b], where C[a, b] is the space of all continuous real-valued functions
defined on [a, b] ⊆ R. Some simple properties of this integral will be formulated including the
Cauchy criterion and an existence theorem will be provided.
2020 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 58C06,51M20, 26A42, 26B05, 26B30
Key Words and Phrases: C[a, b] space-valued function, δ-fine tagged division, Henstock–Kurzweil–
Stieltjes integral, Continuity, Bounded variation.

1. Introduction

The Henstock–Kurzweil–Stieltjes integral is a generalized Riemann–Stieltjes integral

which has properties similar to it. In the paper [9], Ubaidillah introduce the Henstock–
Kurzweil integral of functions taking values in C[a, b] through Riemann sums
S(F, D) = F (ti )[hi−1 , hi ]

where D = {([hi−1 , hi ], ti )}ni=1 is a tagged division of [f, g] Notion of integrals for Ba-
nach space-valued functions like Henstock integral for Banach space-valued functions,
Henstock–Stieltjes integral of real-valued functions with respect to an increasing func-
tion and Henstock–Stieltjes integral for Banach spaces were already defined by Cao [3],

Corresponding author.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29020/nybg.ejpam.v13i1.3626
Email addresses: deofscunananiv@yahoo.com (A. Cunanan),
julius.benitez@g.msuiit,edu.ph (J. Benitez)

http://www.ejpam.com 130 c 2020 EJPAM All rights reserved.

A. Cunanan, J. Benitez / Eur. J. Pure Appl. Math, 13 (1) (2020), 130-143 131

Lim [7] and Tikare [8], respectively. In this paper we change the way to define the do-
main of the function and the integrator. We shall choose first a closed interval [f, g] as
our domain and a continuous real-valued function H instead of the identity map as our

2. Preliminaries

Throughout, we consider the space C[a, b] of all continuous real-valued functions de-
fined on [a, b]. For more details of the space C[a, b], see [2], [5] or [9].

Let [f, g] be a closed interval of C[a, b]. A division of [f, g] is any finite set {h0 , h1 , . . .
, hn } ⊂ [f, g] such that
h0 = f, hn = g and hi−1 < hi
for all i = 1, 2, . . . , n. A tagged division of [f, g] is a finite collection {([hi−1 , hi ], ti ) :
i = 1, 2, . . . , n} of interval−point pairs such that {h0 , h1 , . . . , hn } is a division of [f, g]
and ti ∈ [hi−1 , hi ] for every i = 1, 2, . . . , n. Each point ti is referred to as the tag of the
corresponding subinterval [hi−1 , hi ]. Let θ be the null element in C[a, b], that is, θ(x) = 0,
for all x ∈ [a, b]. A function δ : [f, g] → C[a, b] is said to be a gauge on [f, g] if θ < δ(h)
for every h ∈ [f, g].

Definition 1. [9] Let δ be a gauge on [f, g]. A tagged division D = {([hi−1 , hi ], ti ) : i =

1, 2, . . . , n} is said to be δ-fine if

ti ∈ [hi−1 , hi ] ⊂ (ti − δ(ti ), ti + δ(ti ))

for every i = 1, 2, . . . , n.

Theorem 1. [9] (Cousin’s Lemma) If δ is a gauge on [f, g] ⊂ C[a, b], then there is a δ-fine
tagged division of [f, g].

3. Henstock-Kurzweil-Stieltjes Integral on C[a, b]

Let D = {([hi−1 , hi ], ti ) : i = 1, 2, . . . , n} be a tagged division of [f, g] and F, H :

[f, g] → C[a, b] be functions. We write
S(F, H; D) = F (ti )[H(hi ) − H(hi−1 )],

called as Henstock−Kurzweil−Stieltjes sum of F with respect to H on [f, g]. For

brevity, we write D = {([u, v], t)} for a tagged division of [f, g] and
S(F, H; D) = F (t)[H(v) − H(u)].
A. Cunanan, J. Benitez / Eur. J. Pure Appl. Math, 13 (1) (2020), 130-143 132

Definition 2. Let F, H : [f, g] → C[a, b] be functions. We say that the function F is

Henstock−Kurzweil−Stieltjes integrable with respect to H on [f, g] to S ∈ C[a, b],
briefly HKS-integrable, if for any  > 0, there exists a gauge δ on [f, g] such that for any
δ-fine tagged division D of [f, g], we have

|S(F, H; D) − S| <  · e,

where e is the multiplicative identity in C[a, b]. The element S ∈ C[a, b] is called
Henstock−Kurweil−Stieltjes integral, briefly HKS-integral, of F with respect to H
on [f, g] and is written by Z g
S = (HKS) F dH.

The collection of all functions which are HKS-integrable with respect to H on [f, g] is
denoted by HKS([f, g], H).

Theorem 2. (Uniqueness) If F is HKS-integrable with respect to H on [f, g], then the

HKS-integral of F with respect to H on [f, g] is unique.

Proof. Suppose that F is HKS-integrable with respect to H on [f, g] to S1 ∈ C[a, b]

and S2 ∈ C[a, b]. Let  > 0. Then there exists a gauge δ1 on [f, g] such that for all δ1 -fine
tagged division D = {([hi−1 , hi ], ti ) : i = 1, 2, . . . , n} of [f, g], we have

|S(F, H; D) − S1 | < · e. (1)
Similarly, there exists a gauge δ2 on [f, g] such that for all δ2 -fine tagged division Q =
{([ki−1 , ki ], si ) : i = 1, 2, . . . , m} of [f, g], we have

|S(F, H; Q) − S2 | < · e. (2)
Define a function δ : [f, g] → C[a, b] by δ = δ1 ∧ δ2 . Hence, by (1) and (2)
|S1 − S2 | < · e + · e =  · e.
2 2
This shows that S1 = S2 . Therefore, the HKS-integral of F with respect to H on [f, g] is

4. Simple Properties

Theorem 3. If F, G ∈ HKS([f, g], H) and α ∈ R, then

(i) Homogenity: α · F ∈ HKS([f, g], H) and

Z g Z g
(HKS) (α · F )dH = α · (HKS) F dH.
f f
A. Cunanan, J. Benitez / Eur. J. Pure Appl. Math, 13 (1) (2020), 130-143 133

(ii) Linearity: F + G ∈ HKS([f, g], H) and

Z g Z g Z g
(HKS) (F + G)dH = (HKS) F dH + (HKS) GdH.
f f f


(i) Let  > 0. Then there exists a gauge δ on [f, g] such that for any δ-fine tagged
division D = {([hi−1 , hi ], ti ) : i = 1, 2, . . . , n} of [f, g], we have
n Z g
F (ti )[H(hi ) − H(hi−1 )] − (HKS) F dH < · e.
f |α| + 1

Thus, for any δ-fine tagged division D = {([hi−1 , hi ], ti ) : i = 1, 2, . . . , n} of [f, g]

X Z g
(α · F )(ti )[H(hi ) − H(hi−1 )] − α · (HKS) F dH
i=1 f
X Z g 
= α F (ti )[H(hi ) − H(hi−1 )] − (HKS) F dH
i=1 f

Xn Z g
= |α| · F (ti )[H(hi ) − H(hi−1 )] − (HKS) F dH
i=1 f

< |α| · ·e
|α| + 1
<  · e.

This shows that α · F ∈ HKS([f, g], H) and

Z g Z g
(HKS) (α · F )dH = α · (HKS) F dH.
f f

(ii) Let  > 0. Then there exists gauge δF on [f, g] such that for any δF -fine tagged
division D = {([hi−1 , hi ], ti ) : i = 1, 2, . . . , n} of [f, g], we have
n Z g
F (ti )[H(hi ) − H(hi−1 )] − (HKS) F dH < · e. (3)
f 2

Similarly, there exists gauge δG on [f, g] such that for any δG -fine tagged division
Q = {([ki−1 , ki ], si ) : i = 1, 2, . . . , m} of [f, g], we have
m Z g
G(si )[H(ki ) − H(ki−1 )] − (HKS) GdH < · e. (4)
f 2
A. Cunanan, J. Benitez / Eur. J. Pure Appl. Math, 13 (1) (2020), 130-143 134

Define δ = δF ∧ δG . Then δ is a gauge on [f, g]. Let D = {([hi−1 , hi ], ti ) : i =

1, 2, . . . , n} be a δ-fine tagged division of [f, g]. Then D is both δF and δG -fine. By
(3) and (4),
X  Z g Z g 
(F + G)(ti )[H(hi ) − H(hi−1 )] − (HKS) F dH + (HKS) GdH
i=1 f f
X Z g
≤ F (ti )[H(hi ) − H(hi−1 )] − (HKS) F dH
i=1 f
X Z g
+ G(ti )[H(hi ) − H(hi−1 )] − (HKS) GdH
i=1 f
< · e + · e =  · e.
2 2
Therefore, F + G ∈ HKS([f, g], H) and
Z g Z g Z g
(HKS) (F + G)dH = (HKS) F dH + (HKS) GdH.
f f f

Theorem 4. (Linearity of Integrator) If F ∈ HKS([f, g], H1 ) ∩ HKS([f, g], H2 ), then

F ∈ HKS([f, g], H1 + H2 ) and
Z g Z g Z g
(HKS) F d(H1 + H2 ) = (HKS) F dH1 + (HKS) F dH2 .
f f f

Proof. Let  > 0. Then there exists gauge δH1 on [f, g] such that for any δH1 -fine
tagged division D = {([hi−1 , hi ], ti ) : i = 1, 2, . . . , n} of [f, g], we have
n Z g
F (ti )[H1 (hi ) − H1 (hi−1 )] − (HKS) F dH1 < · e. (5)
f 2

Similarly, there exists gauge δH2 on [f, g] such that for any δH2 -fine tagged division Q =
{([ki−1 , ki ], si ) : i = 1, 2, . . . , m} of [f, g], we have
m Z g
F (si )[H2 (ki ) − H2 (ki−1 )] − (HKS) F dH2 < · e. (6)
f 2

Define δ = δH1 ∧ δH2 . Then δ is a gauge on [f, g]. Let D = {([hi−1 , hi ], ti ) : i = 1, 2, . . . , n}

be a δ-fine tagged division of [f, g]. Then D is both δH1 and δH2 -fine. By (5) and (6),
X  Z g Z g 
F (ti )[(H1 + H2 )(hi ) − (H1 + H2 )(hi−1 )] − (HKS) F dH1 + (HKS) F dH2
i=1 f f
A. Cunanan, J. Benitez / Eur. J. Pure Appl. Math, 13 (1) (2020), 130-143 135

X Z g
≤ F (ti )[H1 (hi ) − H1 (hi−1 )] − (HKS) F dH1
i=1 f
X Z g
+ F (ti )[H2 (hi ) − H2 (hi−1 )] − (HKS) F dH2
i=1 f
< · e + · e =  · e.
2 2
Therefore, F ∈ HKS([f, g], H1 + H2 ) and
Z g Z g Z g
(HKS) F d(H1 + H2 ) = (HKS) F dH1 + (HKS) F dH2 .
f f f

Theorem 5. (Additivity) Let f ≤ r ≤ g. If F ∈ HKS([f, r], H) and F ∈ HKS([r, g], H),

then F ∈ HKS([f, g], H) and
Z g Z r Z g
(HKS) F dH = (HKS) F dH + (HKS) F dH.
f f r

Proof. Let  > 0. Then there exists gauge δ1 on [f, r] such that for any δ1 -fine tagged
division D = {([hi−1 , hi ], ti ) : i = 1, 2, . . . , n} of [f, r], we have
n Z r
F (ti )[H(hi ) − H(hi−1 )] − (HKS) F dH < · e. (7)
f 2

Similarly, there exists gauge δ2 on [r, g] such that for any δ2 -fine tagged division Q =
{([ki−1 , ki ], si ) : i = 1, 2, . . . , m} of [r, g], we have
m Z g
F (si )[H(ki ) − H(ki−1 )] − (HKS) F dH < · e. (8)
r 2

Define a function δ : [f, g] → C[f, g] by

( δ (h) ∧ (r − h) , if f ≤ h ≤ r
δ(h) = δ1 (h ∧ r) ∧ δ2 (h ∨ r) , if h = r or h is incomparable to r
δ2 (h) ∧ (h − r) , if r ≤ h ≤ g.

Then δ is a gauge on [f, g]. Let D = {([hi−1 , hi ], ti ) : i = 1, 2, . . . , n} be a δ-fine tagged

division of [f, g]. By definition of δ, we have r = hi0 for some i0 ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}. Hence,
D = D1 ∪ D2 for some δ1 -fine tagged division D1 of [f, r] and δ2 -fine tagged division D2
of [r, g]. By (7) and (8),
X  Z r Z g 
F (ti )[H(hi ) − H(hi−1 )] − (HKS) F dH + (HKS) F dH <  · e.
i=1 f r
A. Cunanan, J. Benitez / Eur. J. Pure Appl. Math, 13 (1) (2020), 130-143 136

Therefore, F ∈ HKS([f, g], H) and

Z g Z r Z g
(HKS) F dH = (HKS) F dH + (HKS) F dH.
f f r

In the next theorem, we give an analogous form of Cauchy criterion for HKS−integral.

Theorem 6. (Cauchy Criterion) F ∈ HKS([f, g], H) if and only if for every  > 0 there
exists a gauge δ on [f, g] such that for any δ-fine tagged divisions D = {([u, v], t)} and
Q = {([u0 , v 0 ], s)} of [f, g], we have
F (t)[H(v) − H(u)] − F (s)[H(v 0 ) − H(u0 )] <  · e.

Proof. (⇒) Let  > 0. Then there exists a gauge δ on [f, g] such that for any δ-fine
tagged division D = {([u, v], t)} of [f, g], we have
Z g
F (t)[H(v) − H(u)] − (HKS) F dH < · e. (9)
f 2

Let D = {([u, v], t)} and Q = {([u0 , v 0 ], s)} be any δ-fine tagged divisions of [f, g]. By (9)
F (t)[H(v) − H(u)] − F (s)[H(v 0 ) − H(u0 )] <  · e.

(⇐) By assumption, for each n ∈ N, there exists a gauge δn on [f, g] such that for any
δn -fine division D = {([u, v], t)} and Q = {([u0 , v 0 ], s)} of [f, g], we have
X X 1
F (t)[H(v) − H(u)] − F (s)[H(v 0 ) − H(u0 )] < · e. (10)

We may assume that {δn } is decreasing; that is, δn ≥ δn+1 for all n.

Now, for each n ∈ N, fix a δn -fine tagged division Dn = {([u, v], t)} of [f, g] and we
write X
rn = F (t)[H(v) − H(u)].

Note that if m ≥ n then δn ≥ δm ; implying that every δm -fine tagged division of [f, g] is
also a δn -fine tagged division of [f, g]. Thus, for all m > n
X X 1
|rn − rm | = F (t)[H(v) − H(u)] − F (s)[H(v 0 ) − H(u0 )] < · e.
Dn Dm
A. Cunanan, J. Benitez / Eur. J. Pure Appl. Math, 13 (1) (2020), 130-143 137

Hence, {rn } is a Cauchy sequence in C[a, b]. Since C[a, b] is complete, {rn } converges to
some r ∈ C[a, b]. We claim that
Z g
r = (HKS) F dH.

Let  > 0. Since lim rn = r in C[a, b], there exists N1 ∈ N such that for any n ≥ N1 ,

rn − r < e · . (11)
By Archimedean Principle, there exists N2 ∈ N such that N12 < 2 . Take N = N1 ∧ N2 .
Define a gauge δ : [f, g] → C[a, b] by δ = δN . Let D = {([u, v], t)} be any δ-fine tagged
division of [f, g]. Note that D is also δN -fine tagged division of [f, g], N ≥ N1 and N ≥ N2 .
Thus, by (10) and (11)
F (t)[H(v) − H(u)] − r <  · e.

This proves our claim.

Theorem 7. If F ∈ HKS([f, g], H) and [r, s] ⊆ [f, g], then F ∈ HKS([r, s], H).

Proof. Let  > 0. By Theorem 6, there exists a gauge δ on [f, g] such that for any
δ-fine tagged divisions D and Q of [f, g], we have
F (t)[H(v) − H(u)] − F (t)[H(v) − H(u)] <  · e. (12)

Consider any δ-fine tagged divisions P1 and P2 of [r, s]. If D1 is any δ-fine tagged division
of [f, r] and D2 is any δ-fine tagged division of [s, g], then

D = D1 ∪ P1 ∪ D2 and Q = D1 ∪ P2 ∪ D2

are δ-fine tagged divisions of [f, g] and by (12)

F (t)[H(v) − H(u)] − F (t)[H(v) − H(u)] <  · e.
P1 P2

By Cauchy criterion, F ∈ HKS([r, s], H).

Theorem 8. Let H : [f, g] → C[a, b] be increasing, that is, H(k) ≤ H(h) for any k ≤ h
in [f, g]. If F ∈ HKS([f, g], H) and F (h) ≥ θ for every h ∈ [f, g], then
Z g
(HKS) F dH ≥ θ.
A. Cunanan, J. Benitez / Eur. J. Pure Appl. Math, 13 (1) (2020), 130-143 138

Proof. Let  > 0. Then there exists a gauge δ on [f, g] such that for any δ-fine tagged
division D of [f, g], we have
X Z g
F (t)[H(v) − H(u)] − (HKS) F dH <  · e. (13)
D f

Since F (h) ≥ θ for all h ∈ [f, g] and H is increasing,

F (t)[H(v) − H(u)] ≥ θ.

X Z g
θ≤ F (t)[H(v) − H(u)] < (HKS) F dH +  · e.
D f

Since  > 0 is arbitrary, Z g

(HKS) F dH ≥ θ.

Theorem 9. If F, G ∈ HKS([f, g], H) and F (h) ≤ G(h), for all h ∈ [f, g], then
Z g Z g
(HKS) F dH ≤ (HKS) GdH.
f f

Proof. Define a function E on [f, g] by setting E(h) = G(h) − F (h), for all h ∈ [f, g].
Then E(h) ≥ θ, for all h ∈ [f, g]. Since F, G ∈ HKS([f, g], H), E ∈ HKS([f, g], H) and
by Theorem 8 Z g
(HKS) EdH ≥ θ.

Z g Z g Z g Z g
θ ≤ (HKS) EdH = (HKS) (G − F )dH = (HKS) GdH − (HKS) F dH.
f f f f

Therefore, Z g Z g
(HKS) GdH ≤ (HKS) F dH.
f f

5. An Existence Theorem

A function F : [f, g] → C[a, b] is bounded on [f, g] if there exists K ≥ θ in C[a, b] such

|F (h)| ≤ K, for all h ∈ [f, g].
A. Cunanan, J. Benitez / Eur. J. Pure Appl. Math, 13 (1) (2020), 130-143 139

A function F : [f, g] → C[a, b] is continuous at h0 ∈ [f, g], if for any  > 0 there exists
δ = δ(h0 ) > θ such that whenever h ∈ [f, g] with |h − h0 | < δ, we have

F (h) − F (h0 ) <  · e.

F is said to be uniformly continuous on [f, g], if for any  > 0 there exists δ > θ such
that whenever h, h0 ∈ [f, g] with |h0 − h| < δ, we have

F (h0 ) − F (h) <  · e.

If F : [f, g] → C[a, b] is uniformly continuous on [f, g], then it is continuous on [f, g].
Definition 3. Let D1 and D2 be tagged divisions of [f, g]. We say that D2 is finer than
D1 , denoted by D1  D2 , if for every ([u, v], t) ∈ D2 there exists ([u0 , v 0 ], t0 ) ∈ D1 such
that [u, v] ⊆ [u0 , v 0 ], and every tag in D1 is a tag in D2 . For every ([u0 , v 0 ], t0 ) ∈ D1 ,
the tagged division P = {([zi−1 , zi ], ti ) ∈ D2 : [zi−1 , zi ] ⊆ [u0 , v 0 ], i = 1, 2, . . . , n} is the
refinement of ([u0 , v 0 ], t0 ) in D2 .
We can easily see that if D1 and D2 are tagged divisions of [f, g], then there exists a
tagged division D0 of [f, g] such that D1  D0 and D2  D0 .

Let D([f, g]) be the collection of all divisions of [f, g]. For F : [f, g] → C[a, b] and
D = {[u, v]} ∈ D([f, g]), the variation of F over D is given by
var(F, D) = F (v) − F (u) .

Note that for any division D of [f, g], var(F, D) is a continuous function on [a, b]; that is,
var(F, D) ∈ C[a, b], for any D ∈ D([f, g]).
Definition 4. We say that the function F : [f, g] → C[a, b] is of bounded variation on
[f, g] if
υF = υ(F ; [f, g]) = sup var(F, D)

is continuous on [a, b]; that is, υF ∈ C[a, b].

Note that for any F : [f, g] → C[a, b], υF is a mapping from [a, b] to [0, +∞]; that is,

0 ≤ υF (x) ≤ +∞, for all x ∈ [a, b].

Hence, if F : [f, g] → C[a, b] is of bounded variation, then

0 ≤ υF (x) < +∞, for all x ∈ [a, b].

Theorem 10. Let H : [f, g] 7→ C[a, b] be of bounded variation. Then the variation of H
is additive; that is, if f ≤ r ≤ g, then

υ(H; [f, g]) = υ(H; [f, r]) + υ(H; [r, g]).

A. Cunanan, J. Benitez / Eur. J. Pure Appl. Math, 13 (1) (2020), 130-143 140

Proof. Suppose that H : [f, g] → C[a, b] is of bounded variation. Let r ∈ [f, g] and
D = {h0 , . . . , hn } be a division of [f, g]. Then D0 = {h0 , . . . , hk−1 , r, hk , . . . , hn } is a
refinement of D obtained by adjoining r to D. Thus
H(v) − H(u) ≤ H(v) − H(u) + H(v) − H(u)
D D1 D2

where D1 = {f = h0 , h1 , . . . , hk−1 , r} and D2 = {r, hk , . . . , hn = g}. Note that D0 =

D1 ∪ D2 and that
X X 
H(v) − H(u) ≤ sup H(v) − H(u) = υ(H; [f, r]) and
D1 D∈D([f,r]) D
X X 
H(v) − H(u) ≤ sup H(v) − H(u) = υ(H; [r, g]).
D2 D∈D([r,g]) D

υ(H; [f, g]) = sup H(v) − H(u) ≤ υ(H; [f, r]) + υ(H; [r, g]).
D∈D([f,g]) D

On the other hand, for any D1 ∈ D([f, r]) and D2 ∈ D([r, g]), their union D0 =
D1 ∪ D2 ∈ Dr ([f, g]), where Dr ([f, g]) is the set of all divisions of [f, g] with r as one of
the division points. Note that Dr ([f, g]) ⊆ D([f, g]). Hence,
X  X 
sup H(v) − H(u) ≤ sup H(v) − H(u) = υ(H; [f, g])
D0 ∈Dr ([f,g]) D0 D∈D([f,g]) D

υ(H; [f, r]) + υ(H; [r, g]) ≤ sup H(v) − H(u)
D0 ∈Dr ([f,g]) D0
≤ υ(H; [f, g]).

Therefore, combining the two inequalities

υ(H; [f, r]) + υ(H; [r, g]) = υ(H; [f, g]).

Theorem 11. (Existence Theorem) If F : [f, g] → C[a, b] is continuous and H : [f, g] →

C[a, b] is of bounded variation on [f, g], then F ∈ HKS([f, g], H).
Proof. Let  > 0. Since H is of bounded variation, υH ∈ C[a, b]. This means that
there exists K > 0 such that υH (x) ≤ K for all x ∈ [a, b] . Since F is continuous on
[f, g], for all h0 ∈ [f, g] there exists δ0 (h0 ) > θ in C[a, b] such that whenever h ∈ [f, g] with
|h − h0 | < δ0 (h0 ), we have
|F (h) − F (h0 )| <  · e.
A. Cunanan, J. Benitez / Eur. J. Pure Appl. Math, 13 (1) (2020), 130-143 141

δ0 (h)
Define a gauge δ on [f, g] by δ(h) = 2 , for all h ∈ [f, g]. Let

D = {([f, h1 ], t1 ), ([h1 , h2 ], t2 ), . . . , ([hm−1 , g], tm )}

Q = {([f, k1 ], r1 ), ([k1 , k2 ], r2 ), . . . , ([kq−1 , g], rq )}
be δ-fine tagged divisions of [f, g]. Then there exists a tagged division D0 such that
D  D0 and Q  D0 . Now, for every ([hi−1 , hi ], ti ) ∈ D, f = h0 , hm = g, 1 ≤ i ≤ m,
consider the difference
∆(hi−1 , hi ) = F (ti ) H(hi ) − H(hi−1 ) − S(F, H; Pi )

where   ni

(i) (i) (i) (i)
Pi = zj−1 , zj , sj , z0 = hi−1 , zn(i)i = hi

is the refinement of ([hi−1 , hi ], ti ) in D0 . Then

(i)  (i) (i) 
∆(hi−1 , hi ) = F (ti ) − F (sj ) H(zj ) − H(zj−1 ) .

Now, sj , ti ∈ [hi−1 , hi ] ⊆ (ti − δ(ti ), ti + δ(ti )) which implies that

ti − sj ≤ hi − hi−1 < δ(ti ).

By continuity of F at ti ,

(i) δ0 (ti ) (i)

sj − ti < δ(ti ) = < δ0 (ti ) ⇒ F (sj ) − F (ti ) <  · e.

(i)  (i) (i) 
|∆(hi−1 , hi )| = F (ti ) − F (sj ) H(zj ) − H(zj−1 ) .

Hence, by Theorem 10, we have

X m
S(F, H; D) − S(F, H; D0 ) = F (ti )[H(hi ) − H(hi−1 )] − S(F, H, Pi )
i=1 i=1
X  m
= F (ti )[H(hi ) − H(hi−1 )] − S(F, H, Pi ) = ∆(hi−1 , hi )
i=1 i=1
≤ ∆(hi−1 , hi )

m X
(i)  (i) (i) 
= F (ti ) − F (sj ) H(zj ) − H(zj−1 )
i=1 j=1
m X ni 
(i) (i) (i)
≤ F (ti ) − F (sj ) H(zj ) − H(zj−1 )
i=1 j=1
m  ni 
X X  (i) (i)
≤ · e · H(zj ) − H(zj−1 )
i=1 j=1
m X ni 
 X (i) (i)
≤ ·e· H(zj ) − H(zj−1 )
i=1 j=1
≤ ·e· υ(H; [hi−1 , hi ])
= · e · υH < · e · K <  · e.
By similar argument,
S(F, H; Q) − S(F, H; D0 ) <  · e.

S(F, H; D) − S(F, H; Q) = S(F, H; D) − S(F, H; D0 ) + S(F, H; D0 ) − S(F, H; Q)

≤ S(F, H; D) − S(F, H; D0 ) + S(F, H; Q) − S(F, H; D0 )

< ·e+·e
= 2 · e.

By Cauchy criterion, F ∈ HKS([f, g], H).


This article is funded by CHED-K12 Transition Program.


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