Final Bid Document For Pulmonary Medicine
Final Bid Document For Pulmonary Medicine
Final Bid Document For Pulmonary Medicine
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6 SECTION – V 15-20
7 SECTION – VI 21-56
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Odisha State Medical Corporation Limited
In front of Ram Mandir, Convent Square, Unit – III,
Bhubaneswar -751 007
Tel.: (0674) 2380660 Website:, Email:
Online Bids through e-Tender portal ( are invited from eligible
bidders for supply, installation & commissioning of Equipment as per the particulars mentioned
Bid Document
Sl. Bid Reference No. Item Name Cost inclusive
of GST
Tender for Supply, Installation &
Commissioning of Equipments
Bid Reference No: for the Dept. of Pulmonary
1 OSMCL/2023-24/PULMONARY Rs 5,900/-
Medicine for
Different Medical College &
Particulars Date and time
18/03/2024, 11.30 AM
Venue : Conference Hall,
Date & time of Prebid Odisha State Medical Corporation Ltd., In front
2. meeting
of Ram Mandir, Convent Square,Unit – III,
Date & time of Online bid Start Date & Time End Date & Time
3. submission 27/03/2024, 3 PM 15/04/2024, 5 PM
Date & time of online
4. 19/04/2024, 3 PM
Technical bid opening
The bid document with all information relating to the bidding process including cost of bid
document, EMD, Prequalification criteria and terms & conditions are available in the websites: and The Authority reserves the right to accept /
reject any part thereof or all the bids without assigning any reason thereof.
Managing Director
OSMC Ltd., Odisha
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Memo No.: 1729 /OSMCL/2024 Dt.: 07.03.2024
Managing Director
OSMC Ltd., Odisha
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
1.1 The Odisha State Medical Corporation Limited - OSMCL (Tender
Inviting Authority) is a Govt. of Odisha Enterprise for providing
services to the various health care institutions under the Department
of Health & Family Welfare. One of the key objectives of the OSMCL
is to act as the central procurement agency for all essential drugs
and equipments for all health care institutions (hereinafter referred to
as user institutions) under the department.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
authenticated by the State Procurement Cell after verification of
original valid certificates/documents such as (i) PAN and (ii)
Registration Certificate (RC) / GST Registation Certificate of the
concerned bidder. The time period of validity in the portal is at par
with validity of RC/ GST Registration Certificate. Any change of
information by the bidder is to be re-authenticated by the State
Procurement Cell. After successful authentication, bidder can
participate in the online bidding process.
The Bidder is required to type his/her Login ID and password. The
system will again ask to select the DSC and confirm it with the
password of DSC as a second stage authentication. For each login, a
user’s DSC will be validated against its date of validity and also
against the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) of respective CAs
stored in system database. The system checks the unique Login ID,
password and DSC combination and authenticates the login process
for use of portal.
The bidder can download the bid of his / her choice and undertake
the necessary preparatory work off-line and upload the completed
bid at their convenience before the closing date and time of
The registered bidder can ask questions related to online bid in the
e-procurement portal through email: but
before the pre-bid meeting. OSMCL will clarify queries related to
the bid.
The detail guideline for preparation of bid is mentioned at General
condition of Contract- Section VII (Clause 6.4 – 6.7 & 6.17)
The detail guideline for payment of EMD & Cost of Bid Documents is
mentioned at General Condition of contract- Section VII (Clause
6.5 - 6.7)
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
General Definitions & Scope of Contract
2.1 General Definitions
2.1.5 User Institutions are the Govt. health care institutions under the
Health & FW Department, Government of Odisha for which the
equipment under this bid is procured.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
2.2 Scope
2.2.1 The bids are invited for the supply, installation and commissioning
(including training) of the equipments, the details of which are mentioned
in Section IV, needed for the government health institutions of Odisha on
behalf of the Government of Odisha. The Odisha State Medical Corporation
Ltd. - OSMCL (hereinafter called as the Tender Inviting Authority) is acting
as the central procurement agency as well as service provider for the
institutions. The main objective is to obtain competitive price through
centralized procurement and ensure after sales service to the equipments
procured under this bid. For this, the Corporation, on behalf of the Depart
of Health & Family welfare, Government of Odisha, will undertake and
over see the procurement process, ensure that the successful bidders are
installing the equipments properly at the locations/institutions specified
and provide the after sales service during the agreed period of contract in
respect of the equipments installed to the satisfaction of the Tender
Inviting Authority as well as the user institution.
2.2.2 Rate Contract: This is a Rate contract Bid, the rate of which will be valid
for a period of one year from the date of signing and acceptance of the
contract. However, the approx. quantity requirement is mentioned in the
Schedule of Requirement – Section IV, which may increase or decrease to
an extent of 15%. The bidders are expected to quote their best rates for
the equipment, the technical specifications, approx. quantity and locations
of the equipment mentioned in Section IV of this bid document. During the
rate contract period, only OSMCL is authorized on behalf of Health &
Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Odisha to place purchase orders for
the supply and installation of the same equipments procured under this
bid during the validity of the rate contract period.
2.2.3 If the Tender Inviting Authority chose to place repeat order(s) for the
main unit(s)/basic machine(s) (along with the first set of standard
accessories, Reagent and consumables as mentioned in the technical
specification) during the rate contract period for supply, installation
and commissioning, then the successful bidder is bound to supply the
same make/model of equipment(s) as approved at the same rates
and under the same terms and conditions of this bid.
2.2.4 However after the supply / installation of the item, for the
subsequent requirement of recurring Reagents, consumables
and additional standard accessories only, the purchase orders
shall be given by the concerned Institutions of the respective
end users at the same rates as approved (as quoted in the Format-B
and Format-A of the price bid). The price validity of the said
consumables and standard accessories shall be same as the
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
warranty period mentioned at the schedule of requirement
from the start date of warranty period after installation of the item as
N.B: The standard accessories supplied along with the main
unit(s)/basic machine(s) shall be repaired/replaced onsite
free of cost within the warranty period. However, if the
standard accessory is an additional requirement or the
standard accessory cannot be covered under universally
standard warranty clause due to theft, force majeure,
accidental damage etc then the concerned Institutions of the
respective end users shall purchase them at the same rates as
approved within the validity of the warranty period.
2.2.5 The rate contractors can withdraw at any point of time, after the minimum
price firmness period of 180 days, but not after accepting the Letter of
Intent or entering into agreement with OSMCL.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
3.1. Bid Details
Bid Reference
Cost of Bid
2. Rs.5,900/- (Inclusive GST)
Sl. EMD Value
No. Name of the Item
(in Rs.)
1 3,60,000
Pulmonary function Test with Lung
2 5,60,000
Diffusion system
3 Cardio - Pulmonary Exercise Testing 1,40,000
4 Impulse Oscillometry 80,000
Earnest Money 5 RIGID BRONCHOSCOPE SYSTEM 5,50,000
Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide
7 20,000
(FENO) Monitor
8 Spirometry System 1,96,000
Note-The EMD may be furnished in the shape of DD / BG (in
shape of one or multiple DD/BG & the details of DD(s) /
BG(s) are to be furnished in Format T3). In case of BG(s), it
must be submitted in the required format at Annexure V,
which is / are to be valid till dt.31.10.2024.
Bids should be valid for a minimum period of 180 days from
the date of opening of technical bid for the purpose of bid
evaluation / finalization of rate contract. As this is rate
4. Validity of bid contract tender, after finalization of the rate contract, the
approved rates shall be valid for a period of one year from
the date of signing and acceptance of the contract. The
bidder should quote in INR only.
5. 10% of the purchase order price (for successful bidders)
Validity of
Up to 60 days after the date of completion of the contractual
6. Performance
obligations including warranty period.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
3.2. Important Dates:
Particulars Date and time
18/03/2024, 11.30 AM
Venue : Conference Hall,
Date & time of Prebid Odisha State Medical Corporation Ltd., In front
meeting of Ram Mandir, Convent Square,Unit – III,
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
4.1 Equipment(s) Tendered:
NAME OF THE Qty. Warranty Place of Installation
Sl. CMC to
FM MC&H, Balasore-1
PRM MC&H, Baripada-1
Pulmonary function BB MC&H, Bolangir-1
2 Test with Lung 7 No 3 years SJ MC&H, Puri-1
Diffusion system DD MC&H, Keonjhar-1
SLN MC&H, Koraput-1
GMC&H, Sundargarh-1
Cardio - Pulmonary
3 1 No 3 years SCB MC&H,Cuttack-1
Exercise Testing
SCB MC&H,Cuttack-1
4 Impulse Oscillometry 2 No 3 years
VIMSAR, Burla-1
SCB MC&H,Cuttack-1
RIGID MKCH MC&H,Berhampur-1
5 BRONCHOSCOPE 5 No 5 years VIMSAR, Burla-1
SYSTEM BB MC&H, Bolangir-1
SJ MC&H, Puri-1
SCB MC&H,Cuttack-1
RIGID MKCH MC&H,Berhampur-1
6 THORACOSCOPE 5 No 5 years VIMSAR, Burla-1
SYSTEM BB MC&H, Bolangir-1
SJ MC&H, Puri-1
Fractional Exhaled
SCB MC&H,Cuttack-1
7 Nitric Oxide (FENO) 2 No 3 years VIMSAR, Burla-1
FM MC&H, Balasore-2
PRM MC&H, Baripada-2
BB MC&H, Bolangir-2
8 Spirometry System 14 No 3 years SJ MC&H, Puri-2
DD MC&H, Keonjhar-2
SLN MC&H, Koraput-2
GMC&H, Sundargarh-2
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
*Important Notes:
1) Price Offered shall be in Indian Rupees only.
2) The bidder has to quote the basic unit cost of the Equipment / Item/
Set in the separate individual item wise BOQ file in excel format
along with the respective price break up and spare part cost in
another separate PDF file.
N.B: For more information, please refer to the “PRICE SCHEDULE” in
Section VIII of the bid document.
4) The bidders shall also have to quote the prices in the separate price
schedule format attached as a PDF file) in the e-tender portal as
a. Format B (Price break up of Unit basic machine + Standard
Accessories+necessary consumables): It is Mandatory to quote
the price of Unit basic machine along with the price of each
standard accessory and necessary consumables with required
quantity exactly as mentioned in the Technical Specification or any
modifications made in subsequent amendment, in this format and
upload along with Price BoQ. The total of the break up prices
(excluding taxes) mentioned in the PDF file should be the same as
the Unit price mentioned in the respective BoQ file (Excel file).
b. Format C (For Spare parts): This format is applicable for generally
all equipments which involves repair & maintenance using spare
parts. The bidders have also to quote the cost of any other
accessories/ disposable/ consumable/ spare part other than as
asked in the technical specification for all the quoted items in the
separate price schedule format (Format-C) attached as PDF file in
the e-tender portal. However, this shall not be taken into account
for evaluation. This format is also mandatory to be submitted.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
5) Reasonable care must be taken while quoting the price BOQ file
(Excel file) and the required Formats of the PDF file since a minor
error, even typographical, may impact the overall price and in some
cases may also lead to rejection of the bid.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
5.1 Time Limits Prescribed
70 days from date of issuance of
Purchase Order for Indian
5.1.1 Delivery period
90 days from date of issuance of
Purchase Order for Imported
Products of Foreign Origin.
As mentioned in Section IV
Comprehensive warranty
5.1.2 Schedule of Requirement (under
Clause 4.1)
5.1.3. CMC/AMC period Not required to be quoted
Preventive maintenance One visit every six months (2 visits
visits to all User Institution in a year) for periodic /preventive
concerned during Warranty maintenance and any time for
/ CMC or AMC attending repairs/break down calls.
Frequency of payment of
5.1.5 N.A
CMC or AMC charges
Submission of Performance
10 days from the date of issuance
5.1.6 Security and entering into
of Letter of Intent
Maximum time to attend
5.1.7 Within 48 hours
any Repair call
5.1.8 Uptime in a year 95%
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
(iii) In case of Importers, they will have to furnish the manufacturer’s
authorization forms directly from the original equipment
manufacturer (OEM)/ it’s Indian Subsidiary as per Format T7.
The supporting documents regarding subsidiary of the original
equipment manufacturer (OEM) must be furnished.
(iv) Valid ISO certificate (of the Manufacturer).
(v) Product must be AERB/BIS/CE/USFDA/IEC etc. certified (valid
AERB/BIS / CE / USFDA / IEC certificate etc.) (As per Section VII -
technical specification)
(vi) Should have past experience of supply of same or similar Category
Products for 20% of bid quantity, in the last three Financial years
executed directly by manufacturer through Self/Importer/Distributor
of the equipment(s) to any Govt. organization/PSU Hospitals/
Public Listed Company in India and should submit the purchase
order copies and proof of supply in support of that in last 3 Financial
years i.e. 2019-20, 2020-21 & 2021-22 OR 2020-21, 2021-22 &
2022-23 (As per Format T9– Item-wise).
(vii) Proof of average annual turnover (Manufacturer/Importer) as
mentioned below for respective items in the last three (3) Financial
years i.e. 2019-20, 2020-21 & 2021-22 or 2020-21, 2021-22 &
2022-23 certified by the Chartered Accountant as per the format at
Format T8. The proof of turnover is to be furnished in Format T8
certified by the Chartered accountant & supported by audited annual
statements/annual report with the turnover figures highlighted there.
(Provisional statement of account shall not be considered).The
Format T8 must have the UDIN No. of the certifying Chartered
Accountant followed by physically signed audited financial statements
and balance sheet by the proprietor as well as CA firm.
Minimum Average Annual Turn
Over of Manufacturer/Importer (in
Sl. Name of the Item Rs.) in the last three (3) financial
years certified by the Chartered
1 Body Box with Rs 1,80,00,000/-
diffusion system
2 Pulmonary function Rs 2,80,00,000/-
Test with Lung
Diffusion system
3 CPET Rs 70,00,000/-
4 Impulse Oscillometry Rs 40,00,000/-
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
5 Rigid Bronchoscope Rs 2,75,00,000/-
6 Rigid Thoracoscope Rs 2,25,00,000/
7 FENO Rs 10,00,000/-
8 Spirometer Rs 98,00,000/-
(x) Any bidder who has been convicted by a competent court of law for
supplying equipments within a period of preceding 3 years from the
date of floating of tender shall not be eligible to participate in the
tender. (Copies of stay order(s) if any against the blacklisting should
be furnished along with the bid.)
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
(ii) Should have past experience of supply of same or similar Category
Products for 20% of bid quantity, in the last three Financial years
executed directly by manufacturer through Self/Importer/Distributor
of the equipment(s) to any Govt. organization/PSU Hospitals/
Public Listed Company in India and should submit the purchase
order copies and proof of supply in support of that in last 3 Financial
years i.e. 2019-20, 2020-21 & 2021-22 OR 2020-21, 2021-22 &
2022-23 (As per Format T9– Item-wise). Out of Proof of supply of
20% of Bid quantity, the Distributor must have past experience of
supply of same or similar Category Products for 10% of Bid
quantity, in the last three Financial years to any Govt. organization
/PSU Hospitals/ Public Listed Company in India and should submit the
purchase order copies and proof of supply in support of that. (As per
Format T9– Item-wise)
(iii) Must have three years of experience in trading/importing of same
or similar Category of items.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
3 CPET Rs 35,00,000/-
4 Impulse oscillometry Rs 20,00,000/-
5 Rigid Bronchoscope Rs 1,37,50,000/-
6 Rigid Thoracoscope Rs 1,12,50,000/
7 FENO Rs 5,00,000/-
8 Spirometer Rs 49,00,000/-
viii)Any bidder who has been convicted by a competent court of law for
supplying equipments within a period of preceding 3 years from
the date of floating of tender shall not be eligible to participate in
the tender. Copies of stay order(s) if any against the blacklisting
should be furnished along with the bid.
Note: Valid certificate mean the certificates should be valid on the
date of opening of technical bid.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.1 Contents of the Bid Document: The e-Tender process comprises the stages viz. downloading the
bid document, pre-bid meeting (as applicable to each bid), bid
submission (technical cover and financial cover), opening of
technical bid and opening of financial bids for the technically
qualified bidders. The details of documents (in PDF format) for online submission of
technical bid is mentioned at clause 6.17 The blank price bid format for each items should be downloaded
and saved on bidder’s computer without changing file-name
otherwise price bid will not get uploaded. The bidder should fill in
the details and upload the same back to the website. Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the bidder's
performance of the contract and not subject to variation on any
account. A bid submitted with an adjustable/variable price
quotation will be treated as non - responsive and rejected.
6.3.1 The purchasers of the bid document shall examine all instructions,
forms, terms and specifications in the Bid Document and verify
that all the contents mentioned under clause 6.1, are contained in
the ‘Bid Document’.
6.3.2 Failure to furnish any information required by the bid documents
and submission of an offer not substantially responsive to it in
every respect shall be at the bidder’s risk and may result in the
rejection of the bids, without any further notice.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.4 Guidelines for Preparation of Bid
6.4.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
submission of its bid and OSMCL, hereinafter referred to as
“Tender Inviting Authority”, will in no case be responsible or liable
for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
bidding process. The documents to be submitted online is
mentioned in clause 6.17.
6.4.3 Language of Bid:- The Bid prepared by the bidder and all
correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by
the bidder and the Tender Inviting Authority, shall be in English
language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished
by the bidder may be written in another language provided they
are accompanied by an authenticated accurate translation of the
relevant passages in the English language in which case, for
purposes of interpretation of the Bid, the English translation shall
6.4.4 The bid (in English Language only) for the supply of equipments
mentioned in Section IV shall be submitted along with detailed
specifications. A technical leaflet /brochure / literature shall be
6.4.6 Bidder shall submit a declaration letter as per the format given as
Format T5 and copy of amendments published if any signed by
the bidder or the authorized representative shall be enclosed as
part of the technical bid as a proof of having read and accepted
the terms and conditions of the bid document.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.4.7 An offer submitted in vague /ambiguous financial terms and the
like, shall be termed as non-responsive and shall be summarily
2. The bidder has to furnish the scan copy (in PDF format) of the
demand draft (s) along with other required document of technical
bid through online submission on or before the due date & time of
submission of technical bid.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.6 Bid Document Cost
6.6.1 The bidder has to submit the bid document cost as mentioned
in Section–III and non-submission of Bid Document Cost as
mentioned in Section III shall be one of the primary reasons for
rejection of the offer in the first round.
6.6.2 All bidders shall pay bid document cost as per the instructions
provided in clause 6.5. Bidders are liable to pay bid document
cost even if any exemption is allowed in EMD.
6.7.2 Local MSEs only registered in Odisha with the respective DICs,
Khadi, Village, Cottage & Handicraft Industries, OSIC, NSIC shall
be exempted from submission of EMD, subject to submission of
the valid registration certificate from the concerned authority.
6.7.3 None of the bidders other than those specified in clause 6.7.2 are
exempted from submission of EMD.
6.7.5 The successful bidder's EMD will be discharged upon the bidders
signing the contract and furnishing the performance security.
6.7.6 No interest will be paid for the EMD (In case of DD) submitted.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.8 Deadline for Submission of Bid
6.8.1 Bidders shall upload all the necessary documents in the e-Tender
portal before the last date & time for online submission and the
Tender Inviting Authority shall not be held liable for the delay.
6.8.2 The Tender Inviting Authority may, at its discretion, extend the
deadline for submission of Bid, in which case, all rights and
obligations of the Tender Inviting Authority and the bidders
previously subjected to the deadline shall thereafter be subjected
to the same deadline so extended.
6.9.1 The bidder can modify or withdraw bids submitted online before
the last date & time for online submission.
6.10.1 The bid must remain valid for minimum 180 days (six months)
from the date of opening of technical bid for the purpose of bid
evaluation / finalization of rate contract. A bid valid for a shorter
period shall be rejected by the Tender Inviting Authority as non-
6.10.2 The successful bidder upon entering into a contract can withdraw
from the contract by giving one month prior notice after 180 days
of price firmness, but not after the execution of agreement or
issuance of Supply order for any of the agreed items.
6.12 Notices
6.12.2 Notice, if any, relating to the contract given by one party to the
other, shall be sent in writing by email or fax and confirmed by
post. The procedure will also provide the sender of the notice, the
proof of receipt of the notice by the receiver. The addresses of the
parties for exchanging such notices will be the addresses as
incorporated in the contract
6.12.3 The effective date of a notice shall be either the date when
delivered to the recipient or the effective date specifically
mentioned in the notice, whichever is later.
6.13.3 The bidder shall be responsible for payment of any charges due to
any statutory authorities such as Income Tax, GST, Customs
Duties etc.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.13.4 In the event, if it found that there is some statutory deduction to
be made at the source, the Tender Inviting Authority will have the
authority to do so.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.14.8 All the representations pertaining to technical specification in the
pre-bid meeting and any clarifications submitted in the
subsequent stage of the tender process must be supported by the
letter from principal manufacturer unless the requested points
shall not be considered.
6.16.3 PART II as PRICE BID (in the required Format) for each of the
quoted items shall be submitted separately through online only.
The price bid format (excel sheet available in e-Tender portal) is
specific to a bid and is not interchangeable. The price bid formats
for each of the quoted items shall be downloaded from the e-
Tender portal and quote the prices in the respective fields before
uploading it. The Price bid submitted in any other format will be
treated as non-responsive. Multiple price bid submission for any of
the items by the bidders shall lead to cancellation of bids.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.16.5 SIGNING OF BID All bid uploaded by the bidder to the e-procurement portal will
be encrypted. If the bidder fails to submit his modified bids within the pre-
defined time of receipt, the system shall consider only the last
bid submitted. The Bidder can withdraw its bid before the closure date and time
of receipt of the bid by uploading scanned copy of a letter
addressing to the Procurement Officer Publisher (Officer Inviting
Bid) citing reasons for withdrawal. The system shall not allow
any withdrawal after expiry of the closure time of the bid. The bidder should avoid submission of bid at the last moment to
avoid the system failure & the like.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.17 List of Documents in Bid Submission
6.17.13 Copies of purchase orders, proof of supplies & end user certificates
in support of the information furnished in Format T-9
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.17.15 Format – T11 (Para-wise compliance to Technical Specification)
6.18.1 The technical bid opening is online. The date of technical bid
opening is published in advance. The date of opening of price bid
will be decided after demonstration (the items for which is decided
by Tender Inviting Authority) for those bidders who qualify in the
technical bid evaluation and shall be informed in advance.
6.18.2 The on-line opening of the technical bid and the price bid shall be
done by the Tender Inviting Authority or his authorized
representatives as per bid schedule. The prospective bidders or
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
his/her representative can access to the on-line bid opening by
logging in to the e-Tender portal with the registered digital
signature. Bidders or his/her representative shall not come to the
office of the Tender Inviting Authority for the opening of either
technical or price bids.
6.18.3 In the event of the specified date for opening of bid being declared
holiday, the Bid shall be opened at the appointed time and venue
on the next working day.
6.18.4 In the event of the claims in the on-line documents are materially
missing or of substantial error or unqualified for want of required
qualifications, the bid shall be rejected. However, minor infirmities
in the submission of documents will be allowed to be rectified by
obtaining required clarification by the Tender Inviting Authority so
as to ensure qualification of maximum number of competitive
offers to the final round.
6.18.5 The bidder shall be responsible for properly uploading the relevant
documents in the format specified in the e-Tender portal in the
specific location and the Tender Inviting Authority shall not be
held liable for errors or mistakes done while submitting the on-line
6.18.6 The date and time of Price Bid will be announced only after the
opening of the Technical Bid and demonstration of the features,
operation etc of the equipment by the bidders.
6.22.1 Before opening of the Price Bid, if it is decided by the by the Tender
Inviting Authority for certain equipment to have a demonstration of
the equipment for assessing the compliance to the technical
specification as indicated in Section VII, then the bidder shall
arrange for demonstration of offered items (of the same make &
model as offered in the bid) at Bhubaneswar at its own cost, either
directly or through authorized Dealer /Distributors, as the case may
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
participate in the demonstration session with the requested sample
of items without fail.
6.23.1 Opening of the price bids shall be done online by the Tender
Inviting Authority or his authorized representative and only the
Price Bids of those items of the bidders qualified in the detailed
scrutiny and evaluation of the Technical bid and successful PDI/
demonstration conducted by the Technical Committee/Tender
Inviting Authority shall be opened in the second round.
6.23.3 Fixed price: Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the
period of the contract and not subject to variation on any account.
6.23.5 Bidder shall quote prices in all necessary fields in the available
format. The price shall be entered separately in the following
manner: Basic Price: The bidders have to quote the total price of the
complete Equipment with all accessories and consumables
with specified quantity as asked in the technical specification
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
including onsite warranty as mentioned in the schedule of
requirement, cost of installation & commissioning and all other
incidental charges excluding GST against column-3 of excel
BoQ file. The rate quoted against the Equipment / Item in col.3 of
the excel based price BoQ shall include the Unit Price the
Equipment / Item with all accessories as asked in technical
specification or any modifications made in subsequent
amendment; which shall also be inclusive of the cost towards
excise duty / customs duty, packing, insurance, forwarding /
transportation (door delivery), installation & commissioning (a
standard kit shall be provided free of cost comprising of all the
reagents and consumables required to conduct the asked tests
during installation, demonstration and commissioning of the
machines), labor charges and all other incidental charges; with
warranty (as defined in schedule of requirement) from the date of
installation but excluding GST. For the purpose of clarity, the Price break-up of Unit basic
machine along with all its accessories with required quantity of the
accessories exactly as mentioned in technical specification or any
modifications made in subsequent amendment has to be quoted in
Format B of the separate PDF file mandatorily. The total of
the break up prices (excluding taxes) mentioned in the PDF
Format B should be the same as the Unit price quoted against
the said Equipment / Item in col.3 of the respective excel based
price BoQ file (Excel file) which shall be taken into account for
price evaluation. Mismatch of the prices quoted in BoQ &
Format-B shall lead to rejection of the bid. Applicable GST shall be quoted in the specified column in numeric
values (If the field is left blank, value will be taken as zero) in the
BOQ format. The bidders shall offer the price which shall be inclusive of all the
accessories to be supplied with the equipment as mentioned in the
technical specification under Section VII. Bidders in no way can alter/modify the price bid/ BOQ format,
if so he is liable for disqualification. No bidder shall be allowed at any time on any ground,
whatsoever it may be, to claim revision or modification in the
rates quoted by him (Except any change made by the
NPPA/Govt.). Representation to make correction in the tender
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
documents on the ground of Clerical error, typographical error,
etc., committed by the bidder in the Bids shall not be
entertained after submission of the tenders. Conditions such as
entertained under any circumstances and the tenders of those
who have given such conditions shall be treated as incomplete
and accordingly the Tender will be rejected. Deleted Deleted Deleted Deleted Deleted
6.24.2 The quoted price in the excel BoQ file (total price of the complete
Equipment with all accessories with specified quantity as asked in
the technical specification including onsite warranty as mentioned
in the schedule of requirement, cost of installation &
commissioning and all other incidental charges excluding GST)
shall be taken into account for evaluation. The auto generated
comparison list generated through the e-tender portal after price
bid opening is not the final evaluation list. Manual evaluation
shall be carried out by the tender inviting authority based on the
quoted price in the e-tender portal, correction of arithmetic error if
any and the evaluation criteria mentioned above to arrive at the
lowest evaluated responsive bid.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.25.2 Variation of Quantities at the Time of Award/ Currency of
Contract:-At the time of awarding the contract, the Tender
Inviting Authority reserves the right to increase or decrease by up
to fifteen (15) per cent of the quantity of goods and services
mentioned under cl. 4.1 (rounded off to next whole number)
without any change in the unit price and other terms & conditions
quoted by the bidder.
6.26.1 Before expiry of the bid validity period, the Tender Inviting
Authority will notify the successful bidder(s) in writing, by
registered / speed post or by fax or by email (to be confirmed by
registered / speed post immediately afterwards) that its bid for
accessories, which have been selected by the Tender Inviting
Authority, has been accepted, also briefly indicating there in the
essential details like description, specification and quantity of the
goods & services and corresponding prices accepted. This
notification is undertaken by issuing a Letter of Intent (LOI) by the
Tender Inviting Authority.
6.26.2 The successful bidder, upon receipt of the LOI, shall furnish the
required performance security and submit an agreement in the
prescribed format within Fifteen days, failing which the EMD may
be forfeited and the award may be cancelled.
6.26.3 The Notification of Award shall constitute the initiation of the
6.27 Signing of Contract
6.27.2 The successful bidder shall submit bank guarantee in the format
as per Annexure VI, a performance security prescribed under
6.27.3 Promptly after notification of award, within Fifteen days from the
date of the letter of intent, the successful bidder shall execute the
contract (as per agreement Annexure I) on Rs.100/- stamp paper
purchased in the name of the successful bidder, duly signed and
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
dated, to the Tender Inviting Authority by registered / speed post
or in person.
6.27.4 Deleted
6.27.5 Assignment:-The Successful bidder shall not assign, either in
whole or in part, its contractual duties, responsibilities and
obligations to perform the contract, except with the Tender
Inviting Authority’s prior written permission.
6.27.6 Sub Contracts: - The Successful bidder shall not sub contract the
execution of the contract. Such action, if done without the
knowledge of the Tender Inviting Authority prior to the entering of
the contract, shall not relieve the Successful bidder from any of its
liability or obligation under the terms and conditions of the
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.27.9 If the successful bidder doesn’t agree to the adjustment made by
the Tender Inviting Authority/User Institutions, the successful
bidder shall convey its views to the Tender Inviting Authority/user
institutions within ten days from the date of the successful
bidder’s receipt of the Tender Inviting Authority’s/User
Institution’s amendment / modification of terms of the contract.
6.28 Performance Security
6.28.2 The contract duly signed and returned to the Tender Inviting
Authority shall be accompanied by a Performance Security in any
of the form as mentioned below;
6.28.3 Upon receipt of such contract and the performance security, the
Tender Inviting Authority shall issue the Supply Orders containing
the terms and conditions for the execution of the order.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.28.4 Failure of the successful bidder in providing performance security
mentioned in Section III and/or in returning contract copy duly
signed in time shall make the bidder liable for forfeiture of its
6.29.1 The successful bidder shall visit the scheduled institution and
recommend pre installation requirements at each institution. The
details may be consolidated and shall submit to Tender Inviting
Authority for further actions. If the supplier fails to communicate
any of such instances before delivery of equipment and cannot
complete the delivery within the stipulate period, Tender Inviting
Authority shall deduct Liquidated Damage (LD) charges as per
the bid conditions specified in clause 6.43.5
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.29.2 The successful bidder will have arrange transportation of the
ordered goods as per its own procedure and pay necessary
insurance against loss or damage incidental to manufacture or
acquisition, transportation, storage and delivery and pay all
necessary charges incidental till it is installed in the User
Institution. It shall be ensured that the equipments arrive at the
destination(s) in good condition within the delivery period
mentioned and as per the other requirements of the Bid
6.29.3 If at any time during the currency of the contract, the successful
bidder encounters conditions hindering timely delivery of the
goods and performance of services, the successful bidder shall
inform the Tender Inviting Authority/User Institution in writing
within a week about the same and its likely duration and make a
request to the Tender Inviting Authority/User Institution for
extension of the delivery schedule accordingly. On receiving the
successful bidder’s communication, the Tender Inviting
Authority/User Institution shall examine the situation as soon as
possible and, at its discretion, may agree to extend the delivery
schedule, with or without liquidated damages for completion of
successful bidder’s contractual obligations by issuing an
amendment to the contract.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.29.6 The installation report and two month performance reports shall
be submitted separately, in a single sheet printed back to back
and shall be submitted individually for each equipment installed.
6.29.7 The Tender Inviting Authority may also depute one of its
representatives or from the funding agency with prior intimation
to the successful bidder to be present for the demonstration. The
signature of such official, if deputed, in the installation certificate
is essential.
6.30 Payment:
6.30.1 No advance payments towards cost of medical equipments will be
made to the bidder.
6.30.2 90% of the quoted cost of the equipment+100% tax shall be paid
to the supplier on receipt of the stock entry certificate, Consignee
Receipt Certificate (CRC) form as per format in Annexure II duly
signed by hospital authorities and demonstration/training of the
item from the consignee. The Biomedical personnel of OSMCL
(BME/Jr.BME) shall verify the technical specification after
installation of the supplied equipment at consignee locations as per
below stipulations,
a. Cost: ≥50 Lakhs/unit->At all locations
b. Cost: 20 to 50 Lakhs/unit-> 15% of total quantity
c. Cost: 10 to 20 Lakhs/unit-> 10% of total quantity
d. Cost: 5 to 10 Lakhs/unit -> 5% of total quantity
e. Costing ≤ 5 Lakhs/Unit-> 2% of total quantity or 50 Nos.,
whichever is higher.
6.30.3 The balance 10% of the payment of equipment will be made after
receipt of certificate on working status of the equipment from the
consignee after 8 weeks of supply of the item as per format in
Annexure IV duly signed by hospital authorities.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.30.4 The original invoice submitted shall be in the name of the Tender
Inviting Authority and the name of the consignee shall also be
mentioned in it.
6.30.5 Deleted
6.30.6 Where there is a statutory requirement for tax deduction at
source, such deduction towards income tax and other taxes as
applicable will be made from the bills payable to the Successful
bidder at rates as notified from time to time.
6.31.2 The after sales terms and conditions will be strictly enforced and
those bidders who are willing to support the Tender Inviting
Authority in its endeavour to provide trouble free
operation/performance of the equipments for the prescribed
period need only participate in the bid.
6.31.3 The after sales service shall be performed during the warranty
period and also during the Comprehensive Maintenance Period
(CMC)/ Annual Maintenance Contract, if awarded either by
Concerned Institution or Biomedical Equipment Maintenance
Service Providing Agency, i.e. currently M/s Kirloskar Technologies
Pvt. Ltd. (M/s. KTPL).
6.32.1 The successful bidder has to warrant that the Goods supplied
under this Contract are new, unused, of the most recent or
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
current models and incorporate all recent improvements in design
and materials unless provided otherwise in the Contract.
6.32.2 The successful bidder further have to warrant that the Goods
supplied under this Contract shall have no defect arising from
design, materials or workmanship (except when the design and/or
material is required by the Tender Inviting Authority’s
specifications) or from any act or omission of the successful
bidder, that may develop under normal use of the supplied goods.
6.32.3 All the equipment including the accessories supplied as per the
technical specification in clause 4.1 should carry comprehensive
warranty for a period of 5 years. During this period, the successful
bidder shall replace all defective parts and attend to all repairs
/break downs and undertake stipulated number of preventive
maintenance visits to every user installation site. The cost of spare
parts for all replacements has to be borne by the successful bidder
during the period of comprehensive warranty.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.32.8 During every visit, a copy of the service report/break down call
report, duly signed by the custodian of the equipment/head of the
health care institution and stamped shall be forwarded by
email/fax/post to the OSMCL or Biomedical Equipment
Maintenance Service Providing Agency, i.e. currently M/s Kirloskar
Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (M/s. KTPL) within 10 days from the due
6.32.9 Complaints should be attended properly, maximum within the
time mentioned in clause 5.1.7. In case, the repair/fault duration
is likely to exceed 7 working days, the period of warranty or CMC
period shall be extended for 2 days for every 1 day delay
maximum up to 15 working days. On exceeding the 15 working
days, the performance security of the successful bidder shall be
forfeited and deemed action shall be initiated as per the
procurement guideline.
6.32.10 Upon receipt of such notice for repair/breakdown from the Tender
Inviting Authority or user institution, the successful bidder shall,
within the period specified under cl.5.1.7, and with all reasonable
speed, repair or replace the defective goods or parts thereof,
without cost to the Tender Inviting Authority or to the user
6.32.11 If the successful bidder, having been notified, fails to rectify the
defect(s) within the period specified mentioned in cl.5.1.7, the
Tender Inviting Authority may proceed to take such remedial
action as may be deemed necessary, at the successful bidder’s
risk and cost and without prejudice to any other rights which the
Tender Inviting Authority may have against the successful bidder
under the contract.
6.32.12 Failure to attend the repairs in time or failure to attend the
stipulated preventive maintenance visit or failure to replace the
defective equipments or to provide stand by equipment if the
fault/down time exceeds the stipulated period or to ensure the
stipulated up-time in an year shall lead to forfeiture of the
performance security and/or may lead to blacklisting/debarring of
the defaulting bidder.
6.32.13 A warranty certificate (as per format in Annexure III) duly signed
and with proper stamp of the institution concerned and also
signed by the authorized signatory with the stamp of the
successful bidder shall be submitted to the Tender Inviting
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Authority for keeping it under safe custody along with the
Installation Certificate. A copy of the original warranty papers has
to be given to the institution head concerned.
6.32.14 The equipment which requires quality assurance test shall be done
at free of cost immediately after installation, during the
comprehensive warranty period/CMC/AMC period and also when
major spares are replaced.
6.32.15 Any mandatory approval required for installation shall be obtained
by the authorities of respective Institution in liaison with the
successful bidder.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.33 Maintenance Contract (CMC or AMC)
6.33.1 The decision for CMC has been determined on the basis of cost
and complexity of the equipment.
6.33.2 The Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) is otherwise an
extended warranty. All the terms and conditions agreed by the
successful bidder for executing the comprehensive warranty of the
equipment shall be extended during the period of CMC, only
difference being the payment of CMC charges is absent during the
period of comprehensive warranty.
6.33.4 Deleted
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.34.3 The successful bidder shall take over the replaced parts/goods
after providing their replacements and no claim, whatsoever shall
lie on the Tender Inviting Authority for such replaced parts/goods
6.34.4 The Tender Inviting Authority or User Institution may place orders
for additional spares/consumables/reagents which are needed for
the smooth performance/operation of the equipment and the
successful bidder shall be willing to supply the same in time at the
cost offered in the price bid forms, failing which, such instances
will be construed as a breach of bid conditions and lead to penal
6.34.5 Deleted
6.35 Training
6.35.1 The successful bidders have to impart on-site training to Doctors/
Technicians/ para-medical staff on the operation and preventive
maintenance of the equipment at the time of installation and
anytime during warranty period if demanded by the User
Institution to the satisfaction of the Tender Inviting Authority and
User Institution.
6.35.2 The training details shall be recorded in the installation certificate
for enabling the Tender Inviting Authority to make the first 90%
6.36.1 The Tender Inviting Authority shall no way involve in the import of
the equipments from foreign countries, if such equipments are
manufactured outside the country. It shall be the sole
responsibility of the bidder to import the equipments offered by
paying the requisite consideration in foreign currency and
following the stipulations issued by the Government of India, from
time to time, in the import of equipments, especially when the
import is from hostile nations.
6.36.2 The bidders shall inform any advantages in prices to the Tender
Inviting Authority because of reductions/exemptions in customs
duty in case of imported equipment at the time of pre-bid meeting
and the bid document shall be modified by amendment to that
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.36.3 The Tender Inviting Authority or the user institution will not
interfere in any manner with the import process and the
successful bidder shall be solely responsible for supply and
installation of any equipment at the time and locations
stipulated/agreed to in the bids.
6.36.4 The Tender Inviting Authority prefers to deal with the importers or
Indian subsidiaries of the foreign original equipment manufacturer
having a place of business in India.
6.36.5 The payment will be made in Indian Rupees to the successful
bidder and under no circumstance; the request for opening of
letter of credit or payment in foreign currency will be entertained.
6.36.6 The successful bidder shall indemnify the Tender Inviting Authority
from all liabilities/damages, if any, that may arise out of the
conduct of the bidder in violation of foreign exchange regulations.
6.36.7 However, the bidders shall disclose the country of origin and shall
obtain an undertaking from such OEM to provide spares or service
support for the period of contract. Failure on the part of the OEM
to perform the agreed terms of the undertaking in providing the
spares and after sales support will be construed as violation of the
contractual obligations by the successful bidder terming the
relation as that of a principal and agent under laws of the country.
Such violations may eventually lead to forfeiture of performance
security and also lead towards blacklisting/debarring the
successful bidder.
6.37 Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
6.37.1 The successful bidder shall, at all times, indemnify and keep
indemnified the Tender Inviting Authority, free of cost, against all
claims which may arise in respect of goods & services to be
provided by the successful bidder under the contract for
infringement of any intellectual property rights or any other right
protected by patent, registration of designs or trademarks.
6.37.2 In the event of any such claim in respect of alleged breach of
patent, registered designs, trademarks etc. being made against
the Tender Inviting Authority, the Tender Inviting Authority shall
notify the successful bidder of the same and the successful bidder
shall, at his own expenses take care of the same for settlement
without any liability to the Tender Inviting Authority.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.39 Force Majeure
6.39.1 For purposes of this clause, Force Majeure means an event beyond
the control of the successful bidder and not involving the
successful bidder’s fault or negligence and which is not
foreseeable and not brought about at the instance of , the party
claiming to be affected by such event and which has caused the
non–performance or delay in performance. Such events may
include, but are not restricted to, acts of the Tender Inviting
Authority/User Institution either in its sovereign or contractual
capacity, wars or revolutions, hostility, acts of public enemy, civil
commotion, sabotage, fires, floods, explosions, epidemics,
quarantine restrictions, strikes excluding by its employees,
lockouts excluding by its management, and freight embargoes.
6.39.2 If a Force Majeure situation arises, the successful bidder shall
promptly notify the Tender Inviting Authority/User Institution in
writing of such conditions and the cause thereof within twenty one
days of occurrence of such event. Unless otherwise directed by the
Tender Inviting Authority/User Institution in writing, the successful
bidder shall continue to perform its obligations under the contract
as far as reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable
alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force
Majeure event.
6.39.3 If the performance in whole or in part or any obligation under this
contract is prevented or delayed by any reason of Force Majeure
for a period exceeding sixty days, either party may at its option
terminate the contract without any financial repercussion on either
6.39.4 In case due to a Force Majeure event the Tender Inviting
Authority/User Institution is unable to fulfill its contractual
commitment and responsibility, the Tender Inviting Authority/User
Institution will notify the successful bidder accordingly and
subsequent actions taken on similar lines described in above sub-
6.40 Resolution of Disputes
6.40.1 If dispute or difference of any kind shall arise between the Tender
Inviting Authority/User Institution and the successful bidder in
connection with or relating to the contract, the parties shall make
every effort to resolve the same amicably by mutual consultations.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
6.40.2 If the parties fail to resolve their dispute or difference by such
mutual consultation within twenty-one days of its occurrence,
then, unless otherwise provided in the bid document, either the
Tender Inviting Authority/User Institution or the successful bidder
may give notice to the other party of its intention to commence
arbitration, as provided the applicable arbitration procedure will be
as per the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 of India.
6.40.3 Deleted
6.41.2 All disputes arising out of this bid will be subject to the jurisdiction
of courts of law in Bhubaneswar / High court of Odisha.
6.42.5 The Successful bidder shall, at all times, indemnify and keep
indemnified the Tender Inviting Authority / User Institution /
Government of Odisha against any claims in respect of any
damages or compensation payable in consequences of any
accident or injury sustained or suffered by its employees or agents
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
or by any other third party resulting from or by any action,
omission or operation conducted by or on behalf of the successful
bidder/its associate/affiliate etc.
6.43.1 The penalties to be imposed, at any stage, under this bid are; Imposition of liquidated damages, Forfeiture of EMD/performance security Termination of the contract Blacklisting/Debarring/Suspension of the bidder
6.43.2 Failure to produce the requisite certificates after claiming to
possess such certificates or concealment or misrepresentation of
facts will lead to rejection of bids and may lead to forfeiture of
EMD or performance security as well as result in black
listing/debarring of the bidder.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
supplier with the condition that liquidated damage @ 1.5% will be
charged for each week or part thereof during the extended penal
6.43.7 The decision to impose penalties and finally to black list the
defaulting firm will be final and shall be binding on all bidders
participating in this bid.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
specified in the contract, or within any extension thereof granted
by the Tender Inviting Authority/User Institution.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
I. Test and minimum set of parameter required –
Dynamic lung volumes: Measurement of the Forced Vital Capacity
(FVC), Slow Vital Capacity (SVC) and Maximal Ventilatory Ventilation
(MVV). Graphic display of Flow/volume, Volume/time loops.
Static lung volumes : Measurement of TGV, RV, VC, IRV, ERV, FRC, TLC
Airway resistance : MIP/MEP and Respiratory Drive (P0.1)
B. Lung Diffusion Capacity Tests using Helium/Methane :
a) Single-Breath with Apnea
b) Single Breath without Breath Holding
1. Flow meters: Calibration free ultrasonic based flow sensor.
2. CO Analyzer: Preferably Non Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) or ATS/ ERS
recommended techniques.
3. Helium/Methane Analyzer: He Analyser–0-20% He with accuracy+1-
CO analyser- 0- 0.5 %, accuracy - +1- 10 %
The equipment must use Helium/Methane as tracer gas and measurement
of He/Methane preferably by Ultrasonic Mol mass/Thermal Conductivity
determination technique with ATS/ERS recommended technique.
4. Sensors:
i. All sensors should preferably be non-consumable or their life should
be specified and the bidder should arrange free sensors for the
ii. All sensors of equipment should meet the American Thoracic Society
(ATS)/ European Respiratory Society (ERS) standard for linearity,
response time, and accuracy.
III. Power Supply: The operating AC Voltage range should be 100-240V
AC±10% 50/60Hz.
IV. Interface: It should have USB interface for connecting to a
V. Software: Latest Software should be supplied with the equipment.
The management software should be designed for Windows 10
environment and above and also should be able to connect to online
hospital information system and work flow when necessary with easy
data storage and recovery for research purpose.
VI. Essential Accessories: The system should be supplied with all
essential accessories required like:
1. Medical grade Trolley of same OEM for the entire system-1 no.
2. All in one Desktop PC, with minimum i5 or above processor 4GB or
above RAM 500GB or above hard drive memory, Original Windows
8/10, 18.5” LED Colour Display monitor.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
3. colour laser printer: 01
4. On line UPS (1 KVA) with stand : 01 to provide power backup up to
at least 30 minutes
5. Diffusion Test gas cylinder with pressure regulator: (02 No’s)
6. Anti-Bacterial Filters: 1000 nos.
7. Reusable rubber nose clips: 100 nos.
8. 3L calibration syringe should be provided for QC as per ATS/ERS
VII. Warranty:
3 years comprehensive warranty on the complete system.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
2. Pulmonary function Test with Lung Diffusion system (DLCO)
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
The equipment must use Helium/Methane as tracer gas and measurement
of He/Methane preferably by Ultrasonic Mol mass/Thermal Conductivity
determination technique with ATS/ERS recommended technique.
4. Sensors:
i. All sensors should preferably be non-consumable or their life should
be specified and the bidder should arrange free sensors for the
ii. All sensors of equipment should meet the American Thoracic Society
(ATS)/ European Respiratory Society (ERS) standard for linearity,
response time, and accuracy.
III. Power Supply: The operating AC Voltage range should be 100-240V
AC±10% 50/60Hz.
IV. Interface: It should have USB interface for connecting to a
V. Software: Latest Software should be supplied with the equipment.
The management software should be designed for Windows 10
environment and above and also should be able to connect to online
hospital information system and work flow when necessary with easy
data storage and recovery for research purpose.
System should be upgradeable to Body Plethysmography& CPET
without the need to replace the analyser.
VI. Essential Accessories: The system should be supplied with all
essential accessories required like:
1. Medical grade Trolley of same OEM for the entire system-1 no.
2. All in one Desktop PC/ Micro PC, with minimum i5 or above processor
4GB or above RAM 500GB or above hard drive memory, Original
Windows 8/10, 24” LED Colour Display monitor .
3. colour laser printer: 01
4. On line UPS (1 KVA) with stand : 01 to provide power backup up to
at least 30 minutes
5. Diffusion Test gas cylinder with pressure regulator: (02 Nos)
6. Anti-Bacterial Filters: 1000 nos.
7. Reusable rubber nose clips: 100 nos.
8. 3L calibration syringe should be provided for QC as per ATS/ERS
9. Gas calibration should be possible and all necessary means to
perform the same should be provided.
VII. Warranty:
3 years comprehensive warranty on the complete system.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
3. CPET (Cardio - Pulmonary Exercise Testing)
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
The Bicycle should have Integrated NIBP monitor which should
take NIBP automatically as per set interval and record the
same automatically in the main system.
Should be upgradeable to Canopy option for Indirect Calorimetry
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
4. Impulse Oscillometry
Product Quality standard certification:
1) The quoted model should be “USFDA approved (510K/CFG)” or
“European CE certified”. The EUROPEAN-CE certificate should be
issued from notified body having notified body number.
2) The quoted model should have IEC 60601 certified.
Manufacturer Quality standard certification:
3) The manufacturer of the quoted product should have EN ISO 13485
certificate issued from a notified body or ICMED 13485 (with or
without plus)certificate issued from certification bodies accredited by
NABCB or ISO 13485 certificate issued from certification bodies
accredited by NABCB/Nationally Recognized Accreditation Board
under IAF MLA.
4) The quoted medical device must be registered under CDSCO and the
bidder shall submit the “License to import the medical device” OR
“License to manufacture for sale or for distribution of the medical
device”. If not registered, the “Application for Grant of Licence to
import the medical device” OR “Application for Grant of License to
Manufacture for Sale and Distribution of the medical device” OR “the
acknowledgment copy/screenshot of the online application for the
said registration of quoted medical device” must be uploaded in the
Technical specification:
1. Should have combination of both Spirometry and Oscillometry in
same device or separate device which should work on common
2. Should be able to do the diagnosis in young children, neuromuscular
patients, geriatric patients.
3. Should be able to do Spontaneous Resting Breathing with passive co-
operation of patient for Oscillometry as well as routine spirometry in
same device or separate device with common software.
4. Oscillometry System should be based on Signal Optimized
Pseudorandom Noise (PRN)/Single Frequency Mode/Multiple
Frequency mode between 5Hz and 30Hz.
5. Oscillometry system should able to measure Respiratory System
Impedance (both Resistance and Reactance) with within- breath (i.e.
separate inspiratory and expiratory) and whole-breath analysis at
each frequency, Resonance frequency, and frequency dependency.
6. Measurement of Oscillomtery should be fast and the processing time
should be less than 30 seconds as per ATS/ERS guidelines
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
7. Oscillometry System should have all latest prediction equations for
both Adult &Pediatric, preferably should have Ostween References for
Adult patients and separate equation for Pediatric patients
8. Should be able to provide combine pre and post report with all major
frequency including Fes as well as percentage change in pre & post
for easy interpretation in one page.
9. Oscillometry system & Spirometry System have latest Ultrasound
Flow Measurement technology or Pneumotach sensor technology for
accurate comparison of results.
10. Spirometry System should have latest reference prediction equation
including Indian equation and GLI 2017.
11. Spirometry System should have facility to show ATS/ERS
Repeatability & Acceptability Criteria.
12. Should measure following parameters in Oscillometry & Spirometry.
13. Resistance Frequency: R5, R5-20, R20, AX, X5, Fres, VT
14. Spirometer Parameters : VT, ERV, IRV, IC, IVC, EVC, VCmax, etc
Dynamic lung volumes: FEV1, FVC, FEV1/IVC %, FEV1/FVC %,
FEV1/VCmax %, FEF75, FEF50, FEF25, PEF, FIV1, PIF, MIF or FIF50
15. Should have future up gradation for Bronchial Provocation, Tidal
Breathing Analysis for new born.
16. The system should be supplied with all essential accessories
a. Stand alone Spiormeter System : 01
b. Stand alone Oscillometry System : 01 no.
c. Single Licenced Software for Spirometer, Oscillometry :01 no.
d. Calibration Test Load/Reference Impedance for Oscillometry: 01 no.
e. Antibacterial Filters: 1000 nos
f. Compatible Desktop PC with , 24” Colour monitor, windows 10 with 64
Bit, 8GB RAM, Intel i5 processor or above, 500GB SSD or above .
g. High quality colour laser printer: 01
h. OEM supplied Arm with table clamp to mount the sensor for safe safe
operating distance and also proper angle of measurement.
i. System should be supplied with 1 KVA UPS with 15 mins backup.
j. Integrated ambient module should be supplied so that temperature,
humidity and barometric pressure are automatically monitored by the
k. 3L calibration syringe should be provided for QC as per ATS/ERS
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Product Quality standard certification:
1) The quoted model should be “USFDA approved (510K/CFG)” and
“European CE certified”. The EUROPEAN-CE certificate should be
issued from notified body having notified body number.
2) The quoted model should have IEC 60601 certified.
Manufacturer Quality standard certification:
3) The manufacturer of the quoted product should have EN ISO 13485
certificate issued from a notified body or ICMED 13485 (with or
without plus)certificate issued from certification bodies accredited by
NABCB or ISO 13485 certificate issued from certification bodies
accredited by NABCB/Nationally Recognized Accreditation Board
under IAF MLA.
4) The quoted medical device must be registered under CDSCO and the
bidder shall submit the “License to import the medical device” OR
“License to manufacture for sale or for distribution of the medical
device”. If not registered, the “Application for Grant of License to
import the medical device” OR “Application for Grant of License to
Manufacture for Sale and Distribution of the medical device” OR “the
acknowledgment copy/screenshot of the online application for the
said registration of quoted medical device” must be uploaded in the
Technical specification:
Components of the rigid bronchoscope system are - full high
definition camera head with camera control unit, light source with
fiber optic cable, hd documentation system, full hd medical grade
monitor, rigid bronchoscopes with accessories for adult and pediatric
patient use.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
7. Camera head should have 2 or more number of programmable
button on the camera head.
8. Camera head should be Autoclavable.
9. Camera control unit should have DVI or 3GSDI video output along
with HD-SDI or HDMI or RS 232 or Composite Output for
transmission of Full HD signal
ii. Light source with fiber optic cable: (from the same OEM of Rigid
bronchoscopy system)
1. High Power LED providing highest energy efficiency and light output.
2. Should have constant color temperature over the entire control
3. Should have color temperature approx. 6400 K- 6500K.
4. Should have LED life time >30000h.
5. Power Supply of 100-240V, 50/60Hz.
6. Should have diameter of 3.5 mm or more, length of 250 cm or more
- 2 nos.
7. Should be flexible and autoclavable.
iii. HD documentation system from the same OEM of Rigid
bronchoscopy system)
1. Device should be able to take video and still images during surgeries
having Resolution in pixels :1920*1080.
2. HD Documentation system must be stand alone hard disk based
recording system from the same OEM of Rigid bronchoscopy system
(not a desktop and laptop computer) having internal/External
memory capacity of minimum 2 TB .
iv. Full Hd Medical Grade Monitor:
Should be Full High Definition of 27” with wide screen.
Should have resolution of 1920x1080
Should be fully compatible with OR video control applications.
Should have fastest response time (10-15ms)
The cooling system for monitor should be Fan-less or heat sink based
so that risk for airborne diseases can be minimized.
Inputs: HD-SDI, HD- RGBS, DVI, VGA, S-Video, Composite
Should have low voltage DC power input, 24V
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
2. Tracheoscope tube size 12 mm, length at least 25 - 30 cm -2 No.
1. Tracheoscope tube size 14 mm, length at least 25 - 30 cm -2 No.
2. Full Lumen Tracheo- scope, modified to application of stents, inner
diameter 13 mm, for use with prismatic light deflector, size 14 mm,
of length 25- 30 cm – 2 No.
3. Bronchoscope Tube Universal, without distal Fiber optic light carrier,
35 - 40 cm length, outer diameter 11 to 12 mm, inner diameter 10 to
11 mm – 2 No.
4. Bronchoscope Tube Universal, without distal Fiber optic light carrier,
for use with proximally insertable prismatic light deflector, 35- 40
cm length, outer diameter 10 to 11 mm, inner diameter 9 to 10 mm
– 2 No.
5. Full Lumen Bronchoscope, size 11 mm, inner diameter 10.5 mm,
distal and with lateral holes 35- 40 cm length– 1 No.
6. Full Lumen Bronchoscope, size 12 mm, 35- 40 cm length, with 32
Fr. working channel for application of bronchial bougies - 2 No.
7. Full Lumen Bronchoscope, size 14 mm, 35- 40 cm length, modified
for application of stents, continuous I.D. 13 mm, distal end with
lateral holes – 2 No.
8. Optical Forceps, circular cup, alligator for hard foreign bodies – 2 No.
9. Optical Forceps, for peanut and soft foreign bodies with spring- action
handle – 2 No.
10. Optical Forceps, round cupped jaws for Biopsy, cup diameter 3.0mm
– 3.5 mm– 2 No.
11. Optical Forceps, Universal for biopsy, for removing foreign bodies and
denatured tissue – 2 No.
12. Optical Forceps, for the repositioning and removal of silicone stents
or polymer, metal and hybrid stents, incl. cleaning adapter, for use
with full lumen bronchoscopes – 2 No.
13. Forceps, universal, for biopsy and foreign bodies removal, with LUER-
Lock irrigation connector for cleaning, double action jaws, sheath
diameter 2.5 mm, width 4 mm, working length 50 cm – 2 Nos.
14. Prismatic Light Deflector, autoclavable, with connection Fiber optic
light cable – 5 Nos.
15. Glass Window Plug – 10 Nos.
16. Rubber Telescope Guide – 20 Nos.
17. Nozzle for jet ventilation for bronchoscopes-2 no.
18. Universal cap , sliding-2
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
19. Adaptor with sliding glass window plug, sealing cap, notched lens and
keyhole opening, movable, for use with Full Lumen Tracheoscopes
and Bronchoscopes. – 5 Nos.
20. Injection Cannula, for positive pressure assisted ventilation system,
O.D. 3.5mm for use with bronchoscopes &tracheoscopes with LUER-
lock – 5 Nos.
21. Instrument Guide, for suction catheter – 2 Nos.
22. Adaptor from bronchoscope to respirator – 2 Nos.
23. Rigid Suction Tube, diameter 4mm, working length 50 cm – 10 Nos.
24. Rigid Suction Tube, diameter 2.5mm, working length 50 cm – 10
25. Coagulation Suction Tube, insulated, with connector pin for unipolar
coagulation, 4mm dia, 50cm length – 2 Nos.
26. Rigid Suction Tube, with thumb control, working length 46cm - 55
cm – 2 Nos.
27. Unipolar/bipolar High Frequency Cord (3 m) – 5 Nos.
28. Bronchial Atomizer, length 40 cm, consisting of Bronchial Atomizer,
Graduated Container & Rubber Bulb – 2 Nos.
Additional Consumable & Accessories should supply with the
system :
i. Fogarty Balloon catheter - 3F, 4 F, 5F- 5 nos each
29. Electrosurgical knife compatible with for 2mm working channel – 3
30. Blunt electrocautery probe for monopolar cautery for 2.8 mm working
channel- 2
31. Electocautery broncho snares , loop width - 26 - 30 , for 2.8 mm
working channel- 5
32. CRE Balloon 5.5CM 12-15MM OD, 100- 120CM length- 2 nos.
33. CRE Balloon 5.5CM 15-18MM OD, 100- 120 CM length- 2 nos.
34. CRE Balloon 3CM 8-10MM OD, 100CM - 120 CM Length - 2 nos.
35. CRE Balloon 3CM 10-12MM OD , 100CM- 120 CM length - 2 nos
36. CRE Balloon, 3CM 12-15MM OD, 100CM - 120 CM length- 2 nos
37. INFLATION SYRINGE compatible with CRE Balloon-2 nos.
SYRINGE with both inflation and deflation facility and should able to
monitor pressure during inflation and deflation - 1 no.
39. Reprocessing basket to safely hold a telescope during transport,
storage, machine reprocessing and sterilisation.
40. Ball fixers for reprocessing baskets, pack of 20 pieces
41. Instruments Sterilization Storage Unit – 1 No.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Vi. Rigid bronchoscopes for pediatrics: :( from the same OEM of
Rigid bronchoscopy system)
1. Zero degree straight forward viewing telescope with integrated
fiberoptic light transmission, diameter 2.8 mm – 3.5mm , working
length of 30 cm or more - 2 No.
2. Reprocessing baskets to safely hold a telescope during transport,
storage, machine reprocessing and sterilisation for 2 Telescopes
3. Ball fixers for reprocessing baskets, pack of 20 pieces
4. Tracheoscope tube size 6.5 mm, length at least 30 cm- 2 No. .(
5. Bronchoscope, size 6- 7 mm, length 20 -30 cm – 2 No.
6. Bronchoscope, size 5 -6 mm, length 20- 30 cm – 2 No.
7. Bronchoscope, size 4- 5 mm, length 20 - 30 cm – 2 No.
8. Prismatic Light Deflector, autoclavable, with connection to Fiber optic
light cable – 2 Nos.
9. Sliding Adaptor, with sliding glass window plug, sealing cap, notched
lens and keyhole opening, movable – 2 Nos.
10. Optical Forceps, 2x2 teeth, for the controlled grasping of coins and
flat foreign bodies, with force-limited handle, incl. cleaning adaptor –
2 No.
11. Optical Forceps, with alligator jaws, for the controlled grasping of
hard foreign bodies, with force-limited handle, incl. cleaning adaptor
– 2 No.
12. Optical Forceps, with KILLIAN bean jaws, for the controlled grasping
of peanuts and soft foreign bodies, with force limited handle, incl.
cleaning adaptor – 2 No.
13. Foreign Body Basket, with ring handle, working length 35 cm – 3
14. Flexible Brush, for cytology, with handle, Length: 35 cm – 5 Nos.
15. Suction Tube, with rubber tip, straight, outer diameter 2 mm,
working length 35 cm – 5 Nos.
16. Aspirator and Bronchus Irrigator, with Graduated Container and
Stopcock Cone with blower ball – 1 Nos.
17. Glass Window Plug – 10 Nos.
18. Rubber Telescope Guide, for use with telescopes or optical forceps –
20 Nos
19. FLUVOG Adaptor, with sliding glass window plug, sealing cap,
notched lens and keyhole opening, movable – 5 Nos.
20. Spare Glass, for use with Aspirator 10432 N/T – 5 Nos.
21. Cotton Carrier, working length 35 cm – 5 Nos.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
22. Sponge Holder, spring handle, working length 35 cm – 5 Nos.
23. Instruments Sterilization Storage Unit – 1 No.
vii. Standard accessories:
1. Adjustable Head Rest for positioning of Patient’s Head during the
procedure. – 2 Nos (Adult & Paediatric Each) (Indian Make)
2. Flexible Suction Catheter – 100 Nos.
3. Compatible Straight Silicon Stent Loader – 1 No.
4. Compatible Y-Silicone Stent Loader – 1 No.
5. ASPIRATING TUBE for adults, diameter 4 mm, working length 500
mm, with central and lateral openings
6. SPONGER 500 mm long
7. Silicon Oil & Cleaning Brushes – 10 Nos. Each.
8. Anti-Fog Solution – 15 Nos.
9. Storage Cabinet-1 no.
10. CIDEX TRAY (Indian Medical Grade), Length – 60 – 70 Cms. – 2 Nos.
11. Telescope Bridge for balancing Telescopes inside Bronchoscope barrel
– 2 Nos.
12. Respirator for Jet ventilation
13. Sponger, WL 350 mm
14. Suitable Medical Grade video trolley to be supplied for mounting
equipments having minimum three self.
15. 1 KVA online UPS
16. DISINFECTANT: - Aldehyde Free Medical Device Disinfectant contain
0.25% w/v at 16.2g/litre peracetic acid generated import in-situ from
tetramethyl ethylene diamine (TAED) and Sodium Percarbonate,
surfactants, corrosion inhibitor, excipients. (810g Bottle) Powder
based effective against Bacterial spores in 10 minutes. Should be CE
approved. – 2 Box – 6 Units
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
iv. full high definition camera head with camera control unit
(from the same OEM of Rigid thoracoscopy system) :
1. The camera should be CCD/CMOS technology having full HD
resolution of 1920*1080 .
2. Should have digital signal processing.
3. Should have Digital Signal Processing
4. It should have digital zoom.
5. Should have connection for keyboard for patient data input.
6. Camera head should have digital image processing and digital signal
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
7. Camera head should have 2 or more number of programmable
button on the camera head.
8. Camera head should be Autoclavable.
9. Camera control unit should have DVI or 3GSDI video output along
with HD-SDI or HDMI or RS 232 or Composite Output for
transmission of Full HD signal
v. Light source with fiber optic cable: (from the same OEM of Rigid
thoracoscopy system)
8. High Power LED providing highest energy efficiency and light output.
9. Should have constant color temperature over the entire control
10. Should have color temperature approx. 6400 K- 6500K.
11. Should have LED life time >30000h.
12. Power Supply of 100-240V, 50/60Hz.
13. Should have diameter of 3.5 mm or more, length of 250 cm or more
- 2 nos.
14. Should be flexible and autoclavable.
vi. HD documentation system: from the same OEM of Rigid
thoracoscopy system)
1. Device should be able to take video and still images during surgeries
having Resolution in pixels :1920*1080.
2. HD Documentation system must be stand alone hard disk based
recording system from the same OEM of Rigid thoracoscopy system
(not a desktop and laptop computer) having internal/External
memory capacity of minimum 2 TB .
iv. Full Hd Medical Grade Monitor:
Should be Full High Definition of 27” with wide screen.
Should have resolution of 1920x1080
Should be fully compatible with OR video control applications.
Should have surgeon specific user selectable settings.
Should have fastest response time (10-15ms)
The cooling system for monitor should be Fan-less or heat sink based
so that risk for airborne diseases can be minimized.
It consists of Multi- Modality Image viewing.
Inputs: HD-SDI, HD- RGBS, DVI, VGA, S-Video, Composite
Should have low voltage DC power input, 24V
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
v. Rigid thoracoscopes for adult: (from the same OEM of Rigid
thoracoscopy system)
1. Forward viewing rigid telescope with diameter of 5 - 10 mm, and
instrument channel of 3.5 – 6 mm and light transmission -2 No.
2. Plastic trocars and cannula (30 no.)
3. Metal trochar – 1 no.
4. Optical biopsy forceps with handle (2)
5. Powder spray system compatible with the instrument: Powder Blower
with bulb, consisting of: Sheath for Powder Blower, Rubber bulb,
Tube and Bottle – 5 Nos.
6. Insulated suction tubes with valves (two)
7. All necessary adapters, connectors and cables-2 sets
8. All metallic instruments and accessories should be reusable and
9. Sterilization kit for thoracoscope -2
10. Storage Cabinet-1
11. Perforated basket for telescope Holds: Telescope, for machine
reprocessing, sterilization, storage and transport .
12. Suitable Medical Grade video trolley to be supplied for mounting
equipments having minimum three .
13. 1 KVA online UPS
14. Cidex trey -1 no.
15. Instrument sterilization storage unit- 1 no.
16. DISINFECTANT: - Aldehyde Free Medical Device Disinfectant contain
0.25% w/v at 16.2g/litre peracetic acid generated import in-situ from
tetramethyl ethylene diamine (TAED) and Sodium Percarbonate,
surfactants, corrosion inhibitor, excipients. (810g Bottle) Powder
based effective against Bacterial spores in 10 minutes. Should be CE
approved. – 2 Box – 6 Units
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
7. Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FENO) Monitor
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
e. Sensor sensitivity: 5ppb
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
8. Spirometry System
Technical specification:
1. Should be portable device, easy to handle with plug and play system.
2. Should have latest ultrasound based technology / Pneumotach
based system .
3. It must meet latest ATS/ERS standards.
4. Should perform complete spirometer test including FVC, SVC, MVV
both pre and post.
5. Flow meter : should be ultrasound/ Pneumotach technology sensor.
6. Flow Measurement
Priniciple : Ultrasound / Pneumotach Time Based
Range : 0 to 20 L/s
Accuracy : <± 2%
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
7. Volume Measurement
Priniciple : Digital Integration
Range : Auto
Accuracy : ±2%
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
(Technical Bid)
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
(To be submitted in Part I -Technical Bid)
The documents has to be arranged as per the order mentioned in
checklist for ease of scrutiny.
The bidder has to upload the documents as mentioned in Check list (in
PDF format) online, on or before the due date & time of submission of
technical bid.
Sl. Page
Item included
No No.
Yes / No
1 Format – T1 (Check List)
Bid Document Cost as DD (Rs.5,900/- as
mentioned in Section–III
The Earnest Money Deposit(s) as Demand Draft /
BG (s)
4 Format – T2 (Details of Items quoted)
5 Format – T3 (Details of EMD submitted)
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
12 In case of distributor, the annual turnover
statement/ Copies of the pages of the annual
audited statement of the Annual report of the
Manufacturer/Importer/Indian Subsidiary of the
Manufacturer along with their own turnover for
2019-20, 2020-21 & 2021-22 or 2020-21, 2021-22
& 2022-23 (Provisional statement of account shall
not be considered) – As per eligibility criteria clause
5.2.2 (iv)
Format–T9 (Performance Statement during the last
Three Years)
Copies of purchase orders, proof of supplies & end
14 user certificates in support of the information
furnished in Format T-9
Format – T10 (Statement of deviation – Technical
Format – T11 (Para-wise compliance to Technical
Copy of the Leaflets / Technical Brochures /
Product Data Sheets of the Model offered
highlighting features in support of the
information provided in Format – T11
Copy of Quality Certificates (valid ISI / BIS / CE /
US FDA / IEC etc. & ISO) of the product /
organization (As per Section VII - Technical
Copy of Import License (In case the bidder is an
20 Copy of the GST registration certificate
21 Copy of PAN Card
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
3) After preparation of the all the documents as per checklist, the bidders
have to put the page nos. on each page and put the signature of the
authorized signatory & seal. Then each page has to be scanned and the
scanned document to be uploaded in the e-tender portal before the
scheduled date & time.
4) The bidders can find two files [(i) Scan copy of EMD, Bid document cost,
GST, Registration Certificate PAN Card etc. & (ii) All documents as per
check list T1] in technical bid for uploading their files. However, for
management of space the bidders can divide their scanned documents
in two parts equally (as both the file sizes are same) and upload one
part (Scan copy of EMD, Bid document Cost, GST, Registration
Certificate, PAN Card etc., as per check list T1 serially in one file and
balance document of the check list T1 in the second file to avoid any
space constraint.
5) A Copy of the all the above documents uploaded in the technical bid
shall also to be submitted along with the Original EMD & Bid document
Cost as mentioned in Section–III on or before the scheduled online
technical bid opening. However, the copy of all documents to be
submitted should be exactly the same as uploaded in e-tender portal.
Copy of the documents to be submitted shall be only for the purpose of
clarity / better visibility of the documents uploaded in case of any scanned
documents uploaded (like product catalogues / product data sheet
etc.) is not clear. In that case, the documents shall be considered for
evaluation if the scan copy of the same is uploaded.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Format - T2
(To be submitted in Part I -Technical Bid)
Official Seal:
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Format – T3
(To be submitted in Part I -Technical Bid)
Official Seal:
Note: The bidder may quote for the tendered equipment by submitting
the required EMD(s) for that equipment. The EMD may be furnished
in one instrument in shape of one DD /BG or multiple DD / BG &
the details of DD / BG (s) are to be furnished in Format T3)
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Format - T4
(To be submitted in Part – I Technical Bid)
3 State District
Telephone No. Fax
Email Website
Type of the Firm ( Please relevant box)
Private Ltd. Public Ltd. Proprietorship
4 Partnership Society Others, specify
Registration No. & Date of
Nature of Business ( Please relevant box)
Original Equipment
Authorized Direct Importer
5 Manufacturer (OEM)
Authorized Distributor
Key personnel Details (Chairman, CEO, Directors, Managing Partners
etc. )
in case of Directors, DIN Nos. are required
6 Name Designation
Name Designation
Whether any criminal case was registered against the Yes /
company or any of its promoters in the past? No
Other relevant Informations
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
GST Registration
Pl. mention whether Registered under GST :_________
Designation :
Telephone No.:
Email :
10 Bank Details of the Bidder: The bidders have to furnish the Bank
Details as mentioned below for return of EMD/Payment for
supply if any (if selected)
Signature of
Office Seal the bidder /
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Format – T5
(To be submitted in Part–I Technical Bid)
(Affidavit before Executive Magistrate / Notary Public)
I / We …………………………………………………………………having My / our
office at…………………………………………………………….do declare that I / We have
carefully read all the terms & conditions of bid of OSMCL, Odisha for the
supply of Equipment (Name of the equipment as per Format T2). The
approved rate will remain valid for a period of one year from the date of
signing and acceptance of the contract. I will abide with all the terms &
conditions set forth in the Bid document Reference no. OSMCL/2023-
24/PULMONARY MEDICINE_EQP/29 along with the subsequent
amendment, if any.
I/We agree that the Tender Inviting Authority can forfeit the Earnest
Money Deposit and or Performance Security Deposit and blacklist me/us for
a period of 3 years if, any information furnished by us proved to be false at
the time of inspection / verification and not complying with the Bid terms &
Seal Date :
Name & Address of the Firm :
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Format – T6
(To be submitted in Part– I Technical Bid)
(to be submitted by the bidder in its letterhead in case the bidder is the
No. Dated:
The Managing Director
Odisha State Medical Corporation Ltd., Bhubaneswar
Dear Sir / Madam,
Bid Reference No :
Equipment Name :
for and on behalf of M/s.____________
Date: (Name of manufacturers)
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Format – T7
(To be submitted in Part – I Technical Bid)
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Format – T8
(To be submitted in Part – I Technical Bid)
Signature of Auditor/
Place: Chartered Accountant
(Name in Capital)
Membership No.
This turnover statement should also be supported by copies of
audited annual statement of the last three years / Annual Report
and the turnover figure should be highlighted there.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Format – T9
(To be submitted in Part – I Technical Bid)
(For the period of last three years)
(Pl. Furnish order copies of the clients serially, the names of which are mentioned
Name of Bidder: :
Name of Manufacturer :____________________ Name of the Item :________________________
Sl. Order placed by Order no. Item Make & Qty Value of Date of CompletionHave the goods been
(Address of & Date Name Model Contract functioning
purchaser) (Rs.) satisfactorily
(attach documentary (attach documentary
proof)* proof)**
Total Qty
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
(To be submitted in Part – I Technical Bid)
(For the period of last three years)
Sl. Order placed by Order no. Item Make & Qty Value of Date of CompletionHave the goods been
(Address of & Date Name Model Contract functioning
purchaser) (Rs.) satisfactorily
(attach documentary (attach documentary
proof)* proof)**
Total Qty
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of
Pulmonary Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Format – T10
(To be submitted in Part – I Technical Bid)
Following are the Technical deviations and variations from the purchaser’s Technical
Name :
Date :
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of Pulmonary
Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Format – T11
(To be submitted in Part – I Technical Bid)
Name :
Date :
Place :
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of Pulmonary
Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
General Instructions:
1) Price bid formats are not enclosed in this bid document. Price bid formats have to be
downloaded from the e-procurement portal (under the
respective bid reference No.) by the bidder and quote the prices in the respective fields
before uploading it.
2) There are TWO (02) Price bid formats in the price section.
I. Excel based BoQ II. Separate PDF File named “OTH”
3) Bidders are required to upload the above formats online only, i.e. Price BoQ Excel file
along with one PDF file, with format B, C as required which is also specifically mentioned in
“Schedule of Requirement” as well as price BoQ against the items to be quoted, as there is
option to upload one PDF file only.
4) The Price bids submitted in any other formats will be treated as non-responsive.
BoQ (Bill of Quantity), also called Price BoQ, which is a macro enabled excel sheet
available in e-Tender portal and is specific to a bid. Also it is not interchangeable. Bidders
shall offer their best competitive prices for their quoted model against the item’s name
mentioned in col.2 of the excel based price BoQ along with the followings;
a. Unit Price (in Rs.) as mentioned in col.3 of the excel based price BoQ:
i. Basic Unit Price with all accessories as asked in technical specification, and including
comprehensive onsite warranty (as mentioned under Clause 4.1 above), excise duty/customs
duty, packing, insurance, transportation (door delivery), installation, commissioning, labor
charges and all other incidental charges EXCEPT for GST.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of Pulmonary
Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
ii. A separate file (PDF File) is attached in the e-tender portal against this tender reference
containing TWO (0) Formats in this single pdf file, i.e. for
Price break-up of unit basic machine & Accessories (Format B) and For Spare parts (Format
C). These formats are also to be filled up and uploaded along with Price BoQ as
mentioned below;
• Format B (Price break up of Unit basic machine + Standard Accessories+necessary
consumables): It is Mandatory to quote the price of Unit basic machine along with the
price of each standard accessory and necessary consumables with required quantity
exactly as mentioned in the Technical Specification or any modifications made in
subsequent amendment, in this format and upload along with Price BoQ. The total of the
break up prices (excluding taxes) mentioned in the PDF Format B should be the same as
the Unit price quoted against the said Equipment / Item in col.3 of the respective excel
based price BoQ file (Excel file) which shall be taken into account for price evaluation.
Mismatch of the prices quoted in BoQ & Format-B shall lead to rejection of the bid.
• Format C (For Spare parts): This format is applicable for generally all equipments which
involves repair & maintenance using spare parts. The bidders have also to quote the cost
of any other accessories/ disposable/ consumable/ spare part other than as asked in the
technical specification for all the quoted items in the separate price schedule format
(Format-C) attached as PDF file in the e-tender portal. However, this shall not be taken
into account for evaluation. This format is also mandatory to be submitted.
b. GST (% figure only, not INR) as mentioned in col.5 of the excel based price BoQ:
i. For Example, if the Goods & Service Tax (GST) is 5% upon Rs. 200/-, then bidder
shall mention “5” only and not 0.05 or the tax value (Rs. 10/- in this case).
ii. Also the GST value shall not be taken into account of price evaluation as GST is
subject to change. However, payment will be made as per the actual prevailing GST
at the time of raising invoices.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of Pulmonary
Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
(Required to be executed by the successful bidder)
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of Pulmonary
Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Annexure I
THIS AGREEMENT made the…........... day of …............., 20…..... between…................
(Name and Address of Purchaser) represented by the Managing
Director….................... (hereinafter “the Purchaser”) of one part and
….............(Name and Address of Supplier) …................................. (hereinafter “the
Supplier”) represented by ……………………… (Name of the Authorized Signatory and
Designation), Aged …….. years, residing at ……………………………… (Full Residential
Address of the Signatory) of the other part:
1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the bid document referred to.
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and constructed
as part of this Agreement, viz.:
(a) all the documents submitted by the bidder as part of technical bid and price
(b) the Schedule of Requirements;
(c) the Technical Specifications and other quality parameters;
(d) the clarifications and amendments issued / received as part of the bid
(d) the General Conditions of Contract;
(e) the Special Conditions of Contract; and
(f) the Purchaser’s Letter of Intent
3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Supplier
as hereinafter mentioned, the Supplier hereby covenants with the Purchaser to
supply, install and commission the Goods and Services and to remedy defects
therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract.
4. The Purchaser hereby covenants to pay the Supplier in consideration of the
provision of the Goods and Services and the remedying of defects therein, the
Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of
the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of Pulmonary
Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
1) Basic Price
1 2 3 4 5 6
2) Cost of Accessories:
Delivery Schedule:
IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
in accordance with their respective laws the day and year first above written.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of Pulmonary
Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
(The con sign ee m ay a ttach the cou rier rece ipt / d eliv er cha llan alon g with th is form at. Installation sho uld b e co nd ucted
within 7 da y s of receip t o f ma terial. A cop y of th is C RC m ust b e intim ated to the su pp lier a s well a s to O S MC)
Equipment N ame: Q u an tity: M ake / M anu facturer: M odel:
S erial No s.
S igna ture of Ph arm a cist with sea l Signa ture of Store M edical O fficer with sea l
(i) The room where installati on is to be done is ready as per the requirents/ chec kl ist me ntioned by the supplie r. If not,
please me ntion by this date _ _ __ _ __ __ _ ___ it is e xpected to be com pleted.
(ii) _ __ _ __ _ __ _ Nos. of the EIF have bee n re ceived by the departme nt on dt.__ ___ ___ __ _ __ __
(iii) O n physical verifi cation, the item supplied was found to be com plying with the technical specifiacti on as per the
te nder document along with am me ndment (if any) & w as found to have no manufacturi ng defects as suc h.
Installation, Training & dem onstration is not required for the ite m and i t is working satisfactorily.
Installation certi ficate is attached alongwith this CRC.
The supplie r has been intimated for instal lation in written and e xpected date of Installation is_ __ _ __ __ _ ___
Installati on re port will be give n separately.
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of Pulmonary
Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
( To be m a nd ato rily fil led in th is specific fo rm a t w ith OS M C lo go o nly. A s ca n co py m u st b e E -m ailed to OS M C im m edi ately afte r in sta lla tio n)
Equ ipm ent N am e: Q u a ntity: M a ke / M anufa cturer: M o del:
S eria l No s.
C e rtifie d that the m achine has bee n installed succe ssf ully at the conce rne d de partm ent along w ith all standard
acce ssorie s and ancillari es of the site prepara tion ne ede d includin g inte ri ors as per re quirem e nt and bid docum e n ts.
Sa tisf actory de m onstration and proper train ing have bee n im parted to end users. T he m achine is w orki ng satisfac torily and
prescribe d OSM C L sticke r has b e en af fixe d o n the item .
Ad dre ss of Re gio na l
Se rvice c en ter :
D eta ils of R e gion al Na me :
Se rvice M a na ge r : M ob No .:
Em ail Id:
D eta ils of Se rvice Sign atu re: Sign atu re & N a me of Signa ture & N a m e o f H e ad o f
Eng ine er w ith Na me : Au th orize d End user / H e ad the Institutio n w ith da te &
com pa ny se al: M ob No .: of D ep t. w ith da te & Se al: S ea l:
Em ail Id:
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of Pulmonary
Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Annexure III
(to be filled jointly by the Supplier, head of user institution & Representative
of the Tender Inviting Authority individually for every equipment)
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of Pulmonary
Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Annexure IV
Name of the Supplier
Equipment Details
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of Pulmonary
Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Present status of the equipment Working satisfactorily Not working satisfactorily
Remarks of
Seal of supplier:
Hospital Seal :
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of Pulmonary
Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Annexure V
Bank Guarantee Format for furnishing EMD
Sealed with the common seal of the said Bank this ............................ day of ...............20......
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of Pulmonary
Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals
Annexure VI
Bank Guarantee Format for Performance Security
The Managing Director
Odisha State Medical Corporation Ltd.,
Convent Square, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar-751007
AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the supplier such a bank guarantee;
NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the supplier,
up to a total of .........................................(amount of the guarantee in words and figures), and we undertake to pay
you, upon your first written demand declaring the supplier to be in default under the contract and without cavil or
argument, any sum or sums within the limits of (amount of guarantee) as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or
to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the supplier before presenting us with
the demand.
We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the contract to be
Performed thereunder or of any of the contract documents which may be made between you and the supplier shall in
any way release us from any liability under this guarantee and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or
This guarantee shall be valid until the of ...........20.........
OSMCL: Tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Equipments for the Dept. of Pulmonary
Medicine for Different Medical College & Hospitals