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Please Read carefully:

Cancellations and Refunds
• No refund will be granted within 5 weeks before the registered Test Date.
• Request for refund with detailed explanation must be made in writing to the IELTS Administrator. Refund is subject to approval by IELTS Administrator and a maximum of 75% of the test fee is refundable, an
administration charge of 25% will be deducted from the test fee.
Transfers and Changes of Version
• Test takers cannot change the test date or version (Academic/General Training) within 5 weeks before the registered Test Date.
• Any request is subject to availability of places. Each test taker will be allowed to reschedule the test ONCE ONLY. Deferments CANNOT be made to more than 1 month after the original scheduled date.
• 25% of the test fee will be charged as administrative fee once the deferment/change is approved.
UKVI Cancellations and Transfers Policy
• Different policy terms apply to IELTS for UKVI testing. For more details, please go to https://www.ielts.org/about-ielts/ielts-for-migration/united-kingdom/ukvi-cancellations-and-transfer-policy.
Before the Test
• Test takers are advised to read the IELTS Information for Candidates thoroughly to understand the test procedure. It is the test taker’s responsibility to understand the test procedure.
• Test takers should carefully check the location of your test venue and allow sufficient time to travel.
• Test takers must ensure that the registered ID document is valid and has not expired on the test day.
On the Test Day
• The Confirmation of Registration and the same ID document as the one recorded in your application (HKID/Passport) should be presented at the test registration counter. You will not be allowed to take the test if
you cannot present your approved ID document on the test day upon registration. You must bring that ID document into the test room, so it can be checked and verified during the test.
• Your identity will be verified both at test registration and on test day. This may include: 1) Having your photograph taken and this photograph taken by the test centre will appear on the Test Report Form; 2) Having
your finger-scan taken (persons under the age of 18 excluded). If you do not consent to having your finger scan taken you must make this known to a test invigilator before a scan is taken whereupon you will be
directed to have your identity manually verified and you must provide with TWO forms of ID document (i.e. ID card AND Passport)
• Your assigned Speaking test start time will be printed on your interview slip, which will be distributed on the Test Day.
• Stationery will be provided by the Test Centre. All electronic devices, all watches and all personal belongings are not allowed in the test room. The only items you may bring into the test room are your approved ID
document and water in a transparent bottle (label-free). (Please click here for details)
• The test start time varies by test venue and test sitting, so test takers should report to the test venue according to the registration period shown on the Confirmation of Registration. No test taker will be admitted
into the test after the start of the test. The test fees of absentees and latecomers will be automatically forfeited.
Arrangement during Typhoon/Black Rainstorm Warning is hoisted
• If Typhoon warning signal No. 8 or higher or the Black Rainstorm warning is still in force AT or AFTER 6:15am, the test (including the speaking test) will be cancelled and rescheduled; If Typhoon warning signal No. 3
or below or the Amber or Red Rainstorm warning is hoisted, the test will be run as scheduled. Test takers should listen to radio or watch television in case the weather deteriorates suddenly.
*However, upon the announcement of “extreme conditions” by the Government before Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 is replaced with No. 3, the test will be cancelled and rescheduled. Extreme conditions may
include serious disruption of public transport services, extensive flooding, major landslides or large-scale power outage occurring after a super typhoon. “Extreme conditions” may be still in force even the Typhoon
Warning Signal No 8 is cancelled in 2-hour period.
Typhoon or Rainstorm Warning Issued during the Examination
• Once an examination session has started, it will continue for the full time allotted unless physical conditions in the venues are considered to be dangerous. If you have any queries, please contact Examination Services
Unit at 2179 3600 during our office hours. *Any announcement to test takers will be made via SMS and EMAIL.*
IELTS Results (Test Report Forms)
• Test Report Forms will be usually issued 3-5 days after the test. An advance email notification of the actual release will be sent to test takers. Test report forms will be sent out through ordinary mail. Please refer to
the notice “Collection of IELTS Results (Test Report Forms)” for details.
• Application for Enquiry on Results may be made within 4 weeks from the date of issue of the TRF at an administrative charge of HK$1,000. This fee is refundable should your score on any component is increased after
• Test takers will not receive the IELTS test results if they do not attend all four components of the test.

• 考生如欲申請退還測試費,必須於已登記的測試日期前五星期之前提出,逾期恕不接受。
• 所有退款申請須以書面向 IELTS 行政官申請,並詳列申請原因。一經批准,考生最多只獲退還 75% 考試費。其餘 25% 之測試費將作為行政費用,於測試 費中扣除。
• 任何更改須於已登記測試日期前五星期之前提出, 逾期恕不接受。
• 更改日期之申請接納與否,視乎測試日期的空缺而定。每個考生只能更改一次,而欲延遲的測試日期不得超過一個月﹝由已登記測試日期起計﹞。
• 如申請被接納,考生需繳付 25% 之測試費作為行政費用。
UKVI 退款和更改日期或考試模式條款
• UKVI 考試受特定的條款所約束。如欲了解詳情,請瀏覽 https://www.ielts.org/about-ielts/ielts-for-migration/united-kingdom/ukvi-cancellations-and-transfer-policy。
• 考生應詳閱《IELTS 考生須知》,以了解考試程序。
• 考生應注意試場位置,並預留足夠行程時間前往指定試場。
• 考生須確保報名的身份證明文件在考試當天仍有效及未過期。
• 考生在登記時須出示准考證和報名時之身份證明文件(香港身分證/ 護照) 。如考生在登記時無法出示該身份證明文件,將無法參加考試。考生需要將該身份證件帶入考場,以便在考試期間進行檢查
• 在考試時或當天,考生的身分須被核實。當中包括: 1) 為考生拍照,這張由考試中心拍攝的照片將顯示於成績單上; 2) 為考生作手指掃描 (不包括 18 歲以下人仕)。如不同意進行有關程序,請於登記
前告知當值之監考員,身份核實程序將改以人手操作模式。請帶備兩種身份證明文件(身份證及護照) 以便核對。
• 考生於考場內,獲發一張會話考試咭紙,紙上將列明口試考試時間、考生編號、身份證明文件號碼等資料。
• 考試中心會提供所需之文具,所有電子產品、所有手錶及所有個人物品均不得帶進試場。考生只准許攜帶報名時之登記身份證明文件和透明的無標籤瓶裝的飲用水進入試場。(請按此查閱)
• 開考時間因場地和場次而異,請按照准考證上的登記時間到考場報到。考生均不獲准在考試開始後進入試場。缺席考生將不獲任何退款。
• 如測試當日於早上 6 時 15 分仍懸掛或之後懸掛 8 號或以上颱風訊號或黑色暴雨警告,測試(包括口語測試部份)將會取消,考期將另作安排。當三號颱風訊號或以下、黃色 或紅色暴雨警告訊號懸掛
• 如考試經已開始,除非考試場地有危險, 否則考試將繼續進行至結束。如有任何查詢,請於辦公時間致電本中心 IELTS 測試服務組 2179 3600。*任何公佈將以短訊及電郵方式通知考生*
• 成績一般將於測試後 3-5 天發出,考生於考試後會收到有關成績單發出日的電郵通知。敬請留意領取時間及日期,並帶備所需文件,詳情請參閱 成績單領取須知。
• 考生可於成績發出後四星期內申請覆卷,手續費為港幣$1,000。覆卷後成績如獲提升,考生將獲退還手續費。
• 如考生沒有完成考試的所有部分,將不會獲發成績單。
如中文譯本與英語原文不符,則以英文版本為準。如有任何查詢,請致電 2179 3600 考試組查詢。

IDP Education
Room 2807-2809 Harbour Centre,
25 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Telephone: (852) 2179 3600
Email: ieltsapps.hongkong@idp.com
Version Sep 2022

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