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Diamond & Related Materials 144 (2024) 110995

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Diamond & Related Materials

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Fabrication of NiFe2O4 nanoparticles loaded on activated carbon as novel

composites for high efficient ultra violet-light photocatalysis for
degradation of aqueous organic pollutants
J. Hemalatha a, *, M. Senthil a, *, D. Madhan b, Amal M. Al-Mohaimeed c, Wedad A. Al-onazi c
Department of Chemistry, Kandaswami Kandar’s College, P.Velur, Namakkal 638182, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Physics, Velammal College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), Madurai 625009, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Chemistry, College of Science, King Saud University, P.O. Box 22452, Riyadh 11495, Saudi Arabia


Keywords: The study used nickel ferrite NiFe2O4/activated carbon (NiFe2O4/AC) as a means to remove organic dyes
NiFe2O4 (methylene blue and Reactive red 120) from water-based solutions. The produced photocatalysts were charac­
Activated carbon terized based on their morphological, structural, particle size, and surface charge characteristics. The trans­
Chemical synthesis
mission electron microscopy (TEM) pictures indicated that the NiFe2O4 particles, with an average diameter of
UV light
around 2–2.5 μm, were evenly distributed and adhered to the outermost layer of the AC nanosheets. The BET
analysis revealed that the 10-NiFe2O4/AC material had a surface area of 176 m2/g, a pore volume of 0.354 cm3/
g, and an average pore diameter of 0.805 nm. The nanocomposite, as opposed to pure NiFe2O4 and clean AC,
demonstrates a notably enhanced photocatalytic degradation efficiency for methylene blue (MB) and Reactive
red 120 dye under visible light conditions. The findings indicate that the AC loaded with 10 % NiFe2O4 is the
most effective photocatalyst, exhibiting a maximum degradation efficiency of 100 % towards MB dye. Addi­
tionally, it displays a high mechanical constant, excellent stability, and ease of recycling. The nanocomposite
exhibits increased photocatalytic activity owing to the significant reduction in charge carriers recombination,
improved capacity to absorb visible light, and the synergistic impact resulting from the heterojunction with
NiFe2O4 and AC. The radical entrapment research revealed that the primary active compounds responsible for
the photocatalytic degradation process are superoxide (O−2 ) and hydroxyl (OH*).

1. Introduction such as TiO2, SnO2, WO3, and ZnO are very efficient in removing a wide
range of organic and inorganic contaminants when exposed to visible or
Due to economic and societal advancements, environmental con­ solar light. Due to their favorable band gap energy, light absorption
cerns related to printing and dyeing wastewater have escalated since capability, and appropriate physicochemical and catalytic characteris­
dyes are harmful and pose a significant threat to aquatic ecosystems and tics [10,11].
human well-being. Conventional methods such as chemical oxidation, Recent research on magnetic semiconductor photocatalysts has
coagulation, ion exchange, adsorption, and photocatalysis have been garnered interest because of their simple recyclability, such as MFe2O4
used to eliminate dyes [1–5]. The utilization of organic/inorganic (M = Ni, Zn, Fe, Co, Cu). NiFe2O4 is a prominent magnetic semi­
semiconductor materials such as g-C3N4, RGO, and TiO2 as photo- conductor that exhibits a visible-light reaction. It is an ordinary instance
catalysts for the visible-light photocatalytic destruction of various nat­ of magnetic materials noted for their high stability, magnetic perme­
ural poisons has been extensively studied in recent decades. This strat­ ability, and resistance to electric current. It is widely used in magnetic
egy offers significant potential for converting solar energy into chemical devices, catalysis, water treatment, magnetized fluids, and microwave
energy, thereby enabling the disintegration about harmful organic absorption materials. There has been extensive research on the use of
contaminants, as well as the deterioration of heavy metals and other NiFe2O4, an inorganic semiconductor with a narrow band gap of 1.9 eV,
detrimental substances [6–9]. Typically, semiconducting metal oxides for solar transformation, photocatalysis, and photochemical hydrogen

* Corresponding authors.
E-mail address: senthilmk1975@gmail.com (M. Senthil).

Received 13 January 2024; Received in revised form 27 February 2024; Accepted 4 March 2024
Available online 6 March 2024
0925-9635/© 2024 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Hemalatha et al. Diamond & Related Materials 144 (2024) 110995

production from water. This is due to its ability to react to visible light, 2.2. Preparation of Peltophorum activated carbon with ZnCl2
its simple synthesis process, low cost, and excellent photochemical sta­
bility [12]. The appealing characteristics of ferrites are closely linked to The seed pods of Peltophorum pteocarpium, obtained from the local
the arrangement of cations across octahedral and tetrahedral sites in the region, were cleansed using distilled water, then subjected to drying at a
spinel structure. The ability to manipulate the movement of cations temperature of 105 ± 5 ◦ C, and then crushed into particle sizes ranging
provides a way to customize their qualities. The transportation of cat­ from 300 to 900 μm (20–70 ASTM). The material was saturated with a 1
ions relies on factors such as the electrical configuration, valence of ions, % boiling solution containing zinc chloride for 48 h, after which the
and the size of nanoparticles. Regrettably, the practical use of bare surplus zinc chloride solution was removed and the material was
NiFe2O4 photocatalysts is limited due to their poor visible light sensi­ allowed to dry in the air. The substance was subjected to carbonization
tivity and the challenges associated with recycling. at a temperature of 400 ◦ C inside a Muffle furnace, after which it was
Several studies have examined activated carbon in this particular pulverized and then activated in the Muffle furnace at a temperature of
situation, mostly because of its distinctive attributes, such as its exten­ 600oC for a duration of 20 min. Following the activation procedure, the
sive specific surface area, consistent distribution of pore sizes, and ca­ carbon underwent a thorough rinsing with deionized water and was
pacity for modifying the surface [13–15]. Recent research has shown then subjected to drying at a temperature of 105 ± 5 ◦ C in a hot air oven.
that active carbon, when combined with metal oxide or treated with a Subsequently, the carbon was sifted and securely kept in a hermetically
suitable reagent on its surface, has enhanced efficacy in catalytic sealed container.
oxidation and serves as a highly stable photocatalyst for the decompo­
sition of a wide range of organic and inorganic contaminants [16–18]. 2.3. Preparation of NiFe2O4/AC composite photocatalyst
Extensive study has been carried out to assess the appropriateness of
different activated carbon materials infused with metal oxide for the The standard synthetic protocol required the use of an analytical
purpose of eliminating organic dyes [19,20]. This composite material grade 3 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution, which was gradually
has a higher efficiency in adsorbing pollutants compared to either introduced into a solution of salt containing 0.4 M ferric chloride (FeCl3)
activated carbon (AC) or metal oxide used individually. Incorporating and 0.2 M nickel chloride (NiCl2). The pH of the solution was contin­
metal oxides into the starting material would increase the gas adsorption uously monitored as the NaOH solution was added incrementally. The
capability of the final composite AC [21,22]. This is because metal ox­ components of the reaction were continuously agitated using a magnetic
ides may provide selective sorption properties and maintain high ther­ stirrer until a pH level above 10 was attained. Subsequently, the solution
mal stability even at high temperatures [23]. As an example, Livani et al. was introduced into a sterilizer with a capacity of 75 mL, which was
[24] documented the use of an AC integrated NiFe2O4 composite pho­ coated with Teflon, and subjected to a temperature of 160 ◦ C for a
tocatalyst to decrease the concentration of organic dyes. The nano­ duration of 12 h. The product was cooled to the ambient temperature
composite, as it was synthesized, exhibited exceptional adsorption and thereafter subjected to two rounds of washing with deionized water
capability for DR31 and DB78 dyes. The greatest adsorption capacity and ethanol to remove undesired contaminants. Ultimately, the material
was achieved at pH = 2.0, and the equilibrium for dye adsorption was underwent centrifugation and thereafter underwent an overnight drying
rapidly reached after 20 min for DR31 and 25 min for DB78. In their process at around 80◦ Celsius. Following this procedure, the NiFe2O4
study, Baskaran Palanivel et al. [25] found that the ferromagnetic samples that were created underwent calcination at a temperature of
nanocomposite NiFe2O4-g-C3N4 achieved a degradation efficiency of 99 400 ◦ C for a duration of 5 h. The NiFe2O4/AC composite was created
% in direct sunlight for both MB (20 mg/L) and Rh B (10 mg/L) dyes. using a standardized method. Specifically, 50 mg of prepared AC was
This efficiency is much greater than what was obtained using visible added to NiFe2O4 precursors. The resulting solution was then dried and
light irradiation. The primary objective of this work is to examine the calcined at a temperature of 400 ◦ C for duration of 5 h. This process
improved photocatalytic efficiency of NiFe2O4 nanoparticles when yielded high crystalline NiFe2O4/AC specimens.
combined with activated carbon (AC) for the breakdown of MB and RR
in the presence of UV light. Activated carbon (AC) is often used for water 2.4. Photocatalytic set up
filtration because of its extensive surface area, leading to high adsorp­
tion effectiveness, in contrast to other carbonaceous materials. AC has Photocatalytic experiments were carried out in a specially designed
delocalized n electrons and various functional groups including COOH, photoreactor. The research included using a 50 ppm aqueous solution of
OH, NH2, and amide, which may attract diverse species via hydrogen MB dye (30 mL) mixed with the required quantity of catalysts in
bonds and electrostatic forces. As far as we know, there have been no dispersion. MB and RR 120 dye were introduced into a basin containing
studies conducted on the elimination of MB and RR120 using NiFe2O4 100 ml of deionized water and stirred using a magnetic stirring device.
catalysts fixed on activated carbon. The photocatalytic efficiency of The concentration of dye was measured using a spectrum analyzer
NiFe2O4/AC was assessed and enhanced by adjusting the dye’s starting (Spectronic 20D, Mylton Roy, USA) at wavelengths of 664 nm and 508
concentration, the catalyst dosage, and the solution’s pH level. The ki­ nm. A certain amount of catalyst was added to the mix while it was in
netic study and reusability of the photocatalyst were also assessed. A darkness, and the concentration of dye was measured after 2 h of being
feasible reaction route was proposed for the breakdown of MB and RR in shade. Photocatalytic reactions were carried out under UV light
120 dye during the photocatalytic process. exposure from an a low-pressure mercury lamp. Photocatalytic activities
were initiated after a period of darkness in all experiments to achieve
2. Materials and methods adsorption equilibrium before each run.

2.1. Reagents 3. Results and discussion

The chemicals nickel acetate (Ni(CH3CO2)2•2H2O), iron acetate (Fe 3.1. XRD analysis
(CH3CO2)2•2H2O), activated carbon (AC), sodium hydroxide (NaOH),
hydrochloric acid (HCl), nitric acid (HNO3), methylene blue (MB), and Fig. 1 illustrates the XRD crystal structure of pure activated carbon,
reactive red 120 (RR120) are acquired from Merck, a supplier based in ZnFe2O4, and ZnFe2O4/AC photocatalysts. Amorphous carbon is proven
Darmstadt, Germany, known for their highest quality and purity. The by three peaks in the XRD pattern of pure activated carbon: 2θ = 25.3◦ ,
necessary concentration of all functional solutions was achieved by 43.3◦ , and 48.8◦ (planes of (002), (100), and (101), correspondingly.
diluting the stock solution with distilled water. These peaks show the carbon rings’ irregular arrangement [26]. The
(111), (220), (311), (400), (422), (511) and (440) planes correspond to

J. Hemalatha et al. Diamond & Related Materials 144 (2024) 110995

nanoparticles, which range in size from 30 to 40 nm, were firmly

adhered to the AC nanosheets. As can be shown in Fig. 2e, the HRTEM
study validated a heterojunction between AC and NiFe2O4. The results
showed that the AC plane (002) was indexed by the d-spacing value of
3.21 Å, whereas the NiFe2O4 plane (311) was given the d-space value of
2.56 Å. The photocatalytic activity of dye degradation is enhanced by
the heterojunction of NiFe2O4 and AC, which reduces the rate of
electron-hole pair coupling. Analogous to the XRD pattern, the SAED
design of the nanocomposite shows that the as-prepared nanocomposite
is amorphous and contains carbon nitride and nickel ferrite.

3.3. FTIR spectra analysis

In addition, as seen in Fig. 3(a), FTIR spectroscopy was used to

investigate the production of NiFe2O4/AC. The stretching vibrations of
the free and immobilized water molecules are corresponding to the
bands at 3432.1 cm− 1 and 1642.4 cm− 1 for NiFe2O4. The bending vi­
bration of the metal at the tetrahedral sites (Fe–O) is correlated with the
peak at 595.6 cm− 1 [27]. The graphitic carbon’s C– –C stretching vi­
bration may be indexed by the band at 1556.1 cm− 1, while the surface
Fig. 1. Powder XRD pattern of (a) AC; (b) ZnFe2O4; (c) 5-NiFe2O4/AC; (d) 10-
hydroxyl group’s stretching vibration can be explained by a minor peak
NiFe2O4/AC; (e) 15-NiFe2O4/AC.
at 3209 cm− 1 in the case of AC. Observations revealed a red shift in the
nanocomposite’s Fe–O stretching vibration from 594.5 cm− 1 to 587.6
NiFe2O4 peaks at 14.24o, 33.14o, 35.17o, 43.28o, 53.18o, 57.22o, and
cm− 1, as well as a blue shift in the C–
–C vibration from 1561.1 cm− 1 to
63.11o. This confirms NiFe2O4’s cubic opposite spinel structure with
1552.1 cm− 1 [28]. The electrostatic interaction of the AC surface func­
Fd3m spatial group. Results matched JCPDS code 54–0964. Absence of
tional groups and the NiFe2O4 nanoparticles in the nanocomposite is
extraneous peaks indicates a pure single-phase structure. In the nano­
responsible for this change.
composite, both the AC and NiFe2O4 components had diffraction peaks,
demonstrating that the NiFe2O4 is tightly linked to the AC surface.
3.4. Optical studies

3.2. Morphological analysis In Fig. 3 (b), ultra violet diffused reflectance spectrophotometers
measured nanoparticle optical bandgaps. The virgin AC has an indirect
Fig. 2 shows the results of the FESEM and TEM analyses that were bandgap of 2.68 eV and an absorption wavelength of 465 nm (λ). Pure
used to examine the microstructure and geometrical properties of the NiFe2O4 has a 1.68 eV direct bandgap and 738 nm absorption edge.
produced photocatalysts. In Fig. 2a, we can see the sheet-like lamellar NiFe2O4’s absorbing tail extended to the NIR region (above 800 nm) due
structure in the FESEM picture of the pure AC. The highly agglomerated to the sample’s flaws [29]. This reveals that NiFe2O4 absorbs UV to NIR
irregular form structure of the NiFe2O4 nanoparticles is clearly seen in sunlight well. The composite has a red shift compared to pure AC owing
Fig. 2b. The scanning electron micrograph of the 10-NiFe2O4/AC to NiFe2O4. The UV-DRS spectra showed that nanocomposite absorption
nanocomposite is shown in Fig. 2c. It is plainly seen that the hetero­ was greater than pure nanoparticles [30,31]. Nanocomposite absorption
junction is formed by the AC and the collected nanoparticles of NiFe2O4. cut-off wavelength is 580 nm. The computed bandgaps of 5- NiFe2O4/
TEM imaging of the nanocomposite (Fig. 2d) reveals that the NiFe2O4 AC, 10- NiFe2O4/AC, and 15-NiFe2O4/AC composites were 2.31, 1.78,

Fig. 2. SEM images of (a) AC; (b) NiFe2O4; (c) 10- ZnFe2O4/AC; (d) TEM image of 10- NiFe2O4/AC; (e) HRTEM image of 10- NiFe2O4/AC; (f) SAED pattern of 10-

J. Hemalatha et al. Diamond & Related Materials 144 (2024) 110995

Fig. 3. (a) FTIR spectra of photocatalyst samples; (b) UV–Vis absorption spectra; (c) Band gap plot; (d) Room temperature PL spectra of all the photocatalysts with
excitation wavelength of 450 nm;

Fig. 4. (a) N2 adsorption-desorption; (b) pore size distribution curves of NiFe2O4 and 10- NiFe2O4/AC; High resol;ution XPS spectra of (c) Ni 2p; (d) Fe 2p; (e) O 1 s
and (f) C 1 s.

J. Hemalatha et al. Diamond & Related Materials 144 (2024) 110995

and 2.12 eV (Fig. 3c). Nanocomposite absorption tails reached NIR. 450 nm. Charge transfer in heterostructures is faster in NiFe2O4/AC
Advanced absorption frequency of nanocomposite demonstrates the compared to NiFe2O4, with median durations of 4.78 ns, 2.99 ns, and
heterojunction between nanoparticles [32]. Thus, the composite 2.51 ns, etc.
NiFe2O4/AC photocatalyst has improved visible light photocatalytic
activity. Fig. 3(d) shows the photoluminescence spectroscopy spectrum
3.5. Surface area analysis
of the produced photocatalyst to explain charge carrier separation. Pure
NiFe2O4 has a modest emission peak about 300–500 nm due to surface
Using N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms, the surface characteris­
imperfections or oxygen vacancies [33]. The nanocomposite’s PL spec­
tics and pore structure of the produced composites (NiFe2O4/AC com­
trum displays modest emission, indicating that a heterojunction be­
posite and pure NiFe2O4) were examined. In order to enable reactant
tween NiFe2O4 and AC substantially reduces the recombination of
diffusion and transfer of electrons, carbon-based substances having a
electrons into holes. The optical experiments show that the nano­
multi-level porous structure are believed to deliver a great number of
composite has greater photocatalytic abilities than pure nanoparticles.
catalysis active sites with fine dispersion and appropriate routes [34].
Additionally, the optical spectroscopic findings showed that the heter­
Fig. 4a demonstrated that, as is typical for mesoporous materials, the
ojunction creation among NiFe2O4 and AC nanoparticles considerably
catalysts displayed traditional type IV isomers and a well defined hys­
reduces photo-excited electron-hole recombination. The NiFe2O4/AC
teresis loop at high relative pressure in the P/P∘ range (0.7–1) across all
exhibited superior photocatalytic performance as a result. Fig. S1 illus­
samples [35–38]. The 10-NiFe2O4/AC had an average pore diameter of
trates the photoexcited electrons decay in every sample that was
12.3 nm, a surface area of 176 m2/g, and a pore volume of 0.354 cm3/g,
generated, measured using TRPL with a wavelength of stimulation of
according to the BET study. In contrast, 98.7 m2/g and 8.2 nm were the

Fig. 5. UV absorption spectra of RR120 over (a) NiFe2O4 and (b) 10-NiFe2O4/AC, UV absorption spectra of MB over (c) NiFe2O4 and (d) 10-NiFe2O4/AC.

J. Hemalatha et al. Diamond & Related Materials 144 (2024) 110995

dimensions of pure NiFe2O4 (Fig. 4b).Composite samples are anticipated 3.7. Photocatalytic studies
to exhibit enhanced photocatalytic activity due to their large surface
area and pore size. 3.7.1. UV absorption study of the dyes
To investigate the catalysts’ photocatalytic activity, RR120 and MB
3.6. XPS analysis were used as model contaminants. The first step in studying the pho­
tocatalytic activity of the catalysis was to conduct UV–Vis analysis on
XPS was used to characterize 10-NiFe2O4/AC nanocomposites’ sur­ the RR120 and MB dyes to see how their molecular structures changed
face compositions and chemical valence states. The spin orbits Ni 2p3/2 throughout the aided photocatalytic degradation cycle. Fig. 5 (a-d)
and Ni 2p1/2 of ZnFe2O4 are represented by two prominent peaks at displays the UV–Vis absorption spectra of RR120 and MB dyes, which
871.7 and 865.3 eV in the high-resolution XPS of the Ni 2p spectrum allow one to see the varied visible light illumination times and their
(Fig. 4c) [39]. Fe 2p high-resolution XPS showed peaks for the spin- absorption characteristics. From zero to sixty minutes, light will be
orbital doublets Fe 2p3/2 and Fe 2p1/2 [40]. Fe3+ forms the fitting visible. At 0 min of visible light irradiation, the primary absorption
peaks at 712.5 and 727.8 eV. Fig. 4d shows Fe2+-related fitting peaks at peaks of MB dye and RR120 are located at 285 and 515 nm, with 664 nm
711.4 and 725.4 eV. Fig. 4e displays O 1 s spectra with a 530.4 eV in the middle. There was no absorption at the end of 60 min of exposure
binding energy for O-Fe/O-Ni. XPS of C 1 s revealed the carbon com­ to visible light, and the strength of absorption declined with increasing
pound C–C peak at 284.7 eV (Fig. 4f). illuminating duration. Under visible light conditions, the catalysts
degrade organic dyes very energetically, according to the data.

Fig. 6. (a) RR120 degradation efficiency; (b) MB degradation efficiency of all the photocatalyst samples under visible light; first order kinetic plot of (c) RR120; (d)
MB using NiFe2O4, and NiFe2O4/AC photocatalyst samples.

J. Hemalatha et al. Diamond & Related Materials 144 (2024) 110995

3.7.2. Degradation and kinetic constant analysis Table 2

The degradation of the RR120 and MB dyes under visible light Summary of various NiFe2O4 based photocatalysts.
exposure is seen in Fig. 6 (a & b). Over the course of 60 min, the pre­ Catalyst Light Dye Time Degradation Ref.
dicted photocatalytic degradation efficiencies of RR120 and MB dye, source (min) (%)
each, using just pure NiFe2O4, were 15.1 % and 37.2 %. The higher ZnFe2O4/ UV light MB 120 95.1 [41]
stability of the RR120 and MB in the experimental setting is shown by SiO2/TiO2
this finding. With a remarkable degradation efficiency of 100 % after 60 ZnO/ZnFe2O4 Visible MB 120 91.2 [42]
min of visible light irradiation, the MB degradation efficiency 10- light
Bi2WO6/ Visible MB 300 84.7 [43]
NiFe2O4/AC composite demonstrated exceptional performance. After ZnFe2O4 light
60 min of visible light exposure, the RR120 degradation efficiency for ZnFe2O4/CeO2 Visible MB 210 93.5 [44]
pure NiFe2O4, 80 % 10-NiFe2O4/AC, and other mixtures was determined light
to be 15.1 %. Both the RR120 and MB dyes are degraded more efficiently ZnFe2O4/ZnO/ Visible MB 150 47.5 [45]
Ag light
by the nanocomposite than by the pure materials. Additionally, the
NiFe2O4/AC Visible MB 60 100 This
process of degradation activity is significantly affected by the weight light work
percent of NiFe2O4, with the greatest photocatalytic efficiency shown by
the 10 % NiFe2O4 sample. Adding NiFe2O4 to the nanocomposite in a
weight cent increase of up to 10 % clearly enhances its photocatalytic The photocatalytic activity is affected by the amount of ions such as H+
activity. The activity, however, decreased when the NiFe2O4 weight in acidic media and OH- in base media, according to the pH effect re­
percent increased above 10 %. As the concentration of NiFe2O4 nano­ sults. The results show that the photocatalytic activity is more affected
particles in the nanocomposites rises, this phenomenon may be linked to by H+ ions than by OH- ions. Conclusion: A pH of 6 was found to be
their aggregation. The degradation rate was reduced because charge optimal for dye degradation.
carrier transfer between the nanocomposites counterparts could not
occur at a tolerable rate in the ones with a greater weight ratio of 3.7.4. Effect of catalyst dosage
NiFe2O4. Fig. 6 (c & d) shows the reaction kinetics of the dye degrada­ By studying the effects of different doses of photocatalysts, we can
tion process when illuminated with visible light. The level of the dye predict the best degradation rate for MB. A mixture with a pH of 6, a
solution at the beginning and at a given time interval (t) are denoted by concentration of 25–150 mg of photocatalysts, and a contact period of
C0 and C, respectively, and the rate constant (k) was determined using 60 min at 28 ◦ C were all used in the study. The dye solution had a
the first order kinetic rate relation − ln (C/C0) = kt. Rate constants of concentration of 100 mg/L. Fig. 7b shows the impact of different dos­
0.0003 and 0.0012 min− 1, respectively, were determined for the virgin ages of photocatalysts on dye degradation. While a large amount of
NiFe2O4 photocatalyst over RR120 and MB dye. It is worth noting that catalytic (100 mg) resulted in total destruction of MB in this study, the
the composite photocatalyst considerably enhanced the concentration presence of constant dye molecules in the solution meant that no notable
rate. The rate constant for RR120 dye was 0.0341 min− 1 and for MB dye changes were seen after this dosage. Results showed that 100 mg of
was 0.0999 min− 1, as shown by the 10-NiFe2O4/AC composite photo­ photocatalysts was the sweet spot for degradation % in this experiment.
catalyst. Following is a ranking of the photocatalysts’ degradation effi­ Equilibrium in MB degradation was achieved after 100 mg doses of
ciencies and rate constants: 10-NiFe2O4 > 15-NiFe2O4/AC > 5-NiFe2O4 photocatalyst. The results show that 100 mg of photocatalysts is all it
> NiFe2O4. The kinetic constant (kapp) and correlation coefficient R2 takes to degrade MB to its greatest potential.
exhibited a high level of linearity close to 1.0 for each sample, sug­
gesting that the degradation of CV follows pseudo-first-order kinetics 3.7.5. Recyclability of photocatalysts
response (Fig. s2 and S3) [40]. Table 1 also summarizes the overall Fig. 7(c) displays the findings of the photo catalysts’ recyclability.
photocatalyst parameters. In addition, the findings summarized in The photocatalytic activity of the catalysts seemed to have been pre­
Table 2 show that the current effort achieved comparatively greater served after several cycles, as only a small percentage of dye degradation
outcomes than earlier published research [41–45]. (around 3–4 % decreased) was found to have changed. The photo­
catalyst for dye decline, NiFe2O4 and 10-NiFe2O4/AC, was found to be
3.7.3. Effect of pH more efficient and effective based on the reuse findings. This suggests
An significant component in predicting the photocatalyst’s activity that it might be a potential option for treating industrial wastewater.
in both acidic and basic media, the influence of pH was studied to
identify the acid-base nature of the photocatalytic process. Using 500 ml 3.7.6. Effect of scavenger
of a 100 ppm MB solution with 100 mg of photocatalysts, the experiment The findings are shown in Fig. 7 (d). The observed photocatalytic
was conducted to evaluate the pH of the solution from 2 to 10. For 60 degradation of RR120 and MB after 60 min followed the sequence of
min at 28 ◦ C, the tests were carried out in a photocatalytic reactor. H2O2 > persulfate > EDTA > AgNO3. The inclusion of hydrogen
Fig. 7a displayed the effect of pH on photocatalytic breakdown At first, peroxide (H2O2) resulted in the most optimal dye degradation effec­
we saw very slow MB breakdown in the acidic environment (2 > pH). As tiveness, mostly attributed to the generation of hydroxyl radicals.
the pH of the solution rose, the MB degradation percentage gradually
rose as well. After reaching a maximum degradation rate of MB at pH 6,
the process of decomposition reached a state of neutrality or decrease.

Table 1
Photocatalytic activity parameters of NiFe2O4 and NiFe2O4/AC composite samples.
Samples Rate constant of RR120 Rate constant of MB RR120 Degradation efficiency (%) MB
Degradation efficiency (%)
K (h− 1) R2 K (h− 1) R2
min− 1 min− 1

NiFe2O4 0.0003 0.991 0.0012 0.994 15.1 37.2

5-NiFe2O4/AC 0.0656 0.987 0.0651 0.981 27.1 58.6
10-NiFe2O4/AC 0.1235 0.986 0.2361 0.985 49.5 79.8
15-NiFe2O4/AC 0.0341 0.918 0.0999 0.983 80.0 100

J. Hemalatha et al. Diamond & Related Materials 144 (2024) 110995

Fig. 7. (a) Effect of initial pH value on the degradation of MB. Experimental conditions:Dosage = 0.8 g/L MB = 0.05 mM; pH = 3.0; T = 298 K.; (d) Effect of dosage
on degradation of MB. Experimental conditions: Dosage = 0.8 g/L MB = 0.05 mM; pH = 3.0; T = 298 K. (c) Recycling test of RR120 and MB using 10-NiFe2O4
photocatalyst; (d) Effect of various scarifying agent on the photodegradation of RR120 and MB and RR120 using 10-NiFe2O4 photocatalyst.

3.8. Photodynamic response and EIS analysis and the electrolyte. The resistance values (Rct) of NiFe2O4, 10-NiFe2O4/
AC, and 15-NiFe2O4/AC were measured to be 63.1, 17, and 52.3 Ω,
The photocurrent response of the photoanodes was assessed by accordingly. The charge-transfer resistance value of the 10-NiFe2O4/AC
observing the changes in current when the UV-light was turned on and hybrid is less than the Rct value of NiFe2O4. The combination of NiFe2O4
off. The findings may be seen in Fig. 8(a). Upon UV-light irradiation, a with AC clearly enhanced the charge the transferability of the photo­
photocurrent immediately grew to an a steady-state current, as evident. anode. Electron spin response (ESR) spectra were used to confirm the
The achievement of a constant photocurrent is attributed to the equi­ production of *O−2 and − OH radicals during the photocatalytic reaction
librium between the rates of creation and recombination of electron- of NiFe2O4/AC under both light and dark conditions, as shown in
hole pairs [46]. The photocurrent of the 10-NiFe2O4/AC and 15- Figs. S3 and S5. No signal peaks were seen in the absence of light, but
NiFe2O4/AC photoanodes is increased by 1.97 and 3.63 orders of upon exposure to very low irradiation, four distinct characteristic peaks
magnitude, respectively, compared to the bare NiFe2O4. This indicates a for Dimethyl pyridine N-oxide (DMPO)- *O−2 and DMPO-− OH were
significant increase in the amount of electrons exchanged on the surface promptly observed. The ESR signals of DMPO-− OH are seen in a 1:2:2:1
of the hybrid photoanodes. An electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ratio. The findings validate the presence of *O−2 and ⋅OH in the
(EIS) examination was performed to provide a more comprehensive degrading reaction pathways, in line with the findings from the free
understanding of the rate at which electrons are transferred at the radical entrapment studies [47].
interface between the photoanode and the electrolyte, specifically when
exposed to UV-light. Fig. 8(b) illustrates the Nyquist plot for NiFe2O4
and NiFe2O4/AC photoanodes. The presence of a semicircle in the high- 3.9. Photocatalytic mechanism
frequency area of the Nyquist diagram is attributed to the charge-
transfer phenomenon occurring at the interface between the electrode An interaction pathway for the photocatalytic dye process of
degradation was presented using elemental trapping experiments. The

J. Hemalatha et al. Diamond & Related Materials 144 (2024) 110995

Fig. 8. (a) Dynamic photo current response; (b) EIS spectra of NiFe2O4 and 10-NiFe2O4/AC composite samples; (c) schematic representation of the photo­
catalyst mechanism.

process itself is shown in Fig. 8(c), showing the band possibility of TA studies.
NiFe2O4 and AC to suggest the reaction mechanism. The conduction and
valence band potential of NiFe2O4 and AC were extracted from the prior 3.10. Antioxidant property
study [48]. The conduction band and valence band voltages of AC,
relative to the normal hydrogen electrode (NHE), were − 1.14 V and The antioxidant capacity of NiFe2O4 and NiFe2O4/AC, synthesized
1.56 V, respectively. The valence and conduction band energies of pure using the hydrothermal process, was assessed using the DPPH test, a
NiFe2O4 were 0.25 V and 1.91 V, correspondingly. When light struck the commonly used technique for investigating the radical scavenging
photocatalysts, ions were driven from the valence band to the conduc­ properties of nanomaterials. The antioxidant capabilities of 10-
tion band, creating holes in the valence band of both enzymes. Electrons NiFe2O4/AC produced using green methods were examined. At a con­
from the conduction band of AC moved to the conduction band of centration of 300 μg/mL, it exhibited high antioxidant properties of 70
NiFe2O4, whereas holes from the valence band of NiFe2O4 moved to the %, compared to NiFe2O4 which had a scavenging ability of 56 % as
valence band of AC in binary photocatalysts. The conduction band shown in Fig. 9. Furthermore, it is shown that both NiFe2O4 and 10-
electrons of the NiFe2O4 nanoparticle exhibit a reduction voltage of NiFe2O4/AC exhibit scavenging activity that varies depending on the
0.24 V, which is lower than the normal decrease potential of − 0.33 V vs dosage. As the concentration increases, the percentage of scavenging
NHE. Conversely, the AC VB has a lower oxidation potential of 1.55 V activity likewise increases. The Ocimum basilicum 10-ZnFe2O4/AC had a
compared to the conventional oxidation state. The photo-Fenton reac­ stronger antioxidant activity, as seen by its lower IC50 value of 139 μg/
tion involves the electrons at the conduction band of NiFe2O4 reacting mL compared to ZnFe2O4 with an IC50 value of 176 μg/mL.
with H2O2 to generate OH• radicals, which decompose organic pollut­
ants via a type-II heterojunction. This proposed reaction pathway for the
NiFe2O4/AC photocatalyst aligns well with the elemental trapping and

J. Hemalatha et al. Diamond & Related Materials 144 (2024) 110995

Fig. 9. Antioxidant performance of NiFe2O4 and 10-NiFe2O4/AC.

4. Conclusions Author statement

Concisely, a new kind of photocatalyst called NiFe2O4/AC has been The authors are thankful to the Reviewers for their useful comments
developed by a straightforward hydrothermal method. This photo­ on the manuscript. We have revised the manuscript accordingly, and the
catalyst shows potential for use in the decomposition of dyes through detailed responses to the Reviewers’ comments are listed below point by
photocatalysis, as well as in antioxidant activities. The NiFe2O4/AC point. Yellow shadow has been used for the modified corrections in the
composite exhibited improved photocatalytic degradation of MB dye manuscript.
and better efficiency in charge separation under simulated visible light.
The increased activity of the nanohybrids may be related to the syner­ Appendix A. Supplementary data
gistic interaction between NiFe2O4 and AC. As a result, photoinduced
electrons can be efficiently used, surpassing the utilization seen in the Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
pure NiFe2O4. Kinetic experiments have verified the adherence of the L- org/10.1016/j.diamond.2024.110995.
H theory to the degradation of MB and RR120 using 10-NiFe2O4/AC as
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