The document evaluates bearing capacity based on field dynamic penetrometer tests. It details penetrometer test results including depth, blow counts, and cumulative penetration for a project location. Correlations between penetrometer and SPT N-values are also presented.
The document evaluates bearing capacity based on field dynamic penetrometer tests. It details penetrometer test results including depth, blow counts, and cumulative penetration for a project location. Correlations between penetrometer and SPT N-values are also presented.
The document evaluates bearing capacity based on field dynamic penetrometer tests. It details penetrometer test results including depth, blow counts, and cumulative penetration for a project location. Correlations between penetrometer and SPT N-values are also presented.
The document evaluates bearing capacity based on field dynamic penetrometer tests. It details penetrometer test results including depth, blow counts, and cumulative penetration for a project location. Correlations between penetrometer and SPT N-values are also presented.
ELD DYNAMIC PENETROMETER TEST RESULTS (BOWLES' APPROACH) GROUND REROUTE Test Date 8/3/2023 Field Ref. No. NDT2 Test Point No. 3 DCP Cone Angle 60 degrees Hammer Weight ( 8 Fall Height (mm) 575
Penetration rate mm/Blow Weighted Average N-
(DCPI) N-SPT SPT value 0 0 0 26 10 20.88024 24 11 23.89422 14 19 41.54951 9 29 64.98819 6 42 97.46062 4 63 145.5049 2 123 285.6576 on Transport Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), Overseas Road Note (ORN) 9, A design 679.9353 39