A Generalization of The Spherical Inversion
A Generalization of The Spherical Inversion
A Generalization of The Spherical Inversion
Article in International Journal of Mathematical Education In Science & Technology · July 2016
DOI: 10.1080/0020739X.2016.1201598
6 874
2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Gustavo Rubiano on 10 September 2021.
To cite this article: José L. Ramírez & Gustavo N. Rubiano (2016): A generalization of the
spherical inversion, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
to the three-dimensional space. We also study the inverse images in an ellipsoid; Pappus chain
of planes, spheres, ellipsoids and other curves. We use the software
Mathematica to generate these graphics. Finally, we generalize the 2000 MATHEMATICS
Pappus chain theorem to ellipsoids. SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION
Primary G; Secondary
N; C
1. Introduction
The circle inversion is one of the most important and interesting transformations in the
geometry. This transformation can be used to study several well-known problems and the-
orems in geometry such as Feuerbach’s theorem, Steiner porism, the problem of Apollo-
nius, the Pappus chain theorem, among others. The interested reader is referred to [1–6]
for further information on inversive geometry. The inversion was introduced by Apollonius
of Perga in his last book Plane Loci,[7] and systematically studied and applied by Steiner
about 1830.[8]
The inversion of a point P in a given circle C is a point P taken from the ray OP such
that OP · OP = r2 , where r is the radius of C. The circle inversion preserves angles and
maps generalized circles into generalized circles, where a generalized circle means either
a circle or a line (a circle with infinite radius). One of the main properties of this method
is the transformation of a straight line to a circle. Many challenging problems in geometry
become much more tractable when an inversion is applied.
Many kinds of generalizations of inversion transform have been presented in the litera-
ture. In particular, we can change the circle of inversion C by other objects, such as parallel
lines,[9] central conics [10–13] or star-shape sets.[14] We can also use a different distance,
for example, the taxicab distance [15,16] or in general a p-distance.[17]
The circle inversion can also be generalized in the three-dimensional space by using a
sphere as the circle of inversion.[2] In [18], the author used this transformation to gen-
erate three-dimensional fractals. Inspired by these works, in this article, we introduce the
inversion in an ellipsoid. Then we extend several well-known properties. In particular, we
prove a Pappus chain theorem in ellipsoids. We also apply this new transformation to sev-
eral geometry objects such as planes, ellipsoids, three-dimensional fractals, etc. We use the
software Mathematica for computing and displaying the images of the three-dimensional
objects studied in this paper.
2. Inversion in a sphere
In this section, we introduce the inversion in a sphere and we show several known
Definition 2.1: Let C be a sphere centred at a point O in R3 , the inversion in C is the map-
ping μ : R3 \ {O} −→ R3 \ {O} defined by μ(P) = P , where P lies on the ray OP and
OP · OP = r2 , where r is the radius of C.
The point P is said to be the inverse of P in the sphere C. We call C the sphere of inversion,
O the centre of inversion and r the radius of inversion (see Figure 1). It is clear that μ is an
involution, i.e. μ(μ(P)) = P for every point P ࣔ O. The fixed points are the points on the
sphere C. Moreover, P is in the exterior of C if and only if P is in the interior of C. After
inversion, the part of the space inside the sphere is sent off the sphere and vice versa. Any
object that was near the point of inversion is sent far away from the sphere. Any surface
which is invariant under inversion is called anallagmatic.
Some basic properties about spherical inversion are summarized in the following items;
see, for example, Chapter 5 of [2] for more details. Note that it is possible to extend every
property of the circle inversion to the spherical inversion.
r The angle at which two surfaces intersect is equal to that made by their inverses.
r A plane will always invert to either another plane or a sphere. A plane which pass
through the centre of inversion O is anallagmatic. The inversion of a plane that does
not contain the centre of inversion O is a sphere that contains O and whose tangent
plane at O is , and vice versa (see Figure 2).
Figure . A plane is inverted in a sphere inside the inversion sphere, and a sphere touching the centre of
inversion O is inverted to a tangent plane.
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r The classical stereographic projection is just a special case of spherical inversion. Con-
sider a sphere C of radius 1 and a plane touching C at the south pole S of C. Then
is the stereographic projection of C with respect to the north pole N of C (cf. [19]).
In particular, if we√take the sphere S 2 of radius 1 centred at (0, 0, 0) and consider a
sphere C of radius 2 centred at the north pole N = (0, 0, 1), then the inversion of S 2
with respect to C transforms S 2 in its plane stereographic projection (see Figure 2
r The spherical inversion of a sphere not passing through the centre of inversion is
another sphere that does not contain the centre of inversion. In particular, every sphere
orthogonal to C is anallagmatic (see Figure 3).
r Let A, B, C and D be four distinct points on a line . We define the cross ratio as
(AB, CD) := ,
where AB denotes the signed distance from A to B. The cross ratio is invariant under
inversion in a sphere whose centre is not any of the four points A, B, C or D, i.e. (AB,
CD) = (A B , C D ).
r A sphere through any pair of inverse points is anallagmatic. In particular, a sphere that
is orthogonal to the sphere of inversion is the sphere itself (see Figure 3 (right)).
Figure . Cyclides obtained from cylinders inverted when the centre of inversion is inside of the cylinder
(cuspidal cyclide) and when it lies outside the cylinder (needle cyclide), respectively.
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Figure . Cyclides obtained (horn cyclide and ring cyclide) from a double cone and a torus.
r Circular cylinders, double cones or tori invert to a family of curves called Dupin
cyclides (cf. [20,21]), which were originally introduced by the French geometer
Charles Dupin in 1822. In Figures 4 and 5, we show some examples of Dupin cyclides.
r As the centre of the inverted sphere is not, in general, the same as the inversion of
the centre of the initial sphere, the following fact indicate how to find this centre. The
inverse of the centre of a sphere not through the centre of inversion is the inverse of the
centre of inversion with regard to the inverse of the given sphere (see Figure 6). Thus,
if the spheres C and C with centres OC and OC , respectively, are mutually inverse with
respect to the sphere S with centre O, then
r The radius for the inverted sphere. Let C be a sphere centred at the point O and radius
r, and T be another sphere centred at the point O1 and radius R. If d = OO1 is the
distance between the centres, the inversion of sphere T is another sphere T with ratio
R given by
R = .
d2 − R2
In particular, if C is centred at the origin, then the spheric inversion is the point
r2 x r2 y r2 z
, , . (2)
x 2 + y2 + z 2 x 2 + y2 + z 2 x 2 + y2 + z 2
Proof: Suppose that P = (x, y, z) and P = (x , y , z ) are inverse points in the sphere C
centred at the point O = (a, b, c) and radius r. Since P, P and O are collinear and the rays
−→ −→
OP and OP are the same direction, then
OP · OP = r2
k · OP · OP = r2 .
r2 r2
k= = .
OP2 (x − a)2 + (y − b)2 + (z − c)2
P = O + (P − O).
Using the above theorem it is not difficult to find the spherical inversion of three-
dimensional objects.
Example 2.1: In Figure 7, we show the inversion of a square with respect to a circle and the
inversion of a cube with respect to a sphere.
Example 2.2: In Figure 8, we show the spherical inversion of a given ellipsoid.
Example 2.3: In Figure 9, we show the spherical inversion of the three-dimensional Hilbert
3. Inversion in an ellipsoid
In this section, we introduce a generalization of the spherical inversion. In particular, we
define an inversion with respect to an ellipsoid. The two-dimensional analogous of this
transformation was recently studied in [11–13].
Definition 3.1: Let E be an ellipsoid centred at a point O in R3 , the inversion in E is the
mapping ψ : R3 \ {O} −→ R3 \ {O} defined by ψ(P) = P , where P lies on the ray OP and
OP · OP = (OQ)2 , where Q is the intersection of the ray OP with the ellipsoid.
The point P is said to be the inverse of P in the ellipsoid E. We call E the ellipsoid of
inversion, O the centre of inversion and the number w ࣎ OQ the radius of inversion (see
Figure 10). Note that w is not constant. In particular, if E is a sphere, we obtain the spherical
It is clear that the inversion in an ellipsoid is an involution, i.e. ψ(ψ(P)) = P. The fixed
points are the points on the ellipsoid E. Indeed, if F is a fixed point, ψ(F) = F, then OF ·
OF = (OF)2 = (OQ)2 , then OF = OQ; since Q lies on the ray OF, then F = Q. Moreover, P
is in the exterior of E if and only if P is in the interior of E.
Theorem 3.1: Let P and T be distinct points with inversion radii w and u with respect to E.
If P and T are the inverses of P and T in E, then
⎧ 2
⎪ w PT
⎨ , if O, P, T are collinear;
PT = √
⎪ (w2 − u2 ) (w2 (OT )2 − u2 (OP)2 ) + w2 u2 (PT )2
⎩ , otherwise.
Proof: If P, Q and O are collinear, the line containing them also contains Q, P and T . There-
OP2 + OT 2 − PT 2
cos α = . (3)
2 · OP · OT
Also, in triangle P OT ,
in the three-dimensional space. Figure 14 shows the inversion in a sphere and an ellipsoid
of the Sierpinski pyramid, where the sphere of inversion is circumsphere of the pyramid.
Example 4.4: In Figure 15, we show cyclides or Horns obtained from elliptic cones or ellip-
tic cylinders (a cylinder whose cross section is an ellipse) under inversion in an ellipsoid.
Example 4.5: If we take an elliptic cylinder (a cylinder whose cross section is an ellipse)
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under inversion in an ellipsoid, it produces a special case of cyclides called elliptical, i.e.
cyclides with elliptic lines of curvature (see Figure 16). [22]
x2 y2 y2
(a) Let E be an ellipsoid of inversion with equation u2
+ v2
+ w2
= 1 and the plane
Mx + Ny + Tz = 0. Applying ψ to gives
u2 v 2 w 2 x u2 v 2 w 2 y
M +N
v 2 w 2 x 2 + u2 w 2 y 2 + u2 v 2 z 2 v 2 w 2 x 2 + u2 w 2 y 2 + u2 v 2 z 2
u2 v 2 w 2 z
+T =0
v 2 w 2 x 2 + u2 w 2 y 2 + u2 v 2 z 2
× M u2 v 2 w2 x + N u2 v 2 w2 y + T u2 v 2 w2 z = 0Mx + Yy + Tz = 0.
2 2 y2
(b) Let E be an ellipsoid of inversion with equation ux2 + vy2 + w2
= 1 and the plane
Mx + Ny + Tz + S = 0 with S ࣔ 0. Applying ψ to gives
u2 v 2 w 2 x u2 v 2 w 2 y
M + N
v 2 w 2 x 2 + u2 w 2 y 2 + u2 v 2 z 2 v 2 w 2 x 2 + u2 w 2 y 2 + u2 v 2 z 2
u2 v 2 w 2 z
v 2 w 2 x 2 + u2 w 2 y 2 + u2 v 2 z 2
+ S = 0 u2 v 2 w2 Mx + Ny + Tz + S(v 2 w2 x2 + u2 w2 y2 + u2 v 2 z2 ) = 0.
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2 2 2
Mu2 Nv 2 T w2
x+ 2S
y+ 2S
z+ 2S Mu2 + Nv 2 + T w2
+ + = .
u2 v2 w2 4S2
√ .
Mu2 + Nv 2 + T w2
Corollary 4.2: Let 1 and 2 be perpendicular planes intersecting at a line .
2 2 2
(b) Let E be an ellipsoid of inversion with equation ux2 + vy2 + wz 2 = 1. Let 1 be the
plane Mx + Ny + Tz + S = 0 with S ࣔ 0. Its image in E is the ellipsoid given
2 2 2
Mu2 Nv 2 T w2
x+ 2S
y+ 2S
z+ 2S Mu2 + Nv 2 + T w2
+ + = .
u2 v2 w2 4S2
x2 y2 z2
+ + + Dx + Ey + Fz + G = 0.
u2 v 2 w2
(a) If E does not passes through O, then G ࣔ 0. The inverse image consists of points
P(x, y, z) for which P lies on the ellipsoid, i.e.
2 2
u2 v 2 w 2 x u2 v 2 w 2 y
v 2 w 2 x 2 + u2 w 2 y 2 + u2 v 2 z 2 v 2 w 2 x 2 + u2 w 2 y 2 + u2 v 2 z 2
u2 v2
uv wz
2 2 2
v 2 w 2 x 2 + u2 w 2 y 2 + u2 v 2 z 2 u2 v 2 w 2 x
+ +D 2 2 2
w2 v w x + u2 w 2 y 2 + u2 v 2 z 2
u2 v 2 w 2 y u2 v 2 w 2 z
+E +F +G=0
v 2 w 2 x 2 + u2 w 2 y 2 + u2 v 2 z 2 v 2 w 2 x 2 + u2 w 2 y 2 + u2 v 2 z 2
Simplifying, we have
x2 y2 z2 x2 y2 z2 D E F 1
+ + + + + x+ y+ z+ = 0.
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u2 v2 w2 u 2 v 2 w 2 G G G G
x2 y2 z2
+ + = 0,
u2 v 2 w2
x2 y2 z2 D E F 1
+ + + x + y + z + = 0.
u 2 v 2 w 2 G G G G
This is an ellipsoid homothetic to E.
(b) If E passes through O, then G = 0. Applying ψ to this equation and simplifying
gives the plane Dx + Ey + Fz + 1 = 0, then the result is clear.
We can generalize the Pappus chain theorem in ellipsoids. A Pappus chain of ellipsoids
is an infinite series of ellipsoids constructed starting from an ellipsoid E with principal
diameter AB, and E , E0 ellipsoids with principal diameters AC and CB, respectively, both
homothetic to E, so that the ellipsoid Ei , (i = 1, 2, …) of the chain is tangent to the ellipsoids
Ei−1 and Ei+1 and to two of the three semi-ellipsoids E , E and E0 (see Figures 20 (right)
and 21).
Theorem 5.1: Let (Ei )i≥0 be a Pappus chain of ellipsoids. Then the distance of the centre of
En from AB is equal to 2nρ n , where ρ n is the semi-minor axis of En .
Proof: Let ψ i be the inversion in an ellipsoid centred at B such that ψi (Ei ) = Ei . From
Theorem 4.4, ψi (E ) and ψi (E0 ) are planes perpendicular to AB and tangent to the ellip-
soid Ei . Therefore, the ellipsoids ψi (E1 ), ψi (E2 ), . . . will be inverted to tangent ellipsoids
to parallel planes ψi (E ) and ψi (E0 ). Hence, hi = 2iρ i .
6. Concluding remarks
The study of the inversion in an ellipsoid suggests interesting and challenging problems. For
example, is it possible to generalize the Steiner Porism or Apollonius problems with respect
to an ellipsoid? Moreover, we think that this topic could provoke further development by
interested readers or their students.
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Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
José L. Ramírez http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8028-9312
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