Hopkins Euler
Hopkins Euler
Hopkins Euler
Euler's 1736 paper on the bridges of Kdnigsberg is widely regarded as the earliest
contribution to graph theory-yet Euler's solution made no mention of graphs. In this
paper we place Euler's views on the Kinigsberg bridges problem in their historical
context, present his method of solution, and trace the development of the present-day
Figure 1. K6nigsberg
c cd d g
A e D
a b
But Euler didn't draw the graph in Figure 2-graphs of this kind didn't make their
first appearance until the second half of the nineteenth century. So what exactly did
Euler do?
Figure 3. Seventeenth-century
B -k
This reference to Leibniz and the geometry of position dates back to 8 September
1679, when the mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz wrote to
ChristiaanHuygens as follows [5]:
I am not contentwith algebra,in thatit yields neitherthe shortestproofs nor the most
beautifulconstructionsof geometry.Consequently,in view of this, I considerthat we
needyet anotherkindof analysis,geometricor linear,whichdealsdirectlywithposition,
as algebra deals with magnitudes ...
Leibniz introduced the term analysis situs (or geometria situs), meaning the analysis
of situation or position, to introduce this new area of study. Although it is sometimes
claimed that Leibniz had vector analysis in mind when he coined this phrase (see, for
example, [8] and [11]), it was widely interpretedby his eighteenth-century followers as
referring to topics that we now consider 'topological'-that is, geometrical in nature,
but with no reference to metrical ideas such as distance, length or angle.
Euler replied to Ehler on 3 April 1736, outlining more clearly his own attitude to
the problem and its solution:
... Thus you see, most noble Sir, how this type of solutionbearslittle relationshipto
mathematics,and I do not understandwhy you expect a mathematicianto produceit,
ratherthananyoneelse, for the solutionis basedon reasonalone, andits discoverydoes
not depend on any mathematicalprinciple.Because of this, I do not know why even
questionswhich bear so little relationshipto mathematicsare solved more quickly by
mathematiciansthanby others.In the meantime,most noble Sir,you have assignedthis
questionto the geometryof position, but I am ignorantas to what this new discipline
involves,andas to whichtypes of problemLeibnizandWolffexpectedto see expressed
in this way ...
"• J_
Around the same time, on 13 March 1736, Euler wrote to Giovanni Marinoni, an Italian
mathematician and engineer who lived in Vienna and was Court Astronomer in the
court of Kaiser Leopold I. He introduced the problem as follows (see Figure 6):
7~CA a
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1* wgo4D ?(4Z*
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oflI JM0t-PMWCsw j
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if pow
d- v 7,
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Figure7. A simplecase
region A B C D
bridges 5 3 3 3
frequency 3 2 2 2
Paragraphs 13-15. The general problem can now be addressed. To illustrate the
method Euler constructed an example with two islands, four rivers, and fifteen bridges
(see Figure8).
This system has the following table, where an asterisk indicates a region with an
even number of bridges.
region A* B* C* D E F*
bridges 8 4 4 3 5 6
frequency 4 2 2 2 3 3
The frequencies of the letters in a successful path are determined by the rules for even
and odd numbers of bridges, developed above. Since there can be only one initial
region, he records k/2 for the asterisked regions. If the frequency sum is one less
than the required number of letters, there is a path using each bridge exactly once that
begins in an asterisked region. If the frequency sum equals the required number of
letters, there is a path that begins in an unasterisked region. This latter possibility is
the case here: the frequency sum is 16, exactly the number of letters requiredfor a path
using 15 bridges. Euler exhibited a particularpath, including the bridges:
This is the earliest version known of what is now called the handshaking lemma. It
follows that in the bridge sum, there must be an even number of odd summands.
Note that this final paragraphdoes not prove the existence of a journey when one is
possible, apparently because Euler did not consider it necessary. So Euler provided a
rigorous proof only for the first of the three conclusions. The first satisfactory proof
of the other two results did not appear until 1871, in a posthumous paper by Carl
Hierholzer (see [1] and [4]).
So the 4-vertex graph shown in Figure 2, with one vertex of degree 5 and three
vertices of degree 3, cannot be drawn with a single stroke of the pen so that no edge
is repeated. In contemporary terminology, we say that this graph is not Eulerian. The
arrangement of bridges in Figure 8 can be similarly represented by the graph in Fig-
ure 9, with six vertices and fifteen edges. Exactly two vertices (E and D) have odd
degree, so there is a drawing that starts at E and ends at D, as we saw above. This is
sometimes called an Eulerian trail.
However, it was some time until the connection was made between Euler's work and
diagram-tracingpuzzles. The 'K•nigsberg graph' of Figure 2 made its first appearance
in W. W. Rouse Ball's Mathematical Recreations and Problems of Past and Present
Times [9] in 1892.
Background information,including English translationsof the papers of Euler [2] and Hierholzer [4], can be
found in [1]; an English translationof Euler'spaperalso appearsin [6].
" d c
e b
1. N. L. Biggs, E. K. Lloyd and R. J. Wilson, GraphTheory1736-1936, reissuedpaperbackedition, Clarendon
Press, Oxford, 1998.
2. L. Euler,Solutio problematisad geometriamsitus pertinentis,CommentariiAcademiaeScientiarumImperi-
alis Petropolitanae8 (1736) 128-140 = Opera Omnia(1) 7 (1911-56), 1-10.
3. - , Pis'ma k ucenym,Izd. AkademiiNauk SSSR, Moscow-Leningrad(1963), Fl, op.3, d.21, L.35-37
ob; El, op.3, d.22, L.33-41; F.136, op.2, d.3, L.74-75.
4. C. Hierholzer,Ueber die Mbglichkeit, einen Linienzug ohne Wiederholungund ohne Unterbrechnungzu
umfahren,Math.Ann. 6 (1873) 30-32.
5. G. W. Leibniz, MathematischeSchriften(1), Vol. 2, Berlin (1850), 18-19.
6. J. R. Newman (ed.), The Worldof Mathematics,Vol. 1, Simon and Schuster,New York, 1956.
7. L. Poinsot, Sur les polygones et les polyedres,J. Ecole Polytech.4 (cah. 10) (1810) 16-48.
8. J.-C. Pont, La TopologieAlgebriquedes Originesai Poincard,Bibl. De Philos. Contemp.,Presses Universi-
taires de France,Paris, 1974.
9. W. W. Rouse Ball, MathematicalRecreationsand Problemsof Past and Present Times,1st ed. (laterentitled
MathematicalRecreationsand Essays), Macmillan,London, 1892.
10. H. Sachs, M. Stiebitz and R. J. Wilson, An historicalnote: Euler's Kinigsberg letters, J. Graph Theory12
(1988) 133-139.
11. R. J. Wilson, Analysis situs, GraphTheoryand its Applicationsto Algorithmsand ComputerScience (ed. Y
Alavi et al.), John Wiley & Sons, New York(1985), 789-800.
12. - , An EuleriantrailthroughK6nigsberg,J. GraphTheory10 (1986) 265-275.