Bmse PCM
Bmse PCM
Bmse PCM
Article in Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering · January 2022
DOI: 10.1007/s40430-021-03308-7
20 99
2 authors, including:
Venkateswarlu Kavati
University of Namibia
All content following this page was uploaded by Venkateswarlu Kavati on 23 April 2024.
Received: 10 March 2021 / Accepted: 25 November 2021 / Published online: 6 December 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 2021
The research on phase change materials (PCMs) for thermal energy storage systems has been gaining momentum in a quest
to identify better materials with low-cost, ease of availability, improved thermal and chemical stabilities and eco-friendly
nature. The present article comprehensively reviews the novel PCMs and their synthesis and characterization techniques
for improving the properties and long-term storage capabilities. They include eco-friendly PCMs based on wood and tree
fruit oils, microPCMs, nanoconfinement of organic PCMs, metal organic PCMs, bio-based PCMs, metal organic framework
(MOF) PCMs and form-stable PCMs with gelators. The novel approaches such as cryogenically treated microencapsulated
PCMs and treating them with photo-switching dopants to improve the properties are also presented. This review provides
the useful insights about recent advances in the field of PCMs. The phase change slurries can effectively improve the ther-
mal performance of photovoltaic/thermal systems. The thermal conductivity of PCMs can be enhanced significantly by
PCM slurries, MOFs, exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets and composite PCMs. Optical control of PCMs by doping them
with azobenzene dopants is found to be the most promising technique to improve the thermal stability and long-term stor-
age capacity of PCMs. Cyclic cryogenic treatment by liquid nitrogen followed by heat treatment of PCMs can improve the
latent heat, thermal and chemical stabilities significantly. The insightful information presented in this article can serve as an
important tool for the researchers in the field of PCMs research to further innovate the technology in different applications
such as thermal management of buildings, solar energy storage and cryogenic storage etc.
Keywords Latent heat · Microencapsulation · Novel PCM · Paraffin · Thermal energy storage
Abbreviations 1 Introduction
CSP Concentrated solar power
FSPCM Form-stabilized PCMs Energy consumption increases year-by-year due to the
IR Infra-red increased demand globally as is evident from the report of
LHTESS Latent heat thermal energy storage system International Energy Agency (IEA) that the total electric-
MOF Metal organic framework ity consumption in three different sectors namely global,
PCESW Phase change energy storage wood OECD and non-OECD countries in 2018 was 4, 1.8 and
PV/T Photovoltaic/thermal 5.7% higher, respectively, when compared to that of 2017
UV Ultra-violet as shown in Fig. 1.
Since 1974, there has been large increase in the con-
sumption of electricity in domestic, commercial and ser-
vice sectors. However, in 2018, industry emerged as the top
Technical Editor: Monica Carvalho. consumer of electricity and its share was marginally higher
than that of residential, commercial and public service sec-
* Kavati Venkateswarlu tors. The share of other sectors such as transport, agricul-
ture and fishing in electricity consumption is less relatively.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gokaraju Rangaraju The need for energy storage and its relevant technologies
Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, have attracted the attention of researchers to find the solu-
Telangana 500090, India
tions to meet the increased energy demand arising from the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, K L E F Deemed To development of industrial and economic sectors worldwide.
Be University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44:6 Page 3 of 17 6
right choice due to the reasons such as its degradation after 3 Applications of PCMs in thermal storage
few cycles and high volume change and its reaction with
alkali environment of concrete making the phase change 3.1 PCM applications in heating and cooling
process ineffective. However, in solar organic Rankine of buildings
cycle(ORC),the hydrated salt is the better candidate than the
organic PCMs due to their higher volumetric heat capacity. The development of alternative low-energy and sustainable
Similarly the methods employed for incorporation of PCM materials for building energy storage can serve two pur-
into concrete(in building applications) also play an impor- poses, one is reduction of embodied and operational cost
tant role in maintaining the strength of the concrete and its of the buildings and the other is reduction in associated
storage capability. The direct mixing of PCM with concrete carbon footprint. This can lead to the design of thermally
results in a reduced compressive strength due to the leakage efficient alternative building blocks [27]. Most of the PCM
of PCM from containment during mixing [19]. However, research is devoted to their application in buildings while
it is simplest method besides being practical and economi- solar energy is next to it. PCMs typically have greater heat
cal. Immersion is another method in which porous concrete storage capacity per unit volume when compared to that
materials are immersed in the melted PCM, this method also of conventional building material since they store heat in
results in reduced mechanical properties due to the leakage latent form. Whenever, there is a rise in ambient tempera-
of PCM. Impregnation on the other hand allows the storage ture, the chemical bonds of the material break up, leading
of the sensible heat of the concrete and both the sensible and to a phase change from solid to liquid (an endothermic
latent heats of the impregnated PCM [20]. Table 1 shows the process) and consequently heat is absorbed. The heat
thermo-physical properties of some of the PCMs considered absorbed will be given off when the ambient temperature
for TES applications [21–24]. drops as the PCM returns to the solid state [28]. Figure 2
Of all the PCMs considered for TES applications, organic shows the global energy consumption of different sectors
PCMs present themselves as the candidate materials because namely industry, buildings, transport and others with their
of their better thermal, physical and chemical properties consequent CO2 emissions. The building sector is one of
such as large specific heat capacity, high energy storage den- the primary sectors in some countries that involve large
sity, low degree of supercooling and low toxicity. Though amounts of energy related activities. As per the estimates
the organic PCMs are abundantly available, they are more of International Energy Agency (IEA), the energy con-
expensive than the inorganic PCMs, since their thermal con- sumption by building sector constitutes more than 30% of
ductivity is low which necessitates the enhancement of ther- the total energy consumption with the consequent produc-
mal conductivity using efficient heat exchangers and various tion of 30% of total CO2 emissions (not including emis-
techniques thereby increasing the cost [25]. Moreover, the sions from construction) world-wide [29].
organic PCMs are highly flammable and hence their use in It was reported that the incorporation of PCMs into
construction applications is limited. Thus, a flammability internal and external layers of sandwich panels could
test is essentially required before the PCM is incorporated result in an energy savings of nearly 20% and a reduc-
into building material [26]. Plenty of research work is going tion of nearly 39% in the peak energy required for heat-
on from the last two to three decades to enhance the thermal ing and cooling [30]. The main parts of the buildings that
conductivity, thermal stability and durability of the PCMs to use PCMs include walls, floors, ceilings, windows and
make them suitable for wide range of temperatures and wide shutters. In addition to these components, heat and cold
variety of applications.
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Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44:6 Page 5 of 17 6
Parameshwaran [40]. with the integration of microen- management systems as their powertrains are different.
capsulated bio-based PCM into the micro-concrete com- As far as combustion vehicles are concerned, ICE gener-
posite (MbPMC). This novel PCM can be used for thermal ates the power and runs the other auxiliary components
energy storage and passive cooling of the buildings without including the temperature control of engine and cabin.
a compromise in structural integrity. Electric vehicles (EVs), in contrast, are driven by bat-
teries and thus the thermal management of batteries is
3.2 Waste heat recovery from industries essentially important. In EVs, it is possible that the elec-
tric power components can achieve higher power and effi-
As per the estimates of IEA, the share of industrial segment ciency with lower heat generating range comparatively.
is around 37% of total energy use in 2018, which repre- Despite that, their thermal management system must be
sents 0.9% annual increase since 2010 with 0.8% growth in capable of responding quickly to the operating conditions
the year 2018 when compared to 1.6% of the previous year. of the vehicle because of their high temperature sensi-
Direct CO2 emissions from industrial sector constitute about tivity and low temperature range [43]. Thermal manage-
24% of global emissions. Thus, it is imperative to explore ment in EVs is crucial in extending the driving range and
various alternative approaches to reduce the CO2 emissions. as well for maintaining optimal working conditions for
Energy efficiency improvement can potentially reduce these motor and electronics. Thermal management using active
emissions. Nearly 27% of the residential air-conditioning cooling such as forced circulation of either air or liquid
needs can be met by the high temperature exhaust from a can improve the performance of the battery by 30–40%;
power plant [41]. Li [42], developed a dynamic thermal however, this adds to the complexity of the battery design
management model for the recovery of the industrial waste and operation. Thermal management by passive methods
heat using the PCM. They reported that the use of tube-type proves to be effective when compared to that of the active
PCM storage module could result in a fuel savings of nearly methods. In this, the PCM integrated into the cell/battery
7% per day. will act as the heat sink for the generated heat when the
Li-ion battery discharges. This process, being highly exo-
3.3 PCMs for increasing the driving range thermic, releases heat that can be stored and evolved later
of electrical vehicles during cold conditions whenever the temperature of the battery drops during cold
weather conditions. The ideal PCM for this application
The automotive vehicles powered by internal combustion requires a melting point of 30–60°C [44].
engines (ICE) and electric power require different thermal
6 Page 6 of 17 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44:6
3.4 PCMs for storage of solar energy [50]. The other PCMs used in the solar ORC were erythritol,
xylitol, D-mannitol and magnesium chloride hexahydrate
Thermal energy is abundantly available in the form of solar (MgCL26H2O). When compared to M gCL26H2O, erythritol
radiation and geothermal sources. However, solar radiation can store 30% more energy per unit volume as a PCM in
is intermittent and variable in nature and hence its potential solar ORC [51]. However, these studies have not considered
is highly unpredictable. Thus, it requires efficient energy the design of heat exchangers such as embedded and packed-
storage units. High-temperature solar energy plants (tem- bed heat exchangers that can use encapsulated PCMs for
perature above 300°C), in particular have attracted the atten- effective heat transfer performance.
tion of researchers world-wide. Inorganic salts as PCMs can However, the research on latent heat thermal energy stor-
effectively store the energy at high temperatures due to their age system (LHTESS) that use high-temperature PCMs in
capacity to produce large amount of latent heat with minimal concentrated solar thermal (CST) system is not fully estab-
change in density during phase change form solid to liquid lished as it lacks the strategies for the PCM encapsulation
[45]. at elevated temperatures and enhancement of heat transfer
For electric power generation, the solar organic Rank- [52, 53]. Recently a PCM-based direct vapour generation
ine cycle(ORC) is advantageous when compared to that of solar ORC is developed [54]. For the transmission of heat
photovoltaic(PV) systems since it can be possible to inte- to the system, an array of flat plate collectors was used, the
grate solar ORC with the TES equipment to store higher PCM storage tank being coupled to it for power generation.
amounts of heat energy in thermal rather than in electric With this system, it could be possible to improve the ORC
form. In addition, TES offers so many advantages than the efficiency, system efficiency and net power output by 0.57%,
commercial batteries as the former is currently cheaper and 0.44% and 1.73 kW, respectively.
has longer usable lifetime. PCMs application in solar pho- Various solar ORC systems using different PCMs have
tovoltaic (PV) systems enhance the electrical efficiency in been developed by researchers. For solar ORC plants,
addition to the improvement in thermal energy utilization with the given configuration, the operating temperature of
[46]. The selection criterion of a PCM for PV applications 200–230°C will be more favourable since there are several
primarily considers the melting point of PCM based on PV PCM materials available in this range. Table 3 shows the
material and climatic conditions. Most studies found that materials and their properties such as melting temperature
25–35°C is the suitable melting point for PV applications. (Tm), solidification temperature (Ts) and heat of fusion (Hm),
The use of high latent heat PCMs can help PCMs hold the suitable in the above temperature range. Solar salt (40%
surface temperature of PV constantly for longer duration. KNO3 and 60% N ANO3) is the most suitable in the above
Paraffin can be the most promising with good thermal sta- range of temperature whose melting point is 220°C [55].
bility over several cycles [47]. It was found that PV-effi- Sugar alcohol (SA) is another such material which is most
ciency reduces due to high operating temperatures in hot promising for medium temperature applications owing to its
climates. This can be countered by the combined effect of high storage capacity, higher heat of fusion and being safe.
PCMs with nanofluids. The combined active and passive Despite these advantages it is expensive and has high amount
cooling techniques can help reduce the PV-cell temperatures of hysteresis equal to 30–40°C at phase change temperature
thereby enhancing the PV-efficiency. It was reported that [56]. However, further studies are needed to improve the life
the integration of water-based hybrid photovoltaic/thermal time of it by conducting more number of melting/freezing
(PV/T) systems with the PCM can improve the PV-efficiency cycles. Moreover the oxygen present in it is another issue to
by 32% while with the nanofluid-based PV/T systems the be considered, since SA reacts with oxygen and its preven-
improvement is 60%. Electrical power generation capacity tion involves either vacuum or nitrogen atmosphere. The
and PV-efficiency can further be improved by a combina- use of salt mixtures encapsulated into small capsules could
tion of nanofluid and nano-PCM [48]. Furqan [49],
reported that the best performance of PV panel was observed
at 0.5 wt% of nanomaterial in graphene nanoplatelets/PT-58 Table 3 The properties of the PCM materials suitable for small solar
nano-PCM. With this material combination, the maximum ORC plants [61]
reduction in PV-cell temperature was nearly 10°C while the Phase change material Tm (°C) Ts (°C) Hm (J/g)
increase in electrical efficiency was around 12% when com-
60 wt.% N aNO3 + 4O wt. % KNO3 221 221 96
pared to that of conventional PV panels. The solar ORC
46.7 wt.% NaNO3 + 40 wt.% KNO3 221 221 100
system equipped with PCM storage is capable of produc-
87.3 wt.% NaNO2 + 12.7 wt.% NaOH 232 232 252
ing 20% extra electrical power when compared to that of
39 wt.% NaNO2 + 61 wt.% NaOH 237 227 294
solar ORC system using water as the medium. For these
Myo-inositol 224 192 260
systems, hydrated salts are the better candidates than the
Tin 232 232 60
organic PCMs due to their higher volumetric heat capacity
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44:6 Page 7 of 17 6
improve the energy density by nearly 50% due to the fact that 4 Novel PCMs
nearly 90% of the salt in capsules undergoes phase change.
However, the main limitation with encapsulated salts is the Based on the literature, it was observed that the research on
requirement of a void inside the shell to allow for the expan- the conventional PCMs focussed on two aspects: (1) The
sion of salt when it is heated above 550°C [57]. Moreover, focus on the simple organic and inorganic compounds lead-
the thermal conductivity of solar salt is quite low which ing to their commercialization, which however, suffer from
causes problems in completing the thermal energy charging the drawbacks of low energy density and lower overall per-
and discharging at the required rate [58, 59]. This can be formance, limiting their application to a very narrow range,
addressed by using metal inserts which will enhance the heat and (2) The focus of selection criteria on thermo-physical
transfer process in LHTESS. The use of aluminium fins in properties not including other properties such as health haz-
solar ORC system can be advantageous than the steel ones ards, thermal cycling and reactivity with the outside envi-
as the former results in lower temperature gradient across ronment. The focus of the researchers for the development
the latent heat thermal storage system [60]. of novel PCMs mainly relies on the improvement of energy
The long-term storage materials are essentially required density and overall performance, long-term storage (thermal
to meet the seasonal variation of solar energy which is an energy conservation) and eco-friendly PCMs and the novel
intermittent and variable source. PCMs with two phase strategies to make them usable in wide range of applications.
change temperatures can be a potential solution to overcome The researchers have developed several new class of
this drawback. PCMs for wide range of applications such as microencap-
sulated PCMs, composite PCMs, composite PCMs with two
phase transition temperatures etc.,
3.5 PCMs for cryogenic storage
4.1 Microencapsulated phase change materials
Salt hydrates as inorganic PCMs have certain benefits such
as higher heat storage capacity, suitable cold storage tem- Microencapsulated PCMs (MPCM) are prepared by the dis-
perature and being non-flammable making them a better persion of PCM particles in the carrier fluid, that is, encap-
candidate for cold storage applications when compared to sulating the PCM into hermetically sealed tiny containers
that of organic PCMs. The conventional methods such as so that it can be possible to a shape for solid–liquid PCMs.
ice storage and water storage cannot achieve the temperature The product that results from this packaging technology is
of cold storage as it is in the range of − 20 to − 30°C. The called as microcapsule. Microencapsulation of core mate-
PCMs in these applications need to be with the lower phase rial can be effective not only in reducing the reactivity of
change temperatures, which however, reduce the latent heat core material but also promotes the controlled release of
of phase change. This can be addressed by the addition of core material. Also core material can be handled and stored
inorganic salts to the water which helps reduce the phase with ease [66]. Figure 4 [67] shows how a PCM core is
change temperature of cold storage material without affect- contained in a microcapsule. The basic requirements for the
ing its phase change latent heat. The advents in technologies better encapsulation of PCMs include the formation of shell
for grid scale thermal storage such as liquid air energy stor-
age (LAES) and pumped thermal electricity storage (PTES)
can potentially address the issues of intermittency and insta-
bility as far as electricity generation from renewable energy
sources is concerned. Cryogenic temperature cold storage
is a promising technology to improve the performance of
both LEAS and PTES [61–63]. For cryogenic temperature
storage, microencapsulated PCM slurries (MEPCMS) can
be a viable option. MEPCMSs can combine the advantages
of PCMs and liquid sensible energy storage materials and
can serve as both heat transport and thermal storage media
[64]. Several PCM materials have been tested for cryogenic
storage applications. 2-Methylpentane owing to its high heat
of fusion, chemical stability and low temperature vapour
pressure proves to be a candidate in the low temperature in
the range of 115 to 120 K [65]. MethylCycloPentane (MCP-
C6H12) is another such PCM that can be useful at low tem-
perature as low as 150 K [22]. Fig. 4 A PCM core contained in a typical microcapsule [67]
6 Page 8 of 17 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44:6
surrounding the core of the PCM, the shell formed should direct blending and impregnation methods. They reported
prevent the leakage of PCM when melted and there should that the liquid phase leaked when the weight percentage of
not be any impurities in the core/shell system. Moreover, PEG in composite was higher (above 80%). It was also found
the synthesized nano/micro capsules should be capable of that the composite could maintain thermal stability up to
withstanding the mechanical and thermal stresses to which 250°C. The phase change temperatures of PEG/AC PCMs
they are subjected to. The classification of capsules such as showed an increase with increase in PEG molecular weights
nano, micro and macro is based on their size and shape of (PEG weight percentage being constant), while the phase
capsules produced. change enthalpies increased first and then decreased with an
MPCMs are capable of storing and releasing large quanti- increase in PEG molecular weights. However, the molecular
ties of thermal energy with minimal rise in temperature. The weight of PEG should be chosen as per the requirements of
several advantages with these include large thermal energy the ambient temperature. The main limitation of the PEG/
storage potential, higher specific heat capacity, reduced reac- AC composite is the detrimental effect of porous support
tivity with outside environment, controlled volume changes on crystallization and phase change enthalpies which are
during phase transition and higher heat transfer rates at iso- crucial for maintaining the composite PCM in solid state.
thermal conditions. For the preparation of microcapsules, Solid–solid PCMs present some advantages when compared
wide variety of synthesis techniques have been developed to that of solid–liquid PCMs in that it is possible to achieve
by various researchers. These include emulsion polymeriza- shape-stability without any encapsulation, in addition, they
tion, in-situ polymerization, pickering emulsion polymeri- also retain bulk solid properties over a range of tempera-
zation, interfacial polymerization, sol–gel and microfluidic tures. The high enthalpies (15–270 J/g) of polyalcohols dur-
technique. ing their solid–solid phase transitions are an example for this
Form-stable phase change materials (FSPCM) can resolve class of materials [73].
the problem of leakage in solid–liquid phase transition pro- The limitations of microencapsulation of both organic
cess. The main advantage of this encapsulation is it can pre- and inorganic PCMs include supercoiling and crystalliza-
vent paraffin leakage effectively. However, since the weight tion confinement which will slow down the thermal response
percent of paraffin cannot be more than 85% and moreover thereby reduce the charging and discharging efficiency.
as the latent heat of paraffin composite PCM is dependent on Moreover, there lacks well-established synthesis methods
the weight percent of paraffin in the composite, the reduction to design core–shell structures when inorganic shells are
in latent heat is a disadvantage. used with inorganic PCMs. This will result in corrosion from
Conductive filler with reduced volume in phase change inorganic PCMs on the shell material with the consequent
composites is a viable solution for improving the thermal reduction in heat storage capacity. Also there is a need to
performance and energy density of PCMs. A form-sta- establish standard testing methods to test the properties such
ble PCM (FSPCM) is a composite material that contains as multicycle thermal circulating performance, crack dam-
solid–liquid PCM for thermal energy storage and a sup- age stress and anti-osmosis property [74].
porting material to maintain the solid shape of the FSPCM.
As far as the cost of encapsulation and enhancement in 4.2 PCMs derived from renewable and sustainable
the conductivity of PCMs are concerned, form-stabilized sources
(shape- stabilized) PCMs and composite PCMs can be the
most promising techniques [68].The phase change proper- The negative environmental footprint of conventional PCM
ties of FSPCMs lie between the solid–liquid and solid–solid materials drives and motivates the researchers towards the
PCMs. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) has been investigated development of Tropical tree fruit oils such as allanblackia,
by several researchers to form the shape-stabilized phase shea butter and palm kernel oils were recently investigated
change materials as they exhibited better storage capabilities as PCMs for TES applications [75]. It was found that these
[69]. PEG can be used as a solid–liquid PCM since it has oils were thermally stable and allanblackia in particular can
superior properties such as high latent heat of fusion, suit- be used as a PCM for thermal energy storage provided its
able melting point(3.2 to 68.7°C), low vapour pressure when oxidative stability is improved. To improve the oxidative
melted and being chemically stable. The phase transition stability, it is required to modify these oils to convert them
temperature, latent heat and mechanical properties of PEG into fatty acids and their corresponding esters. Wood offers
are strongly dependent on its molecular weight [70] which is several advantages, firstly it is a natural porous material and
evident from the wide ranges of melting point, heat of melt- secondly it is cheap and abundantly available. It is most
ing and the degree of crystallinity of PEG being given as 1 widely used as a building material and furniture structural
to 660C, 165 to 189.7 J/g and 83.8 to 96.4%, respectively, material for several years [76]. A novel PCM/wood com-
depending on molecular weight [71]. Feng [72], pre- posite was prepared by Barreneche [77] by incorporat-
pared the PEG and active carbon (AC) composite PCM with ing paraffin wax into wood with an intent of regulating the
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44:6 Page 9 of 17 6
indoor temperature of buildings. They prepared composite (Tc) of PCMs [82]. Huang [83], studied the phase
with direct impregnation of PCM into wood, which how- transition behaviour of octadecanol/carbon aerogels by
ever, failed due to leakage. Another such composite is pre- infiltrating the octadecanol into aerogel. They observed
pared by Lin [78], by incorporating graphene aerogel that the disturbance of aerogel on the crystal structure of
encapsulated PEG as phase change material into wood for PCM induced by nanoconfinement influenced the phase
use in building indoor comfort requirements. The thermal change behaviour of phase change process, and as a result,
conductivity of prepared composite is nearly 274% higher solid–solid and solid–liquid phase change occurred at
than that of pure wood. Recently incorporating PCM into lower temperature. They reported that the composite had
porous media to prevent the leakage of liquid state PCMs a high energy capacity than the pure PCM. However, the Tc
has been an active area of research due to several benefits of nanoconfined PCM is fixed being strongly influenced by
offered by them such as large surface area and low density. the composition of PCM and nano-structured host material
In addition, the feature of porous material to hold the PCMs and hence their phase responds passively to the changing
in pores by capillarity making them an excellent substrate is ambient temperature. The improved thermal conductivity
another advantage with them [79]. PCMs using porous car- and phase change enthalpy (which corresponds to energy
bon materials, such as graphite, expanded graphite, graphene density) are the two important parameters that make the
oxide, carbon nanospheres, and carbon nanotubes (CNT) graphene-aerogel-based phase change composites an
are analysed by various studies for their properties. Among attractive materials for thermal storage applications. More-
these porous carbon materials, graphene and CNT are the over, the graphene-aerogel-based phase change composites
most promising candidates for the development of compos- due to their graphene porous network also exhibit the good
ite PCMs that offer highest performance. However, there performance as electric conductors allowing them to be
are limitations associated with graphene and CNT that they used in electrical-thermal conversion and storage. How-
involve complex preparation and difficult pore regulation. ever, there are certain drawbacks such as easily reopening
Wang [80], prepared a phase change energy stor- of porous network under the external strike can cause PCM
age wood (PCESW) by incorporating microPCM into balsa leakage [84]. Recent study by Mitran [85]. shows
wood using vacuum impregnation method. Balsa wood that the porous silica nanomaterials are most promising to
has low density and high porosity, its porosity is further improve the properties of PCMs such as long-term stor-
improved by delignification using a solution consisting age capacity, heat storage capacity, thermal conductivity
of sodium hydroxide and sodium sulphite. Moreover its and thermal reliability. Moreover, silica-based PCMs offer
energy storage capacity is increased by adding graphene. some advantages in terms of the properties such as thermal
This PCESW can be effectively used for indoor tempera- and chemical stability when compared to that of pristine-
ture regulation in building energy conservation. However, based PCMs.
due to the poor connectivity of the wood pores and big size It was found that the nanoparticle enhanced PCMs (NeP-
of microPCM, uneven distribution of microPCM resulted, CMs) exhibited improved thermal conductivity, that is, 0.1
leading to the inhomogeneous heat transmission of wood. wt% of nano dispersion could result in an improvement of
Moreover, thermal stability decreased when temperature 55% in thermal conductivity. These PCMs can be utilized
was increased above 1000C due to the decomposition of in wide range of applications such as cold storage applica-
both microPCM core material and wall material. Recently tions, solar collectors and in Li-ion batteries. However, there
Parvate [81] developed microPCM by encapsulation are no studies related to the optimal concentration of NeP-
of hexadecane PCM with titanium oxide ( TiO2) nanoparti- CMs that will address the issue of inconsistency in the latent
cles. They found that 2.6 wt% of TiO2 resulted in maximum heat of the NePCMs [86]. Moreover, there are compatibility
phase change enthalpy of 174 J/g and an encapsulation effi- problems between PCM and the additive used, since coagu-
ciency of 76.6%. The developed microPCM could maintain lation of nanoparticles after some cycles of melting–freez-
thermal stability over 100 melting–freezing cycles. These ing processes may be the reason. To counter this, magneti-
microPCMs can be effectively used in applications such as cally stirring was proposed by Dao-Yu Sun [87]. They
biomedical filed, residential buildings in polluted area and used a magnetic bed embedded in the container that is filled
solar energy storage in industrial establishments. with liquid octadecanol. A rotating magnetic field is used
to induce the forced convection heat transfer of the fluid
4.3 Nanoconfinement of organic PCMs (octadecanol) used which resulted in an improvement in
heat transfer from liquid phase to solid phase. Alizadeh
Nanoconfinement of organic PCMs in porous materials [88] studied the single-walled carbon nanotubes(SWCNT)
such as graphene, graphene oxide and carbon aerogels to remedy the shortcoming of low thermal conductivity of
has been investigated by some researchers to improve the PCMs which increases the undesirable solidification time.
thermal conductivity and to shift the crystallization point They used 4% SWCNT-enhanced PCM in LHTESS and
6 Page 10 of 17 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44:6
reported that there is a reduction time of 61.54% in full low viscosity and being stable at high temperatures and can
solidification time(FST) when compared to the pure PCM. be effectively used to store thermal energy at high tempera-
tures of nearly 6000C, mostly suitable in concentrated solar
4.4 Form‑stabilized PCMs with Gelators power (CSP) applications [94]. The change in enthalpy
of the prepared composite PCM is negligible, that is the
Wu [89] prepared FSPCMs by introducing gelator into enthalpies of melting and freezing were dropped by 5.89
paraffin. Their results show that the phase change tempera- and 8.48%, respectively, after 500 cycles. A novel compos-
tures for both melting and freezing before thermal cycling ite PCM was prepared by Huang [95], by adding gra-
were 58.7 and 52.0°C, while they were 58.3 and 52.6°C after phene oxide (GO) to melted disodium hydrogen phosphate
thermal cycling, respectively. And also latent heat of fusion dodecahydrate (DHDP), N a2HPO4.12H2O and impregnated
and latent heat of freezing varied slightly due to repeated it into expanded vermiculite(EV). The addition of 0.2 wt.%
thermal cycling meaning that the composite PCM is capable of GO resulted in an improvement in latent heat from 167
of maintaining the stable phase change temperatures and to 229 J/g.
enthalpies over multicycle phase transition. Recently the
immobilization of bio-based ambient temperature PCM via 4.6 Metal‑salt hydrates
gelation is tried [90]. For this purpose, two organogelators
with different chemistry were used. Combining the two gela- To provide the stability and controllable high energy den-
tors showed a strong synergistic effect with higher modulus sity to PCM, different methods have been proposed by vari-
and yield strength than that of each of the gelators. There is ous researchers. The higher volumetric energy densities of
no much difference in thermal behaviour of the blended one metal-salt hydrates such as barium hydroxide octahydrate,
when compared to the individual ones; however, blending (Ba(OH) 2·8H 2O) and stranium hydroxide octahydrate
affected crystalline morphology. Zhang [91], prepared (Sr(OH)2·8H2O) make them attractive PCMs with extremely
gelatinous shape-stabilized PCMs by incorporating polyol high enthalpies of fusion, i.e., 644 kJ/L at 78°C and 703 kJ/L
acetal derivatives into paraffin. The PCM is not only a low at 89°C, respectively. However, there are no studies on these
molecular weight material but also showed high heat storage materials determining their exact structural and chemical
density. Moreover, the PCM is of solid-gel nature, thus the features that result in high energy density [96, 97]. The inter-
leakage is also minimal. With this kind of PCMs, it could action between the H 2O molecules and hydroxide anions
be possible to maintain the paraffin weight as high as 94%. results in dense hydrogen bond networks which are crucial
for the relatively large volumetric enthalpies of fusion [98,
4.5 Composite PCM with two phase transition 99]. Based on the literature, it was observed that paraffins
temperatures undergo sharp, reversible melting transitions with low volu-
metric energy density [100, 101], while metal-salt hydrates
Most of the PCMs considered for improving the efficiency although they undergo phase transitions with higher volu-
of solar heating systems work for some specific conditions metric energy density, yet they have the issues related to
only; however, in case of year-round applications, the PCM phase separation and supercooling.
with single melting point cannot fulfil the requirements
and thus there is a need to develop the PCM materials that 4.7 Metal organic PCMs
have two melting points since the temperature in evacuated
tube collector is high in summer while it is low in winter as Intermolecular interactions, hydrogen bonding in particular,
the solar radiation intensity varies and as well the ambient play a vital role as they govern the phase change processes
temperature varies [90]. Wu [92], prepared a novel and control the phase transition temperatures and thermal
composite PCM, CA62 (a combination of capric acid and energy densities by tuning these interactions. The unique
#62 paraffin) which can reach two different phase transition feature of metal organic PCMs is that they have varied range
temperatures (PTTs) and potentially be of use for seasonal of modular and tunable structures allowing them to be con-
thermal energy storage. This composite PCM with two trolled through proper ligand design and directional coordi-
solid–liquid points can also be useful in other applications nation bonds thereby leading to the study of thermodynam-
such as heat storage in the walls of passive air-conditioning ics and kinetics of phase transitions [102]. The metal organic
of the room. PCMs require a ligand to form a dense hydrogen bond. Sev-
Recent study shows that PCMs were prepared by molten eral materials are available such as sugar alcohols (SA) and
salt/expanded graphite FSPCMs [93]. Molten salts, obtained urea that can form a dense hydrogen bond. However, there
from fusion of inorganic salt, are most promising fluids for are limitations associated with both urea and SA. While urea
storage of sensible and latent heat. These fluids have better decomposes very rapidly when it melts making it unsuit-
properties such as low vapour pressure, high heat capacity, able for reversible thermal energy storage, the additional
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44:6 Page 11 of 17 6
requirements of sugar alcohols on the other hand to pre- superior properties such as high specific surface area, poros-
vent their reaction with oxygen present in them make them ity, structural diversity and tunability, can be effectively used
unsuitable for energy storage. McGillicuddy [103], for variety of applications. These MOFs can be used as the
developed metal organic PCMs that can undergo tunable matrix in the preparation of shape-stabilized PCMs. The
high-enthalpy melting transitions over a wide range of tem- novel fatty acid composite, MIL-101-NH2 which has highest
peratures while maintaining high energy density. They used latent heat of 120.53 J/G, can be utilized for low temperature
N-methylurea (MeUr) as a ligand since it has high hydrogen storage. The fatty acids such as stearic acid, palmitic acid,
bond network and does not decompose. The significant con- myristic acid and lauric acid can be more promising in the
tributions of this work made it possible to manipulate the low temperature storage applications [108]. Pristine MOFs,
enthalpy and entropy of phase transitions of the TES with pristine composites and their derivatives are among the
the chemical intuition they developed and the same can also MOFs being developed. Pristine is the notable among these
be extended to other class of metal organic PCMs. However, materials. However, the higher price of MOFs when com-
this study has not focussed on the property corrosivity of the pared to that of other traditional porous supporting materials
developed metal organic PCMs which renders it a potential is a main limitation and also the thermal conductivity of
thermal energy storage material. Most importantly this study pristine-based composite PCMs is low [109].
lacks the findings related to supercooling between melting
and crystallization transitions which determines the suitabil- 4.10 PCM slurries
ity of the PCMs in so many thermal storage applications.
The thermal conductivity of PCMs is low particularly when
4.8 Composite PCMs with metal foams it solidifies on the surface of heat transfer. A phase change
slurry(PCS) is capable of serving the twin goals: one as a
Metal foams present themselves as thermal conductivity thermal storage medium and the other as a heat transfer fluid.
boosters and are being used in several applications because PCM slurry typically consists of small microencapsulated
they have high porosity, continuous connective strength and PCM particles suspended in a carrier fluid that enhances the
better mechanical strength. The composite PCMs were pre- heat transfer to the PCM. The PCM slurry can be defined
pared by metal foams using a combination of paraffin, nickel as a combination of the carrier fluid (capable of transfer-
and paraffin, copper and paraffin/copper foam with vacuum ring thermal energy from a hot medium to cold one thereby
impregnation method. From these findings it was found that maintaining the stable performance of the device) and sus-
the composite based on paraffin-nickel exhibited three times pended PCM. The use of PCM slurries as working fluids in
higher thermal conductivity than that of pure paraffin. The place of water for photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) systems has
presence of metal foam resulted in a shift in phase change been studied by various researchers. With this new concept,
temperature slightly [104]. The thermal conductivity of it could be possible to produce both sensible heat and latent
materials with the porosities of 96.95, 92.31, 88.89%, was heat rather than only sensible heat storage with the con-
enhanced by 13, 31 and 44%, respectively [105]. Though the sequent improvement in thermal performance of the PV/T
temperature distribution of paraffin/copper foam composite system [110].The PCSs in refrigeration and air-condition-
PCMs was more uniform when compared to pure paraffin, ing applications are capable of increasing thermal storage
however, the porous copper structure hampered the flow capacity, enhance the heat transfer rate and positive phase
of liquid paraffin with the consequent reduction in natural change temperatures that can occur at low pressures. Thus
convection in the composite PCM than that of pure paraf- they increase the energy efficiency and reduce the thermal
fin[106]. Xiang [107], prepared the composite PCMs fluid circulation [111]. Structurally the nanoencapsulated
by mixing two types of exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets PCM slurries are more stable than that of micron counter-
(xGnP-1 and xGnP-15) with the paraffin wax. The results part. Moreover in the nanoencapsulated PCM slurries, the
show that the thermal conductivity of composite containing resistance to heat transfer can be reduced by the unsuccess-
xGnP-15 is much higher than that of xGnP-1. Latent heat ful close contact between the nanoparticles and heat transfer
and thermal stability also increased slightly with the addi- fluid [112]. In microchannel heat sinks, the use of nanoen-
tion of xGnP. capsulated PCM slurries not only enhances the thermal
capacity but also enhances thermal conductivity. The silica
4.9 Metal organic framework based PCMs nanoencapsulated indium PCM slurry is most promising in
this class of materials since the silica shell used can pre-
Metal organic framework (MOF)-based PCMs are another vent both the leakage of liquid indium and agglomeration
class of composite PCMs which is hybrid organic–inorganic of nanocapsules at elevated temperatures [113]. However,
porous crystalline materials derived from organic linkers with increase in PCM mass fraction, the heat capacity of
and metal-containing nodes. These composites, due to their nanoencapsulated PCM slurry reduces since the PCM has
6 Page 12 of 17 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44:6
lower sensible heat capacity than that of carrier fluid. Thus, dopants into PCMs and cryogenic treatment of PCMs are the
a single PCM cannot be more effective in these applications novel approaches in this regard.
and necessitates the use of multiple PCMs with different
melting points. 5.1 Treating PCMs with photo‑switching dopants
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44:6 Page 13 of 17 6
release the stored latent heat (nearly 200 J/g) for a minimum 2. The novel approaches such as optical control of PCMs
of 10 h at temperatures well below the original crystalliza- by doping them with azobenzene dopants and cyclic cry-
tion temperature. Figure 5 [117] demonstrates the strategy ogenic treatment by liquid nitrogen can be most prom-
how the crystallization point (Tc) of organic PCM can be ising methods to improve the properties and long-term
optically triggerable. The PCM (whose melting point, tm storage capacity of PCMs.
is in the range of 10 to 70°C) melts first, while azoben- 3. The potential of phase change slurries to serve the two
zene dopants (tm = 73°C) get aggregated and dispersed in purposes, one as a thermal storage medium and the other
the melted PCM. The activation of trans-Azo dopants to as a heat transfer fluid can effectively improve the ther-
isomerize into cis can be done by the UV illumination on mal performance of PV/T systems.
suspension. When compared to the trans form, the cis rep- 4. The solid–solid PCMs such as polyalcohols can achieve
resents higher polarity and steric bulk. ΔTc represents the shape-stability without encapsulation and possess high
range of temperature over which liquid phase heat storage enthalpies.
material is stabilized without any heat loss resulting from
solidification. The activation caused by UV illumination on The future research should focus on
the suspension results in the isomerization of dopants. The
stored heat can be released when the reverse isomerization 1. Hybrid PCMs that can be utilized for both electric and
caused by optical triggering with visible light. thermal applications.
However, there are limitations related to use of UV radia- 2. Composite PCMs for solar-to-thermal energy storage.
tion that it will reduce the lifetime of organic and polymeric 3. The appropriate methods to investigate possible degra-
PCMs and even damage biological components. This can be dation mechanisms of PCMs for use in long-term energy
resolved by investigating the materials that show visible or storage applications.
infra-red (IR) light induced solid–liquid transitions. Moreo- 4. Fabrication of microcapsules with hybrid shells strong
ver, further studies are needed to test the long-term stability enough to store higher thermal energy with long-term
and reversibility of photo-switching composites to enable storage capacity.
their use in wide range of applications. 5. The photo-thermal effect of PCMs encapsulated with
nanoparticle coatings to develop materials for sustain-
5.2 Cryogenic treatment of PCMs able energy applications such as heat loss reduction in
commercial buildings.
The cryogenic treatment of PCMs is another approach,
though it is applied to tool steels to enhance their properties,
it is a newly discovered strategy for improvement of PCM
properties. Trivedi [118] adopted a novel approach of Declarations
cryogenically treating (treating with liquid nitrogen ( N2) at
− 192°C) followed by cyclic cryogenic and heat treatment Conflict of interest The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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PCM with melamine formaldehyde as the shell material.
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