A Review On Nanofluid, Phase Change Material and Machine Learning Applications For Thermal Management of Hydrogen Storage in Metal Hydrides
A Review On Nanofluid, Phase Change Material and Machine Learning Applications For Thermal Management of Hydrogen Storage in Metal Hydrides
A Review On Nanofluid, Phase Change Material and Machine Learning Applications For Thermal Management of Hydrogen Storage in Metal Hydrides
Handling Editor: Dr M Mahdi Najafpour This review is generally about some significant applications related to thermal management of hydrogen storage
in metal hydrides. First, the importance of hydrogen energy is given. Second, an introductive piece of infor
Keywords: mation about metal hydrides is given and the significance of metal hydride usage in hydrogen storage is dis
Hydrogen storage cussed. In the next chapter, the concept of nanofluid usage in regard to thermal management of hydrogen storage
Metal hydrides
in metal hydrides is given. Later, one of the thermal management techniques of hydrogen storage in metal hy
Thermal management
drides, PCM (phase change material) usage, is discussed with studies related to the subjects in literature. Finally,
PCM different applications of machine learning in thermal management of hydrogen storage in metal hydrides are
Machine learning considered. It has been shown that thermal control for hydrogen storage in metal hydrides may be effectively
achieved by employing nanofluids based on nanoparticles that have been carefully chosen for the system.
Generally, Al2O3, CuO, MgO, Fe2O3, GO, GO-SiO2, and GO-TiO2 nanoparticles are used.in metal hydride
storage thermal management system. The nanoparticle type and its loading amount are among the most
important parameters that affect the improved performance of the hydrogen storage in metal hydrides. The
quantity, melting temperature, thickness, thermal conductivity, depth of usage, and volume dispersion of PCMs
are the fundamental parameters that are investigated in the studies for optimal values, taking into account
additional parameters related to the metal hydride reactor systems, such as supply pressure, inlet velocity,
temperature, etc. In order to get a faster response and a more compact hydrogen system, it is necessary to identify
the ideal PCM thickness. Up to a certain degree, the hydrogen storage system benefits from PCM’s higher thermal
conductivity. The majority of machine learning research have been conducted to evaluate various characteristics
and assess the potential of appropriate materials, metal hydrides, metals, material combinations, etc. for
hydrogen storage. The findings of the studies under discussion have confirmed that machine learning is an
effective, realistic means of predicting the parameters influencing hydrogen storage processes without sacrificing
any of the drawbacks of experimental methods, such as high costs and lengthy search times. Future research
should take into account more experimental investigations as well as a cost analysis of employing nanofluids and
1. Introduction significance of the issue [1–3]. A vast amount of energy (at rate of 80%)
expended by the population of the world is supplied by oil, natural gas
Energy is a crucial crux in the world and it is a big necessity in order and coal [3–7] Since 1950, the continuous intentions of people for more
to fulfill almost all actions related to our lives. Despite the fact that there energy in order to advance the standards of their living and the growing
has been an increment in energy crisis, we underestimate the population of the earth have been escalating the demand for energy. The
* Corresponding author. Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Sharjah, 27272, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
E-mail address: hakanfoztop@firat.edu.tr (H.F. Öztop).
Received 11 February 2024; Received in revised form 11 April 2024; Accepted 18 April 2024
Available online 3 May 2024
0360-3199/© 2024 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Şenol et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 68 (2024) 1178–1208
energy expenditure of the world seems to come to a peak point in 2035 sustainability which leads to energy and expense savings. Electricity
and the world’s economical state is foreseen to go through a long period distribution and support sector and transport sector are the possible
of crisis after 2040 [3,7–11] On a large scale, great world economies areas where energy storage systems can be completely employed [32,
count on petrifaction fuels. Nevertheless, the subjection to this kind of 33]. Energy storage systems improve the power plant and also prohibits
energy source has a risky place in today’s economy leading to a increase in cost [34]. Energy storage system could easily considered as a
worldwide challenge since they are declining rapidly [6–8,12–14] It’s regulator which control the undulations of electricity from renewable
been prognosticated that the valid petrifaction fuel reserves have a energy sources. There are numerous energy storage systems which can
capability of providing oil, natural gas and coal for a period of 40,60 and be used like compressed air energy storage, frill wheel energy storage,
156 years respectively [15]. The world faced a severe economic crisis pumped hydro energy storage, cell energy storage etc. The technologies
when energy prices rose [16]. It is projected that the increase in oil of energy storage systems can be used for different kinds of usage based
prices will continue given the validity of the expenditure and that, if on their characteristic features like: energy and power intensity, time of
immediate action isn’t taken, they will eventually run out [6,14]. response, expense and scales of economy, service life, surveillance and
Environmental effects have also been considered [1,3,6,10,13,14, control equipment, proficiency and operating limitation [34–36].
17–19]. Based on this problem, in order to come up with an environ An appropriate energy storage system should have some specified
mentally friendly, inexpensive and a sustainable energy source, the re features.
searchers have been studying to find a sustainable energy [7,10,14,19,
20,21]. The permanent energy has to have the features for: ➢ Superior gravimetric and volumetric energy and power volume
➢ Providing safety of energy, ➢ Easy opening and combining with renewable energy sources and the
➢ Inception for the usage of permanent regional energy resources, available energy netting
➢ Decrease in the amount of separated CO2 worldwide, ➢ High energy proficiency
➢ Crucial development of air quality in cities, ➢ Being economically viable for storing great amount of energy
➢ Formation a fundament for new energy in industry and technology ➢ Long lifetime and credibility of the systems and elements
[1,12]. ➢ Safe for operation [26,37,38].
Based on the searches depending on various considerations hydrogen The comparison between different types of energy storage systems is
energy revealed itself as a good candidate to be a promising permanent given on Table 1. Batteries are mostly used for short-term storage pro
energy. cess. On the other hand for longer-term energy storage processes, they
The positive factors combining hydrogen energy with power systems might not be a good choice since they have low density for energy
have been performed in final years with a wide separation of production, storage and inevitable self-unloading [39]. From this point, energy
storage, and re-electrification to security topics. Researchers are still storage systems depending on hydrogen technologies are one of the most
studying the hydrogen energy issue to clarify the relation between it and exciting choices [39,40]. In hydrogen storage systems, excessive elec
the recent models [22]. There has been a wide concurrence that the tricity can be transformed to hydrogen through an electrolyzing device
creation of hydrogen from renewable energy resources is hopeful for the and kept in pressured tanks. The hydrogen kept in tanks can be used
world’s need for permanent energy [23]. Chi et al. [24], showed that later to create electricity in a fuel cell in the way Cau et al. [37],
changing the hydrogen creation by extensile electricity could improve explained.
the interconversion of electricity and hydrogen and magnify the Thermal management has a substantial role in systems where heat
hydrogen usage. The effects of adding hydrogen on the gas substructure transfer phenomenon takes place. Including different devices and ap
and gas quality have been searched [25]. Since most power-to-gas plants plications related to heat transfer issue like electronics, electric ma
are set in places far away from extensile energy resources, it calls for the chines, batteries, LED applications, mobile phones, and temperature rise
fact that the created hydrogen must be stored and sent to the gas negatively affects the processes at some point. The temperature change
transportation system. Thus, studies have been performed to enhance during the process is also a significant issue in hydrogen storage. For
storage capacity of hydrogen [26]. Abe et al. [27], marked the fact that instance, for storage one of the alternatives is to compress hydrogen to
further studies should be performed on hydrogen storage since valid high level of pressure. The most known method to store hydrogen is to
hydrogen storage capability technologies weren’t technically and compress it into gas cylinders made of steel under a pressure with a level
economically good enough for applicability. The safety and trans up to 700 bar [41]. One of the topics which should be considered during
portation issue of hydrogen storage have been searched [28]. Some re hydrogen compression is the heat transfer process. Due to temperature
vises have approved the interfering hydrogen in numerous power rise inside the hydrogen storage tank, compound disruption may occur
systems. For instance, Mazloomi et al. [29], discussed the hopes and and lead to a vigorous result. In order to make an attempt to solve this
obstacles of hydrogen as an energy carrier explaining valid hydrogen problem, studies on thermal conductivity materials and constructive
technologies and expense issues. Hanley et al. [30], searched the role of design have been performed to enhance heat transfer [42,43].
hydrogen in the economy for the future considering eight hydrogen
based power systems. Parra et al. [31], studied the valid improvement of 2. Hydrogen energy and storage
hydrogen energy system considering expense, product, usage and con
trol methods. Hydrogen energy is a pure energy which is considered as environ
There are basically four kinds of usage of combining hydrogen with mentally friendly. Hydrogen energy is used in fuel cells in order to create
power systems. electricity or it’s burnt to produce thermal energy. Water is produced in
two different cases. One of the critical issues about hydrogen is the
➢ Energy storage technology in which it’s produced since it could have some vaguely
➢ Power-to-gas system detrimental effects on the environment if its production is performed
➢ Fuel cell co and tri-generation using petrifaction fuels. It could be harmless to the environment if
➢ Transportation renewable energy sources are utilized in its production and thus it turns
out to be extremely extensile and sustainable. When hydrogen is used for
Considering the first subtopic as one of the highlights of this article, storing energy, the electricity is converted into hydrogen. This process is
hydrogen energy has a significant role in this issue. As the European called as electrolysis. The hydrogen stored could be simply re-electrified
Commission emphasized, energy storage holds the key in success for in fuel cells with a proficiency of about %50 or in order to be burnt in gas
G. Şenol et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 68 (2024) 1178–1208
Table 1
Comparison between different types of energy storage systems [37].
Technology Capital cost($/kWh) Durability(Year) Power density (W kg− 1) Gravimetric energy density(Wh kg− 1) Energy efficiency (%)
power periods with a proficiency of %60 [44,45]. generation of electricity with fuel cell usage since the only thing that
Energy market has three primary objectives as stationary, trans occurs during this generation process is water itself [63]. Hydrogen
portation and portable applications which include hydrogen. Utilization unignorably has a potential of energy storage on the contrary to most
of transport need superior gravimetric and volumetric ability, clement other energy sources. The energy obtained per unit mass is three times
temperature and pressure during the process, fast kinetics, less amount more than the energy gained from gasoline [64]. There are also different
of heat during the lifting and release process, multi period reversibility, ways of creating hydrogen from different sources like water, oil, gas etc.
high security substructure consumption for recharge and recycle [9,12, and since hydrogen can easily be generated with a country’s own op
46–51]. Hydrogen technologies and storage related to these technolo portunities in a much easier way, the dependence of energy from other
gies are also used for automotive industry [52,53]. High pressure com places decreases [65]. Hydrogen is extremely useable on the contrary to
plex ships have an economical significance in supplying hydrogen most other energy sources. It can be used during fining processes of
storage for this application [54]. Complex pressure ships which have metal essence or for the advancement of oils and bitumen [66,67].
metal and non-metal undercoating are mostly used in automotive field Unlike electricity hydrogen has a large density of storage. The easy
[55]. On the contrary to transportation, stationary usage focus on suf mobility is another advantage of hydrogen energy since it can be
ficient material for storage tanks than capability, kinetics or even transported via different ways like shipping, railways, on road.
working status [9,46,56]. Hydrogen can easily be recycled and during this process it turns into
Hydrogen storage technologies can be put into two primary cate water which can be used to generate hydrogen again. Hydrogen can also
gories as physical and material based storage. Fig. 1 shows these two be a good supplier for other systems when they are used together like
main categories and subgroups of hydrogen storage [57,58]. The success nuclear reactors [68]. In order to consider the hydrogen energy signif
for hydrogen storage systems and their transport based on productive, icance in a more comprehensive way we can list its facts about it like:
economic, secure and purchasable techniques will reveal more appli
cable hydrogen economy [59,60]. Furat et al. [61], showed the relation ➢ Hydrogen is known as the most light weighed one among the ele
and explained the solidarity of four primary elements of hydrogen ments on the periodic table. Its number is 1 in the order of the ele
storage, which are creation, storage, safety and usage. Kayfeci et al. ments on the periodic table.
[62], revealed a list of hydrogen energy production cost based on ➢ It’s the most ample element in the world.
renewable and non-renewable methods. Fig. 2 demonstrates the relation ➢ It exists in composition in the world, getting hydrogen from this
between these methods and the cost of hydrogen production. composition needs energy. This reveals the hydrogen creation
including the economic issues.
2.1. Hydrogen energy significance and facts ➢ It’s considered as the permanent fuel. It has its own place as sec
ondary energy mate. The hydrogen production can be performed
First of all, hydrogen energy doesn’t cause any pollution during the
G. Şenol et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 68 (2024) 1178–1208
using any main energy fuel: coal, petrol, natural gas, atomic, all kinds fuel cell provides the industrial and household demands [69].
of renewable energy sources and from grill electricity Fig. 3 shows the supporting factors and barriers of hydrogen econ
➢ Because of the benefits which it has for environment and climax of omy [15].
the earth, hydrogen produced from renewable energies (solar
hydrogen) is the final percentage. Hydrogen energy is the most 3. Metal hydrides and their significance in hydrogen storage
satisfying sort of energy which is a good supplier in the energy
mixture till something better is found. The term ‘’hydride’ ’is used for the duel combination of hydrogen
➢ Hydrogen and electricity depend on each other. They are inter and a metal or a metalloid. A metalloid means semi metal which behaves
changeable through electrolysis and fuel cell in electrochemical way. as a metal when it reacts with a nonmetallic element and behaves as a
Hydrogen electrolysis and liquefaction depend on electricity and nonmetallic substance when it reacts with a metal. Generally the com
electricity needs hydrogen in fuel cells at low temperature. bination of hydrogen and a metal happens in a homogenous way
➢ The dependence on energy based on unrefined petrol and natural gas including different patterns and features which are unlike those of the
which are located on a large energy strategic area can be overcome metal.
with hydrogen energy since hydrogen’s numerous main fuels have a In metal hydride phenomenon hydrogen has a bond with metals or
much larger separation on earth. metal alloys in a chemical way. During a sorption process, hydrogen
➢ It’s in a good harmony with technology and technological de dissociates at the time of reaching for the metal surface and diffuses into
velopments.Along its total transformation chain production; storage, the metal grill. Hydrogen has a reaction in order to create a metal hy
transportation, separation and usage technologies are pretty under dride and this process is called as an exothermic reaction since hydrogen
stood and put on market or about to be marketed. releases heat. After the reaction is over, the hydrogen has a complete
➢ Apparently, the hydrogen politics is based on technology. The na bond with the material and it’s kept in environmental conditions [70].
tions which import energy from other countries have an opportunity Finding materials which show a significant improvement in appli
to get benefits of hydrogen energy depending on the knowledge of cations and new material combinations which have a high capacity in
their scientists and the abilities of their engineers and workers. terms of volume and in a gravimetric way, fast absorption kinetics at
➢ Hydrogen energy doesn’t contain any radiotoxic substance, it temperatures which have approximate values to the ambient tempera
doesn’t cause radioactivity. Thus it is intrinsically safe. ture, elevated tolerance of recycling are well known difficulties that
➢ Hydrogen production is 50 million tons annually. Mainly the sectors hydrogen storage systems face [71].
which use hydrogen are space flight business and industry of elec Metal hydrides are materials that consist of metal and hydrogen.
tronics, food and glass manufacturing and companies which produce Based on their high capacity of storing hydrogen, metal hydrides have
electric equipment. got a big attention of researchers as a good kind of material which can be
➢ Hydrogen makes renewable energy sources portable as chemical used in energy systems based on hydrogen. Their energy capacity is
energy transporter. high. They also show a consistency in an environmental way. All of these
➢ Although coal still has importance due to electricity and steel, but facts make metal hydrides a good alternative for transportable electronic
soon hydrogen will help keep pure coal alive. devices and renewable energy applications [71].
➢ Hydrogen energy is on its way because sustainability without it can’t Hydrides have been revealed as a key technical topic for hydrogen
be considered. storage in a broad and dense way. Early studies related to the materials
➢ Due to the estimation of United Nations by 2050 approximately %70 for hydrogen storage was mainly about transitional metal hydrides.
of the people having an urban life will move to mega cities causing an LaNi5H6 and TiFeH2 set good examples for this kind of hydrides. The
environment of more than 10 million occupants. Hydrogen and hydrogen storage usually occurs through cracks in the trellises of metals
technologies based on hydrogen are useful to get rid of the aggre or alloys. The crucial need for high gravimetric capacity of hydrogen
gation of smoke, noise and contaminants. storage led to the improvement of complex hydrides (NaAlH4 and Mg
(BH4)2, etc.),composite hydrides (LiNH2–LiH and LiBH4– MgH2, etc.)
Hydrogen has a positive effect on the energy system considering and chemical hydrides (NH3BH3 and LiNH2BH3, etc.) [72]. Despite the
exergy. Hydrogen-provided fuel cells are extremely productive in terms fact that aims for aboard hydrogen storage like high reversible hydrogen
of exergy and the exergy of the residual heat at the temperature of the substance, clement temperature and pressure of process, quick kinetics
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➢ Tubular reactors
➢ Disc reactors
➢ Chamber reactors
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The bed of a disc reactor has a flat structure [81,82].In a widespread Dehouche et al. [83] and Meng et al. [84], considered using
design of a disc reactor, heat exchange takes place on one side of the micro-channel technique in a tank reactor with metal hydride because it
reactor while the hydrogen axially flows into or outside the reactor was capable of providing intense heat transfer in a small area. Fig. 8
through the medium which covers the metal hydride sheet. It provides a demonstrates the system of the authors’ study.
wide surface for heat transfer and rapid reaction kinetics if the bed is Another thermal management technique of hydrogen storage in
thin. Fig. 7 shows a cross-sectional area of an annulus reactor [71]. metal hydrides is to use cooling tubes in order to prevent the release heat
The bed in a tank and or chamber metal hydride reactor is a large from reaching for high temperature values for the system to be stable as
cylinder or a cube compartment, which is capable of keeping more soon as possible during the exothermic absorption process. For this
amount of metal hydride unlike the first two depicted reactors. operation, a cooling fluid is sent through a certain amount of tubes. One
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Fig. 12. The thermoelectric module and the cooler used in the metal hydride system [88].
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Table 2
Metal hydride materials and heat-enhanced materials.
Metal Hydride Material Thermal Heat-enhanced Material Enhancement
NaAlH4 (catalyzed with TiCl4) [90] 0.5 5 wt% of carbon About 50%. enhancement in thermal conductivity
MgH2 [92] 0.48 CNTs, the as-prepared FeB nanoparticles and Enhancement in the hydrogen storage properties of MgH2
the CNTs decorated with FeB nanoparticles
TiMn2, LaNi4.5Co0.5 [93] 20–0.026 single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) Effect in increasing the thermal conductivity of the packed bed,
and obtaining the practical need for the sorption rate of hydrogen.
LiBH4–LiAlH4 [94] – multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) Improvement in hydrogen diffusion and thermal conductivity
Ti0.15Zr0.85Cr0.9Fe0.6Ni0.2Mn0.3Cu0.05 – carbon fiber 5-6 times higher thermal conductivity value with an addition of 2%
Ti0.73Zr0.27Cr1.2Fe0.3Ni0.1Mn0.4Cu0.05 carbon fiber
Fe0.3Ni0.1Mn0.4Cu0.05 [95]
TiFe0.9Ni0.1 – carbon fiber Increase in the thermal conductivity of the metal sheets up to 3.20
La 0.6Y0.4Ni4.9Al0.1 [97] W/m K with a mass of 30% carbon fiber
MgH2 [98] 0.7 Expanded Natural Graphite (ENG) Improvement in the thermal conductivity of MgH2 with a value of
up to 7.5 W/m K
MgH2 [100] 1–2.5 Expanded Natural Graphite (ENG) Improvement in the thermal conductivity of MgH2 with a value of
up to 4.4 W/m K 1 at 10 wt% ENG
Improvement in the thermal conductivity of MgH2 with a value of
up to 9.3 W/m K 1 at 20 wt% ENG
LaNi5 2.4 Aluminum foam Increase in the rate of hydrogen sorption with 30% aluminum foam
and increase in the hydrogen mass with 10% aluminum foam
Fig. 13. Effect of inlet velocity of GO NF on (a) hydrogen sorption (b) average Fig. 14. Effect of hydrogen supply pressure on (a) hydrogen sorption (b)
bed temperature with time [111]. average bed temperature with time [111].
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Fig. 17. Validation of the model at 35,42 and 49 ◦ C during sorption/desorption processes [115].
Fig. 18. The MHR-PCM performance at different temperatures of phase change [115].
pressure had a good effect on the desorption process. Higher bed generated during absorption process was stored and sent back to the
porosity had a good effect on the system to reach for the steady point. system during desorption process. However, the total amount of
Also they showed that adding metal foam into jacket decreased the hydrogen of absorption and desorption processes in the canister was
duration of both absorption and desorption processes. Fig. 20, demon only to a value of %26. This was due to the low thermal conductivity of
strates the hydrogen/metal ratio due to the supply pressures of 10, 15 the phase change material. Fig. 21, demonstrates the schematic model of
and 20 bar depending on the time of absorption process. the system they used and it also shows the experimental set up of the
Nguyen et al. [120], carried out a study about a metal hydride tank system.
for hydrogen absorption and also desorption. In order to gain thermal Mghari et al. [121], used (LiNO3–3H2O) PCM [48,51] in order to
management enhancement they considered using RT28HC paraffin as examine the effect of PCM and the interaction between PCM and metal
PCM. They examined the sorption and desorption processes of the sys hydride to observe the mass and heat transfer in the system. The model
tem depending on different parameters as the flow rates and pressure of they used was a 2-D one and they used different variables for thermal
hydrogen, phase change material’s thermal conductivity. They observed conductivity and latent heat of PCM for the absorption, desorption
that using PCM helped the hydrogen desorption because the heat processes and melting process of PCM. Fig. 22, shows the model of the
G. Şenol et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 68 (2024) 1178–1208
Fig. 20. Variation of H/M ratio for the hydrogen supply pressures of 10, 15 and
20 bar [119].
system and Fig. 23, shows the evolution of sorption and liquid PCM
fraction, formula unit of hydrogen quantity considering the MH-PCM
reactor and PCM’s and MH bed’s average temperature.
Alqahtani et al. [122], examined the periodic behavior of a metal
hydride reactor by using PCM in layers. The metal hydride reactor they
used in their study was Mg2Ni. Two different PCMs (PCM591 and
PCM580) were used. The melting points of PCMS were 591K and 580K
respectively. They used two kinds of designs based on PCMs. One of
them was a jacket bed and the other one was a sandwich bed. They found
out that the best performance for the MH bed was obtained by the PCM
jacket bed design and they also examined the effect of PCM591 con
centration during sorption and desorption processes as they examined
PCM580. As its seen in Fig. 24, when the storage capacity of PCM591
reached to %40 it had a great effect on the decrease in the duration
ofsorption process. On Fig. 24, it’s also seen that when the storage Fig. 22. a) Model of the system [121].
Fig. 21. a) Model of the system b) Experimental set up of the system [120].
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Fig. 23. a) Evolution over time during sorption (a) the hydrogen amount per formula unit within the MH-PCM reactor and also the liquid fraction of PCM, (b) the
average temperature of the MH bed and the PCM [121].
90% of sorption. Fig. 26, shows 3D model of the metal hydride reactor
and domain in 2D used for numerical study. Fig. 27, illustrates the effect
of number of fins on fraction of hydrogen and liquid fraction. As its seen
on Fig. 27, the increase in the number of fins to a certain value had a
great effect on sorption and liquid fraction duration due to the fact that
the usage of fins increased surface area between MH and PCM for heat
Ye et al. [124], examined a metal hydride reactor by using PCM and a
Fig. 24. Duration of the absorption process as a function of the rate of the
storage capacity of the inner PCMs to the total PCMs’ storage capacity, at the
optimum rate 40% for PCM591 [122].
Fig. 25. Comparison of MH-PCM systems with cascaded ones as sandwich bed
and jacket bed [122].
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Fig. 29. a) Average temperature and b) Average reaction/liquid fraction of metal hydride reactors with and without PCM [124].
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Fig. 32. Thermal conductivity effect of PCM on absorption and melting and average hydride bed temperature [126].
Fig. 33. The amount of hydrogen absorbed and melt fraction for variable values of porosity [127].
Fig. 34. Different models of the system a) general MH-PCM form b) design 1 c) design 2 d) design 3 e) design 4 [128].
According to their study the results showed that the optimum value for with a lower value of 298 K and an upper value of 330 K was selected for
the melting temperature of the PCM in the study had to be around 42-43 the study. They chose four parameters related to their study as the
C. For hydrogen pressures of 10/1.5 bar for absorption and desorption melting temperature of PCM, the temperature for the beginning of the
processes. The optimized PCM and reference PCM decreased the process, the internal radius of metal hydride bed and porosity. Accord
hydrogen storage and desorption times by 48.6% and 4% in order. The ing to these parameters they got some significant results. They observed
optimal design had a better absorption efficiency (100%) than the that as the melting temperature of PCM increased, the absorption for
reference design (96%). Fig. 40, demonstrates the physical model and hydrogen storage and also the absorption time duration increased. The
Fig. 41 demonstrates the thermo physical parameters of RT35 for ab optimal values for the melting temperature turned out to be between
sorption and desorption. 298 K and 328 K. Due to the increase in initial temperature, hydrogen
Mostafavi et al. [132], conducted a study about a metal hydride absorption and duration of this process decreased. Unlike other pa
hydrogen storage tank. A specific PCM which had a melting temperature rameters the effect of porosity was more significant on the optimization
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Fig. 35. Comparison of designs in terms of a) hydrogen amount and b) liquid fraction [128].
Fig. 37. The PCM thermal conductivity effect on a) melted b) reacted sections [129].
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Fig. 38. Schematic illustration of MHs and PCM for a) heat storage and b) heat release [130].
Fig. 41. The thermo physical parameters of RT35 for absorption and desorp
tion [131].
Fig. 39. The system’s thermal efficiency, the amount of PCM and metal hydride results. As the porosity value increased, absorption and also absorption
for LTMH needed for 1 kg of Mg2Fe [130]. time increased. Also the increase in porosity was a benefit and some
times it had a negative effect on another thing. Thus, they confirmed
that porosity was one of the things that should be considered for
multi-optimization and good selection. Fig. 42, shows the effect of
porosity, Fig. 43 demonstrates the effect of initial temperature and
finally Fig. 44, shows the effect of PCM melting temperature on the
hydrogen absorption time.
Mellouli et al. [133], carried out a study of a metal hydride tank
using PCM. They established a mathematical model in order to examine
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Fig. 43. The initial temperature effect on the absorption duration [132].
Fig. 46. Comparison between experimental results [116] and simulation re
sults in terms of volumetric rate during hydrogen storage [133].
Fig. 45. Schematic models of two different designs for the system a) cylindrical tank b) spherical tank [133].
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Table 3 (continued ) Materials Project and HydPark. Property engineering was conducted
Authors PCM Used Thermal Results before the development of the models considering parameters such as
Management fraction of hydrogen weight, intensity, atomic intensity, d-character,
Enhancement and f-character. Then the models were put through a quality test by the
which occurred due to most subdued error before an incidental forest group was carried out to
desorption. populate inputs. After that they were all marked by hydrogen storage
The best melting capacity and energy of genesis convenience. Suitable properties turned
performance is gained
out to be extremely estimative and therefore reliable for screening of
with Cu- and Al-MFs
rather than Ni and Ti optional recent hydride formulations and mixtures for thermodynamic
metals (thermal applicability. Fig. 52, shows the quality test results of numerous
conductivity methods with the optimization of extreme parameters for numerous
improvement impact) methods.
Zhou et al. [161], conducted a study based on machine learning.
a lattice Boltzmann model. According to the results thermal diffusion They worked on materials in crystal forms suitable for hydrogen storage.
restricted the sorption and desorption in the hydride bed and storage The machine learning based on implicit/explicit properties was used for
partition. Experimental results were gained in order to show the effi the first time. The most significant factors which had an effect on ca
ciency of sorption and desorption processes in the metal hydride storage pacity (Mean-IonicChar value/Fe substance) were determined through
tank. As final step, they used a model based on machine learning for the property significance order, simplifying effective capacity prediction
prediction of the same issue. It was seen that machine learning model and formulation of high-capacity compounds. Scanning for features
was more reliable than experimental method for the estimation of based on machine learning and customization of composition were
hydrogen storage system capacity. Fig. 51, demonstrates the imperma conducted fuel cell hydrogen system. Among other alloys,
nent variations of hydrogen fraction during absorption for different Ti0.9Zr0.12Mn1.2Cr0.55(VFe)0.25 succeeded in providing properties from
partition materials at aspect ratio = 1.2. many aspects. It was seen that machine learning could prevent costly
Nations et al. [160], studied parameters related to metal hydride investments and it was a new way of gaining hydrogen storage materials
composition as machine learning for hydrogen storage and material with high efficiency. Fig. 53, demonstrates the machine learning process
design. As the first step of the study, they searched for two databases, of the study.
Fig. 47. Deep learning based model used for the study [156].
Fig. 48. GEP’s model indicators a) temperature model b) pressure model [111].
G. Şenol et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 68 (2024) 1178–1208
Fig. 52. Quality test results of numerous methods with the optimization of
extreme parameters for numerous methods [160].
G. Şenol et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 68 (2024) 1178–1208
2.291%, 3.909, 2.501, and 1.878 in order. the effect of B components on A components ratio related to ΔH, C14
As methodology, in data collection of their study, they considered state profusion and hydrogen potential.
component elements of 314 couples of AB2 alloys and enthalpy sorption The studies related to machine learning for hydrogen storage in
(ΔH)(in kJ /molH2 ). metal hydrides are summarized on Table 4.
The Van’t Hoff Law as was used for the calculation of ΔH.
6. Conclusions
ln Peq = − (1)
In this article, first the hydrogen energy is discussed with many as
Equation (1), calculates the equilibrium pressure based on the Van’t pects. The crucial role of the hydrogen energy depending on its advan
Hoff Law. tages on the contrary to other energy resources is mentioned. The energy
In order to measure the created model certainty a few factors were sources which the world relies on are given pointing out their status and
calculated considering, including the coefficient of determination (R2), disadvantages due to the passing time. The features about hydrogen
standard deviation (STD), mean-square error (MSE), mean relative error energy which help it have a significant role in this field are mentioned
(MRE), and root-mean-square error (RMSE). Considering x and y as considering the features a sustainable energy should have. Information
experimental and estimated values in order, the factors calculated are about the utilization of hydrogen in power systems in terms of energy
seen below. storage is mentioned. The comparison of the hydrogen energy storage
[yi − xi ]2
2 i=1
R =1− ∑n (2)
[yi − xm ]2
∑ n
(yi − xm )2
STD = (3)
1∑ n
MSE = (yi − xi )2 (4)
n i=1
√ (yi − xi )2
RMSE = i=1 (5)
1∑ n
|yi − xi |
MRE = (6)
n i=1 xi
G. Şenol et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 68 (2024) 1178–1208
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