Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
The annual value of any property comprising of buildings or lands appurtenant thereto,
of which the assessee is the owner, is chargeable to tax under the head “Income from
house property”.
(i) Property should consist of any buildings or lands appurtenant thereto
Income from letting out of vacant land is, however, taxable under the head “Income
from other sources” or “Profits and gains from business or profession”, as the case
may be.
(ii) Assessee must be the owner of the property
(iii) The property may be used for any purpose, but it should not be used by the
owner for the purpose of any business or profession carried on by him, the
profit of which is chargeable to tax.
Further, the income earned by an assessee engaged in the business of letting out
of properties on rent would be taxable as business income.
(iv) Property held as stock-in-trade etc.
Annual value of house property will be charged under the head “Income from
house property”, where it is held by the assessee as stock-in-trade of a business also.
Interest chargeable under this Act which is payable outside India shall not be deducted if –
(a) tax has not been paid or deducted from such interest and
(b) in respect of which there is no person in India who may be treated as an agent
Self-occupied property: The annual value of the property of each co-owner will be
Nil and each co-owner shall be entitledto a deduction of ₹ 30,000/ ₹ 2,00,000, as the case
may be, on account of interest on borrowed capital if they exercise the option of shifting
out of the default tax regime provided under section 115BAC(1A).
However, aggregate deduction of interest to each co-owner in respect of co-owned self-
occupied property and any other self- occupied house property, if any, cannot exceed ₹
30,000/₹ 2,00,000, as the case may be.
No deduction would be allowed in respect of interest on loan taken for
purchase/construction/reconstruction/repairs of self-occupied property where the
assessee pays tax under thedefault tax regime.
Let-out property: The income from such property shall be computed as if the property is
owned by one owner and thereafter the income so computed shall be apportioned
amongst each co-owner as per their specific share.
The following persons, though not legal owners of a property, are deemed to be the owners:
(i) Transferor of the property, where the property is transferred to the spouse or to minor
child except minor married daughter, without adequate consideration
(ii) Holder of an impartible estate
(iii) Member of a co-operative society etc.
(iv) Person in possession of a property
Person having right in a property for a period not less than 12 years
Question: Compute income under the head ‘Income from house property’ of Sri from the
following information: Particulars
H1 H2 H3 H4
Used for Self-occupied Self-occupied Self-occupied Own Business
Situated at Mumbai Abu Kolkata Hyderabad
Gross Municipal 3,00,000 2,00,000 7,00,000 3,00,000
Fair Rent 2,00,000 2,00,000 6,00,000 1,20,000
Standard Rent 3,00,000 2,40,000 7,00,000 2,00,000
Municipal Tax 15% 15% 15% 15%
Repairs 13,000 4,000 8,000 8,000
Ground Rent 20,000 Nil Nil 6,000
Land Revenue Nil 10,000 Nil Nil
Interest on 40,000 1,00,000 2,10,000 20,000
Loan taken on 1998-99 1998-99 2017-18 2000-01
In the given case, there are three options:
Option 1: Take H1 & H3 as Self-Occupied (S/O) and H2 as Deemed to be Let-Out (DLO)
Option 2: Take H1 as Deemed to be Let-Out (DLO) and H2 & H3 as Self-Occupied (S/O)
Option 3: Take H3 as Deemed to be Let-Out (DLO) and H1 & H2 as Self-Occupied (S/O)
Total income under the head house property shall be computed applying each option
separately and then the option, which yields least income under this head, shall be opted.
Total income under the head Income from house property as per option 1 is (-) ₹ 1,81,000
Note - The income-tax returns, however, permit deduction of unrealized rent from gross
annual value. If this view is taken, the unrealized rent should be deducted only after
computing gross annual value.
Particulars Amount
Annual value under section 23(2) Nil
Less: Deduction under section 24
Interest on borrowed capital [Allowable only in case the E
assessee exercises the option of shifting out of the default
tax regime provided under section 115BAC(1A)]
(i) Interest on loan taken for acquisition or construction of
house on or after 1.4.99 and same was completed within
5 years from the end of the financial year in which capital
was borrowed, interest paid or payable in toto for one or
two self-occupied properties subject toa maximum of ₹
2,00,000 (including apportioned pre-construction interest).
(ii) Interest on loan taken for repair, renovation or
reconstruction on or after 1.4.99, interest paid or payable
in toto for one or two self-occupied properties subject to
a maximum of ₹ 30,000.
Income from house property
However, aggregate interest on borrowed capital allowable under
(i) and (ii) cannot exceed ₹ 2,00,000
Particulars Amount
Computation of GAV
Step 1 Compute ER for the whole year
ER = Higher of MV and FR, but restricted to SR
Step 2 Compute Actual rent received/receivable
Actual rent received/receivable for the period let out less
unrealized rent as per Rule 4 [See Note below for
alternate view]
Step 3 Compare ER for the whole year with the actual rent
received/receivable for the let out period
Step 4 GAV is the higher of ER computed for the whole year
and Actual rent received/receivable computed for the let-
out period
Gross Annual Value (GAV) A
Less: Municipal taxes (paid by the owner during the B
Net Annual Value (NAV) = (A-B) C
Less: Deductions under section 24
(a) 30% of NAV D
(b) Interest on borrowed capital (actual without
any ceiling limit) E F
Income from house property (C-F) G
Note - The income-tax returns, however, permit deduction of unrealized rent from gross
annual value. If this view is taken, the unrealized rent should be deducted only after
computing gross annual value.