Income From HP - 081115
Income From HP - 081115
Income From HP - 081115
House property is the second source of income for income tax purpose. Rental income from a property
is charged to tax under this head.
As per sec. 22, the annual value of property consisting of any building or land appurtenant thereto of
which assessee is the owner, other than such portion of such property as he may occupy for the
purposes of any business or profession carried on by him shall be chargeable to income tax under the
head “ Income from house property.”
Condition 1: Building or land appurtenant thereto
The term ‘house property’ is not defined in Income tax Act. However, various judicial interpretation has
construed the term house property as –
▪ any land surrounded by wall having roof or not; and
▪ any land appurtenant to a building.
a) Building includes an enclosure of bricks, stone work or even mud walls
b) Building includes residential as well as commercial houses.
c) Vacant land is not a house property. Hence, income from letting of vacant land is not taxable
under this head but taxed as business income or as income from other sources.
d) Roof is not necessary for a non-residential house property. A large stadium or a open air
swimming pool is also considered as building
e) It should be a permanent structure meant for a useful purpose.
f) If a building consists of several flats, then each flat is considered as a separate house property.
g) An incomplete, a ruined or demolished house cannot be termed as house property.
h) Land appurtenant to a building includes car parking area, approach roads, backyards, courtyards,
etc. attached to such building.
Condition 2: Owner
Annual value of a property is assessed to tax only in the hands of the owner even if he is not in receipt
of any income. Any person other than the owner, even though he is in receipt of rent shall not be liable
to tax under this head. That is why, income from sub-letting is not taxable under this head but under
the head ‘Income from other sources’
Owner include legal owner, beneficial owner and deemed owner.
Fictional owner or Deemed owner [Sec. 27]
U/s 27, in the following cases, a person shall be treated as deemed owner of the property and liable to
tax (in such case legal owner or beneficial owner shall not be further liable to tax)
1. Transfer to spouse or minor child [Sec. 27(i)]:
When an individual transfer a house property to -
• his or her spouse (not being a transfer in connection with an agreement to live apart); or
• a minor child (not being a married daughter)
- without adequate consideration, then transferor shall be treated as deemed owner of such property.
2. The holder of an impartible estate [Sec. 27(ii)]:
The holder of an impartible estate (property which is not legally divisible) is treated as deemed owner
of house property. Impartible estate is an estate to which the assessee has succeeded by grant or
3. Property held by a member of a company, society or any other association [Sec. 27(iii)]:
Property held by a member of a company, co-operative society or other association of persons to
whom a building or a part thereof is allotted or leased under House Building Scheme of the company or
association, is treated as deemed owner of that building or a part thereof.
4. A person who acquired a property u/s 53A of the Transfer of Property Act [Sec. 27(iiia)]:
A person who is allowed to take or retain possession of any building (or part thereof) in part
performance of a contract u/s 53A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, is deemed as the owner of
that building (or part thereof).
5. Lessee of a building u/s 269UA(f) [Sec. 27(iiib)]:
A person who acquires any right u/s 269UA(f) in or with respect to any building or part thereof, by way
of lease agreement for a period not less than 12 years is deemed as the owner of that building (or part
In short;
➢ Registration of the sale deed → Not necessary. [& thus, includes also a beneficial owner]
➢ Ownership includes both free-hold & lease-hold rights.
➢ Ownership includes deemed ownership (Section 27).
➢ Ownership of land on which the building stands is not necessary. [Land may be on lease].
➢ Ownership in PY is relevant & not in AY.
Condition 3: Property is not used for business or profession carried on by the assessee
When a person carries on business or profession in his own house property, annual value thereof is not
taxable u/s 22 provided income of such business is chargeable to tax.
Foreign property
If house property is situated abroad, then annual value of such property shall be taxable as:
Assessee Condition for taxability
Ordinarily resident Always taxable
Not ordinarily resident or Non resident Income must be received in India
➢ Meaning: The owner of a property may sometimes receive rent in respect of building as well as
i. Other assets [Ex: Furniture, plant and machinery] or
ii. for different services provided in the building [Ex: Lifts; Security; Power backup].
➢ Tax Treatment
Two lettings are separable
▪ Rent from HP → Taxable u/h HP.
▪ Rent from Use of other services → Taxable u/h PGBP or IFOS.
Two lettings are not separable
▪ Taxable u/h PGBP or IFOS.
Ex: Hotel business/paying guest accommodation or warehousing or auditorium
Co-ownership [Sec. 26]
If two or more persons own a house property jointly, then they are known as co-owners. If individual
share of each co-owner is definite and ascertainable then the share of each such person shall be taxable
as his income from house property.
Tax treatment
▪ Share of each co-owner in the income from the property as computed in accordance with sec. 22
to 25 shall be included in his total income.
Property held as stock-in-trade etc.
Annual value of house property will be charged under the head “Income from house property”, where
it is held by the assessee as stock-in-trade of a business also.
Income from the following house properties are exempted from tax:
1) Any one palace or part thereof of an ex-ruler, provided the same is not let out [Sec. 10(19A)].
2) House property of a local authority [Sec. 10(20)].
3) House property of an approved scientific research association [Sec. 10(21)].
4) House property of an educational institution [Sec. 10(23C)].
5) House property of a hospital [Sec. 10(23C)].
6) House property of a political party [Sec. 13A]
7) House property of a trade union [Sec. 10(24)]
8) A farm house [Sec. 10(1)]
9) House property held for charitable purpose [Sec. 11]
10) House property used for own business or profession [Sec. 22].
The chapter is divided into the following categories for the purpose of computation:
▪ Let out property [Sec. 23(1)]
▪ Self-occupied property [Sec. 23(2)(a)]
▪ Property not actually occupied by the owner (unoccupied) [Sec. 23(2)(b)]
▪ Partly let out and partly self occupied property [Sec. 23(3)]
▪ Deemed to be let out property [Sec. 23(4)]
▪ Recovery of arrears of rent and unrealized rent [Sec. 25A]
Computation at a glance
Computation of Income from house property of …………. for the Assessment Year ……….
Particulars Details Amount
Gross Annual Value (GAV) ****
Less: Municipal tax (****)
Net Annual Value (NAV) ****
Less: Deductions u/s
24(a) Standard deduction [30% of NAV] ****
24(b) Interest on borrowed capital **** (****)
Income from house property ****
Gross Annual Value (GAV)
Normally, income tax is charged on income, but under the head ‘Income from house property’, tax is
not charged on the rent earned from house property but on the inherent earning capacity of the house
property. Such earning capacity is termed as Annual Value. Annual value is determined considering the
following factors:
a) Gross Municipal Value
It means the annual value of the property decided by municipality on which they charge municipal tax.
Such valuation may also be taken as evidence of earning capacity of a property.
b) Fair or Notional rent of the property
Fair or notional rent of a property means rent fetched by a similar property in the same or similar
c) Standard rent under the Rent Control Act
Standard rent is the maximum rent, which a person can legally recover from his tenant under the Rent
Control Act prevailing in the State in which the property is situated. A landlord cannot reasonably
expect to receive from a tenant any amount more than Standard Rent.
Taxpoint: Reasonable Expected Rent cannot exceed Standard Rent but can be lower than Standard Rent
d) Actual Rent Receivable [ARR]
Actual rent receivable is to be computed on accrual basis. However, where tenant pays rent, which is
influenced by benefits provided by the owner of the property, such rent must be disintegrated to
determine actual rent i.e. De-facto rent of the property.
De facto rent = ARR – Cost of amenities.
Taxpoint: While computing actual rent receivable, outstanding rent shall be considered but advance
rent received during the financial year is not to be considered.
(a) Calculation and deduction of interest for the period of pre and post construction, acquisition, etc. is
same as discussed in the case of let out house property.
(b) Assessee shall always have nil income or loss upto `2,00,000 from properties u/s 23(2)(a).
(a) An assessee cannot claim benefit u/s 23(2)(a) as well as 23(2)(b) in the same previous year.
(b) An assessee can claim benefit u/s 23(2)(b) even though he has other house properties.
Where the assessee occupies more than one house property as self-occupied or has more than one
unoccupied property, then for any one of them, benefit u/s 23(2) can be claimed (at the choice of the
assessee) and remaining property or properties shall be treated as ‘deemed to be let out’.
1. Gross Annual value: Since assessee does not let out such property & do not receive rent,
therefore GAV will be determined from Step 1 only. Step 2, 3 & 4 of calculation GAV are
Taxpoint: GAV of deemed to be let out property will be the ‘Reasonable expected rent (RER)’of
the property.
2. Municipal taxes and deduction u/s 24(a) and 24(b) shall be available as in the case of let out
house property.