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Education Journal

2015; 4(5): 250-262

Published online October 23, 2015 (http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/edu)
doi: 10.11648/j.edu.20150405.23
ISSN: 2327-2600 (Print); ISSN: 2327-2619 (Online)

A Reflection on the Research Method and Exemplary

Application to the College and University Rankings
Kiyoung Kim1, *, Hyun-Meong Ju2, Marium Khatun2
The Legal Research Institute, College of Law, Chosun University, Kwang-ju, South Korea
The Legal Research Institute, Chosun University, Kwang-ju, South Korea

Email address:
kiyoungkim@chosun.ac.kr (K. Kim), Ek00769@chosun.ac.kr (H. M. Ju), marium@gmail.com (M. Khatun)

To cite this article:

Kiyoung Kim, Hyun-Meong Ju, Marium Khatun. A Reflection on the Research Method and Exemplary Application to the College and
University Rankings. Education Journal. Vol. 4, No. 5, 2015, pp. 250-262. doi: 10.11648/j.edu.20150405.23

Abstract: It was a precious opportunity as a teacher and researcher that I had completed two research method classes with
the peers of Laureate Education Inc. Since the generation of creative knowledge and meaningful contribution to the field is
charged on the professional researcher, the classes are foundational, but unfortunately with less an attention by the scholars,
and, if more problematically, even lack of courses for some graduate or training programs. Within this paper, I can be gladly
reminiscent of the course learning, and can present a work of demonstration by employing the issues of global college
rankings. In this article, my purpose is gone with three basic aims; (i) present the brief summary of my experience on the two
method classes (ii) suggest a new perspective and mindset within the changing technology and post-modern transformation of
society (iii) finally show two examples of mixed method involved with the global college rankings and provide a view for the
students situated within the temporal boundary I had set forth.
Keywords: Research Method, Qualitative Studies, Mixed Method, Data Collection, Data Analysis,
College and University Rankings, Theory and Philosophy

what is verity and has social meaning. In this article, my

1. Introduction purpose is gone with two basic aims (i) the brief summary of
It had been a precious opportunity as a teacher and my experience on the two method classes (ii) suggest a new
researcher that I have completed two research method classes perspective and mindset within the changing technology and
with the peers of Laureate Education Inc. Since the post-modern transformation of society (iii) finally present
generation of creative knowledge and meaningful two examples of mixed method involved with the global
contribution to the field is charged on the professional college rankings and provide a view for the students situated
researcher, the classes are foundational, but unfortunately within the temporal boundary I had set forth.
with less an attention with the scholars, and if more
problematically lack of courses for some graduate or training 2. Reflection on the Research Method
programs. With this paper, I can be gladly reminiscent of the
course learning, and can present a work of demonstration by 2.1. Introduction
employing the issues of global college rankings. Throughout Through the classes, I have recognized a primacy and
this work, I may be indebted to the robust instruction or importance of research method as well as its variability to
helpful insight and feedback with my peer participants. address the goals of researcher. The education and training
Generally, the kind of valuable terms and methodological session about this scholarly basics should enter a more
debate had truly affected what is the responsibility of weight of graduate education, particularly for the developing
scientist, and especially on the qualitative method, how they nations. Often researchers in this scope lack the formal hours
highlight the theme or purpose as a social scientist in order to of class to meditate on the research methodology. They rather
raise a voice of intact cultural group or deal with the acquire the skills and competence after they graduate and
phenomenological, narrative and case studies. All the ways serve as a professor or professional researcher. Except for the
through, we can see the science bull’s watch as elaborated on natural science or engineering, this point seems to factor a

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Education Journal 2015; 4(5): 250-262 251

relatively poor performance of those nations’ researchers in disciplines. For example, we could learn the use of statistics
the international context of social science and humanity or psychology, at least their basics, to realize a complete
studies. As a Korea-based scholar, this point seems to be grasp concerning the quality of respective method (Patton,
complicated since Korea will no longer be a developing 1999). According to P. Serdyukov, a doctor is a carrier of
country in terms of world economy (Mills, W. C., 1959). high culture, expertise, and knowledge for their respective
Intellectually, however, I may not be definite if Korea can field of science. This statement can well corroborate with the
lead or influence the concerned of world, generally the circle view of habitus proposed by P. Bourdieu, and also comes
of scholars in the specific fields (1959). The melting signs lighted to explain the global status including Korea and other
may seem gradually into the center of world and region when countries. Once I have pointed out the econo-political view
we bred a world renowned pop star, Psy and K-pop, of research profession, but that would be a particle though it
commercially in the region as well as ambitiously in the might be essential for the pure materialists (Kim, 2015, 1).
Europe. An aboriginal scene of sweat labor could bring the This aspect of profession anyhow seems to be interwoven
industrialization of Korea in 1970’s, and its consequence to from those elements of methodology in some extent of
bell the international society was demonstrated in the 1988’s combination. Certainly the research can exploit the market
Seoul Olympic. For the new millennium, the cultural and and lead to the increase of demand economically in the
intellectual advance can be Koreans’, but with some care higher or lesser extent from the perspectives. It, on the other,
about the tendency. I may call the context as a “Korean fate is related with the aspect of souls for decency and nobility.
of quintet (KFP: 70-80-10-60).” As said, the natural science, The laborers in the 1970’s sweat shop of Korea now are led
medicine or health and engineering sectors in the academy to entertain an innovative quality of K-pop or Y-tube
had been and will be a plane for good in terms of Korean classics. The researchers in Korea, perhaps as teamed with
share. It is highly dubious, however, if that could be true the policy makers, could bring the social change, and the
about the humanity and social science, which should be invention of Y-tube, from the root efforts of research
ameliorated until 2060. As this context fairly relates with my technicians, could realize such amazing habitus. The
case as a researcher, the class of research theory and design is researchers of public administration and economy in Korea
believed really challenging and ambitious in view of the now implore on a high priority of creative economy as the
personal aim. I suppose if the trained writer on these methods national strategy, which we can acknowledge a positive sign
can produce an article of high scholarly impact as much cited of benefit.
as Psy and viewed as many as 200 million people through the
Y-tube. This context can be same with the scholars of similar 2.3. Evaluate a Relationship Between the Research and
states historically, economically, socially and politically. The Social Change
classes on this purpose, I consider, is also helpful to the Concerning the relationship between the research and
established scholars and authorities that we can social change, I may state several points of relevance; (i)
philosophically retrospect the kind of our lifetime works. originality and application in the form of interplay (ii)
2.2. Self-Assess Your Current Research Mind-Set and Skills comprehensiveness in the subjects of interplay (iii) strategic
collaboration in the interest of interplay. First, the research
The classes will certainly be highly helpful to improve the pioneers the concern and curiosity, hence essentially creative
research mind-sets and skills. First, it provided a good or original (Kim, 2015-2; Parson, 2009). The great findings
opportunity to eliminate a fear or ambiguities from lack of can be, and must be applied to improve our reality. Second,
accurate knowledge about the methodology. We often name their interplay or relationship is comprehensive to take the
or talk about the research methods, but without a general researchers of specific discipline into any staunch of track in
exposure about the subject. That would be a strand to bring parallel and shared. For example, professors or researchers of
the fear or unsettlement on ambiguities. Second, the class economics devote their lifetime commission in parallel with
systemically developed and enriched my understanding of the Federal Reserve. The legal scientists’ usual work would
research method and skills (Creswell, 2009). With the time arise from the cases and court opinions to be shared in their
for this course, we come to know a philosophical angle to lifetime. The public policy students or researchers may get
support the research methods, theory and its construction, the their concern or involvement related with the government or
ingredients of three basic methods, the ethics involved in the specific branches of public service. The educators may
research as well as other useful issues (Reynold, 2007). It has devote to the development of curriculum or method on
been impressive to shape the worship of profession in the college rankings that are concerned to be paired with the
assignment about an NHS certificate. This worship did not schools and universities. Probably we may well imagine its
stop there, but to inflame a curiosity of what is the research comprehensive picture in accordance with the scope of
and its practice in the methodological aspect. We thankfully various governmental departments. Third, the contemporary
received a good system to increase of the research skills by practice of national or public organizations often views two
processing weeks of experimental work covering the facets as the kind of strategic alliance. This point is delicate if
quantitative, qualitative, mixed and evaluation (Creswell, the researchers’ ethics and standard are something different
2009). Third, the class seems not to finish in the personal or sanctified. They need to be neutral and objective, and
context, but relays my interest into an adjacent area of uphold the value of humanities. It is also highly capricious in

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252 Kiyoung Kim et al.: A Reflection on the Research Method and Exemplary
Application to the College and University Rankings

its extent that some research will enjoy a buy-in, which advice would allow the time to meditate on many basics, but
means them productive in view of strategic alliance. The must be foundational about the lifetime devotion as a
context will come in a comparison if the research were to be researcher. It could help to share the information and
opposed or subject to public criticism, deemed less experience with the peers so that will make the story of
significant or as away from the strategic aspect. research profession as popular to know. The class of research
theory seems to serve several purposes, and I feel much
2.4. Plan Next Steps to Take in Becoming a Researcher and indebted respectfully from Creswell, Reynolds and the
Scholar-Practitioner National Academy of Science. I have learnt much of
The plan to progress is to be guided so as to respond with information useful to understand the method itself, the nature
the goals of researcher. The paradigm of scholar practitioner of theory and its construction, and important lessons for the
is really appreciable from the contemporary context of post- research professionals. Dr. DeParis’ leadership and devotion
modern living. The lifetime concept of education and to teaching had been impressive.
professional training are inevitable to improve and adapt with
(Laureate Education, Inc., 2008). We are required, on the 3. A Thought on the Qualitative Method
other, to prepare for the dissertation as a student or journal
articles for the faculty or professional researchers. Hence, we The kind of relationship or public tendency likely ascends
are exposed to a multiple context of benefit to cross the work as we are informed by the post-modernism, technology
responsibility, learning, socialization and the research work. advancement and trajectory toward the informative society or
We can exploit the learning and knowledge to better perform creative economy (Husserl, 1931; Husserl, 1970; Rosenau,
our work duty as a scholar practitioner while the cumulative 1992). Now we seldom give a focus on the manufacturing,
effect academically and from job experiences are believed to once the point of contest for the world economy. The kind of
produce a high quality of research (2008). First, the rhetoric, “world factory,” is now the second title for the
partnership concept of dealing seems to yield a better result, world economy, and the middle class within such income
which, I suppose, will be foundational to plan over the range perhaps would be less stimulating or likely approach
progress and academic success. We are a “scholar dormant for the policy makers. They likely remain with them
practitioner” – I mean in contrast “scholar in book” -- both to as main, but appear to be elusive with an expectation of same
learn and teach, and the classes certainly would be an consequence in their thought or public process. That
opportunity to refurbish the practical arms enabling to probably would not be wrong at least if we are simple and
implement our value and scholarly conviction. We exchange honest of economic aspect of their lives. The economy is
ideas, valuable information and thoughts, not to be directed powerful indeed-- and perhaps most urgent for humans -- if it
nor delivered in the unilateral lead of certain influence. This is only field to enlist in the Nobel prize from the social
is an important assumption that may be embedded generally science. The Thomson Reuter reports the SSCI statistics that
on the quality of graduate education. In some cases, the separately classes from social science to deal with the
graduate students play as a teaching or research assistant, and Economics and Business along the general social science in
their collaborative experience in the research labs often total. Economically, we may safely defer to their assumption
effects a lifetime alliance about the professional career of of middle class, perhaps common and generalized, if we are
researcher. They are advised to rise beyond the attitudes as a lovers of human. I do not argue for the use of qualitative
student, but actively and positively engage as a scholar- research more widely for the public studies or suggest the cut
practitioner (2008). Second, they need look into the research of quantitative studies since the middle class is quite good at
methods more in depth. Some higher level of methodology all (Scott, 1985). Humans are complex as we note in the
courses is essential to make a progress. Third, the law and Maslow’s and we draw the data from the subjects in the
public policy, through the years, had provoked my curiosity qualitative method. We had got through the data collection
involving how to locate properly two disciplines in the and their analysis is staged somewhere, which obviously is
transformative society. As a scholar practitioner, it will very important to elevate the research plan. While humans
trouble much on time span since I had been interested in that are complex, only way to collect the data stems from his or
name of specialty. A qualified status to be well-versed of her expression, hence, the kinds of occurrences, i.e.,
research methods will facilitate my aim to look into both observation and interviews, documents (Creswell, 2013;
disciplines. The inquiry, “how do they excavate the Strauss, 1987). While man may not be exactly the expression
knowledge to nurture their discipline?” will be basic and of his or her statement, the coding lesson generally highlights
penetrates the different two into one string of commonality, such importance of “significant statement” to understand and
i.e., methodology. Of course, the substantive issues will be analyze the data (Kvale, 2006). In the KTV, I had a moment
dominant, but the hindsight only available for the of fantasia that one policy can create such significant words
methodologists will certainly happen to see the nature and and statements not only from the interviewees and but also
essence of my interdisciplinary purpose. Fourth, the junior from the producers. To say, the title tears with impressive
researchers may practice better by actively exploring a words, “Faith of Sons and Daughters,” which seemingly is
publication opportunity about their writing and collecting effective in struggling with the growing criticism as
information about their studies and research method. This compared with the unemployment rate of young college
Education Journal 2015; 4(5): 250-262 253

graduates. The statements from the interviewees are rather be enthralled as philosophical, humanistic, and
capturing indeed with one aged male, 68 years old, who has communitarian than specifics. The learning occurs and
no job expressing the savory support of small money in his essentially undergirds the contemporary society. The
later life. He seems still robust to work in the construction tendency is more impressive that the congressmen or policy
site, but the age actually impedes to turn away every makers in the executive are in the vortex of that reality. They
opportunity for earned work. The statutory retirement age or would also be creators -- at least in the Korean context, as we
pension plan of nations can be the work of “quantitative know from Y.S. Kim in the 1990’s, announcing that now is
researcher,” but must be inadequate for this person in my the age of life-time learning. It likely shows how we are
observation and according to his statement. Next hours related among another. Above all, the importance of their
shortly, the acting prime minister and head of business learning lies in the fact that it is not merely cultural or the
association featured in the press meeting that announced the kind of personal enrichment. It also is not such personal if we
policy programs and basic direction to improve the gird the ignorant or absent minded congressmen. It is
unemployment problem of young generations. Actually they crucially trusted with the paradigm of deliberative
learn and would be best to craft various policy measures. democracy. They have to shape their competence and be
They would be ombudsman to report and assess as well as required to come with the exposure to the humans and
rule that are most needed of and exposed to the creative community (Saldaña, 2011). The reelection possibility would
knowledge beyond the textbooks. In other words, the kind of be one motivating factor to push them to learn and to have
case studies and grounded theory would likely work, and awareness that we see them to be politically responsible. It
must be necessary for them as well as the government, one of was cited in the recent Korean source that Obama had the
biggest employers within the nation and perhaps major character of policy wonk, who would be an avid of every
employer of professional researchers. While conducting a aspect of policy issues and agendas. This is no surprise at all
qualitative research as one of important instruments to staff when we consider his role and responsibility. Needless to
the knowledge of government in the US – gradually within illustrate the “marginalized and greatest approach” or
the context of Korea and other nations -- we need to have a “purposeful sampling” in the qualitative studies, the contrast
thought why the research findings are seldom adopted to often is quite useful to create the views or frames of social
enforce. On the progress of my meditation, I also come to issues. The poverty and superrich would be one frame
wake up if two persons with 100,000 dollars a year as their embedded with the intellectuals along the growth rate of
income are absolutely same deserving a good livelihood economy. The kind of frame is also an avenue to testify the
award and what are differences between top GDP country per effect of policy programs or project as we see in the aged
capita and “perfect” or “graceful” from the words of persons featuring in the KTV. It also demonstrates a
interviewees collected from the research project dealing with continuing relevance with the lifetime learning that humans
the middle income earners of the top nation (Patton, 2002). and community are inseparable or subjects of which
Once we had been about the extended use of qualitative politicians are fated.
method in the studies of US government, and the kind of
tendency has increasingly emerged over time in Korea. The 4. The Data Analysis
newspapers highlight the importance of story-telling or
episode relating with the public policy of government. The The data analysis technique is constantly evolving, not a
entitlements of aged people had been implemented last year, static repository with typical methods.1 For example, Eaves
a hyperbole to be fought in the national assembly as suggests that the synthesis approach in the ground theory
concerned of the fiscal feasibility and social justice along the could increase understanding and enhance the quality of GT
increasing restructuring into the aging society. Korean cable data analysis techniques (2012). While he noted that there
TV channels are in wide coverage and one of them, named has been a steady rise in the number of published research
KTV, deals with the specialty of national policy. In one reports that use the GT method, he viewed that the current
program aired yesterday, several aged people had featured method in prevailing use lacks the clarity and
and gave their narrative or words of graceful experience for inconsistencies. It is needless to mention in the field of
the provision of entitlements. The amount is as small as 200 natural science that researchers reported a new data analysis
dollars a month, but had impacted likely astronomically for technique to rapidly identify the region of stable crack
the poor and aged persons. The administrators or policy growth in crack tip opening angle (CTOA) testing of a
makers would learn during the course of their official duty. It modified double cantilever beam (Hashemi, Dastani, Sadri,
is their trait, and most vigil than any other commoners. The 2013). The method could replace for the visual analysis of
top managers in the nation-owned enterprises may reflect like the individual photographs, which is tedious and rather
a person in the temple stay, one learning process on lengthy. This implies that the data analysis is considered in
meditation. A tedious head of department may shame with
his small of public activities that he likes to read and learn 1 For example, the fifteen methods may be suggested, i.e., typology, taxonomy,
humans or community and wisdom for his responsibility constant comparison, analytic induction, logical analysis or matrix analysis,
(Patton, 2002). Most aids would be received from his quasi-statistics, event analysis or microanalysis, Metaphorical analysis, domain
analysis, hermeneutical analysis, discourse analysis, discourse analysis, semiotics,
working horses in the active rank and files that he would
content analysis, phenomenology or heuristic analysis, and narrative analysis.
254 Kiyoung Kim et al.: A Reflection on the Research Method and Exemplary
Application to the College and University Rankings

terms of cost and convenience of researchers in common be planned at some stage, but the possibility of inclusion is
with both sciences. The data analysis technique also occurs not unlikely along the development of theme. We have
involved with the literature review which represents the most surveyed the benefit of NVivo, and the data storage and
important step of the research process in all three methods of analysis would obviously be facilitated with such modern
social science. Boote and Beile expounded, “A thorough, technology. At the center of dynamism do the codes, themes
sophisticated literature review is the foundation and or concepts underlie that important statement of participants
inspiration for substantial and useful research.” Therefore it should not be missed or gone as unattended. Weekly team
is the kind of crucial concern of qualitative researchers how meetings among the key participants and researcher can be
to construct a research synthesis aptly. In this context, four arranged that keys on the progress of research including the
types of data in connection with the five qualitative data evaluation and analysis of data. As once stated,
analysis techniques have been studied by three scholars, who documentation from the interviews and observations of
drew on any most optimally rigorous way concerned of sites, photos, and videos are a major form of data source to
literature review (Onwuegbuzie, Leech, Collins, 2012). This represent the empiricism that requires a care and focus for
study implies the relevance of data analysis technique with management and analysis. Miles and Huberman proposed
the literature review, which are inseparable, but into the useful tools named the summary contact form that shows
research synthesis and on iterative process among the data the flow model of qualitative data analysis components,
and literature. which are applicable to the various research plans
(Creswell, 2013). For example, we may prepare the contact
summary form structured with the flow of relevant
5. Techniques of Qualitative Data questions or points of consideration i.e., (i) what were the
Analysis main issues or themes that struck us in this contact (ii)
summarize the information we got (or failed to get) on each
According to Merrill et al, the techniques of qualitative of the target questions we had for this contact (iii) anything
data analysis are commonly shared among the approaches, else that struck us as salient, interesting, illuminating or
which includes (i) documentation of the data and the important in this contact (iv) what new (or remaining) target
process of data collection (ii) organization/categorization of questions do we have in considering the next contact with
the data into concepts (iii) connection of the data to show this site (Merrill et al, 2000).
how one concept may influence another (iv) corroboration / In consideration of analysis technique, a considerable
legitimization, by evaluating alternative explanations, amount of data may be produced in the aboriginal language,
disconfirming evidence, and searching for negative cases and we may think how the translation into English language
(v) representing the account (reporting the findings) (2000). is viewed. It would be no seldom for researchers given the
It is grossly intertwined with the collection and scope of deals in the international case studies or
documentation of data, and it is important to note that the ethnography and narrative studies of significant person. The
data analysis actually begins at the time of observation, website of Johns Hopkins University provides a tip on this
interviewing or both. The researchers always get the data as interest (2015). At first, it needs to be determined whether
central for validity and reliability of research that analytic to translate or not, in which the researchers consider various
process bases by simply hinging on the notes or transcripts factors, such as logistical, 2 validity, 3 customer, ownership
with repeated reading (Kvale, 2006). The concept could be and control, and implicit or unintended message from the
the kind of oasis sublimating the raw data into a cohesive original data (2015). The researcher also considers the
scientific message that he or she creates by organizing and benefit and drawback of translation. For example, the
categorizing the data into concepts. Important is the need to researcher may plan to conduct the data collection in
develop the relationship or hierarchy of concept that is English which obscures the issue originally, and the multi-
essential to structure his theme and produce a due density of sites investigation often allow to have a common language
scholarly presentation as normalized to the intelligence of for analysis. Most of all, he has to know that the
audience, perhaps, supervisor of dissertation or referees and interpretation is very time consuming. The common view is
peers of professional journal. In this process, they may use that the translation leads the raw data or theme to be too
the concept map. Then the positive steering from the raw literal and insipid, which may, in some case, be inaccurate
data into major profile of assertions would likely be as differs from the original nuance or authentication of
completed that the researchers will make an enhancement phenomenon. The translation of raw data into language
of theme with corroboration and legitimization (2000). He within the process of analysis and publication also entails a
or she evaluates alternative explanations or discuss delicate problem of privacy or indecency with no use at all.
disconfirming evidence and may search for negative cases. In that case the research may use “Do Not Translate List,”
This may simply show the process to deal with the data, but which includes, for example, words for friend or friendship,
would be most important technique to be minded. There
will be a tack of collected data in the form of observed
results or interview transcriptions as well as public or 2 For example, he inquires of how much time it will take.
private documents. The photos and video materials may not 3 For example, he considers how much time it will take, if the translation is
accurate, if the original meaning is distorted, or if anything is omitted?
Education Journal 2015; 4(5): 250-262 255

words for HIV, or terms referring to the act of sexual treacherous terrains. We have seen the importance of
intercourse (2015). heuristic process within the learning and research, and the
blending or adaptation would be some kind of culminating
6. Blending and Adapting stage that turns the story into conclusion (Atkinson, Coffey,
Delamont, 2003). While the blending or adaptation is
As per the qualitative method, it seems to me that the presumed of empirical data collected, this never denies the
challenges and subtleties arise from two properties of importance of qualitative strands. As we learn, purpose
qualitative studies. That is, the qualitative researcher has to guides the analysis of data, and well prepared mind is
play as an unobtrusive observer in the data collection stage, necessary to orient and define the quality and more refined
and should be a good surveyor who competently and dealings of qualitative research. The focus and lens of
persuasively triangulates the findings. The issue of analysis within the subjective minds would not be an evil,
triangulation occurs in dimensions and relating with the and the action research or voice for the minority group to
enhancement of credibility as we are aware. In other words, it increases the awareness of audience are popular in this
may be exercised involved with the stages of qualitative method. As Pascal preached, the zeal and knowledge would
research, i.e., among the data collection, analysis and write- be the quality with which the archaic of new knowledge
up as well as different methods, such between quantitative emerges and the blending or adapting is practiced by the
and qualitative methods. To say, the qualitative findings can researcher (Patton, 2002). 5 In consideration of blending or
improve the trustworthiness and credibility by triangulating adaptation as the kind of creative final touch for the work, the
their findings with the empirical evidence gained from the qualitative studies, as we know, has a distinct aura or trait
quantitative studies. Triangulation is the kind of properties that had been argued over hundreds of pages in the textbook.
intrinsic with the humans and universe provided if they are It is truly discriminative to make the studies qualitative
evolutionary or fluid on one hand and stagnant on the other.4 indeed. As we see the post-modern reality of contemporaries,
Hence, we can be assumed to have a better understanding by whether marginalized or super-marked, both turn to be
blending or adapting the stories generated from both sources. qualitative (Holmes, 1962). The exchange of public discourse
Patton guides four kinds of analytical triangulation which now transcends the general and often overwhelming
covers triangulation of qualitative sources, mixed or proposition based on the quantified data, but the contexts,
qualitative-quantitative methods triangulation, analyst stories or themes can express more in-depth and be suited
triangulation and theory/perspectives triangulation (2002). with the reality. For instance, the Smith College recognized
Creswell also depicts a simple, but capturing three elements that the faculty takes on new teaching challenges and viewed
in the diagram showing three elements are intersected to that they learn best from one another. With the difficulties of
produce the qualitative knowledge (2013). In this showing, physical gathering of faculty and challenge of limited
the world views, assumptions, theories are one sector while resources, they developed online series of case study
the qualitative researchers also are responsible for the other modules with the participation of “blended faculty.” 6 This
two, say, research design and approaches to inquiry. All the corroborates with the suggestion of triangulation from the
elements would be evolutionary or fluid, but stagnated perspective by “multiple analysts” in Patton, and shows the
commonly, and varying with the different degree. For contentious process to the collective intelligence which might
example, the assumptions, research design and approaches to be dialectic or teleological (2002). As we note, the collective
inquiry would be more evolutionary or fluid than others seen
more stagnated. The blending or adaptation is the kind of art 5 Pascal, in the Pensees, illustrated four kinds of persons in the universe, who
in which the qualitative researchers are to be measured and would have zeal without knowledge, knowledge without zeal, neither knowledge,
creativity or value competes for the quality piece of articles nor zeal, both zeal and knowledge.
6 This might be seen superficial or just on the reality of ours without the
or books. Given the researcher himself would be a learner
quantitative verification. I consider if the qualitative research has a strength of
through his project, it might be the zone of proximal depth or rich data from the field, I consider, on the other side, it may have the
development (ZPD) as if one junior researcher defined, “the kind of superficiality, say, less on the description of general populace, but on the
distance between the actual developmental level as ethnos, cultural groups or minorities, which, however, would be realistic and
determined by independent problem solving and the level of cultural. The context likely revives the embedded dichotomy from the age of
Platonic discourse, what social psychologists call "the principle of superficiality
potential development as determined through problem
versus depth.” For example, Lyotard challenged the Platonic view of a true
solving under…guidance or in collaboration with more meaning hidden behind surface. He instead insisted that sense manifestations had
(Heinze, 2008, p.3).” Along our understanding of qualitative their own reality which necessarily impacted upon the general world view. I feel
method, it likely would be felt to us that we experience many that his attribution to a “theatrical world view” and the “purely verbal order of
blind alleys, dead ends and treacherous terrains (Gay, 2000). intelligibility” can be seen the quality of knowledge generated from the
quantitative studies. In other words, it would be hyped to rule and be ordained
The blending and adaptation would incur on these challenges
with some textual order of verbs, and he sends the message that the post-
and possible incongruity so as to be destined within the modernist may work on the apparent reality or distinct cultural group. The
blending or qualitative adaptation may be qualitative or even purposive in some
aspect that, nevertheless, would be zone of art and skills, values and valorization
4 This kind of strand may be ideated, for example, the most recent NRC studies of critical thought on the part of researchers. This view can also be shared with
on the assessment of doctoral programs that the frame was developed within two the deconstructionists, who have increasingly sought to undo the depth/surface
dimensions, regression quality and survey quality. hierarchy, proposing in ironic style that superficiality is as deep as depth.
256 Kiyoung Kim et al.: A Reflection on the Research Method and Exemplary
Application to the College and University Rankings

intelligence is shared or group intelligence is formed that US, but in some cases over the global jurisdictions, the
emerges from the collaboration, collective efforts, and nations, such as Korea, would have a similar data compiled
competition of many individuals and appears in consensus by the ministry of education. For example, we can confirm
decision making. Creswell discussed the concluding stage of that Minnesota comes second with 74 programs rated or UC
qualitative research, and illustrated the importance of Berkeley with 52 programs for the tenth place, while Seoul
blending or adaptation between the contents and National University doctoral programs are officially
methodology (2013). Therefore, it often occurs in two acknowledged at 50 indications of doctoral field and Yonsei
contexts in which the research can be more credible or will come with 45 indications. In other cases, perhaps more
confirmable with analytical triangulation and where the liberal or private without this kind of data, the measure
concluding stage led to conclusion requires for sublimation would be based on the webpage of institutions to be
from the contents and methods. adjusted specifically with the contingencies of each nation or
7. Application Example Another indicator to measure the academic strengths of
institution is to look into the publications of faculty. The
The following two Exhibits had been prepared in view of number of publications, including the books and articles,
the principles and practicalities exchanged over the years of indicate the quality of faculty and their commitment to
peer communication and data collection within the the research. It could be measured as per capita of faculty
methodology classes. They had been generated from the or at gross that I applied the second method. The indicator
longitudinal observations and by applying the data analysis shows the basic operation of academics for each institution,
techniques. which could not be substituted with other applied point of
angles, such as citation or major faculty awards. That is
Exhibit I because such applied lens to view the institutions can lead us
to the distortion heavily affected by the western dominance
The academic strengths of institution were based on the (Clifford & Marcus, 1986). The assessment of college and
NRC data that were released in 2010 and 1996. The data university comes different from that of graduate or research
basically purported to provide the assessment of quality for degree programs. It was principally oriented to measure the
the doctoral programs, but is considered to show the variety effect of institutions on the undergraduate education. It
and commitment of institutions to teach and research. Given comes vastly with the national context of educational aims
the specific ranks essentially came with the quality of that an immense focus on the number of contributions to the
doctorate programs, the number of programs evaluated and internationally prestigious journals and quality of
ranked indicates the width and depth of institutional professional communication of faculty, often critical in
performance as a whole. Often the institutions came with the rating the rankings of the global universities should be
first impression about the scope of offerings with the three neither such determinative nor highly discriminative. In
levels of degree programs, such as 150 programs for other aspect we may also challenge that it can be some
bachelors, 100 programs for masters, and 60 programs for outdated privileges if many on-line journals now serve the
the doctorate. That is the first and last lens to look at the need of India and China, most populated countries in the
educational institutions, and is considered as foremost at the world – hence implications of universal college education-
basic and most attribute. This is despite such popular - and lend a space to exchange the scholarly views. We
perception from the rampant ranking schemes nationally and would not say that their educational service is defunct
globally. It is related with the very basic function and role of merely because they work based on the less prestigious
institutions and shows the total level of intelligence and journals, especially in terms of college education other than
contribution which turns on the benefit of students graduate level. The articles or books, far from the Nobel
eventually. Since the college education, especially at the prizes or massive scholarly attractions with citations, can
undergraduate level, is liberal and interdisciplinary – of well be more precious and valuable in terms of college
course, interdisciplinary nature had gradually come education. However, we cannot obtain a specific data
stressed with the graduate education – this aspect of with the integrity and system to measure any exactly the
institutions is viewed in emphasis. The problem is how to whole of institution’s publications. Therefore, the Leiden
draw the pertinent information to measure this reality. ranking of publications were partly considered, which is
Besides the mere number of programs with the university based on some level of journals. In the case of US, 2007
website, the number of NRC rated programs would inform studies from the Chronicle of Higher education was
us more properly that there was set a practical limitations considered, in which the professor’s publication was assessed
with the least number of doctorates at five and fits within the on the basis of whole number of books and articles to yield
purpose of national scheme of doctoral studies. It shows the the ranking of each programs. This type of data can be
operability of programs and its academic meaning that was identified in other countries, of course, more probable in the
assigned most of value to measure the whole populace of developed countries. In the global scale, the indicators of
institutions, say, faculty, undergraduate, masters and Webometrics or institutional rankings compiled by the
doctorates. It is unique with the educational administration of Spanish Academy can allow to refer to the similar nature of
Education Journal 2015; 4(5): 250-262 257

information in this concern. Although the rating agencies significant in terms of my basic perspective about the
would request to offer the data for the basis of their original role of university education. As the undergraduate
assessment, the request often can possibly be neglected or populace is vast, we may properly be reflexive to
responded unfaithfully at considerable extent as we may contemplate what the colleges and universities are
know previously from the rating scheme of Russian expected to play. The number of patent applications is
agencies. Then the ways of measure through the web search related with the sense that the academic staffs are rather on
can provide any most comprehensive exposure of global the role of independent professional than educators. The
institutions by the investigation of institution’s website or number of awardees at doctorate level implies that the
on-line performance. It also is reflexive of the kind graduate education flourishes and thus more creative and
transformation sparked by the revolutionary change of research- oriented often led to the quality of faculty. This
electronic lives or professional communication. The kind of indicators reflects the competitive capitalism or
international and national sources of information in this elite education to wake after the transformative global
kind were combined and assessed to yield the final community (Giddens, 1991). Nonetheless, the theme in my
rankings of academic strength. case is what the original role of colleges and universities is
The other indicator to measure the academic strengths of and what it means for the universal education at the
institution stems from the consideration of research funding. undergraduate level, most crucial stakeholders in the
As the money is most tangible evidence as a support of university (Hatch, 2002). As the faculty is a primary player to
research, thus, very critical to measure the quality of engineer the colleges and universities, they have a plenty of
research by the faculty. Besides the citation and faculty reason for the creative research and innovation, and
award, it could be more practical and competitive if money is preferably with the earnings and profits. Hence, it is
an element. The weakness of this measure, however, is only necessary to consider this factor, but not in any gross share.
covered in the planning stage of research, hence, input than One challenge in the context of college ranking is that it is
output. In terms of graduate education, this indicator seems only related with the engineering or applied natural science.
more highly relevant since the funding is essentially related Of course, we generally share in awareness that the
with the recruitment of graduate students and common massiveness in terms of the college and university
development as a professional researcher between the population, including the students and faculty, is also
recruiting faculty and students (Gergen, 1994). Often the labs characteristics of current college education and, hence, most
and groups can be formed on this basis to produce the kind of important discriminating factor in the international college
professional researchers with their nest. In terms of ranking. That is a part of reason that Caltech may come a top
undergraduate education, it is seemingly less relevant, but I ahead Harvard occasionally or similar with the UC Berkeley.
considered it still crucial since the funding competition This pattern of institutions may well be compared with the
becomes more intensified -- important point to view the kind of institutions, such as University of Chicago, Yale,
strengths of faculty, who ultimately is responsible for the NYU and Brown University. Between the overall citation
undergraduate students in the classroom. The measure of this statistics and that of humanity and social science available at
indicator is not so challenging unlike other ones since the 2008 Thomson Reuter, we can hint on this pattern, if the
monetary terms are any more than universal at the global University of North Carolina comes as top class ahead of
scale. And each nation certainly produces this type of data, those institutions while it performed less strong in the
and can be integral for the whole of global universities. For citations of whole field. This aspect was considered as
example, Harvard may come eighth in this statistics with a eclectic to evaluate the academic strengths of institution. The
little less than 1.0 billion dollars, Oxford and Cambridge or patent statistics have been compiled by concerned
University of Tokyo may rise at the place of 19 or 22 with institutions, and not so challenging to confirm. Some
700 million or 600 million dollars. Since I had a temporal institutional adjustment was made if the University of
factor to provide a view for the graduates of colleges and California comes first for the whole ten campus. Now we
universities from 1990 through 2010, my assessment of turn to see new Nobelists this year -- considered as top
data is longitudinal in coverage over more than twenty years honors for the faculty, which is some part of factors for the
roughly coming with such period. It means, for example, that university rankings. Therefore, it can be a source of
the University of Michigan and Berkeley in California may competition for the sensitive universities who invited even
fare at second and eleventh place in the 2014 statistics of for the temporal period of time to increase the international
National Science Foundation. Besides, I can consider the awareness or priority in the college rankings. In this sense, I
unique university, UW-Madison over than twenty years have assigned more value with the number of alumni than
compilation, which had fared within the range of top five the faculty members, who received the prize. Of course, it
institutions. In this way, the global rankings were compiled should be corroborating with my focus that there can we
to yield the final ranking of this qualitative inquiry on consider many of faculty awards much implicated with the
the college and university rankings. In this concern, we can context of national education, such as the national
refer to the patent statistics and number of doctorates medals of science from the global jurisdictions (Guba,
awarded, which also comes as same that is an important 1989).
indicator for the graduate education, but comes less Finally, the social aspect of institution based on the
258 Kiyoung Kim et al.: A Reflection on the Research Method and Exemplary
Application to the College and University Rankings

ranking of Facebook and Twitter needs to be considered that Rank Institution

Grade Point/Total of
it is essentially intertwined with the intellectual aspect of Five Indicators
college people beyond the social activities (1989). It also 23 New York University (76.0)
partly relates with the broad impact of institutions at global 24 University of Chicago (74.5)
24 King’s College London (74.5)
and national scale. I also viewed that the happiness concept
26 University of British Columbia (72.5)
of institutions is another important theme as we occasionally
26 Australia National University (72.5)
experience with the concerned people. Most importantly, the
28 University of Southern California (72.0)
Facebook or Twitter now partly is the space of intellectual
28 University of Tokyo (72.0)
exchange of views and public opinions. A short comment in 28 ETH-Zurich (72.0)
such social media from the influential scholars would be 31 University of Munich (71.0)
any echoing than hundreds-page books. We, of course, 32 University of Heidelberg (70.5)
including the college people, can learn the essence of public 33 University of Illinois-Urbana C. (70.0)
issues and point of contentions. The informed people also 33 Complutense University of Madrid (70.0)
could raise his view and opinions that was not feasible in 35 University of Manchester (69.5)
the earlier years without such space. Along the 36 Seoul National University (69.0)
transformation of our living mode, this aspect explains some 36 University of Freiburg (69.0)
part of institutional strength although little in share. Besides 36 Beijing University (69.0)
the direct ranking from Klout or others, the above 39 University of Vienna (68.5)
Webometrics was utilized to compile the ranking, despite 40 Moscow State University (68.0)
minimally, although it is neither immediate nor direct in For the View of Graduates around 1993-2010 years
terms of data attribute. There are some countries, of course,
developed countries oftentimes, which compiled and Data Considered
published this type of data. The sources of this kind, globally (I) Two NRC assessments (1996/2010) of research
and nationally, were considered to yield the final ranking. doctorate (Other similar nature of national sources)
(I) A Scope of Intelligence on the Offerings (30%) (II) 2005-2013 Leiden ranking on the number of
(II) A Scope of Intelligence on the Publications (20%) publications/2007 ranking from the Chronicle of
(III) A Quality of Research on the Research Funding, Higher Education on the faculty
(IV) Patent and Number of Doctorates Awarded (20%) productivity/SCImago institutional rankings (School’s
(V) A Quality of Research on the Citations and Awards website and other similar nature of sources)
(VI) of Faculty (20%) (III) Over 20 years NSF ranking of research funding and
(VII) A New Mode of Intellectual and Social Exchange the number of doctorates awarded (Other similar
(10%) nature of national sources)/National and international
patent statistics
Table 1. A Rating of Global Universities.
(IV) Wikipedia page for the Nobel recipients according to
Grade Point/Total of the institutional affiliation (School’s webpage for the
Rank Institution
Five Indicators information of faculty awards)/ 2008 Thomson
1 University of Wisconsin-Madison (90.5) Reuter citation report of institutions
2 Harvard University (90.0) (V) Klout ranking of the colleges and universities on the
3 Stanford University (87.0) social media and other similar nature of ranking
4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (86.5)
sources on Twitter and Facebook / Partly with the
4 University of California-Berkeley (86.5)
Webometrics ranking of world universities
4 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (86.5)
7 Cambridge University (85.5)
7 Oxford University (85.5) Exhibit II
9 University of California-Los Angeles (83.0)
10 Cal Tech (82.0) I consider the methodology is the kind of cornerstone to
11 University of Minnesota (81.0) yield a creative knowledge and thus definitive in forming the
11 University of Pennsylvania (81.0) better world views. Let me kindly illustrate one example
13 Cornell University (80.5) about the college selection of prospective international
14 Columbia University (80.0) students who explored an option to study in the university
15 University College London (79.5) other than US institutions. His major was one subject within
15 University of North Carolina (79.5) the humanity and social sciences, and considered a pertinent
15 Yale University (79.5) guide available. Nowadays, many national and international
18 Duke University (78.5) source of college guides are publicly available, but his times
19 Johns Hopkins University (78.0) would have scanty resources that provided a view for the
20 Northwestern University (78.0) prospective students. Among them, the Gourman report is
21 University of California-San Diego (77.0) one of popular ranking source around 1990’s. The current
22 University of Washington-Seattle (76.5)
sources, such as QS and other international rankings would
Education Journal 2015; 4(5): 250-262 259

just follow that report around some years later in time The Gourman report corroborates with this trait of
sequence. The US news and world report, one other national qualitative inquiries if it is regional and grouped with an
source, would uniquely be in parallel with the report in terms adequate details of presentation. Therefore, the studies of Dr.
of time span of reporting. Both began reporting around Gourman can be viewed as the mixed approach at exact
1970’s and 1980’s while the current ranking sources were terminology, and the blending and adaptation are a critical
given a birth in the new millennium. The Gourman report process to form a world view of his research findings. In this
was compiled and reported by Dr. Gourman, a counselor of respect, we can see the kind of intrinsic from the current
Department of Education for the US government, and was international rankings, so that they are not detailed through
published in the commercial version by the Princeton Review the faculty, master and doctorate and truncated into one
in 1997. My purpose here is twofold: (i) the qualitative unit, while the national rankings, particularly with the US
method is one of best way to deeply look into the humans sources, are gone otherwise. You can find the ranking of
and universe; (ii) to provide the view of world best undergraduate institutions in the United States and that of
universities for the entering class around 1997 through 2003. international institutions below, which I blended to produce
Since the rating of institutions in this report is based on the the global rankings, for example, between the Academia de
academic curriculum, quality of teaching, research Paris and Princeton University. The rest of blending and
performance and campus facilities, i.e., mostly on the adapting can be elaborated with the concerned institutions
university libraries, it may dominantly be of quantitative or people who were the students in that period of time.
piece except for some portions. Nevertheless, we can find the Besides the particulars of humanity and social science, I
strand of qualitative approach with the separate deals for a also should be concerned of small colleges, such as
major respective region, such as US and International Amherst, Oberlin, and others from the US institutions. This
sections. As we see, the most determinative query, in terms aspect is also pertinent, for example, the small or Grand
of research method discourse, would be, “what the researcher Ecoles from France and special schools, such as Berkeley
actually likes to know?” This query can lead to an adequate College or Julliard and conservatories for the European
selection of methods between the three holds in practice, say, music schools. These schools are particularly the kind of
quantitative, qualitative, and mixed. Now we have vastly exteriors that deserve a qualitative rating with the in-depth
been bent on the quantitative method in generating an studies. Therefore, the USNWR will separate the ratings
international ranking, such as measure of faculty publications between the doctoral level universities and colleges. The
and citations or so. It would be very kind to put some special rating agency also may rate their field, for example,
qualitative description of specific institution or special advice LA source for the world drama schools, and the National
for the selection of colleges or subjects. The quantitative Jurist for the most affordable-library law schools (Hurteau,
generalization, however, has a weakness to remain merely Houle, Mongiat, 2009).
within the general description of populace. Furthermore, the The blending and adapting exemplified between the
quantitative factors may massively be on the field of Academie de Paris and Princeton University have been based
engineering or natural science as the international rating on several points of consideration that eventually came tied
agency itself is submissive. The fields are the kind of gold for the top place of world – for example, (i) they are within a
slot to generate the uniform scale of rating since the terms, respective region that the liberal and social intelligence
versions and intelligence of those fields would be shared originated and now flourishes -- this quality was reflected in
virtually at universal extent within the global professionals. one case that the national research centers, such as CNRS,
From this attribute, the scale of measure can be uniform and Chinese or Russian Academy, play a pivotal role leading
persuasive for the stakeholders. This quality can no longer be their intelligence and understanding of the world so as to be
held still strongly through the field of humanity and social rated in the SCImago (ii) Paris, the original state of modern
science, in which the interest holders, such as prospective university system traced back to early of 13th century, and
students in that area of study, would look for other more Princeton university for the national identity of United States
adequate guides or reference. Provided if the cultural, (iii) besides the Gourman ranking, the institutions contributed
linguistic, and regional particulars are any more powerful to the world civilization massively over the humanity and
factor that governs the area of such academics, their inquiry social science and via production of Nobelists (iv) I
naturally turns on the qualitative nature (Huber & Whelan, considered the balance of power, the terms of international
1999; Henry, 1989). The Gourman report can be seen politics, through the weighing of global intelligence on equal
responsive to this need, and provides a good point of footing – the view is the kind of art, as blended or adapted
reference for the qualitative understanding in terms of world with uni/bi/multi-polarity, with the political scientists as if it
view. It separated a region leading to the quality of would be with the qualitative researchers who rate the two
acculturation, realistic view of world politics and discourse, distinct pans of intelligence, say, continental and US
and some of linguistic adaptation, though simply imperfect. (Natioanl Academy of Science, 2000; Marty & Appleby,
As we note, the keys of qualitative studies may be illustrated 1993; Koro-Ljungberg & Greckhamer, 2005). The qualitative
with the kind of purposeful sampling in the stage of data researcher also does a best practice to identify the pattern of
collection or identification of patterns through the data data, which could be applied to the data analysis. For
analysis. example, the universities or Ecoles in Paris generally would
260 Kiyoung Kim et al.: A Reflection on the Research Method and Exemplary
Application to the College and University Rankings

arise from the common leverage as we note in Parisien or A Rating of Global Universities (after Blending and Adapting)
numbered name of universities, and are expected of public 11
concept concerning the pattern of academics, common 12
interchange and uniform supervision of doctoral studies with 13
the Sorbonne scholars, as well as a number of specialized 14
Ecoles under the title of Academie de Paris (Amstrong, 15
Gosling, Weinman, Marteau, 1997; Carter, 1993).7 It is useful 16
to consider one institution, CEDS Paris -- a small graduate 17
oriented institution, hence, out of scope of global ranking
(Connelly, 1990). The institution provides the form of title
page of doctoral dissertation embosomed with such logo, and
often the doctoral supervisors are from the Paris universities.
Then the researcher could identify this pattern of academic 23
phenomenon with the capturing name of institutions, 24
Academie de Paris, when rating the institutions by means of 25
blending and adapting, in which the expanded coverage 26
might be feasible for the small institutions, especially in the 27
case of doctoral studies as once shown in the Technical 28
Report III (Boland, 1995; Eaves, 2001). I considered more 29
salient importance from the undergraduate ranking for the US 30
universities -- around 70 percent from the total -- since the 31-100
essential role will be to educate the general level of For the View of Students around 1996-2003 years
intellectuals, and vast in student populace. That is in contrast
while graduate ranking shall be made more projected (same Table 3. A Part of Data: The Gourman Ranking (1997, Princeton
percent from the total) in the international universities that Review/same ranking from the Korean guidebook around the 1990’s).
often the source of international commonality or sharing -- A Rating of International A Rating of Top 50
especially if combined with the US universities -- most facile Universities Undergraduate Institutions
derives from the graduate level of education. The 1 (4.92) Academie de Paris 1. Princeton
undergraduate education in this frame can be more 2 (4.91) U. of Oxford 2 Harvard
3 (4.90) U. of Cambridge 3. Michigan(Ann Arbor)
adequately assumed as subject to the graduate level of
4 (4.89) U. of Heidelberg 4. Yale
student and faculty in the case of international universities. In U. of Montpellier
this way, we finally yield the overall global ranking. Below 5 (4.85) 5. Stanford
do we see part of sources from the rankings. 6 (4.83) U. of Munich 6. Calif, Berkeley
I have made a brief exploration of qualitative method as 7 (4.81) U. of Lyons I/II/III 7. Cornell
8 (4.80) U. of Lillie I/II/III 8. Chicago
well as the importance of blending and adapting to generate a
9 (4.79) U. of Edinburgh 9. Wis. (Madison)
deep knowledge of humans and universe. This type of 10 (4.77) U. of Vienna 10. UCLA
approach could grow and be viewed as more adequate in this U. of Aix-Marseilles
11 (4.75) 11. MIT
post-modern global village, and it would not be unwise that I/II/III
is to be encouraged of this way of research and awareness. 12 (4.73) Free U. of Brussels 12. CAL TECH
13 (4.71) U. of Zurich 13. Calif. San Diego
Table 2. A Rating of Global Universities. 14 (4.70) U. of Gottingen 14. Northwestern
15 (4.68) U. of Bordeaux I/II/III 15. Pennsylvania
A Rating of Global Universities (after Blending and Adapting) 16 (4.65) U. of Nancy I/II 16. Columbia
1. Academie de Paris/Princeton University (tied as completed) 17 (4.64) U. of Toronto 17. Minn. (Minneapolis)
2. 18 (4.61) McGill U. 18. Brown
19 (4.59) U. of Geneva 19. Duke
20 (4.56) U. of Tubingen 20. Dartmouth
U. of Erlangen-
5. 21 (4.54) 21. Illinois (Urbana)
6. 22 (4.53) U. of Grenoble I/II/III 22. Brandeis
7. * For example, Vienna and Cornell can be matched at 7th or Munich and 23 (4.52) U. of Burgundy Djon 23. Ind. (Bloomington)
Caltech may come at 12th after the qualitative evaluation are to be 24 (4.49) U. of Marburg 24. Johns Hopkins
completed by the interested evaluators/This way can be ahead for the 25 (4.45) U. of Rennes I/II/III 25. Notre Dame
blanks through, as left with them. 26 (4.44) U. of Toulouse I/II/III 26. Wash. (Seattle)
8. U. of Rouen-Haute-
27 (4.42) 27. Rice
9. Normandie
10 U. of Clermont-
28 (4.41) 28. NC (Chapel Hill)
Ferrand I
U. of Friedrich-
29 (4.36) 29. NYU
7 This attribute also corroborates with the national uniformity of research mission
30 (4.35) U. of Bonn 30. SUNY (Buffalo)
as noted with the CNRS and the agencies of socialistic nations.
Education Journal 2015; 4(5): 250-262 261

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