Aogs 101 1364
Aogs 101 1364
Aogs 101 1364
DOI: 10.1111/aogs.14449
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.
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© 2022 The Authors. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Nordic Federation of Societies of
Obstetrics and Gynecology (NFOG).
1364 | Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2022;101:1364–1373.
WU et al. | 1365
body mass index, meta-analysis, primary dysmenorrhea, relationship
2.3 | Outcome measure up the scores of the 11 items. The quality of the articles was assessed
as follows: a total score of 0–3 was considered low quality, 4–7 was
The primary outcome was the odds ratio (OR) and its 95% confi- considered medium quality, and 8–11 was considered high quality.19
dence interval (CI) indicating the relation between each category of
BMI and the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea.
2.5 | Statistical analyses
2.4 | Data extraction and quality assessment The effect sizes of the relation between the categories of BMI and pri-
mary dysmenorrhea were expressed as OR with 95% CI. In detail, we used
The data extraction was performed by two authors (LW, JZ) indepen- the normal category of BMI in each included study as a reference group
dently. Differences of opinion among the reviewers were resolved in (OR 1) and then compared it with underweight (<18.5 kg/m2), overweight
extensive discussion (LW, JZ, HF). As a result, consensus was reached (25–29.9 kg/m2) and obese (≥30 kg/m2) BMI, respectively. The heterogene-
on the inclusion of the following information: the name of the first au- ity among studies was assessed using the Q test and the I2 test.20 According
thor, publication year, country, study design, study period, sample size, to the calculation results, we used a fixed-effects model when heterogene-
age of women with primary dysmenorrhea, continent, pain measure, ity was not statistically different (p > 0.05 or I2 < 50%); on the contrast, a
BMI categories, and the corresponding OR and their 95% CI. Three au- random-effects model was used. Then, we performed subgroup analyses
thors (LW, JZ, JT) independently used the 11 items recommended by of the results with high heterogeneity to detect its sources,21 with the fol-
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality18 to evaluate the quality lowing prespecified subgroups: continents (Asia, Europe). Begg's tests and
of cross-sectional studies. Differences were resolved by careful com- Egger's tests were performed to evaluate the risk of bias.22 The results of
munication (LW, JZ, JT, HF). All 11 entries were evaluated with “yes”, all meta-analyses were presented as the relevant OR and 95% CI, I2 and
“no”, and “unclear” and scored as 1 for “yes” and 0 for “no” or “unclear”. p values. In this study, all statistical analyses were performed using Stata
The total score, which ranged from 0 to 11, was obtained by adding software version 16.0 (StataCorp).
Sample size
Author/year/ (n)/ age (years)/ BMI
countryref Study design Study period continent Pain measure categories OR (95% CI)
Wang/2017/ Cross-sectional Not reported 4630/17–22/Asia Guiding principles for <18.5 1.781 (1.568–2.023)
China23 clinical research 18.5–23.9b 1
of new Chinese ≥24c 0.683 (0.574–0.813)
Jing/ Cross-sectional October– 961/ Guiding principles for <18.5a 1.235 (0.910–1.675)
2018/ December, 17–25/ clinical research 18.5–24.9b 1
China24 2017 Asia of new Chinese ≥25c 0.777 (0.377–1.603)
Zurawiecka/2018/ Cross-sectional 2015–2016 771/19–25/ The Andersch and <18.5a 3.280 (1.760–6.110)
Poland25 Europe Milsom scale 18.5–25b 1
>25c 2.310 (1.230–4.330)
Rafique/ Cross-sectional March, 2016– 370/ The numeric pain <18.5a 2.401 (1.076–5.358)
2018/ March, 18–25/ relating scale 18.5–24.99b 1
Arabia26 2017 Asia 25–29.99c 1.957 (0.961–3.985)
≥30 d 5.335 (1.215–23.416)
Fernández- Cross-sectional May–June, 258/ The visual analog <18.5a 1.457 (0.565–3.757)
Martínez/ 2017 18–45/ scale 18.5–24.99b 1
2018/ Europe ≥25c 0.971 (0.425–2.221)
Wang/ Cross-sectional March–July, 1069/ Obstetrics and ≤18.4a 0.786 (0.577–1.072)
2019/ 2018 18–25/ gynecology 18.5–23.9b 1
China28 Asia 24–27.9c 0.659 (0.357–1.217)
≥28d 0.844 (0.216–3.293)
Zheng/ Cross-sectional Not reported 1200/ The visual analog <18.5a 2.032 (1.496–2.761)
2020/ 15.80 ± 2.80/ scale 18.5–23b 1
China29 Asia >23c 1.080 (0.816–1.428)
Jiang/ Cross-sectional Not reported 14 828/ Gynecology of <18.5a 1.216 (1.073–1.379)
2020/ 18–45/ Traditional 18.5–23.9b 1
China30 Asia Chinese Medicine ≥24c 1.046 (0.901–1.215)
Hu/ Cross-sectional September, 4428/ The visual analog <18.5a 1.249 (1.090–1.431)
2020/ 2017–June, 19.00 ± 1.20/ scale 18.5–24b 1
China31 2018 Asia ≥24c 0.965 (0.733–1.272)
Hashim/ Cross-sectional September, 336/ Not reported <18.5a 1.060 (0.450–2.450)
2020/ 2017–May, 19–26/ 18.5–24.9b 1
Arabia7 2018 Asia 25–29.9c 1.140 (0.550–2.380)
≥30 d 0.970 (0.340–2.750)
Shellasih/ Cross-sectional July 17–24, 246/ Not reported <18.5a 0.940 (0.454–1.949)
2020/ 2018 not reported/ 18.5–24.9b 1
Indonesia32 Asia ≥25c 1.011 (0.444–2.304)
Karout/ Cross-sectional April–July, 550/ The visual analog <18.5a 2.013 (0.882–4.594)
2021/ 2019 18–3 0/ scale 18.5–24.9b 1
Lebanon33 Asia 25–29.9c 1.650 (0.835–3.263)
≥30 d 1.445 (0.411–5.077)
Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item
Author/year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Score Quality
Wang/2017 √ √ × × • √ √ √ √ √ • 7 Medium
Jing/2018 √ √ √ × • √ √ √ √ × • 7 Medium
Zurawiecka/2018 √ √ √ × • √ √ √ √ × • 7 Medium
Rafique/2018 √ √ √ × • √ • √ √ √ • 7 Medium
Fernández-Martínez √ √ √ × • √ √ √ √ × • 7 Medium
Wang/2019 √ √ √ × • √ • √ √ √ • 7 Medium
Zheng/2020 √ √ × × • √ • √ √ √ • 6 Medium
Jiang/2020 √ √ × × • √ • √ • √ • 5 Medium
Hu/2020 √ √ √ × • √ √ √ √ × • 7 Medium
Hashim/2020 √ √ √ × • √ √ √ √ √ • 8 High
Shellasih/2020 √ √ √ × • √ • √ × √ • 6 Medium
Karout/2021 √ √ √ × • √ • √ √ √ • 7 Medium
Note: √: yes; ×: no; •: unclear; Item1: Define the source of information (survey, record review); Item 2: List inclusion and exclusion criteria for exposed
and unexposed participants (cases and controls) or refer to previous publications; Item 3: Indicate time period used for identifying patients; Item 4:
Indicate whether or not participants were consecutive if not population-based; Item 5: Indicate if evaluators of subjective components of study were
masked to other aspects of the status of the participants; Item 6: Describe any assessments undertaken for quality assurance purposes (eg, test/
retest of primary outcome measurements); Item 7: Explain any patient exclusions from analysis; Item 8: Describe how confounding was assessed
and/or controlled; Item 9: If applicable, explain how missing data were handled in the analysis; Item 10: Summarize patient response rates and
completeness of data collection; Item 11: Clarify what follow-up, if any, was expected and the percentage of patients for which incomplete data or
follow-up was obtained; Medium: 4–7 (score); High: 8–11 (score).
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval OR, odds ratio.
in six countries (China, Poland, Arabia, Spain, Indonesia, and to 24.9 kg/m2, overweight from 25 kg/m2 to 29.9 kg/m2, and obesity
Lebanon), and most of the studies23,24,28–31 were conducted was BMI of 30 kg/m2 or more. The quality assessment results of the
in China. Corresponding countries to their continents, 10 included studies are shown in Table 2. The quality assessment scores
studies7,23,24,26,28–33 were conducted in Asia, and only two stud- of the included studies ranged from 5 to 8; 11 of the studies23–33 were
ies were conducted in Europe. of medium quality, and one study7 was of high quality. The results of
Ten included studies23–31,33explicitly mentioned the assessment of Begg's test and Egger's test revealed that there was no significant pub-
pain in primary dysmenorrhea, but two studies7,32 did not specifically lication bias (p > 0.05) in the association between each abnormal cate-
report it. A visual analog scale was used in four studies27,29,31,33 to as- gory of BMI (underweight, overweight, obesity) and the occurrence of
sess pain, which was simple and easy to use. In addition, two studies23,24 primary dysmenorrhea in the included studies (Table 3).
assessed pain through the appropriate guidelines, two studies
assessed pain through content in the textbook, and two studies25,26
used other scales separately. All included studies covered the following 3.2 | Synthesis: relationships
three categories of BMI: underweight, normal weight, and overweight;
only four studies7,26,28,33 explicitly included the category of obesity. Table 3 showed the results of the relation between each cat-
Although the cut-off values of each category of BMI varied among egory of BMI and the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea. Twelve
the included studies, in most studies, the criteria for being under- studies7,23–33 reported the relation between being underweight and
2 2
weight was BMI less than 18.5 kg/m , normal weight from 18.5 kg/m the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea, involving a total of 6545
WU et al. | 1369
Underweight <0.001
Asia 10 1.35 (1.12–1.64) 0.002 79.9 <0.001
Europe 225,27 2.37 (1.09–5.17) 0.030 49.2 0.161
Overweight 0.709
Asia 107,23,24,26,28–33 0.89 (0.80–1.19) 0.820 63.0 0.004
Europe 2 1.56 (0.67–3.64) 0.300 62.6 0.102
underweight women (Figure 2). We used a random-effects model to There was a regional difference in cut-off value of the overweight
calculate the OR along with its 95% CI due to the heterogeneity test category of BMI in the included literature in this study. Eight included
testified p < 0.001 and I2 = 78.9%. The results (Table 3) suggested that studies23–25,27,29–32 covered only three categories (underweight, nor-
being underweight may be associated with the occurrence of primary mal weight, overweight) of BMI and did not further distinguish be-
dysmenorrhea (OR 1.43; 95% CI 1.18–1.73). In addition, the results of tween overweight and obesity. In order to explore the association
the subgroup analysis (Table 4) indicated that the underweight women between overweight and the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea,
in Europe25,27 (OR 2.37; 95% CI 1.09–5.17) might be more likely to ex- we ignored the regional difference mentioned above and roughly
perience primary dysmenorrhea than Asian women7,23,24,26,28–33 (OR considered the category of BMI in the above-undifferentiated condi-
1.35; 95% CI 1.12–1.64). tion to be overweight. As a result, a total of 12 studies7,23–33 were
1370 | WU et al.
involved and the corresponding participants included in these stud- dysmenorrhea. However, overweight and obesity might not be as-
ies numbered 3098. (Figure 3). Since the heterogeneity test reported sociated with the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea. In addition,
p = 0.001 and I2 = 65.9%, a random-effects model was used. The find- the subgroup analysis showed that underweight European women
ings (Table 3) suggested that being overweight may not be associated may be more likely to experience primary dysmenorrhea than un-
with the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea. In subgroup analyses derweight Asian women. But there appeared to be no difference
(Table 4), we found that overweight European women may not differ between overweight European women compared with overweight
from overweight Asian women in their association with the occur- Asian women in their relation with the occurrence of primary
rence of primary dysmenorrhea compared with overweight women. dysmenorrhea.
Only four studies7,26,28,33 explicitly explored the relation be- There are several previous10,11,34 studies that support the find-
tween obesity and the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea, cor- ings of this study regarding the association between underweight
responding to a sample size of 94 (Figure 4). The heterogeneity test and primary dysmenorrhea. Although the cause of primary dys-
showed p = 0.246 and I2 = 27.7%, so we used a fixed-effects model menorrhea is still not fully understood, the currently accepted
and did not perform the relevant subgroup analyses. The results of pathogenesis for the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea is the
the meta-analysis (Table 3) indicated that obesity might not be re- overproduction of prostaglandins. Once too much prostaglandin
lated to the development of primary dysmenorrhea. is released, the uterus will contract excessively, causing increased
pressure and reduced blood flow in the uterus, leading to ischemia
and hypoxia, which result in the occurrence of primary dysmenor-
4 | DISCUSSION rhea.4 Being underweight means that women may have low body
fat and suffer from malnutrition. A certain amount of body fat is im-
In this study, we identified the relation between BMI and primary portant for the maintenance of a normal ovulation cycle,35 but low
dysmenorrhea by analyzing the relevant included studies. We found body fat may interfere with normal ovulation and menstrual cycles,
that being underweight may increase the risk of developing primary which might lead to excessive prostaglandin release,11 and so cause
.03125 1 32
excessive uterine contractions, leading to the occurrence of primary regional differences, and cultural differences. In addition, the cut-off
dysmenorrhea. In addition, underweight women produced less es- values for the overweight category of BMI were not consistent among
trogen and this may also lead to irregularity in their ovulatory cycles the included studies exploring the relation between overweight and
and increase the risk of the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea.9,36 the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea. And some included studies
Related research showed that malnutrition was a possible factor for did not clearly distinguish between overweight and obesity. So it is
the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea.37 The above explanation possible that the overweight category of BMI may have also included
may support the finding that being underweight may increase the obese women. It can be seen that the difference in the cut-off values
risk of the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea. It has been sug- of overweight may have had a significant effect on the results of this
gested that Europeans were likely to have a lower amount of body fat study. Therefore, the World Health Organization classification criteria
than Asians,38 which might explain why the underweight European for BMI should be used whenever possible in future relevant studies,
women were more likely than Asian women to experience primary and a distinction should be made between the overweight category
dysmenorrhea. Moreover, sociocultural factors and environment in and the obese category.
different continents may also be responsible for this result. More Tembhurne and Mitra42 and Abadi Bavil et al43 pointed out that
studies are needed to provide a more scientific interpretation of the obesity may increase the risk of developing primary dysmenorrhea.
subgroup results mentioned above. Temur et al44 further believed that obesity may be one of the cor-
39 40
Al-Matouq et al and Nloh et al found that there appeared to be rectable influencing factors for primary dysmenorrhea. The results
no relation between overweight and the development of primary dys- of the above studies are not consistent with this study. In our study,
menorrhea, which is consistent with the results of this meta-analysis. only four studies explored the relation between obesity and the oc-
26 41
However, Rafique and Al-Sheikh and Elizondo-Montemayor et al currence of primary dysmenorrhea, and the sample sizes involved in
found that there was a significant relation between overweight and these studies were small. Moreover, the cut-off values for the obe-
primary dysmenorrhea in their studies. The contrary results of the sity of BMI in the included studies were not identical. These factors
studies may be related to factors such as the greatly varied sample size, may have contributed to the inconsistency between the results of
1372 | WU et al.
this study and those of other available studies. As far as we know, between each BMI category and the occurrence of primary dysmen-
obesity may increase the production of both prostaglandin and orrhea was not fully clarified in this study, maintaining a balanced
estrogen, which would lead to excessive uterine contraction and diet and an appropriate lifestyle is beneficial for people to have the
abnormal ovulatory cycles.42,45 So obesity may be associated with normal category of BMI and live a healthy life, which may play a role
the development of primary dysmenorrhea and it was worth noting in preventing the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea.
that the prevalence of obesity among adolescents is increasing glob-
ally.46 If obesity does increase the risk of primary dysmenorrhea to AU T H O R C O N T R I B U T I O N S
some extent, then the incidence of primary dysmenorrhea in young Concept and design of the article: Lingsha Wu, Haiyan Fang; Search
women will also increase year by year. Based on these findings, it strategy and selection criteria: Lingsha Wu, Jie Tang, Haiyan Fang;
is necessary to conduct more large-sample studies in the future to Data extraction: Lingsha Wu, Jing Zhang; Quality assessment: Lingsha
clarify the relation between obesity and the occurrence of primary Wu, Jing Zhang, Jie Tang, Haiyan Fang; Statistical analyses: Lingsha
dysmenorrhea and we should use cut-off values for the obesity cat- Wu, Jing Zhang; Manuscript writing: Lingsha Wu; All authors ap-
egory of the World Health Organization classification criteria. proved the final version of the manuscript.
Several limitations of the current meta-analysis should be de-
scribed. First, the included studies were all cross-sectional studies F U N D I N G I N FO R M AT I O N
and the sample sizes varied considerably between studies, which may This systematic review was funded by the Key Project of Natural
produce some bias. We should therefore interpret the relevant results Science Research Fund for Universities of Anhui Province Education
with caution. Second, we ignored the regional difference in the cut-off Department (KJ2020A0444).
value of the overweight category of BMI in the included studies and
roughly classified the category of BMI that did not further distinguish C O N FL I C T O F I N T E R E S T
between overweight and obesity as overweight. This may lead to some None.
deviation in the results. Third, because of the small amount of litera-
ture included in this study, only subgroup analyses of continents were ORCID
ultimately performed, which could also affect the results of the rele- Lingsha Wu
vant meta-analysis. Fourth, potential confounding factors, such as the
family history of primary dysmenorrhea, length of menstrual cycle, and REFERENCES
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