Instructions For Use: Nobelactive® Implant
Instructions For Use: Nobelactive® Implant
Instructions For Use: Nobelactive® Implant
– in whom adequate sizes, numbers or desirable position of implants are not reachable Pre-operative hard tissue or soft tissue deficits may yield a compromised esthetic result
to achieve safe support of functional or eventually parafunctional loads. or unfavorable implant angulations.
– who are allergic or hypersensitive to commercially pure titanium (grade 4), titanium At surgery:
alloy Ti-6Al-4V (titanium, aluminum, vanadium), stainless steel, or DLC (Diamond Like Particular caution should be used when placing narrow platform implants in the posterior
Carbon) coating. region due to risk of prosthetic overload.
NobelActive® 3.0 implants are not intended to be used to replace a central incisor, All instruments and tooling used during procedure must be maintained in good condition and
a canine, a premolar or a molar in the maxilla nor to replace a canine, a premolar or care must be taken that instrumentation does not damage implants or other components.
a molar in the mandible. Because of the small sizes of the devices, care must be taken that they are not swallowed
Important: Please read.
NobelActive® 3.0 implants are not intended to be used for multiple tooth replacements. or aspirated by the patient.
Disclaimer of liability:
NobelActive® implants may be tilted up to 45° relative to the occlusal plane. When used
This product is part of an overall concept and may only be used in conjunction ction with
ith Warnings:
with angulations between 30° and 45°, the following applies: The tilted implant must be
the associated original products according to the instructions and recommendation
endationnoof Failure to recognize actual lengths of drills relative to radiographic measurements can splinted; a minimum of 4 implants must be used when supporting a fixed prosthesis in
Nobel Biocare. Non-recommended use of products made by third parties in conjunction result in permanent injury to nerves or other vital structures. Drilling beyond the depth a fully edentulous arch.
with Nobel Biocare products will void any warranty or other obligation, express or implied, intended for lower jaw surgery may potentially result in permanent numbness to the
of Nobel Biocare. The user of Nobel Biocare products has the duty to determine whether After the implant installation, the surgeon’s evaluation of bone quality and primary stability
lower lip and chin or lead to a hemorrhage in the floor of the mouth.
or not any product is suitable for the particular patient and circumstances. Nobel Biocare will determine when implants may be loaded. Lack of adequate quantity and/or quality
Beside the mandatory precautions for any surgery such as of asepsis, during drilling in of remaining bone, infection and generalized diseases may be potential causes for failure
disclaims any liability, express or implied, and shall have no responsibility for any direct,
the jaw bone, one must avoid damage the nerves and vessels by referring to anatomical of osseointegration both immediately after surgery, or after osseointegration is initially
indirect, punitive or other damages, arising out of or in connection with any errors in
knowledge and preoperative medical imaging (e.g. radiographs). achieved.
professional judgment or practice in the use of Nobel Biocare products. The user is also
obliged to study the latest developments in regard to this Nobel Biocare product and its Cautions: After surgery:
applications regularly. In cases of doubt, the user has to contact Nobel Biocare. Since the To secure the long term treatment outcome it is advised to provide comprehensive regular
utilization of this product is under the control of the user, they are his/her responsibility. patient follow up after implant treatment and to inform about appropriate oral hygiene.
One hundred percent implant success cannot be guaranteed. Failure to observe the
Nobel Biocare does not assume any liability whatsoever for damage arising thereof.
indicated limitations of use and working steps may result in failure. Surgical procedure:
Please note that some products detailed in this Instruction for Use may not be regulatory
cleared, released or licensed for sale in all markets. Treatment by means of implants may lead to loss of bone, biologic or mechanical failures 1. During drilling procedures bone quality should be considered (please see table 1: recom-
including fatigue fracture of implants. mended drill sequences based on bone quality to ensure optimal primary stability when
Description: Close cooperation between surgeon, restorative dentist and dental laboratory technician applying immediate function).
Implant: is essential for a successful implant treatment.
NobelActive® implant is an endosseous threaded dental implant made from biocompatible It is strongly recommended that NobelActive® implants are used only with dedicated
1 Recommended drill sequences based on bone quality. Drill data are stated in mm
commercially pure grade 4 titanium with TiUnite® surface. and the drill diameters listed within brackets denote widening of cortex only.
Nobel Biocare surgical instruments and prosthetic components, as combining compo-
Tooling: nents that are not dimensioned for correct mating can lead to mechanical instrumental Implant Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone
Nobel Biocare Twist Drills, Twist Step Drills and Screw Taps are made of stainless steel failure, damage to tissue or unsatisfactory esthetic results. diameter Type IV Type II–III Type I
with DLC (Diamond Like Carbon) coating and should be used in conjunction with It is strongly recommend that clinicians, new as well as experienced implant users, ∅ 3.0 1.5 2.0 2.0
NobelActive® implants. always go through special training before undertaking a new treatment method. 2.4/2.8
Nobel Biocare offers a wide range of courses for various levels of knowledge and
Intended use: ∅ 3.5 2.0 2.0 2.0
experience. For more information please visit
NobelActive® implants are dental implants intended to be used in the upper or lower jaw (2.4/2.8) 2.4/2.8 2.4/2.8
Working the first time with a colleague, experienced with a new device/treatment method, (2.8/3.2) 2.8/3.2
bone for anchoring or supporting tooth replacements to restore chewing function.
will provide further insight and understanding. Nobel Biocare has a global network of
∅ 4.3 2.0 2.0 2.0
Indications: mentors available for this purpose.
2.4/2.8 2.4/2.8 2.4/2.8
Nobel Biocare’s NobelActive® implant restoration range from single tooth to fixed-removable Before surgery: (2.8/3.2) 3.2/3.6 3.2/3.6
full dental arch overdenture applications to restore chewing function. This can be achieved Careful clinical and radiological examination of the patient has to be performed prior to (3.8/4.2)
by a 2-stage or 1-stage surgical technique in combination with immediate, early or delayed surgery to determine the psychological and physical status of the patient.
∅ 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
loading protocols, recognizing sufficient primary stability and appropriate occlusal loading Special attention has to be given to patients who have localized or systemic factors that 2.4/2.8 2.4/2.8 2.4/2.8
for the selected technique. could interfere with the healing process of either bone or soft tissue or the osseointegra- 3.2/3.6 3.2/3.6 3.2/3.6
Nobel Biocare’s NobelActive® 3.0 implant restorations are for single tooth restoration to tion process (e.g., cigarette smoking, poor oral hygiene, uncontrolled diabetes, oro-facial 3.8/4.2 3.8/4.2
replace a lateral incisor in the maxilla and/or a central or lateral incisor in the mandible to radiotherapy, steroid therapy, infections in the neighboring bone). Special caution is (4.2/4.6)
restore chewing function. This can be achieved by a 2-stage or 1-stage surgical technique advised in patients who receive bisphosphonate therapy.
∅ 5.5 2.0 2.0 2.0
in combination with immediate, early or delayed loading protocols, recognizing sufficient Special caution is advised in patients who receive bisphosphonate therapy. 2.4/2.8 2.4/2.8 2.4/2.8
primary stability and appropriate occlusal loading for the selected technique. 3.2/3.6 3.2/3.6 3.2/3.6
In general, implant placement and prosthetic design must accommodate individual
Contraindications: patient conditions. In case of bruxism or unfavorable jaw relationships reappraisal of the (3.8/4.2) 3.8/4.2 3.8/4.2
treatment option may be considered. 4.2/4.6 4.2/5.0
IFU1001 000 00
NobelActive® is contraindicated for patients: (4.2/5.0) Screw Tap
With respect to pediatric patients, routine treatment is not recommended until the end
– who are medically unfit for an oral surgical procedure.
of the jaw bone growth phase has been properly documented. Drilling must proceed at high speed (max. 2000 rpm for Twist Step Drills) under constant
– with inadequate bone volume unless an augmentation procedure can be considered.
and profuse external irrigation by sterile saline at room temperature.
Depth measurement system: the parallel drills have a true depth measurement system. 5. Place and tighten the implant. For NobelActive® 3.0 use maximum 45 Ncm installation – Place screw tap into prepared implant site using low speed (25 rpm).
All drills and components are marked to prepare the site to the correct depth and obtain torque (D:1) and for NobelActive® 3.5, 4.3, 5.0 and 5.5 use maximum 70 Ncm installa- – Apply firm pressure and begin rotating the screw tap slowly. When the threads engage,
a secure and predictable position. tion torque (D:2). allow screw tap to feed without pressure to defined depth.
Caution: Twist Drills and Twist Step Drills extend up to 1 mm longer than the implant
when seated. Allow for this additional length when drilling near vital anatomical struc-
D:1 D:2 – Switch the drill device with handpiece to reverse mode and back the screw tap out.
NobelActive® 3.0 NobelActive® 3.5, 4.3, 5.0, 5.5 Continue with implant installation until desired position is achieved using max 45 Ncm
tures (please see image A for dill reference lines).
installation torque for NobelActive® 3.0 implant or max 70 Ncm for NobelActive® 3.5, 4.3,
A 5.0. and 5.5 implants.
To ensure ideal prosthetic abutment orientation for internal conical connection implants
position one of the internal hexagon flat surfaces in the implant towards buccal/facial.
To facilitate proper orientation see markings on implant drivers (D:1 and D:2).
6. For Immediate Function, the implant should be able to withstand a final torque of
35–45 Ncm for NobelActive® 3.0 implant and 35–70 Ncm for NobelActive® 3.5, 4.3,
5.0, and 5.5 implants.
7. Depending on surgical protocol of choice, place a cover screw or abutment and suture (F).
F:1 F:2
15 mm
13 mm
10 mm
max 45 Ncm max 70 Ncm
7 mm
Caution: Never exceed insertion torque of 45 Ncm for a NobelActive® 3.0 implant and
70 Ncm for NobelActive® 3.5, 4.3, 5.0 and 5.5 implants. Due to the narrow implant
diameter and narrow implant abutment connection the maximum insertion torque for
0 mm NobelActive® 3.0 differs from the entire NobelActive® assortment. Do not use the 70 Ncm
torque recommendation on implant systems other than the NobelActive® 3.5, 4.3, 5.0 or
Image A shows Twist Drills and Twist Step Drills 7–15 mm and implant 13 mm. 5.5 implants. Overtightening an implant may lead to damage of the implant, fracture or
Note: The marks on Twist Drills and Twist Step Drills indicate actual millimeter length and necrosis of the bone site. If a Surgical Driver is used to insert the implant, special care
correspond to the implant collar. Final vertical positioning depends on several parameters, needs to be taken to avoid over tightening.
including esthetics, tissue thickness and available vertical space. Special instructions when placing NobelActive® implants:
Full seating of implant: See table 2 for implant specifications.
2. Prepare implant site (B). When using a flapless approach add-on soft tissue height to
drill depth. The unique thread design of NobelActive® implants allows to redirect the implant during
insertion. This feature requires special attention to execute during placement, as the 2 Implant data
3. Measure the final depth of implant site for applicable implant length using depth probe
implant will not necessarily stop at the bottom of the prepared site, but may go deeper Platform Platform Implant Abutment Lengths
with same measurements as Twist Drills and Twist Step Drills.
into the bone. diameter diameter interface
4. Open the implant package and pick up the implant from inner casing by applying light
Insertion speed of implant: ∅ 3.0 mm ∅ 3.0 mm ∅ 2.5 mm 10 mm, 11.5 mm, 13 mm, 15 mm
pressure on the implant driver and carefully turn the implant sleeve counter clockwise
The thread pitch allows the implant to be inserted up to four times faster compared to
until implant driver is fully seated (C). NobelActive® implants are ideally installed with
other implants. This means that significantly less turns are required compared to other
low speed, max 25 rpm, using drilling device or by hand using surgical driver.
implant systems to fully seat the implant.
∅ 3.5 mm ∅ 3.5 mm ∅ 3.0 mm 8.5 mm, 10 mm, 11.5 mm, 13 mm,
B C Dense bone instructions:
15 mm, 18 mm
If the implant gets stuck during implant installation or 45 Ncm (NobelActive® 3.0) or
70 Ncm (NobelActive® 3.5, 4.3, 5.0, and 5.5) is achieved before fully seated:
∅ 3.9 mm ∅ 4.3 mm ∅ 3.4 mm 8.5 mm, 10 mm, 11.5 mm, 13 mm,
a) rotate the implant counter clockwise approximately ½ turn enabling use of self-tapping
∅ 5.0 mm ∅ 3.4 mm 15 mm, 18 mm
capacity of the implant or
8.5 mm, 10 mm, 11.5 mm, 13 mm,
b) back out implant and widen the site with a wider drill according to drill protocol or
15 mm, 18 mm
c) select a NobelActive® Screw tap matching the diameter of the implant. Drill depth for
screw tap (E:1 for 3.0, 3.5 and 4.3. E:2 and E:3 for 5.5). ∅ 5.1 mm ∅ 5.5 mm ∅ 4.4 mm 7 mm, 8.5 mm, 10 mm, 11.5 mm,
13 mm, 15 mm
E:1 E:2 E:3
For additional information on surgical procedures please consult the NobelActive®
“Procedures & products” treatment guidelines available at
or request latest printed version from a Nobel Biocare representative.
NobelActive® implant: commercially pure titanium grade 4.
Cover Screw: titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V (titanium, aluminum, vanadium).
8.5, 10, 11.5, 7, 8.5, 11.5, 13, Twist Drills, Twist Step Drill, and Screw Taps: stainless steel, DLC (Diamond Like Carbon)
13, 15, 18 mm 10 mm 15 mm coating.
IFU1001 000 00
Cleaning and sterilization instructions:
NobelActive® Implants, Twist Drills and Twist Step Drills are delivered sterile for single use
only prior to the labeled expiration date.
Warning: Do not use device if the packaging has been damaged or previously opened.
Caution: Implants, Twist Drills and Twist Step Drills are single use product and must not
be reprocessed. Reprocessing could cause loss of mechanical, chemical and/or biological
characteristics. Reuse could cause cross contamination.
NobelActive® Screw Taps are delivered sterile and intended for re-use. Prior to re-use,
clean, disinfect and seal the product in a pouch and steam sterilize using the recom-
mended parameters.
Warning: Use of non-sterile device may lead to infection of tissues or infectious diseases.
For USA: Seal single device in a pouch and steam sterilize at 270°F–279°F (132°C–137°C)
for 3 minutes.
For outside USA: Seal single device in a pouch and steam sterilize at 132°C–135°C,
max. 137°C (270°F–275°F, max. 279°F) for 3 minutes.
Alternative UK: Seal single device in a pouch and steam sterilize at 134°C–135°C,
max. 137°C (273°F–275°F, max. 279°F) for 3 minutes.
Full set of recommended parameters are provided in “Cleaning & Sterilization
Guidelines including MRI Information of Nobel Biocare Products” available
at or request latest printed version from
a Nobel Biocare representative.
MR safety information:
Note: Only the NobelActive® Wide Platform has been assessed as MR Conditional. The
other NobelActive® platform sizes have not been evaluated for safety and compatibility in the
MR environment and have not been tested for heating or migration in the MR environment.
MR Conditional:
Non-clinical testing has demonstrated that the NobelActive® Wide Platform is MR Con-
ditional. A patient with this device can be safely scanned in an MR system meeting the
following conditions:
– Static magnetic field of 1.5 Tesla and 3.0 Tesla only.
– Maximum spatial gradient magnetic field of 4000 Gauss/cm (40 T/m).
– Maximum MR system reported, whole body averaged specific absorption rate (SAR)
of 2 W/kg (Normal Operating Mode) or 4 W/kg (First Level Controlled Mode).
Under the scan conditions defined above, the NobelActive® Wide Platform implant is expected
to produce a maximum temperature rise of 4.1ºC after 15 minutes of continuous scanning.
In non-clinical testing, the image artifact caused by the device extends approximately
30 mm from the NobelActive® Wide Platform implant when imaged with a gradient echo
pulse sequence and a 3.0 Tesla MRI system.
Removable restorations should be taken out prior to scanning, as is done for watches,
jewelry etc.
Should there be no MR symbol on the product label, please note that the product has not
been evaluated for safety and compatibility in the MR environment. The product has not
been tested for heating or migration levels into account.
IFU1001 000 00
Canada license exemption: Please note that not all products may have been licenced in
accordance with Canadian law.
EN All rights reserved.
Prescription device: Rx only Nobel Biocare, the Nobel Biocare logotype and all other trademarks used in this document
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a licensed physician are, if nothing else is stated or is evident from the context in a certain case, trademarks
or dentist. of Nobel Biocare. Product images in this folder are not necessarily to scale.