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Roskill-Jrc Classi Ni Market Study Identifiers Final

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Study on future demand and

supply security of nickel for

electric vehicle batteries

External study performed by

for the Joint Research Centre

This is an external study report made for the Joint R esearch Centre (JRC), the European C ommission’s science
and k nowle dge service. It aims to provide e vidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking
proce ss. The scientific output e xpressed does not imply a policy position of the European C ommission. Ne ither
the European C ommission nor any person acting on behalf of the C ommission is re sponsible for the use that
m ight be made of this publication.

JRC Science Hub


JR C 123439

PDF ISBN 978-92-76-29139-8 doi:10.2760/212807

Lux embourg: Publications O ffice of the European Union, 2021

© Europe an Union, 2021

R e use is authorised provided the source is acknowle dged. The re use policy of European Commission documents
is re gulated by Decision 2011/833/EU (OJ L 330, 14.12.2011, p. 39).
For any use or re production of photos or other m aterial that is not under the EU copyright, permission must be
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How to cite this re port: Fraser, Jake; Anderson, Jack; Lazuen, Jose; Lu, Ying; Heathman, O liver; Bre wster,
Ne al; Be dder, Jack ; Masson, Oliver, Study on future demand and supply security of nickel for electric vehicle
batteries, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-29139-8,
doi:10.2760/212807, JRC123439

All im ages © European Union 2021


Abstract ................................................................................................... iv
About the authors ....................................................................................... vi
Executive summary .................................................................................... viii
1 Introduction............................................................................................1
2 Methodology ...........................................................................................3
2.1 Nickel demand ...................................................................................3
2.1.1 Automotive sector & electric vehicles ................................................3 EV demand modelling ..............................................................3 Assumptions used in Roskill base-case scenario ..............................5 EV battery capacity, active materials and nickel calculation................8
2.1.2 Stainless steel........................................................................... 10
2.2 COVID-19 & macroeconomic considerations ............................................. 11
2.2.1 Short-term to 2022 .................................................................... 11 Long-term 2022-2030: Global GDP developments ......................... 14
2.3 Nickel supply ................................................................................... 15
2.3.1 Primary nickel ........................................................................... 15
2.3.2 Nickel sulphate.......................................................................... 17
2.3.3 Secondary nickel supply .............................................................. 18 Battery recycling .................................................................. 18 Stainless steel scrap .............................................................. 20
2.4 Market balances................................................................................ 21
3 Nickel supply: mining and recycling............................................................. 23
3.1 Supply status quo ............................................................................. 24
3.2 Global supply ................................................................................... 27
3.2.1 Mined ore ................................................................................ 27 New mine supply .................................................................. 29
3.2.2 Intermediates ........................................................................... 29 Developments in Indonesia ..................................................... 31 New intermediate supply ........................................................ 32
3.2.3 Refined ................................................................................... 34 Class I metal ....................................................................... 34
3.2.4 Nickel sulphate.......................................................................... 36
3.2.5 Secondary (stainless steel scrap) ................................................... 38
3.3 Nickel sulphate production cost drivers ................................................... 39 Feedstock cost trends ............................................................ 42

i Power, utilities and fuel costs................................................... 43 Labour costs........................................................................ 44 Reagent costs ...................................................................... 44 Exchange rates .................................................................... 45
4 Nickel demand: effect of competing sectors................................................... 46
4.1 Demand status quo ........................................................................... 46
4.2 Total market demand ......................................................................... 48
4.3 Batteries – Global demand................................................................... 50
4.3.1 Outlook for sold battery product demand ......................................... 50 Scenarios for nickel consumption in batteries ............................... 51 Nickel demand by cathode type ................................................ 53 Nickel demand from EV sales ................................................... 55
4.3.2 Outlook for Gigafactory demand .................................................... 57
4.3.3 Outlook for automaker demand ..................................................... 59
4.4 Batteries - European demand ............................................................... 60
4.4.1 Outlook for EV sales ................................................................... 60
4.4.2 Outlook for cathode demand ......................................................... 62
4.4.3 Outlook for battery cell production.................................................. 63
4.4.4 Outlook for nickel demand............................................................ 67 EV sales: Base-case .............................................................. 67 Scenarios for nickel in Europe .................................................. 68 By cathode chemistry ............................................................ 70 European Gigafactories .......................................................... 71 By EV production plant ........................................................... 73
4.4.5 Cathode manufacturing ............................................................... 75
4.5 Nickel sulphate demand ...................................................................... 77
4.6 Main sources of uncertainty ................................................................. 78
4.6.1 Challenges for the European battery industry .................................... 78
4.6.2 CO2 emissions targets vs. EV targets in the study............................... 80
5 Impact of batteries re-use on nickel demand and supply................................... 82
5.1 Outlook for available feedstock supply .................................................... 83
5.1.1 Intermediates ........................................................................... 83
5.1.2 Class I .................................................................................... 85
5.1.3 Recycling (EOL batteries) ............................................................. 88
5.1.4 Combined outlook for feedstock availability....................................... 90
5.2 Global market balances ...................................................................... 92
5.2.1 Total market ............................................................................. 92
5.2.2 Class I .................................................................................... 94

5.2.3 Nickel sulphate.......................................................................... 95
6 EU27 refining and manufacturing capacities .................................................. 97
6.1 Mined ore........................................................................................ 97
6.2 Intermediates .................................................................................. 99
6.3 Refined......................................................................................... 100
6.4 EU27 market balance ....................................................................... 103
7 Conclusions and policy recommendations ................................................... 108
7.1 Concluding comments ...................................................................... 108
7.1.1 Demand ................................................................................ 108
7.1.2 Supply .................................................................................. 109
7.1.3 Market balance........................................................................ 110
7.1.4 Strategic conclusions and apparent risks ........................................ 111
7.2 Implications for policy ...................................................................... 112
7.2.1 Demand deflation (A)................................................................ 116
7.2.2 Supply strategy (B) .................................................................. 117
7.2.3 Research and development (C).................................................... 119
References ............................................................................................. 121
List of abbreviations and definitions .............................................................. 122
List of figures.......................................................................................... 121
List of tables........................................................................................... 122
8 Annexes............................................................................................. 130
Annex 1. Indonesian intermediate HPAL plants in construction/planned .............. 130
Annex 2. European battery capacity by Tier and company (GWh)...................... 131
Annex 3. Nickel demand by EV production plant in Europe, 2020 (Kt Ni metal)..... 132

The objective of this report is to provide recommendations for long-term supply security
of nickel suitable for nickel sulphate production and subsequent use in electric vehicle
batteries. Eight Roskill nickel market, lithium-ion battery supply-chain and automotive
sector experts analysed the European Union’s i) ability to source and captively provide its
own nickel units internally, and ii) strategic approach to establishing a nickel circular
economy for EV batteries. Roskill provides a detailed outlook for nickel across a twenty-
year forecast horizon to 2040. Firstly, at a global level, and second by placing the EU within
the global context, though primarily focussing on automotive sector nickel demand. The
following study areas were covered:

• Forecast Class I (and suitable intermediate product) supply/demand balances

• Identify what bottlenecks exist in the nickel supply chain
• Identify potential risks to Europe’s access/ability to secure long-term supply
• Determine “best course of action” strategies for supply risk mitigation and the
criticality of circular economy establishment
• Provide potential avenues for policy direction derived from the study findings


The following authors contributed to this report :

C hapter Author(s)

3 Anderson J; Lu Y; Heathman O; Fraser J

4 Lazuen J;

5 Anderson J; Lu Y; Masson O

6 Anderson J; Fraser J

7 Fraser J; Lazuen J; Brewster N; Bedder J

The authors would like to thank the Joint Research Centre and wider European Commission
personnel for the productive engagements throughout the study duration.

About the authors

Jake Fraser – Senior C onsultant, Battery Materials & Value-chain Strategy

Jake is a Senior C onsultant specialising in battery materials at Roskill. Jake
undertakes bespoke consultancy projects for private and public sector
organisations requiring strategic advisory on nickel, lithium and cobalt, and
their respective mine-to-OEM supply chain dynamics. Prior to joining Roskill,
Jake was a resource economist within business development at Gindalbie
Metals (now C oda Minerals). This included a major corporate strategy review
evaluating strategic commodity markets and aligning them with investment
opportunities within a risk-based framework. This work supported the
acquisition of the Elizabeth C reek C opper Project in South Australia.
BSc (Hons), Economics, Murdoch University, Australia

Neal Brewster – Manager, Strategic C onsulting

Neal joined Roskill in 2019 to lead strategic consulting projects for Roskill’s
consulting practice. He previously ran his own independent consulting
company, focused on providing strategic and investment advice to operators
and investors across the natural resources sector and has extensive
experience of macroeconomic and microeconomic analysis and a wide range
of metals, minerals and energy markets as well as leading the development
and application of advanced financial modelling techniques.

BSc and MA in Economics, Bristol and Nottingham Universities, UK

Jack Bedder – Director, Research and Business Development

Jack joined Roskill in 2012 and is now a Director, responsible for the
production of all of Roskill’s multi-client reports and subscription products.
He also manages Roskill’s international sales and marketing teams. Jack
has worked on a wide range of research reports and consulting assignments
at Roskill, focused mainly on steel alloys and battery raw materials sectors.
Jack is a regular speaker at international conferences on the subject of
emerging technologies and their impact on raw material supply chains

PhD, University of C ambridge, UK; MA, University C ollege London, UK

Jack Anderson – Senior Analyst, Nickel & C obalt

Jack is a Senior Analyst focusing on nickel supply at Roskill. Having joined
in 2014, he has covered a wide variety of commodity markets including
tantalum, niobium and bauxite & alumina. In addition to presenting at
conferences, he has also co-authored consultancy studies on nickel, cobalt,
vanadium, salt, and sodium sulphate markets. Jack is also part of Roskill’s
sustainability team. Work in this field has included assessing the
sustainability of nickel supply for a major OEMs procurement and supply
chain strategy.
MSc (Hons), Geoscience, Royal Holloway, University of London

Jose Lazuen – Senior Analyst, Autos, EVs and Battery Supply
Jose is a Senior Analyst at responsible for Roskill’s automotive practice,
focussing on the electric vehicle, battery and downstream supply-chain
markets. Jose joined Roskill in 2017 having previously been involved in
electric vehicle investments. In 2016 and 2017, Jose worked for SATIF
Partners, a venture capital firm focussed on electric vehicle technology and
infrastructure investment. At SATIF, he undertook research and analysis of
markets and start-ups, participating in several investment rounds in
C alifornia’s C hargePoint.
Double BBA LL. B from Universidad C arlos III de Madrid

Oliver Masson – Senior Analyst, Nickel, Stainless Steel and Ferro-alloys

Olivier joined Roskill in 2017 and focusses on the analysis of nickel, stainless
steel and ferroalloys. Prior to joining Roskill, Olivier managed the European
strategic research team for a major financial information provider’s
corporate services group. He subsequently joined commodities analysis and
consultancy group C RU in 2008 where he covered various markets such as
aluminium, copper and stainless steel and spoke regularly at conferences.

BSc Banking and International Finance, C ity University of London, UK

Ying Lu – Senior Analyst, Nickel Sulphate & C obalt

Ying is a Senior Analyst and focusing on nickel sulphate and cobalt research
at Roskill. Ying leads Roskill’s multi-client analysis for both these markets
and is lead author of Roskill’s annual nickel sulphate and cobalt reports.
Prior to joining Roskill, Ying worked for a leading nickel and cobalt trader
and processor based in eastern C hina, where she was responsible for supply
chain, procurement, and business strategy. This experience built on her MSc
studies, in which she explored cobalt supply risk and its impacts on the EV
battery industry.
MSc, Energy, Trade and Finance, C ass Business School, UK

Oliver Heathman – Manager, Mining Research & C ost Modelling

Oliver has more than ten years’ experience within the metals and mining
market. Oliver has a background in Geotechnical Engineering, with a degree
from C amborne School of Mines. He specialises in cost assessments and
modelling and is currently responsible for the expansion of Roskill’s cost
service. Since joining Roskill in 2017, Oliver has led the development of the
company’s battery material C ost Model Services, establishing the nickel
sulphate production model alongside others such as lithium (extractive and
refining) and cobalt (chemicals).
MSc, Mining Geology, C amborne School of Mines

Executive summary
This report analyses the supply and demand dynamics of the nickel market in the context
of the automotive sector’s transition towards electric mobility and development of a low
carbon economy. The expected requirements for additional nickel are seismic for the
market and there are multiple challenges to ensuring long-term supply security. This report
provides a strategic review of the EU27’s ability to source the quantities of nickel that it
requires over the next twenty years in forms suitable for use in EV batteries.

Policy context
EU27 policy will play a crucial role alongside the organic responsiveness of the free market
in establishing future nickel supply security. Challenges to achieving supply security are
multi-faceted, and so our recommendations are that policy should address reducing future
demand for nickel, establishing a domestic and global supply strategy, and investing in
research and development. Ongoing assessments and reviews of policy suitability and their
impact are therefore required. The need for promoting future nickel supply security,
whether to support the needs of end-use or first-use sectors, is likely to evolve over time.
We recommend that any policy enacted should be periodically reviewed against the goals
it set forth to achieve and its effectiveness in doing so.

Key conclusions
The availability of suitable feedstock rather than processing capacity is the biggest
“bottleneck” in the nickel sulphate supply chain and is the cause of the market potentially
going into a structural deficit post-2027. We believe the lowest risk approach would be a
combination of domestic and foreign sourcing. This could be structured under a “procure
and own” approach. The former pertaining to primary nickel supply (mining and refining),
and the latter underpinned by EOL recycling in a circular economy. Owing to a lack of
development ready nickel deposits within the EU27, increasing access to new primary
nickel supply in future is likely needing to be sourced internationally. This increases the
need for instead directing investment focus towards a domestic battery recycling industry
to fill the gap where new supply of feedstock for producing nickel sulphate is not able to
be developed internally or sourced externally. Investment in both new primary supply and
recycling is required to de-risk future supply security. To cover EU27 nickel demand from
EV sales around €4.4Bn and €7.5Bn worth of investment is estimated to be required by
2030 and 2040, respectively.

Main findings
Automotive electrification is expected to represent the single-largest growth sector for
nickel demand over the next twenty years. Within this sector alone, we forecast global
demand to increase by 2.6Mt Ni to 2040, up from only 92kt Ni in 2020. Within the EU27,
we forecast nickel demand from the automotive sector to increase by 543kt Ni, from 17kt
Ni in 2020, under a base case scenario. Underpinning this growth is our expectation for
EU27 OEMs to increasingly utilise high-nickel cathode chemistries from the mid-to-late
2020s and throughout the 2030s.
Demand for nickel from batteries requires a high-purity chemical product (nickel sulphate),
which can only be produced from suitable feedstock forms (such as Class I nickel and
intermediates). Post-2030 there is limited visibility on new projects able to supply Class I
and intermediate nickel products. By this stage though nickel units available for recycling
from EOL batteries are likely to become a growing source of raw materials to produce nickel
sulphate. There are two tiers of this market balance that need to be considered. On an
end-use basis (EV sales) in the EU27, we forecast the EU27 has the ability to meet internal
demand until 2024/25 before deficits emerge. On a first-use basis (precursor/cathode
maker), although demand is much lower, supply security of nickel is still a concern. Should
a sizeable EOL recycling industry not be established, we expect a supply deficit to form in
2027 and then remain over the rest of the outlook period.

1 Introduction

Decarbonisation of transport is a key milestone in achieving the goals set forth in the
European Green Deal. The European Commission (EC), together with the European Battery
Alliance, are actively promoting the growth of electric vehicles (EVs) adoption/production
within Europe, as well as fostering domestic battery manufacturing capabilities. In the
context of nickel, the focal point of this study, this will inevitably lead to increased demand
for Class I products for use as feedstock in sulphate production, which could be subject to
bottlenecks in its respective supply chain. Knowledge of such bottlenecks are crucial to the
EC’s overall sourcing strategy and subsequent supply security. Hence, a deep
understanding of Class I nickel’s supply/demand dynamics for use in batteries is considered
key. The focus of Class I nickel pertaining to EV batteries is salient as Class II nickel
products are not suitable for use in EV batteries.

Over the past two decades, the nickel market has increased in value to US$35Bn in 2019
with total production reaching 2.4Mt Ni. This growth has been fundamentally fuelled by a
rapid expansion in demand for stainless steel. A booming Chinese economy based on
construction expenditure has boosted demand for, and incentivised large-scale investment
in, stainless steel whilst also increasing the quantity of nickel required. In the last ten years
alone, nickel demand from stainless steel has more than doubled to reach 1.6Mt Ni in 2019.

Whilst the stainless steel industry today still accounts for around 70% of total nickel
consumed, growth has been driven by Class II (nickel pig iron and FeNi) nickel product
use, with Class I (metal, chemicals) nickel product use growing but by a smaller total
volume. The dominant driver of nickel demand growth in the future is forecast to change,
and so too the nickel product mix. Such change is forecast to come in the form of lithium-
ion (Li-ion) batteries, which have become the technology of choice for core automotive and
energy storage system (ESS) applications. The importance of nickel within Li-ion batteries
cannot be understated, as cells are now being manufactured with higher ratios of this
transition metal. Nickel-rich Li-ion batteries show a superior energy density to other types,
and lower metal cost to higher cobalt containing technology, making them the technology
of choice for use in plug-in EVs.

The Li-ion battery’s rise to prominence began in the form of lithium-cobalt-oxide (LCO) in
the early 1990s, since becoming the staple technology used in portable electronic devices.
For contemporary automotive applications, however, nickel-cobalt-manganese (NCM) or
nickel-cobalt-aluminium (NCA) cathode chemistries are used, although other lower-
performance technologies also compete. It is forecast that these will continue to be the
main chemistries used in Li-ion battery for high performance, long-range EVs as original
equipment manufacturers (OEMs) continue to invest in and transition production lines
toward mass-scale plug-in EV manufacturing.

Such a transition in core growth end-use nickel demand sectors does not come without
challenges. Not all nickel is classified as suitable for use in Li-ion batteries, where nickel
itself must be in a chemical compound form (nickel sulphate hexahydrate: NiSO4.6H2O) for
use in cathode precursor manufacturing. Roskill’s forecast indicates that nickel demand
from batteries could reach 36% of total nickel demand by 2030, increasing from 6% in
2020. This growth trajectory represents the main challenge faced by the nickel market.

It is important to highlight that final Class I nickel products are not the only form of nickel
suitable for chemical conversion to nickel sulphate. It is common practice for nickel

sulphate refineries to utilise a range of nickel feedstock options according to their
respective plants’ flowsheet technology. In 2019, Class I nickel (including powder, pellets
and briquettes) only accounted for approximately 20% of nickel sulphate production
globally. Conversely, alternative feedstock options (such as Mixed-Hydroxide-Product,
Mixed-Sulphide-Precipitate and matte intermediates) collectively accounted for around
50% of nickel sulphate production. This equates to approximately 80,000t Ni-in-sulphate
destined for batteries.

For these reasons, we deem it strategically salient not to limit government policy looking
to establish domestic supply security purely to Class I products. We believe that both
integrated (primary) and non-integrated (third-party) nickel sulphate producers are likely
to continue utilising various feedstock types. Therefore, it is the overall market availability
of suitable nickel feedstocks (including both Class I and nickel intermediates) that presents
as a key challenge for nickel sulphate production in future.

Alongside primary production is a growing push for secondary sourcing of nickel units via
recycling of spent batteries. This could theoretically present a degree of supply relief should
primary supply shortages occur in future. Motivation for such may also rest on “closing the
loop” of nickel units within domestic supply chains to ensure greater long-term supply
security. Hence, reducing overall reliance on primary supply with its geographic
concentration increasingly focussed on East/Southeast Asia (Indonesia and China).

The seismic push by government bodies and consumer transportation preferences alike
are already having implications for policy development. Albeit, to date, policy has
predominantly focussed on spurring downstream demand for EVs and/or nudging OEMs to
shift their model focus toward such. Industry is now taking note on such a transition and
is putting an increasing focus on the future availability and domestic security of raw
materials labelled ‘critical’ to the battery movement. The context of this study seeks to
provide insight to the nickel component of the battery movement and identify what
comparative advantages Europe may have in securing a circular economy of nickel supply.

2 Methodology

2.1 Nickel demand

In this section, nickel demand-side forecast methodology will be discussed. There are two
core sectors of nickel demand that are forecast to drive market growth over the coming
twenty years. These being lithium-ion batteries (underpinned by electric vehicles) and
stainless steel.

2.1.1 Automotive sector & electric vehicles EV demand modelling

Roskill has built its automotive forecast using two independent methodologies: a
consumer/sales-focused methodology and a manufacturers-focused methodology. This
ensures an output adjusted to consumers’ behaviour towards EVs and also to the
manufacturing and cost reality of electric vehicles:

1. Sales-focused modelling: this approach is based on a regression model using

historical sales data by country and by manufacturer, both for the automotive
market as a whole, and the xEV market in particular. The regression model uses
independent or explanatory variables like GDP per country, regional subsidies and
their impact on EV costs, CO2 limits per region, or energy prices among others. As
not every automaker has already launched their future EV models, the baseline or
historical data may be limited to forecast further in the future using historical EV
models. In this sense, the model estimates by ICE vehicle segment (A to F and
SUV-A to SUV-E). This estimation is based on the existing proportions of each ICE
vehicle segment by country and by automaker within those countries.

2. Production-focused modelling: Roskill has tracked the EV manufacturing plans

of every existing large automaker (>300,000 annual units sold) based on their
public announcements. In parallel, Roskill has profiled more than 200
manufacturing facilities of 53 automakers in which they plan to manufacture at least
370 mass-market electric vehicles models. However, as not every automaker is
straightforward about its EV manufacturing targets, we have estimated the
minimum proportion of electric vehicles these automakers need to manufacture to
comply with the regulatory emissions mandates in certain jurisdictions. This is
adjusted with the existing proportions of ICE models manufactured at each facility
to give an indication of how many electrified vehicles could be potentially
manufactured at these plants.

Overall, the output of both forecasts, albeit independently modelled, suggest a similar
number of electric vehicles. However, both outputs present regional differences, powertrain
type differences (more or less hybrids), and especially different or delayed EV adoption

Although the base-case scenario is considered as the most sensible outcome for electric
vehicle sales, the outputs of the two modelling approaches calculated below represent the
hopes and difficulties of this fast-growing industry. Overall, the sales-focused approach
based on historic sales present an industry rapidly moving towards transport electrification.

However, the production-focused approach still reflects the cost difficulties of mass-
manufacturing electric vehicles with an output 45% lower than the sales-oriented scenario.

Figure 1: Global electrified (BEV, PHEV, HEV, 48V, FCEV) passenger car scenarios (example),
(M units sold), 2019-2029

Source: R oskill, 2020.

This large difference results from the sales model suggesting a higher uptake of non-plug
hybrids (HEV, 48V) given their similarities to conventional ICE vehicles. However, the
production model suggest that automakers are not really considering this type of vehicles.
This can be attributed to a lack of transparency on the auto OEMs plans to manufacture
48V vehicles rather than a genuine lack of interest in them. Sales of these non-plug hybrid
vehicles could greatly reduce fleet-average CO2 emissions when combined with plug-in

When looking at plug-in vehicles only, the output of the production scenario is only 26%
lower than in the sales scenario. This smaller difference results from both models
converging more on the need for plug-in vehicles to reach fleet-average CO2 emissions
targets. However, it still represents the cost difficulties that automakers face to finance,
design, build and improve these vehicles.

Figure 2: Plug-in (BEV & PHEV) passenger cars scenarios (M units)

Source: R oskill, 2020.

4 Assumptions used in Roskill base-case scenario

The base-case scenario relies on a set of different macroeconomic, technological, and

materials assumptions across regions.

1. A “Deep-V” economic scenario: In which both the global and the European
economy would quickly recover from the negative impact of the COVID-19
pandemic. GDP growth assumptions were assigned on a country by country basis
and discussed further in Section 2.2. below. Overall, the macroeconomic
assumptions drive the regression model that forecast automotive demand indistinct
of powertrain type (ICE or electrified).

2. CO2 and government targets used in the base-case scenario: The forecast of
xEV sales uses four different proxies or data references to estimate the future
penetration rates of electric vehicles by country and by type. Roskill has used the
best available public data on 1. CO2 government goals and 2. EV sales penetration
targets as a reference of what automakers should achieve on a regional basis to
comply with local regulations. Furthermore, Roskill has combined these references
with its 3. Internal cost model and a database that tracks 4. Auto OEM
manufacturing plans. Overall, Roskill has adjusted the weight of these four
forecasting methods to obtain its base-case output.

More specifically, the base-case scenario assumes by 2030 a government plug-in EV sales
target of 40% both in China and Europe, which increases to China’s most recent goal of
60% by 2035. We have attributed considerable weight to this assumption. These targets
have been sourced from official governmental sources as well as from regulatory proposals
not yet enacted as law. At the European level we have used the official European CO2
reduction target of 37.5% reduction vs. 2021 limit, and not the newly “proposed” 50%
reduction targets vs. 2021 limit.

Figure 3: Governmental EV sales target by region, 2020-2040 (% of plug-in sales over the
correspondent total auto market)12

EU target China target ROW target

Source: R oskill, 2020.
( 1) R O W corresponds to “Rest of the W orld”. This category has be en averaged from a combination of other 30
countrie s
( 2) R oskill has e xtended in time the EV sales targets whe n a data void was found

3. EV production cost assumptions: different weights were attributed to the "Cost
progression of EVs and batteries" assumptions in its base-case scenario. These
assumptions translate into a cost per kWh at pack level (US$/kWh) that will impact
the ability of car makers to approach the production cost of equivalent ICE models.
In the base-case scenario, considerable weight was attributed to the cost of “High-
nickel batteries” until the year 2030, with the “Tier 1 cell makers consolidate their
position” scenario gaining more weight in the model thereafter.

Figure 4: Cost per kWh at EV pack level, 2020-2040 (US$/kWh)


Dedicated e-manufacturin g platforms LFP + CTP (Cell to Pack) technology

High-nickel battery Tier 1 cell makers consolidate their position
Source: R oskill, 2020.

4. Battery capacity assumptions in the base-case scenario: The individual

battery capacity (measured in kWh) of each xEV is a key driver for battery demand
and the subsequent raw materials. Roskill has created a battery forecast model
based on:
a) The weighted average battery capacity of existing models in the market
(historic sales); and
b) The weighted average battery capacity of the future xEV models announced
by major auto OEMs. In addition, Roskill has added a 10% compounded
annual battery growth in the period 2020-2030 and 2% growth thereafter
to some of the existing EV models. The weighted average result of the model
for passenger vehicles in EU27 is ~100kWh by 2030 and ~125kWh by 2040.

Figure 5: Battery capacity in EU27 attributed by vehicle segment (kWh) – Not weighted
average, 2020-2040

SUV-D SUV-E Light Commercial Bus
Source: R oskill, 2020.

5. Cathode assumptions: Cathode is perhaps the most critical part for the Li-ion
battery upstream supply chain. The cathode choice will determine the cost of the
battery and the demand for multiple battery active materials like cobalt, nickel,
lithium, and manganese. We have created three main scenarios. The first scenario
is "Technology developments by region" which forecast the penetration rate of each
cathode type by region (e.g. EU27 will use more LNO while Korea will use more
NCM-based chemistries). The second scenario considers a "Higher LFP penetration
in China & Europe" with direct implications in the demand for nickel and cobalt. The
last scenario is "Based on the baseline" or historic cathode chemistries and their
future growth based on past market developments.

For the base-case, we have selected the "Technology developments by region” scenario as
the most rational to estimate future cathode consumption in batteries. In this scenario,
European cathode demand in EV batteries starts from a relatively high-nickel chemistry
(NCM 622) in 2020. These will be progressively phased-out by higher nickel chemistries
like NCM 712, NCM 811, and possibly NCMA until 2025. Also, this scenario envisions some
commercial light, heavy and urban vehicles to install LFP batteries. From 2025 onwards,
high nickel chemistries are expected to dominate at least 70-80% of the European cathode
market with new ultra-high-nickel chemistries like LNO absorbing market share initially in
high-end passenger vehicles. From 2030 onwards, Roskill envisions the co-existence of
several chemistries. More specifically, the co-existence of high-nickel (NCM 811, NCMA),
ultra-high-nickel (LNO), low-nickel (NCM 217), and no-nickel chemistries (LFP) until the
end of the outlook period (2040).

This assessment has been partly based on the most recent production plans of automotive
OEMs in Europe, the plans of domestic and foreign battery cell producers in Europe, and
active battery materials companies in Europe. While the vision represented by Roskill until
2030 is partly based on actual corporate and strategy plans from existing battery supply
chain companies, the outlook beyond 2030 (Period 2030-2040) is based on Roskill’s expert
opinion, corroboration with industry sources, and backed by third party academic research.

Figure 6: Cathode forecast in Europe12 (% t of cathode materials)


LNO LFP NCM 217 NCMA NCM 811 NiMH NCM 111 NCM 523 NCM 622 NCM 712

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) LC O = Lithium Cobalt Oxide, LFP = Lithium Iron Phosphate, NC M = Nick el Cobalt Manganese, NC MA = Nickel
C obalt Manganese Aluminium, LNO = Lithium Nickel Oxide, NiMH = Nick el-metal Hydride
( 2) Nick e l C obalt Manganese ratios (e.g. 523, 622 e tc.) re present the re spective raw m aterial constituents within
the cathode

7 EV battery capacity, active materials and nickel calculation

The resulting EV forecasts have been crossed with the known or estimated battery capacity
(kWh) on a model by model basis and on a segment by segment basis (depending on the
country and automaker). Similarly, the battery supplier of each EV model and the
chemistry used has been crossed to obtain the total required battery capacity by the
automaker in each world region as well as its cathode, anode, electrolyte, separator and
raw materials. Therefore, the nickel raw material requirement is calculated in the following

Figure 7: Bottom up approach to calculating Ni demand from EV's

Source: R oskill, 2020.

● Calculation 1) Energy capacity per device:

(a) Cell capacity x Voltage = Energy
(b) Ah x V = Wh
(c) Wh x № of devices =
 Total Energy (millions of Wh = GWh)

● Calculation 2) Energy capacity installed/ Energy density per type of cathode:

(d) MWh / (Wh/Kg) x manufacturing adjustments (losses etc) = Tonnes
 Tonnes of chemicals or active materials

● Calculation 3) Raw material calculation:

(e) Tonnes of active materials x materials composition of each cathode type =
e.g. NCM 811: 1,000t x 48% Ni = 480t Ni
 Tonnes of nickel raw materials

It is worth highlighting the importance of accounting for material losses throughout the
supply-chain and the variation between theory (assuming a 100% utilisation rate) and
reality when calculating volumes at each supplier stage. Although losses in cell
manufacturing are mostly expected to re-enter the production process via recycling. The
losses accounted for at each stage of Roskill’s methodology are shown below in Table 1.

Table 1: Manufacturing losses attributed to Li-ion supply-chain stages

Supply-chain stage Material losses C omments

A result of cleaning the mixer, the tank-reactor and

Precursor 1-2%
recovery plant

A result of cleaning the mixer and the tank reactor.

Temperature applied (depending on the
manufacturing process) may also increase losses.
Methods and equipment in precursor and cathode for
C athode 1-2%
loss mitigation can limit losses at 0.05% (e.g.
continuous mixers instead of “batch” mixer), but this
is dependent on type of precursor/cathode

Depending on the expertise of the manufacturer,

position in the learning curve, and maturity of
operation (new factory or +2 years old factory). C ell
C ells 2-10%
type can also impact manufacturing mistakes (e.g.
prismatic and cylindrical are most prone to error
during electrode cutting & electrolyte filling)
Source: R oskill, 2020.

As aforementioned, modelling such a high growth industry has inherent difficulty and so
future accuracy is dependent on several caveats. These predominantly surround the
constantly evolving cathode chemistry landscape and the rate at which technological
advancements in manufacturing, cost and safety will drive the shift toward high-nickel
cathode chemistries. This is to be considered in conjunction with the following:

● Current and planned cathode chemistries: it is difficult to definitively

determine whether all announced cathode chemistries will reach commercial
production phase and/or scale. At this same time, it is also naïve to ascertain
that China and/or the battery industry will not be able to safely work with ultra-
high-nickel cathodes.

● Forecasts are always an approximate vision of the future: despite

multiple techniques and sound assumptions used in the modelling process,
multiple short- and long-term factors (both internal and external to industry)
could greatly affect battery demand.

● Regulation-dependant industry: regulation will continue to play a

fundamental role until 2030. Changes in CO2, EV quotas, city bans need to be
factored on an ad hoc basis. Such factors are constantly evolving and so until
EV’s reach a maturity threshold it is likely that regulation and/or subsidies will
be the main incentivisation factors behind OEM EV production.

● Other non-electrochemical storage technologies may surpass lithium-

ion: in an industry underpinned by evolving technology, there will always
remain a risk of superior technological substitution. Examples of this include
FCEV, bio-fuels and other battery technologies which may disrupt the market
and create sudden industrial losers. However, Roskill considers lithium-ion
based technologies to remain dominant over the 2020’s.

2.1.2 Stainless steel

Stainless steel demand begins with collating and calculating historical country/regional
apparent consumption. This is calculated as follows:

● Crude stainless steel production + net trade in stainless steel products

Roskill collects stainless steel data from a variety of industry sources, with crude stainless
steel production typically sourced quarterly by the International Stainless Steel Forum. As
trade figures become available, we adjust our stainless steel apparent consumption
forecast for the current year. This is done on a on a quarterly basis for apparent stainless
steel consumption.

Stainless forecast is based on macroeconomics and GDP growth. Long run growth in
stainless steel consumption estimated by region/country based on econometric relationship
to GDP. Alternative long run growth scenarios calculated based on different trends in “total
factor of productivity” and economic convergence.

Stainless steel apparent consumption forecast is then used to estimate the required
stainless steel production. This is based on a historical yield between crude stainless steel
production and consumption and takes into account losses in the manufacturing process.
The required stainless steel production is then split between 200, 300 and 400-series
stainless steels (based on sector-specific drivers).

The required stainless steel production is then allocated to producing countries. This is a
function of where the capacity is being built (e.g. China and more recently Indonesia), and
where some grades are typically made (e.g. 200-series mostly produced in China, India
and the USA, very little produced in other countries).

Once stainless steel production has been forecast at the country and grade level, nickel
requirements can be calculated. This takes into account typical nickel contents in 200, 300
and 400- series stainless steels. The forecast uses estimates of average scrap contents for
internal scrap and for external scrap, with scrap use by grade then taken into account on
a country/regional basis. This yields a total nickel requirement, which can be split between
nickel in scrap and primary nickel

Roskill regularly benchmarks its demand estimates against those published by the
International Nickel Study Group. Primary nickel in alloy steels and in castings is based on
an estimated nickel content in those products, and on alloy steel production estimates.
Primary nickel in non-ferrous alloys is based on estimated shipments (based on trade flows)
and estimated nickel contents. Primary nickel in other applications are estimated based on
industry contacts and estimated total primary nickel consumption. Forecasts are therefore
based on a combination of macroeconomic and sector-specific drivers.

2.2 COVID-19 & macroeconomic considerations

In this section COVID-19 and its wider impact on the nickel market will be discussed. The
intent is to provide the most up to date forecast of short- and long-term global economic
growth recovery scenarios. The relevance of COVID-19 and expected GDP growth extends
strongly to that of future nickel demand. This is largely a function of nickel demand being
reliant on stainless steel end-use sectors. Although with the EV sector considered a core
demand growth driver moving forward, macroeconomic recovery now holds importance for
disposable income levels of consumers intended for an EV purchase. The following outlook
was completed in our Q3 2020 update and subsequent analysis in this report is therefore
based on such. Our current base case lies between the below views. In addition, with
modelling second wave downside risk scenarios the short-medium term impact on metals
demand could be lowered further. Although, such is dependent on various stimulus policies
being enforced globally, most notably in China with respects to ongoing construction.

2.2.1 Short-term to 2022

The short-term global economic outlook remains clouded by the on-going COVID-19
pandemic and economic forecasts remain subject to considerable uncertainty and are
subject to ongoing revision. As of early November, cases of the virus reported globally
have almost reached 50 million and deaths exceed 1.2 million.

After a brief pause in the spread of the virus globally in the middle of this year as major
economies “locked down”, the number of new daily cases around the world started to pick
up due to rising occurrences across the Americas, Russia, Africa and the Middle East. The
virus in these counties is now largely declining, but only gradually, and since late August
a “second wave” of the virus has been reported across Europe. Though not as severe as
the “first wave” after taking into account more widespread testing this has again led to
many restrictions on activity being re-imposed. Disappointing news about the spread of
virus in these regions though needs to be contrasted with better news in most of Asia,
where the pandemic seems to be under better control, though subject to periodic flare-
ups. China seems to have the virus under complete control at this point in time. Progress
on developing a vaccine continues to progress at a rapid pace, although its approval and
roll-out will still take some time.

Economies around the world saw their GDP held back by 25-35% during periods of “full
lockdown” earlier in the year. However, as and where restrictions were then eased output
recovered relatively strongly. China has been at the forefront of that recovery; GDP in Q3
was up 4.9% y-o-y, close to its pre-COVID-19 trend. Although some commentators have
questioned the GDP data industrial production in the country was up 6.9% y-o-y in
September, electricity and steel output was up by similar amount and passenger car
production was up 10% y-o-y. European economies followed a similar trend with gains in
GDP in Q3 offsetting 70-80% of the deep losses reported earlier in the year.

Figure 8: Change in GDP in major European economies in 2020 (percent, q-o-q)
Q1 Q2 Q3

Germany France Eurozone Italy Spain

Source: R oskill, 2020.

The durability of that recovery has, however, yet to be tested. The pick up in Chinese
industrial output is not yet fully supported by a bounce back in consumer spending and
has been overly-depended heavily on investment. The pace of recovery in Europe and the
USA has also slowed significantly in more recent months and the new restrictions that have
again been imposed in many European economies in response the second wave of the virus
may lead to another contraction in GDP in Q4. Although fiscal and monetary policy in the
region has been pro-active, the longer that restrictions on economic activity have been, or
remain, in place the more likely the pandemic will cause permanent scars on the future
potential level of global output through permanent changes in risk appetites and
investment, temporary layoffs becoming permanent cuts to employment and from causing
the bankruptcy and breakup of previously viable businesses.

Roskill’s core macroeconomic scenarios are for either a “deep V recession” or for a more
“prolonged global recession”. The former forecasts output in the world economy to return
close to “normal” levels by end-2021, with only a relatively small permanent loss of output,
while the latter suggest a more “U-shaped” recovery with a more significant permanent
loss of production. Global GDP growth in the “deep V recovery” scenario this year is
assumed to be -3.1% with a 5.8% recovery in 2021.

Figure 9: Forecast Global GDP growth scenarios, 2012-2023 (%)

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Chinese growth in this scenario is assumed to be 2.5% followed by 8.0% in 2021. Under
the new prolonged recovery case global GDP falls by 4.6% this year followed by a 5.6%
recovery in 2021. Growth in Chinese GDP in this scenario is 1.0% in 2020 followed by
8.2% in 2021.

Figure 10: Forecast Chinese GDP growth scenarios, 2012-2023 (%)

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Roskill’s assumptions for GDP growth in the main European economies are summarised in
the figure below based on the average of Roskill’s two GDP scenarios. The EU27 economy
is forecast to shrink by 8.1% this year, before recovering by 4.5% in 2021 and 2.6% in

Figure 11: Forecast EU GDP growth, average of Roskill’s Deep V and Prolonged Recovery
Scenarios, 2020-22 (%)
2020 2021 2022

Germany France EU27 Italy Spain

Source: R oskill, 2020.

The size of the contraction in global GDP this year in both of the core short run GDP
scenarios is extraordinarily compared to historical changes, where during the 2008-9
Global Financial Crisis the world economy only contracted by 0.1%. Consumption of metals

in general is expected to relatively outperform its historical, highly geared, relationship to
movements in GDP. That reflects the particularly severe effects on the COVID-19
pandemic on the retail, services, hospitality and entertainment sectors, which are all major
components of GDP but which are not especially metals-intensive parts of the economy.
Some sectors important for particular metals, notably aerospace, are being
disproportionally hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and the effect of the current recession on
demand for different metals will vary according to their specific pattern of end uses. Long-term 2022-2030: Global GDP developments

In addition to modelling alternative short run scenarios for the impact of COVID-19, we
have plotted high- and low-case scenarios for world GDP growth over the long-term to

Figure 12: Forecast long run global GDP growth scenarios, 2010-20301 (%)

High Low Base

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) Base d on “deep V” short run scenario.

These scenarios are based on different trends for growth in “total factor of productivity”
(TFP) in the world economy and different assumptions about the rate of economic
convergence achieved by developing countries. The long-term low-case scenario tracks an
average global GDP growth rate of 3.3%py (compared to 3.7%py in the base case).
Growth in the high case averages 4.2%py.

For the EU27 the long-term low-case scenario tracks an average global GDP growth rate
of 1.1%py (compared to 1.7%py in the base case). Growth in the high case averages

Figure 13: Forecast long run EU27 GDP growth scenarios, 2010-20301 (%)

High Base Low

Source: R oskill, 2020.
( 1) Base d on “deep V” short run scenario.

2.3 Nickel supply

In this section nickel supply-side forecast methodology will be discussed. There are two
core sectors of nickel supply that Roskill forecast both in parallel to and in overlap with
each other. These being primary nickel supply and nickel sulphate supply. With the former
determining the availability of various nickel feedstock units suitable for use in Li-ion
precursor materials and the latter being the physical production of nickel sulphate from
such feedstocks for direct use in Li-ion precursors.

2.3.1 Primary nickel

Roskill’s nickel supply database relies on the effective collation of plant capacity and
physical production information. On the capacity front, respective plant nameplate
capacities represent the theoretical production maximum as designed and engineered for.
Capacity is considered a fixed amount over the life of the operation, unless in a future
period the company plans to increase such by installing additional equipment or de-
bottlenecking. Information on an operation’s capacity is predominantly sourced from
project technical reports (which are released prior to construction). Where such technical
reports are not publicly available, Roskill obtains capacity numbers via the following
additional sources:

• Public announcements – annual reports, quarterly updates, investor

presentations etc.
• Direct communication with existing producers/project developers
• Conference papers

When forecasting future production, a key assumption in the methodology for future
projects to come online, is that the nickel market will remain in approximate balance
between supply and demand over the outlook period. This allows for the assessment of
project incentivisation dynamics based on the preceding market balance at any given year
in future. All nickel supply data is expressed on a ‘tonne of contained nickel’ basis.
Production data is collected via both public and private sources:

• Public announcements – annual reports, quarterly updates, investor
presentations etc.
• Trade data – access to Global Trade Tracker
• Industry study groups – including International Nickel Study Group (INSG)
• Direct communication with existing producers/project developers
• Conference papers

Once supply data has been collected, Roskill undertakes the following three steps when
updating its databases and forecasting future output:

1. Consolidation of historical supply: shown on a product, asset, regional and

country basis broken down into the three following interconnected layers:

(a) Mine supply – often reported by company on an asset basis, or estimated

using trade
(b) Intermediate supply – occasionally reported, often calculated using reported
refined production and applying a processing loss depending on the specific
(c) Refined supply – most commonly reported by company, but occasionally
reported INSG data used

2. Forecast for existing producers: completed on an asset basis where, unless

companies announce changes to production plans or increases to capacity,
production is forecast to remain level over the outlook

3. Addition of potential producers: completed by assessing the global suite of

nickel projects at various stages of development. Start-up dates for such projects
vary and are based on company planned start-up dates, where information is
available. However, if this is unavailable, then we apply a typical ‘assumed time to
start-up’ based on project’s current stage of development (see Table 2). For
advanced projects a similar process is undertaken for the estimated production
ramp-up of the project (see Source: Roskill, 2020. Table 3).

Table 2: Roskill assumptions to project potential start-up timeline

Resource development

Permitting & licensing

Early exploration

Scoping study

Time to start-up Metric


Regular Years 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 0.5
Fast-track Years 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.0
Source: R oskill, 2020.

Table 3: Roskill project ramp-up schedule assumptions
Project type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Greenfields 10% 30% 50% 70% 85% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90%
Fast-track/ re-start 25% 45% 75% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90%
Source: R oskill, 2020.

4. In conjunction with the project development and associated ramp up timelines,

refined forecast supply is weighted by selectively including those projects that are
deemed likely to come online. For nickel sulphate projects, all of these are included
but supply is weighted by the analyst assigning each project with the likelihood of
it coming online (see Table 4: Roskill new project probability/ forecast discount
rates). A probability is assigned to each project based on a set of criteria including
development stage, size and location of the project. The development stage of the
project is the most important factor considered during this selection
This results in an ‘expected’ production versus that of total ‘possible’ supply. With the
former being discounted and the latter the unweighted equivalent where the asset makes
it to full commercial production. Possible supply acts as a potential supply upside to that
of expected supply. It should be noted that forecast mine supply is also calculated using
this weighting method.

Table 4: Roskill new project probability/ forecast discount rates

C ategory Probability Discount

Unlikely 15% 85%
Probably 30% 70%
Possible 70% 30%
Highly probable 80% 20%
Definite 90% 10%
Source: R oskill, 2020.

2.3.2 Nickel sulphate

In addition to the primary nickel supply database, Roskill has developed a separate (but
linked) nickel sulphate database. This includes a comprehensive list of 80+ existing
operations and 50+ new projects profiled with an associated breakdown on the feedstock
type used at each asset. The need for overlap and interconnection between the primary
nickel and sulphate databases lies in determining the availability of various nickel feedstock
materials used in the production of nickel sulphate. Without which, future nickel sulphate
production cannot be effectively determined according to individual producer expansion
plans and required feedstock type. Within the sulphate database, production is categorised
as one of three main types:

• Type I: primary production (also included in the primary nickel model)

• Type II: conversion from refined nickel products (mostly Class I nickel)
• Type III: secondary production (recycling of battery and non-battery scraps)

Prior to forecasting nickel sulphate supply, assets are classified as either integrated or non-
integrated producers. Future production is then forecast under the following approaches:

• Integrated production (from processing captive nickel feedstocks) – same
methodology applied as in the primary nickel model
• Non-integrated production (from processing external nickel feedstocks):

(a) Step 1: assess future availability of various feedstocks (align with primary
nickel supply model and battery model)
(b) Step 2: forecast supply for each type of production based on available
feedstock supply

2.3.3 Secondary nickel supply Battery recycling

We have estimated quantities of battery materials available for recycling through an

assumptions-based model. This model utilises the total battery capacity in sold end
products (portable electronics, power devices, ESS, EVs) both historically and over the
outlook period. This battery capacity is then divided by cathode chemistry. We assign the
battery capacity from historical and forecast sales a specific service life depending on its
end-use application and cathode type. After each end-use application finishes its service
life, we consider that battery to have reach the “End of life” (EOL).

Figure 14: Service life by battery end-use application (years)

10 10

6 5

Portable electronics Power devices Motive products ESS Automotive (xEV)
(Energy Storage Systems)

Source: R oskill, 2020.

This results in the battery capacity that will theoretically reach its EOL. However, not every
single battery available for recycling will be recovered by battery collection networks. This
can be attributed to some end-use applications not being disposed of correctly or are stored
by the consumer for an indefinite period of time. Also, some batteries initially used in
portable electronics or electric vehicles can be reused in second life applications like power
banks or ESS. In this sense, Roskill applies a “Collection rate” to EOL batteries to estimates
the battery capacity “available for recycling”.

Figure 15: Collection rates by end-use applications (% of energy recovered)

Portable electronics Power devices Motiv e products ESS (Energy Storage Systems) Automotive (xEV)

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Consequently, more batteries will reach their EOL than will be physically recycled during
the outlook period. However, as more EV batteries enter the automotive market during the
outlook period, more batteries will be potentially “available for recycling” as regulatory
forces strengthen the collection mandates by automakers or other dedicated third parties.

Figure 16: Potential battery capacity across “EOL” and “available for recycling” (MWh)

60 3,000
2000-2019 (MWh) 2020-2040 (MWh)
50 2,500

40 2,000

30 1,500

20 1,000

10 500

0 0
2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040

Automotive (xEV) Automotive (xEV)

ESS (Energy Storage Systems) ESS (Energy Storage Systems)
Motive products Motiv e products
Power devices Power devices
Portable electronics Portable electronics
Available for recycling Available for recycling

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Once the total battery capacity available for recycling has been obtained by cathode
chemistry, we assign a “metal recovery rate” depending on the perceived market interest
for each metal. As an example, in recent years, the market has placed a strong focus on
cobalt recovery. This was reflected in the market price of cobalt, the impact of cobalt in
the battery cost structure, and the direct market knowledge of battery processing plants
in China targeting the recovery of cobalt over other battery metals like lithium or nickel.
Moving forward, however, we consider the interest in nickel recovery from batteries to
significantly increase. This will be a combination of future nickel prices, market supply, the

impact of nickel in the battery cost structure, and environmental/circular economy

Figure 17: Metals recovery rates in-house assumptions

(% of metal content recovered per tonne)


Source: R oskill, 2020. Stainless steel scrap

Secondary sources of nickel are a key feedstock in the production of stainless steel. Scrap
also plays a key role in determining how much critical demand for Class I metal the
stainless sector requires. Higher uses of scrap and/or Class II material results in a lower
volume of Class I demand. There are two main sources of stainless steel scrap:

1. Internal – scrap generated within the mill during the production of stainless steel;
2. External – scrap sourced from domestic and/or international suppliers

For historical data, the total amount of scrap used as feedstock by a mill is estimated by
dividing the sum of internal/external scrap by the mill’s total stainless steel production.
This metric is referred to as the “scrap ratio”. We calculate respective scrap ratios of
stainless steel producing nations according to a variety of quantitative and qualitative
factors including, but not limited to, the following:

• Published stainless steel production data by type of product (nickel containing vs

non-nickel containing)
• Published scrap data
• Trade data – imported scrap by type of product (nickel containing vs non-nickel
• Interviews with market participants

The total volume of and types of scrap used are “sense checked” and correlated against
the first dot point above. Physical production of stainless steel by product type is a key
determining factor of the total amount of nickel that was required within the feedstock.
Hence, the type(s) and ratios of scrap utilised. It is important to note that there are

variances in the use of scrap by mills regionally. An example of this would be Indonesian
(which mainly uses integrated primary NPI/Class II feedstocks) versus European (which
uses a higher ratio of scrap-to-primary nickel feedstock) stainless production. With the
latter’s higher use of scrap a function of having greater availability of domestic scrap
sources from factors such as infrastructure demolition. This compares to Chinese steel mills
that use a higher proportion of primary nickel feedstock owing to its lower mine-integrated
costs and the country having a higher level of dwelling construction versus demolition.

We also forecast each country’s use of scrap in stainless steel production. This is calculated
by estimating both the internal and external scrap ratios. Internal scrap ratios of countries
are held constant throughout the outlook period according to their respective historical
trends. Whilst external scrap volumes are forecast using regression analysis underpinned
by Roskill’s in-house market expertise (qualitative factors). Such is complimented by
quantitative ‘sense checking’ of the volume of scrap estimated by the end of the forecast
period. This includes aligning with the expected macroeconomic assumptions (globally and
regionally) and subsequent forecast stainless steel production (by product type) within

2.4 Market balances

It is important to note the inter-relation of the demand-side forecast to that for supply and
the alignment (or misalignment) of such volumes. This assumes supply is in a constant
state of ‘responsiveness’ toward demand pull dynamics at any given point in time,
according to preceding market environments. Given this constant balancing act between
demand and supply, Roskill considers the entire mine-to-end user supply-chain dynamics
extremely salient when ‘marrying’ the two market components together.

Figure 18: Nickel market balance supply-chain dynamics

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Once the demand outlook is established and supply has been updated according to the
most recent producer/project developer information, a preliminary market balance is
formed. The preliminary balance is then assessed on its merits from both holistic and sub-
sector product perspectives. We consider this a ‘layered’ and iterative approach to
determining final market balances. Partially a function of nickel’s significant market size
and various product sectors underpinned by their own respective market fundamentals.
The market balance is then adjusted from the supply-side considering variables such as
warehouse stocks, market pricing (and price bifurcation), demand time lags and delays to
supply chain alignment.

With regards to this study, a standalone EU perspective is required alongside that of the
global market. We have established such by detailing the EU specific upstream (supply)
and downstream (demand) market segments. This analysis was conducted on its own
merits independent to that of the global market, where EU supply-chain dynamics were
emphasised. This analysis underpins the evaluation of the EU’s ability to sustain domestic
competing demand sectors with local upstream and refined supply. Gaps that have been
identified are compared to the context of the global nickel market and how international
sourcing strategies may, or may not, be required in future (see Section 6.4).

3 Nickel supply: mining and recycling
Chapter Summary

Supply status quo: Refined nickel production reached 2.38Mt Ni in 2019, which
represented a 9.3% y-o-y rise. This was a function of rising output in both China and
Indonesia. Although, most of this growth was in the form of Class II nickel, which is not
suitable for use in batteries, instead destined for the stainless steel industry. Outside of
China and Indonesia, supply fell for a fourth consecutive year, as a result of closures and
general supply variability. Class I nickel is >99.8% Ni and finds use in all of nickel’s first
use sectors and, along with intermediate and recycled sources, is also a suitable
feedstock for nickel sulphate production (powder and briquettes). Nickel sulphate is used
in the production of pre-cursor materials used in cathode manufacturing for Li-ion

Global supply: Nickel ore is mined from either sulphide or laterite sources. Most
growth in mine supply in recent years has come from laterite ore sources, which is
converted to refined products destined for consumption by the stainless steel industry.
Mine production is forecast to grow by 4.7%py to 2030 reaching over 4Mt Ni, with the
majority of this growth coming from Indonesia. Indonesia has nickel resources suitable
for both battery-grade nickel products as well as stainless steel feeds. A large
proportion of intermediate nickel supply will continue to be locked up in integrated
supply chains to produce Class I nickel. However, production of battery-grade
intermediates will see large growth especially from high-pressure acid leach (HPAL)
projects being developed. Mixed hydroxide product (MHP) produced at these projects
will be further processed to nickel sulphate in Indonesia or shipped elsewhere in Asia
for the same purpose. Total intermediate nickel production is forecast to reach 1.7Mt
Ni by 2030 growing at 4.4%py.

Refined nickel supply growth will come from both Class II products (not suitable for
batteries) and nickel sulphate (used in battery precursor). We forecast supply growth
of 1.6%py to 2030 for Class I nickel. Such limited growth largely represents a lack of
investment appetite in and no recent discoveries of large sulphide deposits. This has
been exacerbated by the popularity of finished nickel products produced from laterite
ores, most of this occurring in South East Asia. Demand for nickel from the battery
industry will be met by nickel sulphate production, which can be produced from
battery-grade intermediates, Class I nickel and recycled sources. We expect total
nickel sulphate production to reach approximately 2Mt Ni by 2040 growing at
13.5%py, from 159kt in 2020. During 2020-2030, the main feedstock source will be
intermediates including MHP. Over 2030-2040, we expect recycled EOL batteries could
overtake intermediates.

Nickel sulphate costs: Nickel sulphate production costs are mostly sensitive to the
type, and subsequent cost, of the feedstock used. Class I nickel metal is a significantly
higher cost feedstock than that of intermediates such as MHP, where users of Class I
metal are predominantly non-integrated producers of nickel sulphate. Mine-to-refinery
integration can significantly lower feedstock costs. However, the effectiveness of such
is a function of the mine assets’ operational economics. Other major cost drivers, such
as utilities, reagents and labour, vary regionally and typically account for <20% of
total production costs.

3.1 Supply status quo

Refined nickel production rose by 9.3% y-o-y in 2019 to reach 2.38Mt, a faster rate than
was achieved in 2018 (5.7% growth rate). China and Indonesia were the main drivers
behind the increase in refined nickel production in 2019. Where nickel pig iron (NPI) from
these two countries alone accounted for approximately 40% of global production. China
saw record NPI production of 590kt Ni in 2019 as domestic producers processed ore
imported from Indonesia, the Philippines and New Caledonia. In January 2020, Indonesia
banned exports of unprocessed ores and concentrates. As a result of the loss of raw
material supply, it is likely that Chinese NPI will not reach the levels seen in 2019.

Figure 19: Refined nickel production by country, 2013-2019 (kt Ni)






2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
China Indonesia Japan Oceania Russia Canada Latin America Rest of the World

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Outside of China and Indonesia, supply fell by 2.4% y-o-y in 2019 to 1.19Mt. This has
become a familiar pattern for refined nickel supply outside these two countries, and the
fall represented the fourth successive year that production declined. This can be explained
not only by capacity closures, but also general variability of supply in these regions.
Australian supply was down 6% y-o-y, explained by quadrennial maintenance at BHP Nickel
West’s Kwinana refinery. Other countries to record notable falls through 2019 were Brazil,
Canada and New Caledonia. As a result of the disruption caused by the COVID-19
pandemic, supply outside of Indonesia is expected to fall y-o-y.

Figure 20: Nickel market flowchart, 2019

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Nickel is produced primarily from laterite and sulphide ores, although a small amount is also produced as a by-product of copper and
platinum-group metals (PGM) refining. These raw materials are processed into a variety of intermediates (yellow/brown) and finished
products. Low-grade products such as ferronickel, nickel pig iron (NPI) and oxide sinter (green) are used primarily in stainless steel,
whereas higher-grade materials (blue) also find use in nickel’s smaller applications.

Figure 21: Nickel sulphate flowchart, 2019

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Nickel sulphate is a refined chemical product produced from a variety of intermediate (green), finished nickel products (silver), as well as
from secondary material (yellow), with the primary feedstock sources mainly originated from sulphide and laterite nickel ores (red) and
secondary sources from end of life (EOL) batteries and plating scraps (orange). Nickel sulphate is used directly in the production of Li-ion
precursors (blue) and plating (blue). It is also used to produce nickel hydroxide and other nickel compounds used in NiMH (blue) and NiCd
(blue) batteries, and other applications (blue). End use of nickel sulphate is wide, with automotive and portable electronics being some of
the main applications (brown).

3.2 Global supply

3.2.1 Mined ore

This section provides a combined overview of the outlook for mine production of nickel
through to 2040. Figure 22 shows a breakdown of forecast production by source of
production. As indicated in the figure, there has been little growth in mine supply from
sulphide deposits. Where little further growth is expected over the outlook period resulting
from few new large-scale deposits having been discovered in recent years.

Within laterite mining, two distinct types of ore are mined, which are a function of the
weathering profile in these sub-tropical to tropical regions. The first portion is a limonite
cap (low Ni, Mg and Fe), which overlies a saprolite sequence (high Ni, Mg and Fe). These
two types of laterite ore are often mined together despite being used in the production of
different refined nickel products. Limonite is typically more suited to high-pressure acid
leach processing to produce battery-grade nickel intermediates, where the lower Mg
content reacts less with the concentrated sulphuric acid in the autoclave during leaching.
Conversely, saprolite is almost exclusively used in the production of ferronickel and
specifically, nickel pig iron (NPI) for use in stainless steel. Because of this association
between mining of these laterite ore types, and difficulty in separating out the two, in this
part of the study, Roskill has combined ore supply destined for Class I, II and battery-
grade intermediate production.

Figure 22: Outlook for expected mine production by type1, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)


Sulphide existing Sulphide new projects Laterite Indonesia Laterite Philippines Laterite other existing Laterite new projects

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) Due to the fragmented small-scale mining of laterite ore in Indonesia, rising production has been accounted
for by e x isting operations

We expect mine supply to rise at a CAGR of 4.7% between 2020 and 2030, with the
majority of this growth to come from Indonesia to feed both NPI destined for the stainless
steel industry and also battery-grade nickel intermediates suitable for processing to
produce nickel sulphate. Indonesia is likely to see a growth rate of 6.7%py to 2030.
Elsewhere, production in the Philippines is volatile, but assumed to be stable with a couple
of projects expected to come online over the outlook period. Most laterite ore mined in the
Philippines is exported to China for NPI production, but limonite is hydro-metallurgically
processed in the country by Sumitomo Metal Mining (SMM) to produce mixed sulphide
precipitate (MSP) for integrated nickel sulphate production in Japan. Some limited

expansion is expected from other producers of laterite, from expansions by operations such
as Ramu in PNG to produce mixed hydroxide product (MHP) and Gördes (MHP) in Turkey.
Total expected mine production is estimated to increase to 4Mt Ni by 2030.

Figure 23 again shows the expected growth of mine production over the outlook period,
this time on a country basis. By 2030, Indonesia will account for around 45% of global
mine supply, feeding its domestic NPI and ferronickel smelters as well as battery-grade
intermediate nickel plants.

Figure 23: Outlook for expected mine supply by country, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)


Indonesia Philip pin es Russia New Caledonia Canada Australia China Rest of world

Source: R oskill, 2020.

It should be noted that the outlook presented in Figure 22 and Figure 23 represents the
expected baseline forecast only and should be taken as indicative. In terms of production
cost, the majority of cost is concentrated in the production of intermediate products, or in
the case of Class II nickel, in the smelting of ores to produce NPI or ferronickel. Particularly
in the case of laterite ore production in Indonesia, therefore, mine production is expected
to be flexible and to be driven more by the development of downstream processing plants
(both hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical), than by the availability of nickel deposits.

Mine production is generally in excess of refined production, owing to process losses. As

such, the higher level of mine production than of forecast refined production does not
necessarily indicate a large surplus or ore production. However, Roskill expects that the
bottleneck in the production of nickel will be the production of intermediate and refined
material, rather than mine production.

28 New mine supply

Over the outlook period, we expect that the most significant increase in mine capacity will
take place in Indonesia, as previously discussed. However, a substantial amount of
greenfield and brownfield nickel projects remain under development (at various stages)
elsewhere. A number of these greenfield and brownfield projects are located in Australia,
so that by 2030 Australia is expected to account for a little over a quarter of new mined
supply coming online. Brazil and Canada are host to several projects at various stages of
development and are each expected to represent 15% of new supply coming online by

Figure 24 provides an illustration of the expected contribution to mine supply by such new
projects. It also shows slightly lower figures for expected mine production, once those
projects that are targeting ferronickel and NPI are excluded. This analysis is of particular
relevance to the outlook for Class I nickel and salts, and the market balance for such
material. Horizonte Minerals’ Araguaia project is targeting class II stainless feed. Once this
project is excluded, possible new mine production is forecast at 736kt Ni by 2030 and
857kt Ni by 2040.

Expected mine supply appears to be considerably lower than expected production of

intermediate and refined nickel. This is because rising mine output from Indonesia is not
considered greenfield production, rather brownfield expansions of existing capacity by
existing producers. Due to the nature of nickel laterite mining in Indonesia, pinpointing
where mining is taking place is challenging. It is important to note that the development
of intermediate and refined projects in Indonesia is a function of the availability of ore.

Figure 24: Expected supply from new mining projects, outside of Indonesia, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)

Total possible Total expected Expected (excl. ferronickel) Possible (excl. ferronickel)

Source: Roskill, 2020

3.2.2 Intermediates

Figure 25 shows the outlook for expected intermediate production by country. Nickel
intermediates are expected to total 1.7Mt nickel by 2040 rising at 2.2%py from 1.1Mt in
2020. Indonesian output is expected to account for the majority of this growth, rising by
7.5%py over the outlook period as a number of battery-grade HPAL plants producing MHP
are forecast to be brought online. In achieving this growth rate, by 2023, Indonesia would

overtake Russia as the world’s largest producer of intermediates. Russian nickel matte
output will rise over the outlook period as Nornickel boosts capacity at its integrated
operations. Output from Canada, Australia and China are expected to remain relatively flat
in comparison.

Figure 25: Total intermediate production by country, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)


Indonesia Russia Canada Australia China Philippines Finland Cuba Others

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Over the outlook period to 2040, we forecast production of intermediates to increase owing
to output of new hydrometallurgical intermediates from Indonesia, as well as potential
production from other greenfield projects in Australia, Brazil, and elsewhere, some of which
are targeting direct-from-concentrate production of nickel sulphate.

Figure 26: Total intermediate production by product, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)


Matte MHP MSP Crude nickel sulphate Ni-Co solution Nickel carbonate Oxide

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Figure 26 shows intermediate production over the outlook period on a product basis. Matte
output expected to rise to 2028 as a result of rising output from Nornickel in Russia as well
as increased capacity at PT Vale Indonesia’s Sorowako operation. New matte is also
expected to come from two projects at Weda Bay in Indonesia, Chengtun, Tsingshan and
Huayou’s subsidiary PT Youshan Nickel Indonesia and PT Huake Nickel (70% owned by

30 Developments in Indonesia

We believe that Indonesia’s large nickel reserves will be an increasingly important source
of nickel for the battery industry. This is thanks to the availability of nickel ores and the
government’s eagerness to attract further processing in the country (following the re-
implementation of the ban on unprocessed ores from January 2020). Producing battery-
precursor material from lateritic ores will require hydrometallurgical processing, versus the
pyrometallurgical route used for NPI. This could be achieved either through an atmospheric
leaching process or, more likely, through a high-pressure acid leach (HPAL) process to
produce an MHP or MSP suitable as feedstock for nickel sulphate production.

Such HPAL plants already operate in the Philippines (Coral Bay and Taganito) and in Papua
New Guinea (Ramu). At the time of writing, there are several battery-grade intermediate
HPAL plants in construction/planned in Indonesia, refer to Annexes for details.
Table 5: Indonesia: Details of intermediate and nickel sulphate projects
C apacity
Producer Name Status Products (ktpy Ni)
PT Youshan Nickel Indonesia Weda Bay C onstruction Matte 34.0
PT Huake Nickel Weda Bay Financing Matte 45.0
PT QMB New Energy Materials Morowali #1 C onstruction MHP 50.0
PT QMB New Energy Materials Morowali #1 C onstruction NiSO4 33.0
PT Huaqi Morowali #2 DFS underway MHP 60.0
PT Halmahera Persada Lygend Obi Island C onstruction MHP 37.0
PT Halmahera Persada Lygend Obi Island DFS underway MHP 18.5
PT Halmahera Persada Lygend Obi Island C onstruction NiSO4 35.0
Jinchuan WP Obi Island Pending FID MHP 20.0
Jinchuan WP Obi Island Pending FID NiSO4 20.0
Solway Solway C onstruction MHP 30.0
Sumitomo Metal Mining / PT Vale Pomalaa Pending FID MHP 41.7
Total Various 424.2
Source: R oskill and company filings, 2020.

There are a number of projects at various stages of development, targeting intermediate

material destined for use in nickel sulphate production for the lithium-ion battery industry.
Several of these are under construction, including the PT QMB New Energy Materials
(GEM/Tsingshan) in Morowali and PT Halmahera Persada Lygend (Harita/Ningbo Lygend)
on Obi Island. In March 2020, the Huayue JV (Huayou/CMOC/Tsingshan) began
construction of the 60ktpy nickel-in-MHP project in Morowali. Nickel matte production is
targeted at the PT Youshan Nickel Indonesia project, which forms part of the IWIP site at
Weda Bay.

Figure 27 shows the possible amount of output that these various projects could contribute
to production and the amount anticipated in Roskill’s baseline case (accounting for delays
and respective risks). This figure only includes production from projects that had been
announced in Q3 2020. Therefore, actual production in future may be higher if further
projects get developed, which Roskill considers a likely scenario.

Roskill believes that most MHP and nickel matte from these Indonesian projects will be
exported for processing in China, Japan, or elsewhere in Asia. It is possible that a number

of these projects will be integrated to produce nickel sulphate within Indonesia, as has
been announced for the PT QMB New Energy Materials (GEM/Tsingshan) project in
Morowali and the PT Halmahera Persada Lygend (Harita/Ningbo Lygend) JV on Obi Island.

Figure 27: Indonesia: Forecast production of hydrometallurgical intermediates and nickel

matte, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)






Indonesia matte possible Indonesia matte expected Indonesia HPAL possible Indonesia HPAL expected
Source: R oskill, 2020. New intermediate supply

Several projects listed in section 3.2.1 are targeting production of intermediate nickel
products, mostly focusing on MHP and MSP, but also nickel matte. In total, these projects
and restarts could contribute an additional 654kt Ni in intermediate production, compared
to 2019. This compares to Roskill’s baseline expectations of increases in supply at 481kt
Ni, owing to likely project delays, particularly among some of the more capital-intensive

Other projects are intending to produce concentrates only or have not yet announced their
intended product. However, many of these mines may seek to process their ores and
concentrates on a tolling basis, or through an offtake agreement with existing nickel
smelters and refineries. Figure 28 shows the expected gap between production capacity
and actual output from existing smelters, with the gap between the two implying that
substantial surplus capacity remains that would allow for such processing of additional,
external material without the need for major new production capacity. This extra matte
production would be available for processing to produce nickel sulphate for the battery

Figure 28: Capacity and production of nickel matte, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)







Production of nickel matte Operational capacity

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Figure 29 shows the total possible and expected increase in new mine production and
compares this to both the spare smelting capacity for nickel matte, and the expected new
intermediate capacity added by new projects. Mine supply that is destined for ferronickel
and NPI production (Class II) has been excluded as this does not go through an
intermediate stage. The figure highlights that Roskill forecast sufficient new and existing
intermediate capacity to process the expected increase in mine supply, with some surplus
capacity to absorb any higher-than-expected increases in mine production.

Figure 29: Comparison of spare intermediate processing capacity and new mine production,
2020-2040 (kt Ni)

Spare smelt ing capacity Expected new intermediate capacity

Possible new mine supply (excl. ferronickel) Expected new mine supply (excl. ferronickel)
Source: R oskill, 2020.
( 1) Fore cast production by project displayed on a possible basis
( 2) Dum ont, Sunrise and NiW e st proje cts are targe ting dire ct conce ntrate-to-sulphate route s, without an
inte rm ediate product. These projects have been included he re nonetheless, as their production contributes
in the same m anner to the increased availability of feedstock for Class I nickel and salts. The Ni-C o solution
that the se proje cts would produce from the concentrate m ight also be considere d an intermediate.
( 3) Fore cast production from e xisting Ramu capacity e xcluded from total
( 4) BR A = Brazil, TUR = Turkey, PNG = Papua Ne w Guniea, AUS = Australia, CAN = C anada, IND = Indonesia,
PHI = Phillipines, USA = United States of America, VIE = Vie tnam. Forecast production from e xisting Ramu
capacity e xcluded from total

3.2.3 Refined

Over time, the types of refined nickel being produced have changed not only to meet
demand, but also due to the types of ore bodies being exploited. Electrolytic, high-purity
nickel metal (a type of Class I metal) has long been the most common nickel product, as
it has wide-raging applications. In 2012, electrolytic nickel cathode accounted for 38% of
total nickel production including Class II, but this fell to 23% by 2019, owing to the rapid
rise in NPI production.

Refined nickel supply outside of Indonesia and China has struggled, especially Class I
metal, which has seen yearly declines since 2015 (Figure 30). Such decreases in output
are not only explained by capacity closures but can be attributed to general variability of
supply and to short-term production outages. In general, there have been no major
sulphide discoveries in recent years with existing reserves declining following little
investment into reserve build out. The success of Class II stainless steel feedstocks from
abundant laterite ore resources, associated with low-cost mining, largely explains this.

Figure 30: Primary refined nickel supply123, 2010-2019 (kt Ni)







Ni cathode Briquettes, compacts, etc. Carbonyl powder and pellets

FeNi NPI, China NPI, Indonesia
Utility, oxide sin ter and rondelle s Ni sulphate (primary) Other salts

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) Blue shades denote C lass I metal, whe reas gre en shades denote C lass II stainless feed products
( 2) Prim ary nickel sulphate is the production of sulphate from intermediates (first product output). This is also
include d as a re fined product, de spite it having a nick e l content of 22.3% Ni. This classification of nickel
sulphate does not include additional production from C lass I m etal or re cycled feedstocks. The inclusion of
m ate rial from nickel metal would lead to double-counting, and re cycling/secondary supply is not included in
this analysis of the production of primary supplies of nickel. C lass II nick el production including ferronickel
and nickel pig iron (NPI), used as stainless steel feeds, are also excluded from the study, as they do not find
use in the battery supply chain.
( 3) “R e fined” nickel production here is used to re fer to production of any finished nickel products, suitable for
use in first-use applications. This is consistent with the definition maintained by the International Nick el Study
Group, but is te chnically a slight m isnomer, as products such as NPI and ferronickel (and nickel oxide) are
produced in sm elters that are not considere d to be “re fineries” and produce a product with significant
im purities. Class I metal

Class I metal in this study relates to production of nickel metal products containing a
minimum of 99.8% Ni and priced using the LME reference standard. Class I products
include, but are not limited to, electrolytic cathode, briquettes and powder, and carbonyl
powder & pellets. When compared to full suite of nickel products over the forecast horizon,
the forecast for Class I metal is likely to experience the lowest production growth rate.

Figure 31: Class I metal supply, by type 2020-2040 (kt Ni)

Ni cathode Briquettes, compacts, etc. Carbonyl powder and pellets

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Roskill forecast Class I nickel production to total 0.82Mt Ni in 2020, down by 4% y-o-y
from 0.86Mt in 2019. This is a direct result of COVID-19 disruptions to operations
worldwide. The Ambatovy operation in Madagascar, which produces nickel briquettes, was
suspended in late March 2020 due to a national lockdown and has remained on care and
maintenance into September. This resulted in the loss of an estimated 23kt Ni-in-Class I

Figure 32: Class I metal supply, by country 2020-2040 (kt Ni)


China Russia Australia Canada Norway Japan Finland Rest of World

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Over the outlook period, Class I supply is forecast to grow by 0.8% compound annual
growth rate (CAGR), whereas between 2020 and 2030 supply is forecast to grow by 1.6%
CAGR (Figure 31). This growth is in part a reflection of an expected recovery in Class I
supply in 2021 following the downturn in 2020. In addition, there are several capacity
expansions at Class I refining operations globally.

Firstly, Russian nickel producer Nornickel aims to boost capacity at its Monchegorsk
cathode refining operation. It is currently upgrading the second tank house at the
Monchegorsk refinery, which should boost the plant’s capacity from 120ktpy Ni to 145ktpy
Ni. The work involves the introduction of chlorine leach technology that will help achieve

the highest purity metal. As a result, Russia displays the largest rise in forecast Class I
nickel supply between 2020 and 2030 of 2%py.

Cathode supply is also expected to increase from 2023 in Norway when new volumes of
feedstock are realised from Glencore’s Raglan Phase II and Onaping Depth mining
operations. BHP Nickel West experienced a large drop in powder and briquette output in
2019 of 11% y-o-y to 66kt Ni, which was the result of major quadrennial maintenance
activities at the refinery and Kalgoorlie smelter. With the battery sector offering high
growth potential, BHP Billiton have opted to switch production toward nickel sulphate using
its own nickel powder as feedstock. The company targets a nameplate capacity of 100ktpy
of nickel sulphate (22kt Ni) from H1 2020, with the potential for a second phase expansion
that would double production. If realised, the facility would consume 44kt of nickel powder.
Roskill understands commissioning of the project has been delayed to H1 2021.

Despite these additions to supply, the global narrative for Class I metal remains of small
growth over the outlook period. This reflects similarly low growth rates in demand from
key Class I consuming first-use applications, including non-ferrous alloys, other alloys
steels and castings as well as plating. As well as additional Class I supply, availability to
meet demand from the battery industry will also potentially require substitution from the
stainless steel industry (discussed further in Section 5.1.2).

3.2.4 Nickel sulphate

Under the baseline scenario, we expect total nickel sulphate production to reach
approximately 2,000kt Ni by 2040 growing at 13.5%py, from 159kt in 2020. Figure 33
provides a combined overview of the production of nickel sulphate by type of production
on both expected and possible basis. The figure also highlights the possible upside from
integrated and non-integrated projects.

Figure 33: Outlook for nickel sulphate production, by type 2020-2040 (kt Ni)





Integrated, existing Integrated, new

Non-integrated, existing, via intermediates Non-integrated, new, via intermediates
Non-integrated, via metal Non-integrated, via battery recycling
Non-integrated, via non-battery recycling Upsid e, integrated
Upsid e, non-in tegrated Total possible
Total expected

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Production from integrated producers is expected show the largest rise in output growing
at 9.4%py to reach over 319kt by 2040, an increase from around 50kt in 2020. Output by
2030 is expected to reach 310kt, growing at 19.3%py. We expect to see significant growth
in output, particularly in the next couple of years, as new projects are brought online, and
existing producers ramp up production. In addition to the baseline scenario, more
expansion plans could be likely announced over the forecast period. With some projects
initially targeting intermediate products being likely to cast their focus toward integrating
to sulphate production. This is particularly likely for projects in Indonesia, which may add
more production in the near term. However, growth from integrated producers is expected
to slow down towards the second half of the decade.

Production from non-integrated producers is expected to grow strongly at 14.8%py to

2040. We consider non-integrated producers to account for over half of total nickel sulphate
output by 2030. Production from such refineries could potentially total 1,680kt by 2040,
an increase from 106kt in 2020. Where the majority of growth is expected to come from
intermediate and recycled battery material feedstocks. Production based on conversion of
Class I nickel is likely to be constrained by expected tightness in supply of such material
as the outlook period develops. However, more material may be possible should one or
some of the below changes take place (albeit deemed unlikely by Roskill’s baseline

• The stainless steel industry might be able to substitute more Class I with Class II
(lower than 7% in the long term)
• More hidden metal stocks are released to the market
• New Class I nickel production capacity is built out
• Applications critically relying on Class I nickel, such as non-ferrous alloys,
becoming able to substitute Class I nickel with other materials

Figure 34: Outlook for nickel sulphate production, by country 2020-2040 (kt Ni)

China Indonesia Australia Finland Japan Taiwan Belgium

South Korea Sweden Canada Germany Turkey South Africa USA
India Thailand Brazil Vietnam Austria

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Figure 34 and Figure 35 summarise the production outlook by country and feedstock type.
We expect China to remain the largest producer of nickel sulphate throughout the outlook
horizon. This is owing to expansions from existing producers as well as new projects, with

the expected growth mainly coming from non-integrated producers. Indonesia, Finland and
Australia are likely to overtake Japan and Taiwan in the near-term to become the next
largest producers. However, Japan could return to being the second largest nickel sulphate
producer by 2040 as a result of recycled feedstock availability by such time.

Feedstock wise, the share of nickel sulphate production from MHP is expected to increase
considerably, from 24% in 2020 to over 42% in 2030. This is the expected result of the
commissioning of new integrated projects as well as expansions from non-integrated
producers in the next decade. However, post-2030 forecast this share to decline to 21%
by 2040 as battery recycling feedstock availability begins to reach critical mass. By such
time, nickel sulphate produced from battery scrap could account for exactly half of the
nickel sulphate market. This is also partly due to the drop off in supply of forecast
intermediate and Class I in the latter half of the forecast period. Overall, the share of
production from other types of primary sources including nickel metal, MSP and matte is
expected to decline as the outlook period develops, largely constrained by limited growth
in supply of such materials.

Figure 35: Outlook for nickel sulphate production by feedstock, 2020-2040 (%)

MHP Residue and scrap (battery) Residue and scrap (non-battery)

Powder, pellets and briq uettes MSP Matte
Crude nickel sulp hate Concentrate (direct) Cobalt by-product

Source: R oskill, 2020.

3.2.5 Secondary (stainless steel scrap)

Between 2020 and 2040 forecast nickel in stainless steel scrap to increase by 5% CAGR.
Representing an increase from 701kt Ni in 2020 to around 1,950kt Ni in 2040. There is a
clear relationship between the use of stainless scrap (and Class II products), and Class I
metal required in stainless steel production. If more stainless steel scrap/Class II is used
by the mill, a lower quantity of Class I metal will be required. Although secondary supply
of nickel from stainless steel recycling provides significant quantities of nickel for re-use,
these units are locked into the stainless steel circular economy. Nickel units contained in
stainless steel scrap are therefore unavailable or attainable for any future use other than
stainless steel production. Nevertheless, the use of scrap by mills is of key importance for
nickel availability by other primary nickel-consuming sectors. This comes as any increase
in remelt scrap use by stainless steel mills will lower their requirements for primary
material, thus making more primary units available to other first-use sectors. Such
dynamics render mills the “swing” players in determining future availability of Class I units.
This is discussed further in Section 5.1.2.

Figure 36: Nickel contained in stainless steel scrap, by region 2020-2040 (kt Ni)





EU Rest of World
Source: R oskill, 2020.

Many stainless steel producers obtain most of their nickel units from stainless steel scrap
rather than from primary sources. Scrap availability can be affected by swings in the nickel
price, however. For example, a period of low nickel prices acts as a disincentive for scrap
collectors and processors to gather, sort and sell stainless steel scrap, which in turn forces
mills to obtain a greater quantity of their nickel units from primary sources, such as

Taken as a whole, the EU-27 is usually a net importer of stainless steel (when stripping
out intra-EU trade flows). Stainless steel producers such as Finland, Germany, Italy, Spain
and Sweden are net importers of scrap, although Belgium’s net trade position is likely
skewed by the fact that the country is a trading hub through which this material transits
before being exported to other countries. The Netherlands is a significant net importer of
material (from outside the EU). Most of this material is subsequently re-exported to other
stainless steel producing countries in the EU.

3.3 Nickel sulphate production cost drivers

Figure 37 shows a cost curve for nickel sulphate producers, breaking out the feedstock and
the processing cost components. Also shown is the average nickel sulphate refined nickel
price of US$15,521/t, which when plotted shows the marginal nature of the upper quartile
of the cost curve in 2020. As shown by Figure 38, this region is dominated plants
reprocessing refined nickel products into nickel sulphate.

Figure 37: Cost curve for nickel sulphate producers by cost item,
2020 (US$/t nickel contained)1

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) The 2020 cost curve here is based on input costs in 2019$ dollar terms and 2019 average m etal prices
assumptions for nickel (US$13,932), cobalt (US$32,278/t) and copper (US$5,999/t)

The cost curve highlights the broad spread of production costs associated with the
production of nickel sulphate. In general, the bottom quartiles of the cost curve are
dominated by integrated producers which benefit from internal sources of feedstock. Most
notably here, Nornickel benefits from its Russian feedstock supply, while Sumitomo’s cost
position is aided by its MSP feed from Coral Bay in the Philippines.

Figure 38: Cost curve for nickel sulphate by feedstock type, 2020 (US$/t nickel contained)1

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) The 2020 cost curve here is based on input costs in 2019$ dollar terms and 2019 average m etal prices
assumptions for nickel (US$13,932), cobalt (US$32,278/t) and copper (US$5,999/t)

One of the key drivers of nickel sulphate production costs is the feedstock type, along with
the location and size of the plant. As shown by Figure 38 above, those producers processing
MHP dominate the second quartile of the cost curve, while those producing nickel sulphate
from already refined nickel feeds, such as Class I metal (e.g. powders and carbonyl), tend
to occupy the upper quartile of the curve. That said, there is a trade-off here, and that is
that plant processing/converting refined nickel feeds (such as nickel powders) into nickel
sulphate generally come with a significantly reduced capital cost of construction owing to
the simpler nature of the processing flowsheet.

Figure 39: Cost curve for nickel sulphate by region, 2020 (US$/t nickel contained)1

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) The 2020 cost curve here is based on input costs in 2019$ dollar terms and 2019 average m etal prices
assumptions for nickel (US$13,932), cobalt (US$32,278/t) and copper (US$5,999/t)

As shown by Figure 40, the main cost component in the production of nickel sulphate is
the feedstock cost, which in 2019 is estimated to have contributed around 85% of the
average production cost. Within the processing cost (the remaining 15%), the main cost
items include reagents, labour, electrical power, utilities and fuel. It highlights, the lower
processing cost component of more refined nickel feedstocks such as nickel powders and
carbonyl and the higher processing cost component of feedstock from secondary sources.
Some regional differences for key input costs such as labour have inflated the processing
cost position of plants producing nickel sulphate from MSP, which are significantly weighted
towards Japanese operations.

Figure 40: Breakdown of nickel sulphate production costs12, 2019e





Average¹ Matte MHP MSP Ni Carbonyl Briquette & metal Scrap
Feedstock Net of BPC Labour Power & Utilities Fuel Reactants & reagents G&A Maintenance

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) C osts taken as averages from Roskill Nick el Sulphate C ost Model Service, and as such some of the
proce ssing cost difference s are driven by re gional variations in input cost and opposed to variations in the
proce ss flowsheets
( 2) Fe e dstock costs shown are based on the acquisition of intermediate feedstock at market rates, as
opposed to from integrated sources Feedstock cost trends

The main driver on the production cost of producing nickel sulphate is feedstock. For non-
integrated producers, the cost of this will be dictated by the individual arrangements in
place with mining companies, trading house or other intermediaries, and will either be in
the form of short-term arrangements or longer-standing offtake agreements. In many
instances, these will be linked to the nickel price, and as a result, the 6% increase in nickel
prices y-on-y will have driven feedstock costs higher for many producers. And although
there is a correlation between refined nickel and nickel sulphate prices, the contraction of
the nickel sulphate premium to refined nickel in 2019 versus 2018 will have had an impact
of producer margins in 2019.

Figure 41: Refined LME nickel price (US$/t)







Jan-15 Jan-16 Jan-17 Jan-18 Jan-19 Jan-20

Source: R oskill, 2020. London Metal Ex change, 2020.

For integrated producers, there was a mix of factors impacting mined production costs in
2019 compared to a year earlier. One of the key drivers for mined production costs is
revenue from by-product metals. Y-on-y Nornickel benefited from an increase in PGM
prices, most notably palladium for which it is the biggest producer in the world. For many
other nickel mines, and in particular laterite operations, cobalt represents an important by-
product, and the 55% reduction y-on-y in refined cobalt metals prices will have impacted
the economics of their operations to some extent in 2019.

42 Power, utilities and fuel costs

Another major input cost for nickel sulphate refiners is power and fuel costs. The decline
in fuel cost in 2019 has provided some support for nickel miners, although the strong drop
in market prices versus 2018 might not instantly be enjoyed by all nickel sulphate
producers. This is due to the domestic pricing structure for inputs such as natural gas and
electricity, were domestics policy, taxes and tariffs linked to climate targets can often
smooth volatile market moves.

Figure 42: Brent crude oil price, coal price and natural gas price, 2014-2019
120 5.0
100 4.0
US$ - Coal and Oil (brent crude)

80 3.5

US$/MBtu - Natrual Gas

60 2.5
40 1.5
20 1.0
0 0.0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Oil Price, Brent LHS - US$/bbl Coal Price (ICE, Rotterdam Futures) LHS - US$/Mt Gas Price, Henry Hub RHS - US$/Mbtu

Source: R oskill, 2020. U.S. Energy Administration and Information, 2020.

The crude oil price gradually rose in 2018 before starting to fall back towards the end of
2018. There was a brief uptick in prices in Q2.19 before falling again and remaining around
US$60-65/bbl in H2.19. Similarly, natural gas prices dropped significantly by 37% from
Q4.18 to Q4.19, while coal prices have fallen since peaking at the end of 2018.

As shown by Figure 43, the price for key energy input such as electricity and natural gas
can vary significantly between countries and even regionally within major nickel sulphate
producing countries such as China.

Figure 43: Comparison of industrial electricity and natural gas costs within key nickel sulphate
producing countries and provinces in 20191, Global average=100




China Japan Taiwan South Korea European Av.¹ Global Av.¹
Electricity Natural Gas

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) W e ighted average based on nickel sulphate production in 2019

43 Labour costs

Labour forms another significant cost component in the production of nickel sulphate, and
in 2019 is estimated to have accounted for 25-30% of the average processing cost
component. However, this proportion does vary significantly from plant-to-plant, driven by
the level of automation and regional factors which can have a significant bearing on labour
rates as shown by Figure 44.

Figure 44: Comparison of labour costs within key nickel sulphate producing countries and
provinces within China in 20191, Global average=100






China Japan Taiwan South Korea European Av.¹ Global Av.¹

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) W e ighted average based on nickel sulphate production in 2019

Labour costs fall across the production chain and are mainly fixed and not directly linked
to the production process, particularly in areas such as overheads, marketing costs,
management costs and research and development. As a result, labour costs can go through
sharp variations on a per tonne basis if production volumes fluctuate. In particular, if a
plant decides to lower production temporarily without cutting staffing levels, the labour
cost per tonne of output can rise significantly. Reagent costs

Chemical reagents form a significant cost component in the production of nickel sulphate,
and in 2019 are estimated to have accounted for 30% of the processing cost component
on average. Two of the key chemicals are sulphuric acid and ammonia, which, depending
on the process flowsheet, can be used in the dissolution of feedstock products, the
production of ammonium sulphate by-products and the sulphurisation of nickel to produce
a nickel sulphate product.

Figure 45: Key reagent prices in China, Jan-15=100
Jan-15 Jan-16 Jan-17 Jan-18 Jan-19 Jan-20
Sulphuric Acid Ammonia

Source: R oskill, 2020. Exchange rates

Another key factor that affects production costs is the local exchange rate. Figure 46 shows
that local currencies for most nickel sulphate producing countries have continued to lose
value against the US dollar in 2019 helping to reduce production costs on a US$ dollar
basis. Although it is worth noting that this weakening has been less severe than in previous
Figure 46: US$ exchange rates of major refined nickel sulphate producing countries, Jan-
 Stronger I Weaker 

Jan-15 Jan-16 Jan-17 Jan-18 Jan-19 Jan-20

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Of note, the Chinese Yuan (CNY) weakened by 1% y-on-y against the dollar, while the
South Korean won (KRW) and the Euro (EUR) both depreciated by around 2%. The
Japanese yen was flat versus 2018, while in contrast to the yuan, won and euro, the New
Taiwanese dollar (TWD) strengthened by 2.5% y-on-y.

4 Nickel demand: effect of competing sectors

Chapter Summary

Demand status quo: Nickel demand is predominantly driven by the stainless steel
industry, which accounts for 70% of total primary nickel consumption. In 2019, primary
nickel consumption was 2.41Mt, which was a 4.4% increase on the 2018 level. Other
demand drivers for nickel include non-ferrous alloys, alloy steels and castings, and
plating, which individually account for less than 10% of primary nickel consumption.
Despite only accounting for 5% of primary nickel consumption in 2019, the batteries
sector is forecast to see the highest level of demand growth of all the first-uses of nickel.
Li-ion batteries with increasingly nickel-rich cathode chemistries will find use in the
rapidly growing EV market. The main primary nickel consuming country is China, which
represented 55% of global consumption in 2019.

Batteries: Nickel demand across all battery applications if forecast to total 2.86Mt Ni by
2040, of which automotive powertrain applications will constitute 95%. Four main
scenarios underpin our forecast for nickel use within batteries, where we expect both
global and EU27 markets to focus on high-nickel cells in the long-term. Gigafactory
capacity is expected to increase significantly between 2020 and 2040, and so too their
demand for nickel. At a global level nickel demand from Gigafactories is forecast to reach
2.28Mt Ni by 2040. Respective OEM nickel demand varies significantly owing to overall
production scale and announced EV model plans to date. In 2020, Tesla is estimated to
be the largest OEM consumer of nickel globally at 10kt Ni, whereas by 2040 we forecast
VW to be the largest, requiring 149kt Ni by such time.

Within the EU27, demand is clearly segmented by end-use (EV sales) and first-use
(precursor/cathode maker) sectors. At the cathode maker level we forecast nickel
demand from industry with reach 71kt Ni by 2030, before increasing to 76kt Ni in 2040.
This could be higher during the 2030s as it is considered likely additional
precursor/cathode capacity will be constructed as battery cell manufacturing in the
continent matures.

Lithiun-ion batteries require a high purity chemical product in the form of nickel sulphate.
Nickel sulphate demand growth is forecast to be almost completely driven by demand
from the battery sector. Between 2020 and 2030, nickel sulphate demand is forecast to
increase by 22% CAGR, totalling over 1,200kt Ni. Whilst over the full 20-year outlook
horizon a growth rate of 33% CAGR is forecast to see demand reach just under 3,000kt
Ni by 2040. Battery demand by 2040 is expected to account for 96% of total nickel
sulphate demand globally, an increase from 55% in 2020.

4.1 Demand status quo

Primary nickel demand grew by 4.4% y-o-y to 2,407kt in 2019, slightly slower than the
6.0% growth reached in 2018, and indeed the 6% average annual growth rate over the
previous decade. The main driver of this rise in demand was the stainless steel industry,
mostly driven by a construction boom in China. In 2019, the global stainless steel industry
accounted for 70% of total primary nickel consumption, a share that has been rising
steadily in the past decade.

Figure 47: World demand for refined nickel by first use, 2013-2019 (kt Ni)






2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Stainless steel Alloy Steels and Castings Non-ferrous alloys Plating Batteries Other
Source: R oskill, 2020.

After stainless steel, there are several other sectors that consume relatively similar
quantities of primary nickel. The alloy steels and castings industries consumed 190kt of
primary nickel in 2019, making it the second-largest consumer. Whilst non-ferrous alloys
consumed 187kt (equivalent to 8% of global consumption), making it the third-largest
consumer. The next-largest consumer of primary nickel is the plating industry, which also
accounted for 8% of total nickel usage, or 182kt. Batteries, which consumed 125kt of
primary nickel in 2019, only accounts for 5% of global primary nickel consumption. Nickel
has been used by the battery industry for a long time, but only in recent years has usage
started to grow as EVs have begun increasingly penetrating the automotive sector.
Although this sector is among the smallest consumers of primary nickel, it is the sector
which, along with stainless steel, is expected to show the highest level of growth in future.

It is little surprise that China is the world’s largest consumer of primary nickel. The country
consumed 1,331kt in 2019, or 55% of global consumption. In the past decade, Chinese
demand has grown by an average of 11.1%py. Europe is the second-largest consuming
region, but its consumption in 2019 stood at 328kt, lower than in 2013, equivalent to an
average annual drop of 0.3%. This was largely owing to stainless steel industry in this
region increasing its use of scrap, thereby lowering its requirements for primary nickel
units. We estimate that in 2019 Indonesia became the third-largest consumer of primary
nickel, overtaking the Americas. In 2013, primary demand stood at only 1kt and this level
of usage barely moved between then and 2016.

Figure 48: World demand for refined nickel by region, 2013-2019 (kt Ni)






2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
China Europe Americas Japan Taiwan India South Korea Indonesia Other Asia Other Western World

Source: R oskill, 2020.

4.2 Total market demand

In 2020, global primary nickel demand is forecast to reach around 2,250kt Ni. Roskill
expects this to more than double over the 20-year forecast horizon totalling over 5,000kt
Ni by 2040, representing a CAGR of 4.1%. The majority of nickel demand is currently
accounted for by the stainless steel sector at around 1,550kt Ni in 2020. This compares to
batteries which makes up a small portion of primary nickel demand estimated to total
143kt Ni in 2020. However, it is the battery sector that is forecast to become the most
significant diver of nickel demand growth moving forward. Batteries are expected to
increase by 13.5% CAGR to 2040, where demand from the sector could reach over 1,800kt
Ni (see Figure 49).

Figure 49: Total primary nickel market demand by first-use sector1, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)






Batteries, primary Stainless, primary Non-ferrous alloys Other alloy steels and castin gs Plating Other

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) Prim ary demand for batteries is net of secondary sales and inclusive of all nickel containing battery types

With respect to market shares, stainless steel demand current contributes around 70% of
total market demand. This large position has been increasingly consolidated in recent
decades off the back of economic stimulus in China driving a construction boom. Stainless
steel is likely to remain the largest demand segment in 2040, although batteries may begin
to rival stainless steel’s dominance. We forecast the battery sector could potentially
increase its demand share from 6% in 2020 to 36% in 2040, representing a six-fold

Figure 50: Nickel market demand share, by first-use sector

2020 2030 2040

8% 2% 6% 6% 5% 1% 4% 4% 1%
7% 26% 5%

69% 57% 50%

Batteries, primary Batteries, primary Batteries, primary

Stainless, primary Stainless, primary Stainless, primary
Non-ferrous alloys Non-ferrous alloys Non-ferrous alloys
Other alloy steels and castings Other alloy steels and castings Other alloy steels and castings
Plating Plating Plating
Other Other Other
Source: R oskill, 2020.

On a product basis, demand for Class I nickel is forecast to total 640kt Ni in 2020. This
compares to Class II and nickel salts (“other”) demand over 1,600kt Ni, as shown in Figure
49. The vast majority of primary nickel demand growth over the outlook period is expected
to come from Class II material used in stainless steel production. Whilst Class I demand is
forecast to remain relatively flat increasing by a modest 1.2% CAGR.

Figure 51: Class I nickel versus total primary market demand 1, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)






Class I Other

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) O the r includes all demand for non-Class I nickel products such as C lass II, nickel salts etc.

An examination of Class I nickel demand by first-use sector indicates that the spread
amongst the top four industries is relatively even. In 2020, demand from stainless steel
mills is expected to be lower than 2019 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and
increasing nickel prices. Although a recovery is expected in 2021, overall Class I demand
from stainless steel is forecast to decrease over the 2030s and into the 2040s. This is
underpinned by the expected ‘thrifting’ of Class I metal for scrap and Class II feedstocks
(as discussed further in section 5.1.2).

Figure 52: Class I nickel demand competition by first-use sector1, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)

Stainless Non-ferrous alloys Other alloy steels and castin gs Plating, metal Other Metal use in batteries

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) Me tal use in batteries is nickel metal dire ctly used in battery production and does not include demand from
nick e l sulphate producers with lithium-ion end-user battery customer mark ets

Given the relatively even spread of demand of Class I demand amongst first-use industries,
their respective proportional share of demand is not expected to experience significant
change by 2040. This is shown in Figure 53. Importantly, volumes demanded from non-
stainless sectors (also considered ‘critical demand’) are forecast to increase relatively in
line with global and regional GDP growth rates. Collectively, this represents the total
portion of Class I demand that cannot be substituted for other nickel products. These are
therefore considered the main competing sectors for such units.

Figure 53: Class I market demand share, by first-use 2020-2040 (kt Ni)

2020 2030 2040

5% 4% 17% 4% 4% 15% 3% 5% 16%

21% 21% 21%

28% 28%

26% 28% 27%

Stainless Stainless Stainless
Non-ferrous alloys Non-ferrous alloys Non-ferrous alloys
Other alloy steels and castings Other alloy steels and castings Other alloy steels and castings
Plating, metal Plating, metal Plating, metal
Other Other Other
Metal use in batteries Metal use in batteries Metal use in batteries
Source: R oskill, 2020.

4.3 Batteries – Global demand

4.3.1 Outlook for sold battery product demand

We forecast nickel demand across all battery applications to total 2.86Mt of nickel metal
by 2040, of which automotive powertrain applications will constitute 95%. This represents

a CAGR of 17.6% over the 20-year forecast horizon. Such demand growth is based on
Roskill’s forecast EV, portable electronics, niche transport applications, and ESS sales.
These have then been crossed with their respective battery capacity and electrode

Figure 54: Nickel demand by battery application, based on expected product sales, 2020-2040
(t Ni)







Automotive (xEV) Motive products Portable electronics ESS Power devices

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Although demand from ESS devices is expected to grow accordingly, lithium-ion technology
is not considered likely to be the dominant battery technology utilised within the sector. It
is likely to be used in short duration grid applications whilst other ESS technologies (like
flow batteries, hydrogen fuel cells or mechanical storage) are expected to provide the bulk
of long duration storage. Furthermore, within the lithium-ion technology, nickel-based
batteries are unlikely to be used due to:

1. Nickel supply constraints and cost

2. Procurement competition with automakers
3. Safety of LFP (less likely to experience a thermal runaway event)
4. Longer cycle life of LFP batteries; and
5. Lower cost on a levelized cost of ownership basis of LFP and flow batteries Scenarios for nickel consumption in batteries

We have created three scenarios based on different technology parameters. This has
modelled two low-case scenarios for nickel and one high-case. Roskill believes that a
scenario in which automakers produce electric vehicles over the mandatory EV regulatory
thresholds is unlikely due to the cost challenges in EV manufacturing and the uncertainty
around consumers’ attitude towards electric vehicles.

Main scenarios:
• China and Europe opt to use a higher share of LFP batteries (Low case)
• New battery technologies (Low case)

• Auto OEMs improve battery cost structure (High case)

Figure 55: Nickel in EV batteries scenarios, 2020-2040 (t Ni)







Base-case New battery technolo gie s Auto OEMs improve battery cost structure Higher LFP penetration in China & Europe

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Explanation of scenarios:

1. China and Europe opt to use a higher share of LFP batteries: this scenario
assumes an estimated 30% penetration rate of LFP cathode material both in China
and Europe by 2030. This rate is progressively phased-out by 2040. Most LFP is
applied to urban small cars (A-C segment) and higher volumes of LFP are also
applied to commercial vehicles. The result is an estimated 24% less nickel
consumption on a cumulative basis during the period 2020 to 2040 in automotive
powertrain batteries when compared to Roskill Base-case scenario.

While the initial roadmap of most automakers is directed toward high nickel chemistries
such as NCM 811, LNO, or NCMA, other alternative cathode chemistries like LFP was
surprisingly adopted by Tesla in the lower range Model 3 for the Chinese market. Although
this may seem a novel approach in high-end vehicles, other automakers have suggested
to Roskill that LFP will always be a possibility if:

i. Cobalt and nickel prices become unsustainable

ii. Lower range city vehicles experience high demand
iii. A novel approach to cell packing allows for increases in energy density
when using LFP (like CATL’s Cell-to-Pack or BYD’s “blade battery”)

Figure 56: Higher LFP in China and Europe comparison to Base-case, 2020-2040
(% t of cathode material)
Base case Higher LFP in China and EU27

100% 100%
90% 90%
80% 80%
70% 70%
60% 60%
50% 50%
40% 40%
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%
0% 0%
2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040


NCA 3% Co NCM 111 NCM 217 NCM 523 NCA 3% Co NCM 111 NCM 217 NCM 523
NCM 622 NCM 712 NCM 811 NiMH NCM 622 NCM 712 NCM 811 NiMH

Source: R oskill, 2020.

2. New battery technologies scenario: this scenario assumes a progressive phase-

in of higher energy density battery technologies during the outlook period. The
scenario assumes that in 2025 Li-ion batteries with Si-based anodes are fully
introduced increasing average energy density by 15-30% compared to 2020. Later,
higher energy density technologies like solid-state batteries start to be introduced
increasing the average energy density by the end of the outlook period by 60-80%.
The result is an estimated 33% less nickel consumption on a cumulative basis
during the period 2020 to 2040 in automotive powertrain batteries when compared
to Roskill’s base-case scenario.

3. Auto OEMs improve battery cost structure: this scenario assumes aggressive
improvements in battery costs with some automotive OEMs using fully dedicated e-
platforms (reducing assembly times) and achieving ICE-BEV production cost parity
as early as 2025 in some models of the A-D segments. The result is an estimated
2% more nickel consumption on a cumulative basis during the period 2020 to 2040
in automotive sectors when compared to Roskill’s base-case scenario. As well as
such automakers being expected to sell a larger number of vehicles, this scenario
also assumes a slightly higher penetration of LFP-based batteries and other higher
energy density new battery technologies that reduce overall nickel consumption. Nickel demand by cathode type

We have forecast nickel demand by cathode technology, which utilises assumptions

underpinned by engagements with leading industry players (such as cathode, cell and
automotive manufactures).

Figure 57: Base-case cathode demand in automotive powertrain batteries, 2020-2040
(% t of cathode material)
Tonnes of cathode % tonnes of cathode
6,000,000 90%
4,000,000 60%
2,000,000 30%
0 0%
2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040


NCA 3% Co NCM 111 NCM 217 NCM 523 NCA 3% Co NCM 111 NCM 217 NCM 523
NCM 622 NCM 712 NCM 811 NiMH NCM 622 NCM 712 NCM 811 NiMH

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Despite the challenges in the manufacturing and use of ultra-high-nickel batteries,

significant R&D and industrial testing is underway to enable their mass adoption.
Technologies like single-crystal cathodes, advanced cathode coatings, and electrolyte
additives are expected to enable the widespread use of ultra-high nickel battery cells like
those of NCMA or LNO. Consequently, in the base-case scenario we envision multiple
families of NCM/NCA co-existing in the period to 2030. This is until ultra-high nickel
chemistries like NCM 811, LNO, and NCMA become more widespread post-2030. On a
contained nickel basis, chemistries like NCA 3%Co, NCM 811, NCMA, and LNO are expected
to become the largest consumers of the metal by 2040.

Figure 58: Nickel demand by cathode material in automotive powertrain batteries, 2020-2040
(t Ni)






LNO NCMA NCA 3% Co NCM 811 NCM 217 NCM 622 NCM 523 NiMH NCM 111 NCM 712

Source: R oskill, 2020.

For the base-case scenario, we have not included any disruptive battery technology beyond
the existing liquid-electrolyte lithium-ion. This is due to the following considerations:

• Current liquid-electrolyte Li-ion batteries keep improving through new cathode
coatings, electrolyte additives, addition of silicon to the anode, and sophisticated
BMS (battery management systems) to control temperature, degradation, and

• There will always be a trade-off of characteristics in an emerging battery

technology. While energy density (Wh/Kg) may improve with new technologies like
solid-state batteries, power density (W/Kg) may not. Similarly, cycle life (number
of charge and discharge cycles) of such development technologies remains very
limited and unfit for commercial deployment (e.g. Li-S technology).

• Supply chain difficulties are a major bottleneck. Most solid-state batteries rely on
lithium metal anodes to increase energy density. However, production of ultra-thin
lithium metal foil (<5 microns) remains a technical challenge. Additionally, ultra-
thin lithium metal foil production capacity is non-existent despite new electro-
deposition techniques.

• Most of the current battery supply chain is already geared towards the mass-
manufacturing of existing Li-ion technologies. This means that any new battery
technology needs to be compatible with todays’ liquid electrolyte Li-ion battery
manufacturing processes.

• In 2020, there is no commercial electric vehicle from a leading manufacturer using

a non-liquid electrolyte lithium-ion battery. Nickel demand from EV sales

Passenger vehicles are expected to be the largest consumers of nickel in the outlook period.
Beyond the evident sales disparity between passenger and commercial vehicles (~70% of
the global automotive sales correspond to passenger vehicles), not every commercial
vehicle will be susceptible to electrification. Whereas light and/or urban commercial
vehicles (e.g. buses, refuse collection vehicles etc.) are the best candidates for
electrification, long-haul commercial trucks are less likely due to:

a) Annual driving distance is 6-7x more than a passenger vehicle. This will accelerate
battery degradation as usage will be intensive.
b) Battery weight will be a problem as it will reduce the truck’s “payload” (20-25%
payload reduction).
c) Fast charging infrastructure for such battery packs (>1000kWh) may prove costly:
an upgrade of local grids to allow ultra-fast charging speed in remote and
uneconomical locations will be needed.

As a result, hydrogen fuel cell technology is probably the best powertrain technology for
long-haul commercial vehicles. Nevertheless, we expect a considerable number of urban
and inter-city commercial vehicles to be fully electrified.

Figure 59: Nickel consumed in automotive batteries by vehicle type, 2020-2040 (t Ni)






Passenger Heavy commercial Bus Light commercial

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Given the larger battery size (kWh) of fully electric vehicles (BEV), we expect this e-
powertrain type to be the largest consumer of nickel in batteries. While end-consumers
could initially prefer hybrid solutions like PHEV, HEV, or 48V, European and Chinese
regulators are unlikely to favour these powertrains in the long-term due to the subjective
environmental credentials these vehicles present (e.g. a PHEV drives in electric mode as
long as the driver charges it).

On a regional basis, China is expected to remain as the largest nickel consumer from
electric vehicle sales. Whilst the European market holds as the second largest automotive
market globally, in comparison China has one of the lowest motorisation rates globally
(vehicles per every 1,000 inhabitants) despite its growing economic status. For this reason,
we expect China’s automotive market to increase by 8-10M vehicles by 2040, whereas the
European market could decrease by 2-5M vehicles in the same period. Even when assuming
aggressive electrification rates in Europe, China is expected to sell a larger number of
electric vehicles due to the larger size of its automotive market.

Figure 60: Nickel consumed in automotive batteries by e-powertrain type, 2020-2040 (t Ni)







Source: R oskill, 2020.

We forecast North America to be 4th largest EV market by 2040 behind that of JKT (Japan-
Korea-Taiwan). This is predominantly due to the absence of clear EV and CO2 emissions
targets. This North American scenario is, however, likely to change during the outlook

period. Conversely, we does not forecast other world regions like Africa and the Middle
East to be aggressively electrified due to the lack of regulatory incentives, underinvested
power grids, and overall lower consumer purchasing power.

Figure 61: Nickel consumed in automotive batteries by region, 2020-2040 (t Ni)







China EU27 JKT (Japan-Korea-Taiwan) North America India Other Asia Oceania Middle East Central America South America

Source: R oskill, 2020.

4.3.2 Outlook for Gigafactory demand

Global installed manufacturing capacity for large-sized (automotive/ESS) lithium-ion

battery cells is forecast to surpass 2,000GWh by 2030, around 4.5x times more than in
2019. This is forecast to reach 4,900GWh by 2040, around 11x times more than in 2019,
if it is to meet the needs of demand. Most of these capacity expansions will be driven by
transport electrification. China is expected to maintain its dominant position in battery
manufacturing due to its large domestic automotive market and pre-existing upstream
battery supply chain.

Figure 62: Nickel consumed by Gigafactories, by region, 2020-2040 (t Ni)






Asia EU27 North America

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Assuming these facilities operate at 80% capacity by 2030, Asian battery plants are
expected to require 960kt of nickel metal alone, of which China will require around 770kt.

Despite significant levels of technological uncertainty around batteries in the period beyond
2030, China could potentially demand 1.2Mt of nickel metal by 2040 should ultra-high-
nickel cathode technologies dominate the market. EU27 countries are expected to demand
around half of that at around 553kt by 2040.

Figure 63: Nickel consumed by Gigafactories, by country, 2020-2040 (t Ni)






China USA Germany Japan Korea

Norway Sweden Poland India UK
Thailand France Czech Republic / Poland Hungary Turkey
Slovakia Taiwan Canada

Source: R oskill, 2020.

To meet their respective future nickel demand, major downstream players have increased
their activity in establishing agreements with upstream suppliers and/or future projects.
Table 6 below shows examples of such engagements, noting significant variation in their
respective grounds (e.g. MOU vs definitive offtake agreement) and current validity (i.e.
current vs expired).

Table 6: Nickel supply engagements between battery supply chain participants and miners,

De al type Date Buye r Industry of buyer Type of m aterial Se lle r company

O fftake 2017 Be ijing Easpring C athode Ni sulphate C le an TeQ

Inve stment 2017 Trafigura Trading MSP/Ni sulphate Te rrafame Group
O fftake 2018 SK Innovation Batte rie s Ni sulphate Australian Mines
2018 C ATL C anada Batte rie s Ni sulphate North Am e rican Nickel
O fftake 2018 Be ijing Easpring C athode Ni & C o sulphate Pacific R im C obalt
Inve stment 2018 LG C he m Batte rie s Ni sulphate C he mco
JV 2018 GEM/C ATL Pre cursor/Cathode Ni sulphate Tsingshan
JV 2018 BASF C athode Ni sulphate Nornick e l
O fftake 2018 Ecopro C athode Ni(O H)2 + NC A GEM
Partne rship 2018 BYD/Guoxuan Auto/Batteries NC M pre cursor Minm etals (MCC)
JV 2019 Ecopro C athode Ni sulphate Black stone Minerals
O fftake 2020 GEM Pre cursor/Cathode Ni MHP/sulphate PT Halmahera HL
Source: R oskill, 2020.

A total of 63 companies are expected to operate in the large-cell battery market by the
end of the coming decade, of which the top five are forecast to account for approximately
40% of total nickel demand. We consider it likely, however, that the large-cell battery
industry will rather resemble 2010´s market structure, with no more than 15 companies
competing. Sheer volume, cost efficiency and supply stability requirements of automakers
underpin such projections. This is alike today’s automotive parts supplier landscape (e.g.
tyres, body stamping, engine components etc.), where suppliers are concentrated in 5-15
companies, albeit with some regional exceptions. Examples of such may occur in countries
with government supported projects like Thailand’s Energy Absolute project, Tukey’s Vestel
project, or the EU battery alliance with SAFT-PSA.

Figure 64: Nickel consumed by battery cell company, 2025-2040 (t Ni)

0 50 100 150 200 250 LG Chem
CATL 216 Tesla - Panasonic
Tesla - Panasonic 162 10% SK Innovation
SK Innovation 139 SVOLT
SVOLT 117 33% BYD
BYD 91 Samsung SDI
Samsung SDI 8%
6% Northvolt
Northvolt 73
2% Farasis
Farasis 61 2% 5%
2% 4% Wanxiang Group
Wanxiang Group 57 2%2%
3% 3% 3% 3%
Panasonic Panasonic
Etrust Power 56 Etrust Power
Evergrande 53 Evergrande
2025 2030 2040 Other 43 companies
Source: R oskill, 2020.

4.3.3 Outlook for automaker demand

Similar to battery makers, automakers are increasingly wary of the significant growth in
battery metals demand in the next decade. Most Asian and western automakers have or
are establishing new procurement teams with focus on battery metals.

Importantly, not every automaker has chosen the same electrification strategy. While
companies like Volkswagen group seem to be targeting fully electric vehicles (BEV) in the
outlook period, other companies like Toyota, Volvo, or FCA are targeting hybrid powertrains
like PHEV, HEV, and 48V. As a result, automotive groups targeting hybrid models in the
outlook period may be less exposed to the availability of battery metals. But potentially
more exposed to regulatory changes towards the CO2 footprint attributed to hybrid
powertrains or fleet average targets.

Figure 65: Global nickel demand by automotive group, passenger vehicles only, 2020-2030
(t Ni)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Volkswagen 149
Tesla 71
Daimler 65
GM 65
Hyundai-KIA 46
GAC 44
BYD 42
Ford 33
PSA 29
Dongfeng 27
Changan 18
Renault 17
BMW 17
Nissan 16
Toyota 13
Brillia nce 8
Volvo 6
Yutong 6
Geely 5
Hawtai 4
Mitsubishi 4
Honda 4
Great Wall Motor 3
Zotye 2
Mahindra 1
2020 2025 2030
Source: Roskill, 2020.

Based on current model announcements, Volkswagen Group (and its many Chinese joint
ventures) is forecast to be the largest consumer of nickel by 2030, followed by Tesla, GM,
Hyundai-KIA Group, and Chinese automakers GAC, SAIC, and BYD. It is important to note
that strategy roadmaps of the analysed carmakers may change in the outlook period due
to regulatory pressure or technology developments. In this sense, their attitude towards
fully electric or hybrid powertrains may also vary which would have subsequent
implications for nickel demand.

4.4 Batteries - European demand

4.4.1 Outlook for EV sales

On a regional basis, the EV penetration into the automotive market has followed highly
uneven trajectories across different European markets. Differences in electrification have
been the result both of varying levels of government support, consumer purchasing power,
commitments to the development of charging infrastructure, and the market position of
automakers in their respective markets. In 2020, Europe is expected to retain its positions

as the world’s second largest plug-in electric vehicle market. This trend is expected to
continue as regulatory pressure on emissions limits are considered likely to increase over
the forecast period to 2040.

Figure 66: Outlook sales by e-powertrain type, 2020-2040 (Units sold)

Passenger Commercial
14,000,000 1,400,000

12,000,000 1,200,000

10,000,000 1,000,000

8,000,000 800,000

6,000,000 600,000

4,000,000 400,000

2,000,000 200,000

0 0
2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040


Source: R oskill, 2020.

In the base-case scenario we estimate European fully electric and plug-in hybrid vehicle
sales to total 6.4M (or 36% of sales) across both passenger and commercial applications.
In comparison, the European Commission forecast 14% of vehicle sales to be either fully
electric or plug-in hybrids by the same year. By 2040, we forecast European fully electric
and plug-in hybrids sales of 10M, representing 57% of total vehicles sold within the
passenger and commercial segment.

Figure 67: Passenger & Commercial vehicles: Penetration rate of electric vehicles over the
total European automotive market, 2020-2040 (% unit sales)


Source: R oskill, 2020.

Table 7 below portrays the forecast European sales split across vehicle segment types. By
2040 around 22% of all vehicle sales are forecast to still have a purely ICE powertrain.
When accounting purely for passenger cars this figure would be reduced to 19%.

Table 7: Passenger & Commercial vehicle sales by powertrain in Europe
2030 2040
Type of powe rtrain 2030 2040
(% sale s rate) (% sale s rate)
Plug-in (BEV, PHEV) 6,421,545 36% 10,007,112 57%
All e le ctrified (BEV, PHEV, HEV, 48V, FCEV) 8,770,438 50% 13,620,966 78%
IC E 8,851,372 50% 3,927,286 22%
Total 17,621,810 100% 17,548,253 100%
Source: R oskill, 2020.

4.4.2 Outlook for cathode demand

Under the base-case scenario, we forecast that the resulting xEV sales across all e-
powertrain types would total approximately 1,000GWh of battery capacity by 2040. This
compares to an estimated 1,110GWh of installed European battery manufacturing capacity
in the corresponding year.

Figure 68: Battery capacity across all electrified vehicles sold in EU27, 2020-2040 (GWh)






Passenger Commercial

Source: R oskill, 2020.

To feed this battery demand around 1Mt of cathode materials is forecast to be required by
cell makers domestically. Comparatively, the global lithium-ion battery industry required
382kt cathode materials in 2019 across all end-use sectors (Portable electronics, ESS, EVs
etc). Representing around 38% of the total requirement forecast by the end of the outlook
period in Europe alone.

By cathode type, Europe is forecast to utilise mostly ultra-high nickel cathode materials,
as outlined in current auto and cell maker technology roadmaps. In 2020, however, some
European cathode makers showed a degree of scepticism on the early adoption of these
chemistries due to the difficulty of mass scale manufacturing and pack level management.
Nevertheless, the entire EV battery supply chain ecosystem (including European
companies) are working towards these types of high nickel cathodes. Formulations of such
include LNO, NCMA, or NCM 811 as aforementioned. When compared to other regions like
China, Europe is not expected to produce or demand LFP-based batteries. Albeit this could
change during the outlook period.

Figure 69: European cathode demand in sold electric vehicles (passenger & commercial),
Tonnes of cathode % tonnes of cathode
1,200,000 100%
600,000 50%
0 0%
2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040

NiMH NCM 111 NCM 523 NCM 622 NCM 712 NiMH NCM 111 NCM 523 NCM 622 NCM 712

Source: R oskill, 2020.

We forecast these high-nickel based batteries to be first used in premium vehicle offerings
(E-F and SUV segments) until large-sized cells can be safely manufactured and adopted
for the mass market in an economic manner. Until such time, intermediate chemistries like
NCM 712 are expected to be applied more commonly amongst mass market models.

Beyond 2030, we forecast ultra-high nickel chemistries like LNO and its variants with over
80% nickel content to increase in market share. This could be achieved either through
standard liquid-electrolyte Li-ion batteries, cell designs using solid-electrolyte and
advanced anodes using high silicon loadings or lithium metal foils. The reason for this is
that LNO and its variants would involve minimal or no use of cobalt whilst delivering the
highest possible energy density at pack level.

Some battery projects in Europe, like Moron Batteries or BritishVolt, envision the use of Li-
S (Lithium-Sulphur) batteries. However, currently there is no commercial indicators that
show Li-S batteries could be used for automotive applications. This is a result of their poor
cycle life, high production cost, safety issues, and mass manufacturing complexities. Albeit
it is reasonable to assume that new disruptive battery technologies beyond Li-ion could
irrupt the European battery ecosystem in latter half of the outlook period.

4.4.3 Outlook for battery cell production

Over the next two decades, battery cell makers will expand their respective manufacturing
capacities to match demand from the auto industry. A key transformation already
underway by cell makers is the de-centralisation of battery production in Asia, where
Europe is forecast to be a significant beneficiary of such. European institutions play a
leading role in setting transport emissions standards in conjunction with region being
forecast to become the world’s second largest EV market. This, alongside the streamlined
and quick nature of its automotive supply chain, will require battery companies to serve
their automotive clients on a “just-in-time” basis. Such a business model requires battery

companies and their upstream suppliers to move closer to regional automotive
manufacturing hubs. As a result, Roskill estimates that Europe will increase its installed Li-
ion battery manufacturing capacity from 48GWh in 2020 to 670GWh in 2030, before
reaching 1,100GWh in 2040.

This “Gigafactories” capacity assessment has been based on the public announcements of
incumbent battery companies. However, most of these public announcements focus on the
period 2020 to 2030. To forecast Gigafactories capacity to 2040 Roskill has used regional
growth assumptions based on its automotive model. Roskill has also adjusted the capacity
of some of these plants to reflect the construction challenges that these companies face.
Insight which has been corroborated with industry leading market participants.

Figure 70: Gigafactory capacity in Europe vs. European battery demand, 2020-2040
(by country GWh)






Germany Poland
Norway Sweden
UK France
Hungary Czech Republic / Poland (SVOLT project)
Slovakia Demand of batteries in EU

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Europe’s battery industry is considered most likely to develop in Germany and neighbouring
countries such as Poland. While Asian companies are expected to continue to dominate the
European market, a small number of European battery makers, such as Northvolt or the
SAFT-PSA consortium, are expected to commission capacity supported by European policy.
Projects including the European Battery Alliance are likely to support the creation of several
consortiums led exclusively by domestic chemical and battery companies. An example of
this are the two projects led by SAFT and PSA with Peugeot in France and Opel in Germany,
with each targeting a 30GWh capacity.

Northvolt is, however, the most realistic developer to reach commercial status given the
public support from the European Investment Bank alongside increasing battery orders
from the private sector. Northvolt stated in December 2019 to have US$13Bn worth of pre-
orders in hand, enough to cover its first five years of production. To fulfil these orders, the
Swedish company is expected to create two plants based in Sweden and Germany. Where
construction of such capacity is being supported by investments from the likes of
Volkswagen, BMW, IKEA, Goldman Sachs, Vattenfall and Siemens.

Figure 71: European Li-ion battery manufacturing capacity, 2020 & 2040 (% installed GWh)
2020 2040
7% 2% 4% 3%
32% 7% 31%


Germany 14% Poland
Poland Hungary Sweden Germany UK France Norway Sweden
UK France
Hungary Czech Republic / Poland

Source: R oskill, 2020.

At a company level, Korean companies currently hold a dominant position in the European
automotive battery market. A focus of building out manufacturing capacity abroad by both
Korean and Japanese companies has been driven by the relatively low domestic EV
production in their countries of origin. An example of this is Panasonic’s joint venture with
Tesla in the USA and LG Chem with its factories in both the USA and Poland. In 2020, both
companies had more installed capacity abroad than in their home countries. Going forward,
however, they will have to compete with Chinese companies (such as CATL and BYD) which
are also expected to scale up manufacturing capacity in Europe. Chinese players are well
established in their domestic market due to government support received since the early
2010’s. Chinese companies are forecast to increase their capacity and market shares within
Europe over the outlook horizon. Key Chinese players who have secured OEM supply
contracts and target European production include CATL, Farasis, and NEVS.

Figure 72: European Li-ion battery manufacturing capacity by battery cell company,
2020 & 2040 (% installed GWh)
2020 2040
2% 1% 1% 0%
2% 1% 1%
2% 3%
7% 15%
11% 4%
7% 13%
16% 17% 7%
8% 9%

LG Chem Northvolt SK Innovation CATL LG Chem PSA-SAFT Consortium Northvolt

CATL FREYR Tesla - Panasonic
Samsung SDI AESC Leclanche Bollore
Britishvolt & AMTE Power Morrow Batteries SVOLT
Akasol Lia con GmbH GS Yuasa
NEVS SK Innovation Inobat
Samsung SDI Farasis AESC
BMZ Other 5 companies
Source: R oskill, 2020.

Despite efforts by European regulators and local upstream battery materials companies,
around 50% of the installed battery manufacturing capacity by 2040 will be non-European.
Market leaders are expected to be those companies already holding a dominant position in
Europe in 2020 (such as LG Chem and Samsung SDI).

Figure 73: Origin of battery manufacturing companies in EU27, 2020-2040

(% by installed capacity GWh)
2020 2040
8% 7% 2%




Korean European Chinese Japan European Korean Chinese North-American Japan

Source: R oskill, 2020.

When analysing the capacity plans of battery cell companies in Europe in the period 2020
to 2040, Roskill considers the following conclusions likely:

• Rapid industry growth to take place (x23 times more GWh installed capacity than
in 2020)
• More competition and less market share per company is forecast (21 companies in
2040 vs. 10 companies in 2020)
• Larger average battery manufacturing plant capacity (x21 more GWh installed
capacity per plant)
• Further delocalisation of battery production away from Asia (9 countries by 2040
vs. 6 countries in 2020)

Table 8: Market structure evolution, 2020–2040

Description 2020 2040 Multiplier

Number of existing companies 10 21 x2.1
Number of manufacturing plants 12 26 x2.2
Countries producing batteries 6 9 x1.5
Resulting GWh capacity 47 1,100 x23
GWh per plant 2 42 x21
Average market share per company 9.1% 4.8% -47%
Source: R oskill, 2020.

4.4.4 Outlook for nickel demand EV sales: Base-case

The European EV transition is expected to demand considerable amounts of different raw,

refined, and active battery materials. Among them, nickel is forecast to have one of the
largest proportions of overall raw material demand from the EV sector and its focus on
high-nickel chemistries. Roskill forecast Europe’s nickel demand to total 304kt and 560kt
of contained metal in batteries by 2030 and 2040 respectively, an increase from 17kt in

In the analysis of nickel demand different forecast methods lead to different results. For
example, the nickel demanded by Gigafactories is somewhat different to the nickel required
by cathode makers, or the nickel demanded by estimated EV sales. Such differences are
the result of varied procurement strategies, diverse production routes, and different
technology assumptions like those related to energy density or average battery capacity.
Nevertheless, Roskill considers an increase in nickel demand between 30-40x times likely
by the end of the outlook period should Li-ion batteries remain as the dominant e-
powertrain storage technology.

Figure 74: European nickel demand in electric vehicle sales by vehicle type, 2020-2040 (t Ni)






Passenger Heavy commercial Light commercial Bus

Source: R oskill, 2020.

On an e-powertrain basis, fully electric vehicles (BEV) are expected to be the largest nickel
consumer alongside PHEV vehicles. While initially automakers may opt to produce hybrid
powertrains, Roskill’s European EV sales baseline and future stringent fleet average
emissions limits suggest that BEVs are expected to dominate the market during the outlook

Figure 75: European nickel demand in electric vehicle sales by e-powertrain type, 2020-2040
(t Ni)







Source: R oskill, 2020.

Germany, UK, and France are expected to become the three largest nickel consumers on
an EV sales basis. This not only aligns with the European EV sales baseline but also with
these countries being the three largest automotive markets in Europe. Should European
emissions limits be effectively implemented across the EU, Italy and Spain have the
potential to become the fourth and fifth largest nickel consumers on an EV sales basis. This
is despite the head start of smaller but wealthier European nations like the Netherlands or

Figure 76: European nickel demand in electric vehicles sales by country, 2020-2040 (t Ni)






Germany UK France Italy Spain Belgium Netherla nds Austria

Sweden Switzerland Poland Portugal Czech Republic Denmark Greece Romania
Norway Finland Irela nd Slovenia Croatia Luxembourg Estonia Ukraine

Source: R oskill, 2020. Scenarios for nickel in Europe

As in Section 4.2, Roskill has created three different European scenarios based on different
technology parameters. Roskill has modelled two low-case and one high-case scenarios for
nickel demand. Roskill considers a scenario in which automakers produce electric vehicles

over and above the mandatory EV regulatory thresholds is unlikely. This is predominantly
due to the cost challenges in EV manufacturing compared to ICE’s and the uncertainty
around consumers’ attitude towards electric vehicles.

Main scenarios:
• Europe opt to use a higher share of LFP batteries (Low case)
• New battery technologies (Low case)
• Auto OEMs improve battery cost structure (High case)

Figure 77: Nickel in EV batteries scenarios, 2020-2040 (t Ni)








Base-case New battery technolo gie s Auto OEMs improve battery cost structure Higher LFP penetration in China & Europe

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Explanation of scenarios:

1. Europe opt to use a higher share of LFP batteries: this scenario assumes an
estimated 30% penetration rate of LFP cathode material in Europe by 2030. This
rate is progressively phased-out by 2040. Most LFP is applied to urban small cars
(A-C segment) and higher volumes of LFP are also applied to commercial vehicles.
The result is an estimated 8% less nickel consumption on a cumulative basis during
the period 2020 to 2040 in automotive powertrain batteries when compared to
Roskill Base-case scenario.

Figure 78: Higher LFP in Europe comparison to Base-case, 2020-2040
(% t of cathode material)
Base-case Higher LFP in Europe
100% 100%
80% 80%
60% 60%
40% 40%
20% 20%
0% 0%

LNO LFP NCM 111 NCM 217 NCM 523 LNO LFP NCM 111 NCM 217 NCM 523
NCM 622 NCM 712 NCM 811 NCMA NiMH NCM 622 NCM 712 NCM 811 NCMA NiMH

Source: R oskill, 2020.

2. New battery technologies scenario: this scenario assumes a progressive phase-

in of higher energy density battery technologies during the outlook period. The
scenario assumes that in 2025 Li-ion batteries with Si-based anodes are fully
introduced increasing average energy density by 15-30% compared to 2020. Later,
higher energy density technologies like solid-state batteries start to be introduced
increasing the average energy density in 2040 by 60-80% compared to 2020. The
result is an estimated 33% less nickel consumption on a cumulative basis in
automotive powertrain batteries when compared to Roskill’s base-case scenario.

3. Auto OEMs improve battery cost structure: this scenario assumes aggressive
improvements in battery costs with some automotive OEMs using with fully
dedicated e-platforms (reducing assembly times) and achieving ICE-BEV production
cost parity as early as 2025 in some models of the A-D segments. The result is an
estimated 6% more nickel consumption on a cumulative basis in automotive
powertrain batteries when compared to Roskill’s base-case scenario. As well as such
automakers being expected to sell a larger number of vehicles, this scenario also
assumes a slightly higher penetration of LFP-based batteries and other higher
energy density new battery technologies that reduce overall nickel consumption. By cathode chemistry

European auto and cell maker industry are geared towards the use of high-nickel content
batteries. This is reflected in the plans of major European cathode manufacturers like
Umicore, Johnson Matthey, and BASF. Roskill forecast around 85% of nickel demand (or
264kt) in Europe to come from cathode chemistries using >80% nickel content in 2030.
By 2040, such cathode chemistries could represent around 96% of nickel demand (or

Figure 79: Nickel demand in Europe by cathode chemistry, 2020-2040
Tonnes contained metal % chemistry market share
600,000 100%
500,000 80%
400,000 70%
300,000 50%
200,000 30%
100,000 20%
0 0%
2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040

NCM 523 NCM 111 NCM 622 NCM 712 NCM 523 NCM 111 NCM 622 NCM 712
Source: R oskill, 2020.

Nevertheless, some cathode producers in 2020 have pointed out the criticality of nickel in
the battery supply chain and launched several cathode R&D projects focused on reducing
nickel contents whilst increasing manganese. Among these chemistries the most notable
would be NCM 217 of BASF or the LNMO of Haldor Topsoe. But whilst these chemistries
promise similar energy density specifications than their high-nickel peers via increased
operating voltages (~4.7V vs. industry standard ~3.7V), several technical barriers like
manganese dissolution and its subsequent impact on cycle life still need to be overcome.
Roskill forecast nickel demand from such low nickel (high manganese) cathode chemistries
could total 17kt by 2040. European Gigafactories

As of 2020, nine countries (including Norway and the UK) are positioning themselves to be
the main automotive powertrain battery manufacturers in the European region. Most of
the Gigafactories present (or planned) in these countries largely intend to supply battery
cells to automotive manufacturing hubs. Roskill forecast Germany and its neighbouring
countries (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Slovakia) to account for 57% (553kt) of
Europe’s nickel demand by 2040. A direct result of the German automotive sector
manufacturing concentration locally.
Figure 80: Nickel demand in European Gigafactories, 2020-2040 (t Ni)






Germany Norway Sweden Poland UK France Czech Republic / Poland Hungary Slovakia

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Out of the established cell makers in 2020, Korean companies are forecast to be the largest
consumers of nickel in Europe, totalling almost 16kt. Conversely, by 2040 ‘home-grown’
European battery plants could potentially dominate domestic nickel demand. Where if
materialised home-grown companies could account for almost half of domestic battery
production and subsequent nickel consumption. Among them, Northvolt, the PSA-SAFT
consortium, Freyr, Britishvolt, Morrow, and Inobat would likely be the leaders and could
potentially consume 290kt.

Figure 81: Nickel demand by battery maker in Europe, 2020-2040 (% t Ni)

2020 2040
1% 1% 4%
0% 2% Northvolt
2% SK Innovation 2%
3% 2% LG Chem
Northvolt CATL
7% 4% 14%
10% 33% CATL 5% Tesla
Samsung SDI Britishvolt
11% Morrow
16% 19% Leclanche 7% NEVS
8% 9% Inobat
Akasol SK Innovation
Lia con GmbH Samsung SDI
GS Yuasa Other
Source: R oskill, 2020.

On a plant-by-plant basis, the top-five plants in Europe are forecast to demand around
45% (245kt metal) of the regions total by 2040. Within the top-five Gigafactories by
consumption, two companies are European (Northvolt and FRER). Where the former is
likely to establish commercial scale manufacturing in the next few years.

Figure 82: Nickel demand by European Gigafactory, 2040 (t Ni)

Britishvolt - Wales

Inobat - Bratislava
Northvolt - Skellefteå

Tesla /Panasonic - Germany

SVOLT - Eastern Europe

Akasol - Langen
Northvolt - Germany

NEVS - Trollhattan

Farasis - Germany
Samsung SDI - Göd
CATL - Thuringia
LG Chem - Wrocla w

GS Yuasa - Miskolc
BMZ/Kion - Germany
Morrow Batterie s - Norway
PSA-SAFT - Germany

AESC - Sunderland

Lia con GmbH - Germany

Leclanche - Willstätt
FREYR - Rana

SK Innovation - Komárom I
PSA-SAFT - France

Akasol - Darmstadt
SK Innovation - Komarom II
LG Chem - Łódź

Source: R oskill, 2020.

72 By EV production plant

European OEM’s have led the development of plug-in electric vehicles since the early
2010s. However, over the past decade such OEM’s have not sufficiently scaled up their
electric vehicle production for the upcoming fleet average emissions limits. This has allowed
disruptive carmakers like Tesla to gain a major foothold in the European market, across
unit sales, charging infrastructure networks, and now local EV and battery manufacturing
plans. As a result of such competitive and regulatory pressures, European OEM’s have
progressed at an increasing rate since 2017. This has been seen in the announcements of
Volvo stating to sell only electrified vehicles by 2019, Daimler announcing the launch of its
electric EQ family in 2018, and the Volkswagen Group announcing its fleet electrification
plans in both in Europe and China.

Roskill has forecast EV production, and its subsequent nickel requirements, by automotive
manufacturing plant in Europe according to production plans of respective OEMs and
available plant information. On a country basis, Germany, France, and Spain are forecast
to be the largest consumers of nickel for EV batteries across the outlook period. These
three countries are expected to account for around 72% (306kt) of nickel metal demand
from European passenger car manufacturing.

Figure 83: Nickel demand in EV passenger cars produced by European country, 2020-2040
(% t Ni)

Germany France Spain Slovakia Czech Republic UK Belgium Sweden Austria Slovenia Romania Hungary

Source: R oskill, 2020.

While initially automakers may opt to use hybrid powertrains as suggested by European
carmakers BMW, Volvo, and PSA, the European baseline scenario suggests that BEVs are
expected to dominate by the end of the outlook period. Furthermore, when analysing
respective OEM plans in Europe by 2030, around 40% of production is expected to be
dedicated to BEVs with a further 26% dedicated to PHEVs. Car makers with BEVs
constituting over 40% of their total production include Daimler, PSA, VW Group (and its
brands Audi, Skoda, Seat and Porsche), and Renault. These four carmakers are expected
to consume 326kt of nickel metal, or around 77% of the total nickel demanded in European
electric vehicles by 2040.

Figure 84: Nickel demand by EV passenger Auto OEM in Europe, 2020-2040 (% t Ni)
2020 2040
1% PSA Daimler
0% 1% 1%
1% Renault PSA
1% 1% Volkswagen
Audi 1%
3% 1% 0% 2% 0%
Daimler 2% Audi
3% Nissan 2% Ford
Ford Skoda
16% 4% 18%
5% Volkswagen Renault
6% 4% Hyundai-KIA
5% JLR
Toyota Group
16% SEAT
BMW 16%
6% Porsche
7% Skoda 7% Toyota Group
9% 14% Hyundai-KIA 7%
15% Hyundai-KIA-Arrival
Porsche 11%
13% Nissan
Volvo Volvo
Hyundai-KIA-Arrival JLR
BYD Auto BYD Auto
Scania AB Scania AB
Source: R oskill, 2020.

On a production plant basis, the ten largest passenger EV manufacturing plants in Europe
are forecast to consume 60% of the regions total EV nickel demand, or 247kt metal. This
compares to the other 55 passenger EV production plants demanding the remaining 40%.
Among the top ten EV production plants are the likes of Daimler, Volkswagen Group, and

Figure 85: Nickel demand by the top-10 EV passenger production plants in Europe,
2040 (Kt Ni)
80 62.6
37.4 31.3
40 24.7 20.7 15.7 15.0 14.3 12.8 12.7

Source: R oskill, 2020.

4.4.5 Cathode manufacturing

Under the base-case scenario, Roskill forecast EU cathode demand to increase significantly
over the coming two decades. A portion of this demand is expected to be served by
domestic manufacturing capacity, albeit an increasingly smaller portion post 2030. The
discrepancy between total forecast requirement and domestic manufacturing is shown in
Figure 86 below. This highlights a constant need for domestic cell makers to rely on foreign
sourced cathode supply for use within the EU. With Northvolt being the only exemption to
such as it intends to provide its cell cathode requirements internally. Within EU cathode
manufacturing, nickel demand is forecast to grow at 82% CAGR to 2030, reaching around
70kt Ni before flattening off throughout the 2030’s. This is predominantly owing to the lack
of visibility on new cathode capacity being constructed beyond the late 2020’s.

Figure 86: EU cathode demand, production and contained nickel demand, 2020-2040
EU cathode demand vs production EU cathode production vs Ni requirement
1,200,000 180,000
800,000 120,000
400,000 60,000
0 0

EU Cathode production
EU Cathode production Total EU cathode demand
EU nickel demand in cathode production
Source: R oskill, 2020.

In parallel to EU EV sales growth and Gigafactory capacity investment, domestic cathode

manufacturing is now also beginning to see development. Albeit, at a slower rate to that
of Gigafactory buildouts in the region. With only four key players targeting commercial
production of cathode active materials in the EU, market shares are likely to be tightly held
moving forward pending additional market entrants. It is also worth noting that all four of
the current and future market participants are home-grown, originating from locally from
the EU and United Kingdom.

Table 9: EU current and future cathode manufacturers1

C ompany Plant location Forecast chemistry production

Umicore Nysa NCM 622, NCM 712, NCM 811
BASF Schwarzheide NCM 622, NCM 712
Johnson Matthey Konin eLNO 3% C o
Northvolt Skellefteå NCM 622, NCM 712, NCM 811
Source: R oskill, 2020.
( 1) O nly includes commercial scale cathode production targeting lithium-ion EV batteries, does not include pilot
plant scale manufacturing facilities

As aforementioned in previous sections, Roskill forecast the EU to predominantly focus on

high-nickel cathode chemistries. As such, it is expected that local manufacturing will also
focus on the high-nickel NCM and eLNO family variants. This has been witnessed in public

announcements to date and known cell maker supply agreements. Under Roskill’s base-
case scenario, around 71kt Ni and 76kt Ni contained within nickel sulphate could be
demanded from cathode makers in 2030 and 2040, respectively.

Figure 87: EU nickel in cathode demand, by producer 2020-2040 (t Ni in cathode)1


Umicore BASF Johnson Matthey Northvolt

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) O nly includes commercial scale cathode production targeting lithium-ion EV batteries, does not include pilot
plant scale manufacturing facilities

Of the forecast EU cathode makers Umicore is establish the largest market share in the
domestic EV sector, totalling around 33% post-2030. New market incumbents, such as
Johnson Matthey, BASF and Northvolt, are all forecast to reach commercial scale
production by the mid-late 2020’s. It should be noted that as the EU EV and cell
manufacturing industry develops over time it is likely that additional market entrants may
construct additional cathode capacity in the EU. Roskill considers such investment likely to
come from foreign cell makers to bolster their in-house supply chains.

Figure 88: EU cathode producer market share1, 2020-2040


Umicore BASF Johnson Matthey Northvolt

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) O nly includes commercial scale cathode production targeting lithium-ion EV batteries, does not include pilot
plant scale manufacturing facilities

4.5 Nickel sulphate demand

In 2020, global nickel sulphate demand is forecast to total approximately 173kt Ni. As a
refined sub-product of the overall nickel market, demand growth within the sector is
forecast to see the largest increases moving forward. Between 2020 and 2030, nickel
sulphate demand is forecast to increase by 22% CAGR, totalling over 1,200kt Ni. Whilst
over the full 20-year outlook horizon a growth rate of 33% CAGR is forecast to see demand
reach just under 3,000kt Ni by 2040.

Figure 89: Nickel sulphate demand by first-use application, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)







Li-ion Plating NiMH NiCd Other chemical applications

Source: R oskill, 2020.

The significant demand growth expected for nickel sulphate is fundamentally driven by
lithium-ion battery products and end-use applications. Without lithium-ion batteries, nickel
sulphate would remain a relatively small and niche chemical market, as has historically
been the case. However, the rise of lithium-ion batteries since the late 2000’s has rapidly
taken the majority of total demand, estimated at 55% in 2020. Roskill forecast this increase
to over 90% of total demand share by 2030, where such will be consolidated with continued
growth throughout the 2030’s.

Figure 90: Nickel sulphate demand breakdown, by end-use sector, 2020-2040

2020 2030 2040

5% 2% 3% 1% <1% 1% 1% 1%
4% 1%



92% 96%
Li-ion Li-ion Li-ion
Plating Plating Plating
Other chemical applications Other chemical applications Other chemical applications
NiCd NiCd NiCd

Source: R oskill, 2020.

4.6 Main sources of uncertainty

4.6.1 Challenges for the European battery industry

The base case assumes 1,104 GWh could be installed in the EU27 by 2040, but there are
significant risks and uncertainties over this forecast which will impact the production of
batteries in the EU27 and demand for nickel. Should some of the downside risks occur this
may hold back the development of the EV sector in the EU27 and the EU27 achieving its
carbon reduction targets.

While some European battery manufacturing projects will be possible through government
support and regulators aiming to protect domestic automotive manufacturing, many recent
Gigafactory project announcements from new market participants may underestimate the
challenges surrounding mass scale battery cell production and associated ramp up of
greenfield capacity. Historically, it has taken 10-20 years for experienced battery makers
to fine tune their operations to optimise production yields, standardise quality, develop
competitive technologies, or reach profitability. As an example, Panasonic reported its first
ever quarterly profit from its USA battery business with Tesla in Q1 2020 following a
decade-long relationship with the EV maker.

Established giants like China’s CATL needed considerable government support to become
one of the global leaders in battery manufacturing. Founded in 2011, CATL’s success was
underpinned by one of the most supportive sets of industrial policies in the history of China.
Regulators in China conditioned domestic automakers’ getting access to a NEV subsidy
program on them installing Chinese made batteries through a government list of
“recommended battery suppliers”. This policy favoured local battery companies, such as
CATL and BYD, which greatly improved their technology and production capacity. Although
this policy ended in December 2018, local industry had by then locked up large supply
deals with OEMs operating in China.

While this policy created few domestic battery giants, it also attracted a myriad of non-
battery related Chinese companies to the battery business. In 2015, there were around
240 power battery companies operating in China. Many of these since disappeared and by
the end of 2019 there were only 95 companies still in operation. Such bankruptcies not
only reflect the highly competitive market, but also the need for industry consolidation as
large captive clients are necessary to reach economies of scale, achieve pricing power, and
continuously invest in R&D.

Most of the bankruptcies in China resulted from cashflow problems and extreme price
competition, with larger competitors often selling at loss. These extreme pricing strategies,
originally motivated by the cost pressures demanded by OEMs, only allowed the largest
and financially robust companies to survive. Once an automaker had selected a battery
maker, it became captive of the tailored cell (and sometimes BMS) design created by the
battery maker. In parallel, many of the smaller players expanded rapidly between 2010-
2016 due to high demand expectations and low requirements to access the subsidy
program. The downfall for many was in the actual order volumes versus expectations,
where such that the industry only operated at a 30-40% plant utilisation rate over a 3-5-
year period.

By 2040, Roskill forecast 63 battery companies could be operational globally, with 21 of
these in the EU27. However, is considered likely that the cell maker supplier landscape will
experience a degree of consolidation moving forward. This would see larger companies
absorbing smaller ones or the smaller players simply disappearing before reaching
commercial manufacturing status. This would be the case unless European regulators
condition, like China did pre-2019, the grant of purchase subsidies to EV models installing
European batteries to favour a range of domestic players. Given the cost, quality, and
warranty pressures that OEMs face at present, implementation of such regulation may be

The possibility of smaller European battery companies disappearing from the market should
be considered on two fronts. The first of which being the potential capacity void left in the
market, and the second being the removal of subsequent nickel demand. To quantify these
scenarios in its Gigafactories model, Roskill has included the “tiers” or relative market
positioning of each battery company tracked. A tier system indicates the reliability or
leadership of certain companies relative to their competitors:

• Tier 1 - “best in class”

• Tier 2 - “the market average”
• Tier 3 - “the followers” and most risky ventures.

Such classifications are based on a points system dependent on the following factors:

• Years of existence in the battery business

• Present battery production capacity
• Order backlog: existing orders with automakers
• Collaboration with carmakers: joint ventures or other co-production agreements
• Technology leadership: e.g. Ultra-high nickel chemistries
• Security of raw materials supply: deals with upstream and/or mining companies

Figure 91: European battery capacity and tonnes of nickel required by company tier
Tonnes of nickel required
Battery capacity (GWh)
1,200 600,000

1,000 500,000

800 400,000

600 300,000

400 200,000

200 100,000

0 0
2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Roskill forecast that tier 3 battery companies (see Annexes) are more likely to not fully
complete their projects or will eventually disappear if not acquired by other larger players.
As a result, an approximate 475GWh of planned cell capacity and 250kt of nickel demand
could disappear from the European market.

Even large and reputed battery cell manufacturers may struggle in scaling battery
operations, especially when manufacturing high-nickel cell chemistries. This has already
been witnessed in LG Chem’s scaling issues at its new plant in Poland. This could delay the
ICE-BEV production cost parity which would ultimately affect the OEM’s ability to profit
from electric vehicles. Furthermore, this could drastically decrease nickel requirements if
chemistries under 80% nickel are not phased out in the long run. European battery projects
may be unable to compete with established Asian battery companies on cost unless
European regulators level the playing field by subsidising local company cell production.

Another uncertainty that may affect demand for EVs and nickel on batteries is over the
potential development of alternative powertrain technologies like hydrogen fuel cells, which
could start to enter the mass market by 2030. This could reduce active materials
requirements by the end of the outlook period. The technology transition towards fuel cell
vehicles will, however, require a concerted effort to build vast refuelling infrastructure, and
the upstream supply of blue and green hydrogen. In this regard, European OEMs including
Volkswagen and Daimler stated in 2020 that they would end their passenger fuel cell
programs as production cost and related infrastructure investments could not be met prior
to 2030.

Finally, automakers could experience considerable cost challenges in the realisation of

mass EV production. Demand uncertainty resulting from consumer attitudes is leading to
underinvestment in e-mobility by some OEMs. In 2020, this was already delaying the
adoption of dedicated manufacturing platforms that would simplify assembly, reduce
production cost, and improve production specification. Strong signals need to be sent to
European consumers over the necessary adoption of electric vehicles if underinvestment
by incumbent carmakers is to be avoided.

4.6.2 CO2 emissions targets vs. EV targets in the study

This study does not underestimate the role of CO2 emissions limits in the global push behind
mass transport electrification. In its automotive forecast Roskill has used fleet average CO2
emissions as a proportional proxy to assess future EV sales. While some countries or
regions have clear emissions targets, others have emissions targets either misaligned with
the requirements of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 or have yet to establish emissions
limits or an enforceable system to impose it.

In this regard, when more weight is added to the calculations based on emissions limits
globally, fewer electric vehicles are sold. Conversely, when Roskill attributes a larger
weight to the calculations based on EV sales targets in certain regions, overall forecast
global EV sales were higher. While the forecasting model in which this study is based has
been simplified to include the different factors and uncertainty surrounding EV and battery
supply chains, a key takeaway is how flexible but somewhat ambiguous compliance
systems like those based on CO2 targets can actually delay the adoption of electric vehicles
to meet climatic goals.

Nevertheless, other regulatory systems targeting the adoption of electric vehicles such as
credit systems seem, at least in China and to some extend in Europe, to be clearer in
nature (they attribute specific credits to BEV vs. PHEV or other hybrids) and appear more
effective in practice.

Figure 92: CO2 emissions targets by country/region (g CO2/Km)1







North America China Japan/Korea Europe India

Note: s ome values are es timates

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) Estim ates utilised within data set forecast

Furthermore, there are bans or prohibitions on ICE sales in place in some “EV-developed”
countries. The legal instruments to effectively ban the sale of new ICE cars have, however,
been vaguely discussed by the countries involved. They range from parliamentary
resolutions/declarations, such as in Germany and Netherlands, to non-binding policy
strategies such as in France. Other countries that initially proposed a total ban, such as
Norway and Austria, now opt for less intrusive policies – such as heavy taxation on ICE
cars. However, the long-term nature of these measures and the legal ambiguity around
them does not necessarily encourage all automakers to take immediate steps towards a
full EV scenario.
Table 10: Announced national/local ICE ban targets
C ountry Te rm Scope Lik e lihood C ountry
C hina n/a Ban of ICEs High C hina
De nm ark 2050 C O 2 Targets Me dium De nm ark
France 2040 Ban of ICEs; Paris by 2030 Me dium France
Ge rm any 2030 Ban of ICEs Me dium Ge rm any
India 2030 Ban of ICEs Low India
Ne the rlands 2030 Ban of ICEs High Ne the rlands
Norway 2025 Ban of ICEs High Norway
EV targe t - 250,000
South Korea 2020 High South Korea
(30% m arket share 2017-2020)
Ban of ICEV in Madrid ce ntre
Spain 2020 High Spain
(car m odels pre-2000)
Swe de n 2030 Ban of ICEs High Swe de n
UK 2035 Ban of ICEs; Scotland by 2032 High UK
C alifornia 2027-2030 Ban of ICEs High C alifornia
Source: R oskill, 2020.

5 Impact of batteries re-use on nickel demand and supply

Chapter Summary
Supply of nickel sulphate for lithium-ion batteries from non-integrated (third-party)
producers is forecast to account for over half of production by 2030. As such, the
availability of suitable feedstock for such nickel sulphate producers will be a key feature
of nickel in the battery supply chain over the coming years. Intermediate nickel products
are expected to be the main feedstock type utilised. Due to the bulk of intermediate
nickel supply (in particular matte) being tied up in long-established integrated supply
chains to produce Class I nickel, much will remain unavailable to the market.
Conversely, mixed hydroxide product (MHP) is expected to be the main form available
to the market over the next decade. This is subject to the successful commissioning of
several high-pressure acid leach (HPAL) projects currently under construction in
Indonesia. Alongside intermediates, another significant nickel sulphate feedstock is
Class I nickel.
Class I nickel has increased in importance as a feedstock for nickel sulphate production
in recent years, accounting for over 20% of total nickel sulphate supply by feedstock in
2019. However, future availability of Class I nickel supply over the outlook period is
limited given that no new projects have been announced. Apart from being used as
feedstock in nickel sulphate production, Class I nickel is widely consumed by the
stainless steel sector as well as nickel’s other smaller end-use sectors. Importantly for
Class I’s future availability, the stainless steel sector can be flexible in terms of type of
nickel it consumes. The industry can substitute Class I nickel with Class II materials.
The level of substitution that could take place will impact the volume of Class I units
available to third-party processors of nickel sulphate. We believe that substitution of
Class I out of stainless steel production will occur and therefore decline to between 3-
10% of the sectors feedstock requirements. As a result, supply tightness for Class I
nickel is forecast to decline over medium-term as increasing substitution takes.
Nickel available from recycling of spent Li-ion batteries are expected to become a
sizeable feedstock source toward the late 2020s and in to the 2030s. Within the EU27
we forecast 21kt Ni and 228kt Ni would be available for recycling by 2030 and 2040,
respectively. During this period, more batteries will reach their useful life limits and
collection rates are likely to be maximised. We forecast recycled material available
(battery and non-battery combined) to likely overtake Class I nickel by the end of the
2020s. In comparison to forecast available nickel units from intermediates and Class I
nickel, recycled material represents the main supply growth area during the 2030s.
Secondary sources of nickel sulphate feedstocks are expected to overtake primary
sources by mid-2030s.
Global market balances: The global economy is forecast to recover from COVID-19
between 2021 and 2023. At the same time, market demand is expected to recover to
reduce an expected 2020 supply surplus approximately balancing the market by the
mid-2020s. We forecast the market to enter a structural deficit by 2028, initially
representing a small requirement for additional capacity. Beyond 2030, growing annual
market deficits reflect a combination of rising demand and a reduction in the visibility
of new supply. As a result, such deficits are more appropriately considered an
‘investment requirement’ rather than what is likely to transpire. Roskill has assessed the
cumulative investment requirement for additional units of new capacity in future years.
This is underpinned by the market balance and highlights the cumulative annual cost of
new capacity required to be brought online to bring the market back into balance. Under
a base-case, US$30,000/t Ni project capital intensity, an investment of €9.5Bn is
estimated to be required, increasing to over €34Bn by 2040.
We forecast the nickel sulphate market to remain in balance throughout the majority
of the 2020s. This baseline scenario implies that a large quantity of new nickel

sulphate capacity needs to be commissioned prior to 2028 from integrated and non-
integrated producers. As with the total nickel market, large deficits are expected for
nickel sulphate post-2028 should be considered as an ‘investment requirement’, for
both primary nickel sulphate capacity and recycling capacity. Primary feedstocks alone
will be unlikely to meet such high demand levels, even assuming all projects
announced to date were to fully ramp up. In that case, higher nickel prices and/or
nickel sulphate premia may be required to (1) incentivise additions of new feedstock
and nickel sulphate projects, (2) encourage more displacements of Class I nickel
demand by the stainless steel industry, and (3) crucially, encourage more recycling
from both battery and non-battery sectors.

5.1 Outlook for available feedstock supply

Building on the outlook for nickel intermediate and refined production (Sections
3.2.2/3.2.3), this section provides a detailed assessment on the availability of feedstocks
for non-integrated nickel sulphate production through to 2040, focusing on primary and
secondary sources. As Roskill believes nickel from secondary sources (recycled material)
is of growing importance for future production of nickel sulphate, the future availability of
recycled material from battery sectors will be discussed in the context of other feedstock

5.1.1 Intermediates

Intermediate products represented feedstock for nearly 60% of nickel sulphate supply in
2019. Benefitting from possible expansions from existing producers (e.g. Gördes and
Ramu), restarts (e.g. Ravensthorpe) and commissioning of a number of projects (mainly
in Indonesia), intermediate production is expected to grow at 4.2%py in the next decade.
As a result, Roskill forecast more intermediate products to be available for processing into
nickel sulphate.

Figure 93 shows the volume of intermediate Roskill expects to be available for non-
integrated nickel sulphate production, which accounts for a small portion of the total supply
of nickel intermediates. The main reason is that much of intermediate production is likely
to remain locked into integrated production of refined Class I nickel metal products,
especially in the case of matte to electrolytic nickel. Apart from operations and projects
currently in advanced stages which target types of intermediate products suitable for nickel
sulphate, a number of early-stage sulphide nickel mine projects are also included in this
analysis as they could potentially support production of intermediate or Class I nickel in
the longer term.

Figure 93: Forecast availability of intermediates for non-integrated nickel sulphate production
versus total nickel intermediate supply, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)

Expected availa ble intermediate Possible upsid e, intermediate

Possible available intermediate Expected intermediate production

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Figure 94 shows expected available intermediate for non-integrated nickel sulphate

producers by type. The difference between expected and possible scenarios can be largely
attributed to potential project risks. In addition, less intermediate may be available than
the expected scenario, as new downstream refining facilities could be further built by
producers during the outlook period, most likely to happen for HPAL projects in Indonesia.

Figure 94: Expected available intermediate for non-integrated nickel sulphate production,
by type, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)







Crude nickel sulp hate MHP MSP Matte Other mine project Possible available intermediate

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Among all the intermediate types, MHP and matte are expected to contribute to most of
the future growth in available feedstock, reliant on the successful commissioning of
projects currently under construction. However, it is worth noting again that increasing
amounts of MHP and matte from new projects are likely to be locked into integrated nickel
sulphate production over the forecast period. Less MSP will be available for external
processors as Terrafame’s new nickel sulphate plant in Finland is set for commissioning in

H1 2021, whilst the growth from crude nickel sulphate will be limited given its by-product

5.1.2 Class I

Class I nickel has gained increasing importance as a feedstock for nickel sulphate
production in recent years. Conversion from metal accounted for over 20% of total nickel
sulphate supply in 2019. Underpinned by expected demand growth from electric vehicles
and portable electronics, Roskill expects the battery industry to require more Class I nickel
for conversion to nickel sulphate to meet increased demand from its end uses.

However, as shown in Figure 95, unlike intermediates, Class I has very limited supply
upside. This is because only a few operations are likely to increase capacity and no new
projects being announced, as of Q3 2020. Moreover, most of the growth is likely to come
from supply of electrolytic nickel rather than powder and briquettes. Electrolytic nickel can
theoretically be a feedstock for nickel sulphate, but this production route is not currently
in large-scale commercial use. Whilst production of powder, pellet and briquettes, the most
common forms of Class I feedstock in nickel sulphate production, are forecast to be flat.
BHP plans to start its own nickel sulphate production using integrated powder and briquette
at Kwinana in 2021. Given this, tradeable volume for such material is expected to decrease
over the outlook period. Possible ramp up at Ambatovy could offset some supply loss.
Although the growth is likely to be limited (as shown in the green bars in Figure 95) should
no additional capacity be added.

Figure 95: Outlook for production of Class I nickel, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)






Tradeable productio n of powder, pellet, briquette and carbonyl Expected production of electrolytic nickel
Possible productio n of Class I nickel

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Apart from being used in the battery sector (both directly in battery cathode materials or
indirectly as a feedstock for nickel sulphate production), nickel metal is also widely
consumed by other non-battery applications (such as stainless steel, non-ferrous alloys
etc.). Therefore, demand for Class I nickel from non-battery sectors is an important
consideration to define how much Class I material may be potentially available for future
nickel sulphate production. The stainless steel industry can be comparatively flexible and
has the ability to substitute Class I nickel with Class II materials, whereas substitution for
Class I metal’s use in other applications is inextricable or technically challenging to achieve.

As such, there exist end uses sectors that are forced to compete for Class I supply. We
believe demand for Class I nickel from such applications needs to be prioritised, which we
define as critical demand for such material.

We provide three scenarios for Class I usage in stainless steel through to 2040, based on
a reduction to 10%, 3% and an adjusted average in between, as shown in Figure 96. After
subtracting the critical demand from other sectors and taking into account the change in
stocks for Class I nickel in exchanges and off-warrant warehouses, Class I material
available for nickel sulphate production under different stainless steel loading rates is
shown below.

Figure 96: Scenarios for the reliance of stainless steel on Class I nickel,
2020-2040 (% Class I loading)





10% stain less steel loading rate 3% stainless steel loading rate Estimated stainless steel lo ading rate

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Roskill considers there to be two key drivers influencing the use of Class I by stainless

1. Domestic and international availability of stainless scrap and/or Class II

feedstocks, where ratios of each varies regionally (e.g. China vs European
stainless mills); and
2. Market prices for nickel metal

In a scenario where Class I usage in stainless steel gradually falls to 10%, no surplus units
would be left available for processing into nickel sulphate by the mid-2020’s (Figure 97).
We consider this an unlikely outcome for two main reasons. Firstly, although we expect
the loss of Class I feedstock to likely be offset by the upside potential from other feedstock
sources (e.g. intermediates and recycling) it is unlikely to be compensated entirely. As a
result, a foreseeable shortage in Class I nickel is likely to push the metal price higher, thus
incentivising stainless steel producers to substitute more Class I with Class II. Secondly,
many long-standing nickel sulphate producers (mainly in Taiwan and Japan) have their
plants designed exclusively for metal conversion. With no available Class I nickel metal,
production from such operations is likely to be suspended and cause supply disruptions for
nickel sulphate in batteries.

Under a 3% loading scenario, we forecast there would not be a significant shortage in Class
I material for the battery industry. However, it would likely require substantial capital
investment by stainless steel producers to re-engineer their mills to reduce Class I metal
use such a level. Particularly in the US, Europe and Japan, where reliance on Class I nickel
is higher. We believe such investments would only be contemplated if a large price
differential between Class I and Class II nickel were to emerge. We consider this scenario
less likely to materialise, albeit more likely than the 10% scenario.

Figure 97: Scenarios for Class I availability for nickel sulphate production, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)





10% stain less steel loading rate 3% stainless steel loading rate Estimated stainless steel lo ading rate

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Roskill forecast a Class I loading rate to average between 3% and 10% as the most likely
scenario for the stainless steel industry long-term. However, this can be only interpreted
as indicative, as the actual usage is likely to fluctuate annually. Fluctuations will be
dependent on various factors such as Class I metal demand from batteries and other
sectors, Class II nickel supply and the nickel price over the outlook period.

Figure 98: Forecast availability for Class I nickel used in nickel sulphate production,
2020-2040 (kt Ni)

Critical demand from other sectors Available Class I nickel for nickel sulphate, expected
Available Class I nickel for nickel sulphate, possible

Source: R oskill, 2020.

The expected availability for Class I nickel is outlined in Figure 98, based on Roskill’s three-
case loading rate scenarios. Despite increasing requirements from the battery sector for
nickel metal (for nickel sulphate production), the usage from other traditional applications
combined will continue to dwarf the rest of the market over the next decade. In addition,

the potential upside for metal availability is likely to be very limited, constrained by the
supply outlook set out in Figure 95.

Given the supply outlook for Class I (limited new capacity is expected to be added), figures
indicate that a shortage in Class I may emerge in early 2020s. With supply tightness likely
easing gradually over time as the stainless steel sector substitutes Class I with Class II.
This may create a peak in the mid-2020’s for available Class I for nickel sulphate producers,
before starting to diminish as stainless steel producers reach their Class I loading rate floor
estimated at between 3% to 10%.

It is worth highlighting that the movement of Class I nickel stocks may also have an impact
on the actual availability of such material, which Roskill has factored into the forecast. As
an actively traded metal globally, considerable volumes of Class I nickel sit in exchanges
such as LME and SHFE, as well as in producer warehouses as off-warrant material. This
can theoretically offer a buffer when Class I nickel supply becomes tight, but on the other
hand, could also be another hidden ‘application’ for Class I nickel when the material is more
readily available in the market. This could effectively rebalance the market for Class I nickel
and change its availability in an opposite way. As a result of adjustments from stocks, the
available Class I nickel metal for nickel sulphate production may increase initially before
remaining should prices incentivise the release of such units.

Additionally, the actual availability of Class I nickel metal for nickel sulphate production
may fall even lower than estimated. The main reason can be that this forecast assumes
nickel sulphate producers are indifferent among different forms of Class I material and will
be willing to switch between one and another based on market conditions. Despite being
technically feasible, we understand that change of feedstock can often increase the
processing cost, in the case of electrolytic nickel or briquette in stock, or affect end product
quality, which may disincentivise producers to do so.

5.1.3 Recycling (EOL batteries)

Recycled metals from spent Li-ion batteries are expected to form an increasingly important
and sizeable source of nickel for the EV market. Furthermore, recycling is considered a
strategic necessity in establishing a circular economy of nickel supply in future as part of
OEMs’ sustainability and ESG frameworks. We forecast that globally around 146kt Ni and
1,100kt Ni could be available for recycling in 2030 and 2040 respectively.

After batteries are discarded by the consumer, some will be degraded and rendered unfit
for second-life applications, whilst others will be further re-used. Among second-life
applications, used Li-ion batteries can be further sold in second-hand smartphones, laptop,
power-banks, and ESS battery systems. After all primary and secondary batteries reach
the end of their useful life, they will be collected, sorted, and available for recycling. End
of Life (EOL) is a term to define those batteries that cannot be used further as the chemicals
and other materials inside them have degraded because of usage.

Figure 99: Global nickel available from EOL batteries, all battery applications (kt Ni)






Recycled nickel (000t of metal) Global nickel demand in batteries (000t of metal)

Source: R oskill, 2020.

We have modelled battery recycling assuming different EOL timeframes by battery

application (portable electronics, ESS, EV), cathode chemistry, collection rates, and
recycling rates based on the projected price of battery metal. It is important to note that
this reflects the quantities of nickel metal theoretically available for recycling. Hence, to
match forecast nickel demand, dedicated recycling facilities and collection networks need
to be constructed in advance. New Li-ion battery improvements such as advanced
electrolytes, cathode coatings, or BMS could prolong the useful life of automotive
powertrain batteries beyond 10 years. In this case, volumes of spent batteries available
for recycling could be considerably delayed. From this perspective there are two main
challenges facing the development of an EOL recycling industry:

1. Achieving critical mass of EOL batteries to economically sustain large-scale

recycling businesses; and
2. Effectively determining the timing of investment in recycling capacity to critical
mass EOL cell availability

Figure 100: EU27 nickel available from EV EOL batteries (kt Ni)






Recycled nickel (000t of metal) Total nickel demand in Europe (000t of metal)

Source: R oskill, 2020.

At the European level, we forecast around 21kt Ni and 228kt Ni would be available for
recycling by 2030 and 2040, respectively. Where over the 20-year forecast horizon nickel
available from European EOL batteries is set to account for an increasing portion of the

global EOL market. Under the base-case scenario, nickel available from European EOL
batteries would increase from 3% of global availability in 2020 to 17% by 2040.

Figure 101: Europe vs RoW available nickel from battery recycling

2020 2030 2040

3% 13% 17%

97% 87% 83%


Source: R oskill, 2020.

5.1.4 Combined outlook for feedstock availability

Figure 102 summarises the outlook for availability of different feedstocks suitable for
processing into nickel sulphate and subsequent use in EV batteries. Feedstock availability
is of particular importance to all the non-integrated nickel sulphate producers whose
production is exclusively reliant on third-party sourced feedstock materials.

Roskill forecast over the coming decade, among all the feedstock types, intermediates are
likely to be the largest feedstock source for non-integrated producers. Whilst also having
the greatest upside potential for additional supply volumes. However, Roskill believes the
availability of such material is likely to decline between 2025-2030 as more mine-
integrated projects could move to construct nickel sulphate facilities. This would result in
reduce units available for third-party refinery buyers.

Class I metal is forecast to be the second largest feedstock source to 2030. Although as
previously discussed, Class I available for nickel sulphate production may be highly
dependent on various factors. Such factors include critical demand from non-ferrous alloys
and plating sectors, as well as usage from stainless steel and general stock levels. This in
turn presents great uncertainty across the outlook of this feedstock, as described in Section
5.1.2. Roskill expects the availability of Class I nickel to increase initially, as the stainless
steel industry may opt to substitute its use for Class II products instead. Given that new
supply of Class I is considered to be limited, even if the stainless steel industry continues
thrift out Class I units to half of today’s consumption, supply tightness is still expected to
emerge in the late 2020’s. This may be compounded by some units becoming ‘frozen’ as
stocks in exchanges or producer warehouses. As such, nickel sulphate producers relying
on Class I metal are likely to face increasing processing costs moving forward if the forecast
tightness promotes an increase in prices. Producers of this type may be forced to take less
favourable metal feedstock types, such as electrolytic nickel, or supplement with
intermediate or recycled feedstocks.

Figure 102: Outlook for feedstock availability, by feedstock type, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)





Expected availa ble intermediate Expected available Class I Expected available non-battery scrap
Expected availa ble battery scrap Possible upsid e, intermediate Possible upside, Class I
Possible upsid e, non-battery scrap Possible upside, battery scrap

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Recycled material from EOL batteries is expected to become a vital source of nickel by
2040. This is particularly so between 2030-2040 as more batteries reach their useful life
limits and collection rates are maximised. Roskill forecast recycled material available
(battery and non-battery combined) is likely to overtake Class I nickel by the end of the
2020s. When compared against the forecast available nickel units from intermediates and
Class I recycled material represents the main supply growth area in the 2030’s. The
importance of this is strengthened by the challenges and risks associated with building out
new primary supply sources as touched on in previous sections. Based on the above
analysis, we expect recycled material to play an increasingly dynamic role in determining
market balances moving forward.

Figure 103: Outlook for feedstock availability, primary versus secondary, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)








Expected primary Expected secondary Possible primary Possible secondary

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Figure 103 provides a comparison between the availability of primary and secondary
feedstock sources. Roskill considers the majority of supply upside is likely to come from
primary sources over the 2020’s. This is underpinned by several new projects (mostly

targeting intermediate products) being expected to enter production in the coming five
years. However, primary feedstock available for non-integrated producers may reach its
peak and even decrease as more producers could become downstream integrated to
sulphate production. Despite starting from a low base, significant growth from secondary
feedstocks are forecast to become increasingly important for non-integrated sulphate
producers post-2030, particularly from EOL battery sources. Such feedstocks are expected
to overtake primary sources by the mid-2030.

5.2 Global market balances

5.2.1 Total market

Roskill’s outlook for the primary nickel market balance between 2020-2030 is shown in
Figure 104 and 2030-2040 in Figure 105. The primary market was in surplus in 2020, due
to COVID-19’s larger impact on demand than disruption to global supply. This surplus ends
a run of four consecutive years where the nickel market registered deficits.

Between 2021 and 2023, the global economy is forecast to recover from the effects of
COVID-19. Market demand is expected to follow suit, resulting in a reduction of the supply
surplus and generating an approximately balanced market by the mid-2020’s. In the near-
term, we forecast nickel supply to be met by large-scale NPI capacity buildouts in
Indonesia, based on ample local availability of ores. This NPI supply will be used to feed
domestic stainless steel mills, with excess supply exported to China to supply the stainless
steel mills there. Supply growth is also forecast to come from primary nickel sulphate
(using intermediate nickel feedstocks) to serve the battery market.

Figure 104: Outlook for primary nickel market balance, 2020-2030 (kt Ni)
4,500 200

Supply & demand, kt Ni

Market balance, kt Ni


2,000 -400
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Market balance Total nickel supply Total nickel demand

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Roskill forecast the market to return to deficit by 2028. Initially, this represents a relatively
small requirement for additional capacity to be added, especially when considering the
speed with which new NPI capacity has been built in Indonesia in recent years. Although,
by the late 2020’s most of the demand growth is expected to come from the battery sector
and so would require non-Class II forms of new capacity. Post 2030, the deficits forecast
are due mostly to a lack of visibility on projects that far ahead. This means that supply
growth will decline towards the end of the forecast period. Between 2020 and 2025, we

expect supply growth to average 5.1%py, whilst between 2025 and 2030 supply growth
slows to an average 3.4%py. This compares to an average of 0.3%py between 2030 and

Figure 105: Outlook for primary nickel market balance, 2030-2040 (kt Ni)
5,500 0

5,000 -200
Supply & demand, kt Ni


Market balance, kt Ni
2,500 -1400
2,000 -1600
2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040

Market balance Total nickel supply Total nickel demand

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Beyond 2030, we forecast significant structural market deficits arising. Where the potential
depth of such also highlights the need for increasing recycling to reduce pressure on
primary supply to balance the market. However, it is salient not to view this period as
purely from a market deficit quantification point of view. Conversely, Roskill considers
these events to reflect the ‘investment requirement’ of supply rather than what is
suggested to transpire. This is mostly due to the higher level of uncertainty and variables
to account for later in the forecast period.

Figure 106: Global cumulative investment requirement for new nickel capacity1234,
2020-2040 (€ Billions)
€ Billions


Cost of new capacity US$25,000/t Ni Cost of new capacity US$30,000/t Ni Cost of new capacity US$35,000/t Ni

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) Analysis is based off the total nickel market balance shown in Figure 104 and Figure 105
( 2) Assumes USD:EUR of 0.85
( 3) C ost of ne w capacity is also de fined as the capital intensity of proje ct de velopment. The US$30,000/t Ni
“base-case” represents the average requirement of existing global greenfields nickel projects, determined by
R oskill’s in-house analysis
( 4) C um ulative investment re quirement in a given year is de fined as the variance betwe en the previous years’
total and the additional capacity of nickel units needing to be constructed in the current ye ar

Roskill has assessed the cumulative investment requirement for additional units of new
capacity in future years. This analysis, depicted in Figure 106 above, is underpinned by the
total market balance and highlights the cumulative annual cost of new capacity needing to
be brought online to re-balance the market. Under the base-case US$30,000/t Ni a total
of €9.5Bn is estimated needing to be invested, which increases to over €34.8Bn by 2040.
It is important to note that this analysis is predicated on the average capital intensity of
all greenfields nickel projects globally determined by Roskill. As such, it does not indicate
the cost of expanding capacity at existing operations (should there be economic scope to
do so), which would inherently have a lower capital intensity than undeveloped assets.
Regardless, before the end of the 2020’s the nickel market is expected to require
substantial investment flows to combat the forecast future deficits.

5.2.2 Class I

The outlook for the Class I nickel market balance is presented in Figure 107. It is derived
by considering the difference between Class I supply and critical demand for Class I from
dependent sectors, whilst also factoring in demand for nickel sulphate production from
third-party processors of Class I metal.

Figure 107: Outlook for Class I market balance, 2020-2030 (kt Ni)
1,200 160
Supply & demand, kt Ni


Market balance, kt Ni
800 100
400 40
0 -20
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Class I market balance Class I supply Class I demand

Source: R oskill, 2020.

In 2020, COVID-19 has reduced demand for stainless steel, as well as for other first-use
applications consuming Class I nickel. In addition to this, a small y-o-y decline in Class I
production, is forecast to result in a surplus of 145kt Ni. We expect this surplus to reduce
substantially in 2021 and 2022 as demand from all first-use consumers of Class I metal
recovers. Between 2023 and 2025, amid rising demand for nickel sulphate, the stainless
steel sector has the potential to increasingly substitute Class I (as discussed in Section
5.1.2). As a result, we forecast a growing Class I market surplus. We believe that the
entirety of excess Class I metal substituted from the stainless steel sector will be consumed
by third-party processors of nickel sulphate via metal conversion. By 2028, the surplus is
forecast to decline once more as Class I supply growth slows and substitution by the
stainless steel sector reaches a critical level as part of a base case 5% loading rate. By
2029, the Class I market is forecast to switch to a 9kt Ni deficit as supply starts to become
outpaced by critical demand of Class I along with third-party metal converters of nickel

The combination of a flat supply outlook alongside rising demand for Class I is likely to
decrease quantities available for third-party processors of nickel sulphate. This is forecast
to result in an overall decline of nickel sulphate produced via the Class I feedstock route
during the 2030’s (as shown in Figure 35). As a result, we forecast a consistently flat Class
I market deficit of 8kt beyond 2030. This is predominantly due to demand from first-use
sectors increasing and nickel sulphate production by third-party processors declining due
to decreased availability. Such a deficit for Class I over the longer term could be interpreted
as an incentive to invest in additional capacity. Where existing producers are considered
most likely to do so given the lower overall capital intensity of expansion (i.e. Nornickel in
Russia or BHP Nickel West in Australia). We are not aware of any greenfields nickel projects
in the pipeline that intend to produce Class I metal and deems it unlikely for any to be
announced in the short-term.

5.2.3 Nickel sulphate

We forecast a finely balanced nickel sulphate for the majority of the 2020’s. Between 2020
to 2028, the market is expected to fluctuate between an approximate 15kt and 10kt deficit
and surplus respectively. This is expected to take place until 2028 where supply is forecast
to enter into a period of structural deficits for the remainder of the outlook period. This
baseline scenario suggests that a large quantity new capacity would need to be
commissioned, on schedule, prior to 2028 from both non-integrated integrated producers
alike to keep the market adequately supplied. However, we deem it unlikely a high
percentage of new supply would be realised owing to project risks, investment gaps and
expected ramp up delays.

Figure 108: Outlook for nickel sulphate market balance (kt Ni)







Source: R oskill, 2020.

This finding is further evidenced by the limited upside in available feedstocks post 2028,
as illustrated by Figure 109. The growing tightness in feedstock from 2027-2028, suggests
new production will be required, mostly likely from fully integrated supply or new primary
feedstock supply, both of which we believe need to be incentivised by a higher nickel price
or nickel sulphate premium. Like that of the total nickel market, the mismatch between
supply and demand in the latter half of the outlook period should be more so interpreted
as ‘additional investment requirements’ for both primary nickel sulphate capacity and
recycling capacity.

Figure 109: Outlook for baseline nickel sulphate feedstock availability, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)








Source: R oskill, 2020.

Under more pessimistic market conditions, which could result from the slower-than-
expected uptake of electric vehicles, a reduction in battery sizes, or the faster introduction
of new battery technologies that require less nickel, demand for nickel sulphate could be
substantially lower. However, we believe such levels of consumption would still unlikely be
completely met by expansions from existing operations reliant on primary sources.

Under more bullish market conditions, resulting from more rapid development of the
market for electric vehicles, such high levels of consumption would be challenging for the
industry to meet. Even if all projects currently announced were to achieve the full designed
capacity, additional projects would still be required.

Primary feedstocks alone will be unlikely to meet such high demand levels, even assuming
all projects announced so far were to fully ramp up. In that case, higher nickel prices
and/or nickel sulphate premia may be required to (1) incentivise additions of new feedstock
and nickel sulphate projects, (2) encourage more displacements of Class I nickel demand
by the stainless steel industry, and (3) crucially, encourage more recycling from both
battery and non-battery sectors.

6 EU27 refining and manufacturing capacities
Chapter Summary
Outlook for EU27 supply: Mined production of nickel ore from the EU27 in 2019
accounted for 2.1% of global mine supply. The only producing countries were Finland
and Greece. Finland produced 39kt Ni-in-ore in 2019 with two companies, Terrafame
and Boliden operating mines. Nickel mine supply in the EU27 is forecast to increase by
0.5%py, which will be solely driven by increased output from Terrafame in for its
integrated nickel sulphate production.
Total intermediate production from EU27 countries is forecast to total 62kt Ni in 2020,
which represents 5.7% of global intermediate supply. This is expected to rise by 2.2%py
to 2030 and 1.1%py to 2040. Finland is responsible for the vast majority of intermediate
nickel production in the EU27 (95% in 2020), which is forecast to remain the case over
the outlook period. Nickel intermediate production in Finland comes from operations at
Boliden in Harjavalta, Terrafame in Talvivaara, and to a much lesser extent, crude nickel
sulphate from Mondo Minerals in Vuonos.
Primary refined nickel production (including Class I metal and primary nickel sulphate)
in the EU27 totalled 71.8kt Ni in 2019. As with intermediate production, Finland makes
up the bulk of refined nickel production from the EU27 bloc and is expected to account
for 76% of refined output in 2020. Other refined nickel producing countries in the EU27
include France, Austria, Belgium and Germany. Roskill forecast 85% of EU27 refined
nickel production is made up by Class I metal in 2020, with the remaining 15% primary
nickel sulphate. By 2040, this share is expected to narrow to 54% for Class I metal and
44% primary nickel sulphate. This change is the result of Terrafame’s nickel sulphate
plant coming online in H1 2021 and ramping up to full capacity. Total Class I metal
production from EU27 countries is estimated at 59kt Ni in 2020, which represents 7.2%
of global Class I supply. This is expected to rise by 1.5%py to 2030 and 0.7%py to 2040.
EU27 market balance: There are two distinct and independent market balances to
consider within the EU27 bloc. The first is domestic supply against that of total demand
from EV sales (end-use). On this front, we forecast a period of structural deficits post-
2024 owing to limited scope for new primary supply being developed. This highlights the
EU27’s need for domestic investment in new nickel supply and/or the requirement for
sourcing additional units from outside the EU27. Post-2030, however, rapid growth in
EOL battery availability, and nickel units within such, could have a ‘flattening effect’ on
the overall market balance deficit growth. Secondly, is domestic supply against that of
physical demand from domestic precursor/cathode makers (first-use). We forecast
domestic nickel production to adequately supply EU27 cathode makers until 2026. Post
2027, deficits could form when only considering primary refined supply. Such deficits
could be mitigated if the EU27 utilises nickel available from EOL battery recycling, in turn
generating a circular economy of nickel supply for EU27 cathode industry demand.

6.1 Mined ore

As in Section 3.2.1, mine supply includes ore used in Class II nickel production destined
for consumption by the stainless steel industry. As evidenced in Figure 110, mine
production from the EU27 nations, compared to global production, is very small and at
present, only takes place in Finland and Greece. In 2019, the EU27 bloc accounted for
2.1% of global mine supply, which is forecast to decline to 1.6% by 2030 and again further
to 1.5% in 2040.

Commercial nickel ore mining has historically taken place in Spain by Valoriza Mineria,
which bought the mine from Lundin Mining’s (now Sibanye Stillwater) when it took over
Lundin’s Spanish units Rio Narcea Recurson and Rio Narcea Nickel, in late 2016. The mine
was closed in mid-2016 pending the receipt of an approval to proceed with underground
production by the authorities, and also due to the sustained weak nickel price.

Figure 110: Mine production by EU27 country, 2011-2019 (kt Ni)








2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Finland Greece Spain

Source: R oskill, 2020.

In Finland, nickel is mined from sulphide ore deposits. Production is carried out by two
companies, namely Terrafame, which took over Talvivaara in 2016, and by Boliden, which
operates the Kevitsa and Kylylahti mines. Both companies process their mine production
into intermediate products, which are then refined elsewhere. In 2019, the country’s mine
production was an estimated 40kt, down from 44kt in 2018. This decrease was the result
of Boliden mining lower nickel grades and the company experiencing major planned
maintenance at its smelters.

In Greece, mining of nickel laterite ore is estimated at around 14kt in 2019. Greece’s
General Mining and Metallurgical Company (LARCO) operates the mine and produces
ferronickel. Output has declined since the company entered financial difficulty. LARCO is
the only nickel producer in the country and most of its ferronickel output is exported to
Spain, Italy and Belgium.

Figure 111: Outlook for expected mine supply by EU27 country, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)







Finland Greece

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Between 2020 and 2040, mine production from the EU27 is expected to rise by a modest
0.5%py. This will be solely driven by increased output from Terrafame in Finland for its
integrated nickel sulphate production (discussed in Section 6.3). There are no projects
within the EU27 bloc that are at an advanced exploration stage and providing an indication
of new potential capacity in the medium or long-term future.

6.2 Intermediates

Total intermediate production from EU27 countries is forecast to total 62kt Ni in 2020,
which represents 5.7% of global intermediate supply. This is expected to rise by 2.2%py
to 2030 and 1.1%py to 2040. As is clear from, Finland is responsible for the vast majority
of intermediate nickel production in the EU (95% in 2020), which is forecast to remain the
case over the outlook period.

Figure 112: Intermediate production by EU27 country, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)


Finland Germany Poland Sweden

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Nickel intermediate production in Finland comes from operations at Boliden in Harjavalta,

Terrafame in Talvivaara, and to a much lesser extent, crude nickel sulphate from Mondo
Minerals in Vuonos.

Boliden’s Harjavalta smelter uses Outokumpu's flash smelting process to produce nickel
matte. The smelter has a capacity of 50ktpy contained nickel and obtains concentrates
from Boliden’s two mines in Finland – Kevitsa and Kylylahti. As it produces more nickel
matte than it mines domestically, Boliden also supplements its raw material requirements
by purchasing substantial volumes of concentrate from third parties in Canada, South
Africa, Norway and small quantities from Russia. In August 2020, it was announced that
Boliden would increase its matte capacity at Harjavalta by investing €40M (US$47.2M).
The investment is expected to be implemented in 2021 and feed capacity will increase from
310ktpy (gross) to 370ktpy (gross) raw material. It has not been revealed whether this
capacity increase will be based on an expansion of Boliden’s mines or whether it will boost
nickel concentrate purchases from third parties. Roskill believes the latter to be more likely,
and has thus factored no domestic mine supply increase into the mine supply forecast for
EU27 in Section 6.1.

Terrafame is majority-owned by the Finnish state and started operations in August 2015,
having acquired the assets of the defunct Talvivaara operation. The company owns the
Sotkamo nickel deposit in Eastern Finland and uses bio-heap leach processing. At full
capacity, the operation could produce 32ktpy of Ni-in mixed sulphide precipitate (MSP).
The company has also committed €240M (US$271M) to building a nickel and cobalt
sulphate plant at Sotkamo, making it the EU’s first mine-integrated producer of nickel
sulphate. Roskill expects operations to commence during H1 2021, with a capacity of
150ktpy nickel sulphate (equivalent to 32ktpy Ni).

Figure 113: EU27: Intermediate production by company, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)


Boliden Terrafame Mondo Minerals Aurubis KGHM Boliden (crude nickel sulphate)

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Elsewhere in the EU27 bloc, intermediate production is purely in the form of crude nickel
sulphate produced as a by-product from copper refining. This is suitable as feedstock for
battery-grade nickel sulphate for use in cathode materials. In Sweden, a small amount of
by-product crude nickel sulphate is produced by Boliden at its Rönnskär copper smelter.
In Poland, KGHM Polska Miedź produces around 2.2ktpy from its copper refining operation
near Lubin, where during the electrolytic refining stage, the nickel is crystallised into a
crude nickel sulphate product. In Germany, some 1.6ktpy is produced by Aurubis. Most of
this is sent to Umicore (Belgium), some to Finland, and the remainder to other EU
countries, along with Brazil and Mexico, most likely processed at small-scale plants.

6.3 Refined

Primary refined nickel production (including Class I metal and primary nickel sulphate) in
the EU27 totalled 71.8kt Ni in 2019, which was the highest output over the whole of the
previous decade (Figure 114).

Figure 114: Refined nickel production by EU27 country12, 2011-2019 (kt Ni)
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Finla nd France Austria Belgium Germany

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) Inclusive of “primary” nickel sulphate from intermediate nickel feedstocks and does not include Class II
fe rronickel production from Greece

As with intermediate production, Finland makes up the bulk of refined nickel production
from the EU27 bloc and is expected to account for 76% of refined output in 2020. Other
refined nickel producing countries in the EU include France, Austria, Belgium and Germany.

There is a major refinery at Harjavalta, Finland, which is owned by Nornickel. Harjavalta

has the capacity to produce 66ktpy Ni in the form of Class I metal and primary nickel
sulphate. Both these products utilise imported matte feedstock produced at Nornickel’s
Kola MCC Monchegorsk operation in Russia, as well as small quantities from Boliden’s
Harjavalta smelter. In the past, Harjavalta has processed converter matte from BHP Billiton
in Australia, but has not imported from this source since 2016. As a result, Nornickel has
increased the share of Russian feed being refined at Harjavalta. In 2019, Nornickel
Harjavalta produced an estimated 62.4kt Ni of nickel products.

From Q2 2017, the Monchegorsk refinery of Kola MCC started to gradually increase nickel
feedstock supplies to Harjavalta, contributing to the gradual growth seen in the plant’s
sulphate output in recent years. Production in 2018 reportedly increased 22% over 2017,
to 8.8kt Ni, and in 2019, output further increased to 9.4kt Ni, which can also be attributed
to higher volumes of converter matte received from Boliden. As such, sulphate capacity at
Harjavalta is likely to exceed 10ktpy Ni.

In a November 2017 presentation, Nornickel stated that its strategic view would be for
Harjavalta to increase its supply to the battery sector up to 20kt Ni over the “mid-term”,
with longer-term expansion “in line with demand”. In October 2018, Nornickel signed a
long-term agreement to supply cobalt and nickel feedstock to BASF’s new battery cathode
precursor (PCAM) manufacturing plant with a planned start in 2022. In March 2020, BASF
further announced that it will use recycled battery materials at its planned precursor plant
through partnerships with battery recycling technology provider Fortum and Nornickel

While some further expansion is possible based on recent partnerships and increased
feedstock supply, as for Q1 2020, such plans have not yet been announced. Further,
significant increases in production capacity for nickel sulphate by other producers might
reduce the incentives for such. As potentially greater premiums could be achieved long-
term in Nornickel’s larger electrolytic nickel business. However, future production can

potentially benefit from increased utilisation of secondary feedstocks alongside converting
more metal to sulphate.

In France, Eramet produces electrolytic nickel cathode at its plant in Sandouville using
imported nickel matte from Boliden in Finland. Previously, this matte came from its 56%-
owned subsidiary SLN in New Caledonia, but that operation now exclusively produces
ferronickel. The change in matte source, required a closure of the Sandouville plant in
order to upgrade its production equipment, which led to a cut in its capacity from 16ktpy
Ni to 13ktpy Ni. The refinery was re-opened in June 2017, with production in 2018 and
2019 estimated at 3.8kt and 6.9kt Ni, respectively. Some growth in cathode production is
expected towards 2025, reaching 14ktpy Ni. This explains the rise in supply displayed in
Figure 115.

In Austria, Treibacher Industrie operates a small refinery that produces around 1ktpy ni of
refined nickel. Montanwerke Brixlegg also produced small volumes of nickel sulphate from
its facility in Brixlegg.

Figure 115: Outlook for Class I nickel production by EU27 country, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)

Finla nd France Austria

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Roskill forecast 85% of EU refined nickel production is made up by Class I metal in 2020,
with the remaining 15% primary nickel sulphate (Figure 116). By 2040, this share is
expected to narrow to 54% for Class I metal and 44% primary nickel sulphate. This change
is the result of Terrafame’s nickel sulphate plant coming online in H1 2021 and ramping up
to full capacity. Total Class I metal production from EU27 countries is estimated at 59kt Ni
in 2020, which represents 7.2% of global Class I supply. This is expected to rise by 1.5%py
to 2030 and 0.7%py to 2040.

Figure 116: EU27: Share of refined nickel production by type, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)







Class I nickel Primary NiSO4

2020 2040




Class I metal Primary NiSO4 Class I metal Primary NiSO4
Source: R oskill, 2020.

6.4 EU27 market balance

In previous chapters, Roskill has discussed detailed analysis of the EU27’s demand (Section
4.3) and supply (Section 6) dynamics. The following discussion will place a specific focus
on the market balance from the EU27’s EV battery sector perspective. Within the narrative
so far there are two clear developments expected to take place over the outlook period:

1. Demand – Based on OEM model announcements and forecast sales volumes, we

consider it likely European EV’s will focus mostly on high-nickel cathode chemistries.
With the outcome being an exponential increase in demand of nickel in EV batteries.
However, there is a significant mismatch and growing divergence between nickel
demand segments. This being nickel demand from EV sales (end-use) versus the
domestic cathode manufacturing industry (first-use).
2. Supply – Based on existing and expected future capacity, we forecast a significant
increase in EU27 primary nickel supply (specifically nickel sulphate from
intermediates) during the 2020’s. This is considered likely to be complimented by
an exponential growth in nickel available for recycling from EOL batteries, though
critical mass volumes are not forecast to materialise until the late 2020’s.

The importance of defining the variances in EU27 first-use and end-use demand profiles
cannot be understated. We consider this crucial in the context of evaluating the EU27’s
physical industry nickel requirement in cathode manufacturing against that of the total
regions supply/demand balance. Moreover, the events that are forecast to transpire at the

first- and end-use levels could have their own respective bearings on policy formation and
the EU27’s approach to establishing nickel supply security.

The forecast for EU27’s refined nickel market balance is depicted in Figure 117 below. The
analysis takes into account the three-core nickel supply sources and plots them against
first- and end-use demand from EV sales and cathode makers, respectively.

Figure 117: EU27 refined nickel supply and battery demand balances1, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)






Primary NiSO4 supply Class I supply

EOL batteries supply Domestic investment/ foreign sourcing requirement
EU27 nickel demand from EV sale s (end-use) EU27 nickel demand from cathode makers (first-use)

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) Figure displays total EU re fined production. The volumes of C lass I supply shown are not considered to be
fully available for conve rsion to sulphate/directed toward the batte ry industry. Availability of such is
de pendent on EU ‘critical demand’ from other C lass I consuming industries

When assessing the EU27’s nickel market balance as a whole (solid black line), the graph
above highlights a two-sided outcome. The first being an ability to sustain domestic refined
nickel requirements until the mid-2020’s, and the second being an inability of supply
growth to keep pace with demand for the remainder of the forecast period. Roskill forecast
EU27 nickel supply will enter a period of structural deficits owing to limited scope for new
primary supply being developed after 2025. This is highlighted by the dotted segment
between EOL battery supply and demand from EV sales. The dotted area, therefore,
represents the EU27’s need for domestic investment in new nickel supply and/or the
requirement for sourcing additional units abroad. By 2030, this additional requirement
could total 165kt Ni. Post-2030, however, rapid growth in EOL battery availability could
have a ‘flattening effect’ on the overall market balance. Which further enforces the salience
of recycling’s role in future nickel supply security.

The forecast trend in the EU27’s physical demand for nickel sulphate from cathode makers
portrays a contrasting narrative to that of EV sales demand. Roskill considers this to reflect
a ‘two tiered’ industry requirement for refined nickel within the EU27 for EV batteries.
Owing to significant increases in primary nickel sulphate output in conjunction with an
‘infant’ cathode industry, domestic supply is forecast to have the ability to sustain first-use
demand. Under the base-case scenario, this is considered likely to be the case until around
2026. However, this is predicated on the assumption that 100% of EU27 primary nickel
sulphate supply is made available to local cathode makers first, prior to serving demand
from abroad. Given that Roskill considers it likely the majority of EU27 Class I production
will serve ‘critical demand’ from competing sectors first, it is prudent to consider primary
nickel sulphate and EOL battery supply as the two key domestic cathode feedstock sources.

Where any additional Class I available for conversion decreases reliance on such. Figure
118 below shows the market balance when assessing just these two key feedstocks.

Figure 118: EU27 cathode maker nickel demand/primary nickel sulphate supply balance1,
2020-2040 (kt Ni)






Primary nickel sulphate supply only Primary nickel sulphate supply + EOL batteries supply

Source: R oskill, 2020.

Under the primary nickel sulphate supply only scenario, deficits in supply would emerge
beyond 2026. Although, the depth of such deficits is capped at around 25kt Ni owing to
the flatlining production of cathode makers. Leading up to the 2030’s, we would consider
it unsurprising if increases to EU27 cathode manufacturing capacity are announced, either
via existing players or new market entrants. This would increase nickel sulphate demanded
by industry and further deepen the size of the expected deficits. Should the EU27 not be
able to develop additional primary nickel sulphate capacity by such time, recycling has the
potential to provide ample additional quantities of nickel units for the cathode industry.
This would remain the case even if EU27 cathode manufacturing output was to increase by
27% CAGR between 2030 to 2040, which is the growth rate of nickel availability from EOL
batteries across this time period.

We have assessed the investment value required by the EU27 to achieve complete supply
security via greenfields projects by 2040. Based on the average capital intensity of
greenfields nickel projects globally (as determined by Roskill at US$30,000/t Ni), a total of
€4.2Bn could be required by 2030. Where most of the cumulative amount would be needing
to take place in the 2020’s, prior to reaching €5.4Bn by 2040. Should the development of
EOL recycling capacity be lagging beyond 2030, the investment requirement for new
primary supply exhibits an upward trajectory. In the complete absence of EOL recycling,
the investment requirement is forecast total over €11Bn by 2040.

Figure 119: EU cumulative investment requirement for new nickel capacity1234,
2020-2040 (€ Billions)
€ Billions


Greenfields capacity in vestment variance

Cost of new capacity US$25,000/t Ni Cost of new capacity US$30,000/t Ni
Cost of new capacity US$35,000/t Ni Cost of new capacity US$30,000/t Ni (excl. recycling)

Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) Analysis is based off the EU27 market balance under the EV sales demand scenario shown in Figure 117
( 2) Assumes USD:EUR of 0.85
( 3) C ost of ne w capacity is also de fined as the capital intensity of proje ct de velopment. The US$30,000/t Ni
“base-case” represents the average requirement of existing global greenfields nickel projects, determined by
R oskill’s in-house analysis.
( 4) C um ulative investment re quirement in a given year is de fined as the variance betwe en the previous years’
total and the additional capacity of nickel units needing to be constructed in the current ye ar

It is important to highlight some caveats in the above analysis. Figure 119 shows the cost
of constructing new nickel capacity from undeveloped assets. Hence, is not necessarily
reflective to that required for existing mining and/or refining assets. As previously
determined earlier in the chapter, the EU has limited scope for developing new greenfields
projects and/or expanding existing mining capacity. This renders refineries as potentially
the main supply segment available for investing in additional capacity. However, we have
noted that several EU refineries are already undergoing expansion work which may stifle
their ability to do so further in future (as a function of domestic feedstock availability).
Should the EU consider a multi-faceted approach to sourcing nickel via a combined use of
domestic and foreign assets, the above analysis would be reflective of the investment
required abroad at the project development level.

Figure 120: EU27 cumulative investment requirement for EOL recycling capacity1234,
2020-2040 (€ Billions)


€ Billions




Source: R oskill, 2020.

( 1) Analysis is based off the EU27 nickel available from EO L batteries from EV applications forecast shown in
Figure 100
( 2) Assumes USD:EUR of 0.85

( 3) C ost of ne w capacity is also de fined as the capital intensity of proje ct de velopment. The US$11,000/t Ni
re pre sents the average capital intensity for a 10ktpy Ni plant capacity, determined by R oskill’s in-house
analysis. This is based on the curre nt processing technology commercialised and in operation today. Various
nove l technologies are under development globally but re main at the R &D stage
( 4) C um ulative investment re quirement in a given year is de fined as the variance betwe en the previous years’
total and the additional capacity of nickel units needing to be constructed in the current ye ar

In addition to new primary nickel supply, we have assessed the investment required by
the EU27 to establish a EOL recycling industry. The analysis represents the cumulative
investment in capacity sufficient to recycle 100% of the forecast nickel from automotive
EOL batteries (Figure 100). Based on a capital intensity for a 10ktpy Ni plant, (as
determined by Roskill at US$11,000/t Ni), a total of €200M could be required by 2030,
prior to reaching €2.1Bn in 2040. Should the development of EOL recycling capacity be
lagging beyond 2030, the reliance on primary supply would increase and deficits would
likely worsen.

When combining the EU27’s investment requirement for both new primary nickel supply
and EOL battery recycling capacity, it is clear a sizeable amount of capital needs to be
deployed. Under the base case scenario, we estimate around €4.4Bn of investment is
required by 2030. This is then forecast to increase to a total of €7.5Bn by 2040 in order to
fulfil the EU27’s nickel requirements from EV sales.

7 Conclusions and policy recommendations

7.1 Concluding comments

This report analyses the supply and demand dynamics of the nickel market in the context
of the automotive sector’s transition towards electric mobility and development of a low
carbon economy. Lithium-ion batteries are central to this future and nickel-rich cathodes
provide the highest energy densities of the current commercialised cell variants. These
being nickel-cobalt-manganese (NCM) and nickel-cobalt-aluminium (NCA) cathode types.
The expected requirements for additional nickel are seismic for the market and there are
multiple challenges to ensuring long-term supply security. This report provides a strategic
review of the EU27’s ability to source the quantities of nickel that it requires over the next
twenty years in forms suitable for use in EV batteries. The conclusions from this form the
basis of policy recommendations for the EU27 to enact to enable it to manage its future
nickel needs.

We evaluated both global and EU27 specific supply and demand for nickel over a twenty-
year forecast horizon, from 2020 to 2040. The intent of such was twofold:
1. Assess the EU27’s ability to source and internally provide nickel units for use in its
domestic EV battery supply chain; and
2. Identify strategic opportunities to establish a nickel circular economy to reduce or
mitigate reliance on foreign nickel sources in the future.

Figure 121: Desired EU27 circular flow of nickel in the domestic battery supply chain

Source: R oskill, 2020.

The main outcomes and strategic conclusions are summarised below:

7.1.1 Demand
Automotive electrification is expected to represent the single-largest growth sector for
nickel demand over the next twenty years. Within this sector alone, we forecast global

demand to increase by 2.6Mt Ni to 2040, up from only 92kt Ni in 2020. Within the EU27,
we forecast nickel demand from the automotive sector to increase by 543kt Ni, from 17kt
Ni in 2020, under a base case scenario. Underpinning this growth is our expectation for
EU27 OEMs to increasingly utilise high-nickel cathode chemistries from the mid-to-late
2020s and throughout the 2030s.

With respect to EV batteries, it is crucial to view the EU27’s nickel demand through two
lenses. The first is the total volumes of nickel contained in final consumer products (EV
sales). The second is demand from first users (precursor/cathode manufacturing)
representing physical industry demand prior to cell manufacturing. Given the possibility of
trade in precursor and cathode materials, these totals do not necessarily move in step with
each other. In the case of the EU27, we forecast that there will be a growing discrepancy
between first-use and end-use nickel demand over the outlook period. This is due to the
EU27’s precursor and cathode industries still being in their infancy compared to Asia. As
such, EU27 production from each of these industries is expected to lag the total
requirements from cell manufacturing and EV sales for a number of years, at least. The
EU27 will need to source the balance of its requirements from Asian based providers until
the construction, commissioning, scaling up, and maturation of mid-down-stream battery
industries takes place.

7.1.2 Supply
Demand for nickel from batteries requires a high-purity chemical product (nickel sulphate),
which can only be produced from suitable feedstock forms (such as Class I nickel and
intermediates). As a result, increasing demand from the battery sector presents the nickel
market with both downstream refining and upstream feedstock challenges. Nickel supply
has seen significant growth in recent years, but this has predominantly been in the form
of Class II products not suitable for use in nickel sulphate production.

Supply of nickel products to the battery sector has attracted increased investor focus in
recent years. Under the baseline scenario, we expect global nickel sulphate production to
reach approximately 2,000kt Ni by 2040 growing at 13.5%py, from 159kt in 2020. Not all
this production will be directed at batteries as demand growth from industrial end-use
sectors (such as plating) also expected to grow to 2040. Between 2020-2030, it is expected
supply growth will be driven by the use of intermediates, whilst output from Class I nickel
as a proportion of feedstock use will remain relatively stable.

Class I metal production has limited upside moving forward. This is largely owing to a lack
of investment in Class I-based refining capacity as well as no significant new sulphide
resource discoveries in recent years. However, a greater proportion of the Class I
production could be made available to nickel sulphate producers if stainless steel mills
continue to reduce their required quantities. We consider the stainless sector to be the
“swing player” in Class I availability moving forward. Conversely, intermediates present
significant upside to supply growth in coming years as and if new projects are brought
online in Indonesia. We forecast intermediate production to total 1.7Mt Ni by 2040 rising
at an average of 2.2%py from 1.1Mt Ni in 2020.

Post-2030 there is limited visibility on new projects able to supply Class I and intermediate
nickel products and stainless steel mills are likely to have reached their Class I reduction
limits. Supply of both Class I metal and intermediates available to battery producers is,
therefore, forecast to flatten. By this stage though nickel units available for recycling from

EOL batteries are likely to become a growing source of raw materials to produce nickel

7.1.3 Market balance

At the global level, we forecast the overall nickel market returned to surplus (125kt Ni) in
2020 for the first time since 2015. This is largely owing to a decrease in nickel demand as
a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Given the planned additions to supply we
expect this surplus to continue until supply begins to tighten and the market re-balances
in 2024.

For the Class I part of the nickel market we also expect a supply surplus this year, of
approximately 145kt Ni. Based on current production plans, demand trends and forecasts
of recycled material availability we would expect this part of the market to remain in surplus
until 2028. This though is predominantly a function of the stainless steel sector
progressively reducing its Class I feedstock requirements from over 10% of its nickel units
to 5% under our base case scenario. Should the sector’s use of Class I feedstock remain
higher than 5% by the end of the 2020s, a decrease in the Class I market surplus and
tightness in supply is likely to occur earlier.

With regards to the nickel sulphate market segment, global supply capacity is not expected
to tighten until the 2027/28 period. Beyond then supply deficits are also likely to emerge
and potentially reach 977kt Ni in 2040. It is important to note, however, that (as with Class
I nickel production) we view the total long-term nickel feedstock availability deficit of equal
importance to that of nickel sulphate. This is due to the former being conducive to the
outcome of the latter as some consumers and producers will switch between the
consumption and production of nickel in its different forms to balance different segments
of the market, regardless of whether nickel sulphate production capacity is made available
or not.

Given the focus on “battery-grade” nickel within this study, analysis of the EU27 market
balance has been based on the demand and supply of Class I nickel metal, intermediates
and the recycling of EOL batteries. There are two tiers of this market balance that need to
be considered. On an end-use basis, where demand is based on contained nickel in EV
sales in the EU27, we forecast the EU27 has the ability to meet our forecast internal
demand until 2024/25. Beyond this point, we expect supply will fall into a sizeable and
increasing deficit, reaching 165kt Ni by 2030. Owing to flat supply of new nickel units
during the 2030s, recycling of EOL batteries will be crucial in limiting this growth in the
EU27’s market deficit. Under our base case, supply from EOL recycling could total 228kt
Ni by 2040, from 21kt Ni in 2030. A market deficit of 165kt Ni and 206kt Ni is forecast in
2030 and 2040, respectfully.

At the industry level (precursor/cathode maker first-use), forecast quantities of nickel

demanded by the EU27 are multitudes lower than that contained in the EU27’s EV sales.
This is a function of a relatively small “mid-stream” industry in the EU27 compared to that
of Asia. Regardless, supply security of nickel is still a concern. Should a sizeable EOL
recycling industry not be established by the late-2020s, we expect a EU27 first-use supply
deficit to form in 2027 and then remain over the rest of the outlook period. If recycling is
included, the EU27 would have ample ability to sustain its domestic precursor/cathode
industry with domestic supply throughout the 2030s. This does assume, however, EU27
first-use industry does not grow in scale beyond that of the base case forecast. This though

assumes the EU27 will continue to be a significant importer or precursor and cathode
materials, which may not be possible if the global market is in deficit.

7.1.4 Strategic conclusions and apparent risks

The availability of suitable feedstock rather than processing capacity is the biggest
“bottleneck” in the nickel sulphate supply chain and is the cause of the market going into
a structural deficit post-2027 (Figure 109). Threats that may exacerbate this risk, and also
diminish the EU27’s access to nickel sulphate production that is available to the market,
include - but are not limited to - the following:

- Primary mine supply: few existing operation expansions and/or new projects
- Stainless steel sector: refusal or inability to reduce use of Class I nickel metal
- Integration of Indonesian intermediates: removing volumes available to the open
- EOL recycling: i) lacklustre cell recovery rates, and/or ii) insufficient establishment
of industry recycling capacity
- Battery second life uses: re-use of automotive batteries in other end-use sectors
such as ESS would reduce quantities of nickel available for recycling
- Access to capital markets: insufficient investment funds would delay potential new
capacity (both primary and recycling) being brought online
- Investment timing: long development, construction and ramp up periods are likely,
investments in projects are therefore required ahead of future supply tightness
- Resource nationalism: nickel producing nations preferences for “value-added”
products could increase, specifically in Indonesia, potentially forcing integration to
nickel sulphate production

We do not, however, view our forecast nickel sulphate supply and feedstock availability
deficits as definitive or inevitable. Beyond 2030, supply/demand dynamics are increasingly
uncertain and medium-long-term projections of a deficit should be more accurately
interpreted as the “investment requirement” for additional new supply, or alternatively the
amount by which demand would need to be reduced. Assuming EU27 demand is not
reduced then to meet the requirements of end-users in the region we estimate cumulative
investment in additional new primary supply capacity would total €4.2Bn and €5.4Bn by
2030 and 2040, respectively. However, the EU27 may not even be able to deploy such
capital owing to a lack of development ready nickel deposits domestically. This increases
the need for instead directing investment focus towards a domestic battery recycling
industry to fill the gap where new supply of feedstock for producing nickel sulphate is not
able to be developed internally or sourced externally. We estimate the cumulative
investment requirement in capacity to cover 100% of available nickel from automotive EOL
batteries to total €200M and €2.1Bn by 2030 and 2040 respectively. In reality, investment
in both new primary supply and recycling is required to de-risk future supply security within
the EU27.

There are three main procurement models the EU27 could adopt to increase supply:
1. Solely domestic
2. Solely foreign
3. Combination of domestic and foreign sourcing

It is unlikely that the EU27 could solely meet its supply needs domestically (1) and sole
foreign dependence (2) creates security of supply issues. Thus, we believe the lowest risk
approach would be (3) a combination of domestic and foreign sourcing. This could be
structured under a “procure and own” approach. The former pertaining to primary nickel
supply (mining and refining), and the latter underpinned by EOL recycling in a circular

7.2 Implications for policy

In the context of the EU27 establishing future nickel supply security, well directed policy
will play a crucial role alongside the organic responsiveness of the free market. When
determining suitable policy, the two-tiered structure of EU27 nickel demand (end-use vs
first-use) requires consideration. The timing of implementation is also important and may
determine the effectiveness of policy outcomes. Challenges to achieving supply security
are multi-faceted, and so no single policy is likely to generate the outcome of future nickel
availability alone. Our recommendations for potential policy direction and options should,
therefore, not be taken independently, but rather collectively where the benefits from each
can be compounded together. Policy is rarely costless and can have direct fiscal costs and
indirect costs on producers and consumers. Imposing regulations or taxation can also
lower the long run productive capacity of an economy. Such trade-offs need to be taken
into account when designing policy. To maximise effectiveness of policy adoption and
implementation establishing consistency across EU27 member states would generate
clarity for industry to act upon.

Nickel is not classified as a critical material in the EC, however various facets of the critical
materials debate are relevant to this study on nickel. Future security of supply for this
economically important metal is of paramount importance to the EU27. The European
Commission (EC) intends that its critical materials studies should help to strengthen the
competitiveness of European industry in line with the renewed industrial strategy for
Europe; stimulate the production of critical raw materials by enhancing new mining and
recycling activities in the EU27; foster efficient use and recycling of critical raw materials;
increase awareness of potential raw material supply risks and related opportunities among
EU27 countries; negotiate trade agreements, challenge trade distortion measures; develop
research and innovation actions and implement sustainable development goals. To what
extent has this been the case?

While raw material supply risks have certainly been promoted, other aims of the EC’s
critical materials agenda, such as strengthening European industrial policy, stimulating the
production of raw materials in Europe, fostering more recycling of critical materials, and
improving sustainable development, have not yet been met. Thus far, European
policymakers have not much advanced the important critical materials agenda past the
definitional phase. It is important to advance the debate on critical materials beyond
classification and definition so that strategies can be formulated and applied and so that
the EU27 can work towards its aim to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 50-55% by 2030,
and achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

To its credit, the EC seems to now be taking steps towards this. It has launched a new
industry alliance aimed at building a complete EU27 supply chain for raw materials vital to
renewable energy, electric vehicles, and the circular economy. The new policies are
connected to the European Green Deal (its plan to make its economy sustainable) and the

Just Transition Fund (a fund aimed at supporting EU27 regions most affected by the
transition to a low carbon economy). There will be an industry-driven process led by EIT
RawMaterials (funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology), whose
task will be to identify opportunities and barriers and to create relevant investment cases
with stakeholders and industry partners. The EC has also pledged to strengthen its work
with Strategic Foresight Networks to develop robust evidence and scenario planning on
raw materials supply, demand and use for strategic sectors. The criticality assessment
methodology may be reviewed for the next list (2023) to integrate the latest knowledge.

In Critical Raw Materials Resilience: Charting a Path towards greater Security and
Sustainability, the EC asserts that the EU27 should act urgently to ensure a secure,
sustainable supply of raw materials, pooling the efforts of companies, sub-national and
national authorities as well as the EU27 institutions. It notes that the EU27 action plan for
critical raw materials should:

1. Develop resilient value chains for EU industrial ecosystems – through new

industrial alliances, including a dedicated industrial alliance on raw materials. In a
first phase, the European Raw Materials Alliance (to be launched Q3 2020) will focus
on the most pressing needs, seen as increasing EU27 resilience in the rare earths
and magnets value chain, before exploring other areas. Another key action is the
development of sustainable financing criteria in the mining, extractive and
processing sector. Notably, the European Investment Bank has recently adopted
its new energy lending policy, in which it states that the bank will support projects
relating to the supply of critical raw materials needed for low-carbon technologies
in the EU27. This is important to help de-risk projects and attract private investment
in the EU27 and in those resource-rich third countries within its operating mandate.

2. Reduce dependency on primary critical raw materials through circular use

of resources, sustainable products, and innovation – in line with the European
Green Deal’s Circular Economy Action plan, which aims to decouple growth from
resource use through sustainable product design and mobilising the potential of
secondary raw materials. As a first step, the intention is to launch critical raw
materials research and innovation in 2021 on waste processing, advanced
materials, and substitution, using Horizon Europe, the European Regional
Development Fund, and national R&I programmes. EC documents argue that a
better understanding of secondary materials is needed, thus a key action is the
mapping of potential supply of secondary critical raw materials from EU27 stocks
and wastes and identify viable recovery projects by 2022.

3. Strengthen the sustainable and responsible domestic sourcing and

processing of raw materials in the European Union – mobilising Europe’s
domestic potential better. Key actions are identifying mining and processing
projects and investment needs and related financing opportunities for critical raw
materials in the EU27 that can be operational by 2025, with priority for coal-mining
regions; developing expertise and skills in mining, extraction and processing
technologies, as part of a balanced transition strategy in regions in transition from
2022 onwards; deploying earth-observation programmes and remote sensing for
resource exploration, operations and post-closure environmental management; and
Develop Horizon Europe R&I projects on processes for exploitation and processing
of critical raw materials to reduce environmental impacts starting in 2021.

4. Diversify supply with sustainable and responsible sourcing from third countries,
strengthening rules-based open trade in raw materials and removing distortions to
international trade – principally by reinforcing use of EU trade policy tools.

These represent positive action plans from the EC, but much work is still to be done if the
critical materials agenda is to gather some momentum. In a developing industry such as
the battery value chain, policy should also not be viewed as stagnant. Industry progression
and needs are extremely fluid as various stages of the battery supply chain may not
develop concurrently and technological factors and market conditions are likely to change
over time. Ongoing assessments and reviews of policy suitability and their impact are
therefore required. The need for promoting future nickel supply security, whether to
support the needs of end-use or first-use sectors, is likely to evolve over time. We
recommend that any policy enacted should be periodically reviewed against the goals it set
forth to achieve and its effectiveness in doing so. The Observation, Orient, Decide Act
(OODA) decision framework highlights the need for constant review in the decision-making

Figure 122: Boyd’s OODA decision loop

Source: R oskill, 2020; Boyd, 2017.

That all said, given the findings of this report then in order for the EU27 to be able to meet
the objective of establishing a nickel circular economy and reducing or mitigating its
reliance on foreign nickel sources in the future it is recommended to put policies in place
that address the following three headline areas:

1. Demand deflation
2. Supply strategy
3. Research and development

Table 11: Policy recommendation summary1

Focus area Policy re f. Policy target Im plementation time horizon
Demand deflation A
A1 Infrastructure Me dium, long term
A2 Nick e l battery alternatives Short, m edium, long term
A3 Autom akers Short te rm
A4 Pooled mobility Me dium, long term
Supply strategy B
B1 Mine /refined supply Short, m edium, long term
B2 Finance Short, m edium, long term
B3 Pre cursor/cathode makers Short, m edium te rm
B4 EO L re cycling Me dium te rm
Research & development C
C1 C e ll te chnology Short, m edium, long term
C2 Inte llectual Property Short, m edium, long term
C3 Labour m arket Short te rm
C4 Sustainability Short, Me dium term
Source: R oskill, 2020.
( 1) Short te rm = 0-3 ye ars; medium term = 3-6 years; long te rm = 6+ ye ars

7.2.1 Demand deflation (A)

In order to promote a reduction in reliance on nickel for e-mobility, we believe the EU27
should place a focus on policy that addresses the following:

1. Investment in public infrastructure

2. Where end-use segments allow, encourage use of alternatives to nickel-based
3. Establish clear guidance for industry to act upon emissions policy
4. Regulation, where necessary

• A1: Investment in e-mobility infrastructure – Transportation to substitute car

demand would decrease nickel requirements from the automotive sector. Built up
cities and urban areas are likely to have the greatest impact on such. Train, tram,
e-buses, e-taxis and e-bikes are potential avenues for consideration. E-mobility of
these kinds can utilise non-nickel-based batteries (such as LFP) as distance in built
up areas is less of a concern. Policy could help guide investment in transportation
networks of this kind as part of a medium-long term strategy to reduce reliance on

nickel. This may be accompanied by regulation or taxation to discourage private
vehicle ownership.

A2: Utilise nickel alternative cells where best suited - LFP batteries could be
used by carmakers to manage the procurement risks of nickel and cobalt. An
increase in LFP use in Europe, particularly in urban vehicles, could reduce nickel
requirements by 5-15% (28-84kt Ni) on a cumulative basis between by 2040. Non-
nickel battery types are best suited specific end-use segments in built up areas (e.g.
small car, buses, taxis etc.), where performance and range are less of a concern.
Policy could help stimulate the adoption of such but should only target e-mobility
segments where nickel-based cells are not considered a necessity. Additionally,
hybrid vehicles would decrease nickel demand. However, policy could be used to
enforce control systems that such vehicles are driven on electric mode to the full
extent they can. This would also minimise CO2 offsets from the over-use of the ICE
powertrain. Policy of this kind would most likely be effective in urban/built up areas,
where adequate charging infrastructure is also installed.

• A3: Industry responsive emissions policy – So far fleet average emissions

targets impact on e-mobility adoption is unclear. This could be due to OEMs being
able to prioritise the use of hybrid powertrains to achieve their respective emissions
targets. While OEMs will eventually need to produce zero emissions vehicles (BEV,
FCEV), ambiguous routes to achieve emissions targets could lead to
underinvestment in the automotive industry. This is occurring in the areas of
dedicated EV platform design and cost-efficient production. More stringent policy
measures could force OEMs delaying mass EV adoption to fast-track investment.
Crucially, a balance needs to be achieved between phasing out fleet average
emissions completely and the industry’s expected timeline to profitability on EV
models OEMs. For example, if OEMs are forced to produce zero emissions vehicles
too soon their profitability will be impacted owing to EV manufacturing not yet
reaching cost parity with ICE equivalent models.

• A4: Boost uptake of pooled mobility – Ride sharing services could play a role in
reducing overall demand for and use of cars on the road. Promoting shared e-
mobility services are likely to be most effective in city/urban areas. Development
of such networks would reduce the total demand for nickel in two ways. The first
being the requirement for utilising non-nickel-based batteries, and the second being
a decrease in the total number of cars potentially sold. Regulation or taxation may
also assist this development.

7.2.2 Supply strategy (B)

We believe the EU27 should place a focus on policy that addresses the following:

1. Facilitate the use of domestic supply in local industry

2. Provide access to sustainable international resources and supply-chains
3. Prioritise “closing the loop” as part of long-term recycling industry development

• B1: Mine and refine more nickel – Domestic and international sourcing is
necessary to fulfil the forecast EU27 nickel requirements:

o Domestic: The EU27 currently only has two mining assets in operation
producing suitable nickel for use in EV batteries. Both are expanding
production in coming years but their ability to expand more in future may
be limited. For development projects policy should seek to streamline any
governmental application processes (such as permitting, drilling,
construction etc.). Should any further nickel sulphate refineries be
developed, governments could provide packages of strategic land, zoned for
chemical manufacturing and/or in proximity to precursor/cathode makers.
o International: Shortages in supply of battery-grade nickel is a global issue
and not unique to one region. The EU27 should therefore not seek to
separate itself from the international nickel market as it will be needed fill
the balance left by domestic supply. Policy could be directed at:
 Forming alliances with suitable countries and mining projects that
produce Class I or intermediate nickel products in a sustainable
 Providing incentives for EU27 buyers to source from approved
operations such as the removal of any import duties, quotas and VAT
applicable. Free Trade Agreements pertaining to nickel are
considered beneficial.
 Enacting measures that help deploy investment in foreign assets.
Investments could take place via direct ownership, equity stake,
long-term offtake or joint venture agreements. Investments required
in new primary nickel supply to fulfil EU27 demand could total €4.2Bn
and €5.4Bn by 2030 and 2040, respectively (assuming EOL recycling
 Provide technical assistance to counties with the potential to supply
nickel raw materials. This includes improving their geological
knowledge and mining codes, developing skills, establishing effective
fiscal regimes and improving legal and other property rights.

• B2: Funding platforms – Existing organisations such as EIT RawMaterials,

European Investment Bank and the European Battery Alliance should continue to
play a part:
o Early stage: Provision of funds for developers of upstream supply. Where
early stage nickel sources are identified within the EU27, funding platforms
for exploration and resource delineation could establish strategic resources
bases for the longer term.
o Development stage: Projects at the Scoping Study, PFS or DFS stages could
be provided funds for the provision of technical related works (e.g.
engineering or processing).
o Construction stage: In conjunction with private sector funds and offtake
partners, finance vehicles for project development could provide access to
low cost capital and de-risk deployment of investment funds from the private

• B3: Ensure local industry supply – Precursor/cathode manufacturers could be

comfortably supplied by local primary nickel sulphate production to 2025. Post-
2025, primary supply from the EU27 alone is expected to be insufficient. Redirecting
EU27 Class I nickel away from ‘critical demand’ sectors will have its limits. Primary
nickel sulphate and EOL recycling supply should therefore be the focus, with any
Class I nickel available for conversion to sulphate an added plus.

o Under our base case forecast: A policy framework could be developed to
incentivise the engagement of local buyers and sellers. This could include
the removal of any VAT, duties etc. and provide EU27 industry with a ‘first
right of refusal’ for quantities of product. Only enforcing this once the
associated buyer (precursor/cathode maker) has reached consistent
commercial production should be taken into consideration. This would not
place an unnecessary risk on nickel producers by stifling their ability to trade
outside the EU27. Encouraging industry to buy local supply first is also the
first step in establishing a nickel circular economy.
o Industry growth expectations: As the EU27 battery supply chain matures, it
is considered likely first-use industry will grow in scale to reduce the reliance
on Asian made precursor/cathode materials. This will in turn increase local
industry demand for nickel sulphate where volumes may exceed EU27
supply. Policy should then be directed at facilitating and streamlining access
to sustainable foreign producers of nickel sulphate to ensure adequate
feedstock supply.

• B4: Establish a circular economy – Fostering a scalable EU27 EOL recycling

industry is considered a key part of a longer-term approach to supply security.
However, this is unlikely to be economically viable as a standalone business, unless
subsidised, until large volumes of EOL batteries are consistently available for
collection. We forecast this point to be between 2027-2029. In order to guarantee
nickel in batteries remains in the EU27 supply loop, the EU27 could adopt a sold in
the EU27, stays in the EU27 policy. This would be applied to EVs sold domestically
and could be implemented via tracking mechanisms (such as pack ID codes). Such
policy would provide a “continental ownership” for such batteries without stifling
OEM freedoms for international trade (sales overseas). A total of €200M could be
required in investments in recycling plant capacity by 2030, potentially reaching
€2.1Bn in 2040.

7.2.3 Research and development (C)

We believe the EU27 should place a focus on policy that aims to achieve the following:

1. Explores alternatives to reducing the sector’s dependency on nickel in the future

2. Generates international comparative advantages in technology and sustainability
3. Drives active citizen participation in industry

• C1: Reduce dependency on nickel-use – Although nickel provides the highest

energy density for current lithium-ion technologies, high-nickel cathodes are not
required in all e-mobility applications. LFP is one alternative to such, however
continuous investment in developing technologies, inclusive of non-lithium-ion
batteries, should take place. Battery technologies using high-energy density anodes
like silicon or lithium metal could progressively reduce nickel requirements in
batteries by up to 30% by 2040. However, such technology transitions are expected
to be slow and incremental versus fast and disruptive. This should therefore form
part of a long-term strategy to reduce the battery industries reliance on nickel.
Where end-use applications do not require nickel-based batteries incentives could
be provided to promote their use.

• C2: Build technological advantages – Currently, Asian-based cell manufacturers
have the technological advantage in battery cell design and manufacturing. In order
for the EU27 to build a home-grown industry, technological advancements and IP
ownership should be a priority. Policy could guide the creation of EU27 battery
“think tanks”, where grants and industry partnerships drive lab, pilot and
commercial scale research and development. Incentives for major industry players,
such as OEMs and cell makers, could be provided in the form of tax offsets, where
the tax offset would be equal to the total annual investment. The goal of this type
of policy would be to decrease the EU27’s technological dependence on foreign
nations with which it competes with. Patent registrations could be a key indicator
of success in this area.

• C3: Establish skilled labour – In 2017, the European Battery Alliance announced
the target of capturing €250Bn of value annually from its battery industry (from
2025). In order to maximise this value capture, EU27 production must be
contributed to by local labour. The requirement for highly skilled labour is only going
to increase. Policy could guide the promotion educational programs, upskilling and
apprenticeships in industry. Foreign companies could be required to train and
employ a minimum percentage of its required workforce from local areas. The
outcome of such policy should be aligned to enabling citizens to participate in the
value capture. With respects to nickel labour skills could be directed at the following:
o Exploration and mining: Geologists, mine engineering, metallurgy,
environmental remediation etc.
o Processing and refining: Primarily directed at nickel sulphate production
from various feedstock types (chemists, metallurgists, plant operators etc.)
o Supply procurement: Commercial procurement active in sourcing supply of
nickel units both domestically and internationally

• C4: Nickel extraction and refining – Policy could promote investment in

improving existing process technologies as well as investigating the
commercialisation potential of novel ones. The main goal of such would be to i)
improve overall efficiencies in nickel processing (e.g. higher recovery rates, waste
reduction etc.) and ii) improve the sustainability of the nickel industry (e.g. energy
intensiveness, waste disposal treatment etc.). Such work could be undertaken in
partnership with local participants (mining, refining and chemical companies) and
other countries where the EU27 also sources nickel from.

Boyd, Col J.R., A Discourse on Winning and Losing / John R. Boyd, edited by G. T.
Hammond, Air University (U.S.) press, Alabama, 2017.

List of abbreviations and definitions
Metrics and terms of measurement
M Million
Bn Billion
t Tonne
kt Thousand tonnes
Mt Million tonnes
tpd Metric tonne per day
tpm Metric tonne per month
tpy Metric tonne per year
py Per Year
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
g Gramme
kg Kilogramme
mg Milligramme
lb Pound
km Kilometre
km 2
Square kilometre
wt % Weight percent
ppm Parts per million
V Volt
Ah Ampere-hour
kWh KiloWatt hour
Wh/kg Watt hours/kg
C Degrees Celsius
Pa Pascal
dwt Deadweight tonnage

Project status
PEA Preliminary Economic Assessment
PFS Preliminary Feasibility Study
DFS Definitive Feasibility Study
BFS Bankable Feasibility Study

Battery types
LCO Lithium Cobalt Oxide
LFP Lithium Iron Phosphate
LMO Lithium Magnesium Oxide

LTO Lithium Titanate Oxide
NCA Nickel Cobalt Aluminium
NMC Nickel Manganese Cobalt (also NCM)
NCMA Nickel Cobalt Manganese Aluminium
eLNO Lithium Nickel Oxide

Battery Market and Terms

BEV Full Electric Vehicle
BMS Battery Management System
ESS Energy Storage System
EV Electric Vehicle
ICE Internal Combustion Engine
HEV Hybrid Electric Vehicle
PHEV Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
SEI Solid Electrolyte Interface
SOC State of Charge
xEV Any Electric Vehicle Type

Alternative Battery Types

Li-S Lithium Sulphur
LMP Lithium Metal Polymer
Na-ion Sodium Ion
Na-O Sodium Oxygen
Na-S Sodium sulphur
NiCd Nickel Cadmium
NiMH Nickel Metal Hydride
VRB Vanadium Redox Battery

Nickel product and market terms

Ni Nickel
NPI Nickel pig iron
FeNi Ferronickel
MSP Mixed sulphide precipitate
MHP Mixed hydroxide product
RKEF Rotary Kiln-Electric Furnace

Material elements
Al Aluminium
C Carbon
Co Cobalt
Cu Copper
EC Ethylene Carbonate
FEC Fluoroethylene Carbonate
Fe Iron
Li Lithium
LCE Lithium Carbonate Equivalent
Mn Manganese
Ni Nickel
NMP N Methyl 2-Pyrolidone
PA Nylon
PE Polyethylene
PCM Phase Change Materials
PP Polypropylene
PVDF Polyvinylidene Fluoride
SBR Styrene Butadiene Rubber
Si Silicon
Si/C Silicon Composite

List of figures

Figure 1: Global electrified (BEV, PHEV, HEV, 48V, FCEV) passenger car scenarios
(example), (M units sold), 2019-2029 .............................................................. 4
Figure 2: Plug-in (BEV & PHEV) passenger cars scenarios (M units)........................... 4
Figure 3: Governmental EV sales target by region, 2020-2040 (% of plug-in sales over
the correspondent total auto market)12.............................................................. 5
Figure 4: Cost per kWh at EV pack level, 2020-2040 (US$/kWh) .............................. 6
Figure 5: Battery capacity in EU27 attributed by vehicle segment (kWh) – Not weighted
average, 2020-2040 ..................................................................................... 6
Figure 6: Cathode forecast in Europe12 (% t of cathode materials) ............................ 7
Figure 7: Bottom up approach to calculating Ni demand from EV's............................ 8
Figure 8: Change in GDP in major European economies in 2020 (percent, q-o-q)........ 12
Figure 9: Forecast Global GDP growth scenarios, 2012-2023 (%) ........................... 12
Figure 10: Forecast Chinese GDP growth scenarios, 2012-2023 (%)........................ 13
Figure 11: Forecast EU GDP growth, average of Roskill’s Deep V and Prolonged Recovery
Scenarios, 2020-22 (%) .............................................................................. 13
Figure 12: Forecast long run global GDP growth scenarios, 2010-20301 (%).............. 14
Figure 13: Forecast long run EU27 GDP growth scenarios, 2010-20301 (%) .............. 15
Figure 14: Service life by battery end-use application (years)................................ 18
Figure 15: Collection rates by end-use applications (% of energy recovered)............. 19
Figure 16: Potential battery capacity across “EOL” and “available for recycling” (MWh) 19
Figure 17: Metals recovery rates in-house assumptions (% of metal content recovered
per tonne)................................................................................................ 20
Figure 18: Nickel market balance supply-chain dynamics...................................... 21
Figure 19: Refined nickel production by country, 2013-2019 (kt Ni) ........................ 24
Figure 20: Nickel market flowchart, 2019 ......................................................... 25
Figure 21: Nickel sulphate flowchart, 2019 ....................................................... 26
Figure 22: Outlook for expected mine production by type1, 2020-2040 (kt Ni) ........... 27
Figure 23: Outlook for expected mine supply by country, 2020-2040 (kt Ni) ............. 28
Figure 24: Expected supply from new mining projects, outside of Indonesia, 2020-2040
(kt Ni)..................................................................................................... 29
Figure 25: Total intermediate production by country, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)................... 30
Figure 26: Total intermediate production by product, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)................... 30
Figure 27: Indonesia: Forecast production of hydrometallurgical intermediates and nickel
matte, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)............................................................................. 32
Figure 28: Capacity and production of nickel matte, 2020-2040 (kt Ni) .................... 33
Figure 29: Comparison of spare intermediate processing capacity and new mine
production, 2020-2040 (kt Ni) ...................................................................... 33
Figure 30: Primary refined nickel supply123, 2010-2019 (kt Ni)............................... 34
Figure 31: Class I metal supply, by type 2020-2040 (kt Ni) .................................. 35

Figure 32: Class I metal supply, by country 2020-2040 (kt Ni) .............................. 35
Figure 33: Outlook for nickel sulphate production, by type 2020-2040 (kt Ni) ............ 36
Figure 34: Outlook for nickel sulphate production, by country 2020-2040 (kt Ni) ........ 37
Figure 35: Outlook for nickel sulphate production by feedstock, 2020-2040 (%)......... 38
Figure 36: Nickel contained in stainless steel scrap, by region 2020-2040 (kt Ni)........ 39
Figure 37: Cost curve for nickel sulphate producers by cost item, 2020 (US$/t nickel
contained)1 .............................................................................................. 40
Figure 38: Cost curve for nickel sulphate by feedstock type, 2020 (US$/t nickel
contained)1 .............................................................................................. 40
Figure 39: Cost curve for nickel sulphate by region, 2020 (US$/t nickel contained)1 .... 41
Figure 40: Breakdown of nickel sulphate production costs12, 2019e......................... 42
Figure 41: Refined LME nickel price (US$/t) ...................................................... 42
Figure 42: Brent crude oil price, coal price and natural gas price, 2014-2019............. 43
Figure 43: Comparison of industrial electricity and natural gas costs within key nickel
sulphate producing countries and provinces in 20191, Global average=100 ............... 43
Figure 44: Comparison of labour costs within key nickel sulphate producing countries and
provinces within China in 20191, Global average=100.......................................... 44
Figure 45: Key reagent prices in China, Jan-15=100 ........................................... 45
Figure 46: US$ exchange rates of major refined nickel sulphate producing countries, Jan-
15=100 ................................................................................................... 45
Figure 47: World demand for refined nickel by first use, 2013-2019 (kt Ni) ............... 47
Figure 48: World demand for refined nickel by region, 2013-2019 (kt Ni) ................. 47
Figure 49: Total primary nickel market demand by first-use sector1, 2020-2040 (kt Ni) 48
Figure 50: Nickel market demand share, by first-use sector .................................. 49
Figure 51: Class I nickel versus total primary market demand1, 2020-2040 (kt Ni) ..... 49
Figure 52: Class I nickel demand competition by first-use sector1, 2020-2040 (kt Ni) .. 50
Figure 53: Class I market demand share, by first-use 2020-2040 (kt Ni) .................. 50
Figure 54: Nickel demand by battery application, based on expected product sales, 2020-
2040 (t Ni) .............................................................................................. 51
Figure 55: Nickel in EV batteries scenarios, 2020-2040 (t Ni) ................................ 52
Figure 56: Higher LFP in China and Europe comparison to Base-case, 2020-2040 (% t of
cathode material)....................................................................................... 53
Figure 57: Base-case cathode demand in automotive powertrain batteries, 2020-2040
(% t of cathode material)............................................................................. 54
Figure 58: Nickel demand by cathode material in automotive powertrain batteries, 2020-
2040 (t Ni) .............................................................................................. 54
Figure 59: Nickel consumed in automotive batteries by vehicle type, 2020-2040 (t Ni). 56
Figure 60: Nickel consumed in automotive batteries by e-powertrain type, 2020-2040 (t
Ni) ......................................................................................................... 56
Figure 61: Nickel consumed in automotive batteries by region, 2020-2040 (t Ni)........ 57
Figure 62: Nickel consumed by Gigafactories, by region, 2020-2040 (t Ni)................ 57
Figure 63: Nickel consumed by Gigafactories, by country, 2020-2040 (t Ni) .............. 58

Figure 64: Nickel consumed by battery cell company, 2025-2040 (t Ni) ................... 59
Figure 65: Global nickel demand by automotive group, passenger vehicles only, 2020-
2030 (t Ni) .............................................................................................. 60
Figure 66: Outlook sales by e-powertrain type, 2020-2040 (Units sold).................... 61
Figure 67: Passenger & Commercial vehicles: Penetration rate of electric vehicles over
the total European automotive market, 2020-2040 (% unit sales) .......................... 61
Figure 68: Battery capacity across all electrified vehicles sold in EU27, 2020-2040 (GWh)
............................................................................................................. 62
Figure 69: European cathode demand in sold electric vehicles (passenger & commercial),
2020-2040 ............................................................................................... 63
Figure 70: Gigafactory capacity in Europe vs. European battery demand, 2020-2040 (by
country GWh) ........................................................................................... 64
Figure 71: European Li-ion battery manufacturing capacity, 2020 & 2040 (% installed
GWh)...................................................................................................... 65
Figure 72: European Li-ion battery manufacturing capacity by battery cell company,
2020 & 2040 (% installed GWh) .................................................................... 65
Figure 73: Origin of battery manufacturing companies in EU27, 2020-2040 (% by
installed capacity GWh) ............................................................................... 66
Figure 74: European nickel demand in electric vehicle sales by vehicle type, 2020-2040 (t
Ni) ......................................................................................................... 67
Figure 75: European nickel demand in electric vehicle sales by e-powertrain type, 2020-
2040 (t Ni) ............................................................................................... 68
Figure 76: European nickel demand in electric vehicles sales by country, 2020-2040 (t
Ni) ......................................................................................................... 68
Figure 77: Nickel in EV batteries scenarios, 2020-2040 (t Ni) ................................ 69
Figure 78: Higher LFP in Europe comparison to Base-case, 2020-2040 (% t of cathode
material) ................................................................................................. 70
Figure 79: Nickel demand in Europe by cathode chemistry, 2020-2040 .................... 71
Figure 80: Nickel demand in European Gigafactories, 2020-2040 (t Ni) .................... 71
Figure 81: Nickel demand by battery maker in Europe, 2020-2040 (% t Ni) .............. 72
Figure 82: Nickel demand by European Gigafactory, 2040 (t Ni)............................. 72
Figure 83: Nickel demand in EV passenger cars produced by European country, 2020-
2040 (% t Ni) .......................................................................................... 73
Figure 84: Nickel demand by EV passenger Auto OEM in Europe, 2020-2040 (% t Ni).. 74
Figure 85: Nickel demand by the top-10 EV passenger production plants in Europe, 2040
(Kt Ni) .................................................................................................... 74
Figure 86: EU cathode demand, production and contained nickel demand, 2020-2040 . 75
Figure 87: EU nickel in cathode demand, by producer 2020-2040 (t Ni in cathode)1 .... 76
Figure 88: EU cathode producer market share1, 2020-2040 .................................. 76
Figure 89: Nickel sulphate demand by first-use application, 2020-2040 (kt Ni) .......... 77
Figure 90: Nickel sulphate demand breakdown, by end-use sector, 2020-2040 .......... 77
Figure 91: European battery capacity and tonnes of nickel required by company tier ... 79
Figure 92: CO2 emissions targets by country/region (g CO2/Km)1 ........................... 81

Figure 93: Forecast availability of intermediates for non-integrated nickel sulphate
production versus total nickel intermediate supply, 2020-2040 (kt Ni) ..................... 84
Figure 94: Expected available intermediate for non-integrated nickel sulphate production,
by type, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)........................................................................... 84
Figure 95: Outlook for production of Class I nickel, 2020-2040 (kt Ni) ..................... 85
Figure 96: Scenarios for the reliance of stainless steel on Class I nickel, 2020-2040 (%
Class I loading) ......................................................................................... 86
Figure 97: Scenarios for Class I availability for nickel sulphate production, 2020-2040 (kt
Ni) ......................................................................................................... 87
Figure 98: Forecast availability for Class I nickel used in nickel sulphate production,
2020-2040 (kt Ni) ...................................................................................... 87
Figure 99: Global nickel available from EOL batteries, all battery applications (kt Ni) ... 89
Figure 100: EU27 nickel available from EV EOL batteries (kt Ni) ............................. 89
Figure 101: Europe vs RoW available nickel from battery recycling ......................... 90
Figure 102: Outlook for feedstock availability, by feedstock type, 2020-2040 (kt Ni) ... 91
Figure 103: Outlook for feedstock availability, primary versus secondary, 2020-2040 (kt
Ni) ......................................................................................................... 91
Figure 104: Outlook for primary nickel market balance, 2020-2030 (kt Ni) ............... 92
Figure 105: Outlook for primary nickel market balance, 2030-2040 (kt Ni) ............... 93
Figure 106: Global cumulative investment requirement for new nickel capacity1234, 2020-
2040 (€ Billions) ........................................................................................ 93
Figure 107: Outlook for Class I market balance, 2020-2030 (kt Ni) ......................... 94
Figure 108: Outlook for nickel sulphate market balance (kt Ni) .............................. 95
Figure 109: Outlook for baseline nickel sulphate feedstock availability, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)
............................................................................................................. 96
Figure 110: Mine production by EU27 country, 2011-2019 (kt Ni)........................... 98
Figure 111: Outlook for expected mine supply by EU27 country, 2020-2040 (kt Ni) .... 98
Figure 112: Intermediate production by EU27 country, 2020-2040 (kt Ni) ................ 99
Figure 113: EU27: Intermediate production by company, 2020-2040 (kt Ni) ............ 100
Figure 114: Refined nickel production by EU27 country12, 2011-2019 (kt Ni) ............ 101
Figure 115: Outlook for Class I nickel production by EU27 country, 2020-2040 (kt Ni) 102
Figure 116: EU27: Share of refined nickel production by type, 2020-2040 (kt Ni) ...... 103
Figure 117: EU27 refined nickel supply and battery demand balances1, 2020-2040 (kt Ni)
............................................................................................................ 104
Figure 118: EU27 cathode maker nickel demand/primary nickel sulphate supply balance1,
2020-2040 (kt Ni) ..................................................................................... 105
Figure 119: EU cumulative investment requirement for new nickel capacity1234, 2020-
2040 (€ Billions) ....................................................................................... 106
Figure 120: EU27 cumulative investment requirement for EOL recycling capacity1234,
2020-2040 (€ Billions) ............................................................................... 106
Figure 121: Desired EU27 circular flow of nickel in the domestic battery supply chain . 108
Figure 122: Boyd’s OODA decision loop .......................................................... 115

List of tables

Table 1: Manufacturing losses attributed to Li-ion supply-chain stages....................... 9

Table 2: Roskill assumptions to project potential start-up timeline .......................... 16
Table 3: Roskill project ramp-up schedule assumptions........................................ 17
Table 4: Roskill new project probability/ forecast discount rates ............................. 17
Table 5: Indonesia: Details of intermediate and nickel sulphate projects .................. 31
Table 6: Nickel supply engagements between battery supply chain participants and
miners, 2017-2020.................................................................................... 58
Table 7: Passenger & Commercial vehicle sales by powertrain in Europe .................. 62
Table 8: Market structure evolution, 2020–2040 ................................................ 66
Table 9: EU current and future cathode manufacturers1 ....................................... 75
Table 10: Announced national/local ICE ban targets............................................ 81
Table 11: Policy recommendation summary1 .................................................... 116

8 Annexes
Annex 1. Indonesian intermediate HPAL plants in construction/planned

• Vale already produces intermediate products in Indonesia (in the form of nickel
matte) in Sorowako, but other plants producing intermediate products are likely to
be built in the country. Vale is investigating the possibility of just such an option.
At Pomalaa, the company is undertaking a joint venture with SMM to look into the
possibility of building an HPAL plant that would process limonite ores into 40ktpy
nickel-in-MHP, which would then be further processed into battery-grade material
for the electric vehicle market. An investment decision was due to be made by Q2
2020, but was delayed, and is now expected in H2 2020.

• The first concrete announcement of Chinese investment in Indonesian battery-

grade intermediate projects, was made in September 2018. A joint-venture
comprising Tsingshan, GEM Co, Brunp (a subsidiary of CATL), Japan’s Hanwa and
Indonesia’s IMIP unveiled a US$1.0Bn investment in an HPAL plant that will produce
nickel and cobalt intermediates. The plant is being built in Morowali and is expected
to produce around 50ktpy of nickel-in-MHP, of which 30ktpy is to be processed
onsite to nickel sulphate. The operating company is PT QMB New Energy Materials.
Construction of the greenfield battery material project commenced in January 2019.

• A second nickel HPAL plant is planned for Morowali (a JV between Tsingshan,

Huayou and China Molybdenum). This plant would have a capacity of 60ktpy nickel-
in-MHP and be operated by PT Huayue Nickel Cobalt (HYNC). The project obtained
the approval from the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) to
commence construction, which began in March 2020. In November 2019, China
Molybdenum, through its financial arm W-Source, acquired 100% of one of the
project’s shareholders. After the acquisition, China Molybdenum will increase
investment capital by a maximum of US$69.1M, which effectively gives them a 30%
stake in PT Huayue Nickel Cobalt, with Huayou holding 57%, Tsingshan holding
10% and the remaining 3% being held by Hualong and Long Sincere. As agreed by
project shareholders, Tsingshan (via Qingchuang International and associated
entities) will ensure laterite ore supply for Huayue over the 10 years following
commissioning, and for the final output, Huayou (via Huaqing) will take 59% of
nickel and cobalt products with China Molybdenum (via Woyuan) taking 31% and
Tsingshan (via Qingchuang) receiving the remainder). The JV is targeting first
production in late 2021.

• Another Chinese investment project using HPAL processing, is Indonesia’s Harita

Group and Chinese Ningbo Lygend’s plant in Obi Island. With trial production
targeted for Q4 2020, Roskill considers this to be the most advanced of the battery-
grade intermediate projects in the country. The JV operating subsidiary, PT
Halmahera Persada Lygend, plans to produce 37ktpy nickel-in-MHP, which will be
processed to nickel sulphate in Indonesia. The HPAL plant will benefit from locally
sourced laterite ore, with Ningbo Lygend owning a stake in nearby nickel mining
operations. The total CAPEX is estimated at around US$1.5Bn.

• Jinchuan WP is conducting a feasibility study on the construction of an HPAL plant

next to its NPI facility on Obi Island. JNMC WP would be able to hydrometallurgically
process the limonite ore left behind after saprolite mining used in NPI production,

targeting an initial capacity of 20ktpy Ni-in-MHP. All MHP output would be used to
produce nickel sulphate either in Indonesia or China.

• Chengtun Mining has announced that its subsidiary Hongsheng International will
invest US$145M to construct a nickel smelter in North Maluku. Total investment in
the project is expected to be US$407, which lies within the Weda Bay Industrial
Park in Halmahera province of the Island. The JV subsidiary PT Youshan Nickel
Indonesia is a joint venture between Tsingshan (35%). Chengtun Mining (35.8%)
and Huayou Cobalt (29.3%). The project is targeting capacity of 34ktpy nickel-in-
matte. It is unclear whether the nickel matte would be processed domestically or
exported elsewhere within Asia.

Annex 2. European battery capacity by Tier and company (GWh)

Tie r 2020 2030 2040

Tier 1
C ATL 5 59 97
LG C he m 15 107 166
Sam sung SDI 5 19 29
SK Innovation 8 21 31
Te sla - 46 76
Sub-total 33 252 400
Tier 2
AESC 4 12 19
Farasis - 14 21
Northvolt 8 88 140
SVO LT - 31 50
Sub-total 12 144 230
Tier 3
Ak asol 1 2 2
BMZ - 10 16
Bollore 1 1 2
Britishvolt & AMTE Powe r - 44 75
FR EYR - 47 83
GS Yuasa 0 0 0
Inobat - 18 29
Le clanche 1 3 4
Liacon GmbH 0 2 2
Morrow Batte ries - 40 68
NEVS - 25 43
PSA-SAFT Consortium - 83 150
Sub-total 3 274 475
Total all tiers 47 670 1,104
Source: R oskill, 2020.

Annex 3. Nickel demand by EV production plant in Europe, 2020 (Kt Ni metal)


2 1.53 1.29 1.12 1.08

1 0.68 0.59 0.56 0.53 0.53 0.46

Renault - Audi - Nissan - Daimler - JLR - Audi - PSA - Ford - PSA - Volkswagen Other 53
Flins Brussels Sunderland Rastatt Magna Steyr Ingolstadt Hordain Valencia Zaragoza - Zwickau plants

Source: R oskill, 2020.


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