Coal of The Future: (Supply Prospects For THERMAL COAL BY 2030-2050)
Coal of The Future: (Supply Prospects For THERMAL COAL BY 2030-2050)
Coal of The Future: (Supply Prospects For THERMAL COAL BY 2030-2050)
February 2007
EUR 22644 EN
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EUR 22644 EN
ISSN 1018-5593
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................................ 4
2 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................... 6
3 CLEAN COAL TECHNOLOGIES (CCT’S) .............................................................................................. 7
3.1.1 Coal washing and beneficiation ........................................................................................................ 8
3.1.2 Pulverised Fuel (PF) ......................................................................................................................... 9
3.1.3 Fluidised Bed Combustion (FBC).................................................................................................... 10
3.1.4 Integrated Gasification.................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.5 Gasification and liquefaction........................................................................................................... 12
3.1.6 Carbon capture and storage............................................................................................................ 12
4 SPECIFIC AREAS OF TECHNOLOGY .................................................................................................. 14
4.1 BETTER MAPPING TECHNIQUES ............................................................................................................. 14
4.1.1 Aerial magnetic surveys................................................................................................................... 14
4.1.2 Drilling technology.......................................................................................................................... 15
4.1.3 Seismic technology........................................................................................................................... 16
4.1.4 General mapping techniques ........................................................................................................... 17
4.2 INCREASED RECOVERY FROM UNDERGROUND MINES ............................................................................ 17
4.2.1 Mine productivity............................................................................................................................. 17
4.2.2 Mining methods ............................................................................................................................... 19
4.3 UTILISATION OF COAL MINE METHANE (CMM)..................................................................................... 26
4.3.1 Potential for Coal Mine Methane Extraction and Utilisation ......................................................... 26
4.3.2 Description of resource ................................................................................................................... 26
4.3.3 Extraction technologies ................................................................................................................... 27
4.3.4 CMM utilisation developments ........................................................................................................ 29
4.3.5 Cost analysis.................................................................................................................................... 31
4.4 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION (UCG) ........................................................................................ 33
4.4.1 Description of UCG resource .......................................................................................................... 34
4.4.2 Summary of the energy and gas potential of UCG for key countries............................................... 35
4.4.3 Comparison of UCG and Natural Gas Reserves ............................................................................. 35
4.4.4 Commercial potential of UCG......................................................................................................... 36
4.4.5 Current cost estimates ..................................................................................................................... 38
4.4.6 Summary of international potential and research activity in UCG ................................................. 40
5 FREIGHT MARKETS ................................................................................................................................ 42
5.1.1 Fleet Structure ................................................................................................................................. 42
5.1.2 Fleet Outlook ................................................................................................................................... 43
5.1.3 Freight Markets ............................................................................................................................... 44
6 LONG TERM COAL MARKET OUTLOOKS........................................................................................ 47
6.1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 47
6.1.2 Coal Quality .................................................................................................................................... 47
6.1.3 Coal Production Costs..................................................................................................................... 47
6.1.4 Regional Assessment of Future Coal Supply and Demand.............................................................. 48
7 CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 58
DIAGRAM 1 – Contribution of coal to power generation ........................................................................ 7
DIAGRAM 2 – Efficiency of high temperature and pressure boilers...................................................... 10
DIAGRAM 3 – Aerial magnetic survey of Forzando mine, South Africa................................................ 14
DIAGRAM 4 – Seismic and borehole layout for a typical exploration site............................................. 16
DIAGRAM 5 – Average coal mining productivities ................................................................................ 18
DIAGRAM 6 – Employment in South African mines ............................................................................... 19
DIAGRAM 7 – Leading export mine costs .............................................................................................. 21
DIAGRAM 8 – Chinese coal resources by depths................................................................................... 22
DIAGRAM 9 – Multi-slice Longwall with Sand Backfill......................................................................... 23
DIAGRAM 10 – Roofed Multi-slice Longwall......................................................................................... 24
DIAGRAMS 11 – Longwall Top Coal Caving......................................................................................... 25
DIAGRAM 12 – CMM reserves compared to coal and gas .................................................................... 27
DIAGRAM 13 – CMM emissions and projections for selected countries (MMtCO2e) ........................... 27
DIAGRAM 14 – Means of removing methane from coal mines .............................................................. 28
DIAGRAM 15 – Utilisation options for different qualities of CMM ....................................................... 29
DIAGRAM 16 – Global emissions of methane from mine ventilation shafts (Mt CO2 equivalent) ......... 30
DIAGRAM 17 – Thermal flow reversal reactor ...................................................................................... 31
DIAGRAM 18 – Marginal cost of abating CMM emissions by region.................................................... 32
DIAGRAM 19 – Global marginal cost curve for reducing methane emissions from coal mines............ 33
DIAGRAM 20 – Two borehole concept for UCG.................................................................................... 35
DIAGRAM 21 – Comparisons of CO2 emissions for coal and natural gas............................................. 37
DIAGRAM 22 – Comparisons of CO2 emissions from UCG and conventional power plant (assume 90%
capture efficiency) ........................................................................................................................... 37
DIAGRAM 23 – Cost of electricity for power generation with and without CO2 capture ...................... 39
DIAGRAM 24 – Comparison of Cost of Electricity for UCG and Surface Gasification) ....................... 40
DIAGRAM 25 – Commodities in seaborne dry bulk freight.................................................................... 42
DIAGRAM 26 – Size distribution of bulk carrier fleet ............................................................................ 43
DIAGRAM 27– Summary of long term export supply demand balance.................................................. 49
DIAGRAM 28 - Possible future energy supply in India .......................................................................... 54
BBS………………………………………………………...Borehole-to-Borehole Seismic
BFBC………………………………………………..Bubbling Fluidised Bed Combustion
CBM…………………………………………………………………….Coal Bed Methane
CL………………………………………………………………………...Caving Longwall
CCGT……………………………………………………….Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
CCS…………………………………………………………...Carbon Capture and Storage
CCT……………………………………………………………......Clean Coal Technology
CFBC…………………………………………………..Circulating Fluid Bed Combustion
CMM…………………………………………………………………..Coal Mine Methane
CSIRO………………… Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
CUMT……………………………………Centre for Underground Mining & Technology
CV………………………………………………………………………….Calorific Value
DIGHEM……………………………………………..Digital Helicopter Electromagnetics
DTI……………………………………………………..Department of Trade and Industry
EERC…………………………………………..Energy & Environmental Research Centre
EOR……………………………………………………………….Enhanced Oil Recovery
FBC……………………………………………………….........Fluidised Bed Combustion
FOB………………………………………………………………………….Free on Board
GAD……………………………………………………………………….Gross Air Dried
GTCC……………………………………………………….Gas Turbine Combined Cycle
HEM………………………………………………………….Helicopter Electromagnetics
HM………………………………………………………………………Hydraulic Mining
IEA…………………………………………………………..International Energy Agency
IGCC…………………………………………….Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
IMO……………………………………………….....International Maritime Organization
LRC……………………………………………………………………… Low Rank Coals
LTCC………………………………………………………….Longwall Top Coal Caving
MSL………………………………………………………………….Multi-Slice Longwall
NG……………………………………………………………………………...Natural Gas
PF…………………………………………………………………………..Pulverized Fuel
PCFBC…………………………………… Pressurised Circulating Fluid Bed Combustion
PFBC…………………………………………………..Pressurised Fluid Bed Combustion
SPL…………………………………………………………………..Single-Pass Longwall
TRD………………………………………………………………….Tight Radius Drilling
UCG……………………………………………………… Underground Coal Gasification
VAM……………………………………………………………...Ventilation Air Methane
This report assesses the prospects for thermal coal supply over the 30-50 year horizon
primarily by examining at the markets and technologies that will be able to supply Clean Coal
Technologies (CCT’s). CCT’s are classified essentially into two broad categories:
Right now, about 98% of the power generated worldwide from coal comes from low thermal
efficiency (about 35%) PF combustion. In order to capture more market share, CCT’s must be
able to utilize coal stock in a wide variety of qualities as defined by Calorific Value (CV), ash
and sulphur content, volatile matter content, etc.
Whilst productivity in terms of tonnes per man per year is generally improving, it is interesting
to note that average production costs across countries are reasonably similar, regardless of the
individual countries’ typical labour productivities, suggesting that such productivities are not
the only drivers of costs. Other important factors are mining techniques, essentially variations
on opencast and underground mining. Generally, opencast mining is more productive than
underground mining and, with new operations in developing countries coming online, it is
estimated that opencast will grow to about half of production in the future. It is believed that
opencast mining is currently functioning at its highest possible productivity; underground
techniques, however, especially bord and pillar and longwall mining, will probably gain in
productivity from dissemination of existing technical innovations.
Coal Mine Methane (CMM), or the methane in coal seams liberated during mining, is a
promising potential source of energy. However, estimated attainable reserves are significantly
smaller than those attainable from coal, making CMM projects more interesting in terms of
their carbon abatement potential. For many sources of CMM, the marginal costs of abatement
are extremely low – often in the neighbourhood of $3/tonne CO2 abated - making projects
attractive in an environment where carbon credits are traded at $5 - $30/tonne CO2.
Underground Gasification of Coal (UCG) is the gasification of coal where it sits in the ground,
and, as such, avoids many of the expenses and disadvantages of traditional mining, whilst
generating a fuel with a lower emissions profile potentially similar to that of natural gas. The
ratio of worldwide inferred to proven mineable coal resources is about 6:1, indicating that the
potential increase in recoverable resources using UCG is enormous, with a total gas volume
estimate on the order of 6,900 Tcf.
Freight markets are essentially determined by the balance between ship sizes and abilities and
the demand for tonnage. When the ship market is oversupplied compared to the freight to be
moved, the cost is defined by the cheapest ships – the oldest, with fully depreciated costs.
However, the market moves quickly as this will establish a new, lower freight rate. Although
the market is driven by short-term factors and is very difficult to predict beyond five years, the
general trend for new builds seems to be towards larger-sized vessels – so-called Panamaxes
and Capesizes – and facilities. It is projected that in the near-to-mid-term, available tonnage
will move back towards equilibrium with the recent boom in iron ore demand, bringing
shipping costs down to more historical levels, adjusted for structurally higher fuel costs.
Overall, the behaviour of power markets is the most powerful driver of coal demand, followed
by political and social drivers reflecting the need to reduce carbon emissions. Worldwide, it is
expected that energy demand will grow in line with GDP – with a 2.5% annual growth rate in
Asia and a 0.5% rate in the developed countries – through 2050. To meet this demand, gas is
expected to increase its global market share to 34%, with coal expected to be at slightly above
20% (for power generation, up to 40%), with more than 70% of this to be provided by CCT’s.
The coal export market should continue to be tight and to be pulled by demand for coal with
higher thermal values. This report breaks countries and regions down into 4 tiers, depending
upon how they are impacted by availability of coal imports:
For Tier 3 and 4 countries, it is likely that the utilization of new technologies, including CCT’s,
as well as the exploitation of lesser thermal grade sources/coal with high ash content will be
important for meeting their needs.
This report examines the coal1 markets that are capable of supplying coal for new clean coal
technologies (CCT’s) and the impact on coal markets. It is true to say that coal has enjoyed
something of a renaissance in recent years and international coal prices are at historic highs
primarily because suppliers have little capacity to meet increased demand. There is a growing
interest in CCT and a strong belief that coal can meet much of the world’s energy needs if it
can be used in a way that minimises emissions and exploits coal resources that are unlikely to
be mined by conventional techniques
Although coal is considered to be the most abundant of the fossil fuels, its reserves are not
limitless, especially when historic economic factors are considered that suggest coal fed to
mine-mouth or nearby power plants should be produced at under $302 cash cost or export coal
at $30 Free on Board (FOB).
Coal demand is projected to rise consistently through to 2030 at least when the development of
certain clean coal technologies may see a change in the way coal is used. However, if CCT
advances quickly – at least quicker than the progress over the past two decades – there is a
possibility that traditional coal supplies may not be able to cope with significantly higher
This is because not only are coal resources limited but they are often located in areas where
energy demand is not high – Australia, South Africa, Colombia and Indonesia, for example.
This means not only that coal supplies have to meet market demand but infrastructure – rail
systems and loading and discharge facilities – have to be adequate. At present, there is little
spare capacity in these areas, just as there is little extra capacity in the world bulk carrier fleet.
This report looks at CCT’s and the type of coal suitable for them, together with an assessment
of coal supplies to meet world requirements in conventional technologies. There are no
reliable projections of long term CCT-driven demand because there is no clear business case
for many of the technologies in terms of likely implementation.
The report also looks at the potential for coal to be exploited in a more environmentally benign
way, including the use of coal mine methane (CMM), which is both an energy source and a
means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and the production of energy through
underground coal gasification (UCG), which has the potential to increase the energy reserve
base of coal while producing a product which may be less carbon intensive than conventional
coal production and consumption.
The report also assesses key drivers of coal markets and discusses their role in future markets.
Coal references in this report concern thermal coal and do not include coals used in steel-making processes
Unless stated, all references to $ are US dollars
CCT’s can be divided into two broad areas:
• Improving coal burn characteristics and reducing emissions during the burning process
• Using coal in other ways that fundamentally change the way its energy is exploited, as
in gasification and utilisation.
There is approximately 5 billion tonnes of hard coal used in the world annually, with a further
1 billion tonnes produced as lignite. The majority (over 80%) of the hard coal produced is
steam or thermal coal.
About 70% of the total thermal coal produced in the world is used in power generation, almost
all of which uses pulverised fuel (PF) technology. Certain countries are particularly dependent
on thermal coal supplies:
21 2
60 7
50 2
93 Coal
40 79 77 27
70 4
30 56 55
54 53 49
20 35
10 24
3.1.1 Coal washing and beneficiation
One of the simplest and best-known techniques for reducing emissions is the washing of coal.
In many ways, South Africa leads the way in such technology as the coals mined in the country
are poorer quality and require cleaning to be exported. The coals in South Africa are slightly
younger than those of the Northern Hemisphere (Permian age as opposed to Carboniferous)
and, crucially, were formed in cold conditions compared with the tropical conditions of the
northern hemisphere. This results in a lower vitrinite content and a inherently lower quality.
Beneficiation by coal washing in a dense medium bath allows an acceptable export quality to
be made whilst local power plants are designed to use coal with low CV and ash contents of up
to 50%.
South African producers have passed through a long evolutionary process in coal beneficiation.
Producers have seen the gradual increase in coal washing in order to maximise revenue.
Originally large coal was picked for sale and the duff (small coal) was discarded. Gradually the
coarser coal would have been cleaned in jigs and later dense medium. As user technology
developed coal had to be washed down further, down to 1mm, in jigs and then dense medium
cyclones. In South Africa, fines only began to be cleaned in spirals in the early 1980s and froth
flotation is still not practiced widely to produce ultra-fine steam coal due to moisture problems.
The drying of coal is another beneficiation technique that aims at reducing the moisture content
to ensure the impact on the heat availability in the boiler is minimised. The technique has been
tried for over twenty years but has been largely unsuccessful to date due to costs and the
historically low coal prices.
Such technology is important in that any system that allows the use of coal of a lower quality
than that commonly mined is advantageous. Although their high inherent moisture content
lowers their heating value and thus increases the cost of transportation and handling, their
positive features, such as their low cost per Btu and excellent combustion characteristics, have,
to date, been ignored. No commercial drying process is currently available that can
economically produce a conventional, dried bulk coal product that will withstand the rigors of
storage, handling, and transportation. Traditional thermal drying methods used to dry
bituminous coal are not effective on sub-bituminous coal and lignite because of the resulting
decrepitation of these coals.
More modern techniques include the use of coal in liquefaction and include those from the
Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) in the USA to investigate alternative
methods for converting low rank coals (LRC’s) into economically viable liquid fuels. This led
to the successful development of a direct LRC slurry liquefaction process at the EERC facility
in Grand Forks, North Dakota, the world's largest research and development complex for
investigating LRC’s.
The EERC developed an integrated close-coupled multi-step process to take advantage of the
higher coal reactivity and moisture content of LRC’s to produce a product that may be easier to
upgrade than products from liquefaction of higher-rank coals. The process utilizes hydrogen-
donating solvents, the water–gas shift reaction, and lower-severity reaction conditions. Coal
liquid yields of 80 wt% of moisture- and ash-free (maf) coal fed with conversion rates of
greater than 93% have been achieved. A multi-step approach was taken to produce a
tetrahydrofuran (THF)-soluble material that may be easier to upgrade in conventional catalytic
hydrogenation. The process consists of three parts: 1) pre-conversion treatment to prepare the
coal for solubilization, 2) solubilization of the coal in the solvent, and 3) polishing to complete
solubilization of the remaining material. The product of these three steps can then be upgraded
during a traditional hydrogenation step. Successful implementation of this process promises
improved economic viability of low-rank coal liquefaction.
The hot-water-drying process is essentially pressure-cooking the coal in a water medium. It is
known that water separates from LRC under conditions similar to those encountered during
natural metamorphism, but metamorphism is achieved under extremely high pressure. It has
now been found that, under suitable conditions of elevated temperature and pressure, lignite
not only loses chemically bound water, but undergoes such a change that re-absorption of
water does not occur when the coal is kept in a water phase at high pressure (a common
problem with coal drying). This effect is a result of a change in the LRC itself, whereby the tars
that form tend to seal the pore entrances. In simple terms, the process induces coalification in a
condensed time scale of minutes rather than geological eras (millions of years), thus effecting a
permanent reduction in inherent moisture. In other words, the LRC is changed from
hydrophilic to hydrophobic, thus making it similar to some sub bituminous coals. Hot-water
drying also offers an added advantage: the removal of sodium from the lignite during the
drying process. Sodium removal is important since it reduces the risk of fouling and slagging
in boilers.
3.1.2 Pulverised Fuel (PF)
PF boilers used coal crushed to a size of below 75µ, which causes the coal to be burnt within
seconds of being blown into the boiler. Properly designed, the boilers can use a wide range of
fuel from high quality thermal coal to lignite. Some 98% of the coal-fired boilers in the world
are PF users but the average thermal efficiency is low – about 35% - partially reflecting the age
of the fleet, which is over twenty years old on average.
The key to PF boilers is their versatility, using all types of coal and a wide range of biomass,
including wood chips, olive pips and palm kernels. The future of pulverised fuel lies in the
increasing development of supercritical and ultra supercritical boilers. These power plants
operate at higher temperatures and pressures than traditional coal-fired plants, which results in
higher efficiencies – up to 50% for ultra supercritical - and thus lower emissions, including
CO2. More than 400 supercritical plants are in operation worldwide and China is now installing
supercritical plant as standard.
DIAGRAM 2 – Efficiency of high temperature and pressure boilers
Source: World Coal Institute
In fluidised bed combustion, coal is burned in a reactor comprised of a bed through which gas
is fed to keep the fuel in a turbulent state. This improves combustion, heat transfer and
recovery of waste products. The higher heat exchanger efficiencies and better mixing of FBC
systems allows them to operate at lower temperatures than conventional (pulverised) coal-
burning systems. By elevating pressures within a bed, a high-pressure gas stream can be used
to drive a gas turbine, generating electricity.
Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustion (CFBC) is the version of the technology that has been
most widely applied and for which there is the most extensive operating history. CFBC uses
the same thermodynamic cycle as PCC and therefore its power generation efficiency is in the
same range, which is normally between 38% and 40%.
Pressurised Fluidised Bed Combustion (PFBC) is based on the combustion of coal under
pressure in a deep bubbling fluidised bed at 850°C. Depending on the velocity of the air
through the fluidised bed, two PFBC variants exist – bubbling bed PFBC (lower velocities) and
circulating bed PFBC (higher velocities). Pressurised pulverised combustion of coal (PPCC) is
a technology currently under development, mainly in Germany. Similar to conventional
pulverised coal combustion, in that it is based on the combustion of a finely ground cloud of
coal particles, the heat released from combustion generates high pressure, high temperature
steam, which is used in steam turbine-generators to produce electricity. The pressurised flue
gases exit the boiler and are expanded through a gas turbine to generate further electricity and
to drive the gas turbine's compressor; hence this is a form of combined cycle power generation
Acceptance for FB technology appears to be low. Poland leads the way in the implementation
of the techniques at the Lagsiza installation. The primary advantage of FB is that it can use
higher ash coals which are difficult to use in PF boilers due to high grinding costs. However,
Lethabo power station in South Africa operates on a 50% ash coal feedstock so this is not a
complete impediment.
The real potential in steam generation seems to lie with super critical and ultra-super critical
boilers that are achieving around 45% efficiency, with the potential to reach 50%. These levels
of improvement reduce CO2 emissions by 25%.
So, the decision for power station design is not as cut and dried as using the best technology.
India and China can only achieve their spectacular economic growth rates if cheap electricity is
available. Economic considerations will predominate but environmental ones may be
secondary, despite China’s assertions of its commitment to reducing emissions.
Overall, it is likely that global average plant efficiency will rise and be driven mainly by the
introduction of super critical and ultra super critical. It is possible that FB technology may be
passed by. Stations will also be refit with improved systems but this will be rare as not many
countries can afford to have plants off line for an extended period.
Large-scale demonstrations of IGCC are ongoing in the US (with the FutureGen Initiative),
Europe, Canada and Australia, and demonstrations and pilot CO2 storage projects are under
way in Norway, Algeria, Canada and the US, although large-scale demonstrations of IGCC
using CCS may be up to a decade away. Before this technology can be widely deployed, the
costs of IGCC and CO2 capture must clearly be reduced. The capital cost of IGCC is expected
to become competitive from around 2015, and the cost of CO2 capture using IGCC is expected
to fall to $10 per tonne of CO2 over the same period – the targeted objective of the US
Department of Energy. At these levels, IGCC using CCS may emerge as a viable CO2
reduction measure if carbon prices in emissions trading markets are sustained at or above $15–
20 per tonne of CO2.
IGCC offers efficiencies up to 50%, with the prospect of 56% in the future – and so
significantly improves the environmental performance of coal. IGCC technology may be the
way towards an ultra-low emissions future, if combined with carbon capture and storage, and
as part of a future hydrogen economy. Further development to improve reliability is ongoing.
The natural progression will lead towards Integrated Gas Combined Cycle. This combination
can deliver power plant efficiencies in the region of 50%, with only a 3–4% energy penalty for
the CO2 capture and handling. Problematically, however, commercial deployment of IGCC is
still largely unproven and costly.
However, the advent of large scale CO2 capture is probably still some way off, at least in terms
of having any significant impact on coal demand. This is because:
• The costs of the capture are high with a wide variety of estimates. The IPCC estimates
the costs of carbon capture and storage to be approximately US$40–60 per metric ton of
CO2 (IPCC 2006), while the International Energy Agency estimates that capturing and
storing CO2 would cost from $50 to $100 per ton (Carbon Market News December
15,2004). Several other studies estimate the total costs to range from about $20 per ton
of CO2 up to about $100, depending on the capture source, modes of transportation and
types of reservoirs (Torvanger, Kalbekken and Rypdal 2004). Compared to current
prices in the European emissions trading market of about 8.5 Euro, or about US$11, it
is fair to conclude that the cost obstacle is at present significant, but there is probably
scope for reduction of costs in the future through technical developments and wider
application (IPCC 2006).
• Of the total costs, the capture costs are expected to constitute a much larger share than
transport and storage, about 70–80 per cent according to some sources. Reducing
capture costs is hence identified as the major economic challenge. But as noted above,
this is only relevant with regard to CO2 from large emission sources like power
generation and not CO2 separated from the gas stream
• Therefore, the concept of CO2 capture has a doubtful impact due to cost and the fact
there is considerable doubt that there will be sufficient storage reservoirs as deep ocean
storage has been largely discounted. It is highly likely that carbon prices will rise
significantly, but this will take some time, with prices rising in the next decade to a
level still below that which would prompt power generators/other emitters to significant
shifts towards CCS.
It is probable that CCS on a commercial scale is some way off and may be limited to certain
regional areas where old oilfields have the capacity to store the gas effectively. Even this may
prove difficult. In the North Sea, for example, none of the existing oil and gas delivery
pipelines can be used for CO2 transport and these will have to be constructed, or possibly
existing pipelines re-lined.
Even though efficiency losses from CCS may be minimal due to a lack of technology
deployment, it is likely that the overall efficiency of the global power plants will rise only
slowly. A newly built standard pulverised coal plant achieves a typical efficiency of around
36%. But ‘supercritical’ technology, employing new materials, can accommodate higher steam
pressures and temperatures, achieving around 45% efficiency, with the potential to reach 50%.
These levels of improvement reduce CO2 emissions by 25%.
For coal use, the predictions suggest coal use will rise in real terms and will probably amount
to 20% of the energy mix but expectations vary widely – from 10% to 30%. Overall, we feel
that power station efficiency will rise about 1% per five years (although the development may
not be linear), which suggest by 2030 the average efficiency will have improved from about
32%-34% to close to 40%.
Given that overall coal production is likely to double in that period the impact of improved
efficiency of power plants is unlikely to diminish coal requirements by 5%. This is based on
the assumption that by then the power generation fleet with have no more than 50% high
efficiency stations. This means that the impact on coal demand could be +/- 400 million tonnes
but we must acknowledge the wide variation in predictions on GDP, population growth and
rival fuel availability, as well as efficiency improvements in electricity generation across the
4.1 Better mapping techniques
Although a dramatic statement, it is unlikely that significant unknown coal deposits are likely
to be located in the world. The geological techniques that are available to the geologist are
largely oil-field techniques. It should be recalled that until the increased coal prices of the last
three years, the financial return from coal mining rarely exceeded 10% per year and left little
capacity to develop expensive and revolutionary exploration techniques. These techniques,
discussed below, have the potential to better define coal resources but, as yet, have little
potential to improve the definition of cleaner coals other than conventional analysis.
The techniques are largely geared towards the better definition of resources that will allow
economic assessments of the mineability of the deposit. The main techniques are summarised
4.1.1 Aerial magnetic surveys
These surveys have improved primarily due to the application of sophisticated electro-
magnetic aerial equipment in coal mines. In southern African mines the coal seams are heavily
intruded by Jurassic dolerites dykes and sills. These either burn the coal or cut through it and
due to their hardness and possible seam displacements, which makes mine planning difficult.
The presence of these intrusives is the main reason why so few long wall or short wall mining
methods are used in South Africa.
The key advances have been the use of helicopters in the survey. This allows the
magnetometer to be flown slower and closer to the ground (about 30 metres), whilst hugging
the terrain, better than fixed wing aircraft.
With helicopters controlled by GPS systems, flight lines can be flown much closer than
previously possible. The system primarily works where the dykes are magnetic and locates
dykes that are sub-vertical and very difficult to identify by traditional (vertical ) surface
drilling. The aerial survey is much cheaper and more effective than seismic work.
The coal seam is cut by diabase (dolerite) dykes, and a sill lies at a varying distance under the
coal. Not all of the dykes appear on the magnetic data. The heat of the intrusions devolatilises
the coal, reducing its economic value, and the hard dikes are a hazard to the coal mining
equipment. Drawn on the geophysics map are the locations of the previously known dykes and
the areas of de-volatilised coal (grey). The map shows a parallel pair of resistivity anomalies
straddling each dyke, the dual anomaly representing the dual peak normal for coplanar coil
pairs over a narrow vertical conductor. The coaxial resistivity responses show single peaks
over each dyke, but are more sensitive to flight direction/strike coupling. The dual track
anomaly of the coplanar data tends to be more obvious. Both data sets are collected on a
normal DIGHEM survey. Several previously unknown dykes are apparent by their dual
parallel anomalies, some of which have since been defined by drilling. Many areas have much
more subtle anomalies due to thin dykes or non-magnetic, cooler felsic dykes. Extensive data
enhancement and careful interpretation are necessary to detect and map the dykes.
The broad, non-linear resistivity highs match those locations where the underlying sill comes
in close proximity to the coal (< 20m), and devolatilises the coal. Again there is good
correlation to the information gained from drill holes. A DIGHEM survey in advance of the
drilling could help design the drilling pattern, after which the drill results and the HEM data
could be combined into an accurate map of the problem areas.
The technique is a way to define the mineability of deposits, it does not define them. In other
words, it is a technique that locates some structural complexities that define how easy or
difficult mining will be and which methods are best used.
4.1.2 Drilling technology
Drilling remains the standard exploration process in coal mapping and exploration. Allied to
this, wire line logging has improved to levels that can reduce exploration costs. Wireline
logging involves the analysis of boreholes by electronic means. Probes are lowered into
boreholes that can help define the raw quality of the coal and reveal important data about the
rock types around the seam that can yield useful rock mechanic data – such as joint spacing,
rock strength and so on – that can help mine design.
Wireline logging can reduce expensive coring by drilling, so that every sixth to eight hole can
be open-holed, which is much quicker and cheaper, being about one-third of the cost of cored
Wireline logging helps the understanding of the geology but still lacks the definition (in coal,
anyway) that can allow drilling to be significantly reduced. Drilling is usually undertaken by
coring, which is relatively slow and expensive, but recovers accurate samples for analysis.
Where possible, open holing is faster and cheaper but sampling is less accurate. Again, the
technology helps reserve definition but does not locate new deposits. Although progress has
been made, wireline logging does not provide data on the washability characteristics of the coal
seams. Although some costs can be saved by coring and physically analysing a certin number
of boreholes (usually one in four pr one in six), the technique remains excellent at identifying
core loss, seam thickness and basic coal qualities.
The area where drilling and exploration has developed is in the field of directional drilling.
Initially, coal exploration techniques where less interested in directional drilling as it has less
application. However, latest developments include Tight Radius Drilling (TRD) which allows
boreholes drilled from surface to the seam and then travel along the seam. Such techniques are
invaluable in locating faults and intrusions that are often vertical and sub-vertical in nature that
means traditional drilling will not locate them, although they may have a devastating impact on
long wall operations.
In seam drilling in coal mines has similarly advanced with better steering techniques and
longer distances achievable, but this is an exploration technique that is usually used in
conjunction with methane drainage and is undertaken from existing mines. In seam drilling
can be used to test areas of flooding and gas accumulation where old workings are known to
exist. The limitation is that drilling can only usually be carried out 1-2 kilometres ahead of the
4.1.3 Seismic technology
One of the attractions of opencast mining is the flexibility that the technique has compared to
the relatively rigid and inflexible longwall operations.
Planning longwall operations is complex and highly expensive business. Committing to such a
project is dependent on extensive exploration that is high cost owing to the typical depth that
longwall mines operate at - below 200m. Longwalls are not equipped to handle seam
discontinuities but locating them can be problematic. Seismic technology works either from
borehole to borehole, from surface to borehole or from in seam locations in underground
The concepts of seismic exploration in coal are still based in the oilfields technology. The
advances relate primarily to the computing and interpretation power. For exploration in
underground settings, such technology would rarely be used in mines planning bord and pillar
extraction because of the flexibility of the system to deal with changes in seam height and
minor faulting and dipping compared to longwall mines.
Multi-component seismology has received considerable attention in the petroleum sector.
Remarkable advances have been made in multi-component acquisition and processing in recent
years and there are a number of examples where converted-wave seismic techniques have
proven more successful than conventional seismic imaging methods. In contrast, there has
been little effort devoted to shallow, high-resolution converted-wave imaging in the coal
sector. This is despite the knowledge that coal seams generate particularly strong converted
2D seismic, at its best, has a resolution of ~5 metres at the depths under consideration,
and several lines are required to eliminate errors and improve the correlations for topography
and faulting. New lines, strategically placed along the target trajectory could improve accuracy
especially if these can be calibrated against the data from nearby exploratory boreholes. A
typical layout taken from an actual target site is shown in Diagram 3.
3D seismic survey technology is now available for the structural exploration of coal, in which
multiple linear arrays of geophones are located over the area and the source lines are shot at
right angles. This geometry produces a continuous geophysical image, with the following
• Improved resolution by a factor of three. At the target depths, faults as small as 2m can
be mapped in good seismic data areas.
• Miscorrelation of faults is almost eliminated.
• Faults can be located correctly irrespective of variations in seam dip.
These advantages have to be offset against the cost of 3D seismic surveys and the fact that a
minimum area of around 1-2km2 has to be surveyed.
Another innovation in seismic surveying, which might be useful for the assessment of seam
continuity and the detection of small faults is borehole-to-borehole seismic (BBS). A channel
seismic wave, created by detonation in a well at coal seam depth, is
detected in neighbouring boreholes by geophones. The original BBS method requires the
geophones to be cemented in an uncased hole (a costly procedure) but significant
developments now allow geophones to be attached to the casing to make the method more
acceptable. Detonation in wells will cause degradation, however, which could limit the further
use of the source well.
In designing the trajectory, the basic configuration common to the construction of all inseam
wells from the surface has three parts:
growth is expected to continue but at a slower rate than previously. This is because some of
the long-established supply countries are finding even maintaining productivities difficult and,
as reserves dwindle, more difficult coal to mine is being accessed.
The interesting point is that mines that operate in different countries produce coal at similar
costs, no matter what the productivity is. Australia is finding production costs rising due to
higher energy cost (because of the oil price) and high labour costs. The near term projects in
thermal coal that are due to come on stream in the next two to three years in Australia all
exhibit significantly higher costs than existing operations, with the lower cost new mines
having total FOB costs of over $30 per tonne.
South Africa, with productivities that are around one-third those of Australia, still produce
export coal at very similar costs. South Africa averages FOB costs of about $23 per tonne
(ranging from $19-$30 per tonne) whilst Australia averages $26 per tonne (range $19-$40).
These issues are important for any CCT plants that operate in Europe and much of Asia where
indigenous coal supply is not available.
South Africa has improved its coal mine productivities significantly over the years but this has
come at the cost of much higher wages, which effectively means production costs have
increased in line with declining employment.
DIAGRAM 6 – Employment in South African mines
Source: Chamber of Mines
This is not to suggest that productivity is not important, it is one method of reducing costs and
ensure profitability, but not the only one. It appears that countries like South Africa, Indonesia,
Colombia and eventually India, that have large and relatively poorly paid labour forces can
achieve productivities of between 6,000 tonnes per man per year (tppy) and 8,000 tppy.
Although India, currently with productivities of less than 1 tppy (underground) and 15 tppy
(opencast), will improve its productivities, it will be unlikely to eventually exceed levels seen
in other producers in South America or Africa.
4.2.2 Mining methods
There are four primary methods for mining coal:
• Opencast by dragline (or bucket wheel excavator)
• Opencast by truck and shovel
• Underground bord and pillar
• Underground longwall
Overall, opencast coal mining has improved faster and extraction rates maximised. This is due
• Increased availability of machines. Draglines, the primary method of moving
overburden and increased in size so that most use buckets of over 50m3 and boo lengths
of almost 100m. There are examples of much larger buckets but these are the
standards. Other equipment has also grown and haulers now carry over 300 tonnes
(although smaller, more flexible 100 tonne haulers are widely used) and shovels can
move up to 100 tonnes, although, again, smaller units are often preferred
• Truck and shovel operations, both removing overburden and mining coal are used
where the geology is more complex than is the case with the flat-lying seams that
draglines can exploit. By definition, such operations are more complex and tend to
have lower productivities.
Recent improvements in opencast mining include the introduction of far better
monitoring systems for machines, allowing operators to understand the machine’s
performance, utilisation and reason for delays and stoppages.
• Longwall productivity has improved with the advent of longer faces of up to 400m and
larger shearers that move faster and with improved cutting depths. This is allied to
wider and faster belts, up to and exceeding 60 inches. The only real risk with the
method, which is highly productive, is the incidence of faults and discontinuities which
disrupt the operation.
• Bord and pillar mining is usually undertaken in relatively shallow deposits unless the
pillars are later extracted. The mines use continuous miners and the coal is moved
either by shuttle cars or a continuous haulage system. Again, bigger machines mean
that coal faces of up to 5m or more can be cut in one pass and productivity has
improved as machine size and belt capacity has increased.
The concept that opencast mines are more productive is generally correct, with a factor of
20%-30% being common, in Diagram 7, of leading low cost coal exporters, it can be seen there
is a dominance of opencast operations.
Future long term reserves show that underground mining will continue to be at least as
common as opencast. A brief summary of the long term resources of major producing
countries is as follows:
• In South Africa, much of the future production will come from underground mines with
some opencast in the northern coal block of the Waterberg. However, its distance from
the port and possible new power plant sites that makes mining here more expensive.
• Indonesian production is almost all by opencast (truck and shovel) methods and this
will not change significantly in the near term. This is due to the faulting and steep seam
dips and soft roof and floor material.
• In Russia, coal will be mined by both opencast and underground methods in fairly equal
balances but much of the opencast coal will be lignitic in nature.
• The US has seen a considerable move to the thick, low quality coals of the west,
notably the Powder River Basin. These deposits have much higher productivities
owing the thick nature of the seams. The older mines of the east, notably the Central
Appalachian Basin have seen productivity declines from the mainly underground
operations. However, the move to the western coals – much of which is railed east –
was caused by the Clean Air Act. After 2018, all power plants in US will have sulphur
scrubbers and other environmental equipment fitted which will prompt moves back to
Northern Appalachian and Illinois Basin coals that are currently difficult to burn whilst
adhering to emission limits.
Mine Country Exports Total
Blair Athol O/C Australia 11.4 18.4
South Witbank U/G South Africa 2.1 18.6
Sebuku O/C Indonesia 2.6 19.2
Mandiri Intiperkasa O/C Indonesia 0.6 19.8
Twistdraai U/G South Africa 7.6 20.4
Bengalla O/C Australia 4.7 20.6
Berau O/C Indonesia 6.9 20.6
Kangjiatan U/G China 5.5 20.7
Yujialiang U/G China 6.1 20.7
Greenside U/G South Africa 2.5 20.8
Shangwan U/G China 2.8 21.0
Jembayan (Separi) O/C Indonesia 1 21.0
Middelburg O/C South Africa 6.6 21.0
Drayton O/C Australia 2.9 21.2
Dahaize U/G China 0.9 21.2
Witcons U/G South Africa 1.2 21.4
Daliuta-Huojitu U/G China 8.3 21.4
Beltana No.1 U/G Australia 2.9 21.4
Douglas O/C South Africa 3.6 21.5
Loa Janan O/C Indonesia 3.2 21.5
Kaltim Prima O/C Indonesia 22.2 21.6
New Clydesdale U/G South Africa 0.8 21.6
Phoenix U/G South Africa 0.9 22.0
Kideco Jaya Agung O/C Indonesia 12 22.1
Wulanmulun U/G China 1.4 22.2
Koornfontein U/G South Africa 4.8 22.4
New Clydesdale O/C South Africa 0.8 22.4
Jorong Barutama Greston O/C Indonesia 2.1 22.5
Optimum O/C South Africa 6.3 22.5
La Loma O/C Colombia 22.1 22.8
• Australia will see over 120 million tonnes of new production, both thermal and coking
coal coming on line by 2010. Of this, over 40 Mtpa is due by 2008 and about 70% will
be opencast. The trend will continue but it is likely that more mines will be a
combination of opencast and underground, using underground methods accessed from
the highwall, when strip ratios increase to a level that makes continued opencast mining
• Colombia and Venezuela will continue to increase expansion but this will be primarily
by opencast methods
• China has extensive coal resources but they are increasingly deep. It is believed that
little open-castable resource remains and most reserves are very deep. This suggests
that China will lead such technologies as underground gasification that allows the
energy to be captured without mining being needed.
DIAGRAM 8 – Chinese coal resources by depths
Source: Pan, Fudan University
Currently, about 40% of the world’s coal is produced by opencast methods and this will move
towards parity in the future. This will be because increased production from Colombia and
Venezuela, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Vietnam will partially replace deep mined coal from
Europe and, after 2015, from South Africa. Mine extraction factors
In terms of extraction rates, opencast operations are considered to be operating at a rate that is
realistically as high as possible. Mines are carefully designed to minimise any losses during
extraction. Most opencast mines are less than 100m deep but they can be deeper in a multiple
seam environment.
Better and larger equipment (and therefore lower costs), with higher coal prices will allow
more seams to be mined by opencast methods where strip ratios are high (usually over 10:1,
but this is variable). The equipment benefits will do little to extract more coal nor improve
extraction factors as these are already about 85%. Coal that is left is usually too thin to be
extracted economically and it is difficult to imagine the criteria currently applied changing
More opportunities lie in the underground sector. Bord and pillar operations, by definition,
usually leave pillars behind to act as a primary means of support for the overlying strata.
Whilst suitable for shallow deposits, the extraction factor declines with increasing depth and
seam thickness. For many South African deposits, underground operations are typically 30-
60m deep with seam thickness of 3-6m. This means extraction factors are usually between
50% and 70%. At depths towards 100m, the relatively thick seams mean that extraction factors
drop below 50%, which is usually uneconomic. Bord and pillar operations can be laid out to
extract pillars after mining and allowing the roof to collapse ( a technique known as stooping).
In countries like South Africa, the thick seams mean the surface disturbance under total
extraction would be too significant. The surface land use would be badly affected, especially
as the crops growth rely on perched water tables that will be destroyed during the ground
caving. Therefore, few South African mines were laid out for stooping, where pillars are left
larger than necessary to aid productivity during the removal process.
However, more operations are looking at pillar extraction by opencast methods. This may
allow the exploitation of an estimated two billion tonnes of relatively high quality coal but it
usually requires a power station to take the low quality coal and sophisticated washing plant to
be economic.
Bord and pillar mining is more flexible than longwall mining and is better equipped to deal
with discontinuities. However, the move from drill and blast techniques to continuous miners
has meant the exploitation of thicker seams (over 6m) is more problematic. This is because
roof bolting (a secondary roof support system) is difficult at such heights.
Longwall mining is a method that allows a considerable amount of the coal in a reserve to be
extracted – typically, well over 80% is extracted. The coal is mined by a shearer operating
under protective shields. In search of higher productivities, face lengths have increased and
now are up to 400m.
Most longwalls operate in seam thicknesses up to 5m and at depths down to 1000m below
surface. The typical configuration is a double-ended ranging shearer (DERDS) that has two
cutting wheels that ensure the full seam is removed in a single pass.
Above 5m thick, it is more problematic to remove all the coal as the face can become unstable
at such seam thicknesses. For such seams, there are options to use a multi-slice technique
where the process effectively repeats the single pass system. The diagrams below represent the
options which are either to backfill the mined area with sand to allow the machinery to operate
on the sand:
This method may allow a single longwall to operate cyclically, but there are options (although
rare) that allow several machines to move in sequence, with either a coal roof or an artificial
Finally, some systems use a top coal caving system, often used in thicker coal seams in China.
Here, the initial operation uses a conventional system and allows the top coal that cannot be cut
to collapse and be captured by belt conveyance systems:
DIAGRAMS 11 – Longwall Top Coal Caving
Source: DBT
The Chinese industry had reported average production rates of 15,000 to 20,000 tpd from an
LTCC face; up to 75% recovery of 8m+ thick seams using a 3m operating height longwall; and
+5 MTPA face production. There are now well over 70 LTCC faces in China. A new semi-
automated 300m long LTCC face was installed at the Xinglongzhuang Colliery of the
Yankuang Group, in Shandong Province, in August, 2001, with production capacities of at
least 7MTPA.
Hydraulic Mining (HM) is simply the practice of using dynamic water pressure to break coal
from the seams.
There is, therefore, every reason to suppose that the extraction of thick underground seams can
improve. Although longwall mining has a certain inflexibility with varying seam widths, the
basic extraction factor is much higher than bord and pillar operations and thick seam
improvements and the use of continuous miners in remnant coal areas where longwalls cannot
work will see overall extraction factors increase.
4.3 Utilisation of coal mine methane (CMM)
4.3.1 Potential for Coal Mine Methane Extraction and Utilisation
For the coal industry, methane is a nuisance and a safety hazard. As mining technologies
advanced to allow for extraction of coal from deeper seams, it became more and more essential
for mine safety to come up with technologies to remove this gas. At first mines used
ventilation systems to dilute and remove methane, but with gassier conditions boreholes were
drilled to remove the methane at medium and high concentrations. Starting more than 50 years
ago a few coal mines used some of this gas for local heating purposes. With mines increasing
in depth, by the 1960’s and 70’s technologies developed to more effectively drain gas which
was necessary in order to allow for some of the deeper, gassier coal seams to be mined. The
more recent recognition that methane is a greenhouse gas is now stimulating further policy and
commercial interest harnessing this gas as a low-cost emission reduction option.
What impact might coal mine methane have on clean coal energy supply? And more
importantly for this relatively small energy resource, what impact may it have on abating
carbon emissions? This section of the report attempts to provide a general overview of the
issues and opportunities in coal mine methane.
4.3.2 Description of resource
Coal mine methane (CMM) is a subset of coalbed methane (CBM). CBM is formed during
coalification, the process that transforms plant material into coal. Most CBM is found in coals
that probably will never be exploited, but CBM is now a major unconventional source of
natural gas.
Coal mine methane is the coalbed methane released due to mining. If not used, this methane,
which is a potent greenhouse gas, is typically vented to the atmosphere. CMM resources at the
macro-scale should be viewed as the projected emissions from mining, as CMM is dependent
on mining, and thus the maximum amount of available gas is the amount liberated during
mining. Reserves of CMM can be calculated by taking the average emissions per tonne of coal
mined and multiplying it by coal reserves.
There is no comprehensive and consistent database of CMM reserves and they are difficult to
estimate, but current attention to methane emissions from coal mining gives an indication of
the potential, with the greatest potential found in the centres of underground coal mining:
China, the U.S., and the Former Soviet Union. Using emissions projections for 2010 prepared
by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) one can assume that between 25 and
60% of total emissions of 28.6 billion cubic meters (BCM) may be produced from gas drainage
wells, giving a global projected consumable gas production level for 2010 of between 7 and 17
While there are a number of CMM projects that are significant energy projects, the energy
resource is two orders of magnitude smaller than coal and natural gas. Multiplying the 60%
potential gas production level of 17 BCM by the coal reserve/production ratio gives coal mine
methane a maximum potential “reserve” of 2,635 BCM – significant but not sufficient to
transform global energy supply and demand.
Attention to this resource is paid because of the emission reduction potential. This is
significant with year 2010 emissions estimated at over 400 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
The deployment of technologies to use the remaining emitted methane is rapidly developing
and will be discussed later.
Emissions of CMM in the EU-27 are relatively small, with in 2005 an estimated 40.8 million
tonnes of CO2 equivalent principally from Poland, Germany, the UK, and the Czech Republic.
The greatest emitters are China (136 million tonnes CO2e), the United States (55), and the
Former Soviet Union (59).
When mine ventilation systems cannot safely remove the methane released during mining, coal
operators drill into the coal seam or adjacent volumes to drain a gas with higher concentrations
of methane.
Advances in directional drilling are the most important for CMM applications. Directional
drilling for mine degasification developed during the 1980’s, with the application of steer-able
motors and precision borehole survey systems to drain gas from within a mine’s coal panels
developed for mining. These horizontal boreholes can extend in excess of 5000 feet (1500
meters). The results of horizontal drilling are lower in situ gas contents and the produced gas
can be at or near pipeline quality, making its sale or direct use attractive.
Drilling and completion technologies adapted from the oil and gas industry, most commonly
the drilling of vertical wells from the surface and hydraulic fracturing of the coal seams has
been used, especially in the U.S., to remove a significant proportion of methane from coal
seams in advance of mining.
Surface directional drilling into coal seams is a newer application for CMM. This technique
can from a single site produce gas over a large area. Compared to in-mine directional drilling,
this technique eliminates the need for in-mine access to the coal and facilities that interfere
with mining, and no piping of the gas to the surface is required. The coals can also be drained
for a longer period of time into coals further in advance of mining, which results in higher
production levels. CDX Gas first developed a surface directional drilling program at the
Pinnacle Mine in West Virginia, with reports of 80-90% of all gas recovered in a two-three
year period. These technologies have also been applied by Mitchell Drilling drain CMM in
Most of these innovations in CMM production have taken place in the U.S. or Australia, and to
date there has been relatively little commercial activity applying these technologies to other
countries. Often attempts are thwarted by the low permeability of many coals compared to
those experienced in the U.S. and Australia. The exception is China, where the use of vertical
frac wells, and in-mine and surface directional drilling techniques to drain gas in advance of
mining has been or is being introduced. The Chinese government has announced that, because
of the coal industry’s poor safety record and with thousands of fatalities resulting from
methane explosions, it will invest 3 billion RMB (€300 million) into mine safety, especially
methane drainage systems.
4.3.4 CMM utilisation developments
Because of the poor quality of much of the methane liberated from coal mines, which is to a
great extent due to the lack of progress in introducing advanced methane drainage
technologies, downstream technologies have been developed to either improve the quality of
the gas or find means of viably using the low quality gas. The technological challenges depend
on the gas quality: medium quality gas streams (25 – 90% methane) either need to be processed
to increase concentration to pipeline qualities (96%+) or technologies that can use this gas
must be developed or adapted; ventilation air (<1% methane) has significantly fewer markets
but, as the largest source of methane, significant advances are underway to harness this energy. Using Medium Quality CMM
Medium quality CMM frequently originates from gas drainage of the “gob,” the mined out
areas that are usually contaminated with large volumes of air from the working areas of the
Also, some gas drained from coal panels (which typically is a high quality gas) faces
significant reductions in methane concentration from leaks in the standpipe and in the pipeline
to the surface.
Medium quality CMM may be used for local heating and cooking uses, or for the production of
power. So long as the gas is at or above 25 – 30% methane concentrations, it is safe to use and
poses few technical challenges, so long as the quality remains reasonably consistent. However,
much of the medium quality gas can fluctuate in both quantity of supply and concentration. It
also may contain harmful contaminants (such as water vapour, calcium, coal dust, etc.) that
threaten the operation of gas engines or turbines for power production.
The alternative to finding direct uses that work for medium quality CMM is to improve the
quality of the gas, whose principal contaminant is nitrogen. A number of different systems are
on offer to remove the nitrogen and other contaminants, but these to date have been only
applied in the U.S., where drainage technologies produce higher quality and quantity of gas
making the incremental costs of upgrading competitive. At concentrations below 70%
methane alternative uses are more competitive. Harnessing Ventilation Air Methane
An estimated 17 billion cubic meters of methane is vented to the atmosphere from ventilation
shafts, the greenhouse emissions equivalent of approximately 240 million tonnes of CO2.
Because of the low concentrations of all this gas, until recently attention has been placed on
recovering and using the medium and high quality CMM. The first commercial use of
ventilation air methane (VAM), however, was in 1995 when an Australian colliery introduced
a slipstream of ventilation air as combustion air into 54 one-MWel engines that operate on
drained CMM. This approach however is limited by its dependence on having a large
combustion source near ventilation shafts.
DIAGRAM 16 – Global emissions of methane from mine ventilation shafts (Mt CO2 equivalent)
Source: US EPA, 2003
One of the more robust technologies, flow reversal reactors can use up to 100 percent of all the
methane from ventilation shafts, and the by-product, heat, may be used for the production of
power or to satisfy local heating needs. These technologies employ the principle of
regenerative heat exchange between a gas and a solid bed of heat exchange medium [see
diagram 14]. Based on laboratory and field experience, flow reversal reactors may sustain
operation with ventilation air with methane concentrations as low as 0.15%. Several
demonstrations of flow reversal reactor technologies are making this approach ready for
commercial deployment.
Key alternative means of using ventilation air that have not yet been commercialised but are
being developed and demonstrated include putting VAM into lean fuel turbines, rotary coal
fired kilns, and into thermal and catalytic flow reversal reactors.
Attention to coal mine methane has grown as concern has escalated for reducing greenhouse
gas emissions. While compared to CBM the energy resource is small, CMM projects find their
real value in the new greenhouse gas emissions markets.
DIAGRAM 18 – Marginal cost of abating CMM emissions by region
Source: US EPA, 2005
A separate, technology specific analysis of the costs of reducing ventilation air methane
emissions, shown below in Diagram 16, estimates that approximately 200 million tons CO2
equivalent emissions could be reduced for less than $3.80/t (€3.20/t).
The rapid growth in demand for project-based emissions reductions, coupled with the low
marginal cost of CMM projects, is resulting in a flurry of interest in CMM, especially in
countries like China, Russia, and elsewhere. Barriers to implementing projects include unclear
ownership/legal resource rights, delays in creation of frameworks for approving emission
reduction credits, country investment risks along with the relatively small scale of most
projects mean that not all of the theoretically economic projects will be implemented, but the
trend clearly is for a rapid development of the global coal mine methane resource.
DIAGRAM 19 – Global marginal cost curve for reducing methane emissions from coal mines
Source: US EPA, 2003
Underground coal gasification (UCG), uniquely, is gasification and a coal extract process
combined into one step. A gasification process, in its widest sense, is the conversion of a fossil
fuel to a gaseous product with a useful calorific value, whereas a coal extraction process is the
winning of the coal from the earth’s crust for energy conversion to useful heat, power or
chemical manufacturing.
UCG, in other words, is the equivalent of a conventional mining and surface gasification
without the disadvantages of coal handling, underground working or the need for a high-cost
surface reactor. It is also a process with the potential to go deeper and access more coal
resource than conventional mining, thereby increasing the world’s coal reserve.
UCG is simply the gasification of coal in situ, and the reactions between oxygen, water and the
coal are indistinguishable from those in a surface gasifier. A series of wells are required to
access the coal, inject the oxidants and transfer the UCG product gas back to surface. The
concept is deceptively simple and low cost although controlling the process, and producing a
reliable and consistent gas has been the focus of development for many years. The main issue
is whether the same gasification reactions can be made to work under the very different and
geologically constrained conditions of the coal seam.
Since World War 2, the Soviets, Americans, Europeans and Asians have each had their periods
of intense study of UCG and in some cases limited commercialisation. Most of the early
projects, say before 1990, were eventually halted because security of supply had eased or
natural gas prices were simply to low for UCG to compete.
The large body of evidence now built up from trials and commercial UCG operations shows
that UCG can offer a viable commercial process to compete with surface gasification
technologies. Syngas from UCG can be produced, almost certainly, at lower cost than surface
This section has been complied with the assistance of an associate company, UCG Engineering Ltd.
gasification under the right conditions. The calorific value of the gas from the surface and
underground processes are comparable, and gas composition is very similar.
4.4.1 Description of UCG resource
UCG may be a viable approach to extending global coal reserves, as it is possible to extract
coal using UCG to greater depths and in situations where geological circumstances limit mine-
ability. World coal resources have been estimated at around 6,000 BT4, whereas the latest
figures for proven coal reserve are 910 Bt5. This suggests that only 15% of resources are
thought to be economically suitable for mining at current coal prices.
The only country where a UCG reserve assessment has been carried out, the UK showed a 17-
fold increase in recoverable reserves if UCG was employed instead of mining. This indicates
that the coal resource for UCG is 16.8 Bt out of a total estimated resource of 165 Bt, i.e. about
10% of the total coal resource is suitable for UCG. A country by country breakdown of the
coal resource does not exist but is likely to vary considerably, as both economics and the
ability to judge the total coal resource will be different in each case. In the absence of further
data, we will assume that the additional coal reserve available for UCG is related to the proven
reserve of each country by the formula:
Additional country reserve for UCG (Bt) = Proven County Reserve (Bt) x 6000/910 x 10%.
This is probably an underestimate of the UCG resource, but on a world basis the estimate
amounts to an additional 600 Bt of coal, over and above the 910 Bt of proven coal reserve for
mining, this is equivalent to an increase in reserve of 66%.
If UCG is employed to produce gas, the resource may exceed natural gas resources. The total
volume gas available from the estimated UCG reserves for the leading countries studied is
6,900 Tcf (194 Tcm). This compares with a proven world gas reserve (BP statistical review
2006) of 6,300 Tcf (180 Tcm).
World Energy Council, Survey of Energy Resources, Coal (incl. Lignite):
EIA 2005 estimated worldwide recoverable reserves:
4.4.2 Summary of the energy and gas potential of UCG for key countries
The potential to add to proven global gas reserves by considering UCG is remarkable, as the
below table demonstrates.
This comparison, however, between proven gas reserves and UCG potential is a bit
speculative. The (proven) natural gas reserves represent the amount of gas that can be extracted
with current technologies and at current price levels, whereas the UCG reserves express an
amount of gas that could be potentially extracted with current and near-future technologies,
without taking into account the cost component. Several independent cost estimates have been
conducted, and are discussed in Section 4.4.5 below.
4.4.3 Comparison of UCG and Natural Gas Reserves UCG Technology
UCG in its simplest form consists of a coal seam and two boreholes, one for injecting gases
and the other to remove the gaseous products, as seen below.
A gasification cavity develops between the boreholes, in which the coal is gasified, the
products migrate towards the production well and the solid products, char and ash are left in
the cavity. In this simple arrangement, the ability of the coal to transport gases controls the
reaction, but one of the problems is that coal permeability is generally low and notoriously
unpredictable. The practical questions of ignition, cavity growth, and control of the process
also have to be addressed.
The chemical processes of coal gasification are complex. The reactions take place at the
surface of the coal and in the gaseous phase and include pyrolysis, partial oxidation and
A description by Higman, et al6 of the basic stages and kinetics of surface gasification apply
equally well to the underground process and can be summarised as follows:
• Drying of the solid carbonaceous material and the production of water vapour.
• De-volatilisation at low temperature to drive off the lower hydrocarbons, tars etc.
• Reactions with the surface to form CO2, CO and H2.
• The methanation reaction, again at surface to form methane from carbon and hydrogen.
• A set of reversible reactions in the gaseous phase, dependent on temperature to
effectively balance or move the composition of the gas towards equilibrium.
The particle size, the degree of mixing, temperature and pressure, the oxygen/ steam ratio, and
of course the chemical and physical structure of the feedstock will all have an influence on the
form and composition of the product gas.
The four basic reactions of gasification involving the solid carbon are:
C + O2 CO2 (combustion reaction – 394MJ/kmol)
C+ CO2 2CO (boudouard reaction +120MJ/kmol)
C + H2O H2 + CO (water gas shift reaction +125MJ/kmole)
C + 2H2 CH4 (hydrogenation reaction - 67MJ/kmole)
Above the surface of the carbon, the reactions with free oxygen are essentially complete under
gasification conditions, and the syngas reaches equilibrium by two further gaseous reactions:
CO + H2O H2 + CO2 (shift reaction -41MJ/kmol)
CH4+ H2O 3H2 + CO2 (steam reforming reaction +206MJ/kmol)
The exploration and production of oil and gas has stimulated massively the development of
drilling and completion. The drilling of lateral boreholes over distances of several kilometers in
very deep wells, the use of completion tubulars for sour and high temperature gas and the
technology for steering have all advanced rapidly. Research projects underway around the
world are surveyed later in this section.
4.4.4 Commercial potential of UCG
UCG products may be viewed as desireable compared to conventional coal because they are
less carbon intensive. The gaseous UCG products are well suited to the more efficient
combined cycle for power generation. The UCG emission of CO2 per unit of electricity is
0.8tonnes/MWhe, which is comparable with that produced by surface gasification in an
integrated gas combined cycle (IGCC) plant and is some 18% lower than modern thermal
plant. By comparison natural gas has about half the emissions of coal gasification. A switch to
UCG from modern coal-fired plant is therefore a significant step towards carbon abatement for
the coal lifecycle, before CO2 capture and storage is even considered.
Gasification, C Higman, M Van der Burgt, Elsevier Science, ISBN 0-7506-7707-4, 2003
Coal -modern Coal -IGCC UCG - CCGT Nat.Gas - CCGT
The effect of progressive CO2 capture on the emissions per MWhe produced is shown in the
below figure. The scope for optimising the capture process is considerable, and emissions
already low for coal can be reduced to those of natural gas combined cycle (CCGT) or
removed to a level approaching renewable energy.
CO2 capture
0.8 In product gas
0.4 Reform+Shift
Coal -modern Coal -IGCC Nat.Gas - Renewables
thermal CCGT
DIAGRAM 22 – Comparisons of CO2 emissions from UCG and conventional power plant
(assume 90% capture efficiency)
Source: DTI leaflet on UCG, 2002
The gas produced from UCG, after clean-up is perfectly suitable for industrial heating, the
firing of steaming raising plant or co-firing in a power station. The first level of CO2 removal
raises the CV to about 19MJ/m3, which is half that of natural gas and similar both to
manufactured city gas, which was distributed by the gas utilities before natural gas was
introduced. Several of the trial sites in China distribute UCG gas, after rudimentary
processing, to the local communities for cooking and heating.
Of great interest for sequestration projects is the fact that UCG doesn’t take out all the coal; it
burns flame paths 30m wide that leave coal behind in between. A rolling programme of UCG
gasification along a coal seam would leave highly porous cavities and stressed strata in its
wake. As these areas cool down, the abandoned cavities would be accessed by directional
drilling or through the existing production boreholes. CO2 would then be injected at high
pressure for storage and retention. For permanent CO2 sequestration, the depth and strata
conditions must be suitable; this is an area for further investigation.
Coal gasification, both surface and in-seam, is at the forefront of cleaner coal technology.
Utilisation of the product gas in combined-cycle gas turbines can provide significantly higher
generation efficiencies, the gas can be cleaned and CO2 capture from Syngas using amine
solutions is a well-proven technology.
The CO2 capture and sequestration option is now a topic of major research interest around the
world. The US DOE has embarked on a large programme to support its "Pathway to
Stabilisation" Scenarios
Independent cost analyses, performed in the UK and Australia, both indicate that UCG is
competitive at prevailing energy prices. UK DTI Cost Estimate
The UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) standard methodology for the assessment of
the Cost of Electricity (COE p/kWh) from fossil fuel processes7 was used together with the
UCG assumptions for a scoping study of UCG, and UCG with CO2 capture and storage (CCS).
The results of the UCG analysis are summarised below.
CO2 Capture and Storage – A win-win option, FES Report, No ED 01806012
AEA Tech plc, May 2003
Cost of Electricity p/kWh
Case No CO2 Full/Partial CO2 Comments
Capture Capture
Scale-scale UCG (50MW) – power
UCG 3.2 -
plant on same site
Medium-scale UCG (300MWe)
UCG 1.9 3.5/2.0
UCG station remote from power plant
IGCC(1) 2.3 2.9 Study by Jacobs Consultancy8
Early IEA study on capture options
IGCC(2) 3.2 4.5
Recent IEA study of CO2 capture
IGCC(3) 2.8 3.4
Natural Gas – Gas
Standard case (2002) for NG
Turbine Combined 2.0 2.8
combined cycle11
Cycle (GTCC)
DIAGRAM 23 – Cost of electricity for power generation with and without CO2 capture
Source: DTI leaflet on UCG, 2002
The above costs for the no capture case indicate that electricity production costs for UCG is
comparable with Gas Turbine Combined Cycle (GTCC) at 2002 UK gas prices. Furthermore,
natural gas prices to UK power producers12 have increased by over 50% since 2002, which
suggests that UCG would be significantly cheaper at present prices.
Coal fired Integrated Gas Combined Cycle (IGCC) costs are less certain and the three studies
to date show a wide variation in likely costs both with and without CO2 capture. On the basis
of these estimates, the base case for UCG is at the lower end of the IGCC estimates for no
capture, and in the middle of the range for power production with CO2 capture. CSIRO Cost Study
The recent economic assessment of UCG by CSIRO13, Australia also compared electricity
production costs for UCG and IGCC, under the energy supply conditions and costs in
Australia. The assessment suggests that costs range from significantly lower to about the same
level as surface gasification, depending on the effectiveness of the UCG process as defined by
“good” and “bad”. Of greater significance, is the fact that CO2 capture is much more cost
effective with UCG than surface gasification.
The difference between this result and that of those of the DTI is that the CSIRO study
considered pre-combustion capture for CO2 removal, whereas the DTI study only included
post-gasification capture in the flue gases.
Carbon Capture & Storage Gasification Assessment for DTI Cleaner Fuels Programme, Dec 2002
Options for the capture of CO2 emissions at power stations, IEA GHG Report PH3/14, February, 2000.
Coal Power Plants with CO2 capture: the IGCC option 7th IChemE Gasification Conference, May 2004.
DTI report: Options for a low-Carbon Future, September, 2005
Average prices of fuels to UK power producers , DTI Quarterly Energy Price Survey, June2005
UCG: Evaluating Environmental Barriers, Exploration and Mining Report, CSIRO August 2004, currently unpublished
Coal Coal Air Coal Surface "Good" UCG "Bad" UCG -
Conventional blown UCG Gasification oxygen fired oxygen fired
UCG is mainly relevant to countries with indigenous coal resources. The three main centres of
present activity on UCG are China, Australia and Europe. Others with an interest are India,
South Africa, Indonesia, Pakistan, and the US.
Around the world, there are about a dozen field trials underway or being actively planned.
These include a privately-funded project in Chinchilla, Australia, involving the production of
gas from a deposit of high shallow ash, with the planned installation of a 30-40 MW power
station; the installation by several mining companies working with the Beijing Mining Institute
of inseam gasifiers in various shallow deposits starting in 1985; a commercial project at
Yushno-Abinsk in Siberia producing a medium CV gas for heating and s steam for electrical
generation; and a series of programmes (“Rocky Mountain”) undertaken in the USA under the
direction of the US Department of Energy, the Gas Institute, and several petroleum companies
between 1978 and 1990. In addition, feasibility studies are being initiated in various countries.
Several new commercial plants are in the planning stage around the world.
In the emerging countries, UCG is seen as a potential source of low-cost gas for distribution
and power generation, whereas developed countries are interested in its potential for high
efficiency power generation, CTL and UCG-CCS. Individual countries are now considered in
The leading regions, for exploitation of UCG, are: China
China has probably the lead market for UCG, and the greatest incentive, with few alternatives
to meet its power and liquid hydrocarbon requirements. It is also well ahead already in
establishing a technology base for UCG, although State intervention could help or hinder its
To date construction of in-seam gasifiers in China involves the use of underground mining
methods. The Chinese UCG work has involved some 16 trials in shallow coal in various
mining companies, and the programme is supported by the Centre for Underground Mining and
Technology (CUMT), which has extensive laboratory facilities, including a 4m long test
chamber for the simulation of underground tests. Not much is known about the success of the
programme, apart from a few test results.
The State oil company, Petrochina is starting a deep-seam UCG field trial leading to
commercial production in Liaoning Province, North East China. Seismic surveying and drilling
for oil had identified a thick seam of deep lignite, which might be suitable for the UCG trial. Australia
Local and Federal governments are favourable to UCG, and Australia has had a high profile
project (Chinchilla) to establish a position in the technology, which is closest to
commercialisation. The internal market for UCG syngas, however, is limited, and the case for
UCG in Australia rests largely on developing an export market for gas-to-liquids (GTL).
The most reported project from Australia is the privately funded UCG trial project at
Chinchilla site located west of Brisbane. An independent company using expertise and
technicians from the former Soviet Union operated a trial for 30 months in shallow high ash
coal. The trial produced over 80M Nm3of gas with a CV of around 5MJ/ m3 until the plant was
mothballed in 2003. Commercialisation of the technology both at Chinchilla and elsewhere
around the world is now being considered.
The latest plan for Chinchilla, announced in August 2005, involves the installation of a 30-40
MW power plant which will provide electricity to local markets. The second commercial phase
of the Chinchilla project includes a 17,000-barrel-per-day Syntroleum CTL plant and an
expansion of the power plant.
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) have been doing
research on UCG since the late 1990s, and classed the topic as a priority flagship project in
2003, which enables them to undertake additional studies of hydrogeology, process modelling,
economics and public perception issues. Europe
Europe is becoming increasing dependent on imported fuels as North Sea oil and gas reserves
diminish. Economic reserves are relatively small, but there are vast quantities of deeper coal
that could be exploited using UCG, if required. There is potential for UCG exploitation in most
of Eastern Europe, although Poland and Ukraine have by far the largest reserves, but there is
little interest so far. The UK coal resources, both on and off shore are the largest coal
resources in Europe. UCG development has been identified as probably the only method by
which the resource could be exploited in the short to medium term.
The UK has undertaken feasibility analysis for a deep UCG project under the Firth of Forth,
has the technical and service industry support to create a UCG industry, and has already done
much of the required environmental, economic and site evaluation feasibility work.
There are various reports from time to time of UCG investigations under consideration in
Eastern European countries, like Ukraine, Bulgaria and Hungary. The most significant was a
feasibility study by the Velenje Mining Company of Slovenia, into the possibility of UCG as a
method of exploiting a large unexploited area of thick lignite.
Finally, Statoil of Norway has been interested in the possibility of offshore UCG as a long term
option. They have recently mapped the coal deposits around the Norwegian coast.
Freight markets are difficult to predict in the long term (over five years) because the market is
essentially a physical balance between ship numbers and availabilities and the number of ships
that are required. Bulk carriers are getting larger and the rise of freight rates in 2002 and 2003
were created by very high demand (mainly from iron ore and metallurgical coal to China) and
ship shortages that have since been largely corrected by new ship build.
Just as the coal market has its drivers to determine availability and price, so the freight market
has its own drivers that determine the costs. When the ship market is oversupplied compared
to the freight to be moved, the cost is defined by the cheapest ships – the oldest, with fully
depreciated costs. However, the market moves quickly as this will establish a new, lower
freight rate.
Recent markets have shown that when there is a ship shortage there is no real ceiling against
which prices are fixed. Steam coal and iron ore remain the dominant commodities but the
change from thirty years ago is that at that time these two materials constituted nearly all the
dry bulk market.
5.1.1 Fleet Structure
There are about 6,200 bulk carriers in the world and these are summarised below. It is
becoming conventional to consider vessels up to 100,000 tonnes as Panamaxes as the vessel
configuration allows them to transit the Panama Canal.
DIAGRAM 26 – Size distribution of bulk carrier fleet
Source: Energy Edge
The fleet age is determined by economics. There have been moves to increase bulk carrier
safety by attempting to introduce a double-hull requirement but this has been rejected by the
International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
The critical issue is the size of the fleet that is older than 25 years old. It can be seen that of the
ship sizes, only a significant number of Handysize (up to 40,000dwt) vessels are in this
category. The Capesize fleet, which carries the majority of the coal and iron ore cargoes, is
very young, with three-quarters being less than fifteen years old.
5.1.2 Fleet Outlook
Although this outlook considers developments in the years ahead, it should be remembered that
the market tends to be driven by very short-term factors that are often difficult to predict.
Limited elasticity in feet supply and factors such as high port queuing levels mean that there is
little to stop rates from rising sharply. This occurred in late 2003 when the daily rate for
Capesize vessels rose from $10,000 per day to well over ten times that figure.
In terms of the order book for new vessels, the current level is about double that seen in 2002; a
pre-cursor and primary factor in the subsequent high freight rates that prevailed in 2003 and
2004. The current and historical order books are shown in Diagram 17. It can be seen that
Capesize vessels make up the bulk of the new build.
We think this is important. Analysis shows that significant numbers of Capesize vessels and
Panamax vessels will enter the market in the next two years. The trend is to bigger ships and
bigger ports, with central hubs in key destinations that may see faster turn around times.
This is reflected in the delivery schedule for the new build vessels. It shows that a large
number of Panamax vessels are due for delivery in the next two years. This is because during
the 2003 – 2004 freight boom, the Capesize vessels were fully occupied and this fact then
threw a large portion of work onto Panamax vessels. It raises the issue of whether sufficient
Capes are being built and if not this could throw more demand on larger Panamaxes
However, scrapping levels are low, almost non-existing in Capes in the last few years:
The surge in production as discussed elsewhere has been driven by China. Growth in Chinese
crude steel production was around 33% between 1995 and 2000 but achieved an astonishing
175% in the period from 2000 to 2005 which is an annual average of a 22%. The first six
months of 2006 indicate growth is still running at 18% but may just be slowing. Despite all the
pronouncements by the Chinese government many of their plans to cool this demand have
failed to deliver the promised results. However the forecast beyond 2006 is for the demand for
iron ore to grow at a more measured pace in line with the forecast GDP growth of 9% or
approximately half of today’s number. Global iron ore demand is hovering around 7% but we
anticipate this will decline in 2010 and 2011 to about 3%.
Global ore demand has also sustained the tightness in scrap availability. Ore cannot be recycled
as scrap until it has been through its steel life cycle, which is some 10 to 15 years (or longer)
into the future. As a result it is ore that must eventually satisfy the majority of the forecast
growth in steel production. The recent growth in steel production and the rise of scrap
consuming electric mills have effectively eliminated the scrap that had been stockpiled around
the world. Additional steel capacity will be skewed towards ore consuming techniques,
whether it is blast furnaces or the use of hot briquetted iron (HBI) and direct reduced iron
The tables overleaf reflect a voyage rates forecast to 2010. Beyond that, considerable
uncertainty exists due to lack of building orders and market risks that exists. However, we
believe that little change from 2010 to 2011 will be seen as rates have declined by 2010 to
historic levels
TABLE 5 – Indicative Panamax voyage rates – US dollars/tonnes
Source: Galbraiths
6.1.1 Introduction
To understand the long term outlook for coal supply and demand, it is necessary to consider
market drivers, of which the behaviour of power markets is the single most important factor,
because such a high percentage of coal produced is used in this area.
Our outlook focuses on conventional coal supply; excluding the potential of underground coal
gasification or coal mine methane. As noted in the sections of the report focussed on UCG and
CMM, UCG has the potential to provide vast quantities of energy, whereas CMM, although
contributing to energy supply, is principally interesting because it is a low cost means of
reducing greenhouse emissions.
Key elements in future global supply and demand are productivity gains in mining and
improved efficiency in combustion. As discussed in section 3.2.1, productivity growth per
man and year is expected to continue. As to power generation, average world coal combustion
efficiency in power stations approximates 32 %, while state of the art modern plant operates at
42% to 45%. Advanced clean coal combustion technologies promise efficiencies of 50 to 53 %.
As new plants penetrate the market, efficiencies will rise and potentially dampen growth.
The World Energy Council estimates that by 2030, 72% of world coal-based power plants use
advanced technologies with efficiency at 49 to 50%. Whilst this may, in theory, suggest coal
demand will decrease it is likely that advanced plant will reinforce coal’s traditional
competitive advantages in terms of cost and supply characteristics that may result in declining
market share being reversed.
6.1.2 Coal Quality
We have assessed the coal quality of the various coal deposits and do not feel future coal
quality will be a dominant issue in the future markets. This is primarily because export
markets will demand similar coal to that currently required. Much of the plant in existence will
still be operational in twenty or thirty years time and needs will have to be met. If the power
industry moves towards ultra super critical boilers coal quality will need to be maintained at or
close to, current levels.
We do not envisage significant exploitation of low quality coals other than for new technology
purposes. Export markets will be characterised by coals with heat vales at or above 5200Kcal
(as received) for the foreseeable future. These needs have been emphasised by the difficulty
lower quality produces, such as the Asam –Asam deposit in Indonesia, have found to break
into traditional markets. The characteristics of such coals, with high volatile (>35%) and
moisture (>30%) contents are not well-suited to traditional PF boilers, especially older ones
that are typical in European markets.
In general we do not anticipate the demand for current coal qualities will fall significantly and
believe export coal will maintain qualities at close to current levels; in domestic consumption a
trend towards the use of sub-bituminous coals is likely, where their availability is good.
6.1.3 Coal Production Costs
In terms of coal costs, all major domestic markets appear to exhibit characteristics whereby
coal prices remain stable. In the US, mine-mouth prices are predicted to rise slightly to 2010
and then decline slowly to 2025, but remaining within a range of $17-20 per tonne. The key to
this is the belief that coal mine productivity will continue to improve, which is somewhat
contentious in view of recent trends in the US and Australia. However, the industry and
equipment manufacturers remain confident of further improvements which will keep coal
competitive. The other significant issue is coal transportation. The vast sub-bituminous coal
resources in Powder River Basin are mined at $5-10/t but are distant from markets. The key
element in the US maintaining production costs is perceived improvements to transport
systems that will reduce costs and improve efficiency.
The same opportunity exists for most major coal producers. Indonesia has little in the way of
organised infrastructure, for example. Russia, China and India will all benefit from similar
improvements if the necessary investments are made.
South Africa has potential to improve mining efficiencies although the rail system is excellent
(current problems notwithstanding). Australia is probably the one country where further
improvements in costs may be difficult, but port bottlenecks can be addressed and mining
productivities improved.
Certainly, Australian costs are likely to rise in the future. The issue of infrastructure
development is interesting because the traditional financial returns made by coal producers
have been low, well under 10% return on investment. This has meant that large scale
investments by mining companies have been undertaken with care and caution. Developments
have happened, of course, in Colombia and Indonesia, but often the producers look to
developments with state organisations, such as in South Africa (Spoornet) or Australia
(Queensland Rail).
6.1.4 Regional Assessment of Future Coal Supply and Demand
Below is a summary of coal supply and demand. In all cases, we feel predictions to 2030 are
reasonably valid but the period thereafter is more problematic.
Traditionally, coal markets have always been in a state of either over supply or close to over
supply. This meant that whenever the coal price rose, producers were motivated to increase
production to maximise profitability, which tended to send the market into over supply.
The long term issue is whether sufficient supply will exist to meet what we anticipate will be
sufficient new coal sources for export markets. In essence, we believe that will be true until
2030 but new sources are limited – mainly from Nigeria, Botswana, Mozambique, Madagascar
Alaska, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Coal export markets
We anticipate coal export markets will remain in balance until 2025, beyond which predictions
become subjective and unreliable. The market will see declines in production from certain
traditional supplies – notably Indonesia and South Africa – but the entry of newer players that
will be attracted by coal prices that we believe have made a step change and will remain higher
than historic levels.
REGION COUNTRY 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2015 2025
ATLANTIC South Africa 74 71 71 73 76 78 80 75 60
Colombia 55 58 62 63 64 66 68 75 95
Russia West 40 45 48 50 52 53 55 60 70
Poland 14 12 10 8 6 5 5 5 0
USA/Canada 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 10 25
Venezuela 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 10 10
Norway (Spitsbergen) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
Southern Africa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 15
Nigeria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10
SUB TOTAL 198 201 206 208 213 217 223 245 285
PACIFIC Australia 112 118 125 135 145 155 165 200 280
Indonesia 130 147 154 155 155 155 150 140 110
China 60 58 58 58 58 58 58 50 35
Russia East 10 11 12 13 16 20 22 25 30
Vietnam 0 0 0 1 3 5 7 15 40
Alaska 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 10
Bangladesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 10
Mongolia 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 10 15
SUB TOTAL 312 334 349 362 377 393 407 450 530
TOTAL 510 535 555 570 590 610 630 695 815
This reflects on future CCT projects in Europe and Asia where coal is not found in deposits
that can be exploited (to any great extent) by conventional mining – notably Japan, Korea and
Taiwan. Only three countries in the world have coal resources that, in our opinion, are
extensive enough to provide cheap (probably under $15 per tonne ex-mine) coal supplies for a
range of uses including traditional PF use and CCT. These are the USA, Russia and India.
China has reserves that are adequate only to about 2030 and although significant coal deposits
exist, considerable exploration and mining at depth (with associated major capital investment)
will have to be undertaken this then reflects on the financial return CCT projects will supply
and whether high capital costs for new projects will be justified. The world-wide average
investment for coal projects is currently about $30 per sales tonne produced but this may have
to increase and the costs passed onto the consumer. Major domestic markets
We have divided the countries in Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 and Tier 4 countries reflecting the
impact of coal availability on them.
Tier 1 Countries – self-sufficiency and more
North America
Coal demand will increase steadily until 2030 at an annual rate between 0.5% (low case) and
1.5% (high case). This will result in total demand of between 1.2 and 1.5 billion tonnes by
2030. After this, it is likely coal production will level out as we anticipate the investments the
US is making into alternative energy technologies come to fruition.
The US has such massive reserves – conservatively, at least 100 billion tonnes of extractable
coal – that it is capable of meeting possible demand until well beyond 2050. It is likely a shift
will occur back to Appalachian and Illinois Basin from the western reserves as sulphur
emission will be less of an issue at the end of the next decade when all boilers have scrubbers
The declining availability of natural gas in the US is a real concern for the US. LNG will
increase in use but it will need to remain cost-competitive when compared to coal.
The massive coal reserves are well-placed to utilise exploitation for coal gasification, a
technique under careful assessment in the US.
Whilst both the US and Canada will continue to export coking coal, their influence in markets
and their focus will remain satisfy electricity production demand.
Russia is the other country in the world with huge demands but also huge resources, the
difference with the US being the fact that it has extensive oil and gas resources as well as coal.
With some 50 billion tonnes of hard coal and double that in lignitic reserves, it is clear that the
coal reserves are sufficient to meet low and high case demands, which average at 400Mt by
2020 and 700 Mtpa by 2050.
The key is the reserves in the Kuzbass and the ability to meet future demand. We believe the
reserves are adequate to improve existing mines and develop new ones. There are challenges
for the industry, in re-structuring, improving productivity and overcoming technical issues.
The exploitation of the eastern coalfields will continue to meet internal demand primarily. As
to exports, much depends on demand and pricing to justify the infrastructure issues that need to
overcome. The potential clearly exists and, in light of potential shortfalls in European supply,
Russia is targeting this market in preference to Asia with 45 Mt seaborne thermal going to
Europe versus on 11 Mt to Asia.
Finally, the potential exists in Europe for the development of a very low sulphur coal market
during the derogation period of the Large Combustion Plant Directive (2008-2015) of up to 10
million tons per year. Russia is the only country capable of supplying high CV, very low
sulphur (<0.3%) coals to meet demand, which may encourage further development of export
Tier 2 – Prime exporters
Australia has very substantial coal resources, over 40 billion tons, which are reasonably close
to the coast and comprise both coking and thermal coals. The deposits are of consistent quality
and capable of meeting increased demand in Asia’s markets. However, new developments will
require more infrastructure as mines will move further inland and, in some cases like Wyong,
deeper (below 40m). Essentially, though, the reserves in Australia are capable of meeting
export needs until 2030 and beyond. Australia is blessed with some of the finest coal deposits
in the world and the country produced almost 300 million tonnes of hard coal in 2005, mainly
from Queensland and New South Wales. Over 170 million tonnes was produced from about 40
operations in Queensland and 120 Mt from New South Wales. In Queensland, some 85% of
the coal is produced by opencast methods and the products are split roughly half and half into
coking and steam coal, coking coal being slightly in the dominant position.
In Queensland, the Bowen Basin is the most important producing region. The most important
Permian coal basin is the Bowen Basin, which is exposed in a large, triangular-shaped area of
central Queensland, 600km long and up to 250km wide. The basin extends south in the sub-
surface beneath Mesozoic sediments of the Surat Basin, and connects with the Gunnedah and
Sydney Basins in New South Wales.
Coal seams in the Bowen Basin exhibit major variations in rank and quality, reflecting both the
depositional and tectonic history of the basin. A broad trend of increasing rank from west to
east has long been recognised, and was used as a guide for coal exploration targets during the
late 1950s and early 1960s.
In New South Wales, the Sydney Basin is divided into four commercially important coalfields,
the Newcastle, Hunter, Southern and Western, with the three outlying basins (Gunnedah,
Gloucester and Oaklands) of lesser importance.
Total resources amount to approximately 8 billion tonnes. These reserves are contained within
56 operating mines and colliery holdings and 30 major development proposals. The major coal
deposits in NSW range in rank from bituminous coking and thermal coals; to sub-bituminous
thermal coals. The quality of thermal coals ranges from medium-to-high ash, low sulphur coal
used for domestic power generation and cement manufacture; to medium to low ash, high
energy and export quality coal. Prime, low volatile, hard coking coal and low ash, semi-soft
coking coal, used for iron and steel production, supply both the export and domestic markets.
The rail network servicing the NSW export and domestic coal mines extends more than
Domestic demand, focussing on lower quality coals and lignite will easily be met, even if
Australia’s natural gas resources deplete as quickly as anticipated.
Essentially, Colombia has extensive coal reserves. Colombia has reserves of just over 6 billion
tonnes located in thirty five coaliferous basins, of which eight are currently exploited.
Currently, the Cerrejon and La Loma basins are the focus of production from opencast means.
Although there are reports of coal quality issues in the longer term, post 2015, as a result of
increasing ash contents, Colombia is well set to meet any realistic demand in coal exports until
at least 2030. Again, infrastructure will be the key in developing the resources and political
issues will play a role but we estimate Colombia has the capability, from a reserves
perspective, to meet possible demand levels at least until 2030 and potentially beyond that.
Infrastructure expansions are planned by both major mining operations (Drummond with La
Loma and a consortium of Xstrata, BHP Billiton and Anglo American at Cerrajon Coal
Indonesia has extensive low quality coal deposits that the government has been actively
promoting as a fuel source for many years. There is much to be done to develop mines to meet
coal-fired demand on Java but there is little doubt the reserves will exist. Export demand has
taken priority primarily because of the high financial returns generated in the past three years.
Both the power sector and cement sectors can adapt to take coal qualities that will not be
acceptable into conventional export markets. The other factor is domestic demand for coal in
Indonesia as the country tackles the acute power shortages on Java. Over twenty coal-fired
plants are planned to be on line by 2015, totalling 15 GW of new power, all sourced from local
coal, albeit probably low-rank coals. This will limit Indonesia’s ability to increase exports
significantly and we feel the country is already close to its eventual limit. The programme is
termed ‘electricity crash programme’ by PLN, the state utility company. Four plants are
currently out to tender totalling almost 2GW. This suggests coal-fired capacity will increase to
about 20GW by 2011, although this is ambitious given Indonesia’s track record of under-
We anticipate internal demand for coal will double from 42mtpa in 2006 to 82mtpa by 2011.
This may be unsustainable as with export coal levels sitting around 150mtpa the total mine
capacity seems unlikely to extend beyond 210mtpa, creating a shortfall of 20-30 mtpa.
Although new, unplanned mines are possible; this is unlikely in the time frame under
However, there are number of issues facing Indonesia and its attractiveness as an investment
destination. These include:
• Potential abandonment of the trusted Contract of Work system for mine exploitation for
a method whereby any foreign investment is made though a joint venture with state-
owned mining entity – a change that might be expected to encourage foreign
investment, but which instead could make it less attractive because of administrative
• Changes to the Tax Code will potentially detrimentally affect mining.
• Incidence of illegal mining, a problem in several areas, especially South Kalimantan.
The attractiveness of the Indonesian mining sector has diminished for foreign investors since
the original Coal Contract of work was issued in the late seventies. The first generation of the
CCOW allowed foreign ownership of mining rights and activities but there was a requirement
to sell 51% of the shares in the controlling company after 15 years of production, although
legal discussions often delayed this. This resulted in ten mines starting production, being
mainly the existing large producers. The second generation was closed to foreigners and the
third, in 1997, resulted in many areas being studied by, whilst held by Indonesian companies,
few mining activities have actually occurred. In this version, the requirement for holders to
sell down is much less, but it is problematic for foreign entities to be awarded the contracts.
The CCOW is now in its fourth generation and reflects new mining laws that have been
implemented since the fall of the Soeharto government in 1998. The sector has seen little
growth in investment since the economic troubles of the late 1990’s and the divestment of
power to the regional governments has resulted in some problems with the implementation of
new mining laws.
Tax structures are not conducive to investment, academic experts and industry representatives
have cited the government's tax policy on coal as a major disincentive for investment in the
sector. Corporate tax rates, royalty payments and value added taxes (VAT) are among the
highest in the world at almost the double of South Africa and more than 1.5 times of those in
China and Australia. The net effect of these policies, as well as continued delays in producing
a new mining law, has been a steady drop in investment in the coal sector. In December 2005
the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy agreed to implement Ministry of Finance Decree
No.95/2005 to impose a coal export tax of 5 percent to secure supply for domestic needs. This
has subsequently been overturned in Indonesia’s courts and now the level is at 0%.
A 2005 World Bank study found that it takes an average of 151 days to start a business in
Indonesia. President Yudhoyono has promised reforms to reduce that period to just 30 days.
The GOI has drafted a new investment law and accompanying regulations aimed at
streamlining Indonesia's investment procedures and moving from an approval to registration
Coupled with a lack of coal resources that have suitable potential, Indonesia has declined as an
investment destination. Government control is unlikely to grow stronger, there seems a general
acceptance that it too high, but as the recent attempts to increase taxation (which appears to be
aimed at getting a high direct share of high export prices) there is always the potential for ill-
advised government interference.
India produced 390Mt of hard coal in 2005. Moreover, lignite mines produced 30 Mt.
Although coal production has increased at rate of about 5% per year it has not kept pace with
power demand which has increased at 6-7% annually. 90% of the production of India is from
Coal India Limited (CIL), the state-owned monopoly.
India has the reserves to meet coal demand but significant development is required and in the
meantime its thermal coal imports are expected to rise from 30 Mt now to 60 by 2015.
All the coal mined is used in India and the country is increasingly looking to imports to satisfy
demand. Oil reserves are low in India (6 billion barrels) and 70% of its oil needs are met
through imports. Coal remains the dominant energy source and this is reflected in the fact that
67% of its electricity needs are met by coal. Gas reserves are to be over 500 MToe and
production is 20 Mtoe per year.
However, demand in both steel-making (currently 13% of total coal used) and cement
manufacture (4% of coal mined) is growing at a faster rate than coal production.
Current coal shortfalls in India are estimated to be about 20 Mtpa and this is slated to grow to
80 Mtpa by 2011. On top of this, over half of India’s coal is moved by rail and the requirement
to move coal large distances is growing, straining India’s capability to supply coal.
Distance/ Tons
Moved 1996-7 2001-2 2006-7 2009-10
Pithead 70mt 109mt 128mt 155mt
<500 km 50mt 51mt 55mt 70mt
500-1000 km 50mt 95mt 170mt 215mt
>1000 km 200mt 285mt 400mt 500mt
Coal’s share of electricity generation in 2020 will reduce only slightly to about 68%, with
power demand increasing from 530 TWh in 2000 to about 1500 TWh in 2020. The Planning
Commission see likely coal demand ranging from 550-680 Mt by 2020, almost doubling
current production, coal retaining its position as oil and gas grow more slowly and renewables
make a modest contribution. Coal requirements are expected to exceed 750 Mt by 2030.
We do not envisage that environmental legislation will impact significantly on coal’s use
although power plants will improve their operational efficiency by 2-3% as more coal is
beneficiated and better equipment installed.
P.Shukla, T. Kram and T. Hamacher considered India’s future energy supplies and the possible
role of fusion in the future and concluded that coal will remain dominant throughout this
century, although we question the suitability of India’s coal reserves and capability to mine
then after 2030. Diagram 23 represents supply by sector on a non-constrained CO2 basis
The Central Mine Planning and Design Institute report that only about 20%, 52 billion tonnes,
of India’s total reserves may actually be mineable. The Energy Resources Institute (TERI)
have calculated, on this basis that the depletion of older mines, the slow development of new
operations and lack of mineable reserves may limit Indian production to 500Mtpa. As an
example, we have experience of one deposit which in theory holds several hundred million
tonnes of coal in a 17m thick seam dipping from 40m to 300m below surface. In practice,
mining such a seam by longwall methods (opencast is not allowed due to the surface being
protected forest) is possible but highly complex, using methods rarely used in the world. The
real viability of such deposits is highly problematic.
The first assessment of coal reserves of Pakistan was made in 1950 at 500 million tones in all
four provinces, revised to 824 million tonnes with increased discoveries in 1986. The coal
resources were estimated at 9 billion tonnes in 1989 (Kazmi & Siddiqi 1990). Sindh province
is the main source of thermal power for Pakistan, in future. Thar coal field is the largest in
Pakistan, contains lignitic coal with sulphur at 1.5%, ash 15% and moisture 45%. A contract
has been signed between Government of Pakistan and a Chinese public company for the
development of one evaluated coal block at Thar Coal Field and commissioning power plant.
The Government of Sindh has also signed an MOU with an Australian firm for in-situ
gasification and the commissioning of a 1200 MW power generation plant on another
evaluated coal block.
Lakhra Coal Development Authority (LCDC) was incorporated as a public limited company in
1990. The company is a joint venture of Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation (PMDC),
Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) and Government of Sindh. Its
prime responsibility is development and commercial exploitation of Coal deposits of Lakhra
Area, Sindh. LCDC holds a mining lease of 621 sq. kilometers, having proved reserves of 150
million and estimated 2000 million tonnes. It has mined about 329,198 tons of coal during the
year 2001-02 out of which 221309 tons was supplied to WAPDA. There are several power
initiatives under discussion but no firm plans as yet.
World trade in hard coal is slated to grow to above 1 billion tonnes by 2030, with steam coal
growing faster than coking coal so that by 2030 it will form over three-quarters of the market.
The key is: does the world have the resources to sustain such demand?
We calculate that China has 30 years of life in hard coal reserves and it is difficult to see if
production can be maintained at over 2 Btpa past 2030 or 2040, which will focus attention on
technological change, including nuclear and use of low quality, expensive-to-mine coal
Consistent demand coupled with declining production could produce a potentially significant
shortfall in supply and demand profiles by 2015. UK will be producing below 10 Mtpa,
Germany will produce about 10 Mtpa of hard coal and Poland will at best be meeting its needs
but is more likely to be importing coal. Between 2015 and 2020, South Africa may well have
declined as an exporter to a level below 60 Mtpa. Colombia may well be exporting significant
tonnages into the US if the required mine developments there have not happened in time to
meet demand growth. It is interesting to note that the additional growth in exports from CCC
in Colombia from 2004 to 2008, about 4Mt will all head into the US.
By 2015 we forecast a reduction in domestic hard coal tonnage;
UK - producing about 10 Mt (-10 Mt from today)
Germany - producing about 10 Mt (-20 Mt from today)
Poland - producing about 80 Mt (-20 Mt from today)
This would suggest a total deficit of nearly 50 Mt by 2015, if demand is consistent with today’s
levels, and by 2020 this could be 80Mt, as South Africa slows its export production. Post
2020, we believe South African exports could decline quickly to a level of 40-50 Mtpa, which
could have a dramatic effect on coal supply if customers do not plan adequately.
This suggests that only Russia and Colombia will be able to react adequately to such a potential
shortfall as we believe Asian markets will not be in a position to ship significant tonnages to
Europe. The US may re-enter the export market, especially post-2015 when sulphur
restrictions will be a thing of the past in Europe as all plants will have scrubbers fitted but this
will depend on the domestic markets and the ability to divert coal.
If demand stays consistent – and the EU’s view is that it will – countries reliant on imports,
notably UK and Germany (especially as the latter is committed to coal-fired power) will be
vulnerable to tight coal markets as the imports are not capable of replacing domestic
As in any market there are a series of potential factors that may allow the situation to be
relieved, notably;
• Coal price rises consistently enough (and stay at a level probably above $40 FOB) to
allow the exploitation of new South African deposits, especially the Waterberg
• Nigeria develops a coal industry
• Russia substantially increases exports, perhaps to over 80 Mtpa
• Colombia improves its infrastructure and exploits more deposits
• Venezuela develops into a large, reliable coal supplier
• Technology advances, especially in in-seam gasification, reduce coal demand and
render self-sufficient in energy
Asian steam coal demand is set to grow at 2-3% virtually throughout the forecast period. On
the face of it, the coal reserves in the region are adequate to meet demand but there are
important issues;
• China will decline as an exporter slowly (some would disagree and believe the country
will exit the export market as quickly as they entered it) and create a shortfall in
• South Africa, as the swing supplier, will have limited flexibility after 2015 and from
2020 may decline rapidly.
• Indonesia will probably see exports decline from 2010 onwards as existing operations
come to the end of their lives. With the market showing no real appetite for low CV
coal below that traded currently by PT Adaro, development of new resources, even if
ready to come on stream, Australia has the coal reserves to meet increased demand but
probably cannot do it alone and will be dependent on significant infrastructure
developments. If Indonesia and China are declining as exporters, we feel that Japan,
Korea and Taiwan are at risk from coal shortages post 2010 and certainly post 2020.
• India’s situation seems destined to exacerbate pressure on coal supplies at least until
2010, with a significant shortfall that will be made up by imports. Longer term, India
will seek to develop its own resources but to do so effectively will require massive
industry restructuring and the use of modern boilers capable of utilising the high-ash,
low CV coals that dominate the reserves.
• New supply sources are possible and we have noted potential in Pakistan, Mongolia,
Bangladesh will be slow and probably focussed on domestic markets. With so little
exploration having been done in Indonesia it is impossible to predict accurately future
coal production but much of the key may lie in Maruwai. If development occurs this
will open up deposits that are not currently economic.
• The real test of Indonesia’s supply capability will come during the next price downturn.
If the price dips below $25/tonne FOB many smaller operations will struggle to
survive. Therefore, we do not see a significant long term growth in Indonesia exports
as coal quality and infrastructure will not permit it. Decline should start after 2010 or if
a significant coal price decrease occurs sooner.
In summary, we see the domestic markets of US and Russia enjoying a plentiful coal supply to
2050 but increasing pressure growing in India and to a much larger extent in China, especially
post 2030. Importers will face increasing pressure to locate coal which may prompt
technological change to happen at faster rate, especially in the area of coal gasification.
In terms of coal outlook, even though the end of fossil fuel usage per se may be more visible in
the 2030 – 2050 era, we believe coal remains an integral part of meeting energy needs
throughout the 21st century. In light of increasing attention towards limiting greenhouse gas
emissions, Clean Coal Technologies will need to be aggressively deployed if coal is not to
diminish as a significant energy source in the latter half of the century.
This may include using coal as a potential source for hydrogen technologies and underground
gasification which may allow the potential use of some of the 6 or 7 trillion tonnes of coal that
may exist in the world (the vast majority of which will not be mined under normal
circumstances). Methods to increase mining efficiency and the use of coal mine methane are
feasible options to reduce the life-cycle carbon intensity of coal.
The key conclusions of this report are:
• CCT’s exist and in conjunction with carbon capture and storage provide several
important technical solutions to coal’s high carbon intensity. The cost of carbon
capture and storage, however, cannot be economically justified in today’s energy
• Mapping technologies are advancing and allow the coal industry to identify better coal
reserves than in the past, allowing for the more efficient mining of coal. However,
progress is slow and largely dependent on oil field technology adapted to coal use.
Techniques will help define the mineability
• Mine productivity enhancements are largely established and now key improvements in
global productivity will occur from the dissemination of existing techniques, with
limited room for improvements in the state-of-the-art.
• Coal mine methane offers to provide some increases in clean energy reserves but is
most important as a means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from coal mining.
• Underground coal gasification is a highly promising, cost effective approach to expand
the global coal reserve and the product may be an economic means of limiting
greenhouse gas emissions by itself and in conjunction with carbon capture and storage
• Freights markets are likely to stabilise as the world’s bulk carrier fleet sees new build
increase overall numbers. Barring unforeseen temporary issues, the fright rates are set
to stabilise slightly above historic levels.
• Primary energy demand will grow, in line with GDP, to 2050, averaging 1% annually.
Asia will average about 2.5% whilst developed countries see a growth of only 0.5% as
energy efficiency increases
• Coal will remain a significant energy source, supplying over 20% of the world’s energy
needs as nations shift progressively from oil to gas, which expands its share from 21%
in 2000 to 34% in 2050
• Without additional policies and measures to reduce emissions, global CO2 emission is
slated to increase to about 40 billion tons in 2050, produced from energy consumption,
up by about 2 times levels of 2000. The scale and timing of measures to reduce
emissions will impact coal demand and the role of CCT in coal consumption.
Coal’s share of energy markets will rise gradually to about 2025 and then decline slowly to
2050. However, we feel that future policies to limit greenhouse gas emissions and potential
supply shortages post-2030, will prompt greater research into clean technologies that may
create a decline in coal use, at least in the traditional sense
The key to successful CCT coal use is, in our opinion, the utilisation of coal that cannot be
mined economically by conventional means or coal that is too low a quality to be sold on
export markets.
European Commission