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Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction (DRRR) TQ 3rdQ

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Tel. No.: 287-2258 Telefax No.: 082-222-4808
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Senior High School Department

Third Quarter Examination
A.Y. 2023-2024
Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction (DRRR)

Name: Grade/Section: Date: Score:

General Direction: This is a One Hundred (100) items test, read and follow each direction written in every
type of test. Answer this test within one (1) hour.
A- Direction: Encircled the chosen letter of the best answer.
1. Which of the following mitigation measures can 8. What is the difference between La Niña and El
communities do to reduce the damage and Niño?
impact of sudden geologic hazard? A. La Niña bring drier summer season and El
A. Construction of protective covers over Niño bring wetter wet season
roadways and retaining walls. B. La Niña increases cases of heat waves and El
B. Installation of fire hydrants Niño increases typhoons
C. Installation of flood warning system C. La Niña is prolonged wet season and El Niño
D. Installation of hazard signage prolonged dry season
D. La Niña is warming of sea surface
2. Which of the following municipalities is prone temperature and El Niño is upwelling of cold water
to landslides? at the equator
A. Baguio City C. Marikina B. Pangasinan D. Tarlac
9. What should you do to keep safe during
3. Which of the following is NOT an effect of erosion? thunderstorm?
A. Land degradation A. Use corded phones
B. Sedimentation of aquatic ecosystem B. Watch lightning by the window
C. Airborne dust pollution C. Seek safe shelter
D. Deforestation D. Bath in the rain

4. Which of the following is a natural cause of 10. What should you do to keep safe when
landslide? sudden tornado occurs?
A. removal of vegetation A. Panic and scream
B. vibrations from heavy traffic B. Post on Facebook
C. mining and quarrying C. Seek safe shelter
D. Volcanic eruption D. Run around the tornado

5. Which of the following is a human causes of 11. Which of the following agencies regulates
landslide? built environment?
A. Vibrations made by earthquake A. NFA B. NHA C. DENR
B. Undercutting cliffs and banks by waves
C. Intense and prolonged rainfall 12. Which of the following agencies regulates
D. Overloading slopes natural environment?
6. Why is the Philippines prone to typhoons or
storms? 13. Which of the following agencies involved in
A. Filipinos are being punished food security?
B. Philippines is situated near the Pacific Ocean A. HUDCC B. MMDA C. NFA
C. The typhoon has nowhere to go
D. The Philippines attract typhoons to come 14. Which of the following agencies regulates
urban environment?
7. What is the difference between Amihan and A. MMDA B. NFA C. DENR
A. Amihan is wet and Habagat is cool dry 15. Which of the following agencies NOT involved
B. Amihan is southwest monsoon and Habagat in Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction?
is northeast monsoon A. OCD B. DPWH C. DepEd
C. Amihan is northeast monsoon and Habagat is
southwest monsoon
D. Amihan and Habagat is same.

B- Choose the word being referred to by writing on the space provided before the number.
Rotational Slide Deep-seated Landslides Sudden Geologic Bioturbation
Translational Slide Fall Landslide Erosion
Flow Toppling Shallow Landslides Geologic Hazards

___________________________1. These refer to the geologic processes that may cause the loss of lives, injuries,
damage to property, social and economic disruptions it may result in the loss of
livelihood, or environmental damage.
___________________________2. This refers to geomorphic process by which soil, sand, regolith and rock move
by Mr. Gahoc (joel.gahoc@pctdavao.edu.ph)
downslope typically as a mass influenced by gravity and frequently affected by
water or water content.

___________________________3. This process is the biological reworking of soils and sediments are continuously
done by plants and animals that aerate or place water in the soil.

___________________________4. This geologic hazards happen very quickly and with little or no warning.

___________________________5. This occurs when the sliding surface range from a few decimeters to a few
of soil of weathered bedrock.

___________________________6. This occurs when the deep sliding surfaces that are located below the
rooting depth of trees, often of more than 10 meters.

___________________________7. This occurs when soil or rocks abruptly detach from a steep or cliff, about 45 to
90 degrees (nearly vertical) and often with a high elevation

___________________________8. This is similar to a domino falling when it is resting on its narrow edge, or loaf
bread that is being sliced on its width.

___________________________9. The surface of rupture is curved concavely upward and slide movement roughly
rotates about an axis that is parallel to the ground surface and transverse
the slide.

__________________________10. This is the type of slide wherein the landslide mass moves along a roughly
surface with almost no rotation or backward titling.

Hydrometeorology Tropical depression Tropical storm Typhoon

Habagat Amihan Cold Front ITCZ
Thunderstorm El Niño La Niña Lightning

___________________________11. This involves studying tropical depressions, super-typhoons, drought, and

desertification, among others.

___________________________12. This refers to a low-pressure area forming over warm seas and oceans, and
made up of merging thunderstorms and wind speed is less than 64kph

___________________________13. The weather system takes on a more definite circular form as the winds rotate
around a center and wind speed at 64 to 118 kph.

___________________________14. This weather system with moisture-laden winds and rains affect the
during what is commonly known as “rainy season” beginning around July and
ending in October

___________________________15. It covers post-Christmas season, when air is typically colder and the weather
generally undisturbed by storms.

___________________________16. The front boundary where the edge of the cold air mass meets the warmer air.

___________________________17. It is the result from the interaction and convergence of trade winds,
the north-eastherly and south-eastherly winds in the northern and southern
hemisphere, respectively.

___________________________18. It is identified by cumulonimbus clouds and the presence of lightning and


___________________________19. A period of prolonged drought.

___________________________20. It makes wet season even wetter, and increase the chances of formation of
tropical cyclones.

Forest fire Fire hazards Fire ecology Arson Urban fire

___________________________21. These are wildfires that are also called bush fires, or grass fires that are
by combustible vegetation.

___________________________22. These are urban conflagrations and extensive fires.

___________________________23. These are activities circumstances and objects which may be the trigger of the
fire events.
by Mr. Gahoc (joel.gahoc@pctdavao.edu.ph)
___________________________24. It is the criminal act of setting fire to buildings, other property, and forests
the intent to cause damage.

___________________________25. It refers to the effect of the occurrence of fire on the ecosystem.

RA 10121 Recovery Mitigation

Disaster Risk Reduction Proactive disaster management Preparedness
Physical vulnerability Economic vulnerability Social vulnerability
Non-structural Evacuation Structural
Coordination Response

____________________________26. It is the potential physical impact on the quality of the built structures and

_____________________________27. It is the potential impacts of hazards on economic assets and activities

_____________________________28. This refers to the concept, strategies and practices employed to reduce
disaster risks and manage the causal factors of disasters within the context
sustainable development.

_____________________________29. The basis of the paradigm shift to proactive disaster management

_____________________________30. This refers to the action or assistance immediately during and after the

_____________________________31. It pertains to ways on how damages can be restored after the disaster

_____________________________32. This area refers to measures which aim to reduce the frequency, scale,
intensity and impact of hazards.

_____________________________33. This type of measure refers to the activities employ engineering knowledge.

_____________________________34. This refers to regulations, activities and capacitating effort of people to


_____________________________35. Temporary mass departure of people and property from threatened



Write TRUE if the statement is factual. If the statement is FALSE, change the underlined word.

_____________________________1. The use rock curtain or other slope covers to help mitigate dangerous rock
or topples.

_____________________________2. Constructing protective covers over roadways and retaining walls can
prevent the rolling or bouncing of fallen rocks.

_____________________________3. Drainages must be cleaned during rainy season.

_____________________________4. Warning signs must be placed in hazardous areas for awareness.

_____________________________5. Vulnerability increases when the natural environment is degrading.


A. Match the Classes of Fire according to cause.

_____1. Caused by electricity, or involve electrical equipment and apparatus a. Class A

_____2. Are fires that ignite with metals such as aluminium, magnesium or b. Class B
titanium c. Class C
_____3. These flames burn on flammable gases such as propane, butane and d. Class D
methane e. Class E
_____4. Fires that involve flammable liquids, including paraffin, petrol and oil. f. Class F
_____5. Solid material fires that burn materials such as paper, wood or plastic
_____6. These fires are ignited with oils or cooking fat.

B. Match the Structure of a Disaster Plan to its contents.

a. Objectives
by Mr. Gahoc (joel.gahoc@pctdavao.edu.ph)
_____7. It involves communications among planning groups. b. Definition of terms and
_____8. It defines administrative, logistic and financial support. abbreviations
_____9. The details warning systems and the dissemination of warnings to c. Physical Data
activate organizations and responders alike d. Risk and
_____10. It provides protocols and arrangements in requesting for vulnerabilities
reinforcements e. Command and
and assistance outside the planning area Coordination
_____11. it is where the arrangements and coordination of planning groups are f. Planning groups
indicated g. External assistance
_____12. The details of the composition of the DRRM Council and the roles and h. Emergency response
responsibilities of authorities designated at each level. and activation
_____13. Shows the comprehensive situation which includes general data, i. Service support
hazard prone areas, vulnerabilities and scale j. Communication
_____14. It provides an overview of the geographical location and topography of
the area, land area and land use, and catalogue of the communities
within the area.
_____15. It shows the catalogue of important terms and abbreviations used in
the document.
_____16. Presents the achievable objectives of the plan in a clear and organized

C. Match the severity and frequency of disasters and its indicators

_____17. Disasters occur at least twice in five years or three times in ten years. a. High severe hazard
_____18. Disasters occur one or two times in the last five years or at least twice b. Medium frequency
in the past decade hazard
_____19. Disaster occurs only once in the last ten years or more c. Low severe hazard
_____20. Disaster causes severe damage in the past events d. High frequency
_____21. Disaster causes moderate damage in past events hazards
_____22. Disaster creates a situation where external support has been sought e. Medium severe hazard
f. Low frequency hazard

D. Match the Impacts of the Disaster and its indicators

_____23. The hazard occurs frequently and extremely damaging. a. High

_____24. The damage caused by the hazard are less, but still significant. b. Medium
_____25. The hazard causes relatively little damage and community is able to c. Low
cope without external support d. Zero
_____26. The hazard either did not occur, or

TEST IV. Illustrate the escape route from your classroom to the designated evacuation area.
Clarity of Drawing - 5points Clarity of signs and directions- 10 points

by Mr. Gahoc (joel.gahoc@pctdavao.edu.ph)

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