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Installation and Instruction Manual EN, Version 1.0
for HiBaSeD Version 10.0
Corresponding pump software N
Rx only


Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25

FOLLOWING SOFTWARE: HiBaSeD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.0.0

Infusion Pump Infusomat® Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8713050
Infusion Pump Infusomat® Space (Canada) . . . . . . . . . . 8713050C
Infusion Pump Infusomat® Space (China). . . . . . . . . . . 8713050CN
Infusion Pump Infusomat® Space P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8713070
Infusion Pump Infusomat® Space P (China) . . . . . . . . . 8713070CN
Infusion Syringe Pump Perfusor® Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8713030
Infusion Syringe Pump Perfusor® Space (Canada) . . . . . 8713030C
Infusion Syringe Pump Perfusor® Space (China). . . . . . 8713030CN

AVAILABILITY OF THIS INSTALLATION AND INSTRUCTION MANUAL: This Installation and Instruction Manual can be downloaded as PDF
file under the following document number from the B. Braun
Service Portal:

Designation Doc. No.

HiBaSeD Installation and Instruction Manual, . . . . . M001_000746


CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING PAGES: Page 1 - 1 to Page 1 - 4
Page 2 - 1 to Page 2 - 4
Page 3 - 1 to Page 3 - 8
Page 4 - 1 to Page 4 - 4
Page 5 - 1 to Page 5 - 8
Page 6 - 1 to Page 6 - 36
Page 7 - 1 to Page 7 - 8
Page 8 - 1 to Page 8 - 6
Page 9 - 1 to Page 9 - 8
Page 10 - 1 to Page 10 - 16
Page 11 - 1 to Page 11 - 4
Page 12 - 1 to Page 12 - 2
Page 13 - 1 to Page 13 - 2
Page A - 1 to Page A - 8

0-2 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
Table of Contents

0-5 Introduction 4-1 Changing Pump Settings

0-5 About this manual 4-1 Device date and time
0-5 The HiBaSeD software package 4-2 Alarms off
4-2 TCI, TOM, OccluGuard
0-7 Important Preliminary Remarks
0-7 Service work 5-1 Modifying Disposable Tables
0-7 Current versions 5-1 Modifying the disposable table of the device
0-7 Product availability 5-6 Generating a customized disposable table
0-7 Quality management
0-7 Setting off 6-1 Servicing the Pump
0-9 Special PDF functions 6-1 Starting the Service Program
0 - 10 List of Abbreviations 6-2 Calibration
6 - 11 Modification data
0 - 11 Contact Persons 6 - 21 Disposable articles
0 - 11 Technical training 6 - 22 Cal. update
0 - 11 Entry for technical training 6 - 23 Serial number
0 - 11 Ordering of spare parts and test equipment 6 - 24 Operating data
0 - 11 Service hotline 6 - 25 Delivery Constant (Infusomat only)
0 - 11 Returns 6 - 26 Pressure Levels (Infusomat only)
0 - 11 Safety officer (§ 30 MPG) 6 - 28 Tests
6 - 32 WLAN-Adapter (optional)
1-1 Setup 6 - 36 Disconnect
1-1 Requirements
1-1 Initiating setup 7-1 History Viewer
1-2 Performing setup 7-1 Starting the History Viewer
1-3 Uninstalling HiBaSeD 7-2 Device
7-3 System
2-1 Functional Description 7-4 System Edit
2-1 Overview of HiBaSeD 7-6 Keyboard
2-1 Menu bar 7-6 Alarms
7-7 Filter

3-1 Working with HiBaSeD

3-1 Safety instructions 8-1 Cloning Data
3-1 Running HiBaSeD 8-1 Starting the Clone application type
3-3 Modifying pump settings 8-2 Write to Device(s)
3-4 Modifying a group of pumps (Example) 8-4 Read from Device
3-5 Changing the application type 8-5 Report
3-5 Configuring HiBaSeD
3-7 Exiting HiBaSeD
EN HiBaSeD 1.0 0-3

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
Table of Contents Effective

9-1 Upgrade procedures with HiBaSeD 11 - 1 Performing Serial Updates

9-1 Upgrading pump data 11 - 1 Requirements
9-4 Upgrading a pump from 'old' to 'new' 11 - 1 Installation of the serial update program
9-5 Upgrading the SpaceStation firmware 11 - 3 Running the serial update
11 - 4 Checking the update
10 - 1 Performing Software Upgrades
10 - 2 Requirements 12 - 1 Troubleshooting
10 - 2 Installation of the upgrade program 12 - 1 Upgrading
10 - 4 Remarks before starting the update 12 - 1 Connecting devices
10 - 6 Working with SpaceUpgrade 2.1 12 - 2 Cloning data
10 - 12 Language Updates 12 - 2 WLAN battery
10 - 13 Notes for SpaceCom update
10 - 14 Checking and finalizing the update 13 - 1 Revision Documentation
13 - 1 Description of Version

A-1 Appendix
A-1 Checklist for your changes

0-4 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25

ABOUT THIS MANUAL This document describes how to set up and use the HiBaSeD soft-
ware and how to uninstall it.
The screenshots shown in this manual are only examples and rep-
resent the state when the manual was printed.
Valid default values of pump settings are listed in the appendix
(see "Appendix" ➡ p. A - 1).

THE HIBASED SOFTWARE PACKAGE HiBaSeD means History, Barcode, Service and Drug List. HiBaSeD is
a software package combining different functions. You may select
these functions according to your password dependent permis-

You may
■ Read the pumps history and display it
■ Analyze pumps, modify their data, and calibrate them
■ Clone pump data

General notes on using HiBaSeD

You have to switch the pump on before starting HiBaSeD. When
you have completed your modifications you must switch the pump
off and disconnect the power plug for a short time. Subsequently,
you can use the pump as usual.

If you hover above an editable field with the mouse pointer, the
possible values range of that field as well as the default value will
be displayed.

Please bear in mind that changing a value under windows is not

completed until you hit the return key.

If HiBaSeD doesn't display the English language at start-up you

may change the language with the Extra > Options menu entry
after accepting the license agreement. Save your settings with
Application > Save settings. At next start-up, HiBaSeD will be dis-
played in English.

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 0-5

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
Introduction Effective

For your notes:

0-6 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
Important Preliminary Remarks

SERVICE WORK The present manual is for your information only. The possession of
this manual does not authorize the performance of service work.
Service tasks may only be executed by persons, who
■ have received appropriate training on the system from B. Braun
■ are included in the revision service
■ possess the necessary test equipment and mechanical aids, and
■ fulfill the personal requirements (training and knowledge).

CURRENT VERSIONS This manual version corresponds to the state when the manual was
written. B Braun reserves the right to make technical modifica-
tions. The state of the revision is indicated by the index number in
the footer of every page.
To view the current Installation and Instruction Manual, please
visit the Service Portal at: https://extranet.bbraun.com.
Approval to use the service portal will only be granted after com-
pletion of a technical training course.

PRODUCT AVAILABILITY Not all software versions, hardware, or spare parts are available in
all regions. Please consult your local B. Braun representative for

QUALITY MANAGEMENT B. Braun is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 and
ISO 13485. This certification also includes maintenance and ser-

SETTING OFF Warnings and notes

Additional notes and warnings are set off as follows:

Is used for working steps which may result in severe personal
injury or, in extreme cases, even Death if instruction is not

Is used for working steps which may result in minor or moderate
personal injury if instruction is not observed.

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 0-7

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
Important Preliminary Remarks Effective

Is used for working steps which may result in damage to the unit
without a potential risk of injuries, and is used for additional or
specific information.

References to chapters are shown as follows
(see "Setting off" ➡ p. 0 - 7)

References to figures and tables are shown as follows

Fig..: 2 - 3 or Table 2 - 1

References to item numbers in figures are shown as follows

(Abb.: 1 - 1 / Pos. 1)
In this case “Fig.: 1 - 1“ is the figure number and “Item 1“ the item
number within the figure.
When the Installation and Instruction Manual is stored as pdf-file,
these references are displayed green. Click with the mouse button
on a reference to jump to the corresponding source.

Markup of paragraphs and text

Working steps are numbered in the required sequence of the work-
flow. Sub-steps are marked alphabetically:
1. Working step 1
2. Working step 2
a) First sub-step of working step 2
b) Second sub-step of working step 2
Prerequisites of working steps are shown as follows:
✓ Working step xy has been performed.
Menu commands are described as:
Menu File.

0-8 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
Important Preliminary Remarks

SPECIAL PDF FUNCTIONS In the PDF format of this manual, special functionality is inte-
grated, which can be used with Adobe® Reader®:
■ Form function
For completing, saving, and printing certain check lists on a PC,
laptop, etc.

Software requirements
■ Adobe® Reader® Version XI or higher is installed.

Form function
Forms included in the manual, which are to be filled out by the
reader, each show an "Edit" button at the top of the first page
(Fig. 0 - 1). The list can be completed and printed online or saved
locally as a PDF:
1. Click the "Edit" button.
Fig. 0 - 1
The form is opened in a separate PDF file.
2. If you want to save the form as a PDF, you can save an empty
copy of the form locally with File > Save As and open this for
3. The following form field functions are available:
■ Entry of text and figures in the form fields with the key-
■ Checking test steps by clicking the check boxes (click again
to clear).
■ Deletion of non-applicable test steps by marking the entry
with the mouse and selecting “Strikethrough Text” in the
shortcut menu (right mouse key; only for editing in the local
form copy).
■ Printing the completed form with File > Print and then
selecting a connected printer.
■ Saving the completed form as a PDF with File > Save.
4. To end the form, close the PDF file.

After the PDF file has been closed, the entered data are only
saved if you were working in the local copy. This can be opened
at any time to continue editing.

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 0-9

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
Important Preliminary Remarks Effective

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ARP Address Resolution Protocol

CAN Controller Area Network
EAP Extensible Authentication
HiBaSeD History, Barcode, Service and
Drug List
IO Input/Output

0 - 10 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
Contact Persons

TECHNICAL TRAINING Via local representative.

ENTRY FOR TECHNICAL TRAINING Application for a technical training course must be made via the
responsible representative.

ORDERING OF SPARE PARTS AND TEST EQUIPMENT Please contact your local B. Braun subsidary.

International technicians (Intercompany)

e-mail: Spare-Parts_HC@bbraun.com

SERVICE HOTLINE Service hotline international (without US and Canada)

e-Mail: Service-Hotline_HC@bbraun.com

Service hotline U.S. and Canada

Phone: +1 800-627-PUMP
Phone: +1 800-627-7867

RETURNS Return of spare parts, test equipment, and units for repairs:
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Schwarzenberger Weg 73-79
Wareneingang Werk C
34 212 Melsungen

U.S. and Canada returns:

B. Braun Medical Inc.
1601 Wallace Drive, Suite 150
Carrollton, TX 75006

SAFETY OFFICER (§ 30 MPG) Dr. Ludwig Schütz

e-mail: ludwig.schuetz@bbraun.com

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 0 - 11

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
Contact Persons Effective

For your notes:

0 - 12 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
1 Setup

REQUIREMENTS HiBaSeD runs under Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8 and 10.

HiBaSeD requires at least one serial RS232 interface (order
number: 8713234) and one USB interface (order number:
HiBaSeD needs at least 7 MB disc space.
HiBaSeD needs at least one printer installed on your system.
You require administrator rights to install HiBaSeD.


1. Unzip your ZIP file to any directory of your choice (e.g. C:\tmp).
2. Start "setup.exe" using Microsoft-Explorer.

Your setup will be delivered as a package containing several soft-
ware components and documentation.
1. Please confirm the License Agreement.
2. Select the versions to be handled.

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 1-1

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
1 Setup Effective

PERFORMING SETUP Setup procedure

The language selection dialog box will open after the setup of
HiBaSeD is launched.
1. Select your language and confirm by clicking "OK".
2. Select the related software, if necessary (e.g., SW N).

3. Select the HiBaSeD checkbox.

4. Click “Install” to continue.
5. Select your language and confirm by clicking "OK".

On this page you can change the destination folder by clicking

6. Click “Next” to continue the installation process.

Windows: If an existing SYS TEC USB-CANmodul driver is
detected, installation of the SYS TEC USB-CAN Box has to be
performed manually (see "Sys Tec Setup" ➡ p. 1 - 3).

1-2 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
Effective 1 Setup

7. Change the default start menu folder, if desired.

8. Click “Install”.
HiBaSeD is installed. The setup status is displayed and updated
The setup complete window is displayed after successful instal-
lation of HiBaSeD.
9. Click “Finish”.

Sys Tec Setup

1. Start SYSTEC_Setup.exe (driver version 5.9.0).
2. Follow the instructions displayed.

UNINSTALLING HIBASED If you want to uninstall HiBaSeD, you can do that in two ways.

Windows Control Panel

1. Select HiBaSeD in the list of installed programs.
2. Click "uninstall".

HiBaSeD unist.exe
1. Double-click "unist.exe" in the HiBaSeD folder.
2. Follow the instructions displayed.

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 1-3

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
1 Setup Effective

For your notes:

1-4 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
2 Functional Description

OVERVIEW OF HIBASED The HiBaSeD functions are available as soon as a pump has been
connected and selected (see "Running HiBaSeD" ➡ p. 3 - 1).


Fig. 2 - 1
1 Menu bar for general functions 4 Tab cards for selecting functions of the active application type
2 Identification data of the connected pump or pumps (device tree view) 5 Input/output area of the selected function
3 Application type 6 Scroll bar for accessing clipped areas of the active
sub-tab card

MENU BAR Application

■ Save settings
This will store all changes you have made (e.g. language, last
used interface). On the next startup, HiBaSeD will use these
data as default values. This will shorten startup time because
HiBaSeD will scan the last used interface first.
■ Printer settings
Here you can select any printer connected to your system.
■ Quit
This will end HiBaSeD.

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 2-1

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
2 Functional Description Effective

■ Options
Here you can change the language and other configuration set-
tings of HiBaSeD (see "Configuring HiBaSeD" ➡ p. 3 - 5).

■ Disposable article editor
Use the “Disposable article editor” to change disposable tables.
The “Disposable article editor” opens valid disposable tables
from the HiBaSeD default path (e.g. dat\Perfusor\Disposables)
(see "Modifying Disposable Tables" ➡ p. 5 - 1).
■ Default INI-files
The dialog box shows you the default data files of the devices.

IMPORTANT: You can only work with valid default data files.
Please contact your service team if you found data files marked
as invalid.

■ Upgrade
After a device software update you can use this tool to upgrade
the modification data. To use this function specific upgrade
control files (*.ucf) are required. The files are saved in the
upgrade path “e.g. dat\Perfusor\Upgrade” (see "Upgrading
pump data" ➡ p. 9 - 1).
■ Date time
Setting the device date and time (see "Device date and time"
➡ p. 4 - 1).
■ Alarms off
Alarm settings (see "Alarms off" ➡ p. 4 - 2).
■ TCI, TOM (Perfusor, only), OccluGuard (Perfusor, only)
Switching the respective function on/off (see "TCI, TOM, Occlu-
Guard" ➡ p. 4 - 2).

2-2 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
2 Functional Description

■ SpaceStation
By clicking “SpaceStation” you will connect to the
SpaceStation. The connection is only available over the RS232
serial interface. You can update the SpaceStation software (see
"Upgrading the SpaceStation firmware" ➡ p. 9 - 5).
■ Scan BUS
By clicking “Scan BUS” you will start scanning the ports for
other connected pumps. Please use this option if you want to
update the device tree view.

■ Info
“Info” will display the current version number of HiBaSeD.
■ Compatibility
“Compatibility” displays the correlation of HiBaSeD versions
and pump versions.

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 2-3

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2 Functional Description Effective

For your notes:

2-4 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
3 Working with HiBaSeD

SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Please adhere to the following advice when using HiBaSeD.

Service mode is only authorized for service tasks.
Danger of injury if used on the patient!
■ Never operate the pump on the patient while the service con-
nector or service cable is plugged in.
■ First switch the unit off before any further use after working
with the service connector.

Do not disconnect the PC from the unit during a service session.
Unit software components may be damaged irreversibly, in par-
ticular, if software updates are being installed.

■ Read the instructions of the pump

■ Read the program hints on startup
■ Do not run HiBaSeD when the pump is connected to a patient
■ You may only use functions documented in this manual
■ Verify your changes at the pump
■ If a SpaceCom is being used on the system while you are
working with HiBaSeD, wait at least 1 minute after SpaceCom
appears in the device tree before starting any other processes.
If the SpaceCom has not yet been detected by the system, com-
munication errors may occur.


1. Please connect a pump Perfusor® Space or Infusomat® Space
via interface RS232 (order number: 8713234) or via interface
lead CAN-SP (order number: 8713230) to your PC.

Some special functions are only available with the interface
cable CAN-SP (e.g., Clone), others require the interface cable
RS 232 (e.g., Update Station)..

2. Connect the power supply (order number: 8713112A/C/D) to

the pump side of the interface. Plug the power supply into the
power socket.
Connection to the external power supply is not required if the
pump is operated in the SpaceStation

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 3-1

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
3 Working with HiBaSeD Effective

Starting the program

✓ The device is running. It is connected to your PC via RS232 or
CAN interface cable.

IMPORTANT: Never change your system while you have one or
more devices selected and communication with devices is run-
ning. If you do so you may corrupt your device data!

1. In the Windows Start menu, select

Start > Program > B.Braun Space > HiBaSeD_*** > HiBaSeD_***
(with *** represts the software version installed).
On startup, the HiBaSeD security advice window opens displaying
some hints.
2. Please check "I accept all conditions".
The "Yes" button will be activated.
3. Click "Yes" to continue.

4. Enter the password to use HiBaSeD (required for servicing the

pump, only).

HiBaSeD automatically scans for all pumps connected to your PC

and displays all pumps found in the upper left corner of the
program window (device tree view).

3-2 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
3 Working with HiBaSeD

Connecting a device
1. Before establishing a connection, click a tab to select one of
the application types "Service", "History", or "Clone".

Although selection of the application type is not part of the
login, accessing specific application types may be restricted by
the entered login data (see "Access" ➡ p. 3 - 6).

2. To work with a specific device, select it from the device tree


IMPORTANT: The application types “Service” and "History" do
not work on more than one device at a time. If you have already
selected a device, you must disconnect it before you can work on
another device.

MODIFYING PUMP SETTINGS Please remember the following hints because they ensure that all
your changes will be accepted in the correct way by the pump.
Make use of the modification checklist to document and verify
your changes (see "Checklist for your changes" ➡ p. A - 1).

Change your pump data with a read / modify / write sequence

1. List all your changes.
2. After sending data to the pump, verify each function to ensure
that your changes appear at the pump as you intended.

Example 1:
You have limited the delivery rate to 100ml/h.
1. To validate this value turn on the pump and prepare it for
2. Change the (Basal) delivery rate to a value greater than
The pump must give you a “Dose Guard” alarm.

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 3-3

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
3 Working with HiBaSeD Effective

Example 2:
In the future you want the pump to prompt you for the last therapy
on startup.
1. Select flag “Other” and activate field “Last Therapy”.
2. To verify the modification startup your pump.
The pump will ask you whether to use data from the last

MODIFYING A GROUP OF PUMPS (EXAMPLE) You have to modify all pumps belonging to one care unit. All
pumps must be given the same "Ward identification" and all
pumps have to use dynamic staff call.

Step 1: Modification and storage of data

1. Start reading the pump data (see "General procedure for mod-
ifying data" ➡ p. 6 - 11).
2. Modify the data:
(see "Name" ➡ p. 6 - 12)
(see "Alarms" ➡ p. 6 - 16).
3. Store the data using “Accept” and “To file”.
4. Enter your file name and press enter to store the data.

Step 2: Select data and send to pump

1. Select the “IO” tab card.
2. Select “From file” as the data source and get your file.
3. Select “To device” and send the data to the connected pump.
4. Then unplug the device from your PC.

Step 3: Check data

1. Turn off your pump.
You will see your "Ward identification" on the pump display.
2. After turning on the pump insert syringe and start delivery.
3. Connect the pump to the staff call of your care unit and acti-
vate any alarm.
4. Verify the staff call. If it is OK all your changes are verified.
If you want to update another pump with your data you must
connect this pump to your PC and establish a connection. Repeat
"Step 2: Select data and send to pump". Now you are ready.

3-4 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
3 Working with HiBaSeD


1. Click a tab to switch to the respective application type.

Device selected

IMPORTANT: Disconnect a selected device before changing the
application type. All data will be lost if you change the applica-
tion type before disconnecting a selected device.

HiBaSeD displays a loss of data message when you select a dif-

ferent application type. You must confirm the message before
switching the application type can take effect.

You cannot change the application type during a device communi-

cation process.

CONFIGURING HIBASED 1. Select Extras > Options in the HiBaSeD menu bar.
The "Options" dialog box opens.
2. Modify the settings in the tab cards and confirm with "OK".

You can set the HiBaSeD language and the decimal separator (dec-
imal point or comma).

IMPORTANT: Disconnect a selected device before changing the
decimal separator. It is strongly recommended to restart
HiBaSeD after making these changes to prevent data errors.

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 3-5

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
3 Working with HiBaSeD Effective

Change paths to drug database and logs.

Select the access rights for the different application types.

Port / Color
If you disable the option “Scan all”, HiBaSeD will only scan the last
port to be used. If the last port used was COM2, no devices con-
nected to COM1 will be found.
Enabling this option will force HiBaSeD to scan all ports.
Disabling this option is recommended.

3-6 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
3 Working with HiBaSeD

EXITING HIBASED Disconnecting the device

Disconnecting will terminate the current connection to this pump
(device). Any unsaved changes will be lost.
You must disconnect this device before working on another device.

1. Select the "Disconnect" tab card of the "Service" application

2. Click "Disconnect".
This device will now be disconnected. Any unsaved data will be
The device will be switched off.

Terminating the program

1. Select Application > Quit in the HiBaSeD menu bar.
HiBaSeD will be closed.

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3 Working with HiBaSeD Effective

For your notes:

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4 Changing Pump Settings

The following dialog boxes can be accessed via the corresponding

entries from the Tools menu in the HiBaSeD menu bar.


“Read” will fetch all data from all devices and will disable any
selection. You can select single pumps to set the date and time
according to your PC time or you can use the clock symbols to
select pumps.
■ Green clock symbol:
Selects pumps with time delay < 30s.
■ Yellow clock symbol:
Selects pumps with a time delay of between 30s and 5 minutes.
■ Red clock symbol:
Selects pumps with time delay > 5 minutes.
■ The broken clock symbol:
Selects all unreadable pumps.

“Set” will write the PC date and time to a pump. Note that upating
the date and time of a pump will cause the device to communicate
its date and time to the Space® Stations connected.

If the WLAN-adapter is installed and actived at the pump, date
and time will be overwritten with the data of the WLAN-adapter.

“Close” will close the “Device date and time” window.

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4 Changing Pump Settings Effective

IMPORTANT: Do not use the “Alarm off” menu without special

In this window you can enable / disable the displayed alarms.

The bell symbols display the actual state of the alarm at the pump.
If a bell symbol is visible this means the alarm is active.

TCI, TOM, OCCLUGUARD Activating TCI, TOM, or OccluGuard

✓ No device has been selected in the device tree view.
1. Select "TCI", "TOM", or "OccluGuard" from the Tools menu.
The "Login" dialog box of the respective function opens.
2. Enter the password and confirm with "Enter".
The "Device TCI", "Device TOM" or "Device OccluGuard" dialog
box is displayed.

Each function requires a separate password, i.e., three different
passwords are neccessary to use TCI, TOM and OccluGuard.
The passwords must be kept confidential.

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4 Changing Pump Settings

The dialog boxs list the connected pumps, represented by their ID

and serial number. The icons in front of the pump ID show the
status of the respective function:

Status display Meaning

Function switched on

Function switched off

No change of status possible

Table 4 - 1

3. Modify the status of the funtion by checking (switching on) or

unchecking (switching off) the checkbox for individual pumps.
4. Click "Set" to write the new settings to the pumps concerned.
Modification is performed one pump after the other.

Uploading the TCI Druglist

After activating the TCI function you have to upload the precon-
figured TCI Druglist.

Do not use the TCI function without special training.

1. Switch to the "Clone" application type.

2. In the "Write to Device(s)" tab card, select the required target
devices and the TCI DrugList.dl as the drug data source file (see
"Write to Device(s)" ➡ p. 8 - 2).
3. Write the data to the pumps.

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4 Changing Pump Settings Effective

Using TCI with another drug list

1. Create a category "TCI" and two new drugs.

# Short name Name

1 TCI Prop TCI Propofol
2 TCI Remi TCI Remifentanil
Table 4 - 2

2. Leave all other boxes like concentration, soft- and hardlimits


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5 Modifying Disposable Tables

MODIFYING THE DISPOSABLE TABLE OF THE DEVICE Use the “Disposable article editor” to adapt the selected table to
your requirements. Perform the following steps to change the
current disposable table of your device:

Step 1: Read disposable data

1. Select the "Disposable articles" tab card of the "Service" appli-
cation type.

2. Read the current disposable article table from your device with
“From device”.

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5 Modifying Disposable Tables Effective

Step 2: Save the disposable article table to a file

If reading was successful, the "Save as" button will appear.

1. Click “Save as” to save the disposable article table to a file.

HiBaSeD presets a default file name in the “Save as” dialog box.
2. Change the file name, if necessary.
3. Save the file with “Save”.
The file will be created in the HiBaSeD default directory (e.g.

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5 Modifying Disposable Tables

Step 3: Start the “Disposable article editor” for your device

1. Select Tools > Disposable article editor in the HiBaSeD menu
bar and select the correct editor for your device.
■ For Infusomat: Select "Tube".
■ For Perfusor (silver claw): Select "Syringe SC".
■ For Perfusor (green claw): Select "Syringe GC".
The “Disposable article editor” opens. The first available disposable
article table is preset and loaded.

2. Please select your working disposable article file table from the
drop-down list.
You can only work with valid tables.
The following disposable data are listed:
■ Status
Status of the disposable (refer to Table 5 - 1 for details).
■ Name
This text will be displayed at the pump.
■ Addition
Order numbers of the disposables.
■ File
If there are any files for this disposable the file name(s) will be
displayed here. All disposables can be stored to files by using
function “Export”.

Step 4: Edit the disposable article table

1. Check for correct status of the listed disposables.

Status display Meaning Status display Meaning

The disposable is listed in the table and its The disposable is not listed in the table
state is “on”. but its record is available.
The disposable is listed in the table and its The disposable is listed in the table and its
state is “off” (you can’t select it at the state is “on”. The record is available too.
Table 5 - 1 Status of disposables

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5 Modifying Disposable Tables Effective

2. Use the following buttons to change the status of a disposable

or to add/remove disposables to/from the list.

Button Function Button Function

Add disposable to the table. Its state will Apply your changes to the file table and
become “on”. continue working.
Delete a disposable from the table. Discard your changes and quit disposable
Store a data record of the disposable to Create a new empty table. You will have
your drive. Use this function if you want to load this table subsequently to change
to create a new table of disposables. the data.
Change the state of an existing disposable Store the actual table under a new name.
from “off” to “on”.
Disable an existing disposable in the table.
The element is retained in the table but
cannot be selected at the pump.
Table 5 - 2 Disposable article editor tools
3. Save your modifications to a file with "Accept".

Step 5: Load the changed disposable file table

1. Close the “Disposable article editor”.
2. Select the "Disposable articles" tab card of the "Service" appli-
cation type.
3. Read the modified disposable article table from a file with
“Load from”.
4. Select the modified disposable table file and confirm with

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5 Modifying Disposable Tables

Step 6: Write the disposable table to the device

1. Start the data transfer with “To device”.

2. Confirm the message with "OK".

3. Enter your worker ID and confirm with “OK”.

The transfer progress will be displayed.

The writing task has been successfully completed.

4. Confirm with "OK".

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5 Modifying Disposable Tables Effective

GENERATING A CUSTOMIZED DISPOSABLE TABLE To generate a customized disposable table follow the steps below.
This chapter describes how to apply the information from the pre-
vious sections.

Exporting disposable article data to a file

If no disposables have been saved to separate files, please export
them from a disposable table.
1. In the "Disposable article editor", select a disposable article file
table from the drop-down list.
2. Select a disposable article entry from the list.
3. Click "Export".

Creating a new disposable table

1. Click "New" to set up a new disposable table.
The “Save as” dialog box opens (see "Step 2: Save the dispos-
able article table to a file" ➡ p. 5 - 2).
2. Enter a file name (e.g. "MyOwnTable").
3. Click "Save".

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5 Modifying Disposable Tables

4. Select the new disposable table from the drop-down list. This
is similar to modifying an existing table.

5. Now add or remove disposables to/from the list as desired:

a) Select a disposable.
b) Click "+ Add" to add the selected disposable to the list.
c) Click "– Delete" to remove the selected disposable from the
This will change the displayed states of the disposables.
Please note that changing the state does not alter disposable data
or files. The work is prepared but not executed.

Completing table creation

1. Click "Accept" to apply your modifications.
Click "Close" to exit, which will discard the modifications.
When you have applied the modifications, the table will be gener-
ated and the editor will show the result.
Please be patient, creation may last a few seconds.
2. Continue with your modifications or close the editor.

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5 Modifying Disposable Tables Effective

The actions "on Activate" or "off Deactivate" affect the possibility
of using the disposable in the pump module.

To use the new disposable table in a pump module, it has to be

written to the device.
(see "Cloning Data" ➡ p. 8 - 1) or (see "Step 6: Write the dispos-
able table to the device" ➡ p. 5 - 5).

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6 Servicing the Pump

The "Service Program" gives you direct access to the device data of
a pump.

STARTING THE SERVICE PROGRAM 1. Click the "Service" tab to switch to the "Service" application

2. To work with a specific device, select it from the device tree on

the left side (double-click).

IMPORTANT: The "Service Program" does not work on more than
one device at a time. If you have already selected a device, you
must disconnect it before you can work on another device.

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

The service view opens and the service functions (tab cards) are
displayed depending on the selected device and the user access

If SpaceCover is the selected device, only two tab cards will be dis-
played (“Modification data” and “Disconnect”).

CALIBRATION This tab card allows you to modify the calibration data sections of
the device.

Starting calibration
1. Select the calibration procedure by clicking "Modify" or "New
■ Modify
Modification of the existing calibration. During the calibra-
tion procedure you can select single data sections and cal-
ibration elements (claw, syringe holder, pressure for
Perfusor or lock bolt, serial number for Infusomat).
■ New device
New device initiates a complete calibration. All data sec-
tions are selected and you cannot change this.

2. Enter your worker ID and confirm with “OK”.

If you have not been allocated a user number (Worker ID), enter
If HiBaSeD could not clearly read the device serial number, the
number on the type plate must be entered as well.

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6 Servicing the Pump

If the device is switched off, the “Device on / off” dialog box opens
and the pump is automatically switched on.
3. Exit the start-up menus (e.g. language selection …) to continue

Calibration process – Perfusor

(For calibrating an Infusomat, please follow the instructions on
➡ p. 6 - 6).
If a Perfusor with silver claws is connected, the "Claw type selec-
tion" dialog box is displayed.
1. Select the claw type installed in the unit.
2. Reconfirm your selection in the message window displayed.
The entries in the "Data selection" grou box will be enabled.

The "Data selection" area displays the current data states.

3. If you selected “Modify”, select the data sets for calibration
If "New device" has been selected, all data sets will be included
4. Click "OK" to start the calibration process.

You are now asked to press the blue “Connect” button on the
attached device (only if "Calibration data" has been selected).
5. Press the “Connect” button on the selected pump.

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

The entries in the "Type of calibration" grou box will be enabled.

6. Select the desired calibration mode:
■ Complete recalibration
All elements of the calibration (claw, syringe holder, pres-
sure) are selected.
■ Modification to the existing calibration
Individual elements can be selected.
7. Confirm with "OK".
The current calibration data are read from the pump.

8. Select the elements to be calibrated and confirm with “OK”.

If "Complete recalibration" had been selected, the individual
calibration elements are already selected and cannot be

Claw calibration:
The group box “Claw calibration” is activated and calibration is
started.. The claws in the drive head are closed and the query “Is
the claw closed ? Please confirm” is displayed.
9. Check whether the claws are closed. Confirm with “Yes”.
The claws in the drive head are opened and the query “Is the
claw open ? Please confirm” is displayed.
10. Check whether the claws are open. Confirm with “Yes”.

Syringe Holder calibration:

The group box “Holder calibration” is activated and calibration is
11. Insert diameter gauge 32.0 mm and close the syringe holder.
Confirm with “OK”.
12. Repeat this step with diameter gauges 23.4 mm, 15.7 mm, and
9.0 mm.

The diameter gauges must not be held by the axial fastening of
the housing side part. They must be inserted in such a way that
the area of the diameter gauges touches the axial fastening

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6 Servicing the Pump

13. Open the syringe holder and remove the diameter gauge.
Confirm with “OK”.

The syringe holder must always be completely turned and the
axial fastening completely opened.

14. Close the syringe holder when requested to do so and confirm

with “OK”.

Pressure / length / PWM calibration:

The group box “Pressure/length/PWM calibration” is activated and
calibration is started.
15. Insert the length gauge and close the syringe holder. Confirm
with “OK”.

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

16. Insert the force gauge (Syringe gauge PSP) with attached push-
button plate and close the syringe holder. Confirm with “OK”.

! CAUTION The syringe gauge is under very high pressure.

During pressure calibration with the syringe gauge the syringe
holder must not be opened.
17. Remove the force gauge only when the drive head has moved
to the extended end position and the syringe gauge is released.
Close the syringe holder.
18. For completing the calibration, please continue on ➡ p. 6 - 9.

Calibration process – Infusomat

If HiBaSeD could not clearly read the device type, you are
prompted to select a type.
1. Select the correct Infusomat Space type (refer to the type plate
on the base of the device) and confirm with "OK".
2. Reconfirm your selection in the message window displayed.
The entries in the "Data selection" grou box will be enabled.

The "Data selection" area displays the current data states.

3. If you selected “Modify”, select the data sets for calibration
If "New device" has been selected, all data sets will be included
4. Click "OK" to start the calibration process.

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6 Servicing the Pump

If you selected “New device” and your device contains consistent

data and modified “Pressure Levels” or “Delivery Constant”, you
will be asked to keep or reset this modified data.
■ Use adjusted device data:
keep the modified data
■ Ignore adjustment, use default:
reset the modified data

You are now asked to press the blue “Connect” button on the
attached device (only if "Calibration data" has been selected).
5. Press the “Connect” button on the selected pump.
The current calibration data are read from the pump.

The Infusomat® Space door will open. You are told to wait until the
door is open. A message is displayed if the locking clamp is open.

6. Use the slide clamp (Fig. 6 - 1) to close the locking clamp, if


Fig. 6 - 1 Slide clamp

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

The device tries to open the door lock bolt.

7. Check the position of the lock bolt on the device.
The lock bolt must not be visible in the three openings
(Fig. 6 - 2 / Item 1). It must be possible to tilt the operating
1 2 unit almost as far as the closed position (gap between upper
edge of the operating unit and upper edge of the housing top
is about 5 mm).

Fig. 6 - 2 Lock bolt positions

1 Lock bolt open
2 Lock bolt closed

8. Confirm with "Yes" if the bolt is open. Otherwise click “No”.

IMPORTANT: Wait until the lock bolt is fully opened before you
click “Yes”.

The device tries to close the door lock bolt.

9. Check the position of the lock bolt on the device.
The lock bolt is visible in the three openings (Fig. 6 - 2 /
Item 2). It must not be possible to tilt the operating unit as far
as the closed position (gap between upper edge of the oper-
ating unit and upper edge of the housing top is about 10 mm).
10. Confirm with "Yes" if the bolt is closed. Otherwise click “No”.

IMPORTANT: Wait until the lock bolt is fully closed before you
click “Yes”.

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6 Servicing the Pump

Completing calibration
The message “switch device off” is displayed.
1. Switch the device off and confirm with “OK”.

Calibration has been successfully completed. The result with all the
values is displayed in the “Conclusion” group box and the data are
stored in the unit.
2. Click “Print” if you want to print the calibration report.
3. Click “OK” to quit calibration.

The calibration report includes the device-specific calibration data

and the logbook of the calibration.

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

Calibration update during calibration

The calibration process distinguishes between “New device” and
“Modify”. If an adjustment calibration detects that a patch can be
applied, the user will get this information.
Even if this feature exists, the user will be asked to use the separate
function "Cal. Update" (see "Cal. update" ➡ p. 6 - 22).

If the user clicks "No", the calibration data will be invalid and a full
calibration will be required and started.
If the user clicks "Yes", the patch starts and no full calibration will
be performed (Modification data and Disposable articles are not

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6 Servicing the Pump

MODIFICATION DATA This tab card allows you to modify the settings and parameters of
the device.

You can specify defaults for certain device settings These
defaults will be automatically applied if the last (manual) set-
tings can not be loaded (for exampel, after a device alarm).

General procedure for modifying data

1. On the "IO" tab card, click one of the following buttons:
■ From device
Get data from the selected device.
■ From file
Get data from file. This way you can set several pumps to
identical data.
■ Default
This will set your data to the default BBM data delivered
with HiBaSeD.
2. Change the data groups loaded in the tab cards described
below (➡ p. 6 - 12 et seq.).
Visibility of the data groups and tab cards depends on the
device and the user access level.
3. If you want to activate your changes at the pump, click
“Accept” on the "IO" tab card first.
With “Undo” you can discard all your changes.

4. Then click “To device” to send the accepted data to the device.
Clicking "To file" will create a modification data file on the PC.

5. Confirm the message with "OK".

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

6. Enter your worker ID and confirm with “OK”.

The transfer progress will be displayed.

After successful completion of the writing task, a corresponding
message will be displayed.

7. Confirm with "OK".

The serial number is read-only. It can be modified on the "Serial
Number" tab card, only (see "Serial number" ➡ p. 6 - 23).
You may change:
■ Ward identification
■ Data Lock PIN

If a drug library is installed at the pump, the pump will display
the name of the drug library instead of the "Ward identification."

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6 Servicing the Pump

You may change:
■ The rate of Basal and Bolus
■ The rate and volume of priming and enabling of this function.
■ The Bolus defaults for different syringe sizes (Perfusor, only)

You can define the KVO settings:
■ Three KVO rates according to the therapy rate
■ Time limit
■ Alarm
■ Default settings / Use KVO after delivery

■ Bolus mode
This pump mode can be disabled by deactivating the field.

■ New patient
Enable this option if you want the device to ask you on startup.
■ Last therapy
Enable this option if you want the device to ask you on startup
whether to continue using data from the last therapy.
If this option is disabled, all values will be set to the default on
■ Use dosage mode
Enable this option if you want the device to ask you on startup.
■ Drug database
Enable this option if you want the device to ask you on startup.
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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

■ Barcode
Enable this option if you want the device to ask you on startup
(No barcode scanner is currently available!).

Dose calculation:
■ Enable / disable the Patient weight unit selectable option.

Special functions:
■ Enable / disable the visibility of the sub-menu items from the
"Special functions" menu of the device
■ Piggyback is visible for Infusomat, only.

Default settings:
■ Pressure sensor downstream
Default pressure level (downstream).
■ Pressure sensor upstream (Infusomat, only)
Default pressure level (upstream).
It is not recommended to change the default setting for the
upstream sensor (see "Checklist for your changes" ➡ p. A - 1)
because the functionality cannot be guaranteed for all sets.

LPL Mode:
■ Enable / disable the selection of three additional pressure levels
at the pump.
1 The additional pressure levels range below the standard pres-
sure level1. Selection of a low pressure level is indicated by a
Fig. 6 - 3
highlighted bar in the pump display (Fig. 6 - 3).
1 Selected low pressure level
Recalibration of the pump is required if LPL mode is enabled. This
will be taken into account by HiBaSeD, automatically.

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6 Servicing the Pump

Show or hide the submenu items in the “Status” menu of the

Show or hide the submenu items in the “Options” menu of the
■ Use of mmHg
Enable the mmHg indication in the occlusion pressure setting
of the pump.

Infusomat (Infusomat, only)

Adjust the settings of the air bubble and the air volume alarms.

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

OccluGuard (Perfusor, only)

■ Pressure Leap/Drop Sensitivity
The default settings can be altered, if necessary.
■ Default settings
OccluGuard enabled/disabled
The setting of the sensitivity High/Med/Low requires enabling
the corresponding "Pressure Leap/Drop" function

■ Time format
Select the time format.
■ Date format
Select the date format.
■ Default settings
Standby time: Proposed default standby time in minutes.
■ Current date/time
Display the device date and time from the instant when the
data was read.

Define the instant for starting the VTBI pre-alarm. Zero will
disable the pre-alarm.
■ Time
Define the instant for starting the time limit pre-alarm. Zero
will disable the pre-alarm.
■ Syringe end (Perfusor, only)
Define the instant for starting the syringe end pre-alarm. This
value should not be less than three minutes.
■ Once
Activate this field if you want the acoustic pre-alarm issued
only once. The optical pre-alarm will not be affected.
■ Repeating
Activate this field if you want the acoustic pre-alarm to be
repeated until the user confirms it.

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6 Servicing the Pump

Bolus acoustic tone:

■ every
When the defined bolus volume is reached, the bolus sound will
be issued. Entering 1ml means that a bolus sound will be issued
every 1ml during manual bolus.
■ Acoustic tone
Enable this field to issue a bolus sound.

Syringe alarms (Perfusor, only)

■ STOP at syringe end
Enable or disable syringe alarms with “STOP at syringe end”.

Off alarms:
■ Static
Staff call will be active until confirmation.
■ Dynamic 1 second
When the alarm is activated, a pulse lasting one second will be
■ Dynamic 1 second with alarm off
When the alarm is activated or if you switch off the device, a
pulse lasting one second will be issued.
■ Staff call on pre-alarm
If this field is enabled, a staff call will be issued when a pre-
alarm is activated.

Acoustic alarm in Space Station:

■ Space Station only
An acoustic alarm will be issued by the SpaceStation only. The
speaker of the pump will not be active.
■ Space Station and device
An acoustic alarm will be issued by the SpaceStation and the

Default settings:
■ Alarm volume
Default setting for this function.

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

Audible pre-/alarm suppression:

■ Suppression time
Define the duration for suppressing alarms at the SpaceStation
and the pump (max. 30 min). Zero will disable the alarm sup-
pression (default setting).

Display / Minimal lighting / Passive:
■ Settings for these functions.

List of Drugs:
■ Overview ‘All’ included:
If this option is deselected (unchecked), navigation through the
DrugLibrary via “All” (drugs) will not be available.
If this option is selected (checked), the navigation option “All”
(drugs) will be listed above the categories and navigation
through all available drugs will be possible.

Default settings:
■ Display lighting/ Display contrast/ Keyboard lighting
Default settings for these functions.
■ Macro-Mode
If this option is enabled, the pump display will automatically
switch to macro mode.

Large rate:
■ Dose display
A programmed dose rate is displayed on the right side of the
pump display (Fig. 6 - 4 / Item 1) unless the large rate option is
1 2
activated for the selected drug in the Space OnlineSuite.
Fig. 6 - 4 ■ Rate large
1 Large rate / Dose display The rate will be displayed large in ml/h on the right side of the
2 Large rate / Rate large pump display (Fig. 6 - 4 / Item 2) unless the large dose rate
option is activated for the selected drug in the Space Online-

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6 Servicing the Pump

Set the storage battery maintenance time.
■ Active
If the option is activated (checkbox selected), "Battery mainte-
nance" will be offered on the display of the deactivated pump
when the set time interval has elapsed.

■ Enable/disable the PCA status options.

Default settings:
■ Default setting for the PCA Keysound volume.

Piggyback (Infusomat, only):

■ Enable or disable the piggyback therapy options.

Barcode and Autoprogramming

The barcode feature is not currently available!

Barcode menu at pump:

■ Enable or disable the usage options (authorized user ID /
patient ID / medication scanning / system-wide distribution of
user ID).
■ Duration of validity of data in the system
Set the duration of validity time for the authorized user ID and
the patient ID.

Look up:
■ Select the drug look-up mode for dose guard matching.

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

IO means Input/Output. You can receive and transmit data.
Select a data source to modify:
■ From device
Get data from the selected device.
■ From file
Get data from a file. This way you can set several pumps to
identical data.
■ Default
This will set your data to the default BBM data delivered with

Accept or reject modified data:

■ Undo
Undo your changes
■ Accept
Apply your changes. You must save your changes.

Accepted data must be saved:

■ To device
Save data to the pump.
■ To file
Save data to a file.
■ Cancel
Do not save data.
■ Print
Print data report.

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6 Servicing the Pump


■ From device
Get the table of disposables from the device.
■ To device
Send the table of disposables to the device.
■ Load from
Get the table of disposables from a file. This way you can set
several devices to identical data.
■ Save as
Write the table of disposables to a file. This way you can set
several devices to identical data.

Modifying the disposable articles table

(see "Modifying Disposable Tables" ➡ p. 5 - 1)

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

CAL. UPDATE This function allows you to update parts of the data without
having to recalibrate the device.

Performing a calibration update

✓ A pump is connected.
✓ The calibration patch file for the pump is available.
1. Select the “Cal. update” tab card.
The calibration patch file is listed.
2. Select the calibration patch file and click “Execute”.

3. Confirm the warning message with "OK".

4. Enter your worker ID and confirm with “OK”.

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6 Servicing the Pump

HiBaSeD checks the existing calibration and writes the new cali-
bration data to the device. The progress of this step is indicated by
the progress bar.

If the calibration update is successful (progress bar reaches 100%),

HiBaSeD immediately displays the starting state again.
If the calibration update fails, HiBaSeD displays an error message.

SERIAL NUMBER This tab card can be used to change the serial number. No other
adjustable data will be modified.

Changing the serial number

1. Enter the correct serial number.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that the serial number is the same as
the number written on the type plate and in the associated doc-

2. Confirm your changes with “Accept”.

3. Confirm the message with "OK".

4. Enter your worker ID and confirm with “OK”.

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

OPERATING DATA With this tab card you can display the operating data of the pump
and reset all or some of them to "0".

■ From device
Read out and display the operating data for the displayed fields
from the selected pump.
■ Delete
Reset the respective data entry to "0".
■ Delete all
Reset all data entries to "0".

Deleting operating data

IMPORTANT: The pump must be switched on to delete individual
or all operating data.

If you click any “Delete” button you will be prompted for confirma-
tion (e.g. “No. of motor steps”):

If you click the “Delete all” button you will be prompted for con-

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6 Servicing the Pump


■ Read
Read the current delivery constant from the pump.
■ New delivery constant
Change the delivery constant.
■ Accept
Apply the changed data

Changing the delivery constant

Do not use this menu without special training!

✓ The current delivery constant has been read out from the pump
1. Enter a new delivery constant.
2. Click "Accept".
A warning message is displayed and you will be prompted for
3. Click "OK" to write the new delivery constant to the pump.

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

PRESSURE LEVELS (INFUSOMAT ONLY) This tab card allows you to modify the device values for the
selected pressure levels.

■ Pressure level settings (left)
You can reduce the pressure levels (-10%, -20%, -30% from
the default values).
■ Default value
Default pressure levels from INI file.
■ Device value
Current pressure levels (read from the device).
■ Update
Read the “Default values” and “Device values” and refresh the
■ To device
Write the modified values to the device.
■ Report
Print a report file of the modifications.

Changing the pressure level

Do not change the settings without first consulting B. Braun!

1. Define the new pressure level settings.

2. Click "To device".
3. Confirm the message with "OK".

4. Enter your worker ID and confirm with “OK”.

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6 Servicing the Pump

5. Confirm the message with "OK".

6. Click "Print" to print the report file of the modifications.

Differing values are marked with “<>”.

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

TESTS This tab card allows you to test settings and hardware components
of the connected pump.

Initializing test mode

1. In the "Init/Reset" tab card, click "Init".
A message window opens.

2. Switch on the device.

3. Exit the start-up menus (e.g. language selection …) to continue
Test mode is initialized. Switching to other "Service" tab cards
is now disabled.
4. Perform the tests on the tab cards described below (➡ p. 6 - 29
et seq.).
Whether the test tab cards are visible or not depends on the

Resetting the service view

1. In the "Init/Reset" tab card, click "Reset".
The test tab cards will now be hidden. Test mode is terminated.
Switching to other "Service" tab cards is enabled again.

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6 Servicing the Pump

Storage battery
■ Configuration
Read the configuration.
■ Status
Read the status information.
■ Alarms
Read the alarm states.

IMPORTANT: The pump must be switched on.

■ Storage battery test

Perform a storage battery test.

Drive (Perfusor, only)

■ Piston plate sensor, Sensor end position
You may move the drive to syringe pressure sensor or sensor
end position by selecting “Initiate/Drive”, “Release” or “No
function" for each sensor. Selecting these options will move the
drive until sensor is reached, released, or sensor doesn’t matter.
■ Move drive
If "Set" is unchecked in the "Move drive manually" group box,
you can move the drive by clicking “<<” or “>>” (fast move-
ment) and “<” or “>” (slow movement).
■ Move drive manually
If "Set" is checked, you can set the motion parameters manually
and start drive movement by clicking “Go”.

Lock bolt (Infusomat, only)

Do not use this menu without special training!

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

To start the lock bolt test you must click the “Start” button.

Confirmation of the message window will enable the position

selection fields.

Sensors (Perfusor)
This page displays the sensor signals of the Perfusor.
■ Claw
You can open and close the claws by clicking “Open” or “Close”.
You will see the claw angle as a raw value.
■ Piston brake
You can open and close the piston break by clicking “Open” or
“Close”. The signal is displayed.
■ Claw force
You can display the data by clicking “Read”.
■ Holder
The syringe holder raw value of FuP and KuP as well as the axial
fixation value is displayed.
■ Pressure sensor
The pressure raw value of the pressure sensor is displayed.

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6 Servicing the Pump

Sensors (Infusomat)
This page displays the sensor signals of the Infusomat.

On this page you can adjust the brightness and contrast of the
pump display.
“Accept” will send data to the pump.

You can check the keyboard of your pump. If you press any key on
the keyboard it will appear marked on this page (e.g. “arrow up“).
The value of the pressed key is displayed in the field

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

WLAN-ADAPTER (OPTIONAL) This tab card allows you to change the WLAN settings for pumps
using the options "Battery Pack SP with WiFi".

The following instructions are addressed to persons who are
familiar with the configuration of networks etc. (for example,
the system administrator). It is a requirement that the necessary
settings are known.

For more information, please refer to the Instructions for Use of

the Battery Pack SP with WiFi.

Activating the WLAN function

It is only possible to connect and perform configuration if the
WLAN function on the pump is active.
1 2 1. Check whether one of the two WLAN symbols appears in the
pump display (Fig. 6 - 5).
2. If the WLAN function is not active, ensure that the service con-
nector is connected to the pump and then activate the WLAN
Fig. 6 - 5 function under Options > WLAN.
1 WLAN function active, no network connection After activation, it may take a few minutes until the WLAN
2 WLAN function active, network connection up and running battery is detected in the HiBaSeD.

The WLAN battery appears as a separate device in the HiBaSeD, but

cannot be addressed directly (red X).
The WLAN is configured in the HiBaSeD of the pump on the "WLAN
Adapter" tab card.

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6 Servicing the Pump

General procedure for modifying settings

✓ WLAN function is active.
1. On the "IO" tab card, click one of the following buttons:
■ From device
Current configuration of the WLAN battery.
■ From file
Configuration stored on the PC.
■ Default
File stored in the HiBaSeD with the factory settings.
Recommendation: Start the first WLAN battery in the hospital
with "Default" and check that the configuration functions reliably.
Then save this configuration and, if necessary, adapt it to and use
it for all the other WLAN batteries.

2. Change the data groups loaded in the tab cards described

below (➡ p. 6 - 34 et seq.).
You can edit the individual fields in a separate window. To do
that, left-click into the field you wish to edit.

3. If you want to activate your changes at the pump, click

“Accept” on the "IO" tab card first.
You can assign a new file name with "Rename" (and then
confirm with "Accept").
With “Undo” you can discard all your (unsaved) changes.

4. Then click “To device” to send the accepted data to the WLAN
Use "To file" to save the configuration in a file on the PC

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

■ IPv6
Network protocol IPv4 is activated as standard. If necessary,
you can switch to IPv6.
■ Power
Here, you can adapt the transmission power of the WLAN
module to the situation in which it used.
■ SSID, IP, Subnet Mask, Domain Name Server, Gateway
Make all these entries after consulting your local IT dept.

Make all these entries after consulting your local IT dept.
■ Ad hoc Network
Only select in special cases (establishes a direct connection
between the PLC and the WLAN battery).

Caution: "Ad hoc Network" is active when the WLAN battery is
in fallback mode (see "Fallback mode" ➡ ❐✎ ✑✒ ✒✉.

■ Region
Select your region.
Depending on the encryption, a certificate file can be stored
under CA-Cert, Client Cert, or PrivateKey.
If necessary, as of SW 027L000051 you can activate/deactivate the
function "Gratuitous ARP" via SpaceOnline. If in doubt, activate
this function or leave it activated.

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6 Servicing the Pump

You can choose any "Username" and "Password". Entering these
activates the FTP protocol on the WLAN battery.

If you do not make any entries under "FTP", the configuration
cannot be stored.

■ Time Zone
If you want to use a time server*, the system requires informa-
tion about the time zone. Please enter a file with a location
that is located in the time zone of your location.
The Time Zone file takes care of automatic switchover of day-
light-saving time/standard time, for example. Alternatively, you
can suppress time switchover by selecting "Etc...UTC".

Logfiles are tool for fault analysis. If necessary, a logfile can be
loaded from the WLAN battery and stored. The WLAN battery
always stores two logfiles (the current and previous logfile).
■ Update
Loads the list of logfiles from the WLAN battery.
■ Load
Loads the selected logfile from the WLAN battery and opens a
dialog box for saving the file to the PC. If an error occurs, repeat
all the steps after "Update".
■ Delete
Deletes the selected logfile from the WLAN battery.

* A time server can only be set in the SpaceOnline configuration.

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6 Servicing the Pump Effective

Factory Reset
This function resets the configuration of the Battery Pack SP with
WiFi to factory values.

The configuration of the Battery Pack SP with WiFi will be
removed. There is no undo or recovery.
Account information and the passwords are required to recon-
figure the network.

DISCONNECT (see "Disconnecting the device" ➡ p. 3 - 7)

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7 History Viewer

With the “History Viewer” you can display the history of a pump.

STARTING THE HISTORY VIEWER 1. Click the "History" tab to switch to the "History" application

2. To work with a specific device, select it from the device tree on

the left side (double-click).

IMPORTANT: The "History Viewer" does not work on more than
one device at a time. If you have already selected a device, you
must disconnect it before you can work on another device.

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7 History Viewer Effective

General controls
The following control elements are located on various tab cards of
the "History" application type. The control element always applies
to the data on the currently active tab card.

Button Function Button Function

Read the history data. Clear data.

Send the history data to the clipboard. Save a history data file.

Export the history data to a spreadsheet. Disconnect the selected device.

Print the history data.

Table 7 - 1

DEVICE Listing the device history

1. Select the "Device" tab card, if neccessary.
2. Click "Read from device".
The device history is listed in chronological order.
■ No.
Consecutive number
■ Date
Date of entry
■ Time
Time of entry
■ Event
Type of entry
■ Value
Value of entry
■ Unit
Unit of entry

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7 History Viewer

Applying filters
Valid filters are shown in the filter drop-down list.
1. Select a filter from the drop down-list.
2. If the available filter criteria do not meet your requirements,
create your own filter first (see "Filter" ➡ p. 7 - 7).

Time range
1. Set the date for the first entry in the date selection field.
2. Set the date for the last entry in the date selection field.

3. To reset to the start date and end date of the device history
(update range), click "Date".

SYSTEM Listing the system history

IMPORTANT: The device must be switched on to work with the
“System” and “System Edit” tab cards.

1. Switch the device on, if neccessary.

2. Select the "System" tab card.
3. Click "Read from device".
The system history is listed in chronological order.
■ No.
Consecutive number
■ Date
Date of entry
■ Time
Time of entry
■ System entry
Manual entry of event

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7 History Viewer Effective

Adding system history entries

1. Click “Add”
The "Add" dialog box opens.
2. Enter the data that you want to add to the system history of
the pump.
3. Click “OK” to transmit your data to the pump. Your entry will be
added to the system history.
Click “Cancel” to discard your entry.

Modifying system history entries

1. Click “Modify”
The "System Edit" tab card is displayed.
2. Add new entries or modify or remove existing entries from the
system history.

SYSTEM EDIT “System Edit” allows you to change, add or remove system history

IMPORTANT: The device must be switched on to work with the
“System” and “System Edit” tab cards.

1. Switch the device on, if neccessary.

2. Read the system history from the device, if neccessary (see
"Listing the system history" ➡ p. 7 - 3).
3. Select the "System Edit" tab card.
The system history entries of the "System" tab card are listed.

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7 History Viewer

Adding an entry
1. Click "Add".
The "Add" dialog box opens.
2. Enter the data that you want to add to the system history of
the pump and confirm with "OK" (see "Adding an entry"
➡ p. 7 - 5).

Removing an entry
1. Select an entry from the list.
2. Click "Remove".

Sending your modified data to the selected pump

1. Click "Save".
2. Click "OK" in the confirmation window displayed.

As another security feature, you are now asked to press the blue
“Connect” button on the attached device.
3. Press the “Connect” button on the selected pump.
The stored history data of the pump will now be overwritten.
“Cancel” will discard all your changes.

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7 History Viewer Effective

KEYBOARD Listing the keyboard history

1. Select the "Keyboard" tab card.
2. Click "Read from device".
The keyboard history is listed in chronological order.
■ No.
Consecutive number
■ Date
Date of entry
■ Time
Time of entry
■ Key
Active key
■ Menu
Active menu

ALARMS Listing the device alarm history

1. Select the "Alarms" tab card.
2. Click "Read from device".
The alarm history is listed in chronological order.
■ No.
Consecutive number
■ Date
Date of entry
■ Time
Time of entry
■ Alarm
Number of alarm
■ Text
Text of alarm

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7 History Viewer

FILTER “Filter” allows you to modify the settings of existing filters or to

create a new filter with your personal filter criteria.
First you must read all history texts from the pump.
1. Select the "Device" tab card, if neccessary.
2. Click "Read from device".
3. Switch to the "Filter" tab card.

■ all will select all texts
■ none will select no texts
■ invert will invert your selection
■ A mouse click selects the text at the cursor position.

Each selection can be assigned a style. A style may consist of:
■ b (bold)
■ i (italic)
■ u (underline)
■ H (hidden)
■ Color
foreground color (select with left mouse button)
background color (select with left mouse button)
■ The "R" button resets to original style and color.

■ new: Show undefined filter data to modify.
■ save as: Save the filter under a new name.
■ delete: Delete the current filter (file).
■ save: Save the current filter
("save as" must be executed first).

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7 History Viewer Effective

Creating a history filter

✓ The current device history has been read from the device.
1. Select the "Filter" tab card, if neccessary.
2. Create a new filter with “new”.
3. Define the filter text styles using the style controls.
4. Click “save as” to save the filter to a file.
The “Save as” dialog box opens.

5. Enter a unique filter name (*.fil).

6. Save the file with “Save”.
All filter files are saved to the HiBaSeD pump filter folder
(dat\Pump\HistoryFilter) by default. You can change the folder
but only filters saved to the folder “dat\Pump\HistoryView” can
be selected from the "Device" history tab card.

Applying the new history filter

1. Select the "Device" tab card.
2. Select the new filter from the drop-down list.
3. Set the time period.

4. Read the device history with “Read from device”.

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8 Cloning Data

With the “Clone” application type you can transfer data stored on
one device or in a file to other devices.

Cloning data is possible with the interface lead CAN-SP, only.

STARTING THE CLONE APPLICATION TYPE 1. Click the "Clone" tab to switch to the "Clone" application type.
The "Write to Device(s)" tab card will be opened by default.

2. Select the tab card for the process to be performed.

■ "Write to Device(s)" for writing data from a file to one or
multiple devices.
■ "Read from Device" for reading data from one device.

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8 Cloning Data Effective

Device selection controls

The following control elements are located on the "Write to
Device(s)" and/or "Read from Device" tab cards. The action of a
control element always applies to the list of devices on the cur-
rently active tab card.

Button Function Button Function

Add one device to the device list. Add all matching devices to the device
Remove one device from the device list. Remove all devices from the device list.

Add all devices of the same type inside the

current tower to the device list.
Table 8 - 1

WRITE TO DEVICE(S) HiBaSeD supports cloning of the following data elements:

■ Drug data
■ Disposable data
■ Modification data

Selecting target devices and source data

1. Use the device selection controls to set up the list of devices as
the targets for your writing process (see "Device selection con-
trols" ➡ p. 8 - 2).
2. In the "Data" grou box of the tab card, select the data elements
that you want to process.
3. Click "File" to open the dialog box in which you can select the
data source file.

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8 Cloning Data

4. Select the desired source file.

Only data files of the selected data type will be offered.
5. Click "Open".

Writing data
1. Start the clone procedure with “to Device (es)”.

2. Confirm with “OK”.

Your selected data will be transmitted to all selected devices.
A progress bar at the bottom of the tab card informs you how
transmission is progressing.
When data transmission is complete, the display switches to
the “Report” tab card (see "Report" ➡ p. 8 - 5).

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8 Cloning Data Effective

READ FROM DEVICE You can read the following data elements from a single pump and
save them to the file system:
■ Disposable article
■ Modification data
■ All data (and histories)

Selecting the source device and data

1. Use the device selection controls to select a device as the
source for your reading process (see "Device selection controls"
➡ p. 8 - 2).
2. In the "Data" group box of the tab card, select the data ele-
ments that you want to process.

Reading and saving data

1. Click "from Device" to open the dialog box for selecting a target
file for the data.
2. Retain the file and folder names set by HiBaSeD.
3. Click "Save".
Your selected data will be saved to file(s).
A progress bar at the bottom of the tab card informs you how
transmission is progressing (refer to ➡ p. 12 - 2 in case of an
When data transmission is complete, the display switches to
the “Report” tab card (see "Report" ➡ p. 8 - 5).

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Effective8 Cloning Data

File repository
The data are stored in folders, which are named according to the
selected type of data (e.g. “Drugs\”)
If you selected “All data (and histories)” all files will be saved to the
folder “Depot\”.

REPORT The report lists the results of the data transfer operations.

■ Back
Go back to the previously active tab card.
■ Save
Save the report as a log file (*.log).
■ Print
Print the report.

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8 Cloning Data Effective

For your notes:

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9 Upgrade procedures with HiBaSeD

UPGRADING PUMP DATA With Version 1.3.5 and higher, HiBaSeD includes a mechanism for
retaining important settings (modification data) of the device
when software is upgraded.

Main mechanism
1. Save the old settings using the corresponding version of
HiBaSeD. To do so, start the "Service" application type, read the
information from the device and store it to disk. Please use a
meaningful file name to store the data.

IMPORTANT: Do not uninstall the corresponding (old) version of

2. Run the software upgrade of the device (see "Performing Soft-

ware Upgrades" ➡ p. 10 - 1).
3. Run the HiBaSeD version of the new device version on the same
PC. This program will handle the upgrade by using the old data
and the old HiBaSeD program to verify the old data.
4. The “Upgrade” is defined in upgrade control files (*.ucf).

How to upgrade modification data

1. Select Tools > Upgrade in the HiBaSeD menu bar to start the
“Upgrade” dialog.

The upgrade dialog box lists older versions of HiBaSeD, which are
installed on your PC. HiBaSeD can be upgraded from detected old
versions only.
You can cancel the upgrade process at any time. This will stop the
upgrade process and close the upgrade dialog box.

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9 Upgrade procedures with HiBaSeD Effective

2. Select the version whose data you want to upgrade (source

The selected version is marked by a checkmark.
The path and tree view is updated according to the version
selected. The list of upgradable files depends on the folder
selected in the tree view.
You can also select an individual folder from the directory list box,
e.g. “Infusomat_S\Adjust”, in order to select the modification data
of an Infusomat Space S.

3. Select the file to be updated and start the upgrade procedure

with “Upgrade”.

User information is displayed when upgrading of the file is com-


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9 Upgrade procedures with HiBaSeD

The upgrade information is inserted in the upgrade file list view

and the tree node entry is deleted.

After successful completion of the file upgrade, the “Changes”

button is enabled.
4. Click “Changes” to display the file changes.

In the listing, old and upgraded file versions are compared.

5. Repeat Step 3. for all files you wish to upgrade.

6. Write the updated “Modification data” file to the device (see
"Modification data" ➡ p. 6 - 11).

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9 Upgrade procedures with HiBaSeD Effective

UPGRADING A PUMP FROM 'OLD' TO 'NEW' For this example we assume:

■ You are using a pump with an “older” software version.
■ You want to upgrade to a version that matches this version of
■ You want to keep or upgrade the modification data.

This is an example of an upgrade only.
This example does not cover any “local” restrictions or rules.
Please ask in your specific local environment, which additional
orders to fulfill on an upgrade.

Please note the following hints for performing an upgrade.

Modification data (save)

If you want to upgrade modification data, you must store them
before performing the software upgrade.
For example, if you have been using SW-J, for example, you must
use HiBaSeD for SW-J. After connecting the pump, save the mod-
ification data (see "Modification data" ➡ p. 6 - 11).
Some users do not upgrade modification data. They prefer to gen-
erate a “new” configuration.
Storing the old configuration gives you the opportunity to use this
data later. Old configurations that are not stored are lost after a
software upgrade.

Software upgrade
Upgrade the pump. In many cases there are specific hints or orders
delivered with each software version.
After following these (optional) orders, you will have to switch on
the pump device to check it.

Cal. Update
Often, specific "patches" have to be performed. For a description of
the process: (see "Cal. update" ➡ p. 6 - 22).

Modification data (restore)

Not relevant for Infusomat.

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9 Upgrade procedures with HiBaSeD

Modification data (upgrade)

The modification data can be upgraded (see "Upgrading pump
data" ➡ p. 9 - 1). Modification data is always upgraded from the
previous version to the current version of HiBaSeD. So modifica-
tion data has to be upgraded step by step.
For example, to upgrade from SW-H to SW-L, you first have to
upgrade from SW-H to SW-J and then from SW-J to SW-L.
To transfer the modification data to a single pump:
(see "Modification data" ➡ p. 6 - 11).
To transfer the modification data to a set of pumps:
(see "Write to Device(s)" ➡ p. 8 - 2).

UPGRADING THE SPACESTATION FIRMWARE Upgrading is possible with the serial cable, only.

Remove all pumps from the SpaceSation before you start.
Remove the cover before you start.
Connect the serial interface and disconnect and reconnect the
SpaceStation mains cable.

Step 1: Connect the SpaceStation

1. Start the SpaceStation software update with Update >
SpaceStation from the HiBaSeD menu bar.
2. Select the assigned COM port.
3. Click “Connect” to connect the SpaceStation.

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9 Upgrade procedures with HiBaSeD Effective

After connecting, the BIOS and main software versions are shown.

■ Disconnect
Disconnect the SpaceStation
■ File
Load the update source file (software version).
■ Reconnect automatically
Automatic reconnection is performed (if the serial interface is
disconnected and connects again).
■ Validate automatically
Read data after updating the SpaceStation firmware to vali-
date the modification.

Step 2: Load the update file

1. Click "File".

HiBaSeD shows the update files from the default directory

2. Select a file and confirm with “Open”.

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9 Upgrade procedures with HiBaSeD

The upgrade properties will be displayed in the “File” group box of

the update dialog box.

Step 3: Upgrade
1. Click "Update" to start updating the SpaceSation firmware.

2. Confirm with "Yes".

3. Read the serial number from the type plate.

4. Enter your worker ID and the serial number.
5. Confirm with “OK”.

The update logbook is displayed in the "Update" group box of the

update dialog box. It can be printed with the "Print" button.

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9 Upgrade procedures with HiBaSeD Effective

Step 4: Validate
1. Click "Validate" to test the device containing BIOS file data.

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10 Performing Software Upgrades

This chapter describes the installation of the upgrade program

"Space Upgrade" and the upgrade of the Space System from
installed versions of software E to new version software. Precondi-
tion for the upgrade of the pumps with this program is, that the
pumps have software higher than E installed. Previous software
states of the pumps must be updated to software E first. SpaceCom
and CoverComfort must have software F before updating to newer

The following components of the Space System can be upgraded

to new software:
■ Space CoverComfort
■ SpaceCom
■ Perfusor Space
■ Infusomat Space

The activation of TCI on Infusomat P is prohibited.

Important: Details of the screen shots may vary. The mapped
screen shots therefore are examples.

The upgrade program must never run together with a second appli-

Using the upgrade program is only authorized for service tasks.
Danger of injury if used on the patient!
■ The update may only be started if of no patient is connected.

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10 Performing Software Upgrades Effective

REQUIREMENTS Minimum precondition for the PC

■ PentiumIV 1GHz
■ 256 MB RAM
■ USB Interface
■ Serial lead, order number 8713234
■ Interface lead CAN SP, order number 8713230 (Fig. 10 - 1).
■ Screen resolution 1024x768 Pixel
■ Free hard disk storage: 20 MB

Fig. 10 - 1 Interface lead CAN SP

Operating systems
■ Windows Vista
■ Windows 7, 8 or 10


Please ask our global Service to get the latest drivers!

For the installation of the upgrade program and the corresponding

USB CAN module driver it is necessary to have the administrator
rights of the PC.

During the installation of the driver the interface lead CAN SP
must not be connected to the PC.

To perform the software upgrades no administrator rights are


1. Start the "Space Upgrade 2.1 Setup.EXE" and follow the

instructions of the installation program.
On this page you can change the destination folder by clicking
2. Click “Next” to continue the installation process.

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10 Performing Software Upgrades

Then data can be established from previous installations of the

upgrade program. This is necessary only if other versions have been
installed, already.
3. In case of a first installation select "No".
4. Click “Next” to continue.

In the following step you will be asked for the installation of

the Systec driver for the interface lead CAN SP. During the first
installation also the driver must be installed.
5. Select the "Systec Driver" checkbox, if neccessary.
6. Click “Next” to continue.

During subsequent installations (for example, the upgrade
program versions D,E,F,G,H) it is not necessary to install the
SysTec driver 2.20 again. The "Systec Driver" checkbox can be
deselected and the "install new driver" recommendation ignored.

After installation of the upgrade program the installation of the

Systec driver starts automatically.
7. Please confirm the License Agreement and click “Next”.
8. Follow the instructions of the installation program until the
"Select Additional Tasks" page is displayed.

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10 Performing Software Upgrades Effective

9. Deselect both checkboxes.

10. Click “Next” to continue.

After successful installation the pumps can be updated via the

CAN bus and the SpaceStation.

REMARKS BEFORE STARTING THE UPDATE General notes for the update

After the update the device alarm 1013/ 2013 may occur.
Turn the pump off and on again. If the pump passes the initial
self-test, the pump can be used without restrictions.

Space CoverComfort
It is recommended to update the Space CoverComfort always to
the latest software version.

It is recommended to update SpaceCom. Precondition for the
update is, that SpaceCom I has software version F, G01 or G10
The update package contains the improved SpaceCom II software.
First the OS has to be installed via USB-Stick, afterwards the soft-
ware update can be processed.

Perfusor Space / Infusomat Space

It is only possible to update pumps with software versions higher
than E! Therefore devices with former software versions have to be
updated to SW E first.

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10 Performing Software Upgrades

Updating of the whole Space system

The following update order is recommended:
1. If necessary, Space CoverComfort update (5 minutes)
2. If necessary, Operating System (10 minutes), SpaceCom update
(10 minutes)
3. Perfusor Space (incl. calibration approx. 15 minutes)
4. Infusomat Space (incl. calibration approx. 15 minutes)
All these updates can be done with the upgrade program Space
Upgrade 2.1.

Drug Library
After the customized update of the Perfusor / Infusomat the Drug
Library will be still available in a pump.

Modification Data
The modification data of a pump will be invalid after the update.
Therefore it is recommended to discuss the old and new modifica-
tion data items with the customer and to create a new customized
modification data profile. For this purpose a modification data file
has to be created one time via HiBaSeD "Service" (see "Modifica-
tion data" ➡ p. 6 - 11).
It is possible to transfer the modification data to several pumps in
a SpaceStation at once via HiBaSeD "Clone Data" (see "Cloning
Data" ➡ p. 8 - 1).

The syringe table has been changed from SW F to SW G (new
syringe types added and renaming of existing types). Therefore the
new syringe table has to be transferred to Perfusor Space. If the
disposable table of the customer differs from the standard dispos-
able table, create a new disposable table via HiBaSeD "Service" and
the “Disposable article editor” (see "Modifying Disposable Tables"
➡ p. 5 - 1).
The disposable file can be transferred to several pumps in a
SpaceStation at once via HiBaSeD "Clone Data" (see "Cloning
Data" ➡ p. 8 - 1).
The disposable table from SW H can be used for SW J and higher.

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10 Performing Software Upgrades Effective

Update Description Files

The upgrade program uses Update Description Files (UDF) to select
the different devices. These files are stored in the data folder of the
upgrade program. Therefore the following files of the single
devices have to be in the directory: C:\B.Braun Space\
These will be copied into the corresponding directory during instal-
lation of the upgrade program automatically. If they are not in this
directory after installation, they can be requested at the service.

WORKING WITH SPACEUPGRADE 2.1 The upgrade can be done via the CAN cable, therefore up to 24
pumps can be updated at once in a SpaceStation rack.

Do not mix Infusomat and Perfusor in a SpaceStation.

1. Start the SpaceUpgrade 2.1 program

(C:\B.Braun Space\Upgrade_2.1\SpaceUpdate.exe).
2. Enter a user ID.
The user ID is a string of 3 to 20 characters.
3. Confirm with "OK".

All Space devices connected to the CAN bus will be detected.

After finishing the detection, an empty upgrade window appears.

But it is also possible to have a look at all devices, which have been
detected by the upgrade program via Extras > Device window (see
Fig. 10 - 2).

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10 Performing Software Upgrades

The topology complies with the configuration of the system. The

pumps will be displayed according to the slots. The SpaceCover
comfort and SpaceCom are displayed in the top line.

1 3

Fig. 10 - 2
1 SpaceCover
2 Devices
3 SpaceCom

The configuration of the pillars and slots are not displayed

Click "Refresh devices" to update the configuration after changes.

When a pump has been selected, additional information will
appear in the right window as well as the current software version.
With "Back" you return to the previous window.

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10 Performing Software Upgrades Effective

Selecting a UDF file

The upgrade windows will be empty as long as no UDF has been
1. Click "Select New UDF" to insert a UDF.
The files stored in the path …\Data (of the upgrade program)
will be displayed.


Fig. 10 - 3
1 Name of the selected UDF-file
2 Button for selecting the UDF-file
3 Short-Description of the selected UDF-file
4 The selected UDF file supports this device
5 Device window

2. Select the respective UDF file for either the pumps, SpaceCom
or Space CoverComfort.

After a UDF has been selected, the contents of the UDF will be
checked. The syntax will be controlled and the existence of all
binary files necessary for the update will be checked.
In case of no error the header (info, device type) of the UDF will be
displayed within the intended boxes at the screen. The user has to
check these information carefully in order to make sure that the
right devices will be programmed with the correct firmware.
Via the function "View UDF" the UDF can be seen completely with
an editor, but cannot be modified. If the selected UDF does not
contain the information expected, another UDF can be selected.
Only when the check of the selected UDF has been successful, the
user can continue upgrading.

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10 Performing Software Upgrades

Confirming the UDF

When the UDF has been selected and checked successfully, the UDF
must be confirmed.
1. Click the "Confirm UDF" button to continue the update process.
The "Language selection" window is displayed.
2. Select the "Factory update" or the "Custom update" option.
■ "Factory update"
The pump will be updated as in the production. All data will be
deleted (disposable data, drug library), and all languages will be
transferred to a pump. At first start of a pump after the update
the user has to select up to 4 languages which shall be included
permanently in a pump.
■ "Custom update" (recommended)
If "Custom update" is chosen, up to 4 languages have to be
selected before continuing the update process. Only the
selected languages will be transferred to the pump. The drug
library and the disposable table will be retained during the

For updating SpaceCoverComfort and SpaceCom, the "Factory
update" has to be chosen.

The path where the log file will be saved is displayed in the next
dialog box.
3. Click “OK” to continue.

The software checks all connected devices if they fit to the selected
UDF. All fitting devices will be listed in the device window. For
example, if the UDF-file is the dedicated file for an Infusomat
update all connected Infusomat pumps will be shown at the device

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10 Performing Software Upgrades Effective

In the device window the following information will be displayed

for every device:
■ Selection for update (yes/no)
■ Serial Number
■ Update status
■ Position (pillar slot)
■ Versions
The devices can be assorted by clicking at the column head of the
table according to the corresponding category of the column.

Symbol Meaning
Green Update of the part of the program necessary. The
software component to be programmed is newer
than the one available in the device. Make sure to
select the devices for the update.
Yellow Update of the part of the program not necessary.
The software component to be programmed is
identical with the one available in the device.
White The device is not selected for the update.
Table 10 - 1 Symbols of the device list

If a part in one line of the program is marked GREEN, an update
must be carried out independent on the other symbol colors,

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10 Performing Software Upgrades

Selecting devices
1. Click into the list of devices (to the left of the serial number) to
select or deselect a single device for the update.
You can also use the space key for selection or deselection if
the required entry is marked.
2. Use the context menu of the device window (right mouse
button) to select all devices.

Initiating the update

1. Click the "Start" button to start the update.

The update process must never be interrupted, otherwise irrepa-
rable damages at the device can occur.

The upgrade program must never run together with a second

2. Stop all other applications on the PC, if necessary.

3. Confirm with "Continue" in the dialog box displayed.
The update process for one device takes approx. 12 min. If you are
updating several devices at the same time, the process takes a little
longer. The devices are set into the update status. The concerned
firmware will be deleted first and installed afterwards.

The update status of the individual devices can be traced in the

device window. The progress of executing the UDF is displayed
below the device window.

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10 Performing Software Upgrades Effective

If the UDF is completely downloaded to the devices the upgrade

process is completed and a corresponding message displayed.
4. Confirm with "OK".

Do not stop the upgrade process before this message appears.

A log file is created and stored in the directory confirmed before.

In the device window, all updated devices are marked with the
white symbol.
5. Turn the devices off and disconnect the power plug.
Further devices can be updated by selecting other UDF files.

Saving the update protocol file

1. Select Extras > Protocol > Save Protocol.
The protocol is saved in the default path …/date of the instal-
lation. You may choose a different directory.


Due to memory restrictions in the pump, not all languages can be
placed in one UDF file. Therefore, two files are provided which may
be sent to the pump:
■ A factory default file (for example, 68_M030002.udf for Infu-
somat Space or 688M030002.udf for Perfusor Space)
■ An additional file (for example, 68_M030002_SP1.udf for Infu-
somat Space or 688M030002_SP1.udf for Perfusor Space)

Changing language files

Changing language files is carried out in the same manner as a full
software update (see above):
1. Selecting a UDF file
2. Confirming the UDF
3. Selecting devices
4. Initiating the update
If SW M02 is already installed on the pump, only the language file
will be updated. The language file is in indicated in the "Version3"

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10 Performing Software Upgrades

NOTES FOR SPACECOM UPDATE Operating System update necessary for software G (10 min)
1. Copy the folder “OS” from the zip file location
“\Device_Updates\SpaceCom\OS” to a USB stick, so that the
folder “OS” is in the first folder level.
2. Plug the USB stick into SpaceCom and reboot it by discon-
necting it from power.
3. The red LED of SpaceCom will first light up continuously and
then start flashing. During that time SpaceCom copies the files
from the USB stick to its internal memory.
4. After approximately 5 minutes SpaceCom will reboot automat-
5. Again, the red LED from SpaceCom will first light up continu-
ously and then start flashing. During that time SpaceCom
installs the new OS.
6. After approximately 5 minutes the red LED turns off and only
the green LED will light up.
Successful installation of the OS version can be checked via
SpaceOnline (see "SpaceCom" ➡ p. 10 - 14).

Update to new software

When the message box "Command list proceed" is displayed, do
not confirm immediately. SpaceCom will reboot and start to install
the software. This process will take up to 10 minutes. During this
time the red LED will be flashing. After finishing the update the red
LED will turn off. Then please confirm the message box.

SpaceCom Sparklan WLAN Card driver installation

After the update of SpaceCom to SW F, a WLAN driver installation
is available. The SpaceCom with SW E includes a WLAN driver for
the LinkSys PCMCIA card. If the new Sparklan card shall be used
with the SpaceCom please update the SpaceCom by selecting the
file "WLAN_Sparklan.UDF". The SpaceCom has to be selected
manually for the update by clickling to the left of the serial

After the update, check and edit the WLAN settings in SpaceOn-
line. The installed WLAN driver will be displayed below the MAC
address. The configuration has to be finalized by clicking on
SUBMIT. After the reboot of SpaceCom, the new driver is installed
and the MAC address will be displayed in SpaceOnline.

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10 Performing Software Upgrades Effective


1. Start HiBaSeD and select the "Service" application type (see
"Starting the Service Program" ➡ p. 6 - 1).
2. In the device tree view, click the [+] button to the left of the
SpaceCoverComfort entry and verify the software version.
The software version is displayed in the second line (for
example, "692G000001").
3. Connect SpaceCoverComfort (double-click).
4. Set the modification data to "Default" and write the data to
SpaceCoverComfort (see "General procedure for modifying
data" ➡ p. 6 - 11).
Do not read the data "From device" (this will cause an error
message to be issued).

After the update, use SpaceOnline to check if the update was suc-
1. Connect SpaceCom to a network or PC and request SpaceOn-
line either via the default IP address or the
customized IP address.
2. Select Configuration > Database Settings.
The software version will be displayed (for example,
"695G010010") as well as the OS version "".

Perfusor Space, Infusomat Space

1. After the update, turn the pump on and choose a language.
A "calibration required" message will be displayed.
2. Perform the calibration (see "Calibration" ➡ p. 6 - 2).

Perfusor Space, only: The syringe table has been changed from
SW F to G (new syringe types added and existing types renamed).
Therefore, select "Disposable articles" in the "Data selection"
area, as well.

10 - 14 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

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10 Performing Software Upgrades

Additional step for updating from software E to H

Because of the changed claw configuration introduced with SW F,
the calibration data have to be patched. (This CalPatch is still valid
for SW H, even if SW F is mentioned below).
1. Click "Yes" in the confirmation window displayed.
If the user clicks "No", the calibration data will be invalid and
a full calibration will be required and started.

If a software patch is possible, the corresponding option is dis-

played and selected in the "Type of calibration" grou box.
2. Confirm with "OK".

If a software patch is not possible, two error messages will be
displayed. Confirm with "OK" and perform a full calibration by
clicking "New device" in the "Calibration" tab card.

A corresponding message will be displayed after successful conver-

sion of the data.
3. Confirm with "OK".

4. Complete the calibration process with "OK".

5. Turn off the pump and disconnect from power.

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 10 - 15

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
10 Performing Software Upgrades Effective

Additional steps TCI

(see "TCI, TOM, OccluGuard" ➡ p. 4 - 2)

10 - 16 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
11 Performing Serial Updates

This chapter describes the installation of the serial update program

and the implementation of updates for Space pumps.

Using the serial update program is only authorized for service
Danger of injury if used on the patient!
■ The update may only be started if of no patient is connected.

REQUIREMENTS Minimum precondition for the PC

■ PentiumIV 1GHz
■ 256 MB RAM
■ USB Interface
■ Serial lead, order number 8713234
■ Interface lead CAN SP, order number 8713230 (Fig. 11 - 1).
■ Free hard disk storage: 100 MB

Operating systems
Fig. 11 - 1 Interface lead CAN SP
■ Windows 7, 8 or 10

INSTALLATION OF THE SERIAL UPDATE PROGRAM You require administrator rights to install the serial update pro-

Initiating setup
The setup file of the serial update program will be delivered on CD
or as ZIP file. It is installed similar to the HiBaSeD program.
1. Start "setup.exe" from CD or by using Microsoft-Explorer after
unzipping the ZIP file to any directory of your choice (e.g.
2. Please confirm the License Agreement.
3. Select the versions to be handled.
4. Click "Install".

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 11 - 1

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
11 Performing Serial Updates Effective

Setup procedure
The language selection dialog box will open after the setup is
1. Select your language and confirm by clicking "OK".

2. Select the "Serial Update" checkbox.

3. Click “Install” to continue.

The setup complete window is displayed after successful installa-

4. Click “Close”.
5. Click "Finish" to close the setup wizard.

11 - 2 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
11 Performing Serial Updates


1. Please connect a pump Perfusor® Space or Infusomat® Space
via interface RS232 (order number: 8713234) or via interface
lead CAN-SP (order number: 8713230) to your PC.
2. Connect the power supply (order number: 8713112A/C/D) to
the pump side of the interface. Plug the power supply into the
power socket.
Connection to the external power supply is not required if the
pump is operated in the SpaceStation.

Initiating the serial update

The serial update programs are stored in subfolders of the
C:\B.Braun Space\Device_Updates\ main folder of the PC. The sub-
folders are named according to type of pump and software version
(for example, ...\Perfusor\688M030003).
1. In Microsoft-Explorer, open the corresponding folder of the
serial update program for the connected pump.
2. Start the serial update program by double-clicking the EXE file
(for example, UpPerfusor.exe).
3. Select the applicable port.
4. Confirm with "OK"

5. Select Device > Update in the serial update program window.

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 11 - 3

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
11 Performing Serial Updates Effective

The required update components will be listed and selected in a

separate dialog box.
6. Click "Update" and follow the instructions displayed.
7. Disconnect the pump from the PC when the update has been


1. Switch the pump on (see the instructions for use of the pump).
The selftest must be completed without errors.
The new software version must be displayed during startup.

If an error message is displayed, confirm with "OK" and switch
the pump off and on again. There must be no further error mes-

Functional test
1. Start infusion using exemplary settings (refer to the functional
test in the instructions for use of the pump).
Infusion operation must run properly.

11 - 4 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
12 Troubleshooting


The "Suspicious KVO" warning message might appear while you are
upgrading modification data from software version F.

IMPORTANT: KVO was reset to ‘false’ in the upgraded modifica-
tion data.

Invalid Drug Library

If a pump was updated from Software C to Software H or from
Software F to a higher Software version, the pump may display the
"Invalid Drug Library" message after calibration. This message
appears because the pump does not contain a drug library.
■ Software C: Please follow the instructions for use for transfer-
ring a drug library to a Space infusion pump and transfer the
existing "dl_empty.dle" file to the pump. This file is stored auto-
matically on the PC when installing the HiBaSeD service pro-
■ Software F: Please follow the instructions from Drug Library
Manager and Upload Manager to upload a drug library to the


If you connect two devices (Infusomat or Perfusor) with the same
serial number, the “CAN FUSE” state will be displayed in the device
tree view (CAN Bus).

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 12 - 1

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
12 Troubleshooting Effective

For these devices, only the tab cards “Calibration”, “Serial number”
and “Disconnect” are visible in the “Service” application type.

IMPORTANT: You must change the serial number for the “CAN
FUSE” devices to continue working with the full service.

1. Change the serial number

2. Disconnect the device (switch the device off and on again).
3. You can continue working with the full range of functions. All
tabs (access-level dependent) are visible.

CLONING DATA Read from Device

If a device has been selected in service mode and "Read from
Device" is initiated with the "All data" option activated, an error
message will be displayed.
1. Restart HiBaSeD.
2. Switch to the Clone Data function directly.
3. Start the reading process.

WLAN BATTERY Fallback mode

A WLAN battery in fallback mode is not displayed in HiBaSeD.
Problems might occur if more than one WLAN battery is in fallback
If a WLAN battery is in fallback mode, it can be addressed with the
following settings (see Fig. 12 - 1 for an example):
■ IP:
■ SSID: SpaceComFallback
■ Ad hoc Network: active

Fig. 12 - 1

12 - 2 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
13 Revision Documentation

DESCRIPTION OF VERSION Version 1.0 for HiBaSeD version 10.0

■ First version of this Installation and Instruction Manual.

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 13 - 1

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
13 Revision Documentation Effective

For your notes:

13 - 2 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
A Appendix Edit


Make a copy of the list or use the form function in the PDF format
of this manual. Enter all your changes under “New Value”. After
checking the new value on the pump, mark the "Checked" field for

Flag Name Default Value Unit New Value Checked

Perfusor Infusomat
Name Ward identification n/a n/a --- ❒
Data Lock PIN 9119 9119 --- ❒
Rates Basal
min. 0.10 0.10 ml/h ❒
max. 200.00 1200.00 ml/h ❒
min. 50.00 50.00 ml/h ❒
max. 1800.00 1200.00 ml/h ❒
default n/a 800.00 ml/h ❒
Bolus volume
min. 0.10 0.10 ml ❒
max. 50.00 99.99 ml ❒
Priming of the line
Enable --- ❒

Volume 1.00 16.00 ml ❒

Rate 1200.00 1200.00 ml/h ❒
Bolus default
50 ml 800.00 n/a ml/h ❒
30 ml 600.00 n/a ml/h ❒
20 ml 400.00 n/a ml/h ❒
10 ml 200.00 n/a ml/h ❒
5 ml 150.00 n/a ml/h ❒
3 ml 80.00 n/a ml/h ❒
1 ml 40.00 n/a ml/h ❒
Table A - 1 (Sheet 1 of 8)

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 A-1

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
A Appendix Effective

Flag Name Default Value Unit New Value Checked

Perfusor Infusomat
KVO Rate
Rate < 1 ml/h 0.10 0.10 ml/h ❒
1 ml/h <= R < 10 ml/h 1.00 1.00 ml/h ❒
Rate >= 10 ml/h 3.00 3.00 ml/h ❒
Time limit
Time limit 30 30 min ❒
Alarm 3 3 min ❒
Default settings
Use KVO after delivery --- ❒

Other General
Bolus mode --- ❒

New patient --- ❒

Last therapy --- ❒

Use dosage mode --- ❒

Drug database --- ❒

Barcode --- ❒

Dose calculation
Patient weight unit selectable --- ❒

Special functions
Dosage calculation --- ❒

Drug database --- ❒

Piggyback n/a --- ❒

Barcode --- ❒

Table A - 1 (Sheet 2 of 8)

A-2 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
Effective A Appendix

Flag Name Default Value Unit New Value Checked

Perfusor Infusomat
Ramp and taper --- ❒

Interval bolus --- ❒

Program mode --- ❒

Default settings
Pressure sensor downstream 4 4 --- ❒
Pressure sensor upstream n/a 4 --- ❒
Request time set with first startup --- ❒

Request language on initial startup --- ❒

LPL Mode
Low Pressure Level Available --- ❒

Status Status
Total volume --- ❒

Total time --- ❒

Intermediate volume --- ❒

Intermediate time --- ❒

Disposable article --- ❒

Battery capacity --- ❒

W-Lan --- ❒

Software version --- ❒

Total dosage --- ❒

Intermediate dosage --- ❒

Drug information --- ❒

OccluGuard --- ❒

Table A - 1 (Sheet 3 of 8)

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 A-3

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
A Appendix Effective

Flag Name Default Value Unit New Value Checked

Perfusor Infusomat
Options Options
Display contrast --- ❒

Display lighting --- ❒

Keyboard lighting --- ❒

Pressure level --- ❒

Data Lock --- ❒

KVO --- ❒

Bolus rate --- ❒

Alarm volume --- ❒

Date/time --- ❒

Macro mode --- ❒

Language selection --- ❒

Large rate --- ❒

Pressure upstream n/a --- ❒

OccluGuard n/a --- ❒

Leap/Drop sensitivity n/a --- ❒

Wlan, display on/off --- ❒

Pressure level unit

Use of mmHg --- ❒

Infusomat Air bubble

Single bubble n/a 0.30 ml ❒
Air volume n/a 1.50 ml/h ❒
Table A - 1 (Sheet 4 of 8)

A-4 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
A Appendix

Flag Name Default Value Unit New Value Checked

Perfusor Infusomat
Prime after Air bubble alarm
Enable n/a --- ❒

Volume n/a 2.00 ml ❒

OccluGuard Pressure Leap/Drop Sensitivity
High 2 n/a mmHg ❒
Medium 8 n/a mmHg ❒
Low 20 n/a mmHg ❒
Default settings
OccluGuard enabled n/a --- ❒

Pressure Leap/Drop enabled n/a --- ❒

High/Med/Low (if enabled) Low n/a --- ❒

Time Time format
hh:mm#am#pm --- ❒

hh:mm## ---

hhmm## ---

Date format
dd.mm.yyyy (tt.mm.jjjj) --- ❒

yyyy.mm.dd (jjjj.mm.tt) ---

mm/dd/yyyy (mm/tt/jjjj) ---

Default settings
Standby 1440 1440 min ❒
Current date/time
Date n/a n/a --- n/a
Time n/a n/a --- n/a
Table A - 1 (Sheet 5 of 8)

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 A-5

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
A Appendix Effective

Flag Name Default Value Unit New Value Checked

Perfusor Infusomat
Alarms Pre-alarms
VTBI 3 3 min ❒
Time 3 3 min ❒
Syringe end 3 n/a min ❒
Once --- ❒

Repeating ---

Bolus acoustic tone

every 1.00 1.00 ml ❒
Acoustic tone --- ❒

Syringe alarms
STOP at syringe end n/a --- ❒

Off alarms
Static --- ❒

Dynamic 1 second ---

Dynamic 1 s with alarm off ---

Staff call on pre-alarm --- ❒

Acoustic alarm in SpaceStation

SpaceStation only --- ❒

SpaceStation and device ---

Default settings
Alarm volume 4 4 --- ❒
Audible pre-/alarm suppression
Suppression time 0 0 min ❒
Table A - 1 (Sheet 6 of 8)

A-6 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
Effective A Appendix

Flag Name Default Value Unit New Value Checked

Perfusor Infusomat
Display Display
Drug name alternating --- ❒

Intermediate volume (in run) --- ❒

Minimal lighting
Display 3 3 --- ❒
Keyboard 0 0 --- ❒
Display 2 2 --- ❒
List of drugs
Overview ‘All’ included --- ❒

Default settings
Display lighting 7 7 --- ❒
Display contrast 4 4 --- ❒
Keyboard lighting 5 5 --- ❒
Macro-Mode --- ❒

Large rate
Rate large --- ❒

Dose display ---

Service Storage battery maintenance

Active --- ❒

Days 30 30 days ❒
Therapy Status
PCA lockout remaining time --- ❒

PCA remaining limit --- ❒

PCA A/D proportion [%] --- ❒

Table A - 1 (Sheet 7 of 8)

EN HiBaSeD 1.0 A-7

Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
A Appendix Effective

Flag Name Default Value Unit New Value Checked

Perfusor Infusomat
PCA A/D demands [abs] --- ❒

Default settings
PCA Keysound Volume 4 4 --- ❒
Autochange adjustable n/a --- ❒

Autochange valid n/a --- ❒

Autochange with prealarm n/a --- ❒

Barcode Barcode menu at pump

Scanning of User ID required --- ❒

Patient ID matching --- ❒

Medication scanning necessary --- ❒

Distribution of User ID within the System --- ❒

Duration of validity of data in the system

User ID 3 3 min ❒
Patient ID 3 3 min ❒
LookUp inactice --- ❒

LookUp if possible ---

Force LookUp ---

Table A - 1 (Sheet 8 of 8)

A-8 HiBaSeD 1.0 EN

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Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25

Manufactured by:
B. Braun Melsungen AG | 34209 Melsungen | Germany

Distributed in U.S. and Canada by:

B. Braun Medical Inc. | 824 Twelfth Avenue | Bethlehem, PA 18018 | USA

B. Braun Melsungen AG | Carl-Braun-Straße 1 | 34209 Melsungen | Germany

Tel +49 (0) 5661 71-0 | Fax +49 (0) 5661 71-4567 | www.bbraun.com

Doc. No. M001_000746, Version 1.0
Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25
Document Control
& Signature Page

Title: IfU_HiBaSeD_V10_EN Initiator: Wolfgang ? Weyh

This document is signed electronically in compliance with the B. Braun electronic signature policies and
procedures by following persons:

UserName: Weyh, Wolfgang (weyhwode)

Title: HC-XX-DE08W Senior Service Manager
Date: Tuesday, 13 June 2017, 12:19 W. Europe Daylight Time
Meaning: Document signed as Author

UserName: Wunderlich-Schrammel, Sabine (wundsade)

Title: HC-RD-DE08W Project Manager Software
Date: Tuesday, 13 June 2017, 12:50 W. Europe Daylight Time
Meaning: Approve Document


Document No.: M001_000746 - Version: 1.0 - Document ID: INST-RD-AIS-000025 Print Date - Gedruckt am: 2017-06-13 13:25

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