4IEC Practical Enzymes
4IEC Practical Enzymes
4IEC Practical Enzymes
1 The enzyme lipase catalyses the break-down of fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
You are going to investigate how the concentration of lipase affects the break-down of fat in milk.
An increase in the concentration of fatty acids will change the pH of the milk.
You are going to use the pH indicator bromothymol blue to determine the pH of the milk and lipase
solution during the investigation.
Table 1.1 shows the colour of bromothymol blue indicator at different pH values.
Table 1.1
pH 6 7 8
colour yellow green blue
Read all the instructions but DO NOT CARRY THEM OUT until you have drawn a table for
your results in the space provided in Question 1(a)(ii).
You should use the safety equipment provided while you are carrying out the practical work.
Use the volumes of 2% lipase solution and distilled water as shown in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2
L3 0.75 2.25
L4 0.00 3.00 0.0
(i) Calculate the percentage concentration of lipase solution in test-tube L3 using the
information in Table 1.2.
.......................................................% [1]
Step 3 Label another four test-tubes M1, M2, M3 and M4.
Step 5 Raise your hand when you are ready for warm water to be put into the beaker
labelled water-bath.
Step 6 Put all eight test-tubes into the water-bath and leave for five minutes.
Step 7 After five minutes remove test-tubes M1 and L1 from the water-bath and place in a
test-tube rack.
Step 8 Pour the solution in test-tube M1 into test-tube L1. Start a stop-clock.
Step 9 Observe the colour of the bromothymol blue indicator in test-tube L1 and record the
time at which it becomes yellow.
If the colour has not changed to yellow in five minutes, stop observing and record
the result as >300.
Step 10 Repeat steps 7, 8 and 9 for test-tubes M2 and L2, M3 and L3, M4 and L4.
[Turn over
(iii) State a conclusion for your results.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) (i) Identify the control in this investigation and explain why a control was used.
distilled water
control ...............................................................................................................................
(ii) Using the information in Table 1.1 and your results, estimate the pH values in test-tube
L1 and test-tube L4 at the end of the investigation.
L1 ............................................
L4 ............................................
(iii) State two variables that were kept constant in this investigation.
the amount
of milk for the testtubes MeM2
1 ........................................................................................................................................
(iv) Suggest why all of the test-tubes were placed into a water-bath for five minutes, in step 6,
before mixing their contents.
so that the enzymes couldworkbecause as the temperature increases
move faster pa ticles
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
we get 8 test tubes and label them after we add the according
method ......................................................................................................................................
(d) The average temperature of the human body is 37 °C. Humans produce lipase for fat
digestion. A student thought that lipase would work best at human body temperature.
Plan an investigation to find out if 37 °C is the optimum (best) temperature for lipase activity.
c ange
............................................................................................................................................. [6]
[Total: 22]