Admit Card for END Semester Examination for the Session SPRING 2022-2023
Roll No. : 22IM30010
Course Name : INDU. ENGG. INDU. ENGG. & MANG. (M.Tech Dual 5Y)
Hall : GKH
Basant Kumar Yadav
7. Entering the Examination Hall in "objectionable dress" is not permitted. The discretion of the invigilators in this matter will be final.
8. Gathering information from any source and/or exchanging information with others or any such attempts either inside or outside the Examination
Hall will be treated as 'unfair means'.
If anyone adopts 'unfair means', his/her case will be forwarded to Malpractice committee. This may lead to punishment of 'semester
deregistration' to 'academic year suspension' and debarment from scholarships, awards and medals as per rules.
Signature of Student in full