Composite Structures: Hang Zhou, Shengnan Min, Xiaogang Chen
Composite Structures: Hang Zhou, Shengnan Min, Xiaogang Chen
Composite Structures: Hang Zhou, Shengnan Min, Xiaogang Chen
Composite Structures
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Keywords: Aimed at improving the ballistic performance of woven fabric reinforced composites, quasi‐isotropic structures
Para‐aramid fibre were developed. This paper reports on the ballistic impact performance and mechanisms of multi‐ply para‐
Quasi‐isotropic composite aramid/epoxy composites with orthotropic and quasi‐isotropic structures based on numerical exploration. A
Ballistic performance validated yarn level model was established using Abaqus® for the investigation of the ballistic performance
FE simulation
in terms of the total energy absorption and the ballistic mechanisms regarding energy absorbed in different
forms, stress dissipation, damage occurrence time and deformations. The results revealed that para‐aramid/
epoxy woven composites reinforced by quasi‐isotropic structures exhibit improved ballistic performance with
new ballistic mechanisms as the reinforcing structures changing from the conventional orthotropic to quasi‐
isotropic. In this research, up to an 8.9% increase in energy absorption is achieved by the quasi‐isotropic com-
posites comparing with the orthotropic composites under the same areal density, caused by enlarged stress dis-
sipation and deformation areas as the yarn directions increase. Limited by the stress propagation in the
thickness direction, there exists a maximum number of yarn directions in forming the most energy absorbent
quasi‐isotropic panel. This research fills the gap between the current study on quasi‐isotropic woven compos-
ites and their applications for ballistic protections.
1. Introduction ing kinetic energy from the projectile. Cunniff defined primary yarns
as those that are in direct contact with the projectile whereas the sec-
Lightweight hard armours made from textile composites have been ondary yarns are those that are not [5]. Transverse deflection on pri-
applied as a superior system for ballistic protection over the conven- mary yarns is caused by the projectile indentation. The
tional metallic armours, benefitting from the high strength, high flex- interlacements in a woven structure propagate the transverse deflec-
ibility and low density. One of the most commonly used high‐ tion onto the secondary yarns [6,7]. Both primary and secondary yarns
performance fibres, para‐aramid fibre, exhibits modulus of around are reported to play important roles in energy absorption [8,9]. How-
100GPa and strength of 3‐5GPa, which is 5–6 times stronger than that ever, due to the magnitude differences between the stress distributed
of steel [1,2] with the density only around 1/5 of steel. Kevlar® in primary and secondary yarns, secondary yarns are often not fully
(DuPont) and Twaron® (Teijin) are two of the major commercial stressed which hinders the fabric to be fully utilized for energy absorp-
para‐aramid fibre products [3]. Woven fabrics and composites made tion. Efforts have been made to involve more yarns in absorbing the
from such high‐performance fibres are widely used for protective kinetic energy of projectile through structural design. Quasi‐isotropic
armours. Vehicles and soldiers are able to achieve better mobility structures for plied fabrics were experimented, in which fabric plies
without jeopardizing the ballistic performance when equipped with were aligned along different directions compared to only two principal
lightweight high‐performance textile armours rather than conven- directions for orthotropic structures. Wang et al. [10] reported 20%
tional metal materials. increased energy absorption for the quasi‐isotropic panel when com-
When a fabric receives a transverse impact, transverse deflections pared to the structure of multi‐ply woven fabric counterpart. In their
incur in yarns and reach their limits at the yarns’ breakage [4], absorb- research, the improved ballistic performance was indexed by the
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (X. Chen).
Received 17 February 2021; Revised 11 June 2021; Accepted 30 July 2021
Available online 3 August 2021
0263-8223/Crown Copyright © 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Zhou et al. Composite Structures 275 (2021) 114489
increased backface deformation area resulted from the superimposi- gated with details through FE simulation in various aspects including
tion effect of different inter‐ply angles. Min et al. reported that the stress dissipation and material deformation.
quasi‐isotropic UHMWPE (Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene)
multi‐ply fabrics were 15% more energy absorbent than their orthotro- 2. Methodologies
pic counterparts [11]. This improvement was attributed to the
increased stress dissipation area. 2.1. Establishment of quasi-isotropic woven construction
Regarding textile reinforced composites subjected to high‐velocity
impacts, the structures of textile reinforcements have been reported The structural change of textile panels from orthotropic to quasi‐
to play important roles on the ballistic performance [12]. Similar to isotropic results in change in yarn directions. Compared to the yarns
the dry fabrics discussed above, energy absorption mechanisms of oriented in the two principal directions in an orthotropic structure,
the textile reinforced composites were reported to include cone forma- yarns are laid along more directions in a quasi‐isotropic structure with
tion in the composites, yarn fracture and the frictional energy absorp- a uniform angle between the adjacent directions. Due to the fact that
tion [8]. In addition, extra energy absorbing mechanisms include the yarns are orthotropic‐fixed in each individual woven fabric ply, the
matrix cracking and delamination. However, they were reported to orientation of yarns can only be realized by changing the ply directions
absorb energy of small magnitude, e. g. less than 10% of the total in a multi‐ply system. Thus, a quasi‐isotropic woven construction can
energy absorption [6,13]. Quasi‐isotropic composites were also be established through orientating the fabric plies along different
reported to be more energy absorbent in studies mainly focused on directions.
unidirectional composites [14‐16]. Yan and Chen reported improved In a quasi‐isotropic multi‐ply construction, the number of yarn
ballistic performance of quasi‐isotropic woven composites [17]. How- directions representing the degree of quasi‐isotropy is directly related
ever, this research only studied composites with 3 and 4 plies and to the ply number. The simplest quasi‐isotropic woven construction is
detailed mechanisms were not fully reported. A comprehensive a 2‐ply system in which yarns in the two plies are orientated along 4
research in this regard is still necessary. directions which are 45° apart, as shown in Fig. 1(a), with the yarn
To evaluate the ballistic performance, the projectile velocities dur- directions represented by red lines. Through increasing the yarn direc-
ing ballistic tests were measured, providing quantitative results reflect- tions, the whole construction can be made more quasi‐isotropic. In
ing the ballistic performance of different target materials [18]. In order to achieve more yarn directions, a higher ply number is required.
parallel, numerical method has also been widely used to study the bal- For instance, a 4‐ply quasi‐isotropic construction can be established
listic performance of materials, which is able to extract information with yarn orientated along 8 directions with an angle of 22.5° in
that is usually hard to obtain through experiments. Finite‐element between, and this is shown in Fig. 1(b). Obviously, this 4‐ply construc-
(FE) models with scales various from laminar‐level, yarn‐level to tion is more quasi‐isotropic than the 2‐ply construction.
fibre‐scale have been popularly applied in studying the ballistic perfor-
mance of textile composites [19‐25]. Compared with the laminar‐level 2.2. Characteristics of impact response
modelling and fibre‐scale modelling, the yarn‐level modelling is able
to offer adequate level of details regarding the yarn‐yarn interaction The impact responses of orthotropic and quasi‐isotropic dry woven
and yarn‐resin interface but with a moderate computation time. It fabrics were studied [11,18]. Due to the orthotropic characteristics of
was developed by explicitly modelling the yarns and resin in the com- the woven fabrics, the transverse deformation area in aligned ballistic
posite. The yarn‐level modelling has been applied and reported with panels when receiving a ballistic impact would exhibit a pyramid
good agreements with experimental results in many researches [24‐ shape with the diamond vertices in the primary yarn directions as seen
27]. in Fig. 2(a). Through plying fabrics along different directions in a
This research extends the study of developing quasi‐isotropic quasi‐isotropic multi‐ply fabric panel, the primary yarns in upper ply
woven fabric reinforced composites for improved ballistic perfor- press on the secondary yarns in the lower plies. Thus, the central trans-
mance. The aim of this research is to obtain a comprehensive under- verse deformation area would form a cone with roughly a round base,
standing on the influence of quasi‐isotropic structure on ballistic as illustrated in Fig. 2(b), due to the superimposition effect. Increased
performance of the composites and on the energy absorbing mecha- deformation area is produced as the base shape changes from diamond
nisms induced by the structural change. The ballistic performances base to round base, indicating more material involvement for energy
are evaluated in terms of energy absorptions of orthotropic and absorption.
quasi‐isotropic woven composites. Ballistic mechanisms are investi-
Fig. 1. Illustration of yarn directions in quasi-isotropic woven constructions. (a) A 2-ply quasi-isotropic construction; (b) A 4-ply quasi-isotropic construction.
H. Zhou et al. Composite Structures 275 (2021) 114489
Fig. 3. Deformation area of a fabric reinforced composite. (a) Projectile impact of an orthotropic Twaron/epoxy composite [12]; (b) Simulation of the deformation
area in an orthotropic carbon fibre/epoxy composite [28]
H. Zhou et al. Composite Structures 275 (2021) 114489
Fig. 4. Illustrations of deformation areas of woven fabric reinforced composites. (a) Orthotropic composite; (b) Quasi-isotropic composite with few yarn
directions. (c) Quasi-isotropic composite with massive yarn directions.
Fig. 5. Schematics of quasi-isotropic composites. (a) A schematic of the coordinate system with primary yarns marked; (b) Schematic of 2-ply quasi-isotropic
composite [0/45]; (c) Schematic of 3-ply quasi-isotropic composite [0/30/60]
Table 1
Construction designs of quasi-isotropic composites.
2-ply [0/45]
3-ply [0/30/60]
4-ply [0/45]2 [0/22.5/45/67.5]
6-ply [0/45]3 [0/30/60]2 [0/15/30/45/60/75]
warp and weft yarns are flattened in the real fabrics, and a lenticular
cross‐section yarn model developed by Shanahan and Hearle [30]
[39] was adopted as shown in Fig. 6(b). In their model, A2 and B2 rep-
resent the width and height of the lenticular cross‐section of the weft
yarn respectively, while B1 denotes the height of the warp yarn cross‐
section and the width of which is not explicit. This model has been
widely used in the ballistic simulation of woven fabrics, leading to reli-
able simulated results [10,11,18]. Woven fabric reinforcements in this
research were prepared using Twaron® filament yarn (168tex) with
plain weave, and the thread density was 7 threads/cm in both weft
and warp directions. In the geometric model of the reinforcing fabric,
the yarn spacing was minimized indicating the fibre filament in the
yarns were spread laterally to cover the space between adjacent yarns
Fig. 6. Geometric models in simulation. (a) Geometric model of the projectile;
and the yarn path was created to fit the cross‐section. The yarn’s geo- (b) Lenticular cross-section model; (c) Geometric model of yarn with lenticular
metric model, as shown in Fig. 6(c), was established according to the cross-section.
calculations and measurements in experiments. Based on the thread
density of the plain weave fabric, the width of the yarn cross‐section
and half of the wavelength of the yarn were calculated as 1.43 mm. the shape of fabric to fit the fabrics tightly. The reinforcing fabric part
The height of composite yarn cross‐section was measured as 0.2 mm. was assembled with the resin part to form the composite, and the geo-
The resin part of the composite was modelled as a homogeneous metric assembly is shown in Fig. 7, with the fabric represented by the
and isotropic hollow solid. The inner space was created according to yarns.
H. Zhou et al. Composite Structures 275 (2021) 114489
The failure criteria used in this simulation is ductile damage, which Modulus of elasticity E 1 (GPa) 78
was reported for simulating the high velocity penetration of woven Modulus of elasticity E 2 (GPa) 2.2
fabrics made from high performance polymer fibres [10,11,29]. A yarn Modulus of elasticityE3 (GPa) 2.2
Fracture strain ɛ (%) 3.4
fails when its failure strain is reached, and the damage evaluation is
Yield stress σ (GPa) 1.45
carried out according to the level of fracture energy. In the case of a Poisson’s ratio v12 0.35
para‐aramid fibre, the plastic deformation is not obviously exhibited Poisson’s ratio v13 0.35
within this deformation period [31]. Thus, the onset of the damage ini- Poisson’s ratio v23 0.35
Mass density ρ (kg/m3) 1389
tiation was assumed to be the point of strain where the stress reached
Fracture energy (J/m2) 1000
the yield stress of material. After damage initiation, the damage eval- Shear modulus G12 (GPa) 2.4
uation was specified in terms of fracture energy. Shear modulus G13 (GPa) 2.4
For modelling the fabric‐resin interface, a perfect bonding with no Shear modulus G23 (GPa) 1.1
separation or movements which was reported feasible in previous
work [36], was applied for binding the resin and fabric in this simula-
tion. Inter‐ply delamination was not considered in this simulation due Table 5
to yarn fracture and deformation was reported as the main energy Properties of the inter-ply contact.
absorption mechanisms in a high‐speed impact event, while energy Interface Properties
absorbed by delamination was observed of small magnitude [6]. Thus,
no constrain was set between plies. Young’s modulus (MPa) 2600
Shear modulus (MPa) 45
The inter‐ply contact was modelled with cohesive behaviour, and Maximum nominal normal stress (MPa) 34.5
failure of the contact was modelled according to the quadratic traction Maximum nominal shear stress (MPa) 9
criterion. The contact between plies fails when the maximum stress is Normal Fracture energy (J/m2) 800
reached and the damage evaluation is carried out according to the Shear Fracture energy (J/m2) 200
level of fracture energy. Inter‐ply contact properties were adopted
from previous reports and listed in Table 5 [41‐43].
eight‐node hexahedron element, coded C3D8R. The element size was
3.4. Other model details set to be 0.5 mm for the projectile and yarns and 0.25 mm for the resin
for an accurate simulation on the complex geometries.
The velocity of projectile was set to be 480 m/s in this simulation
following the measured impact velocities in experiments which were 3.5. Model validation
between 450 m/s and 500 m/s. Specimens were clamped around the
edge in real situation, and in this simulation, a fixed edge boundary Validation of FE model was carried out against the experiment
condition was applied according to previous work [10,11]. A frictional results in terms of the morphology of impact face and energy absorp-
coefficient 0.3 was applied for contacts including yarn‐projectile and tion. High velocity impact experiments were carried out using a ballis-
resin‐projectile in simulation [37]. tic penetration test system with infrared detectors to detect the
To achieve an accurate simulation of the transverse isotropic mate- projectile velocities, and the test rig set up is illustrated in Fig. 8(a)
rial, the projectile, yarns and resin in the model were all meshed with and (b). Composite specimens were prepared using Resin Transfer
Molding (RTM) process following the instruction offered by Hunts-
man® which is the epoxy supplier. The area densities and thickness
of specimens are listed below (Table 6).
In the penetration test, specimens were clamped by a clamp tool
illustrated in Fig. 8(c), which is comparable to the fixed boundary con-
dition and model size in simulation. The total energy absorption was
Fig. 7. Geometric assembly of the resin and fabric reinforcement in simula- characterized using the kinetic energy loss of the projectile, calculated
tion with the fabric represented by yarns. according to the impact and residual velocities. Each structure was
H. Zhou et al. Composite Structures 275 (2021) 114489
Fig. 8. Illustrations of the experimental setups. (a) Illustration of the penetration test system; (b) Picture of the penetration test system; (c) Illustration of the clamp
Table 6
Properties of a composite yarn.
prepared with three panels and each panel was tested once, then the numbers and more yarn directions are further studied in following sec-
average energy absorption was taken. Fig. 9(a) exhibits the impact face tions aiming to achieve a comprehensive understanding of quasi‐
of one of these panels ([0]3) in experiment and simulation. A good isotropic structures for woven fabric reinforced composites.
agreement on the number of broken yarns was observed between
the simulation and experiment, both exhibiting 4 fractured warp yarns 4.1.1. Energy absorption of 3-ply composites
and 4 fractured weft yarns which are marked with numbers in Fig. 9 The total energy absorption of the composite is characterized using
(a). Fig. 9(b) exhibits the energy absorptions of the woven composite the kinetic energy loss of the projectile in this simulation. It is seen
specimens from the simulations and experiments. Differences range from Fig. 10 that the transition of structure from orthotropic to
from 0.5% which is seen in panel [0/45] to 5.8% in panel [0]4. Over- quasi‐isotropic led to a rapid kinetic energy loss of the projectile,
all, the FE results agree well with the experimental ones, hence validat- and this is shown in Fig. 9 in the time history of the kinetic energy car-
ing the FE model. ried by projectile. By the time when the projectiles fully penetrated the
composites, panel [0/30/60] absorbed 14.66% (16.69 J) of the impact
4. Results and discussions energy. Panel [0]3 absorbed 14.03% (15.97 J) of the impact energy. As
the structure changes from orthotropic to quasi‐isotropic, the total
4.1. 3-ply composites energy absorption increased by 4.5%.
Upon ballistic impacts, energy of the projectile is absorbed by the
In this section, 3‐ply composites are selected to study the influence fabric panels mainly in the form of kinetic energy (KE) and internal
of quasi‐isotropic structure on the ballistic performance. Ballistic per- energy (IE) [6,16]. The rest of energy absorption is frictional dissi-
formance and mechanisms are investigated in terms of energy absorp- pated energy (FD), fracture energy (FE) and energy absorbed by
tion, stress dissipation and deformation. Composites with larger ply delamination. However, simulation results show that delamination
H. Zhou et al. Composite Structures 275 (2021) 114489
Fig. 9. Comparison between the experimental and simulated results of the woven composites. (a) Number of fractured yarns, (b) Energy absorption.
Fig. 10. Time history of projectile kinetic energy loss in 3-ply composites.
absorbed about 0.5% of the total energy, which is much smaller than Fig. 11. Energy absorption by different mechanisms in 3-ply woven
other energy absorption mechanisms. Thus, energy absorption mecha- composites.
nisms KE, IE, FD and FE are mainly studied in this research.
Fig. 11 exhibits the energy absorption by different mechanisms in
the 3‐ply composites at the moment when the projectile fully pene- tion areas in the 2nd and 3rd plies. The 2nd ply showed a stress dissi-
trated the composites. The quasi‐isotropic panel [0/30/60] demon- pation area of a polygon shape with outward expanded edges under
strated a 10.6% increased IE then the orthotropic panel [0]3. KE, the superimposition effect of the 1st ply. The 3rd ply displays a round
related to the movement of the panel, was increased by 7.2% over that shape stress dissipation area which is obviously larger than the dia-
of panel [0]3, whilst FD and FE illustrated little difference between the mond shape in panel [0]3 due to the superimposition effects of both
two. The improved total energy absorption was mainly in the forms of the 1st and 2nd plies. According to the measurements, the stress dissi-
KE and IE as the panel construction changes from orthotropic to quasi‐ pation areas increase by 4.1% in ply2 and 8.6% in ply3 as the structure
isotropic. changes from orthotropic to quasi‐isotropic in the 3‐ply woven com-
posites, and the comparisons are illustrated in Fig. 13. As a result of
4.1.2. Stress dissipation and yarn initial damage changing the structure from orthotropic to quasi‐isotropic, more sec-
In a quasi‐isotropic structure, the superimposition of angled plies ondary yarns are strained to absorb the impact energy.
results in the tensioned primary yarns in upper plies due to impact As the primary yarns contact with the projectile directly, the stress
would press on the secondary yarns in lower plies. Aimed at studying dissipations along the primary yarns are focused on for achieving a
this superimposition effect, the in‐plane stress dissipations are investi- detailed insight into the impact response of composites. Aimed at
gated at the moments just before the projectile penetrates the 1st ply of reflecting the situation of stress growth without influenced by the yarn
each panel. Fig. 12 exhibits the stress dissipation contours of 3‐ply damage, stress dissipations are studied at the moment just before any
woven composites at 2.4 µs, the moment just before the projectile pen- initial damage generated on the 1st plies of both panels. In this simu-
etrated the 1st plies of both the orthotropic and quasi‐isotropic panels. lation, 4 warp and 4 weft primary yarns in one composite are con-
Very limit difference is shown between the 1st plies. However, the tacted with the projectile directly as shown in Fig. 14. One of the
quasi‐isotropic composite [0/30/60] exhibited different stress dissipa- warp yarns in the middle of the projectile coverage is taken for the
H. Zhou et al. Composite Structures 275 (2021) 114489
H. Zhou et al. Composite Structures 275 (2021) 114489
Fig. 15. Stress dissipations along the primary yarns in 3-ply woven compos-
ites at 0.6 µs. (a) ply1; (b) ply2; and (c) ply3.
[0]3 [0/30/60] the 3rd plies had not been fully generated and dissipated at that early
Ply1 0.6 µs 0.6 µs
Ply2 0.8 µs 1.0 µs The lower peak stress in primary yarns in the quasi‐isotropic com-
Ply3 1.2 µs 1.4 µs posite [0/30/60] delays the initial damage in comparison to the ortho-
tropic composite [0]3, and the times at which initial damage appeared
in different plies of the two composites panels are shown in Table 7.
The 2nd and 3rd plies demonstrate 0.2 µs delayed initial damage
respectively while no obvious difference was observed in the 1st plies.
the quasi‐isotropic construction. Fig. 15(c) indicates no significant
The later the damage occurs, the further the longitudinal stress wave
peak stress difference in 3rd plies between the two composites, and
propagated, and hence more material were strained and involved for
it is believed that the main reason for this is because the stress in
energy absorption in the ballistic event.
Fig. 16. Backface deformation contours of 3-ply composites at 1.1 µs. (a) [0]3; (b) [0/30/60]
H. Zhou et al. Composite Structures 275 (2021) 114489
H. Zhou et al. Composite Structures 275 (2021) 114489
the ballistic performance, woven composites with different ply num- However, decreased sensitivity was observed as the yarn direction
bers are studied. In this investigation, 2‐ply, 4‐ply and 6‐ply quasi‐ increased that made a composite panel with evenly distributed yarns
isotropic composites, denoted by [0/45], [0/45]2 and [0/45]3, are not show quasi‐isotropic features. It indicates that the composite with
selected as they involve the same yarn directions of the [0/45]x the most yarn directions may not always absorb the most energy.
Fig. 19 exhibits the energy absorption of the 2‐ply, 4‐ply and 6‐ply Declaration of Competing Interest
quasi‐isotropic composites, whose areal densities are the same as their
orthotropic counterparts. The results show that 2‐ply quasi‐isotropic The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
composite [0/45] absorbs 3.6% more energy than the orthotropic interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
panel [0]2. With the increase of ply number, [0/45]3 absorbs 7.7% ence the work reported in this paper.
more energy than the 6‐ply orthotropic composite [0]6. It indicates
that changing the structure from orthotropic to quasi‐isotropic is more Acknowledgement
effective for composites with increased ply number.
The authors wish to thank Teijin® for providing the para‐aramid
4.3. Composites with increased yarn directions fibres for this research. This research was partially funded by National
Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11902008).
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