Present Perfect vs. Past Simple Game
Present Perfect vs. Past Simple Game
Present Perfect vs. Past Simple Game
Take it in turns to roll the dice and move your pieces. Use the words in the square you landed on to make
a sentence.
33 32 31 30
25 26 27 28 29
They/be/married She/not Uncle
for/2 years. prepare/yet/ GO TO Ben/get/himself/a GO TO
Now they are anything/for SQUARE new motorbike/a FINISH
divorced the party 19 few weeks ago.
24 23 22 21 20
I/see/the latest
Grandpa/yet/ GO TO She/have lunch/ movie/by What year/ you/
take/his pills? SQUARE already. Polański/last leave school?
28 weekend.
15 16 17 18 19
14 13 12 11 10
Jack and Jill/
They/know/each GO TO go to Spain / How long/you Jack/buy
other/since/they SQUARE on their be/married/to a new car /last
be children 17 honeymoon. Mike? week.
5 6 7 8 9
She/live in
London/ I/never/eat/ GO BACK I cut/my finger. It’s the first
for 10/years. seafood before. TO It’s bleeding! time/she ever/ride
Then she moved to START a bike.
4 3 2 1