Gcse Computer Science: J277/02: Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming
Gcse Computer Science: J277/02: Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming
Gcse Computer Science: J277/02: Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming
Computer Science
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This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and students, to indicate the requirements
of the examination. It shows the basis on which marks were awarded by examiners. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions which took place at an examiners’ meeting before marking
All examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in
candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the published question papers and the report
on the examination.
© OCR 2023
1. Make sure that you have accessed and completed the relevant training packages for on-screen marking: RM Assessor Assessor Online Training;
OCR Essential Guide to Marking.
2. Make sure that you have read and understood the mark scheme and the question paper for this unit. These are posted on the RM Cambridge
Assessment Support Portal http://www.rm.com/support/ca
3. Log-in to RM Assessor and mark the required number of practice responses (“scripts”) and the number of required standardisation responses.
1. Mark strictly to the mark scheme.
3. The schedule of dates is very important. It is essential that you meet the RM Assessor 50% and 100% (traditional 40% Batch 1 and 100% Batch 2)
deadlines. If you experience problems, you must contact your Team Leader (Supervisor) without delay.
4. If you are in any doubt about applying the mark scheme, consult your Team Leader by telephone or the RM Assessor messaging system, or by email.
Contradictory Responses
When a candidate provides contradictory responses, then no mark should be awarded, even if one of the answers is correct.
Short Answer Questions (requiring only a list by way of a response, usually worth only one mark per response)
Where candidates are required to provide a set number of short answer responses then only the set number of responses should be marked. The
response space should be marked from left to right on each line and then line by line until the required number of responses have been considered. The
remaining responses should not then be marked. Examiners will have to apply judgement as to whether a ‘second response’ on a line is a development
of the ‘first response’, rather than a separate, discrete response. (The underlying assumption is that the candidate is attempting to hedge their bets
and therefore getting undue benefit rather than engaging with the question and giving the most relevant/correct responses.)
Short Answer Questions (requiring a more developed response, worth two or more marks)
If the candidates are required to provide a description of, say, three items or factors and four items or factors are provided, then mark on a similar basis
– that is downwards (as it is unlikely in this situation that a candidate will provide more than one response in each section of the response space.)
6. Always check the pages (and additional objects if present) at the end of the response in case any answers have been continued there. If the candidate
has continued an answer there, then add a tick to confirm that the work has been seen.
• there is an attempt at an answer that is not worthy of credit (this includes text and symbols).
Team Leaders must confirm the correct use of the NR button with their markers before live marking commences and should check this when
reviewing scripts.
8. The RM Assessor comments box is used by your team leader to explain the marking of the practice responses. Please refer to these comments
when checking your practice responses. Do not use the comments box for any other reason.
If you have any questions or comments for your team leader, use the phone, the RM Assessor messaging system, or e-mail.
9. Assistant Examiners will send a brief report on the performance of candidates to their Team Leader (Supervisor) via email by the end of the marking
period. The report should contain notes on particular strengths displayed as well as common errors or weaknesses. Constructive criticism of the
question paper/mark scheme is also appreciated .
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
10. Annotations
Annotation Meaning
Omission mark
Too vague
Blank pages, pages with no annotation, no attempt to answer the question, page seen on QER
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
Annotating scripts:
• Blank pages at the start of the script need SEEN annotation
• Any questions answered elsewhere (e.g. on the first blank pages, separately on the page) need to be linked within RM Assessor
and annotated with ticks/crosses/SEEN as appropriate
• 1 tick for every mark awarded, if a question is given 3 marks there must be 3 ticks
• A BOD or FT annotation needs to be accompanied by a tick
• Any answers with no candidate response need a SEEN annotation and NR entered as the mark.
• Any questions where the candidate has not attempted the question e.g. answered 'don't know' need a SEEN annotation and NR
entered as the mark.
• All questions must be annotated throughout the marking process.
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
total = sum(num1, num2)
x = num1 + num2
total = x
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
1 (c) (ii) if number MOD 2 == 0 then 1 Accept % or other sensible operator that indicates
(AO2 1a)
1 (c) (iii) difference = measurement1 - 1 Accept other sensible operator that indicates
measurement2 (AO2 1a)
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
1 mark
• condition controlled loops run while/until a
condition is true / is false / until a condition is
• repeats while value in [pos-1] is larger than
value in [pos] // while (further) swap needed
• will swap value until in correct position //
will swap whilst in incorrect position
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
4 (a) 1 mark each, max 2 if not fully correct circuit. 3 Shapes of logic gates must be correct. NOT gate
must include circle for inversion. No other gates
• NOT B should include circle.
• AND gate with A / C as one direct input…
• …Second AND gate with other (unused) A / C AND gates must have two different inputs, NOT gate
as direct input and output of previous stage as must have one input. All gates must have one output.
other input
Correct system will always have NOT B and two
Fully correct circuit is any of : other AND gates correctly joined.
• Q = A AND (NOT B AND C) Accept alternative systems that produce the correct
• Q = (A AND C) AND NOT B output.
See examples below : Accept (BOD) three input AND gate for BP2 and BP3
if used correctly.
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
• Text/code editor…
• …allows program code to be written /
entered / changed
• …allows errors to be fixed
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
• Length check
Do not accept defensive design elements (e.g.
• … limit number of characters // check input sanitisation, authentication)
maximum / minimum string length
• … answer / input must be 1 or 2
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
• Initialise / declare score (to zero) before If random numbers chosen, BP3 must use these. If
no random numbers chosen, allow manually
use, outside of any loop
setting values
• Generates 2 random numbers between 1
and 10 BP6 can be awarded for either a loop repeating 3
• Inputs answer from user displaying suitable times or the same code written out 3 times
• Checks if input is correct answer… BP5 can be given FT if sensible attempt at BP4
• … if correct adds 1 to score Do not award BP6 if same numbers used for every
• Repeats BP2 to 5 three times (for bullet question. Must pick new values each time.
points attempted)
• Outputs score after reasonable attempt at Do not penalise potential off by 1 errors for looping
(Python) or random number generation
Example answer
score = 0
for count = 1 to 3
num1 = random(1, 10)
num2 = random(1, 10)
ans = input("What is” +num1 + " + " +
num2 + "?")
if ans = num1 + num2 then
score = score + 1
end if
next count
print("You scored " + score)
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
Section B
6 (a) 1 mark for each row 4 No mark if more than 1 tick on a row.
(AO3 2a)
Variable Boolean Char String Integer Real Allow other indications of choice (e.g. cross) as
UserName ✓ long as clear.
EmergencyPhone ✓
DoorSensor ✓
DoorTime ✓
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
Example answer 1
if SystemArmed then
if DoorSensorActive then
else if WindowSensorActive then
Example answer 2
Example answer 3
Example answer 4
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
Example answer
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
6 (f) (ii) 1 mark each to max 6 6 BP2 can be achieved either by iteration
(AO3 2b)
accessing each event or manually repeating code
• Input date and store in variable / use directly to access each event. Must be 0 to 6, not 1 to 7.
• Access all seven (indexes 0 to 6) events in array
// loop for each event in array Allow reference to events (table given) or
• Attempt at selection… arrayEvents (2D array) in answer as long as
• …to compare date input against date in array used consistently.
(element 0)
• …adding length (element 3) from array to the total if BP2 loop allow off by one errors (Python),
dates match. looping to array length or array length – 1. Allow
• Outputting calculated total and date in appropriate for each item in array or any other suitable
message(s) at the end loop.
J277/02 Mark Scheme June 2023
Example answer 1
total = 0
date = input("Please enter date")
for count = 0 to events.length-1
if events[0, count] == date then
total = total + events[3,count]
next count
print("There were " + total + "
events on " + date)
Example answer 2
total = 0
date = input("Please enter date")
for item in events:
if item[0] == date then
total = total + item[3]
next count
print("There were " + total + "
events on " + date)
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