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File: istockphoto-middleclasshome.jpg (40 KB, 612x463)

Anonymous (ID: 8LXkPEq5 ) 08/19/23(Sat)23:36:18 No.55889202 ▶ >>55889240 >>55889257 >>55889291 >>55889343 >>55889345
>>55889350 >>55889494 >>55889504 >>55889551 >>55889574 >>55889578 >>55889600 >>55889792 >>55889818 >>55889830 >>55889988 >>55890050

What happened to middle-class America?

>> Anonymous (ID: aw M4Srig ) 08/19/23(Sat)23:44:28 No.55889240 ▶ >>55889356 >>55889864

File: aeceaa5614d71c161a6606cd_(...).jpg (685 KB, 1700x905)

>>55889202 (OP)
a bunch of brown people were invited by the government to live here and brought their
standard of living with them

>> Anonymous (ID: e631ee5r ) 08/19/23(Sat)23:48:09 No.55889257 ▶ >>55889282

>>55889202 (OP)
Most of their jobs were sent over seas and most of their money went to supporting the unemployed. There wasn't enough
money for them to have kids so they started to disappear. Watch an old movie and look at the surnames, many of them
no longer exist. Random and unfortunate or something else.

>> Anonymous (ID: GPPyf24e ) 08/19/23(Sat)23:50:33 No.55889271 ▶

Try middle-class everywhere. This is a global issue.

>> Anonymous (ID: hTeXgzcg ) 08/19/23(Sat)23:53:43 No.55889282 ▶

Extinct surnames? I notice some men only have daughters and others only have sons. Number of surnames naturally goes down over time since new ones aren’t being

>> Anonymous (ID: T7w 7HZbM ) 08/19/23(Sat)23:57:50 No.55889291 ▶ >>55889690 >>55890095

>>55889202 (OP)
The shift from small towns and cities to suburban living was built on credit and fundamentally unsustainable from an economic perspective. Putting money and energy
towards infrastructure-related expenses and debt robbed communities of the ability to fight anti-worker and anti-consumer moves in industry and policy, creating a feedback
loop of impverishment. As always, immigration and replacement hysteria were used to mask this, but with access to the internet, people are at least knowledgeable enough
to be aware that the root cause of this economic issue is economic, not social (apart from the death of noblesse oblige).

>> Anonymous (ID: 6TChksgB ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:09:48 No.55889329 ▶ >>55889363 >>55889378

File: Screen Shot 2023-06-27 at(...).png (900 KB, 942x692)

whites are slaves and exist to serve the aristocrat class, the peasants that existed in europe were given a reprieve during the age of exploration
because their wranglers sights became focused on the free world. Now that the free world is no longer free, the domestic side things have returned to
the mean, seemingly unaware that their house nigger status was only temporary and their uppity disposition is an inside joke.

>> Anonymous (ID: m42oJF41 ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:13:19 No.55889343 ▶

>>55889202 (OP)
Inflated out of existence.


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Anonymous (ID: ST7JTEYW ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:13:52 No.55889345 ▶
File: boomer wages.png (100 KB, 1257x628)

>>55889202 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: WjbAaJde ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:15:37 No.55889350 ▶

>>55889202 (OP)
The US is such an exorbitantly wealthy nation that houses like OP’s pic are considered middle of the pack.

>> Anonymous (ID: IRO3OECx ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:17:26 No.55889353 ▶

the middle class is a threat to aristocracy so it was eliminated when it showed weakness (the boomers)

>> Anonymous (ID: e4VlYum6 ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:18:08 No.55889356 ▶

On point

>> Anonymous (ID: OVEkfjjt ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:18:34 No.55889363 ▶

sure thing suresh

>> Anonymous (ID: hTeXgzcg ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:21:56 No.55889378 ▶ >>55889403 >>55889453

The feudal peasants disproportionally died during the Black Death while the upper classes moved away from city centers and were less infected. The average British person
alive is a descendant of the upper class. For a long time the upper class had much higher birth rates than the lower classes too. The cream of the crop of Brits in terms of
bravery, wealth, intelligence, and nobility moved to the US. American whites with British ancestry are the genetic elites of the world. They were in the position the Jews are in
today until they got complacent and the Jews came in. who knows what the future holds now that they’re supplanted and in comtempt.

>> Anonymous (ID: T7w 7HZbM ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:28:09 No.55889403 ▶ >>55889423 >>55889425

Hilarious fanfiction. The center of the original American aristocracy were religious refugees (the British would call them "deviants") and entrepreneurs who couldn't make it in
the motherland. Most of the founding fathers were nouveau riche.

>> Anonymous (ID: IRO3OECx ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:32:58 No.55889423 ▶ >>55889755

what about the cavaliers?

>> Anonymous (ID: hTeXgzcg ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:33:31 No.55889425 ▶ >>55889468 >>55889514 >>55889755

Thomas Jefferson is one of the most intelligent men in world history. The early Americans were brave enough to move to a hostile unknown land worlds away inhabited by

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savages for the sake of making it. They defeated the British army, the most powerful in the world, and declared their independence. These men were the pinnacle. The nobility
gained status in ancient times by being exceptionally brave and winning their way to the top with courage and skill. The Americans had these traits.

>> Anonymous (ID: n8DE3vDe ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:33:34 No.55889426 ▶

Commies took all their wealth and redistributed it to the filthy rich and poor

>> Anonymous (ID: 6TChksgB ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:39:37 No.55889453 ▶ >>55889484


the majority of occupants of the new world were of low stock and were only tolerated for reproductive purposes to help infest virgin land. No different the lionshare of anglos
that occupied australia, reminded who and what they were a couple years ago when the veil of benigness is removed. Your self perception is meaningless. They dont respect
you or see you as livestock.

>> Anonymous (ID: ineTHyVQ ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:42:28 No.55889468 ▶

Jefferson was highly intelligent but Ben Franklin was a fuckin genius. He discovered electricity. That’s why his face is on the 100

>> Anonymous (ID: hTeXgzcg ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:46:00 No.55889484 ▶ >>55889568

No, they are very, very afraid of white Americans. Cattle is a strong word, Indians and Chinese are “cattle,” they let them be and steal every ounce from them without a fight.
They are actively fighting against Americans because they are top threat #1.

>> Anonymous (ID: z3GN3pr4 ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:47:57 No.55889494 ▶

>>55889202 (OP)
unfettered capitalism happened

>> Anonymous (ID: h9K+u2aj ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:50:21 No.55889504 ▶

>>55889202 (OP)
They got offshored to China, and replaced with mexicans and H1b pajeets at home

>> Anonymous (ID: 6TChksgB ) 08/20/23(Sun)00:52:10 No.55889514 ▶


the founding fathers were involved in european secret soceties from their inception, they were active in narrative building and played their contribution. They received a kiss
on the forehead, a smack on the butt and a secret handshake.

>> Anonymous (ID: fQbehK0H ) 08/20/23(Sun)01:02:32 No.55889551 ▶

>>55889202 (OP)
Didn't unionise enough, didn't promote international socialism, spent money on war, got too many divorces, stopped having kids, took too many drugs, played the computer
games and watched tv, got fat, stopped readinig books, got distractd on the internet by bait too much, got all loopy fter lsd and french translated stuf, had no self respect
and dressed badly, went grunge, got addicted to porn, didnt learn how to bargain , stopped going to church, stopped getting quality purchases,

>> Anonymous (ID: 6TChksgB ) 08/20/23(Sun)01:07:01 No.55889568 ▶

they built the nazi party to assist in their manufactured war, just to sabotage the young men that pledged their alliance to a orchestrated lie, simply a mouse that is toyed
with. If supposed prime stock can made into a play thing then a idle handed, idle minded american must prove otherwise.

>> Anonymous (ID: niw Fr1EJ ) 08/20/23(Sun)01:07:14 No.55889570 ▶

there's a lot to not like about america, but access to money and income really is not a problem. if you are minimally skilled and educated you should be well past $100k a
year with lots of room for upward movement.

dont become a wagie. if you are a wagie, find a way to not be a wagie. its not hard.

>> Anonymous (ID: 97b0RTbK ) 08/20/23(Sun)01:07:36 No.55889574 ▶

>>55889202 (OP)
It went away with the gold standard.

>> Anonymous (ID: hyrP+53z ) 08/20/23(Sun)01:08:08 No.55889578 ▶

>>55889202 (OP)
The goal posts of the median continue to move up, which is fine, that makes sense given the macro conditions, the issue is there's too much red tape and lazy/unwilling
politicians to maintain the back half of the middle. So the back half is falling into the poverty side. The disparity is going to be you either make $50k or $165k
Now those $50k jobs, sure, many of them are not glamorous, but some of them should be more in the range of probably $75k-$95k, especially in management. But
increasingly they separate employees and superior by barely $10k
Also hurts incentives and motivation, why move up to new positions in a company if the raise feels insignificant compared to how much your workload will increase.
Something has to give

>> Anonymous (ID: KH7D3Anm ) 08/20/23(Sun)01:13:04 No.55889600 ▶ >>55889707

>>55889202 (OP)
the rich got richer by destroying the middle class and successfully pushed the narrative that if you tax them it makes you a socialist/communist so you better pay their
taxes for them instead.

>> Anonymous (ID: 2X1NbxU/ ) 08/20/23(Sun)01:29:11 No.55889690 ▶ >>55890106

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Out of my way faggot.

>> Anonymous (ID: z3GN3pr4 ) 08/20/23(Sun)01:31:34 No.55889707 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: T7w 7HZbM ) 08/20/23(Sun)01:40:25 No.55889755 ▶ >>55889762

Middling defense but surprisingly solid in the paint.
Virginian planters were the nouveau riche I was talking about. They were desperate for recognition after a generation of barely surviving the ecological collapse they initiated
by showing up and killing the population that had maintained a continent-wide food forest for several thousand years.

>> Anonymous (ID: T7w 7HZbM ) 08/20/23(Sun)01:41:58 No.55889762 ▶

*several generations

>> Anonymous (ID: iSjb+GKC ) 08/20/23(Sun)01:46:22 No.55889786 ▶ >>55890056

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1970: $0.5T
1980: $1.5T
2000: $4.5T
2020: $15T
2023 $20.8T

-MSPUS (Median Sales Price of Houses Sold for the United States)-
1970: $24k
1980: $64k
2000: $165k
2020: $329k
2023: $436k

r2: 0.98

Deficit spending is an expansion of the money supply (simple dilution), it robs ALL income earners and gives to asset holders (as an increase in money supply will naturally
inflate assets), a HUGE and on-going parasitic transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs, THIS is the driving force of the wage/productivity divergence seen
since the 60s.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8VF2phR0 ) 08/20/23(Sun)01:49:20 No.55889792 ▶

>>55889202 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: JVodH+dI ) 08/20/23(Sun)01:58:38 No.55889818 ▶

>>55889202 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: t2+LzIo7 ) 08/20/23(Sun)02:02:29 No.55889830 ▶

>>55889202 (OP)

That looks like a castle.

>> Anonymous (ID: zC5asT8q ) 08/20/23(Sun)02:20:46 No.55889864 ▶

>muh brown peepo
theres plenty of white trash in america living in trailers n shooting up

>> Anonymous (ID: UzhUzrjG ) 08/20/23(Sun)02:58:22 No.55889988 ▶

File: The_Fuck.jpg (16 KB, 275x279)

>>55889202 (OP)

No "Middle-class" American EVER

had a house like that!

>> Anonymous (ID: M69JKNbV ) 08/20/23(Sun)03:17:14 No.55890050 ▶ >>55890056 >>55890092

>>55889202 (OP)
Everyone on this site constantly talks about the Great Reset, how everyone is getting impoverished, middle class disappearing, you will live in the pod, yet when I go outside
they are putting up shopping plazas faster than I can keep track, everyone is driving a 2023 F150, and everyone has a 3 bedroom house that is $300k minimum with a 72
inch flat screen in every room. It seems as though money actually is out there, it's just that the userbase of this site doesn't have it.
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>> Anonymous (ID: l86HOHdD ) 08/20/23(Sun)03:20:45 No.55890056 ▶

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>r2: 0.98
terrifying if true
Americans are in $17 trillion of consumer

>> Anonymous (ID: pTZ+NOJo ) 08/20/23(Sun)03:32:40 No.55890092 ▶

File: freddie.png (57 KB, 1330x616)


They don't actually have the money for those things. It's
called consumer debt.

>> Anonymous (ID: M69JKNbV ) 08/20/23(Sun)03:33:36 No.55890095 ▶ >>55890106 >>55891175

The shift to suburban living was primarily done by a white population desperately trying to escape declining living and educational standards caused by rampant black
You are correct in that it is expensive and energy intensive, especially when the feds follow them to the suburbs and forcibly tyrannize them with "racial integration attempt
#325", leading to the cycle being repeated again.
Over time, the cost of suburbanizing becomes greater and greater, and a percentage of whites get left behind each time. Soon the only segregated communities will be for
the wealthy while 95% of the population live in hellscapes where the norms are entirely dictated by and for the lowest common denominator (niggers)

>> Anonymous (ID: pTZ+NOJo ) 08/20/23(Sun)03:38:45 No.55890106 ▶ >>55891175


You guys are responding to an AI bot. Do you think anyone actually posts like that?

>> Anonymous (ID: T7w 7HZbM ) 08/20/23(Sun)09:49:59 No.55891175 ▶

>The shift to suburban living was primarily done by a white population desperately trying to escape declining living and educational standards caused by rampant black
You're so close, but sadly suffering from that racism brainrot what is at the root of every catastrophic American policy decision. The roads and the highways that were built to
ferry hysterical white flighters in and out of cities used the land previously occupied by economically stable and sustainable black (and Jewish and immigrant and-)
businesses and neighborhoods. These were middle class black business owners and workers who were displaced because they represented competition, not a nuisance.
You've drunk the "urban decay" Kool-Aid because the alternative of reconciling with the fact that your parents and grandparents utterly threw you under the bus in an
airborne-lead-addled haze would be enough to bring you to eating a Glock hotdog (please actually do that tbqhfam).
Suck my nuts.

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