Pol - El Judío - Politically Incorrect - 4chang
Pol - El Judío - Politically Incorrect - 4chang
Pol - El Judío - Politically Incorrect - 4chang
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>El judío
>>308730611 (OP)
god damn I want to eat her fucking pussy
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21/2/2021 /pol/ - >El judío - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
she has a gross pussy. i never responded back to her texts
imagine to lick her pussy or sniff/suck her petite brown latina feet while she is holding a
nazi speech in spanish ......... H O T
>>308730611 (OP)
who is that.
she is cute.
>>308730611 (OP)
mi pene
I would give her oral on my knees
>>308730611 (OP)
Holy based but i still don't trust her, every natsoc girl are quit possibly larper, or doing it for attention.
What a fucking based thread holy shit
She's on your team, and her optics are very successful here.
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>> Anonymous (ID: e1ASCVU8 ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:54:23 No.308731018 ▶ >>308731446 >>308734657 >>308737260
We can only hope that other girls are jealous enough of the attention to become natsoc
>doing it for attention.
Sadly, yes.
Patrician taste. You know she's pure.
why does she do that thing with her mouth when she speaks? and why does it make my dick so hard?
I do not know fren, i am terribly blackpilled about everything.
>>308730611 (OP)
I will bet $10000 with anyone she will get BLACKED in less than 5 years
>>308730611 (OP)
>Protocols passage on Anti-Semitism being a ring-leading/gay ops modality
Ayez foi mon frère, non plus des guerres des frères.
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>> Anonymous (ID: TOw1eSbA ) 02/19/21(Fri)00:01:18 No.308731893 ▶ >>308732998 >>308734062 >>308734776 >>30874004
>>308741204 >>308741649 >>308744214
Holy shit you guys are simps.
Lmao nice try, before her Twitter got canned there were pics of her and her black boyfriend, they were in the
previous thread haha pol btfo yet again
Fake pic, here’s the original one, she’s a beautiful Aryan who’s never fucked a nigger and
you’re jealous
You don't have $10000
I'll take that bet. The world is not the same as how it seems after spending 50,000 hours watching blacked
I want to see her take a bbc
brown peruvian
>>308730611 (OP)
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>Fuck shit skins
>>308730611 (OP)
>Hitler 2.0 is a Spanish thot
Eh, that's fine I guess.
Fucking this.
Putting out your dick would be too vulgar and crude and egoistical.
She deserves to be worshipped not offering you pleasure in return.
>>308730611 (OP)
I understand the natural inclination to shit on any woman, because women without question
are cancer and have consistently fucked humanity. Eve fucked us all in the garden of Eden.
However, a woman that uses her power and voice to shit on Jews, isn't a feminist, and
doesn't cuck out, is fulfilling God's role for women, which is a loyal warrior by man's side.
Jews seek to destroy the patriarchy replace it with the matriarchy. Jewish society itself is
very matriarchal in nature. All the awful systems Jews push are matriarchal. The Patriarchy
is what God called for in Genesis due to Eve failing her role as a woman.
>16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring
forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. Genesis 3
Jews and Feminists are directly rebelling against God in this manner. Here's an excerpt from the NT that
backs up the OT.
>12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
>14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 1 Timothy
This woman is obeying God by calling out Jews while also not being a Feminist herself, who are the greatest
ally to Jews. She's a Valkyrie that guides men into battle and aides the Patriarchy. Such women deserve to
be listened to and respected; they know their place.
She's basically using her sex appeal to attack Jews directly, rather than promote Feminist roastie cancer.
The simps and coomers are now noticing Jews, and thus shills and kikes will Kvetch. They are hypocrites
mad a woman is using their own weapon against them.
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>> Anonymous (ID: kGm/YN9l ) 02/19/21(Fri)00:12:08 No.308733225 ▶
>>308730611 (OP)
the lipstick, absolutely adorable
Her face is whiter than her body=Makeup
nice shop with the necklace u fucking KIKE
what's so great about doing that?
>actual jew
get the fuck off my planet you fucking rat
>>308730611 (OP)
OH NO THEY DI'N'T!!! *sassy head bob*
I have 10,100 but I need to save something
Ok, lets make a thread in 5 years
>the simp cries out in pain as he pays to join her
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>> Anonymous (ID: rRVAYv6+ ) 02/19/21(Fri)00:14:53 No.308733567 ▶ >>308733783 >>308733946 >>308734770 >>308737953
>>308738789 >>308742154 >>308743452 >>308745308
File: Kamala-Harris.jpg (107 KB, 800x1200)
>>308730611 (OP)
Id rather suck Kamala off bros.
No no, your pet rat is quite right. She looks even better without makeup, though.
Yesterday there was some Spanish anon asking that /pol/ not simp for this bitch because he was hopeful
that she might be taken seriously as a voice for his beliefs. RIP that dream. Burger faggots ruin everything
that they touch.
>>308730611 (OP)
That is the look short before the dick goes into it.
>who is that.
La Pucelle de Madrid. She will lead the people of Spain in a glorious Reconquista to retake their homeland
from the grubby fingers of foreigners and international bankers.
>>308730611 (OP)
what amazes me is that this takes place in Spain of all places
>Spanish are latinamericans
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>> Anonymous (ID: YaVQyGdW ) 02/19/21(Fri)00:16:47 No.308733790 ▶ >>308734001 >>308734045
The most diverse group of Nazis ever
>>308730611 (OP)
The petites have basedboy DNA. What you want are the big booty
>>308730611 (OP)
Ive got something for that sexy mouth
and puffy red lips
i dont care if hes right, why is he saying it is the question you should ask yourself
The big beaner cock. Also ywnbaw.
What race you are doesn't matter here. All that matters is that you are racist.
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Damn right. We are the tolerant side now.
Pay attention how they sexualize everything to get you under control and use your own
sexuality against you.
>>308730611 (OP)
>>308730611 (OP)
Viva Espana.
Con Nosotros Dios
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcLmi8y7V8M [Embed]
Ah, a man of taste, I see.
How should I know what its motives are? Ask a (((psychologist))).
>>308730611 (OP)
(((they))) never expect the Spanish Inquisition.
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Isabel doesn’t do Onlyfans, she is a pure angel and only has clean sex with Aryan men never
What are you talking about?
no, she is actually dark even for a Spaniard ironically
Goat fucker at least she's human.
Only one.
Someone who wants to toss you into a gas chamber
I thought >she had super huge labia at a first glance lol
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I want her to shit on my chest
It's just a meme, bro.
>We can only hope that other girls are jealous enough of the attention to become natsoc
Holy shit, THIS, if men simp over this one girl virally it will unironically make many young girls emulate her -
who will in turn make their orbiters foam at the mouth in lust, and through jealousy convert even more girls
and men.
Who would have thought that the most effective NatSoc propaganda would simply be a cute well-spoken
fascist girl?
And the one man Isabel has sex with isn't a nigger....my
point exactly
Yeah, it's pretty fucking degenerate. However, I'd rather degenerates worship a Valkyrie that defends the
Patriarchy and names Jews than some Feminist roastie.
literally kys nigger
You will never be a woman, Moshe
>>308730611 (OP)
>she smokes
>hit the wall at 18 (look at her chin)
abort, the hypetrain has crashed
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Respekt my quads of truth.
>>308730611 (OP)
She looks like Gal Gadot. I wonder why?
>>308730611 (OP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdeG58J2kbE [Embed]
Currently, she's the human being with the most colossal balls on the planet, and also a woman.
I’m down with that. She gets my vote
Have sex, incel. She is perfect
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Lmao, what a whore
>mutt education
We're all tired of you american niggers and your stupidity, thinking Spain is in Central America
>>308730611 (OP)
Queen Isabella III
She's a legit Spanish Nataoc cutie who named the jew in a speech and then doubled down when
interviewed by national press afterwards.
The glory of Rome lives in med blood
>bitching about smoking
Soft little eurocuck
>>she smokes
based. Tobacco brought white people out of the Bronze Age.
If they’re clean it tastes great and you get to feel them cum
Yes, women wear makeup. Get over it.
She's a Jewess.
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You're so angry, jew. I love it.
You're a Jew, but you will never be a Jewess.
"Blackpilled" What does that even mean? I mean I know what it means... I know the meaning of the meme
but it's so simplistic and low iq. Meme culture is just so dumb sometimes. Take my advice friend and try
thinking for yourself instead. Yes life sucks. But life is also what you make of it. There is always a way to
improve the situation for those brave enough to put in the work and find a way. Yes the darkness is real but
there is a way out of the darkness.
she sucks on black dildos for money
Gal Gadot is fuckugly and had the typical slopes head shape of her ethnic group. She looks nothing like her.
Shes the real deal. The most honest and based jew hater to walk the earth. Many of us would fight and die
for her in minecraft.
Good one bong
Hail Caesar
Um fucking hot. Anyone countersignaling this is either a retard, a fag, or an israeli NGO shill.
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this makes her even hotter. She can use my stomach as an ashtray .... but first of all i want to give her a foot
Get in line, pal
That's why they're so easy to call out on these threads. Their impotent rage is delicious.
smoking tobacco in moderation is based redpilled
high test
You and everybody else.
No shit jewstein
Her last name is common amongst conversos and Jews. Spanish Twitter is talking about this.
based /ourguy/
Be gone kike.
You guys need to simp for her, not because she actually deserves it, but because women will emulate her.
>>308730611 (OP)
That ugly face is not the new face of the far right. Stop simping.
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>> Anonymous (ID: ateQN4xF ) 02/19/21(Fri)00:33:33 No.308735961 ▶ >>308737115
Wasn't attracted to her in the first place (she lacks the proud nose of a true Iberian woman), but the smoking
just seals the deal. No go, lads.
>>308730611 (OP)
Perfect mouth pic. She's so hot
She's decended from kikes. You fap to her.
>>308730611 (OP)
You're a bunch of fucking schizos
Viva conversos
>>308730611 (OP)
Imagine the smell.
I have sangre limpia. She doesn't.
>and only has clean sex with Aryan men never niggers
she's a confirmed virgin, bro
Whats her name bros, i bet the jews in the media are lambasting this based natsoc
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every time
but we can always hope this time will be different
>shes a jew
>shes a brown Peruvian
fucking constant
Taking it to the next level.
Isabel Peralta
source the pic, cause it looks modified
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Everyone in Spain smokes. They practically hand you a pack when you come out of the womb.
How convenient for you, that everybody who fights the Jews, according to you, is secretly Jewish
The Jew has already won so we should stop resisting and let them destroy us already.
>>308730611 (OP)
that mouth was just MADE for sucking BBC bros
What a waste of perfect quads.
From The Myth of Marrano Names. A. Novinsky
"In relation to the names adopted by the Jews during the conversions of 1497, we have very rare direct
Hispanic woman are loyal and pure, and bloat up right after marriage, and can't maintain a conversation due
to their enormously stupidity. .
>>308730611 (OP)
She reminds me of AOC. Idk how I feel about this bros.
Cope tranny
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euros smoke tremendously more than americans retard
dunno. I cropped it.
I actually love Isabel. Thanks for bumping everyone.
fender stratocaster, guitar of nazis
Cope. Seethe. Dilate.
Thats EXACTLY why there's a panic shilling against her.
So much so (((they're))) already making fake shops >>308730970
Finally an excuse to buy a kiesel
She's a virgin; wtf are you talking about?
>She reminds me of AOC
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By being just about literally everything AOC is not and vice versa?
This is pretty based.
>Noo anon you're exposing my lies! I'll use some buzzwords since I cannot refute.
> muh converso
This is what a spanish converso descendant looks like. There is not a mystery spooky
shit and they are easy to spot, not too many of them btw.
>Pay attention how they sexualize everything to get you under control
Does that mean they chose gretta because they don't want people to belive in global warming then?
She'll never respect you again if you go down on her. She'll like it, but think you're a pathetic bitch.
She has converso heritage.
looks very aryan to me
Kek. Based Mel.
I don't really care if that's true. Just let me enjoy this fantasy for a moment.
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She's not a Latina do you even know the definition of that word? It means a Spanish speaking woman IN
Dude get a girlfriend your simping is pathetic
You mean like every girl who spouts leftist shit they don't care about that actively long term harms them by
removing them from motherhood and placing them in a cubicle?
You mean she's doing exactly what women on the other side do en masse?
What if it catches on? That would be horrible.
>>she smokes
that is disappointing.
>>308730611 (OP)
Her rhetoric is self-refuting. The holocaust may be exploited commercially, but it was a
very, very real tragedy, that should not be forgotten, much less made light of.
>>308730611 (OP)
I bet there are a few dark web vids of her killing puppies
Horseshoe theory
Anywho, it was more about her looks and mannerisms that I was referencing with the comment I made, not
her undeniable basedness.
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ya same lol
Needless to say, it is also exploited politically (or rather, tyranically) in order to silence
dissent and free speech. It is true what is said, Truth does not fear investigation, but we
must be of Good Will.
I kneel.
Smoking is based.
>>308730611 (OP)
Was it knowing that by naming the Jew so publicly her life was about to go crazy, her fate now bound to the
fate of western civilisaiton with (((dark forces))) determined to destroy her (it took the Jews about 24 horus to
get her thrown off twitter for example)
Or all three?
Whiter than 80% of /pol/
quiet, taco nigger
She is still a virgin, she is a devout catholic and will marry soon
>>308730611 (OP)
She's a spook
>but it was a very, very real tragedy
No it wasn't lmao
Not too many? Greetings Jew!
Ten million Spaniards and Portugese are of Jewish descent! DNA proves it.
Fuck this nigger. I got filtered halfway through critique of pure reason. I'm either a brainlet or he's a fucking
I’m hungry now anon.
>>308730611 (OP)
We love you Izzy
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The Ebonics makes me cringe. Fucking retarded niggers
>>308730611 (OP)
Cara al sol, con la camisa nueva!
Who is she? and why is she not stepping on me with her feet
based rosewood neck
feet fags get deported to new zealand.
She is so fucking disgusting with her nigger nose.
Yes I understand that. It's usually Americucks complaining about smoking. That's why I'm calling him soft.
Because you haven't had pussy before in your life.
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Consider it preaching for philosophers! For this is all he means to defend, that is Christ
and Christiandom.
Correct me if I'm wrong, was it not Nietzsche who had said that Hume had killed God?
lol'd hard
Woah, anglo amerishart never fails to surprise with its stupidity
Amerisharts wish they had the reputation of spain. Im no white supremacists but im
sure real white supremacists will always pick the spaniards above loser fat diabetic
Perhaps, but we should come to expect Her Majesty's Royal
Intelligence more often.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoLDwKd6NW8 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGYZ6J5F7Ng [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAMrkDD3Kyw [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJES9UFXBTM [Embed]
she's so full of energy. i bet she gives really good, passionate head
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>they sexualize everything
That's human fucking nature, faggot. Men want to fuck women. Jesus fucking Christ, that's supposed to be
some sort of fucking Jewish thing now?
We shall turn the simps and sandniggers into paste if you ride away with me, m'lady
>lol she totally got blacked they were in the previous thread but I'm not gonna post em go find em lol
As if it would even make a difference. Bobby fisher was a jew and he fucking hated them. Even if this
woman was a black jewish transvestite what she says is still true and will be supported.
If she's not a skank the taste is awesome. Like Sweetarts.
commies always have the eyes of something trying not to be eaten and fashys have
the eyes of something trying to eat you. Freaks me out
>>308730611 (OP)
The only thing that I'll give to that thot is a 5.56 to the fucking brain, fuck authoritanians you will never take
away my freedom.
:( hnnnggghghg
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They invented it and had all the long lasting regimes. Italy, spain, and Portugal are the only ones that lasted
more than 2 decades unlike the cuck g*rms.
>cypriot gypsy likes animal porn
Considering the Aryans (Yamnaya) originally were brown-eyed brunetts, I'd say yes, she does look like an
can you faggots post the full video, I look all over jewtube and other places
and nothing comes up.
If it was a cigar or tobacco pipe then it would be based as fuck
10/12 fuckable
Fuck off Kikes, sooner or later, you Kikes will have to answer for all of the crimes you
have committed against the non-Jews. Your Jewish lies won't fool people for long.
>my freedom
>to live in a faggot-infested, socialist hellhole
>to spend my entire life wage-slaving for corporations with none of the proceeds of my labor going to a
higher, nationalistic purpose
>to be replaced by moors & niggers
>to disgrace my fatherland
If you're going to be a slimy lying kike, maybe try not to photoshop fake necklaces right above the one place
everyone has closely examined many times.
She unironically does not look Aryan, and she's definitely not fully Spanish. The only reason I don't care is
>>308730611 (OP)
Mestiza pussy was made for BBC
Mainly feminazis and spoiled, but you can find unicorns from time to time.
>>308730611 (OP)
Built for big nazi cock.
T. Spaniard from Lleida
Imo they're ugly and usually have horse faces. I think Italian girl are the superior Mediterranean in
Holy shit it’s a micro leaf!
>Leaf gets stepped on by people.
>>308730611 (OP)
Isabel is a QT when she sternly calls out
the Jew
Retard alert, this cunt is 100% peruvian. It has already been discussed. She doesn't even look remotely
>white enough
>White than you
>Some peruvians are white
This is what you call cope
Yeah Italians girls I have met are really nice and beautiful
>but it was a very, very real tragedy
And it pales in comparison to others that never get mentioned because they
were carried out by jews.
300,000 kikes dying of typhus after decades of feasting on Germany's corpse is
not a tragedy.
She's probably mostly EEF. How do you know shes a castiza? Do you have any proof?
50 bucks says shes a plant controlled opposition to lead /pol/ into the abyss
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>>308730611 (OP)
We know her parents are peruvian immigrants. Like 80% of peru is mestizo so that doesn't bode well for her
racial purity
>lead /pol/
>into the abyss
We've been in the abyss for years now.
Like every other our girl of the week. Pol would sell out their race in a heart best for brown pussy
>Do you have proof
My eyes.
Met enough south and central americans to be able to tell. She literally looks like an Australian Argentinian
girl I knew who had some amerindian in her
It hasnt even begun
She could be one of the lucky ones that aren't mixed but who knows
>>308730611 (OP)
I will never be with one because I made it my goal to have children with a blonde/blue eyes
wife but these Med women make my balls hot. I would be going after them if I didn't have a
goal to make entirely Nordic phenotype family to trigger my enemies.
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bec they're based despite the globalist & marxist plaguing them and fuck off about it.
Im slav and im darker than her
A mutt sucking nigger and jew cock all the way to the presidency. The epitome of modern America.
It's not even about skin tone, there are spanish girls who are darker than her. I'm referring to the literal
structure of her face and her eyes.
/pol/ has a really warped view of what meds look like, specifically iberians out of any other group in Europe
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>> Anonymous (ID: OlJeRDsz ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:26:07 No.308742223 ▶
She isn't a med. She is a beaner
>>308730611 (OP)
This bitch is wearing a mask looking at the 1/4" of makeup on her face
I doubt that since she actually names the Jew. It's pretty easy to tell the difference.
>Do they name the Jew?
>Do they try to get their followers to commit illegal acts?
If the answers are yes and no respectively, not a shill majority of the time. If reversed, is a certified
True. Also Victorian physiognomists considered a long straight nose an aryan feature.
You could still have a med wife anon
My mom is Portuguese and I'm still blonde
>>she smokes
Ja, und?
>My eyes
My dad's Maltese and he is darker than her. I did two DNA tests and neither came up with any non
European blood so not sure how that works
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>> Anonymous (ID: PtIsW1rn ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:28:17 No.308742514 ▶
not only long and straight but also big.
Even if she is Castiza, its not that bad, sure, we should support racial purity but, if she's got majority
European, then fine. I mean, Castizos and Criollos aren't bad.
>/pol/ has a really warped view of what meds look like, specifically iberians out of any other group in Europe
you shouldn't bother, unless you're shitposting along.
I look similar to yamnaya's?
NOT my queen.
But she is based.
based Nord/Med mix
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Kek you actually do look like this guy
>giving your blood to the DNA jew
>falling for pseudo science
Theoretically true but I'd have to actually go there. To find that here, they'd have to be fresh off the boat
immigrant and that class of Med has no reason to move here.
I'll accept her as head of pol's cheerleader squad.
you need to show profile anon. from front maybe.
Based, I always knew I wasn't a fucking Jew.
>It's a ROMAN nose, dammit!
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21/2/2021 /pol/ - >El judío - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
maybe forehead and occiput are a bit different, but everything else is pretty similar. Well i guess im an
original european and an aryan!
>>308730611 (OP)
Dios mio la luz
She's your queen and you'll like it.
see >>308741983
Incels seething /their/ cumdumpster is blacked raw haha
Hush schizo literally no one cares
Nar my Queen is English.
Emma Watson?
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>>308730611 (OP)
Her name spelled backwards is nigger. WTF?!
It just says Peralta was used by yous like they use Stewart and George in the US, to blend in.
Funny because lots of famous Anglos has big noses. Wellington was known as "Old Nose or
Nosey", Cromwell, Pitt the Elder, Cockburn, lots more.
You mean the brexit qt?
>>308730611 (OP)
thats what my latina mom used to say everytime we pass the kike neigborhood on the way
to school. Native latina women are all redpilled on jews. If youre going castiza pilled go for
the native ones over the ones born here if you really want a based traditional waifu who will
cook for you everynight. The ones born here are pretty kiked.
Although why would you even want to stay there
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21/2/2021 /pol/ - >El judío - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: c1bU72wZ ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:36:45 No.308743538 ▶ >>308744027
File: quecreenhaypack.jpg (154 KB, 1080x1470)
>>308730611 (OP)
sounds like you have experience kek
>It's not about the pussy,
well, umm, you see, here's the thing
it's kinda about both
No, this is the fake pic.
High IQ burger.
>island of pedophiles thief's and rapist murderers
Yes quite a bit, quite dinaric too.
Nah, I did a DNA test just to be sure, I'm as eternally Anglo as it gets, with some Celt and Scandinavian. Do
I make it into the ethnostate?
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21/2/2021 /pol/ - >El judío - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
She's half Colombian
Don't forget the King of the Anglos Oswald Mosley. He'd make a Roman blush with that sniffer
youre not darker than her
That's a man, baby.
And still doing better than weimerica
That moment you realize Isabel and Greta are the same age.
>Why yes, I'm an attention whore, but it's all for the good of the Volk.
Ah, well she's no doubt in the royal family, but not the queen. And I mean the cute brunette one.
Castizas and even some mestizas are fucking beautiful.
Peruvian actually.
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21/2/2021 /pol/ - >El judío - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Chad, lose some body fat to the jawline becomes more drawn out
Argonians are lizards anon
This is your lack of grey matter when Mexican.
Hello China man
i do have a soft spot for the beady man
Haha too right mate
She isn't youish.
>original european and an aryan
T. roach rapebaby
>>308730611 (OP)
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21/2/2021 /pol/ - >El judío - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Well, that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. It's not true what they say about you Italians, you
Stop, I can only get so erect.
You cropped it? You must have a lot of free fucking time you faggot
replace chick on right with pic related
damn this bitch has some hairy arms
well half of our military general staff at the time were
>The holocaust may be exploited commercially, but it was a very, very real tragedy, that should not be
forgotten, much less made light of.
Bla bla the only tragedy is that the holocaust didn't...still
You’re just mad cuz you’re a tiny leaf with tiny penis haahhah
Funnily enough my mum showed me a picture of one of my great grandfathers and he was the spitting
image of Mosley. No relation, sadly, she's researched our family tree pretty thoroughly.
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21/2/2021 /pol/ - >El judío - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Jamacian-Indian? No thanks.
How well known is Mosley in the uk?
Make like a jannie and do it for free
>>308730611 (OP)
>brown nips
confirmed indio
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