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GB Vapour Recovery

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Vapour Monitoring System VMS

Operating Instructions

Document not subject to engineering change

Art. Nr. 140 861 564 • Issue 1, August 2006

System Description

System Description
In some markets it is necessary to fit an automatic monitoring system to verify the functional capability of
vapour recovery systems installed in fuel dispensers. This requires a monitoring system that indicates a fault
if the vapour recovery volume varies by more than +/-15% from the correct value for ten filling operations in
succession. (To qualify as a filling to be counted it must last for longer than 20 seconds and have a flow
greater than 25 l/min.) In such a case the fuel flow will be cut off after 168 hours, so preventing further
operation of the dispenser.
For reliable functioning of the monitoring system the maximum fuel flow must not exceed 40 l/min.
We recommend a Qmax of 38l/min be set.
Existing fuel forecourts must be retrofitted with a monitoring system in the next few years.

Function: The vapour recovery monitoring system consists essentially of the flow meter GE1 and
Vapour Monitoring Controller (VMC). A flow meter is needed for each side of the dispenser.
During filling vapour and fuel flow data are collected. This is achieved by means of the flow meter
directly in the vapour recovery line and pulses which are taken from the dispenser computer.
Whenever a filling has been completed, a calculation is carried out, based on the data obtained and
the system status is signalled with two LEDs.

Operational States: The state of the vapour recovery and the monitoring equipment is indicated on
the one hand by the three colours (green, yellow, red) and on the other by various flashing of the
LEDs (A and B).

Flashing Modes of Vapour Monitoring Controller (VMC):

Green – short flash: Flow-Meter GE1 not


Green – slow flash: No filling occurring,

no fault in VMC

Green – rapid flash: Recording in progress

Green / yellow: Last fill outside tolerance

(85% - 115%)

Yellow – slow flash: VMC is in alarm condition (168 hour time-out)

Red – slow flash: VMC has turned off

Issue 1, August 2006 page 2 Operating instructions

Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions for Flow meter GE1

Flow meter GE1 is for the (flow) measurement of potentially explosive air-gas mixtures (explosion
group IIA), which is drawn through the vapour recovery system during filling. The flow meter
works on the Roots meter principle. The flow of vapour causes movement of the rotary pistons
which in turn give rise to electrical pulses from the Hall effect pulser.

Only flow meter GE1 may be used for vapour measurement in dispensers. Assembly/dismantling
and commissioning may be carried out only by specialist personnel with appropriate training.
Before installation it must be ensured that the flame arresters are secure and properly screwed in.
Attention: If any problems arise the complete flow meter including the flame arrester must be
exchanged. The type ‘m’ cast metal encased pulser may be exchanged individually, type ‘d’ must
have the complete unit exchanged.

Operation according to Specification:

The equipment is intended for continuous working.
Ambient and suction temperatures –20 ºC to +60 ºC (atmospheric conditions)
Suction: max. 850 mbar absolute (Vacuum – 150 mbar)

Drawing of the Flow meter

Issue 1, August 2006 page 3 Operating Instructions

Technical Data

Data Sheet - Vapour Monitoring Controller

Power Supply
Voltage 230V +/- 10% 50-60Hz
Power consumption < 15VA (not switched)
<30 VA (switched)
Terminals (PE,N,L) 230V~

Ambient temperature -40 to +60 °C

Storage temperature -40 to +70 °C

Measure and control circuit

Pulse inputs Uin = 5...30V
Terminals (- A + ) (- B +) Optocoupler – pulse inputs
Pulse outputs U < 30V / Imax =100 mA
Terminals (- A1 + ) (-A2+) Optocoupler– pulse inputs side A
(- B1 + ) (-B2+) Optocoupler– pulse inputs side B
Voltage outputs U = 5V / Imax = 50 mA
Flow – Meter inputs TTL –pulse internal Pull – Up 1K per channel
X1 and X2 Supply U = 5V / Imax = 30 mA per meter

RS 422 (X7) V12 (R+ R- / T+ T-) Umax < 12V
Flat connector 10 pole
RS232 (X8) V24 Umax < 30V
SUB – D socket 9 pole

RS 485 (X9) V12 Umax < 12V


Connection diagram Vapour Monitoring System VMS

To the pressure sensors of

the meters (implementation
in Phase 2)

Flow RS 422
Meter B To EC2000

Meter A

230 V Opto - A Opto - B Opto - Input

Mains Connection Output Output Petrol
RS 485 to + 5V/GND

Issue 1, August 2006 page 4 Operating Instructions


Commissioning of dispensers on a forecourt may be carried out only by technicians who have
been trained on the Vapour Recovery System.

Tasks to be Implemented:
● Monitor the vapour recovery efficiency at all volatile fuel dispensing points.
(Adjustment of the simulated operation with the hand terminal at 40 l/min). If the
discrepancy is greater than 5% the suction flow must be readjusted. The values are to
be entered in the FEF Stage II Vapour Recovery Test Certificate (BUL 7407 Iss1).

● The fuel flow is now to be checked at fuel dispensing points. To ensure reliable
operation of the monitoring system the maximum fuel delivery of 40 litres per minute
may not be exceeded. We recommend it be set to a Qmax of 38 l/min.

● Is error recognition of the Vapour Monitoring System working? Simulate shut-off and
check whether all volatile fuel delivery points are inhibited.

● Simulate an error warning with the FB1 Service terminal.

Possible Causes of Malfunction:

● Pulser leads at the Vapour Monitoring System computer are changed over, side to side.
● Pulser rate of 50 pulses/litre has not been set.
● Fuel flow exceeds 40 l/min.
● Flow of the vapour recovery not correct. Deviation greater than 5%.

Maintenance: The Vapour Monitor Controller (VMC) is maintenance free. If it is in storage for
longer than ten years, the equipment must be returned to the manufacturer for battery replacement.
The battery is not charged during normal operation. This time does not count as storage time.
Attention: Do not change the battery yourself.

Safety advice: The VMC has IP20 protection which therefore provides for installation in the final
equipment. If the VMC is operated in the EC2000-System, the power supply is via the RS422-
interface. The ribbon cable may by plugged in only when the power is off, as there is otherwise the
danger of damage to the equipment. In this case a 230V supply is unnecessary. In all other cases
power is supplied via the mains connection.

Installation of a vapour recovery monitoring system does not relieve the operator of
the responsibility to have the vapour recovery system checked every three years by
a specialist contractor!

Issue 1, August 2006 page 5 Operating Instructions


Simulation with the Service Terminal FB1

It is possible to alter the status of the VMC for simulation purposes using Service Terminal FB1.
Important Instruction:
In this regard it is highly necessary to have an update of the Service – Terminal FB1 carried out in
Salzkotten. The terminal receives new software greater than or equal to ‘6.4’ and a serial number
registration, which is necessary for authorised access.

To enter the simulation menu, proceed as follows:

- switch on FB1
- SAL (1)
- SYS – recognition (2)
In the menu
Service (1)
Parameter (2)
Auto balancing (3)
Simulation Æ (4)

only ENTER do not select simulation

Note: Æ This arrow means another menu can be opened with ENTER.

*** VMC ***)

Dongle (1)
Vacuum Check (2)
Data (3)

Please select Dongle (1) and choose the side. This picture was not shown..

*** VMC ***)

STOP (2)

The VMC can be put into the alarm, stop or RSET condition through the functions displayed above.
If RESET is selected, the error counter on the appropriate side is simultaneously set back to zero.
That means that, irrespective of whether a simulated or real condition is the case, the reset is always
If ‘Sent OK’ appears in the last line of the terminal display, the action was successful.
For further assurance, the LED-indicator at the VMC should be monitored. If this shows the
desired flashing colour then the error simulation was successful. Up to the reset, all other status
changes are temporary. That means, after two minutes have elapsed, the original condition will be
reproduced. If, during the simulation the text 'FB1 serial number is invalid. FB1 update
necessary’ appears in the FB1 display, there is no valid serial number programmed and the VMC is
not responding even though 'Sent OK’ appears. In this case the terminal is to be returned to
Salzkotten for serial number allocation. The fitter’s details (name or company) are required
compulsorily before the terminal can be unlocked.

Issue 1, August 2006 page 6 Operating Instructions

Bitte folgende Dokumente in die Seitentasche der Rückseite einfügen.
Customer Satisfaction Feedback Form Kundenzufriedenheits-Fragebogen
Dear Customer Sehr geehrter Kunde,
Thank you for purchasing equipment from Gilbarco Veeder- wir bedanken uns bei Ihnen, dass Sie ein Produkt von
Root. Gilbarco Veeder-Root erworben haben.
Our objective is your total satisfaction with our product and Es ist unser Ziel, dass unsere Produkte und unsere Unter-
our product support. The only way we can maintain and stützungsleistungen Ihre Erwartungen voll befriedigen. Um
improve our quality is by receiving your customer feedback. unsere Qualität zu erhalten und ständig zu verbessern,
To help us ensure that we maintain our high quality standards benötigen wir Ihre Unterstützung. Bitte helfen Sie uns unsere
please take a few minutes to complete the form below for hohen Qualitätsanforderungen zu erhalten, indem Sie sich
each dispenser received and return it to us by fax +49 (0) einige Minuten Zeit nehmen und dieses Formblatt für jedes
5258 13 214 , mail to Gilbarco GmbH & Co. KG, Abt. von Ihnen erworbene Produkt auszufüllen und an uns
Qualitätsplanung, Ferdinand-Henze-Str-9, 33154-Salzkotten, entweder per Fax an die Fax-Nr. +49 (0)5258 13 214 oder per
Germany, alternatively email to: Post an Gilbarco GmbH & Co.KG, Abt. Qualitätsplanung,
customer.satisfaction@gilbarco.com to request an electronic Ferdinand-Henze-Str. 9, D-33154 Salzkotten zurücksenden.
version of this form to complete and return. Alternative können Sie auch unter
customer.satisfaction@gilbarco.com eine elektronische
The Gilbarco Veeder-Root Company Ausführung des Formblattes zur Ergänzung und Rücksendung
Gilbarco Veeder-Root

Customer Name / Kunde

Contact / Ansprechpartner:
Site Address 1 / Anschrift
Site Address 2 / Anschrift
Site Address 3 / Anschrift
Telephone / Telefon:

Pump-type / Zapfsäulentyp: Equipment Serial Number(s) / Zapfsäulen-Seriennummer:

Please use the following scale to evaluate our performance / Bitte nutzen Sie die folgende Einstufung für Ihre Bewertung
1= Excellent / Sehr gut, 2 = Good / Gut, 3 = Acceptable / befriedigend, 4 = Not as good expected /
Nicht so wie erwartet, 5 = Unacceptable / Nicht annehmbar, N/A = not applicable / Nicht zutreffend
On time delivery Termintreue 1 2 3 4 5 N/A
Product manufactured exactly as ordered Übereinstimmung des Produktes mit 1 2 3 4 5 N/A
der Bestellung
Condition of panels, cladding, paintwork , Zustand der Bleche, Verkleidungen, 1 2 3 4 5 N/A
hoses, nozzles, locks, display windows Lackierung, Schläuche, Zapfventile,
(Please indicate any problems on the Schlösser und Anzeigen
diagram on the reverse page) (Bitte kennzeichnen Sie aufgetretene
Probleme in den Bildern auf der
Installation/commissioning result Anlieferung und Installation 1 2 3 4 5 N/A
Equipment functionality & performance Funktion und Leistung der Produkte 1 2 3 4 5 N/A
Any other comments / zusätzliche Bemerkungen:

Sign / Unterschrift: Date / Datum:

Revision 1-Aug03 Artikel-Nr.: 140 797 184

Please indicate the position of any damage or faults on the diagram below.
Bitte kennzeichnen Sie jede Beschädigung und Fehler in den unten aufgeführten Bildern.

SK700 / S-MPD / Dimension Plus / G-MPD / SK98



Enterprise ARAL Design

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Revision 1-Aug03 Artikel-Nr.: 140 797 184

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