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?AC DC Machines 9 A MCQS

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DC Machines

1)The current in an RLC series circuit at resonance is

a)Maximum b)Minimum c)Infinity d)Zero

2)The value of current at resonance in a series RLC circuit is affected by the value of
a)R b)C c)L d)All of these

3)The function of commutator in a Dc Machine is

a)To change alternating current to direct current
b)To improve commutation
c)For easy speed control
d)To change alternating voltage to direct voltage

4)Carbon Brushes are used in electric motors to

a)Brush off carbon deposits on the commutator
b)Provide a path for flow of current
c)Prevent overheating of armature windings
d)Prevent Sparking during commutation.

5)In which of the following voltage sources is the movement of conductors in a magnetic field used to produce
a)In a thermocouple b)In a Zinc copper element c)In a DC Generator d)In a transformer

6)DC Shunt generator has

a)Slightly drooping characteristics b)Appreciably rising characteristics
c)Constant Voltage Characteristics d)Appreciably falling characteristics

7)Which one of the following generators is used for charging batteries?

a)Compound generator b)Shunt Generator c)Series Generator d)tacho generator

8)The EMF of Dc generator depends on

a)Commutation b)Speed c)frequency d)brush contact drop

9)The exciting coils of any DC machine are wound

a)In the machine b)In the armature slots c)Around the poles d)Separately

10)If the speed of DC generator is increased ,the generated EMF

a)Increases b)decreases c)Remains constant d)Decreases and then increases

11)If speed of a DC Shunt increases, the back EMF

a)Increases b)Decreases c)Remains constant d)Firstdecreases and then increases

12)The function of a commutator in a Dc generator is

a)To Collect Current from conductors
b)To change DC to AC
c)To conduct the current to the brushes
d)To change AC to DC

13)Armature reaction is attributed to

a)The effect of magnetic field setup by armature current
b)The effect of magnetic field setup by field current
c)copper loss in the armature
d)The effect of magnetic field setup by back emf
14)Which of the following types of generator gives constant voltage output at all loads?
a)Series generator b)Shunt generators c)Short Shunt compound generator d)Level Compound generator.

15)The function of compensating windings placed in slots in the pole shoe is

a)To neutralize cross magnetizing effect
b)To neutralize the demagnetizing effect
c)To neutralize both the effects
d)To avoid flash over around the commutator

16)For parallel operation,the polarities of two generators.

a)Must oppose each other
b)Must be same
c)May or may not be same
d)None of these

17)The EMF induced in the armature of a DC machine is

a)Directly proportional to the flux and inversely proportional to the speed.
b)Directly proportional to both the flux and the speed
c)Inversely proportional ito boththe flux and the speed
d)None of these

18)Dc series generator is used as a

a)Lighting Load b)Battery charger c)Booster d)None of these

19)Emf of generator depends upon

a)Number of poles b)Flux per pole c)Number of conductors d)All of these

20) When lines of magnetic force are cut by a conductor passing through them, --------- is induced in the
a)Current b)Power c)Voltage d)Heat

21)The field frame is also known as(9A,10-133)

a)rotor b)Yoke c)Flux density d)can’t say

22)The functions of the frames(9A,10-133)

a) It completes the magnetic circuit between the poles
b)It acts as a mechanical support for the other parts of the generator

23)The poles are usually laminated(9A,10-134)

a)To reduce hysteresis loss b)To reduce eddy current loss
c)To reduce copper loss d)All

24)In case of Dc generators, why we use electromagnets instead of permanent magnet.

a)To produce magnetic field of the necessary strength
b)Permanent magnet would greatly increase the physical size of the generator

25)In Dc motor iron losses occur in

a)The Yoke b)The armature c)The field d)None of these

26)The core losses in a Dc machine occur due to

a)Hysteresis only b)Eddy current only c)Armature Current d)Both Hysterisis and eddy currents.
27)A commutator in DC Machines provides
a)Half-Wave rectification b)Full-wave rectification
c)Half wave controlled rectification d)Full-wave controlled rectification

28)In case of Dc machine why so design is preffered so that air gap between the poles and the rotating armature get
a)Efficiency will increase b)Reluctance will increases c)flux density will decreases d)All

29)Disadvantages of Gramme-ring Armature.(9A,10-135)

a)large voltage induced b)Low voltage induced c)cut few lines of flux d)Both b and c

30)Drums type armature are constructed by which methods(9A,10-135)

a)lap winding b)Wave winding c)Both a and b d)Field winding only

31)Which of the following winding is designed for high current.(9A,10-135)

a)Lap winding b)Wave Winding c)Field winding d)All

32)Which of the following winding is designed for high voltage.(9A.10-136)

a)Lap winding b)Wave winding c)Field winding d)None

33)Several Brushes are required in case of lap winding because.(9a,10-135,136)

a)The winding are connected in parallel paths b)The winding are connected in series paths
c)The winding are connected in both parallel and series paths d)none

34)In case of wave winding, two end of each coil are connected to commutator segments separated by distance
between the plates as a result(9A,10-136)
a)Induced Voltages are subtractive in nature b)Induced voltage are in additive in nature
c)Induced voltage will be Zero d)none

35)Material used for brush(9A,10-136)

a)Mica b)High grade Carbon c)Both d)None

36)Commutator are insulated from each other by(9A,10-136)

a)Thin sheets of copper b)Thin Sheets of Mica c)Thin sheets of copper d)All

37)The brushes used in DC machine are highly graded Carbon due to.(9A,10-136)
a)To prevent excessive wear b)So that friction between commutator and brush will be low
c)Both d)All

38)The carbon used in brush in DC machine is soft due to(9A,10-136)

a)To prevent undue wear of the commutator b)To provide reasonable brush life
c)Both d)None

39)The carbon used in brush in DC Machine is hard enough due to(9A,10-136)

a)To prevent undue wear of the commutator b)To provide reasonable brush life
c)Both d)None

40)To reduce friction on commutator surface(9A.10-137)S

a)Commutator surface is highly polished b)Oil is used c)Grease is used d)All

41)What do you mean by Armature reaction(9A,10-137)

a)Effect of armature MMF on the main field b)Distortion of magnetic field
c)Shifting of Magnetic neutrak axis d)All

42)In armature reaction when field get distorted then(9A,10-137)

a)A voltage is induced in these shorted windings.
b)Sparking takes place between the brushes and commutator segments.
d)Both A and B

43)In Dc generator the output of the generator didn’t get reduced,,for this.(9A,10-137)
a)Brushes are placed perpendicular to the distorted magnetic field.
b)Brushes are moved forward to the direction of rotation
c)Shifting of brushes towards neutral Axis

44)Compensating winding and interpoles are used in DC machines because(9A,10-137)

a)Counteract some of the effects of field distortion b)Easily shift the brush
c)Neutral plane will remain stationary d)Both A and C

45)Compensating winding embedded in..(9A,10-137)

a)In armature b)In pole c)Both d)None

46)Compensating winding are connected in(9A,10-137)

a)Parallel with armature winding b)Series with armature winding
c)both parallel and series connected d)None

47)The Magnetic field in the compensating winding varies(9A,10-137)

a)Inversely with the armature current b)Directly with the armature current
c)no relation with armature current d)None

48)In two pole DC generator the numbers of interpoles will be.(9A,10-138)

a)One b)Two c)Three d)Four

49)An interpole has ---------- polarity to the next pole in the direction of rotation.(9A,10-138)
a)reverse b)No c)Same d)None

50)The magnetic strength of the interpoles varies(9A,10-138)

a)With the load on the generator b)doenot depend on the load
c)in Noload condition d)None

51)Interpoles is used for. (9A,10-138)

a)keeping neutral plane in same position b)Reducing field distortion c)Improving efficiency d)All

52)The critical resistance of the DC generator is the resistance of(Blt 1,ch-26)

a)Armature b)Field c)Loads d)Brushes

53)The series field of a short shunt DC generator is excited by--------------currents.(Blt,ch-26)

a)Shunt b)Armature c)Load d)External

54)In a DC generator the generated EMF is directly proportional to the(Blt,ch-26)

a)Field current b)Pole flux c)Number of armature parallel paths d)Number of dummy coils

55)Lap winding is suitable for---------current and-----------voltage dc generators.(Blt,ch-26)

a)high, low b)low,high c)low,low d)High ,high

56)Which of the following DC generator is having poor voltage regulation.

a)Series Generator b)Shunt generator c)Compund Generator d)Seperately Excited generator

57)In case of series DC generator(9A,10-138)

a)Field winding is connected in series with armature winding
b)Field winding is connected in parallel with armature winding
c)Field winding is connected in both parallel and series wih armature winding

58)The output voltage of a series generator may be controlled by..(9A,10-139)

a)Field winding b)Armature winding c)Lap winding d)None

59) DC series generator is never employed as an airplane generator(9A,10-139)

a)High voltage regulation b)Poor voltage regulation c)Zero voltage regulation d)None

60)In case of DC shunt generator(9A,10-139)

a)Field winding is connected in series with armature winding
b)Field winding is connected in shunt with armature winding
c)Field winding is connected both in seroes and parallel with armature winding

61)In case of shunt DC generator the magnetic strength is derived by.(9A,10-139)

a)Large no. of turns of field coil b)Current strength through the coils of field c)Both d)None

62)Shunt DC generator is not suitable for..(9A,10-139)

a)Constant loads b)Flactuating loads c)doesn’t depends on load d)None

63)How DC shunt generator is depends on load..(9A,10-139)

a)Increases in load decreases in terminal voltage
b)decreases in load increase in terminal voltage

64)In case of Shunt DC Generator, armature and load current are connected in.(9A,10-139)
a)series b)Parallel c)both series and parallel d)Both


determine the circuit diagram…(9A,10-139)

a)Series Dc Machine b)Shunt DC machine c)Compound Generator d)None

66)In case of compound DC generator the series field coils are(9A,10-139)

a)Large in number b)Small in number c)zero in number d)None

67)In compound DC generator these series coil are mounted..(9A,10-139)

a)In Same pole b)In armature c)both a and b d)None

68) If the ampere turns of the series field act in the same direction as those of the shunt field, the combined
magnetomotive force is equal to the.(9A.10-139)
a)Subtractive of the series and shunt field component b)Sum of the series and shunt field component
c)zero d)None

69)A Flat compound generator is one in which.(9A,10-140)

a)No load and full load voltages are different b)No load and full load voltages are same
c)No load and full load voltages are Zero d)Independent of no load voltages and full load voltages

70)Over compound generator are.(9A,10-140)

a)No load voltages = Full load voltages b)No load voltages not equal to full load voltages
c)No load Voltages > Full load voltages d)No load voltages < Full load voltages

71)In case of compound generator if series field aid shunt field then.(9A,10-140)
a)Differentially compounded b)Cumulative compounded c)Over compounded d)None

72) In case of compound generator if series field opposes shunt field then.(9A,10-140)
a)Differentially compounded b)cumulative compounded c)Flat compound d)None

73)Differential generators have somewhat same characteristics as.(9A,10-140)

a)Shunt generator b)Series generator c)Compound generator d)none

74)Variable shunt is connected across series field is known as..(9A,10-140)

a)Potentiometer b)trimmer c)Diverter d)Varicap

75)Voltage regulation is of prime importance in which kind of DC generator..(9A,10-140)

a)series generator b)shunt generator c)Compound generator d)None

76)Constant current generators are..(9A,10-140)

a)series generator b)Differential generator c)Shunt generator d)both a and b

77)Which of the following generators are used for electric arc welding.(9A,10-140)
a)series generator b)Shunt generator c)Differential generator d)Cumulative Generator

78) If the shunt field of a compound generator is connected across both the armature and the series field, it is known
a)Short shunt connection b)long shunt connection c)either a or b d)none

79) if the shunt field is connected across the armature alone, it is called.(9A,10-140)
a)Short shunt connection b)Long shunt connection c)Either a or b d)None

80)The amount of torque developed in a coil depends upon..(9A,10-144)

a)The strength of the magnetic field, b)The number of turns in the coil,
c)The position of the coil in the field d)All

81)The armature in a practical motor is not placed between the poles of the permanent magnet but between those of
the electromagnet because.(9A,10-146)
a)Weak magnetic field will furnished b)Strong magnetic field will furnished
c)No magnetic field will be furnished d)None

82)In a clockwise rotating loaded DC generator brushes have to be shifted(Blt,ch-27)

a)Clockwise b)Anticlockwise c)Either a or b d)None

84)In a DC motor unidirectional torque is produced with the help of.(BLT, ch-29)
a)Brushes b)Commutator c)End plates d)Both a and b

85)The counter EMF of a DC motor(BLT,ch no-29)

a)Often exceeds the supply voltage b)Aids the applied voltage
c)Helps in energy conversion d)regulates its armature voltages

86)The induced EMF in the armature conductor of the DC motor is(BLT, ch-29)
a)Sinusoidal b)Trapezoidal c)Rectangular d)Alternating

87)Under constant load conditions,the speed of a DC motors is affected by(BLT, ch-29)

a)Field flux b)Armature current c)Back EMF d)both b and c
88)Which of the following DC motor would be suitable for drives requiring high starting torque but only fairly
constant speed such as crushers.(BLT ch-29)
a)Shunt b)Series c)Compound d)Permanent magnet

89)A series motor is best suited for(BLT, ch29)

a)Lathes b)Cranes and Hoist c)Shears and punches d)Machine tools

90)At no load which motor will run at highest speed.(BLT, ch-29)

a)Series b)Shunt c)Cummulative d)Diffrential

91)The DC series motor should never be switched on at no load because(BLT, CH-29)

a)The field current is zero b)The machine doesnot pick up
c)The speed becomes dangerously high d)It will take too long to accelerate

92)As the load is increased the speed of a DC shunt Motor(BLT, CH-29)

a)Increases proportionality b)Remains Constant c)Increases Slightly d)Reduces Slightly

93)The speed of the DC motor is controlled by varying

a)Its flux pole b)Resistance of armature circuit c)Applied voltage d)All of the above

94)The direction of the rotation of DC motor is reversed by

a)Reversing the field current b)Reversing the armature current c)Both d)All

95)Which of the following motor is able to draw a large current instarting(9A,10-147)

a)Series b)Shunt c)Compound d)None

96)Series motor are often used in aircraft as..(9A,10-147)

a)Engine starters b)raising and lowering landing gears c)cowl flaps and wings flap d)All

97)The starting torque is low in wwhich DC motor..(9A,10-148)

a)Series b)Shunt c)Cummulative d)differential

98)In case of differential compound motor,an increase in load..(9A,10-148)

a)Increase in current b)Decrease in total current c)both a and b d)Decrease in current

99)When the series motor slows down and the counter EMF decreases then..(9A,10-149)
a)More current flows through the armature b)Magnetism in the field is unchanged
c)Magnetism in the field is changed d)Both a and b

100)If the wire connecting the motor to an external source are interchanged then..(9A,10-149)
a)Direction of rotation will get reversed b)Direction of rotation will ,not get reversed
c)Either a and b d)None

1. Basic requirement for the operation of a 2. In an induction motor:
transformer is that its input primary voltage a. torque under running condition is
must be: maximum
a. alternating b. sinusoidal b. torque at the time of starting is
c. changing d. pulsating maximum when rotor resistance equals
(Ref. BL Theraja) rotor reactance
c. maximum torque is directly proportional 9. In long shunt compound generator shunt
to rotor resistance field is connected:
d. maximum torque is directly proportional a. across the armature b. across the
to rotor reactance series field
(Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 597) c. across both series field and armature
d. none of the above
3. Copper bars are deep embedded inside (Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 253)
rotor for:
a. improving starting torque 10.In DC shunt motor running at certain
b. improving power factor RPM at low load if field opens:
c. improving efficiency a. speed will decrease b. speed will
d. improving all the above increase
(Ref. BL Theraja) c. speed will fluctuate around normal speed
d. there is no effect on motor speed
4. The purpose of using capacitor in single (Ref. BL Theraja)
phase induction motors is:
a. to improving efficiency of motor 11. The speed of a DC motor is:
b. to make it self starting and quieter running a. directly proportional to back emf and
c. improvement of over load capacity of inversely proportional flux density
motor b. directly proportion to flux density and
d. all the above inversely proportional to back emf
(Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 616) c. directly proportional to back emf and no.
of poles
5. The advantage of leaving the capacitor d. none of the above
permanently in circuit are: (Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 297)
a. improvement of over load capacity of
motor 12.If a 6-pole motor running from a 50Hz
b. a higher power factor and higher supply has an emf in the rotor of frequency
efficiency 2.5Hz, determine the slip percentage
c. quieter running of the motor a. 5% b. 1.25% c. 6.7%
d. all the above d. 10%
(Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 616) (Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 293)

6. Short circuit test on the transformer is 13. The condition for maximum power in DC
carried out to determine: motor is:
a. equivalent impendence, leakage reactance a. when back emf is equal to applied voltage
and resistance of the transformer winding b. when back emf is equal to half the
b. copper loss at full load applied voltage
c. knowing total voltage drop in the c. iron loss is equal to copper loss
transformer as referred to primary and d. variable loss is equal to constant loss
secondary can be calculated and hence (Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 293)
regulation of the transformer determined
d. all the above 14. Brushes are always placed at position:
(Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 576) a. induced emf is maximum b. induced emf is
7. A worn out brush in generator will minimum
provide/produce: c. at any position d. at magnetic
a. arching b. improper contact neutral axis
c. radio interference d. all the above are (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 7)
correct 15. Mark the correct statement about the
(Ref. TK Eismin – 177) transformer:
a. emf/conductor on low voltage side or high
8. In A.C. system power factor depends voltage side is less then emf
upon: b. emf/conductor on high voltage is less than
a. supply voltage b. type of voltage emf/conductor on low voltage side
source c. emf/conductor on both sides are equal.
c. type of load d. all the above are d. there is no definite relationship between
correct emf/conductor on either side
(Ref. BL Theraja) (Ref. BL Theraja, 925)
16. If the circuit is closed in transformer, the a. the field resistance should be less that
voltage in primary and secondary coil will critical field resistance
be: b. the load resistance should be more than
a. self induced emf and dynamically induced critical load resistance
emf c. both a & b d. critical resistance is
b. mutually induced emf and self induced immaterial
emf (Ref. BL Theraja)
c. self induced emf and mutually induced
emf 24. The torque is induction motor is
d. dynamically induced emf and mutually proportional to:
induced emf a. voltage b. voltage2 c. current
(Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 559) drawn
d. rotor resistance
17.In induction motor, the slots are skewed, (Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 602)
mark the INCORRECT statement:
a. decreases the locking tendency of motor 25.Mark the correct statement about
b. slip in increased for the same torque induction motors:
c. to get quite operation of motor a. can not run at synchronous speed
(Ref. BL Theraja) b. speed is inversely proportional to number
of poles
18. The total losses of transformer depends c. speed is directly proportional to supply
on: frequency
a. input voltageb. output current d. all the above
c. input current (Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 604)
d. KVA rating of transformer
(Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 579) 26. In brushless generator, the output of
rotating rectifier is connected to:
19. Kilowatt rating of 40 KVA generator a. rotating field winding of main
working with power factor 0.8 is: generator
a. 50 kw b. 40 kw c. 32 kw b. pilot excitor c. stator side of main
d. none of the above generator
(Ref. EHJ Pallet, 36) d. none of the above (Ref. BL
20. Voltage regulator consists of:
a. voltage regulator, current regulator 27. On which type of motor, no load test is
and reverse current cutout unit not performed:
b. voltage regulator and current regulator a. shunt motor b. compound motor
and GCU c. series motor d. all motor
c. both a & b are current (Ref. TK Eismin, 179)
(Ref. TK Eismin, 202))
28. By varying the excitation of alternator
21. In an induction motor percentage of slip field winding which load can be balanced:
is4. it has 4 poles and working on 50 Hz. a. real load distribution b. reactive load
What is the rotor speed: distribution
a. 1440 b. 1500 c. 1560 d. c. governor load d. all the above
1460 (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 50)
(Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 595)
29. Stabilizing winding in constant
22. The transformer are rated in KVA frequency generator is connect:
because a. in series with the shunt field winding
a. copper loss depends on voltage b. in series/parallel combination
b. iron loss depends on current c. is wound over shunt winding in such a
c. total losses depends upon to voltage and way that it provides transformer coupling
current d. parallel to shunt field winding but a
d. all are correct capacitor is added in series
(Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 579) (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 44)
30. In repulsion type motors by changing the
23. The essential condition for building brush position:
voltage in DC shunt generator field a. magnitude of torque can be change
b. speed can varied
c. direction of rotation can be reversed (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 142)
d. all the above
(Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 620) 38. Which is NOT correct while flashing of
31.In transistorized voltage regulator, a. connect + to field to + of battery terminal
voltage can be increased by: b. voltage must be momentarily applied
a. increasing the spring tension in regulator c. voltage regulator not required to be
b. decreasing the spring tension in regulator disconnected
c. changing the base current in transistor d. none of the above
d. none of the above (Ref. TK Eismin, 206)
(Ref. EHJ Pallet, 15)
39. A CSD unit drives the generator through
32. After the operation of successful flight it the use of:
is found out that the DC generator is burnt. a. a synchronous motor
The probable cause can be: b. an infinite variable mechanical gear
a. failure of filed relay system
b. over voltage coul defective c. a variable hydrolic pump and hydrolic
c. contacts of RCCB sticky motor
d. voltage regulator faulty d. none of the above (Ref. TK
(Ref. TK Eismin, 202) Eismin, 221)

33. Thermistor in main exciter winding is 40. When necessary during operation, CSD
connected: disconnect is usually accomplished by:
a. in series with stabilizing winding a. switch in the cockpit operates a
b. in parallel with the shunt field winding solenoid
c. in series with one of the shunt field b. circuit breaker is activated
winding c. hydrolic supply to CSD unit is stopped
d. it is connected only in series with main d. all are correct
generator field winding (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 40)
(Ref. EHJ Pallet, 45)
41. DC shunt motor is switched on to a.c.
34. In transformer open circuit test is carried supply is works:
out to find: a. unsatisfactorily b. not at all
a. eddy current loss b. core loss c. satisfactorily d. none of the above
c. hysteresis loss d. voltage loss (Ref. BL Threaja, 850)
(Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 576)
42. Mark the correct statement for
35. Mark the correct statement for voltage transformers:
regulation of a transformer: a. the power or ordinary efficiency is
a. variation in secondary terminal voltage maximum when copper loss is equal to iron
from no load to full load loss
b. when the transformer is loaded, its b. the null flux passing through the core is
secondary terminal voltage falls (for a approximately the same at full load and no
lagging power factor) load
c. both a & b d. only a is correct c. the secondary emf is anti phase with
(Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 578) primary and its magnitude is proportional to
rate of change of flux and the number of
36.In induction motor difference between secondary turns
synchronous speed and rotor speed is called: d. all the above are correct
a. motor speed b. differential speed (Ref. BL Threaja, Ed 1991, 559 & 589)
c. load speed d. slip speed
(Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 595) 43. Equalizing coils are required when
paralleling two:
37 In three phase, induction after repair of a. alternators b. series d.c.
loads, two loads are interchanged: generators
a. motor will not speed c. shunt d.c. generators d. all are correct
b. it will obtain dangerously high speed (Ref. EHL Pallet, 16)
c. will not affect the speed 44. What is the purpose of commutator in
d. as in (c) but direction if rotation will be d.c. generator:
a. changing alternating current of (Ref. EHJ Pallet – 44)
armature to direction current in
external 48. Amplidyne ( a combination of
b. to smooth out the wave forms electrical motor and d.c. generator used to
c. to reduce sparking at brushes control field current of large power output
d. all are correct a.c generator) is:
(Ref. TK Eismin, 190) a. fully compensated cross feed
45. An invertor consists of a d.c motor and b. under compensated cross feed
alternator, the frequency and voltage can mechanism
be controlled c. over compensated cross feed mechanism
a. frequency can be controlled by varying d. all the above are true
d.c. field current of motor (Ref. General)
b. voltage can be controlled by varying
d.c. field current of alternator 49. When two d.c. generators are running
c. both a & b are correct in parallel and it is found they do not share
d. none of the above equal load, in this case load sharing can be
(Ref. EHJ Pallet, 65) done on ground by the technician:
a. by adjusting ballast resistance used in
46. When the generator is overloaded, how series with the shunt coil of carbon pile
it will be protected: voltage regulator
a. it will heat up b. by adjusting trimmer used in series
b. disconnected by thermal switch with the shunt coil of carbon pile voltage
c. load will be heat up regulator
d. it will be automatically tripped c. by adjusting the current in equalizing
(Ref. EHJ Pallet, 120) coil
d. all the above are true
47. Why it is unnecessary to flush field of (Ref. TK Eismin – 200)
the exciter on a brushless generator:
a. the exciter is constantly by battery 50. The synchronous motor works on the
voltage principle of:
b. brushless generator do not have exciter a. induction motor
c. permanent magnets are installed in b. constant speed
the main field c. rotating magnetic field
d. the slip ring employed by the brushless d. field excitation
alternator retain a permanent charge (Ref. TK Eismin – 186)

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