Well Drilling Questions
Well Drilling Questions
Well Drilling Questions
12. The term rig up means the process of installing a drilling rig and constructing the tower in
preparation for drilling a new well
13. The term rig down means the process of disassembling the drilling rig and lowering the
tower in preparation for moving it to another well
14. The term rig move means after completing drilling of the well the drilling rig is moved to a
new well site.
15. The term rig repair means entering the drilling rig into maintenance for the purpose of
repairing the equipment and parts of the rig
1. Used to drill wells in shallow waters typically less than 400 ft.
a. Jackup rigs
b. Platform rigs
c. submersible rigs
2. Are shallow-water rigs that can be physically attached to the sea floor.
a. Platform rigs
b. submersible rigs
c. semisubmersible rigs
3. Is supported primarily on large pontoon-like structures submerged below the sea surface.
a. submersible rigs
b. semisubmersible rigs
c. Drilling ship rigs
4. They are usually anchored with six to twelve anchors tethered by strong chains and wire cables
a. submersible rigs
b. semisubmersible rigs
c. Drilling ship rigs
Question 3:
Name all parts shown in the following figure;