Cot 3
Cot 3
Cot 3
A. Content
The learner demonstrates understanding of Understanding ways to collect data
B. Performance
The learner will be able to describe population and sample in Quantitative Research
C. Learning
Describe population, sample, probability sampling and identify the various types of probability
samples for Quantitative Research.
Write LC Code for
II. CONTENT Population and Sampling for Quantitative research
A. References
1. Teacher’s MELC pp. 564-565
Guide pages
2. Learner’s Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion Alternative Delivery Mode
Materials pages Quarter 3 – Module 7: Population and Sampling Method First Edition, 2020
3. Textbook NA
4. Additional Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion CG
Materials from Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion MELC
Resource (LR)
B. Other
A. Reviewing Preliminaries: Greetings, Prayer, "Kumustahan", Attendance, and Reminder of the Rules and
previous lesson Regulations for the Subject
or presenting the
new lesson The teacher starts the class by reviewing the previous lesson or presenting the new
During this time, the teacher also reminds the students about the importance of
following the rules and regulations in the subject.
Research has shown that the human body clock is very important in determining sleep and
wake patterns. The task at hand is to design a study that investigates the relationship between
ages and sleep duration.
What kind of research design is used in the study? Justify your answer.
Teacher's give feedback and comment and give TIP to those learners who answered correctly.
(Project TIPS of Ma’am Airalyn M. Ferrer).
C. Presenting The teacher says this “Alright class, today we'll explore the concept of using whole populations
examples/ versus sampling in research. Listen closely as we discuss these examples by group.
instances of the Task #1 Let’s THINK
new lesson The teacher assigned group and paste the example 1 & 2 with the task of learners also the
teacher checks the correct usage and grammar while discussion and ask the other group to rate
the performance of their classmates by versa and rubric given, the teacher adds information
about the topic.)
Example 1:
A high school administrator in Sto. Niño Ilaya NHS wants to analyze the final exam scores of all
220 graduating seniors to see if there is a trend. Since they are only interested in applying their
findings to the graduating seniors in this high school, they use the whole population dataset.
Consider why the high school administrator of Sto. Niño Ilaya NHS opted for using the whole
population dataset in this scenario. Discuss among yourselves the advantages and
disadvantages of this approach compared to sampling.
Example 2:
In contrast, the Division of Quezon wants to analyze the final exam scores of all 25,000
graduating seniors of the Division to see if there is a trend.
Now, think about why analyzing the whole population would be challenging for the Division of
Quezon. Discuss the benefits of using sampling in this situation and how it could lead to more
precise inferences about the population.
The teacher praises the learners like" Great job, Very Awesome, Very Good. Now, let's
summarize what we've learned about the use of whole populations and sampling in research.
Think about when each approach might be appropriate and why. We'll discuss your thoughts
Teacher's give feedback and comment and give TIP to those learners to those who answered.
(Project TIPS of Ma’am Airalyn M. Ferrer).
D. Discussing The teacher says this “Let us discuss first the meaning of population and how to identify the
new concepts population.
and practicing
new skills #1 Population. It is any complete group (i.e., people, sales territories, stores, etc.) sharing a
common set of characteristics. It can be defined as including all people or items with the
characteristic one wish to understand and draw inferences about them.
A survey was conducted among teenagers in Samar. To study the impact of mobile phone usage
on children. This survey sample includes youths and teenagers of 15-30 years age groups.
1. Who are the respondents?
Sampling is a statistical procedure that is concerned with the selection of certain individual
observation from the target population.
For example:
Let us answer this research question:
What is the prevalence of HIV in the adult Filipino population?
The best response to this question will be obtained when we test every adult Filipino for HIV.
However, this is logistically difficult, time consuming, expensive, and difficult for a single
researcher –do not forget about ethics of conducting such a study. The government usually
conducts an exercise regularly to measure certain outcomes in the whole population –the
census. However, as researchers, we often have limited time and resources. Hence, we will have
to select few adult Filipinos who will give consent to become part of the study. We will test them
for HIV and present out results (as our estimation of HIV prevalence). These selected individuals
are called as“sample.”
Hope that you have selected the appropriate sample that is required to answer your research.
The teacher praises the learners and give rewards to those who got perfect score.
E. Discussing The teacher discusses the information/ knowledge below.
new concepts
and practicing Once the research question and the research design have been finalized, it is important to select
new skills #2 the appropriate sample for your study. The method by which you select the sample is the
sampling method.
There are two essential types of sampling methods:
(1) probability sampling which is based on chance events (such as random numbers, flipping a
coin etc.); and
(2) non-probability sampling, which is based on researcher's choice, population that is
accessible and available.
Probability sampling is defined as a sampling technique in which the researcher chooses
samples from a larger population using a method based on the theory of probability. For a
participant to be considered as a probability sample, he/she must be selected using a random
selection. The most critical requirement of probability sampling is that everyone in your
population has a known and equal chance of getting selected.
For example, an organization has 500,000 employees sitting at different geographic locations.
The organization wishes to make certain amendments in its human resource policy, but before
they roll out the change, they want to know if the employees will be happy with the change or
not. However, it’s a tedious task to reach out to all 500,000 employees. This is where probability
sampling comes handy. A sample from the larger population i.e., from 500,000 employees, is
chosen. This sample will represent the population.
Simple random sample. Every member of the population has a known and equal
chance of being selected.
Stratified random sample. Population is divided into mutually exclusive groups such
as age groups and random samples are drawn from each group.
Those are the 4 subtypes of Probability sampling “let check if you understand the
different types of probability sampling.”
The current Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted and changed lives on a global
scale since its emergence and spread from China in late 2019. It has caused millions of
infections, and thousands of deaths worldwide. However, the control of this pandemic remains
Therefore, this study assessed the knowledge, attitude, and perceptions of senior high school.
students towards the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 1,500 respondents were included in this.
preliminary report. A survey of knowledge, attitude, and perceptions towards the 2019 Corona
virus pandemic in the Bataan province found that majority of the respondents had a 61.6%
satisfactory knowledge of the disease while the attitude of most respondents towards instituted
preventive measures were 68.9% satisfactory and only 22% of the respondents were satisfied
with their country’s handling of the pandemic.
Identify Population of the study: ______________________________
Identify the Sample size of the Study: _________________________
practical Directions: This is an individual activity; write your answer in an ½ sheet of paper. After 10
applications of minutes you should pass your paper. (LOTS to HOTS)
concepts and The teacher checks the answers after the class and write positive feedback.
skills in daily 1. Who will be your respondents in your research?
living 2.If you are going to conduct research what will be your research topic?
3. What probability sampling are you going to use? And why?
H. Generalizing Task # 7 Q &A (LOTS to HOTS)
and abstractions The teacher asks questions to generalize the lesson also the learners are capable to answer in
about the lesson every question.
1. What is population and sample in research?
2. What is probability sampling?
3. What are the different types of probability sampling?
4. How you apply your knowledge about the sampling, population, probability, and non-
probability sampling in another subject?
The teacher checks the grammar and explanation of the learners and write positive feedback.
I. Evaluating The teacher gives hard copy of their assessment.
Learning Direction: choose the letter of the correct answer. Avoid erasure.
1. All the following choices best describe probability sampling, except ONE. Which one is it?
A. Probability sampling is defined as a sampling technique in which the researcher chooses.
samples from a larger population using a method based on the theory of probability.
B. probability sampling is that everyone in your population has a known and equal chance of
getting selected.
C. Probability sampling gives you the best chance to create a sample that is truly
of the population.
D. Samples are selected based on the researcher’s subjective judgment.
2. A type of probability sampling where the researcher randomly selects groups from an
assemblage then considers the population for each selected group to be engaged in the study.
A. Cluster sampling
B. Simple random sampling
C. Stratified random sampling.
D. Systematic sampling
3. Which of the following is an example of random sampling technique?
A. Taking the name of every person in a telephone book.
B. Generating a list of numbers by picking numbers out of a hat and matching these numbers
to names in the telephone book.
C. Generating names by five on the list of everybody in your phonebook.
D. Taking every 10th or 20th name from a list of everybody in the telephone book.
4. You are investigating why young people choose to play basketball. You want to know if
children from urban areas are more likely to play than children from rural areas. As you look at
a list of all the youth players in your state, you notice that there are 32,000 children from urban
areas and 8,000 children from rural areas. If you take a simple random sample, children from
urban areas will have a far greater chance of being selected, so the best way of getting a
representative sample is to take a _______________sample.
A. Cluster C. Simple Random
B. Stratified D. Systematic
The teacher and learners check the assessment and get the mastery index, praises the learners,
and give rewards after the 2 hours class.
J. Additional NA
activities for
application or
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?
Subject Teacher
Master Teacher I