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Q. Explain the various losses in a transformer iron copper?. Q.Explain the working of lithium Ion battery.

working of lithium Ion battery. vode sill to fuc).

Ans: in a transformer, there exists two types of losses. Ans. A lithium ion battery starts its life in a state of full discharge. Thus all its lithium ions are
i) Core losses or iron losses and ii) Copper losses 1. Core or Iron losses inserted in cathode. For charging, the battery is connected to an external power supply. Due to
this, oxidation reaction occurs at the cathode and it looses electrons which are negatively
• Due to alternating flux set up in the magnetic core of the transformer, it undergoes a
charged. To maintain the charge balance in the cathode, equal number of lithium ions are
cycle of magnetisation and demagnetisation.
dissolved in electrolyte solution. The lithium ions are positively charged. not mind zoda The
• Due to hysteresis effect there is loss of energy in this process which is called lithium ions travel through the electrolyte and reach to anode. The lithium ions are intercalated
hysteresis loss. It is given by, Hysteresis loss= K, B1m.67 fv watts within carbon anode. • The separator used does not allow electrons to flow through an
K₁ = Hysteresis constant depends on material and electrolyte. The electrons travel through the external wire and reach to anode from cathode. At
Bm= Maximum flux density = m anode, the electrons get tied with lithium ions. At the time of discharging, the opposite reaction
f = Frequency and v = Volume of the core. occurs. While discharging, the anode releases lithium ions and electrons.

⚫ The lithium ions get dissolved into electrolyte and travel towards the cathode. While due to
• The induced e.m.f. in the core tries to set up eddy currents in the core and hence
responsible for the eddy current losses. The eddy current loss is given by, teddy
separator, the electrons flow from the external circuit. Due to the flow of electrons from the
external circuit, the current is established and the device connected to battery is operated. The
Eddy current loss = Ke B f2t2 watts/unit volume where K. Eddy current constant H
positively charged lithium ions balance the number of negatively charged electrons. When the
and t = Thickness of the core. The flux in the core is constant as supply voltage V₁ cathode is full of lithium ions the discharging stops and battery needs to be recharged again.
Copper losses The copper losses are due to the power wasted in the form of FR loss Q.State the advantages and applications of lithium ion battery.
due to the resistances of the primary and secondary windings. .The copper loss Ans. Advantages 1) The energy density of lithium ion battery is very high. Being light and small,
depends on the magnitude of the currents flowing through the windings and the large lithium can be stored in both the electrodes providing large number of lithium ions. 2) The
winding resistances. Total Cu loss 1 R, + R, 1 (R, +R)-1 (R₂+R) 1 Re 12 R2e As the current cell voltage is high which is about 3.6 V. Thus less number of cells are required if high voltage is
in the winding depends on the load, the copper losses also vary with the load. Thus required. 3) The battery is light in weight and compact in size. 4) It handles many charging
copper losses are called variable losses. • Thus for a transformer, Total losses = Iron discharging cycles. 5) It holds its charge for longer period. It loses only 5% of its charge per
losses + Copper losses Q.2 Define phase month. 6) It has no memory effect i.e. it is not required to discharge it completely before
charging. 7) It has built in protection to prevent overheating. 8) It requires no maintenance to
sequence of 3 phase alternating supply. State its significance Ans.
ensure the performance 9) The several types of lithium ion batteries are available with variety of
The sequence in which the voltages in three phases reach their maximum positive shapes and sizes. 10) It is rechargeable battery.
values is called phase sequence. Generally the phase sequence is R-Y-B. • The phase Applications 1) Used in cameras and calculators. 2) Used in mobile phones, portable radios and
sequence is important in determining direction of rotation of a.c. motors, parallel laptops. 3) Used in aerospace applications. 4) Used in cardiac pacemakers and other implantable
operation of alternators etc. • The phase sequence of a three phase system can be devices. 5) Used in electric vehicles and mine detectors. 6) Used in toys and
changed by interchanging any two terminals out of R, Y and B rechargeable flash lights.
. Q.3 Define symmetrical three phase system It is possible in polyphase system that Q.Name the active materials used in lead acid battery. Definition: The materials which undergo
magnitudes of different alternating voltages are different. • But a three phase system chemical reactions and physical, changes during charging and discharging are called active
in which the three voltages are of same magnitude and frequency and displaced from materials. The active materials used in lead acid battery are as follows ;Lead peroxide (PbO) -
Positive plate or anode Pure lead (Pb) Negative plate or cathode Dilute or aqueous sulphuric
each other by 120° phase angle is defined as symmetrical system.
acid (H,SO) - Electrolyte

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