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Drawing on the numerous acclaimed benefits of literature-in-English on language learning, this study seeks to determine
whether the teaching and learning of Literature-in-English can enhance students’ reading comprehension and critical thinking
skills. It would also ascertain the reasons for the decline in students’ enrolment. The study used the survey research method
and the sample was made up of 100 purposively selected senior secondary class two literature students drawn from four
randomly selected public secondary schools in Kurudu and Jikwoyi axis of Abuja. The instrument used for data collection was
a researcher-designed questionnaire with 20 items adapted from Jie, Yuhong and Yuan (2014). The research questions were
analysed using frequency count, percentages, mean and standard deviation. Findings indicated that respondents perceive the
dislike for reading, high cost of books, teaching methods and difficult/unfamiliar words as factors responsible for the decline
in literature enrolment. Findings also showed that all the respondents believe that literature can enhance their reading
comprehension and critical thinking skills. Based on these findings, it was recommended that Literature should be made
compulsory for all students. Training and retraining, workshop and seminars should be arranged for teachers to expose them
to creative methods for teaching English and literature. Teachers should use effective, creative learner centred methods to get
students interested and motivated to study literature and Government should provide needed texts in quantities large enough
for students’ use. These can be placed in the school libraries.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Enhancing, reading comprehension, critical thinking skills, perception.
Language learning and proficiency requires that one that the significance of literature in promoting learners’
acquires the four language skills of listening, speaking, language proficiency is beyond doubt as literature brings
reading and writing and language sub-skills of vocabulary, knowledge to them and gives them problem solving
reading comprehension, summary writing and literature experiences. It makes students learn about their creativity
components. Literature has been seen as providing material and imagination, interacting with the text themselves and
for acquiring the language skills and the culture of that playing different roles.
language, facilitating comprehension and the ability to Let us take a look at the objectives of teaching literature as
think critically. Reading and comprehending what is read, spelt out by the Nigerian Educational Research and
is considered one of the most important skills needed in the Development Council (NERDC, 2008). These are to: -
English as second language (ESL) context. To help broaden the cultural horizon of students through literary
students develop critical reading ability is a major goal in texts that vary in perspectives but are universal in
reading instruction. This, literature can provide for application; expose students to healthy human values and
learners. In addition, Keshavarzi (2012) opines that the use attributes; expose students to the beauty and potentials of
or study of literature encourages more thoughtful and language and more. These objectives are hinged on the
purposeful language learning because learners are not only acclaimed benefits of studying literature. In spite of all
exposed to the real use of language, they also become known benefits of studying literature, students’ enrolment
critical thinkers. is on the decline. The reasons for the decline are many.
The study of literature especially in an ESL has many Amongst them is the misguided notion that only science
benefits. First, literature is a good source of accurate subjects can produce analytical and sound minds. There is
diction, diverse sentence patterns and passionate narratives therefore, the need to reinvent students’ interest in
(Ghosn, 2002). Based on this, Keshavarzi (2012) submits literature to enable them tap from its many benefits one of
Female 58 58 58
Male 52 52 52
16 above 65 65
Results on table 1 showed that all respondents are in senior secondary class 2. 58 (58%) of these are females while 52 (52%)
are males. 35 (35%0 of the respondents fall within the age range of 14-15 years and 65 (65%) are aged 16 and above.
Research Question One: What are the factors responsible for the decline in students’ enrolment in Literature?
Table 2: Factors responsible for the decline in students’ enrolment in Literature
S/N Items Frequency Percentage
1 After reading a text, I know the author’s purpose 100 3.63 .51 Accepted
2 I can locate the main ideas of the text after reading 100 3.58 .52 Accepted
6 I can make inferences and read beyond the lines 100 3.63 .51 Accepted
13 I do not like Literature because there are too many books to read .
Results on table 3 show that to a very large extent, students are of the opinion that literature can enhance their reading
comprehension. However, they mostly would not want to study literature because of teachers’ method of teaching it, coupled
with the fact of too many books to be read.
Research Question 3: Can Literature in English help in developing students’ critical thinking skills?
Table 4: Mean, and Standard Deviation on literature for developing critical thinking skills
S/N Item Statement N Mean SD Remarks
2 I can correct unreasonable inferences made in the passage 100 3.55 .52 Accepted
100 3.37 61
Results on table 4 indicate that the students are convinced literature enrolment. This finding is in agreement with
that literature can help in developing their critical skills. Ogunnaike (2002) and Fatimayin & Lawal (2010) that
For example, they can read a text, make inform judgment, literature in most cases is not properly taught and the way
correct unreasonable inferences, proffer solutions, teachers’ handle the literature class will urge students to
understand values and humanity better, etc. cultivate the right attitude towards the subject.
Discussion Findings of the study also show that most of the students
This study revealed that students perceive the dislike for believe that literature can go a long way in enhancing their
reading, high cost of books, too many books to be read, reading comprehension. This is in line with Stefanova,
teacher’s teaching methods, difficult or unfamiliar words Bobkina & Perez (2017) that literature can develop the
used in the texts as factors responsible for the decline in skills students need to understand hidden meanings,