28.00 - FD - An2 - s2 - CCIA (En) - Statics and Stability of Constructions I - 23-24
28.00 - FD - An2 - s2 - CCIA (En) - Statics and Stability of Constructions I - 23-24
28.00 - FD - An2 - s2 - CCIA (En) - Statics and Stability of Constructions I - 23-24
6. Specific competences
C1. Recognition of the elements and structures of buildings in the field of Civil Engineering.
C1.1. Identifying the structural and functional role of the elements of a construction.
Static calculation of statically determinate structures:
- Understanding the proper way to conform a load bearing structure. Geometric
invariability condition;
- Use of static equilibrium conditions for all categories of statically determined structures;
- Determining the stress for all categories of statically determined structures;
- Understanding and anticipating the transmission to the foundation (ground) of the
external loads that act on the structures;
- Awareness of the importance of accurate calculation of inner forces that ultimately lead
to the dimensioning of structural elements of buildings;
- Drawing the influence diagrams of the internal forces for all the categories of statically
determined structures;
- Distinguish between a stress diagram and an influence diagram;
- To know how to draw the elastic deformed shape of the structure from the action of
external loads;
- Qualitative assessment of the structural response under the action of external loads, in
terms of stress and displacements;
- Drawing stress diagrams for all categories of statically determinate structures;
- Using the principle of virtual mechanical work in order to determine stress and
influence diagrams for all categories of statically determinate structures;
- Calculation of the maximum stress from the action of mobile loads;
- The general expression for calculating the displacements of points;
- Calculation of point displacements for all categories of statically determined structures.
The rigor of engineering calculation.
Knowledge and experience of employing efficient and responsible work strategies, punctuality,
seriousness and liability based on the principles, norms and values of professional ethics.
8. Contents
8.1. Lecture (syllabus) Teaching methods Notes
1. Introduction. The objectives of statics. Fundamental
hypotheses for static analysis.
2. Straight beams. Beams with cantilevers and pinned
connections. Oral and written
3. Planar frames. Effort diagrams. presentation with
4. Planar frames. The use of structural symmetry. examples and
5. Planar structures loaded normal to their plane. comments
6. Planar arches. Shapes of coincidence. (stimulating
7. Planar trusses. Simplifying hypotheses. Solving methods. interactivity)
8. Static analysis of different types of planar trusses. Automation
of the node isolation method.
9. The principle of virtual mechanical work. Use of the principle
in order to obtain the inner forces.
10. Influence diagrams: straight beams, Gerber beams, planar
11. Influence diagrams: planar arches and trusses.
12. Maximum efforts from mobile loads.
13. Elastic deformation of planar frames. The theoreme of the
virtual mechanical work’s reciprocity (Betti).
14. Elastic deformation of planar structures. Point displacements.
1. Lecture notes.
2. CĂTĂRIG, Al., PETRINA, M., KOPENETZ, L., CHIRA, N., MÁTHÉ, A., BÂLC, R., Statica construcţiilor:
structuri static determinate, Cluj-Napoca, Editura U.T. Press, 2011.
3. BĂNUŢ, V., TEODORESCU, M. , Statica construcţiilor. Aplicaţii. Structuri static determinate,
București, Editura Matrix Rom, 2003.
4. http://users.utcluj.ro/~go/ (handouts and further resources)
8.2. Applications Teaching methods Notes
1. The use of static equilibrium conditions. Assessement of the
2. Straight beam. Beams with cantilevers and hinges. Stress
3. Planar frames with fixed loads. Stress diagrams.
4. Planar frames with fixed loads. Stress diagrams.
5. Planar frames. The use of structural symmetry. Stress Each student
diagrams. Short has to work
6. Planar arches. Internal forces. presentation, individually at
7. Planar trusses. Assessment of the efforts in case of simple solving examples home, the
trusses. with discussion, solved topics
8. Planar trusses. Assessment of the inner forces in case of followed by will be
composed trusses. subjects and checked and
9. Use of the principle of virtual mechanical work in order to individual assessed
obtain inner forces. homeworks for the weekly by the
10. Influence diagrams. Gerber beams and planar frames. students. teacher.
11. Influence diagrams.Planar arches.
12. Influence diagrams. Planar trusses.
13. Calculating the maximum efforts in case of mobile loads.
14. Elastic deformations. Assessing the displacements of some
points in case of beams and planar frames.
1. Class notes and handouts.
2. CHIRA N., BÂLC R. MOJOLIC C., et alii: Statica construcţiilor. Structuri static determinate -
Îndrumator de laborator, Editura U.T. PRESS, Cluj- Napoca, 2014.
3. CĂTĂRIG, Al., PETRINA, M., KOPENETZ, L., CHIRA, N., MÁTHÉ, A., BÂLC, R.: Statica construcţiilor:
structuri static determinate, Cluj-Napoca, Editura U.T. Press, 2011.
4. http://users.utcluj.ro/~go/ (samples and further resources)
9. Bridging course contents with the expectations of the representatives of the community,
professional associations and employers in the field
Acquired skills will be needed by engineers working in building design, construction and/or research
(also in education).
10. Evaluation
10.3 Weight in the
Activity type 10.1 Assessment criteria 10.2 Assessment methods
final grade
Exam: written test (on-
10.4 Course Theory (T) 1/3
Activity during the semester (L) Assessment of each
labwork and homeworks 1/3
10.5 Applications
Solving problems (A) Exam: practical test on 1/3
computer (on-line) or
written test (on-site).
10.6 Minimum standard of performance
Solving and handing in the homeworks according to the deadlines, obtaining at least 5 points for the
activity, also at the practical/writen test, at least 4.5 points at the theory (L ≥ 5 și A ≥ 5 și T ≥ 4.5).
The final grade will result from (T + L + A)/3 (rounded to the nearest integer value).
In order to obtain the credits the final grade must be at least 5 (five).
Note: the score from the theory (T) and the practical test (A) is recognized only at the first re-
examination in the current session.