Vijayan2020 Article MicrowaveCombustionSynthesisOf
Vijayan2020 Article MicrowaveCombustionSynthesisOf
Vijayan2020 Article MicrowaveCombustionSynthesisOf
Received: 12 November 2019 / Revised: 13 February 2020 / Accepted: 17 February 2020 / Published online: 28 February 2020
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020
Supercapacitors are emerged as leading energy storage device and developing new electrode materials for supercapacitors
has received much scientific interest from the researchers. In this study, we have synthesized tin oxide-decorated amorphous
silica (SnO2@RH-SiO2) nanostructures using rice husk template as a silica source via simple microwave combustion method
for supercapacitor applications. XRD, FT-IR, and EDX studies obviously characterize that silica is present in amorphous
form along with crystalline SnO2 having a rutile tetragonal structure in the prepared SnO2@RH-SiO2 sample. Further, TEM
observation indicates that prepared sample is consisting of amorphous silica nanospheres decorated with agglomerated tin
oxide nanoparticles having size of 5–10 nm. Cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge/discharge studies characterize the
supercapacitive behavior of working electrode fabricated from prepared S nO2@RH-SiO2 nanostructure. The specific capaci-
tances of SnO2@RH-SiO2 nanostructure are about 448, 330, 275, 240, 225, and 200 F/g with the current density value of 1, 2,
4, 6, 8, and 10 A/g, respectively. The presence SnO2 species in SnO2@RH-SiO2 nanostructure can provide reactive surfaces
for the adsorption/desorption charges and it facilitates the charge storage at the surface of sample. The above results sug-
gested that the prepared SnO2@RH-SiO2 nanostructure has potential application for making electrochemical supercapacitors.
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2020) 31:5738–5745 5739
[1–4]. Owing to advantages like non-toxic, lower-cost, better 2 Materials and methods
chemical stability, suitable band gap, and favorable electro-
chemical performance, tin oxide ( SnO2) has received much 2.1 Preparation of tin oxide‑decorated silica
attention from researchers for making the electrodes for nanostructure using rice husk template
supercapacitors [5, 6]. Also, tin oxide nanoparticles have
potential applications in catalyst, lithium-ion batteries, solar Chemicals such as tin chloride (SnCl2) and ammonia solu-
cells, sensors, and so forth [6–10]. Tin oxide crystallizes in tion (NH4OH, 25%) were procured from Merck, India. Dou-
the tetragonal rutile structure at ambient condition and its ble distilled water was employed to prepare the solutions
applications in above are mainly depending on particle size, from above chemicals for reaction. Tin oxide-decorated
morphology, and composition [6]. Recently, tin oxide-based amorphous silica nanostructure was prepared using rice
nanocomposites such as polyaniline/SnO2 [11], SnO2/gra- husk template-assisted microwave combustion method as
phene [12, 13], CNT/tin oxide [14], tin oxide/carbon [15], follows. Briefly, 100 ml of 1M of tin chloride solution was
and manganese oxide/SnO2 [16] systems have been widely prepared using double distilled water and 10 g of rice husk
investigated to prepare electrode for supercapacitors with was added with the prepared tin chloride solution under con-
improved performance. stant stirring. Then, ammonia ( NH4OH) solution was added
On the other hand, rice husk-derived silica-based materi- dropwise with stirring in the above mixture until it reaches
als have been focused for making Li-ions batteries, catalyst, pH 10. After stirring for 1 h, the prepared precipitate was
refractory, and biomedicine due to bioavailability, non-toxic- transferred into 2.2 KW microwave furnace and heated at
ity, and low costs [17–20]. Also, it is considered as potential 500 °C for 5 h using microwave irradiations. Then, obtained
material for making electrode towards supercapacitor appli- product was named as SnO2@RH-SiO2. The schematic for
cations. Leonard et al. reported that capacitance of carbon the synthesis of tin oxide-decorated amorphous silica nano-
electrodes was improved when silica nanoparticles used as structure using rice husk template-assisted microwave com-
fillers in carbon matrix [21]. Wei et al. prepared silica-doped bustion method is shown in Fig. 1. Moreover, 10 g raw rice
nanopolyaniline-based electrode with better cycling stabil- husk was heated in the microwave furnace at 500 °C for 5 h
ity [22]. However, very few articles are available on silica for comparison and it was named as RH-SiO2.
nanoparticles for making supercapacitor electrodes owing
to its poor electron transfer reactions on the surface and 2.2 Characterization of samples
wide band gab. Joshi et al. developed a facile approach to
generate active sites (oxygen vacancy) in silica nanostruc- The crystalline nature of prepared samples was analyzed via
tures to attain electrode with enhanced energy storage [23]. X-ray diffraction (XRD) on a PANanalytical X’Pert PRO
Also, silica-decorated carbon, silica@manganese silicate, instrument attached with Cu-Kα X-ray source (λ = 1.5406
and Co3O4/SiO2 systems were studied for making superca- Å). Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrum of KBr-
pacitor electrode [24–26]. Consequently, the present work is supported samples in pellet form was recorded in the
focused on the synthesis of tin oxide-decorated amorphous 4000–400 c m −1 region using BRUKER TENSOR 27
silica nanostructures using rice husk as silica source for spectrometer. Nanoscale characteristics of prepared sam-
supercapacitor applications. ples were analyzed JSM JEOL-2100 transmission electron
microscope (TEM). Elemental composition was obtained
5740 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2020) 31:5738–5745
using energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyzer attached in pattern of the prepared S nO2@RH-SiO2 sample. The 2θ
TESCAN VEGA3 scanning electron microscope (SEM). values of diffraction peaks were compared with Joint Com-
mittee on Powder Diffraction Standards (JCPDS) data of
2.3 Electrochemical studies SnO2 (JCPDS file No. 41-1445). XRD pattern shows (110),
(101), (200), (211), (220), (002), (221), (112), (301), (320),
The electrochemical performance of the prepared SnO2@ and (321) Miller’s planes of SnO2 at 2θ values of 26.77°,
RH-SiO2 electrode was evaluated using a software-con- 34.17°, 38.17°, 52.02°, 55.02°, 58.27°, 62.12°, 64.97°,
trolled conventional three-electrode electrochemical work- 66.17°, 71.72°, and 79.12°, respectively [7–10]. It clearly
station (BioLogic SP-150 Science Instruments, France) at characterizes that crystalline phase present in the SnO2@
room temperature. Pt wire was utilized as the counter elec- RH-SiO2 sample is S nO2 having rutile tetragonal structure.
trode whereas Ag/AgCl was employed as reference elec- The calculated unit cell parameters for S nO2 present in the
trode. 0.5M N a2SO4 was used as electrolyte. S nO2@RH- SnO2@RH-SiO2 sample is a = 4.729 Å, c = 3.186 Å, and
SiO2-coated Ni foam was employed as a working electrode. V = 71.27 Å3 , which is well matched with literature data
The working electrodes were prepared as follows: Briefly, [7–10]. It is important to mention that a broad hump between
SnO2@RH-SiO2 (80 wt%), polyvinylidene fluoride (10 wt% 15 and 30° owing to the presence of amorphous silica nano-
), and carbon black (10 wt%) were mixed well with 2 ml of particles is not visible due to the high crystalline nature of
ethanol using morter with pestle to get fine slurry. Then, the SnO2 nanoparticles formed on the surface of amorphous
obtained slurry was pasted on Ni foam and dried for 12 h silica nanoparticles [27, 28].
at 80 °C in a vacuum oven. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) The FT-IR spectrum of rice husk ash (RH-SiO2) is pre-
nO2@RH-SiO2 electrode was studied
behavior of prepared S sented in Fig. 3a. A band located between 1056 and 1078
in between 0 and 1V with 5–100 scan rates. Galvanostatic cm−1 is attributed to the O–Si–O asymmetric stretching
charge–discharge (GCD) behavior of S nO2@RH-SiO2 elec- vibration. A peak between 790 and 800 cm−1 is ascribed to
trode was analyzed between 1 and 10 A g −1 with 0 to 0.8 V the O–Si–O symmetric stretching vibration. A peak located
potential window. Electrochemical impedance was analyzed around 440–450 cm−1 is owing to the Si–O bending vibra-
from 0.1 Hz to 100 kHz at 5 mV open circuit potential. tion. These three peaks revealed the presence of silica in rice
husk ash [29–32]. The broad band located between 3000 and
3700 cm−1 is ascribed to the stretching vibration of water
3 Results and discussion molecules. A strong peak observed at 1640 cm−1 is due to
the bending vibration of water molecules [7, 9, 10]. The
Figure 2a revealed the XRD pattern of the prepared rice husk peaks located at 2844 and 2918 cm−1 are due to the symmet-
ash, which clearly shows a broad diffraction peak in between ric and asymmetric C–H bonds, respectively. The peaks at
15 and 30°. It indicates that the rice husk ash is constituted 1375 cm−1 (C–O), 1450 cm−1 (C–H), and 2350 cm−1 (C–O)
of amorphous silica [27, 28]. Figure 2b presents the XRD are originated from organic residue present in the sample
[29–32]. Hence, FT-IR spectrum clearly confirms that H 2O
Fig. 2 XRD pattern of prepared samples (a) Rice husk ash (RH-SiO2) Fig. 3 FT-IR spectrum of prepared samples (a) Rice husk ash (RH-
and (b) S nO2@RH- SiO2) and (b) SnO2@RH-SiO2
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2020) 31:5738–5745 5741
and organic residue may be present in rice husk ash. The behavior of S nO 2@RH-SiO 2 nanostructure [11–16, 33,
FT-IR spectrum of SnO2@RH-SiO2 sample is presented in 34]. This behavior is due to the presence of SnO2 species
Fig. 3b. It shows a peak at 638 c m−1 along with above peaks in SnO2@RH-SiO2 nanostructure that can provide reactive
[7–10]. It revealed that silica is present in amorphous form surfaces for the adsorption/desorption charges on working
along with SnO2 in the prepared SnO2@RH-SiO2 sample. electrode in neutron electrolyte as follows [33].
Figure 4a shows the EDX spectrum rice husk ash (RH-
SiO2). It clearly indicates that rice husk ash is abundant of (SnO2 ) surface + Na + + e− ↔ (SnO−2 - Na + ) surface
silicon (40.10%) and oxygen (52.90%) with carbon (7%)
The above reactions can facilitate the charge storage at
impurity. The EDX spectrum of SnO2@RH-SiO2 sample is
SnO2@RH-SiO2 sample. The GCD of the working elec-
shown in Fig. 4b, which clearly illustrates the presence of
trodes at different current density is shown in Fig. 6b. It
tin (22.30%), silicon (28.80%), and oxygen (45.90%) with
clearly indicates that charge/discharge curves are asym-
carbon (3%) impurity. Elemental mapping is shown as inset
metric and it represents a typical electric double-layer
in Fig. 4, which evidently demonstrates the elemental dis-
(EDLC) behavior of electrode material. The specific
tribution in RH-SiO2 and SnO2@RH-SiO2 nanostructure.
capacitances (Cs) of S
nO2@RH-SiO2 electrode were deter-
TEM images of rice husk ash (RH-SiO2) at different
mined from GCD curve using the below relation [11–16]
magnifications are shown in Fig. 5a and b. It shows loosely
agglomerated silica nanospheres with different circumfer- IΔt
Cs =
ence. The size of nanosphere was approximately calculated mΔV
as 30 ± 10 nm. Figure 5e shows the SAED pattern of RH-
Here, m is the mass of S nO2@RH-SiO2 nanostructure
SiO2, which evidently indicated that rice husk-derived silica
in working electrode (g), I indicates the charge–discharge
nanospheres are amorphous in nature. Figure 5c and d shows
current (A), ΔV is the electrochemical potential window,
TEM images of S nO2@RH-SiO2 sample. It is important to
and Δt represents discharged time (s). The correlation
note that silica nanospheres were decorated with agglomer-
of specific capacitance and current density is shown in
ated tin oxide nanoparticles having size of 5–10 nm. SAED
Fig. 6c. The specific capacitances are about 448, 330,
pattern shown in Fig. 5f illustrates the polycrystalline nature
275, 240, 225, and 200 F/g at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 A/g,
of individual S nO2 nanoparticles formed on surface of amor-
respectively. The specific capacitance was decreased when
phous silica nanosphere.
the current density increased which may be due to poor
Figure 6a illustrates the CV profile of the S nO2@RH-
electrochemical reaction at high current density [11, 12,
SiO2 nanostructure at the different scan rate with 0 to 1 V
32–34]. Recent progress in the synthesis of SnO2-based
potential window. It clearly depicts the faradic behavior
nanocomposites using various methods for supercapaci-
of working electrode that consists of the SnO2@RH-SiO2
tor applications is summarized in Table 1. It clearly dem-
nanostructure. It is important to note that that CV curves
onstrates that electrolyte, phase composition, nanoscale
observed at different scan rate are quasi rectangular and
characteristics of the materials, and current density
symmetrical in nature indicating the excellent capacitive
Fig. 4 EDX spectrum of synthesized samples a Rice husk ash (RH-SiO2) and b SnO2@RH-SiO2 sample
5742 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2020) 31:5738–5745
play a crucial role on maximum specific capacitance of should have the good cyclic stability property. Figure 6e
SnO2-based nanocomposites. shows the long-time cycling stability of the as-prepared
Electrochemical impedance of prepared electrodes was SnO2@RH-SiO 2 electrode performed by 7000 cycles of
analyzed in between 0.01 Hz and 100 kHz, and it shows GCD analysis at 10 Ag−1. The SnO2@RH-SiO2 electrode
capacitive behavior and ion diffusion nature of S nO 2@ revealed excellent stability after 7000 cycles with the
RH-SiO2 electrode. The electrochemical impedance spec- capacitance retention of 97%. The obtained results from
trum (EIS) of SnO2@RH-SiO2 electrode (Fig. 6d) shows the above studies clearly indicate that the prepared mate-
a semicircle in high-frequency region and linear slope at rial (SnO2@RH-SiO2) has a promising application in elec-
low-frequency region. The equivalent circuit is shown as trochemical supercapacitors.
inset in Fig. 6d. In practical applications, supercapacitors
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2020) 31:5738–5745 5743
Fig. 6 a Cyclic voltammetry (CV) profile, b Galvanostatic charge and discharge behavior, c Correlation between current density and specific
capacitance, d Electrochemical impedance spectrum, and e Cyclic retention of SnO2@RH-SiO2 nanostructure
5744 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2020) 31:5738–5745
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