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Fifty Point Info Package For Web 2011

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Welcome to...

Fifty Point Marina

Green Marina Environmental Award Winner


The Fifty Point Marina is a member of the Ontario Marine Operators Association.

CLEAN MARINE PROGRAM 2005 Winner Green Marina Environmental Award

Welcome to...
Fifty Point Marina
2011 Information Package

Rob Howe - Manager Dave Glover - Assistant Superintendent Nancy Arnold - Marina Services Coordinator Karin Fischer - Marina Attendant

E-mail: fiftypt@conservationhamilton.ca Website: www.conservationhamilton.ca 1479 Baseline Road, Winona, Ontario L8E 5G4 905-525-2187 905-643-2103 Fax: 905-643-1668 Security Cell # 905-973-4382 Marina Cell # 905-515-3266

The Fifty Point Marina is part of the Fifty Point Conservation Area. It is owned and operated by the Hamilton Conservation Authority. The Hamilton Conservation Authority, located at the western end of Lake Ontario, is the regions largest environmental agency, and is dedicated to the conservation and enjoyment of watershed lands and water resources.


Fifty Point Marina Calendar of Events

April Saturday, April 30 Saturday, May 28 Saturday, June 4 August 26, 27 & 28
Coffee Shop & Office Open Weekends Trout Season Opens in the Pond FPYC Sail Past / Fifty Point Marina Open House Wild Waterworks Opens at Confederation Park Winona Peach Festival

Dates to Remember
March 1 March 1 April 1 April 13 April 15 August 1 August 15 September 1 September 15 October 1 December 1 December 31 Seasonal mooring invoices & launch date mailed Lift-in schedule posted. Summer mooring fees and agreements due. Spring lift-in begins. Seasonal mooring begins. Winter storage questionnaires are sent out. Winter storage questionnaires to be returned. Winter storage invoices mailed. Lift-out schedule posted. Winter storage agreements & fees are due. Seasonal mooring questionnaires for 2012 are sent out. 2012 questionnaires and deposits are due.


Fifty Point Marina

Winner of Clean Marine Gold L - 5 Green Anchor Award evel
Welcome to the Fifty Point Conservation Area Marina. The Conservation Area and Marina has been a welcome home for our visitors and customers for over a quarter century now. We hope you and your family will be here throughout the year to enjoy our facilities and nature. In January of 2006, the Fifty Point Marina received special national recognition from the Canadian Safe Boating Council by awarding the Green Marina Environmental Award to the Fifty Point Marina. In 2010 the Marina received recongition from the Clean Marine Programme of the Ontario Marine Operators by being awarded with the Gold Level Five Green Leaf Anchor Award. Fifty Point, a project of the Hamilton Conservation Authority, has always encouraged environmental stewardship. It is indeed a special honour for Fifty Point to receive such high recognition both provincially and nationally. Fify Point is many things to many people. A wide array of facilities are placed throughout natural areas to provide our users with a unique experience. Its the place to boat, swim in Lake Ontario, dine at the Landing Restaurant, take waterfront strolls or just relax in the shade to the sound of waves washing up against the shore. This is Fifty Point. Fifty Point is enjoyed by many - from campers to waterskiers. Its also home to many forms of wildlife, such as Great Horned Owls, Coyotes, Northern Mockingbirds and Black Crowned Night Herons. The rich variety of the natural areas of Fifty Point allow these creatures to find a home and our visitors to enjoy a unique setting on the shores of Lake Ontario. The Hamilton Conservation Authority wishes to extend a warm welcome to you and your family. We want you to know we are earnestly committed to environmental conservation. Like all of our visitors, we hope that you will enjoy and respect Fifty Point, its wildlife and natural attractions. Fifty Point is particularly proud to have one of the warmest and cleanest beaches on western Lake Ontario. Change rooms are conveniently located in the beach houses. You will be able to enjoy our fabulous lakefront vistas by strolling along our waterfront trail. The marina is one of the most widely used in the Golden Horseshoe, with docking spaces for 336 boats and a double boat launch. A fully serviced gas dock, coffee shop, visitor docks, hydro and water, three comfort stations around the marina and laundry facilities are just the beginning of our services. Need faxes, e-mail, internet access - look no further. Fifty Point Conservation Area has been under development since the early 1970s. The land was originally acquired by the Hamilton Conservation Authority to ensure public access to the south shore of Lake Ontario. Fifty Point has become one of the key access points and waterfront recreational opportunities on Lake Ontario.

The land was primarily used for trout fishing and picnicking until the early 1980s when the marina was built. Facilities were completed to include a boat ramp, the marina centre, The Landing Restaurant and a full-serviced campground. The campground was expanded in 2011.


Fifty Point Marina

Canadian Safe Boating Council Green Marina Environmental Award 2005
Hamilton Conservation Authority - Celebrating over 50 Years of Conservation
HCA began as the Spencer Creek Conservation Authority in 1958, one of only 12 conservation authorities in existence in Ontario at that time. In 1966, surrounding communities joined the Spencer Creek Conservation Authority, resulting in the creation of the Hamilton Region Conservation Authority, which has since been re-named the Hamilton Conservation Authority. From its humble beginnings, HCA now owns or manages 10,800 acres (4,370 hectares) of environmentally significant lands which include two recreational lakes, two rail trails, 120 kilometres of park trails, one ecological preserve, an 18,000 year old muskeg bog, 12 significant wetlands, 25 waterfalls,14 Niagara Escarpment properties and eightmajor conservation areas. HCA is also responsible for regulating 56,800 hectares (140,355 acres) of watershed area. The mandate of Conservation Authorities is water management, and the health of our water and the land that it flows from is universally linked to our health and the health of our community. Whether we are drinking the water, playing in it or enjoying the natural lands of our watershed, we depend on proper stewardship of our resources. At the Fifty Point Conservation Area-Marina, tremendous use is made, by all of our visitors, of our clean water resources. From the fishermen, boaters, beach users, bird watchers, to those enjoying the panoramic view over Lake Ontario, we all enjoy our water and what it bring to us. As seasonal customers of the Fifty Point Marina, you will receive four passes to the Fifty Point Conservation Area. These passes allow for free entry for the vehicle and its occupants. Two of these passes are annual passes to all of the HCA areas. The other two passes are referred to as guest passes and are good only for the Fifty Point Conservation Area when you and your boat is in port. Guest passes may be provided to your guests as need be. Please inquire at the gatehouse as to how to best use guest passes.


Fifty Point Marina Spring Bulletin

The information in this bulletin will act as a guide to the customer services that are provided to you at Fifty Point. Please familiarize yourselves with this guide.

Please note the highlighted important areas.

Fee Schedule
The fee schedule for marina services is attached. All services are subject to the H.S.T. will be added. Please review the price list so that you will be familiar with the charges for the different services that you may request.

Fifty Point Yacht Club

THE FPYC plays a vital role in the attraction that the Fifty Point Marina has for boaters from near and far. The Yacht Club organizes a number of family fun-filled activities in and around the marina. The FPYC also allows members to receive reciprocal privileges with other Yacht Clubs on Lake Ontario and beyond. For membership information see the Yacht Club information board at the Marina Centre. The Yacht Club organizes a number of cruises to various ports on Lake Ontario and there is no better way to enjoy your boat and your friends then by going along on one of the cruises.

The Marina Store

The marina store has operated at a loss for many years and the decision was made to close the store. The majority of your boat product needs will be available at the gas kiosk or brought in for you as needed.

The Landing Restaurant

The Landing Restaurant with a large deck overlooking the marina and Lake Ontario makes an ideal spot for a relaxing meal or beverage. The Landing offers a large and varied selection of menu items and culinary classics to suit everyones taste.

Water Safety Stations

Safety stations are located around the marina with ladders and life rings with heaving line and are available year round. Become familiar with the location of the safety stations. Also inspect your boat and neighbouring boats and preplan with your family for emergencies, eg. what ladders are available on nearby boats. Is the ladder on your boat accessible from the water?

Water Conservation
Not many people realize that sewage systems from all of the buildings in the Conservation Area except the marina centre are not connected to sewers. The sewage from these buildings must be trucked to a central dump site in the park. This trucking is expensive. Please keep this in mind when you are using the water and help reduce our disposal costs.

Picnic Tables
The picnic tables located around the marina and in the pavilions are for the enjoyment of all boaters. If you are not using your table, please remove table cloths and other materials from the table so that others may use them.

The Coffee Shop

The Coffee Shop will be open on weekends in April. It is open seven days a week from Mid April until September.

Office Services
Fifty Point Marina is pleased to offer extra value to our customers by providing internet access, faxes, email and photocopying. Just ask the staff at the Marina office for more information.

Auxiliary Boats
Small inflatable boats, tenders and/or personal watercraft must be tied up in a way that does not hinder the travel of other boats. The best place to secure them is by the bow of your boat. They are not to be tied up at the stern of the boat where they would protrude into the channel, nor are they to be tied up in such a way that causes your boat to protrude further into the channel.

Marine Contractors
The Conservation Authority welcomes outside contractors employed by you to service your boats. To protect the Authoritys property and yours, we have contacted all the major service companies who have worked on boats at Fifty Point in the past. They have been instructed to register with the marina. All contractors will be required to pay the daily admission fee or purchase a seasons pass. Companies that have registered with us are posted on the marina bulletin board. Marine contractors are not to supply any retail goods of any kind to any customer of the Fifty Point Marina in the Fifty Point Conservation Area unless the contractor has been contracted by you to install and/or apply the product being sold. If you are planning to use a service company that has not registered with us, please let us know so that we can contact them beforehand.

The Conservation Area-Marina security staff are on duty every night of the year, including winter. They regularly patrol the marina and surrounding areas. If you have particular needs at night or need to arrange your coming and going from the Conservation Area in the early morning hours please let the Area security staff know. They will be glad to help you. Security can be reached at 905-973-4382.

Weekday pump-outs are available on an unlimited basis for seasonal marina customers. Customers are asked to avoid peak times at the gas dock for getting their pump-outs.

Natural gas and propane barbecues are located around the marina. The Fifty Point Yacht Club has been very generous by donating funds for barbeques. They are for everyones use. Please show courtesy towards your neighbours by cleaning up when you are finished. Make sure the gas is turned off when finished. Please inform staff immediately if you experience any difficulties. Fire extinguishers are located at the Marina Centre, office and gas kiosk.

Speed Limit - South Parking Lot Controlled Access

The roads and parking lots in the marina are for evrybodys safe use.

Please obey our speed limit - lots of courtesy per km.

The parking lot on the south side of the marina is controlled by a card access gate from May until September for customers who dock on E, F, G and H docks.

Lots of Courtesy Per km

Fifty Point Marina

Winner of Clean Marine Gold L - 5 Green Anchor Award evel


Boating and the Environment

Winner of Clean Marine Gold L - 5 Green Anchor Award evel
Clean Marine Practices
The Clean Marine Programme audits marinas in Ontario. Fifty Point was last audited in 2010 and now holds the Gold Level - 5 Green Leaf Anchor Award, for its Clean Marine Programme. Our environmental programme at Fifty Point will continue to be improved and the support of our customers has been, and will continue to be, extremely important to our future successes. Environmental concerns will continue to be important to all of us, because no one benefits more from clean water than boaters.

Bilge Cleaning/Anti Freeze Removed

Every effort should be made to carry out the bilge cleaning of boats when the boat is on land far from water. Bilge cleaners, no matter how good, cannot make the wastes that may be found in your bilge disappear. When the boat is on land, it is far easier to collect the waste water from the boat drain and dispose of the waste properly. Consult with marina staff for proper disposal directions. Before your boat is launched, make sure your bilge is clean and the winter antifreeze is removed.

gasoline could easily warm up to over 30 C. When this happens the gasoline expands up to 2%. Yes, a one hundred-gallon tank could easily send out through the air vent a gallon or more of gasoline or diesel fuel onto the water. Dont let this happen to you.

Steps to follow to protect our environment & your safety:

1. No boat of any type may be fuelled at your dock. All fuelling must take place at the gas dock with a gas attendant on hand. 2. Inspect your bilge frequently. 3. Install an oil/fuel absorbent pillow into your bilge in case a leak develops. 4. Use a flashlight and check the bilge water with your finger to see if it feels oily or smells of fuel. 5. Do not pump out the bilge unless you are sure it is just water in the bilge. 6. Repair any leaks immediately. 7. Your bilge should be properly cleaned before the boat is launched in the spring. The wash water can be easily collected and properly disposed of when the boat is on land.

Oil Pollution/Fuelling Restrictions

Too frequently we are finding petroleum products being pumped out of the bilge and onto the water. Having a portion of the marina covered in a slick of diesel fuel, gasoline or oil is harmful to the environment and totally preventable. If your boat has inboard engines you are responsible for maintaining your power equipment so that there are not fuel or oil leaks. Inspect your bilge regularly. Do not be satisfied with no more oil than normal. Your boat should have an oil absorbentpillow in the bilge. Very good ones are sold in the gas kiosk. The marina even looks after the disposal of them should they become saturated with oil or fuel. From a safety point of view boat owners should inspect their bilge on every visit to the boat. How else will you know whether or not you have a dangerous fuel leak or a potentially costly oil leak. Gasoline and diesel fuel spills usually occur after a boat has been fuelled and returned to its dock. If you fill up your tanks and then proceed to your dock there is a very good chance that the 10 C to 15 C (ground temperature)


Boating and the Environment

Winner of Clean Marine Gold L - 5 Green Anchor Award evel
8. Do not return your boat back to your dock immediately after a fuel fill-up unless you are sure there is enough room in your tank for expansion of gas or diesel fuel. We would like to thank all of our customers who are already maintaining their boats in pristine condition. For your safety and for the care of the environment boats require frequent inspections and regular maintenance.

Twelve-volt batteries are available at the gas kiosk. Used batteries can be left for recycling at the gas kiosk or the park workshop.

Cans and Bottles

Blue recycle containers are located around the entire marina. Please place your cans, bottles and newspapers into these containers. Cardboard can be left between the containers. Please tie it.

Boat Sanding - Boat Hulls

Caution must be used before any paint is sanded. All neighbouring boats must be protected from sanding dust. Other boats must be covered and the boat being sanded should be draped to prevent dust from leaving the area under the boat and a ground sheet should be used to collect dust and debris. A dustless sander should be used for sanding. Boat owners are to obtain permission from marina manager before sanding of boat hulls takes place.

Shrink Wrap
It is our intention to recycle clean shrink wrap. We require all ropes, vents, vent wires and other foreign objects removed and placed in the garbage. The shrink wrap should be cut into pieces, folded neatly and placed in clear plastic bags provided in the park. A storage bin for shrink wrap is located in the south compound. The wood frame should be dismantled carefully, the nail bent over and the pieces placed in the boxes provided for the frame pieces located at each compound. The wood can all be re-used or used for fire wood. Please help yourself. The shrink wrap makes useful covers for around the home. Think about how it might be re-used before we have to recycle it.

The Hamilton Conservation Authority is committed to recycling. Costs are incurred to recycle items such as shrink wrap and 12V batteries but the Conservation Authority in addition to its own commitment feels that it is the wish of our customers to recycle as many materials as possible. Your co-operation with our recycling programme is appreciated.

Paint Cans - Bottom Paint

Do not place any paint can that still contains liquid paint in any container. Use up all the paint or reseal the can and take it home for future use. If the can is empty, then leave the lid off so that the contents may dry completely.

Waste Oil and Antifreeze

All liquid hazardous wastes such as oil and antifreeze may no longer be left at the marina by customers. These liquid hazardous wastes must now be taken by the customer or their contractor to local municipal hazardous waste sites. A handout is available at the gatehouse listing the location and hours of the local hazardous waste sites. Oil filters can be taken with the oil. Old or spoiled fuel must also be taken to the Hazardous Waste Sites. All boaters are required to collect the antifreeze from their engines in the spring prior to launch.


Thank you for your help in taking care of our land and water.

Winter Storage/ Spring Launch Information

Lift-In Dates
Your launch date and time is shown in the spring mailing. It is expected that the boats will be launched between mid April and early May. The complete schedule has been posted at the Marina Office. If your boat was not stored at Fifty Point, but requires launching, please make arrangements with the Marina Office.

When your boat is launched it is imperative that motors not be started until the slings are away from the boat. Cradle and Trailer Storage
We assume that any cradle or trailer used for winter storage will be stored with us for the summer. Those who do not wish to store the above should advise us before launching. Items that are not to be stored must be removed from the property by the second Sunday in May. The fee for cradle storage ranges depending on size and type. The less space a cradle takes up and the easier it is to work with will be reflected in a smaller charge, e.g. Collapsible steel cradles folded down by the owner are free; ladders or frames tied to cradles increase cost of cradle storage.

All boats should be physically ready for launching by their scheduled launch dates. In most cases it is preferable for the owner or a representative who is familiar with the operation of the boat to be present for the launching. This is to ensure that the boat is unlocked, can be checked for leakage and the boat can be returned to its dock. If the above is not possible, please let us know.

No property may be left on site unidentified.

Photo Courtesy of Philip Van Horne


Mast Stepping
Masts can be stepped on the day of launching. If you choose to step your mast on another day please indicate this at the time of your launching. Masts that are to be stepped will be removed from the compound a few days prior to their scheduled date for stepping and set out in the assembly area by the haulout slip. Masts that are not identified will be left in the compound. Please check to make sure your mast is labelled. Do not install fragile wind instruments until just before your mast is to be stepped.

6. 7.

For masts that step through the deck and onto the keel, the wooden wedges should be dried. Often if the wedges are left in the boat over the winter, they absorb moisture, swell and will not fit properly in the spring. Be sure to mark them as to their proper position.

To make this operation run as smoothly as possible, please obvserve the following suggestions.
If friends or relatives accompany you, please have them stay well away from the work area. Make sure all halyards and loose lines are properly bundled and lashed to the mast so that they do not become entangled with the stays during the mast stepping operation. The boat owner is to keep well away from the work area unless directed differently by staff. Precheck your rigging and turnbuckles for proper working order and worn out parts. Make sure all pieces, eg. Clevis pins, split rings and turnbuckle barrels are available. A little oil now and again on the turnbuckle threads is necessary maintenance. The turnbuckles shall be intact and loosened before stepping. The pin for the bottom of the turnbuckles and its cotter pin or slip ring must be available. We wish to attach the stay to the boat by simply inserting the bottom pin or by screwing the turnbuckle together.


Once your boat is returned to the dock, make sure that all the stays are properly secured and locked with locking pins in the turnbuckle and will hold in high winds.

1. 2.

3. 4.



Rules of the Fifty Point Marina

As referred to in Schedule A of the Summer Mooring Agreement


Electrical power cords leading from the power source on the dock to boats must be disconnected at the dock first. This must be done to ensure that a live power cord is not left on the dock that could fall into the water. All electrical cords to be used to connect boats to hydro must be UL and/or Ontario Hydro Approved for marine use. No vessel may be refuelled at any dock except at the gas dock and only when a fuel attendant is on duty and has been notified. All boat owners, their crewand guests must comply with instructions received from fuel dock attendants. Vehicles will be operated in a safe manner in the Conservation Area and observe speed limits. Please show courtesy to your neighbour by driving very slowly in parking lots and on our roadways. Pets are welcome at Fifty Point as long as they do not detract from another customers enjoyment of the facility. Pets are to be leashed. Dogs should be walked on roadways and away from areas frequently used by fellow visitors. Please clean up after your pet. Pets are not allowed in any building. Keep them out of washrooms and showers. Where possible, keep them away from the sitting areas in the rain shelters, especially during meal times. All boats shall be secured in their berths in a manner acceptable to the Marina, or if not acceptable, the Marina will adequately secure the boat and assess a service fee. If new mooring lines are required, they shall be supplied at the owners expense. No mooring lines may be strung across the finger docks or fairways. All lines shall be of standard twisted nylon braid and must have adequate protection against chafing. Polypropylene line shall not be used.


No refuse of any kind will be thrown overboard and garbage must be deposited in the bins supplied for that purpose. Place cigarette butts in ashtrays. Do not litter or throw them in the water. Barbecues or fires of any kind will not be permitted on boats, docks, on the boardwalk, or within the confines of the Marina area, except in areas designated for such use. No oil, flammable liquids, oil contaminated bilge water or other liquids will be discharged into the Marina area. The sanding of boat hulls requires permission from marina management before work is begun. Young children should be accompanied by adults at all times and they should wear life jackets or approved PFDs when in small boats, or near the water. PEDs are now available for infants.





9. 10.





Boat owners will notify marina staff when leaving for an overnight cruise. The Marina reserves the right to rent the mooring facility when vacant. A boat that is sold must be removed from the Marina and/or the Conservation Area on the day of the sale unless previous permission has been received from the marina manager. All Marina users will use designated parking areas only and abide by the instructions of staff with respect to parking of vehicles. All Marina users will keep noise to a minimum at all times and they will exercise reasonable discretion in the operation of generators, engines, radios, etc. so as not to cause a nuisance to others. All power and auxiliary powered vessels will be under said power when entering or leaving the harbour and no boat will exceed the speed of 8 km/h (5 mph) in the Marina area, including approach channels. Boat owners will not substitute another vessel for the vessel originally accepted under the Summer Mooring Agreement without the written approval of the Authority first having been obtained. Swimming is not permitted in the Marina area. All Marina users will not store supplies, equipment, accessories, debris or other materials on the docks or in the Marina area except in designated storage areas. Laundry is not to be hung out on boats, piers, docks or other structures in the Marina area. Boat owners will not permanently affix to the docks any carpets, lines, restrainers, fixtures, additional cleats, securing objects or other equipment or paint or deface the docks in any manner.




Enjoy your stay at Fifty Point Marina



17. 18.

19. 20.


Photo Courtesy of Philip Van Horne

Winter Storage Safety

Fire Prevention is our first priority

Garbage Containers
Only one garbage container will be found in each storage area. For reasons of fire safety, no garbage or garbage containers will be kept in the compounds near the boats. It is the boat owners responsibility to take all garbage to the dumpster. Boat covers and cardboard are not to be put into the dumpsters. Old boat covers are to be taken home and disposed of in the household garbage if they cannot be re-used. Cardboard is to be left beside the blue recycle containers.

Spontaneous Combustion
Oil or solvent soaked rags lying in a pile can start a fire on their own through spontaneous combustion. Do not leave rags or debris in or around your boat.

Security staff are on duty every night of the year. However It is strongly recommended that you do not leave valuable items on your boat, e.g. outboard motors, before it is necessary. Protect your property. Keep it locked and, where possible, out of sight.

Electricity Usage and Battery Charging

No boat in land storage may be plugged into electricity without the owner being in attendance. No electrical appliance, battery charger or heater is be left on unattended. Propane and other fuel heaters are not allowed on boats in storage. Batteries are to be disconnected from all systems for the winter.

Outboard Motors
Outboard motors may not be left on boats over the winter. Indoor storage is available at the Marina. Please enquire.

Ladders Paint and Solvents

Most paints and related solvents and paint removers are very volatile. Use extreme caution with open flame. Do not smoke in the work area. No spray painting of any type is allowed without the approval of the marina manager. Sand blasting is not allowed. Improper use of ladders in the boat yard is the leading cause of all accidents in the marina. Unload your boat at the dock and avoid a lot of ladder work. Boats can be brought to the mast crane area for easy unloading.


Fifty Point Marina Services Fee Schedule 2011

Seasonal Mooring
Mooring from April 15 to October 15 includes two annual vehicle passes, two transferable guest passes, and weekday pump-outs. The Conservation Authority offers two plans which incorporate an approximate 20% discount offered on the seasonal mooring rate to those boaters who winter store at Fifty Point Marina. Plan A: for those who winter store previous winter Plan B: for those who have not stored previous winter Plan A Foot/season With Hydro No Hydro $73.60 $68.15 Plan B Foot/season $92.00 $85.20 3. Measurement of boat length: The boat is measured from the furthest projection at the bow to the transom of the boat. Built in swim platforms are considered part of the boat. Boats requiring special docks, price by arrangement. Docks requiring additional minimum premiums, A48, B33, E25, F29, F30, G33, G34, End of H, Wall 1 to 5 and J 1-16. Boats requiring hydro greater than normal allotment add $5.00 per foot per plug. 2. A 5% discount will be applied to all summer moorings paid with cash, cheque or debit and received by April 1. A $300.00 deposit is required by December 31st to hold docks for the following year. This deposit is non-refundable. In the case of an application for refund on summer mooring, the monthly rate will be used to pro-rate the charges based on if and when the dock can be re-rented. Refunds are not available after August 1. Pro-rating for dockage will begin if dockage is contracted after July 1, based on a 100-day season. Additional guest passes may be purchased for $52.00 per pass.


Note: Boats over 40 will be charged double the normal docking rate for each foot of boat length over 40.

Overnight Mooring
5. Per foot Minimum Fee $1.57 $31.00 6.

Overnight mooring rates includes day use admission to the area by boat. 1. Minimum mooring charges apply as follows: Dock A 20 feet, 25 with hydro Dock B, C, D, H 25 feet Dock E 30 feet, with hydro Dock F & J 37 feet, with hydro Dock G 32 feet, with hydro


Dry Sailing Summer Storage

Season April 1 to September 30, per season (includes admission pass to Fifty Point Conservation Area). Monohulls on trailer (pro-rated after July 1) Catamarans (over 9 feet in width) on trailer Triaxle trailers add $450.00 $665.00 $215.00

Boat Handling
Launch or lift-out with 25-ton mobile lift, per foot of boat: Up to 30 feet $7.75 per foot (minimum $200.00) 31 to 35 feet $9.55 per foot 36 to 40 feet $11.25 per foot 41 feet & over By Quote (Restricitons may apply) The listed lift fees apply during the spring lift-in and fall lift-out season. Boat handling outside of these times may have additional machine preparation fees. Boats requiring special handling requirements may have additional charges. Sling time, per hour Overnight, per night
Boat wash only (depends on size of boat)

Winter Storage
A $75.00 per week fee will be applied to boats in winter storage launched after May 14, 2010 to a maximum of the normal launch for the size of boat. This fee applies to customers who are renting a dock on a seasonal basis at the marina in 2010. For boats that are just winter storing, a late launch fee equal to the normal launch fee will be applied as of May 7, 2010.

$140.00 $270.00
$60. - $110.00

Mast Handling
Sail Boats Includes lift-out, wash, launch & mast stepping and or mast standing October 1 to May 1 (minimum $912.50) $4.55 per square foot Owners with masts that present special handling difficulties and/or require additional crane time will pay a minimum extra $80.00 Power Boats Includes lift-out, wash, storage system & launch October 1 to May 1 (minimum $810.00) $4.15 per square foot Storage only. (No lift-out or wash) October 1 to May 1 (minimum $630.00) $3.52 per square foot A 5% discount will be applied to all winter storage fees if paid by cash or cheque and received by October 1. Boats requesting lift-out after the normal schedule will be charged an additional 30% of winter storage fee. Mast stepping, per foot of boat length (Minimum charge 25 feet) $4.35

Mast storage on racks, for mast of boats not stored at marina, per foot of mast length $3.25

Dockside pump-out (Seasonal customers - free pump-outs on weekdays) Per tank, per weekday $13.00 Per tank, per weekend $16.00


Cradle Rental
Sailboats, per foot $11.50 (Minimum charge $225.00. Boat stands do not count as a cradle - extra charges apply) Temporary blocking for repairs, price by arrangement Cradle pickup, per hour, staff person plus vehicle Hydraulic trailer use

Cradle Storage
May to October, depends on size and type ($0.00 to $200.00). Collapsible cradles that are folded down by the owner will be stored free of charge provided size and weight are normal.

Prices are subject to H.S.T. Measurement of boat length: The length of any boat is measured from the furthest projection at the bow to the transom of the boat. Late Payment: A 2% late payment fee per month, on all overdue accounts. Administration fee for NSF cheques: $25.00 The above prices are for services normally required by customers of Fifty Point Marina. For the complete price list of all marina services, please refer to the Hamilton Conservation Authoritys 2011 Fee Schedule. A copy is available for viewing at the Marina Office. Fees are subject to change without notice.

$130.00 (min.) $150.00 per hour (Minimum charge $75.00)

Standard hourly labour rate charge for each staff person Boat towing, in harbour, minimum fee Outboard motor storage (up to 15 hp) Tender storage (indoor) Inflatable boat storage (indoor)



$121.00 $70.00 $115.00

Monthly Dockage/foot
June, July, August April, May, Sept., Oct $23.80 $17.30

Land Storage
1st summer per sq. ft./month 2nd summer per sq. ft./month $0.88 $1.40

Trailer Storage
Overnight storage, per night Seasonal rate If winter stored, per season If not winter stored, per season Triaxel trailers Triaxel trailers if winter stored $10.50 $172.00 $314.00 $425.00 $283.50


No boating on these streams - they're underground

But Hamilton's newest conservation area is just down the road from Fifty Point, and worth a look. The 180.5-acre Eramosa Karst property was turned over to HCA in October 2006 by the Ontario Government. The Heritage Green Community Trust donated $1.5 million to develop and maintain the property.

What is karst?
A terrain, generally underlain by limestone or dolomite, in which the topography is chiefly formed by the dissolving of rock and which may be characterized by sinkholes, sinking streams, closed depressions, subterranean drainage, and caves. Generalized block diagram showing typical karst landscape.

Where is it?
Located approximately 20 km southwest of Fifty Point, it extends from Highland Road to south of Rymal Road, and from Upper Mount Albion Road to Second Road West.

Why it's important:

The Eramosa Karst contains examples of 16 different karst features. This karst type and the seven provincially significant features - including caves, dry valleys, soil pipes, solution shafts, sinking streams and overflow sinks - are not found anywhere else in Ontario within protected areas. Other features:

provincially significant earth science features serves an important hydrological function provides habitat for uncommon species of plants and nesting birds

Importance to Education:
It is believed that the Eramosa Karst is the best site in Ontario for teaching about karst features and processes. The diversity of features within a compact area, the simplicity of the developing karst systems, its location within the province's 'Golden Horseshoe,' and the interest and support already expressed by landowners, the community and the province present both education and research opportunities.

Karst History:
The surface and groundwater drainage system that created the karst originated about 13,000 years ago, after the last glacier retreated in this part of the province. Today, the drainage system sustains the karst and provides examples of karst processes and features in different stages of development.

Other Information:
In 2000 and 2001, a natural areas inventory of the property found 94 species of vascular plants, 3 species of reptiles and amphibians, 34 species of nesting birds, 5 species of mammals and 14 species of butterflies.

Future Plans:
This natural area will bring the total lands owned or managed by HCA and held in public trust to more than 10,700 acres (4,440 ha). Development features will include entrance, driveway, bus and car parking, information kiosk with interpretive panels, washrooms, internal trail system and connection trails, site clean-up, tree planning, landscaping and fencing.

Marina Environmental Code of Ethics

Boaters, please work with us to:
Protect our Ontario waterways from harmful dumping Return all bottles, cans, paper, plastics and other waste to shore for proper disposal or recycling. When possible, clean up after those who are less thoughtful. Use environmentally compatible materials The OMOA encourages the use of non-contaminating products in boat operation and maintenance. Maintain our clean water heritage Help this marina achieve its goal of preventing the release of waste into sensitive waters. Respect operating regulations Adhering to speed restrictions helps avoid wake damage to shorelines and property. Unnecessary noise can be offensive.

Giving the Gift of Nature...

The Conservation Foundation of the Hamilton Region is
a registered charity since 1975. Our Mission Statement is: We are dedicated to raising funds for the preservation and rehabilitation of our natural environment for the enjoyment of present and future generations. In addition, the Foundation supports the preservation and enhancement of heritage sites and the development of passive recreation areas and conservation education programs. The Conservation Foundation supports the Hamilton Conservation Authority and has been instrumental in many area projects. Some include The Hamilton to Brantford Rail Trail, Westfield Heritage Village, Beverly Swamp Wetland, Vinemount South Swamp, Chippawa Rail Trail, Lafarge 2000 Trail, Dofasco 2000 Trail, Fifty Point Conservation Areas Disabled Fishing Pier, Environmental Education to Hamilton school students and the Thomas Beckett Living Forest.

For more information, please contact: Conservation Foundation of the Hamilton Region P.O. Box 81067, 838 Mineral Springs Road, Ancaster, Ontario L9G 4X1 Phone: 905-525-2181 Fax: 905-648-4622 Website: foundation.conservationhamilton.ca

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