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Major Professor

Minor Proress

Dean of the School of Education

Dean of the Graduate School






Presented to the Graduate Council of the

North Texas State University in Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of



Richard E . Game11, B. S,

Denton, Texas

January, 1969




The Problem
The Purpose


MATURITY SCALE . . . . ~ . .. . ... 7



MATURITY SCALE . ~ V 7 T T \ # # 19
Nature of Content Revision
New Item Analysis
Relation of Revised and Original ScaJLas
Summary "








Table Page

I. Standard Deviation, Mean, and Pearson

Correlation for the Columbia Mental
Maturity Scale and the Stanford-Binet
(Form L) 7 . 7 . . . „ . ." 10

II. Correlation in the Standardization Sample

for the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale
by Age Groups . . 11

III. Correlations and Comment on the Wechsler

Intelligence ScaJLe for Children,' the
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale and
the Progressive" Matrices' 14

IV. Correlation Between the Scales of the

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children and the Columbia Mental
Maturity Scale . . . . . . . . 36

V. Number of Subjects, Mean, Standard Deviation,

t Score, and Range of the Columbia Mental
Maturity Scale and the Wechs 1 er"~Intel 1 £g"3nee
Scale for Children I.Q.'s " . . ~ 7 37


Figure Page
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale Card and
Response" Position's . . . 8


As psychology progresses through the painful and some-
times disillusioning stages of maturation, more and more
emphasis is placed on psychometric devices which can be used
to make valid estimates of the mental ability of cerebral
palsied or otherwise handicapped children with motor and/or
verbal dysfunctions (2). The newborn science of psychology
is becoming more accepted and more widely presented to the
general public, and in turn, is experiencing a greater need
for more valid and exacting measuring tools. As more people
become aware of the possibility of help, the greater the need
becomes for quick and efficient methods of determining the
extent of ma1adjustment, therefore exposing the various
avenues of either treatment or training. Our institutions
are becoming so overcrowded and under-staffed that a great
need is being recognized for abbreviated psychometric instru-
ments which are both efficient, reliable tools and time
saving apparatus. The problem of screening for the mentally
retarded child is becoming a prevalent problem as more and
more systems and institutions initiate programs for the
mentally retarded children of our society. At the same time,
however, trained personnel for this task are largely lacking
so that, shortcut intellectual evaluations..are, unfortunately,
necessitated (3).
It has been estimated through admissions research that,
with respect to the general population of Connecticut, the
average annual state hospital census rose 4 5 per cent during
the 1942-1964 period, thus attesting to the ever quickening
pace in the utilization of state hospital facilities in this
country during this period (4). In the area of mentally
retarded and cerebral-palsied children, this general tendency
is overwhelming. As a result of the Community Mental Health
Centers Acts of 1363 and 19 64, states and communities have
now completed an assessment of the extent of mental disorders
and of the facilities, programs and manpower available to
cope with the need.

The outstanding finding is that the need

is so enormous and facilities so limited, man-
power sc scarce and programs so expensive, that
it is impossible to simply continue the present
approaches and institute more programs to do
more of the same. Although there is certainly
a need for more services,, there is an even more
urgent need for other approaches that will help
with the growing need and limited manpower' (1,
p. 5) .
William M. Bolman, M. D., in his work in this area
four.4 that there, was virtually no proof that any institution
had an acceptable manpower and therapeutic situation, and it
would be necessary to select new approaches and programs
based largely on educated hunches and extrapolations from
related fields. This, he pointed cut, would be better and
more fruitful than to follow past programs which "have led
to lack of proof, no interest in studying the areas, thus
resulting in no programs" (1, p. 9).

Thus, the problem of obtaining adequate estimates of

mental abilities for children with mental handicaps involving
motor and/or verbal functioning "has been widely recognized
by persons working with such children, Efforts to adapt or
modify available intelligence tests to make them suitable
for use with these groups have been only partially success-
ful" (3, p. 9).

In an effort to provide a more satisfactory instrument,

for estimating the mental capacity of these handicapped
children, particularly at the very early ages, Bessie B.
Burgmeister, Lucille Hollander Blum, and Irving Lorge began
in 1947 the work which has led to the production of the
Columbia Merit a_1 Mat uri ty Scale. The first and primary
problem was to devise a test which, while suitable for
handicapped children, would give a reliable and valid
estimate of their mental abilities. After much deliberation,
it was decided that a pictorial classification type test
would suit the purpose. This would take into consideration
the almost universal inability of the handicapped child to
express himself verbally.
Preliminary reports on the Columbia Mental. Maturity
Scale pointed out the fact that on standard performance
scales, it
is apparent that tests which emphasize speed
penalize children with severe motor handicaps
such as cerebral palsy. Even where speech is
understandable, a number cf items call for
motor manipulation. Therefore, the Columbia
Mental Maturity Scale is to be a power test;
he may take as long as he wishes to answer
(2, p. 234).

This pictorial type test would also make it easier to com-

municate instructions to the child. This type of item has
been successfully used in group non-verbal intelligence
tests (3). The final result was a 100-item, pictorial type
test, the 1954 edition of the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale.
It was put into limited use in the latter part of 1954.

Purpose of Study
The purpose of the present study is to compare the 1959
revision of the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale (CMMS) with
the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) for use
as a psychometric instrument for determining the mental
ability of mentally retarded male children.

The following hypotheses are herein presented for in-
vestigation :
I. The Columbia Mental Maturity Scale will correlate
positively with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale fo_r Children,
Full Scale I.Q., Performance X.Q., and Verbal I.Q. .in a male,
mentally retarded population, and reach a level of signifi.-
canca of .05.
II. The correlation between the Columbia Mental
Maturity Scale and the Performance I.Q. of the Wechsler
Intelligence Scale for Children will be positive and
significantly (P>.05) higher than the correlation between
the CMMS and the Verbal I.Q. of the WISC.

III. The mean Columbia Mental Maturity Scale I.Q. will

be significantly (P >.05) lower than that of the Wechsler
Intelligence Scale for Children Full Scale I.Q. mean.

1. Bolman, W. M., "An Outline of Preventive Psychiatric

Programs for Children," Archives of General Psy-
chiatry, XVII (July, 1967), 5-11. " ~

2. Burgmeister, Bessie B., Lucille Hollander Blum, and

Irving Large, "The Mental Maturity Scale for the
Motor Handicapped," School and Society, LXXIII
(April, 19 51)", 232-237."

3. May, W. Theodore, and Harold W. Perry, "The Relationship

Between the Stanford-Binet (Form L) Vocabulary and
the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale in a Group of
Mentally Retarded Children," American Journal of
Mental Deficiency, LXII (1957), 330-333.

4. Oltman, J. E. and S. Friedman, "Trends in Admissions to

a State Hospital, 1942-1965," Archives of General
Psychiatry, XIII (December, 1963)", 54-T--552.



The 1954 Edition of the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale

was released with the expectation of supplying a quick,

efficient and reliable measure of the mental ability of'both

handicapped children and "normal subjects" (1). This test

was comprised of 100 cards, 6 by 9 inches. Each item con-

sisted of a series of from 3 to 5 drawings. The designs or

objects depicted on each of these cards were, in general,

within the range of experience for most children, even the

handicapped whose environment may have been limited (1). In

each item, the task of the subject was to select one of the

drawings which was different from, or unrelated to others in

that series. The intellectual discrimination required was

thought to be that of recognizing the picture which did not

belong with the others. It was based on a theory of education

.involving the principle of organizing stimuli selectively so

as to exclude just one because of some distinguishing or

differentiating factor. The basic detemining factors ranged-

from gross color differentiations to subr.le factors such as

relation of one object to another. The items were arranged

in increasing levels of difficulty, Ihe time estimated to

be needed for administration of the Scale was from fifteen

to twenty minutes. &ugge c tect age mge for this original
scale included mental of from three to twelve years
It differed from other such scales in that it required no
verbal response and a minimal amount of motor response. In
fact, verbal naming responses were discouraged since the
child could later fail to designate a correct response be-
cause he could not actually name the object.

Responses and notes were kept on an individual record

blank. The examiner recorded the number of the subject's
choice in the blank opposite the card number. Thus recorded,
the examiner could tell at a quick glance which items were
correct or incorrect. Response positions on the cards read
from the examiner's left and the child's right, with the
child facing the card and sitting opposite the examiner
(Figure 1).


Fig. I---Columbia Mental Maturity Scale card and respom
positions. " ~

For example, if on card one, the child chose the second

item from his left, this being the second item from the
examiner's right, it would be recorded as response number

four on item number one. The examiner exposed each card in

numerical order until the child failed (i.e., answered in-
correctly or not at all) twelve cards in any sequence of
sixteen cards. This was pointed cut in the original manual
as being at the chance level of occurrence (1). Thus the
scoring became quite automatic, consisting simply of comparing
the response with the key for each item until the proper
number of items were failed. The score was obtained for each
subject by counting the number of correct responses. This
resulted in a raw score which was converted to a mental age
by reference to the Mental Age Conversion Table. For example,
a score of thirty was equivalent to a mental age of sixty
months; a score of forty, to sixty-eight months, etc. An
I.Q. was obtained in the customary way, by dividing mental
age in months by chronological, awe in months.

Standardisation was based on a sample of 957 presump-

tively normal children ranging in age from 3 to 12 years,
each of whom also took the Stanford-Binet (L) at the same
time, The distribution of these cases by age is given in
Table If together with the mean and standard, deviation of
both the Sta.nford~Bi.net (L} and the Columbia Mental Maturity
Scale I.Q.'s. Table I also shows the correlation between
the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale and the Stanford-3inet
(L) I.Q.'s.
From, these statistical findings? it was supposed that
"the Scale appeared fcc function best in the. age range from




Number Bine t I.Q. Columbia I.Q*
Age Cases Mean SD Mean SD r

3-0 to 3-11 89 110.8 19.2 113.7 20.0 .70

4-0 to 4-11 139 107.4 17.9 106.1 21.0 .77

5-0 to 5-11 113 105.0 13.3 102. 8 17.7 .71
6-0 to 6-11 124 105.7 15.2 111.3 23.1 .71
7-0 to 7-11 125 102.0 15.3 106.4 22.1 .73
8-0 to 8-11 127 97.6 17.2 99.3 23.2 .66
9-0 to 9-11 82 100. 5 20. 8 104.6 26.0 .71
10-0 to 10-11 79 97.8 22.7 99.9 26.6 .78
11-0 to 11-11 51 102. 3 2 3.3 102.0 25,9 .88
12-0 to 12-11 28 101. 3 26. 3 100.4 25. 0 .76

four to nine years" (1, p. 11). The reliability of scores

on the Scale was investigated by the authors for selected

age groups by computing correlations between odd- and even-

numbered items of the Scale. The resulting coefficients may

be found in Table II.



Age r Number of Cases in Sample

4 .89 139

5 .91 113

9 .91 82
10 .92 79

1. Burgmeister, Bessie B., Lucille Hollander Blum, and

Irving Lorge, Columbia Mental Maturity Scale Manual,
New York, World Book Company, 1954.



Preliminary studies with normal children have been

carried out to determine what abilities are measured by the

Columbia Mental Maturity Scale. Mill and Turner (8), using

seventy-five normal (non-handicapped) children ranging in

age from seven to eleven years, eleven months, found, that

the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale was heavily //sighted with

reasoning and understanding of ideas, In comparison with

the SRA Primary Abilities Tests, a moderate measure of

numerical ability and the ability to perceive small details

quickly and accurately were found. They also found indica-

tions of possible space perception measurement. The test

itself correlated ,.63 vr.lth the total SRA I,Q. and .62 with

Non-reading I.Q.'s. Their conclusion was that the Coiambia

Mental Maturity Scale did not provide a coefficient of corre-

lation in that instance which was high enough to warrant the

use of the CMMS as an individual measure of intelligence,

Barrett '•!) found thai: the Columbia correlated hicmer

with the ivfTSC Verbal Scale than with the Performance Scale:

of that same test. Using seventy fourth, grade, normal (non-

nar.)dicapped j sub jects from rural and urban areas , ranging

in age from nine years, two months to ten vears ; one month,

the author attempted to find whether or not the CMMS could

be substituted for the WISC. The reason prompting this study
was that the entire WISC cannot always be administered be-
cause of time limitations or physical handicaps. Therefore,
it would be helpful and rewarding to find out if the CMMS
could be used in substitution for the WISC if such use were
in conjunction with other tests. Results suggested that this
might be accomplished when the CMMS is used with other
reliable instruments. The resulting correlations in this
study can be found in Table III.


Types of Subjects N Ages CMMS r Comments

Normal fourth 70 9-2
grade to
children 10-1 WISC FS . 606 Study also gave range
of r in WISC sub-uost/
wise V .478 CMMS comparison:
lWISC p | . 576
w , —J L 1-

Estes, Rodman, and Akel (3) confirmed Barrett's findings

and further added that the CMMS consistently results in
higher I.Q.'s than the WISC and. through factor analysis of
the CMMS and WISC sub-tests, found all measures loaded on one
factor whicti they suggested to be representative of "general
intelligence," In this study} the authors used fifty subjects

from elementary schools in middle class suburban schools in

Kentucky. The chronological age range was from seven years,
two months, through nine years, four months, with the mean age
being eight years, two months. The resulting correlations
between the CMMS and WISC sub-tests ranged from ,05-.51,
which they termed from "low to moderate." The conclusion
was that the validity of the CMMS was not upheld by their
study. The CMMS should not be used as a substitute for the
WISC. They did, however, suggest that within a'test battery
of reliable tests, it might be used as supplementary material.

Studies with cerebral-palsied subjects have generally

been hampered by difficulties in classifying the subjects
and obtaining adequate, independent criteria of their intel-
lectual ability. The original CMMS was reported to have
been able to rank cerebral-palsied children according to
intelligence level about as well as other standardized test-
ing instruments (3). Using thirty subjects ranging in
chronological age from five years through seventeen years,

four months, Canter (.3) found that many subjects perseverated

(pointed to the same position consistently regardless of
correctness of response) for more than three successive cards.
He points out that this tendency is rewarded in some instances
by having three or four correct answers in a succession
being in the same response position. This, he states, raises
some doubt about the suitability of the arrangement of the
test items on the cards. Conclusions of this study suggested

that there was a need for considerable revision in the 1954

Columbia Mental Maturity Scale„

Shontz (9) used the Co lurch la Ment_al Maturity Seal e,

Knox Cubes from the Arthur Point Scale and the v'Jechsler

Memory Scale to determine the interchangeability of these

three tests with hemiplegia individuals. He stated that the

original CMMS provided an adequate evaluation of the intel-

lectual capacity of the hemiplegia child. Using fifty

hemiplegia children with a mean chronological age of six years,

three months, he found a correlation of: .60 between the Knox

Cubes and the CMMS, and a correlation of .47 between the CMM_S

and the Wechsler Memory Scale. The findings indicated that

it would be appropriate to use the CMMS to evaluate the

intellectual capacity of the hemiplegia child as it "does not

require the use of expressive language or manual skills" (9,

p. 263).

Several investigators (6, 7, 10) have reported that the

mentally retarded (as with normal subjects) generally obtain

higher I.Q.'s on the CMMS than on other intelligence measures.

This same general conclusion was reported earlier by Estes,

Kodman, and Ake 1 (5), and Barrett (1). Taylor (10) , allowing

for the relatively large standard deviation on the CMMSe

found that e.s a quick measure of intelligence,, the Columbia

Mental Maturity Scale was a satisfactory screening device

for special classes for the mentally retarded, provided che

cutting I.Q. was set low enough on the Scale.. One study (4)
using the Columbia with bilingual pupils concluded that the
Scale had considerable validity in predicting the achieve-
ment of bilingual pupils.
M. J. Berko (2) found, in his correlational study of
the Stanford-Binet (L) and the Columbia Mental Maturity
Scale, that, contrary to previous findings, brain-damaged
children obtained a lower mean score on the Columbia than on
the Stanford-Binet. In seven cases the scores were from
fifteen to twenty-four points lower on the Columbia. Only
three subjects out of the total of thirty scored higher on
the CMMS than on the Stanford-Binet, and these were one,
three, and four I.Q. points. In an effort to explain this
rather "startling discrepancy," the author suggested that
the CMMS heavily relies on visual perception, categorization,
and abstraction. He pointed out that these factors are
commonly impaired in children with brain injuries and other
such dysfunctions. He reported a study which was then in
progress at the Institute of Lobopedics, where, in 100
cerebral-palsy cases, 62 had abstracting and categorization
difficulties, while 44 showed marked deviations in visual
perceptions. From all of this information, Berko concluded
that the results of the CMMS must be accepted with reserva-
tion. He further stated that more studies were needed to
determine what type of subjects were best represented by
the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale results.

1. Barrett, Ernest S., "The Relationship of the Progressive

Matrices (1938) and the CMMS to the WTSC," Journal,
of Consulting Fsycholcgy, XX (October,. 1956), 294-

2. Berko, M. J,, "The Measurement of Intelligence in Chil-

dren with Cerebral Palsy; the Columbia Meivtal Matur-
ity Scale," Journal of Pediatrics", XLVII "(October,~
1955), 25 3-260. ' " ' "

3. Canter, Arthur, "The Use of the Colirabia Mental Maturity

Scale with Cerebral Palsy Children," American
Journal of Mental Deficiency, LX (April, 1956),
843-851*.' " "

4. Cooper, James G. , "Predicting School Achievement for Bi-

lingual Pupils," Journal of Educational Pjsyjphp^gyi
IL "(February, 1958) , 31- 36 .

5. Estes, Betsy W. , Frank Kodaian, and M. Akel, "The Validity

of the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale," Journal of
Consulting Psychology, XXIII (December, 1959), 561-
565. ""

6. French, J. and D. A. Worcester, "A Critical Study of the

Columbia Mental Maturitv Scale," Exceptional Child,
JQCI.fi (October," 1956) ,* lll-ll3.

7. Johnson, J. S., "The Relationship Between the WISC and

the CMMS in a Group of Mental Retardates," mimeo-
graphed report, Ranchito, California, School Dis-
trict, 1958.

8. Mill, Alfred and Charles J. Turner, "The Measurer-lent of

Primary Mental Abilities by the Columbia Mental
Maturity Scale," Journal of Consulting Psychology,
XIX "(October i 19557, 472-474". ~ """" ™ ""

9. Shontz, Franklin C. , "Evaluafcionof Intellectual Poten-

tial in Herrdplegic Individuals," Journal of Clinical
Psychology, XIII (July, 1957), 2ST~*269~'

10. Taylor, Edward A,, "The Columbia Mental Maturity Scale

as a Screening Test for Special Classes," CalTjforuia
Journal of Educational Research, VII (JamxarV, I.1T56T,

J- b



In 1959, the final report on research conducted under

UCP Research and Educational Grant R-27-S56 for the revision

and re-standardization of the Columbia Mental M purity Scale,

was released by the Institute of Psychological Research,

Teachers College, Columbia University. Following the lead

given by those who had investigated the original edition of

the Scale, Burgmeister, Blum, and Lorge reconstructed the

Scale in certain areas to attempt an improvement in its use-

fulness and acceptance.

Nature of Content Revision

Reviewing the results of past investigations of the

Scale, the creators of the Columbia agreed that certain

changes were needed in the content. Academic items, it was

ascertained, needed to be eliminated. These relied too

heavily on past in-school learning, such as recognition of

printed number™sytoboIs , words, etc •

Secondly, there seemed to be a need to add more difficult

items at the upper levels of the Scale to provide better

discrimination. The original Scale did not satisfactorily

progress in the rate c£ difficulty.


Finally, it would be necessary to eliminate ambiguous

items from the Scale. Specifically, items which had been
validly criticised in concern with scoring, as a result, of
actual use and experimentation of the CMMS, were eliminated.
Accordingly, revision of the CMMS was made and forty-six
new items were selected and used to replace seventeen of the
items on the 1954 edition. The items replaced were at
various levels in the Scale, In addition, two new items
were selected to be inserted as sample items before item
number forty, to introduce a new type of item to the subject.

Norming Program
The 19 59 Columbia Mental Maturity Scale was given to a
group of 1,000 subjects, male and female, distributed at
each age level from 4 years to 12 years. Each subject also
took at least one other individual intelligence test. On the
basis of the data from this testing, mental-age norms were
established for the revised Columbia. The new norms for the
revised CMMS resulted in appreciably lower I.Q.'s for high
scoring subjects.

New Item Analysis

The responses of subjects in the norming group to each
item of the revised Columbia were; analyzed for successive
one-year ace groups, and new difficulty values calculated.
As a result, new sequences of items were established. In the
published edition, the items were arranged according to this
new sequence.

Relation of New and Original Editions

The version of the Columbia administered in the noriuirig
program included both the original 100 items and the new
items. This was done to attain a score on both of the scales
for each subject. The two resulting scores were correlated
to obtain equivalent scores on the new Scale. The correla-
tion between the original and the revised Scales was
acceptable and indicated that subjects were ranked in almost
the same order by the original and the new Scales. The data,
of course, reflected the fact that the new material intro-
duced was at the upper end of the Scale and had little effect
on the performance of younger subjects, many of whom do not
reach the latter items. Correlations were very high for the
lower age groups and only slightly less at the upper ages.
The comparison of the mean scores on the original and revised
sets of items indicated that the Scale had been made slightly
more difficult for older subjects, as .intended.

These changes in converted scores are reflected in the

old and new tables for "Mental Age Corresponding Scores" (1).
Whereas in the original edition, a score of thirty gave a
mental age of sixty months, the 1959 Scale's table converts
a. score of thirty to a mental age of fifty-three months; in
the original table, a score of forty equaled a mental age of
sixty-eight months, where on the revised table a mental age
of fifty-nine months is obtained. The method of obtaining
the I.Q. of a subject remained unchanged: the mental age in

months divided by the chroao 1 ogica"1 age in months.' A revised

record blank was also constructed to provide proper keying
for revised items.

In conjunction with a Federal Research Grant, revisions
were made in the content and administration of the Columbia
Mentcil Maturity Scale. Deletions and additions were made to
item content so that the functional use of the Scale would
be improved. Mew normative data were developed to establish
the Scale, as a more "effective method of appraising motor-
and verbally-handicapped subjects'' (2), The validity of the
Scale itself was improved by thorough experimentation and
revision. Upon completion of this revision, and the release
of the new Scale, it was felt that "the revised Sc_ale . . .
gives evidence of usability in a very satisfying way with
handicapped children in the mental age range of from three
to ten years" (2).

1. Burgmeister, Bessie B. , Lucille Blura, and Irving Lorge,

Columbia Mental Maturity S^cale Manual, Supplementary
Insert, New York, World Book"Company, 1954.

2. Burgmeister, Bessie B., Lucille Blum, and Irving Lorge,

"Report to United Cerebral Palsy Research and Edu-
cational Foundation, Incorporated: Revision and
Restandardizatj.on of the Columbia Mental Maturity
Scale," unpublished paper read before" the Institute
of Psychological Research, Teachers College,
Columbia University, 1958.


When the revised edition of the Columbia Mental Maturity

Scale was completed, it was released for general use and
criticism. Dunn and Harley (1) wore two of the first investi-
gators to take an interest in this new, revised instrument.
Their experimental group was comprised of twenty cerebral-
palsied children ranging in chronological age from seven
years, one month to sixteen years, two months.' Their purpose
was to determine the usefulness of the Columbia Mental
Maturity Scale in predicting school success of cerebral-
palsied children. The test was compared with the Peabody
Picture Vocabulary, Ammans, Van Alstyne Picture Vocabulary,
and teacher rankings. The results showed a high correlation
between the CMMS and each of the other measures. Although
the me an mental age of the CMMS was lower than each of the
other cests used, the lower standard deviation of the CMMS
and high correlations prompted the authors to conclude that
the revised Columbia Mental Maturity Scale could be used
safely and reliably to predict the school success of cerebral-
palsied children.

Levinson and Block (5), in their research of the revised

Colvcnbia, investigated this new scale in a comparison study

~ r»i r*

with the Stanford-Binee (L) . Their pre-school population

numbered thirty-nine and was comprised of normal (non-
handicapped) children, Tne chronological age range was from
four years to five years, nine months. As in a previously
reported study (1), the standard deviation of the Columbia
was small, in this case smaller than the Stanford--Bl.net, and
the mental ages were closely correlated. The outcome of full
I.Q, correlation, however, was less than acceptable. The
correlation of only .39 was too low for positive conclusions.
These results induced the authors to point out certain factors
which they felt were detrimental to valid results and might
be changed or modified. Perseveration was the primary
criticism. They pointed out that indicating the same posi-
tion (i_.e. , second from the left) consistently, regardless
of correctness of answer, was prevalent. This, they pointed
out, seemed to be due largely to the fact that in several
series, the same position was correct for three, four and'

five cards in a row, and then this correct answer changed,

causing the subject to continue the same position response.
Another shortcoming of the Scale seemed to be the rigidity
of the scoring method. A child is not credited for indicat-
ing a correct response even though he knows it and names it.',
as long as be does not point it out. They also pointed to
faults in the order of difficulty. Card number twenty-six,
for example, was failed more than cards twenty-seven through
thirty-six, and forty-six was failed more than, cards forty-
seven through fifty-one. This study came to the conclusion /

that further revision- in item arrangement, administration

procedures, arid scoring v/as oall'id for before it could be

fully accepted without reservation.

In a study of 100 normal subjects, chrono.logical age

range from 6 years, 11 months through 8 years, 10 months,

Smith (7) studied the feasibility of substituting the

Columbia Mental Maturity Scale_ for the Wechsler Intelligence

Scale for Children (WISC) at the second grade level. She

found that the standard deviation of the CMMS was some seven

points higher than that of the3 WJ3C. The mean I.Q. for the

WISC was 102.8 and that of the Colun-hia, 98.2. The result-

ing correlation between the two instruments was .55. The

Columbia correlated with th" WISC Verbal I.Q. and the WISC

Performance I.Q, at levels of .45 and .32, respectively. She

concluded that this was not a sufficiently high correlation

to warrant substitution of the Co 1 grabia Mental Maturity

Scale for the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children.

Warren and Collier (8) felt that some commonly used

tests such as the Stanford-Ei.net and WISC could not be given

to some subjects. "Efforts to adapt them to these subjects

has been only partially successful" (8, p. 916). Where

verbalizations are not required on such tests as the Otis,

CMMSi P M , etc. , all or most tests of this type require the

use of a writing instrument. This is a handicap to men ta 1.1 y

retarded children and children with motor and visual impair-

ment. Where a larqe number of individuals are to be screened


in a given length of tine, ns;i instrument which would yield

a valid estimate in a short period of time could be desirable

if one were available" {8, p. 916). The authors therefore

investigated the CMMS in comparison to the WISC to determine

whether or not it could be used as an efficient and reliable

testing device in place of tests now used which require even

minimal motor functioning abilities and comparatively long

periods of time for administration. Their population was

comprised of forty-nine mentally retarded, institutionalized

females ranging in chronological age from nine to thirty

years. These subjects were given the WISC, WATS, and the

Columbia Mental Maturity Scale. The standard deviation of

the Columbia approximated the standard deviation of the

other two tests within a range of .50. The resulting Full

Scale I.Q.'s reached a mean of 60.6 for the WISC and 63.14

for the WAIS. The mean I.Q. for the Columbia was 62.50. The

correlation was .68. It is not made clear by the authors • •

whether they used WISC or WAIS I.Q.'s, or the average of the

two, to obtain these results. The conclusion was drawn that

the Columbia Mental Scale was applicable to obtain

the I.Q.'s of institutionalized, mentally retarded females

within a chronological age. range of nine through thirty years,

The mental age of these subjects was net reported in the


In a study with children suffering from articulation

disorders, mental retardation, delayed speech, cleft palates,


and hearing difficulties, Hirschenfang (3) used the Columbia

Mental MaJ^uritv Scale and the Stanford-Binet (L) to determine

the reliability of the Columbia in its use with- such subjects.

Forty-five children ranging in chronological age from three

years, four months through fourteen years, six months (mean

age being eight years, three months) were given the Stanford-

Bi.net (L) first ana then followed up with the Columbia. This

order of testing was followed in all cases. The author

stated that "the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale does not

require the utilization of language nor does it involve to

any degree, manual dexterity" (3, p. 916), With this premise,

he conducted the study and found that the Columbia could be

used to estimate the intellectual functioning of children

with speech disorders, but penalized children under the age

of three years, six months because those subjects cannot

comprehend the instructions. It.was further concluded that

more revision and experimentation was necessary, especially

in the area of CMMS scoring procedures.

A later study by Hirschenfang (2) explored the Scale

further by comparing ir with the Gocdenough "Draw-A-Man" Test.

Sixty-one children with speech disorders ranging in chron-

ological age from four years, six months through fifteen

years, five months were tested to determine the interchange-

ability of t:ae Columbia Mental Maturity Scale and the

Gcodenough "Dravr-A-Man" Test. In his previous study,

Eirsohenrang (3) had found a correlation between the Stanford-


Binet (L) and the Columbia of .30. In this study, the

Goodenough and the Columbia correlated at .82. The Columbia
I.Q.'s were also found to be consistently higher. This, and
the previous study's findings, led to the conclusion by the
author that the Columbia could be used in the evaluation of
the intellectual functioning of children with speech disorders,

Kcdrnan, Waters and Whipple (4) also found positive

correlation in their study of the Columbia Mental Maturity
Scale and the Non-verbal Otis Alpha (Form B) (6). The re-
sulting correlation of .73 caused the authors to surmise that
ths Columbia did not correlate well enough to generalize to
individual prediction. The "positive and moderate correlation
does suggest, however, that more revision is necessary in
scoring and the progressive, levels of difficulty" (4, p. 2.78).,

1. Dunn, Lloyd M. and Randall X. Harley, "Comparability of

Peabodv, Arsons , Van Alstyna, and Columbia Test
Scores with Cerebral Palsy Children,8' Exceptional
Child, XXVI (October, 1959), 70-74. ~

2. Hirschenfang, S., "A Comparison on the Revised Columbia

Mental M^_turitv Scaie_ (CHMS) and the Goodenough
'Draw-A-Man' Test in Children with Speech Disorders,"
Journal of CIinical Psychology, XVII {October, 1961),
381-382/ ' ~

3. _ , "Further Studies on the Columbia

Mental Maturiby Scale and the Revised Stanford-
Binet (L) with Speech Disorders," Journal o_f
Clinical Psychology, XVII (April, 1961), 171-173.

4. Kodman, Frank, Jerry E. Waters, and Clifford I. Whipple,

"Psychometric Appraisal of Deaf Children Using the
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale," Journal of Speech
and "Hearing," XXVI l" (August, 1962)', 2 75-2 79 .

5. Levinson, B. M. and Z. Block, "Research Notes on the

Columbia Mental Maturity Scale (CMMS) and Revised
Stanf ord--B in a t (L) in a Preschool Population,"
Journal of Clinical Psychology, XVI (April, 1960),

6. Otis, A. S., Otis Quick Scoring Mental Abilities Test,

Yonkers-on-the-Hudson, New York, World Book Company,

7. Smith, Bessie S., "The Relative Merits of Certain Verbal

and Non-Verbal Tests at the Second-grade Level,"
Journal of Clinical Psychology, XVII (January,
19611 , "53-54.

8. Warren, Sue A. and H. S. Collier, "Suitability of the

Columbia Mental Maturity Scale for Mentally Retarded
Ins ti'c.ut ion all zed Females," American Journal of
Mental Deficiency, LXIV (March, 195 0™)~9'16-920 .



The subjects were thirty male residents in Denton State
School for the Mentally Retarded. The age range of these
subjects was from nine years, three months, to fourteen years,
eleven months, the mean age being twelve years, eight months.
Selection procedures began with selecting ail male subjects
who fell within a mental age range of from three to ten years
(based on previously administered Wechsler Intelligence
Scale for Children, scores being located in the master file).
All subjects who were unavailable for various reasons (e.c[. ,
vacation, illness, etc.) were discarded and only those known
or expected to be available in the school during the expected
•course of experimentation were retained. The remaining
thirty subjects comprised the total population of this study.
The mental age range of these subjects, as reflected in
their personal records, was from three years, six months to
eight years, seven months, the mean mental age being five
years,, six months. All of the subjects were from two
dorirJ.tories, 20C and 7A. Placement in these dormitories
was based on I.Q. scores and ages: I,Q, 50-70, ages 12-15,
and T..Q. 50--7C , ages 6-12 , respectively.


Specific '"Kcigno-'ses vers disregarded and trie population

was, therefore, made up of various disorders, JThese impair-

ments included cleft palate, brain damage, speech impairment,

hearing difficulties, motor retardation, etc., All subjects

were, however, termed as "Educable Mentally Retarded,"

Cultural and economic backgrounds were uncontrolled, re-

sulting in a variety of backgrounds. Religious, ethnic and.

family structure background was also uncontrolled, as was the

length of time at the Denton State School as a student.

Group placement was performed by merely putti.ng the sub-

jects' names on pieces of paper and drawing the slips at

random. Every other name drawn in this manner was placed in

Group A and the others wore placed in Group 3. Group A was

to receive the Columbia Mentai_ Maturity Scale first and the

Weehsler Intelligence Scale for Children one week later,*

Group B received the opposite administration.


The examiner visited the Denton State School on three

pxe-experimentation occasions so as to be seen by the stu-

dents in their classroom building so that when the testing

commenced lie would be familiar to the subjects and rapport

would be mere easily established. This procedure also

accomplished an unexpected purpose of serving to stimulate

and motivate the students to desire participation in the

experiment. This increased motivation, it is felt, resulted

3.n increased productivity on the tests.


Group B was selected to be tested first. This was done

so that if there, were* any confersation concerning the testing,
it would not concern the Columbia. It was felt that it would
be easier to remember how to participate in taking the
Columbia than the WJ.SC, Each subject was called from his
class by the examiner', and led to the examination rocs. This
room was a classroom in the school building with the subjects.
On only two occasions was testing done in other than this
room. Upon completion of testing with Group Bf Group A was
utilized. Testing for both groups was so timed that each
subject was tested by the appropriate follow--up instrument
one week later. No subjects became unavailable for examina-
tion during the course of the tasting.


Statistical Procedure

Each of the I.Q. scores obtained from the Columbia

Mental Maturity Scale and the W&chsler Intelligence. Scale

for Children was correlated by means of Pearson's Product

Moment Correlation. This statistic was utilized to test

Hypothesis I. Analysis of the results pertaining to Hy-

pothesis II utilized Pearson's Product Moment Correlation

and the table of t. To determine this, a t test for

dependent samples with one variable in common was utilized.

In this procedure, the correlations among the three variables

are 2, r 1 3 , and r 2 3 , and R 3 2 {12) is the square of the

multiple correlation between the common variable and the

weighted sum of the other two. That is,

. , v N - 3
t ~ *r13 - r 2 3 ) / "2D- - r12)~ U~ -

The resulting t score was evaluated with a table of t_ where

N - 3 is equal to the degrees of freedom. Hypothesis III

underwent analysis by means of Fisher's t.


As stated in Chapter I, the present research was

designed to studv the relationship between the Columbia


Mental Maturity Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale

for Children, when used with institutionalized, mentally

retarded males. Specifically, the following theoretical

hypotheses were presented for investigation:

I. The Columbia Mental Maturity Scale I.Q. scores will

correlate positively with the I.Q. scores of the WISC Full

Scale results, Performance and Verbal results, and reach a

level of significance of at least .05.

II. The correlation between the CMMS and the WISC Per-

formance I.Q.'s will be positive and significantly higher

than the correlation between the CMMS and the WISC Verbal


III. The mean Columbia I.Q. will be significantly

lower than that of the mean WISC Full Scale I.Q., and reach

a level of significance of at least .05.

The correlations obtained on this population of mentally

retarded males were as follows: WISC FS vs. CMMS = .6082,

WISC P vs. CMMS - .4627, and WISC V vs. CMMS = .4515. While

it can be seen that these correlations seem to be favorable,

this statistical analysis is only one criterion for measur-

ing the comparability of scores. Fisher's t was used to

determine the significance of each correlation and resulted

in t values significant at less than the .05 level for each

of the correlations between the CMMS and each of the appro-

priate WISC I.Q.'s. These results, along with the signifi-

cance of each, can be found in Table IV. The first hypothesis,





WISC Scale r

Verbal Scale 45*

Information . .04
Comprehension 44*
Arithmetic . . .47**
Similarities . .17
Vocabulary * . 23

Performance Scale 46**

Picture Completion - . . 23
Picture Arrangement .58**
Block Design . 12
Object Assembly >27
Coding 43*

Full Scale 61**

*P less than .05.

**P less than .01.

that the correlation between the CMMS and the three WISC

I.Q. scores would be positive and significant at the .05

level, is confirmed and this hypothesis is accepted. The

Columbia Mental Maturity Scale does appear to have a positive,

significantly linear relationship with the Wechsler Intelli-

gence Scale for Children.

The second hypothesis, that the correlation between the

CMMS and the WISC Performance I.Q.'s would be positive and

significantly higher than the correlation between the CMMS

and Verbal i.'Q.'s, was, in essence, rejected.

With twenty-seven degrees of freedom, the resulting t

of .0848 was not sicm.i ficant at the expected .05 level. This

suggests, therefore, the rejection of Hypothesis II, Although

the correlation between the CMMS I.Q. and the WISC Perfor-

mance I.Q. was, indeed, positive as hypothesized, it was not

significantly higher than the correlation between the CMMS

I.Q. and the WISC Verbal I.Q.

Hypothesis III was evaluated with Fisher's t to deter-

mine the significance of the difference between the mean CMMS

I.Q. and the mean WISC FS I.Q., the expectation being that

the mean Columbia I.Q. would be significantly lower than the

mean WISC FS I.Q. Table V shows the data utilized in this

process. The results indicated acceptance of Hypothesis III.




Scales Used N Mean SD Range t

CMMS 30 51.4 8.24 39-71 1.777*
WISC 30 54. 8 6.26 46-69
4-*n ^ A (Z K ~ ^3 1- ^

Table V shows the mean I.Q. for the Columbia Mental Maturity

Scale to be 3.4 I.Q. points lower than that of the mean I.Q.

for the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, FS. Two-

thirds of the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale I.Q.'s, in fact,

were below the mean WISC FS I.Q., analyzed subject for subject.

This difference (t being 1.777) with twenty-nine degrees of

freedom, was significant at less than .05, the acceptance


level of the hypothesis. This evaluation indicated that the

mean CMMS I.Q. was significantly lower than the WISC FS I.Q.
Due to an unexpected high correlation between the
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale and several WISC sub-tests,
these were also evaluated to determine the significance of
the correlations. Arithmetic (.4722) and Picture Arrangement
(.5791) both correlated with the CMMS at a level of signifi-
cance less than .01, while Comprehension (.4397) and Coding
(.4348) reached a level of significance of less than .05,
There are indications, therefore, that the Columbia Mental
Maturity Scale and the aforementioned WISC sub-tests share a
major common factor. This hypothesis was not investigated
further, however, as this factorial analysis was not within
the scope of this study.

The first hypothesis stated that there would be a posi-
tive, significant correlation between the Columbia Mental
Maturity Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children, Full Scale, Verbal, and Performance I.Q.'s. The
findings indicate that each of the appropriate correlations
is both significant and positive. This makes acceptance of
this hypothesis necessary. The Columbia Mental Maturity
Scale does appear to compare very favorably with the Wechsler
Intelligence Scale for Children.

The second hypothesis stated that the correlation between

the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale and the WISC Performance

I.Q.'s would be positive and significantly higher than the

correlation between the Columbia and the WISC Verbal I.Q.'s.

The data relating to this hypothesis reveal that the level

of significance attained is more than .05. Since this fails

to reach the desired level of significance, this hypothesis

was rejected.

The third hypothesis stated that the mean Columbia I.Q.

would be significantly lower than that of the WISC Full Scale

I.Q. mean. Statistical analysis of this data prompts the

acceptance of the hypothesis due to the fact that the level

of significance for the statistical comparison was less than


One possible reason for the rejection of Hypothesis II

is that, other than general diagnosis of mental retardation,

specific physical dysfunctions were uncontrolled. Some sub-

jects performed adequately on motor function problems while

others found it difficult and sometimes impossible to do so.

This resulted in vide variations in Performance I.Q. scores

(S.D. 10.46) while, comparatively speaking, the Verbal I.Q.

scores remained low, but fairly stable (S.D. 5.92). There-

fore, sorae attained above grouptaverage Performance I.Q.'s

while the majority scored extremely low. These extremely

low scores brought the over-all Performance mean down while

the Verbal, abilities {or uniform lack of them) remained

comparatively level.

Acceptance of trie first and third hypotheses requires

the assumption that the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale

measures abilities similar to these measured by the WISC

Performance Scale and others which are similarly measured by

the WISC Verbal Scale. Previous studies have attempted to

determine the essential elements of "intelligence" used by

subjects taking the Columbia, Berko (1) attempted to explain

his findings by saying the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale

relied heavily on visual perception, categorization and

abstraction. Estes, Rodman, and 2\kel (2) merely called the

essential element "general intelligence." Mill and Turner

(3) reported the Scale to be heavily weighted with reasoning

and understanding of ideas, They also reported suggestions

of spatial perception and ability to perceive and organize

small details into meaningful configurations or wholes. It

would seem that all of these attempts to describe the "intel-

ligence" measured by the CMMS would be acceptable. It may

be pointed out that none emphasise motor functions.

The statistical results of this study, and subsequent

acceptance of the first hypothesis, lend substance to the

aforementioned studies. In addition, the relationship of

the Columbia I.Q. arid the Picture Arrangement sub-test of the

WISC (P lass than .01) strongly suggests the presence of

visual perception of relationships and the ability to syn-

thesize non-verbal material, both of wtiich have been presented

previously as possible common elements measured by both the


Columbia Mental Maturity Scale and the Wachsler Intelligence

Scale for Children. Wechsler (6) states that Picture Arrange-
ment is the type of test which effectively measures a sub-
ject's ability to comprehend and size up a total situation.
That is, the testee must understand trie whole, to get the
"idea" before effectively dealing with any given situation.

The fact that the CMMS does not require extensive motor
manipulation or verbal expression, has been emphasized by
investigators previously, Warren and Collier {5) being the
most recent. They felt tha.t the necessity for verbalizations
and motor dexterity was a handicap to mentally retarded
children as well as children with motor impairment. Shontz
(4) praised the Columbia specifically, "as it does not re-
quire the use of expressive language or manual skills" (4,
p. 268).

It would seem, therefore, that in light of past investi-

gations, the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale would be more of
a non-verbal test than an academic one. This, in fact, was
one basic change in the CMMS in 1959, i.e. , eliminating the
academic items and replacing them with non-verbal material.
In addition, no time, limit or time cut-off was advised by
the authors. This would suggest that, in moving from
academic to non-verbal type items, the child would not be
unnecessarily penalized. In having no time limit, the child
would become involved in what he relies on to communicate,
in consideration of his verbal inabilities-. This was

suggested in the high and significant correlations between

the C.MMS and WISC Performance I.Q,'s. It is certainly con-

ceivable and within the realm of caramon sense and observation

that a child may have a relatively high degree of intelligence

but be unable to show it in his behavior due to neurological

or emotional barriers. The expectations of the CMMS are

minimal, only gross motor movement indicating a response item.

In fact, some situations dictate that the discretionary powers

of the clinician be used in determi ning response choices by

the subject's eye movements and fixations. Therefore, the

Columbia Mental Maturity Scale provides an outlet which can

be used to reflect the mental ability of mentally retarded

children with a minimum penalty for physical dysfunctions

and handicaps.

1. Berko, M. J., "The Measurement of Intelligence in Chil-

dren with Cerebral Palsy; the Columbia Mental
Maturity Scale," Journal of Pediatrics"/ XLVII
(October, 1,935) , 2 5 3-2 60.

2. Estes, Betsy W., Frank Hodman, and M. Akel, "The

Validity of the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale,"
Journal of Consulting Psychology, XXIT.I (December,
1959), 56T-565". ~ " '

3. Mill, Alfred and Charles J.. Turner, "The Measurement of

Primary Mental Abilities by the Columbia Mental.
Maturity Scale," Journal of Consulting Psychology,
XIX (October,"1955") , ~~47?7-474~ ~ ~

4. Shontz, Franklin C., "Evaluation of Intellectual Poten-

tial in Hemiplegic Individuals, " Journal, of
Clinical Psychology, XIII (July, 1957) ,""267-2 69.

5. Warren, Sue A. and H. S. Collier, "Suitability of the

Columbia Mental Maturity Scale for Mentally Re-
tarded Institutionalized Females," American Journal
of Mental Deficiency, LCIV (March, I960") , 916-920.

6. Wechsler, David, The Measurement and Appraisal of Adult

Intelligence , Baltimore, Williams and "Wilkiris
Company," 1*95 8.




Individuals concerned primarily with the facilities arid

programs for mentally retarded children have long bean aware

of the growing need for brief but reliable testing instru-

ments. This increasing need has been spurred and nurtured

by staff shortages and growing populations within cur insti-

tutions. Within the past decade, this situation has become


The present investigation studied the Col grabia Mental

Maturity Scale in comparison with the Wechsler Intelligence

Scale cor ChiIdren to determine whether or not the Columbia

could be used in place of or supporLively with the v^XSC.

The amount of time needed to test or screen the necessary

subjects would be reduced, thereby giving the institutions

and clinicians more time to test a greater number of subjects

and to become invcl.ved in other necessary activities. This

would greatly aid understaffed and ovarpopulated institutions.

The following hypotheses were advanced;

I. The Columbia MentaI Maturity Scale will correlate

positively with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children

Full Scale I.Q., Performance I.Q., and Verbal I.Q. in a male,


mentally retarded population,, and reach a level of signifi-

cance of .05.
II. The correlation between the Columbia. Mental Maturity
Scale and the Performance I.Q. of the Wechsler Intelligence
Scale for Children will be positive and significantly higher
than the correlation between the Columbia and the Verbal I.Q.
of the WISC.

III. The mean Columbia Mental Maturity Scale I.Q. score

will be significantly lower than that, of the Wechsler Intel-
ligence Scale for Children Full Scale I.Q. mean, and reach a
level of significance of at least ,.05.

The subjects, thirty institutionalized, mentally re-

tarded males, with a mean chronological age of twelve years,
eight months and a mean mental age of five years, six months,
were obtained on a pre-test availability status from the
Denton State School for the Mentally Retarded. During the
study, no student became unavailable for testing.

Subjects were randomly divided into two groups, A and

B. Group A received the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale
first, followed by the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Ch.il-
drert one week laster. Group E received the WISC and the
CMMS one week later. Group B underwent testing first.

The mean I.Q.'s and standard deviations for each group

were computed. The Pearson Product Moment Coefficient was
used and the t test was utilized to determine the level of
significance of the differences obtained between the appro-
priate groups.

The first and third hypotheses were confirmed. The

Columbia Mental Maturity Scale positively correlated with
the WISC Full Scale, Performance, and Verbal I.Q.'s, each at
a level of significance of at least .05. It was further
found that the mean Columbia I.Q. was lower than the mean
WISC Full Scale I.Q. at a level of significance of less than
The second hypothesis, however, was rejected. Although
a positive correlation was obtained, it. was not significant
at the .05 level. Factors which may have led to these
results have been discussed,

Conclusions and Recomrnendations

The overall results of this investigation, in view of

the present and past studies, warrant the conclusion that
the collected data are reliable estimates of the comparison
between the CMMS and the WISC. From this data, it seems
pertinent to state that there is a very favorable comparability
between the two tests and that the Columbia Mental Maturity
Scale can be used supportive! y or in place of the We cl^ler
Intelligence Scale for Children in working with mentally re-
tarded children, due to a high correlation with the WISC '
I.Q.'s. The CMMS does seem to reflect the same, or similar
aspects of "intelligence" which are purportedly measured by
the WISC,

There are, however, several aspects of the Columbia that

need further Investigation and revision. Item difficulty
levels were generally consistent, but it.errs fifty-four,
fifty-five, and fifty-six were missed many more times than
other items at higher levels of supposed difficulty. It.

would seem that further investigation and adjustment is in

order in reference to the difficulty levels for the Scale's
Another aspect of the Scale which needs improvement is
one which on first inspection seems to be of minor importance.
This not-so-minor problem is the cards themselves, or rather
the surface of the cards. Some mentally retarded children
find it impossible to keep their fingers out of their mouths,
and this behavior, during a testing session, creates the
problem of saliva being deposited on the CMMS cards wherever
touched. This repeated deposit of moisture soon soaks into
the cards (regardless of-the care of the tester} and stains
them. Future subjects may curiously rub the soiled spot and
obtain a "miss" when actually they were merely being curious.
It is not permitted to question a child about a particular
response, so, therefore, any designation toward the card is
counted as a "response'' and scored appropriately. Some less
absorbent material or more washable coating would be advan-
tageous to both the; examiner and child.
With further investigation and revision, it would seem
that the Columbia Hen to 1_ Maburi ty Scale promises to become a

useful and valuable psychometric tool, supplying some relief

for understaffed, overpopulated institutions. It would
appear that it has sufficient, reliability to be used as a
screening device or follow-up test, and under necessitating
circumstances, the main diagnostic measure for determining
mental ability. This, of course, would usually become the
case when staff or population factors dictate.


Burgmeister, Bessie B., Lucille Hollander Blum, and Irving

Lorge, Columbia Mental Maturity Scale Manual, New York,
World Book Company, 1954.'

Otis, A. S., Otis Quick Scoring Mental Abilities Test,

Yonkers-on-the-Hudson, "New York, World Book Company,

Wecbsler, David, The Measure and Appraisal of Adult Intelli-

gence , Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins Company, 1^587


Barrett, Ernest S., "The Relationship of the Progressive

Matrices (1938) and the CMMS to the WISC/5" Journal of
Consulting Psychology, XX "(October, 1956) , 294-296."
Berko, M. J,, "The Measurement of Intelligence in Children
with Cerebral Palsy: the Columbia Mental Maturity
Scale," Journal of Pediatrics," XLVII "(October, T955) .
253-260.' ~ ~ "™" ' ' '

Bolman, W. M., "An Outline of Preventive Psychiatric Programs

•for Children," Archives of General Psychiatry, XVII
(July, 1967), 5-11.

Burgmeister, Bessie B., Lucille Hollander Blum, and Irving

Lorge, "The Mental Maturity Scale for the Motor Handi-
capped," SchooT'and "Society/ LXXIII (April, 1951), 232-
237. ~

Canter, Arthur, "The Use of the CMMS with Cerebral Palsy

Children," American Journal~of"Mental Deficiency, LX
(April, 1956)", S4T-851. " """

Cooper, James G. , "Predicting School Achievement for Bilingual

Pupils," Journal of Educational Psychologv, IL (February,
1958), 31-36. "~

Dunn, Lloyd M. and Randall. E. Harley , ''Comparabi 1 ity of Pea-

body, Amnions, Van Alstyne, and" Colunibia Test, Scores "with
Cerebral Palsy Cb"ilc"fe'n7'r HxcerjtIonai'"Chi .Ld, XXVI
(October, 1959), 70-74. ' ' ~

Estes, Betsy W» , Frank Kodman, ana M. Akel, "The Validity of

the CMMS, " Journal, of Consulting Psychology, XXIII
(December, 19 59), S61~5'65.

French, J. and D. A. Worcester, "Critical Study of the CMMS,"

Exceptional Child, XXIII (October, 1956) , 111-113.

Hirschenfang, S., "A Comparison of the Revised Columbia

Mental Maturity Scale (CMMS) and the Goodenough 1 Draw-
A-Man r Test in Children with Speech Disorders," Journal
of Clinical Psychology, XVII (October, 1961), 381-3 32.

, "Further Studies on the CMMS and Revised

Stanford-Binet (L) in Children with Speech Disorders,"
Journal of Clinical Psycholocry, XVII (April, 1961),
Kodman, Frank, Jerry E. Waters, and Clifford I. Whipple,
"Psychometric Appraisal of Deaf Children Using the
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale," Journal of Speech and
Hearing , XXVIT~"(August", "1962) 275-2 7 9~. "

Leviixson, B. M. and Z. Block, "Research Notes on the Columbia

Maturity Scale (CMMS) and the Revised St an for d-
Binat"(L) in a Preschool Population," Journal of
Clj"'n'£cal Psychology, XVI (April, 1960) , 158-159.

May, W. Theodore and Harold W, Perry, "The Relationship

Between the Stanford-Binet (L) Vocabulary and the
Columbia Mental Jtoturity "Scale in a Group of Mentally
Ritarded Children," "American Journal of Mental Deficiency,
LXII (September. 1957)7 330-333.
Mill, Alfred and Charles J, Turner, "The Measurement of
Primary Mental Abilities by the Columbia. Mental Maturity
Scale," Journal of Consulting Psychology,~ xix (October,
1955), 472-474/
0.1trac?.n, J. E. arte! S. Friedman, "Trends in Admissions to a
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