Unit 13 - Project Proposal FMP
Unit 13 - Project Proposal FMP
Unit 13 - Project Proposal FMP
Guidance and
Extended Diploma
in Creative Media
Production and
Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production and Technology
Project proposal template
The project proposal must be word processed You should describe how you intend to
and presented under the headings listed here: record your decision-making and how you will
document changes to your ideas as your
Section 1 - Rationale work progresses.
(Approximately 150 words)
The evaluation should be referenced to your
This section provides you with an opportunity stated aims and be reflective and analytical
to reflect on, review and summarise your rather than a description of actions completed.
progress and achievements through the first
12 units of the qualification. When working in collaboration with others
you should comment on how this may impact
You should outline the knowledge, skills and either positively or negatively and steps you
understanding you have acquired. What can take to minimise disruption in your
you know now, and what it means to you, own progress.
compared with what you knew and could do
before you started the course, and how this
has influenced your choice of discipline or
disciplines and your project proposal.
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Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production and Technology
Project proposal template
Additional requirements, not included in
the 500 word proposal:
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Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production and Technology
Project proposal template
Candidate Name
Gabrielle Unsworth
Candidate Number
UAL Creative Media in Production and Technology
Project Title
Mental Health Podcast
Section 1: Rationale
(approx. 150 words) During the last 12 units of this course, I have gained a wide range of skills and
knowledge throughout this media course. I have made a fashion spread, talk
and radio show and completed an academic study of Disney Princesses. When
completing my academic study, I have learnt how to complete primary and
secondary research and to Harvard Reference sources. I am proud of myself
for being able to complete an academic study as I struggled to get started. As
part of the course I completed a podcast, I found this very interesting and when
completing this, this helped me come up with my final FMP idea which is a
Mental Health Podcast. This is something that I am very passionate about
because I enjoyed creating my own radio and talk show and a podcast when
using the radio room to record each of the segments and use the faders to
fade in and out the music.
Section 2: Project
Concept For my final major project, I want to create a podcast about mental health and
(approx. 200 words) lifestyle. Firstly, I will start by researching What makes a good podcast, whilst
making some notes and evaluating each one of the sources that I have used to
research the information. As part of my research, I am going to create a
questionnaire to research different things that relate with suffering with mental
health issues and how it might affect them in their daily lives. After receiving
the responses, I will then evaluate the results which will include a screengrab
of each pie chart and a sentence underneath each one. Secondly, I will then
use the internet to research a list of codes and conventions of existing
podcasts about mental health. I will use the radio room to record my podcast
about mental health as the sound quality is better than using a zoom recorder.
For my mental health podcast, I want to talk about the stigma of mental health,
the positives and negatives of mental health as well as interviewing people that
suffer from mental health issues.
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Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production and Technology
Project proposal template
Section 3: Evaluation
(approx. 150 words) As part of my evaluation, I will use reflective diaries to evaluate and show the
skills I have developed during each task that I will complete. I will also use this
to reflect on how well my podcast is going and what I can do to make the
improvements to my final podcast. I have also created a plan to outline when I
want my work to be completed by. As part of my evaluation, I will also look
back at my starting aims to make sure my completed podcast is how I want it
to be.
Proposed Research
Sources and For my secondary research, I will be considering looking at articles regarding
Bibliography (Harvard about what makes a good podcast. Additionally, I did some primary research
where I had to use the Internet to find a list of codes and conventions of
podcasts. For my primary research, I will create and distribute a questionnaire
to find information about different things that relate to people that suffer from
mental health issues and how it might affect them in their daily lives. As well
as, I also will analyse three different podcasts about mental health. The
podcasts that I am going to analysis will be The proper mental podcast and
Heal anxiety for Good too.
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Project Action Plan and Timetable
Week Date Week Activity / What you are Resources / What you will
Beginning intending to do - including need to do it - including
independent study access to workshops
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