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LP Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

General Information
Lesson Title: Fractions

Subject(s): Number and Operations

Grade/Level/Setting: 3rd grade math

Prerequisite Skills/Prior Knowledge:

What do your students already know or what do they need to know about the selected topic to successfully
participate in the lesson?

Addition and subtraction, multiples of 2, place value, properties of operations

Standards and Objectives

State/National Academic Standard(s):

Learning Objective(s):
Identify what students will accomplish by the end of the lesson; needs to align with the state or Common Core State
Standards and needs to be measurable (condition, behavior, and criterion).

Students will solve problems using partitioning an object or a set of objects among two or more recipients using
pictorial representations of fractions with denominators 2,4,6,8. The students will be able to demonstrate solving
fractions with 80% accuracy.

Materials Technology
What materials will the teacher and the students need in How will you use technology to enhance teaching and
order to complete the lesson? learning? (Optional: Use the SAMR model to explain the
technology integration strategies you plan to use.)

• Vocabulary cards
• SMARTboard
• PowerPoint The use of using a PowerPoint with pictures of
• Exit ticket fractions represented as foods allows the teacher
• Independent worksheet to guide the discussion and activate prior
knowledge around multiples, addition and
subtraction, and the properties of operations.
Students get feedback before class ends.

Language Demands
Specific ways that academic language (vocabulary, functions, discourse, syntax) is used by students to participate
in learning tasks through reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking to demonstrate their understanding.

Language Function(s):
The content and language focus of the learning task represented by the active verbs within the learning outcomes.
Common language functions include identifying main ideas and details; analyzing and interpreting characters or
events; arguing a position or point of view; or predicting, recording, and evaluating data. Common language
functions in math include predicting from models and data, recording multiple ways to solve problems, justifying
conclusions, evaluating data and explaining how or why certain strategies work.

Students will be able to explain how to add and subtract fractions.

Includes words and phrases that are used within disciplines including: (1) words and phrases with subject-specific
meanings that differ from meanings used in everyday life (e.g., table); (2) general academic vocabulary used across
disciplines (e.g., compare, analyze, evaluate); and (3) subject-specific words defined for use in the discipline.

Numerator, denominator, fraction, set

Discourse and/or Syntax:

Discourse includes the structures of written and oral language, as well as how members of the discipline talk, write,
and participate in knowledge construction. Syntax refers to the set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, and
phrases together into structures (e.g., sentences, graphs, tables).

Syntax: students will be able to represent how to solve fractions with the use of pictures as models.

Planned Language Supports:

The scaffolds, representations, and pedagogical strategies teachers intentionally provide to help learners understand
and use the concepts of language they need to learn within disciplines.

The turn and talk strategy will be used for students to discuss their predictions on what each new
vocabulary term means. After the discussion, clear meanings will be given and a vocabulary list with
definitions will be given to each student to put into their math journal.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Anticipatory Set:

Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions

Whole group discussion on carpet Students will partake in a whole group

connect to students’ prior discussion on their prior knowledge of
knowledge of addition and addition and subtraction problems and
subtraction problems and the the properties of operations.
properties of operations.

The teacher will write a fraction on

the board and guide the students
discussion towards what they might
know about fractions.

Presentation Procedures for New Information and/or Modeling:

Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions

Vocabulary: turn and talk discussion Students will discuss what they think
about what each new vocabulary each new vocabulary term means.
word means. After discussion, clear After clear definitions have been given
definitions will be given along with a to them, they will put the vocabulary
vocabulary sheet with definitions to sheet with definitions in their math
include in their math journal. The journal.
following definitions will be
Numerator: the numerator is the
top part of a fraction and
represents the PART of a whole.
Denominator: the denominator is
the bottom part of a fraction and
represents the WHOLE.
Fraction: a fraction describes a part
of a whole
Set: a group of things

Guided Practice:

Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions

The teacher will open a PowerPoint The students will discuss what is left of
that has a picture of a set of two a set when a certain amount is taken
apples. The teacher will write down away. Each set of problems the
the fraction represented by the students will collectively work together
apples which would be 2/2. Then with the teacher to solve with
the teacher would take away one discussions along the way.
apple and ask the class how many
apples are left of the previous set.
After discussion, the teacher will The students will see problems
show that there is ½ of the set left modeled for them and the proper way
because one apple was taken away to solve the problems.
so that leaves 1 out of 2 of the set
left. 5 problems like this will be
shown, with each new problem
getting increasingly harder. The last
problem will be a word problem
while also showing a pizza. The
problem will state that there is one
pizza and 3 friends have to share it
with each person getting two slices,
how many slices are left out of the
whole pizza? To start the teacher
will cut the pizza into 8ths, which is
how pizzas are normally cut, and
then take away two slices for each
person. Then will have the class
discussion what the fraction would
look like once all the slices are given
out. After discussion, the teacher
will give feedback and show the
class that there are 2 out of the
whole 8 slices that are left so the
fraction for how many slices are left
out of the whole pizza would be

Independent Student Practice:

Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions

After the lesson, the teacher will Students will complete an independent
hand out an independent student worksheet by themselves that has 4
worksheet with 4 fractions problems on it. Once the teacher is
problems on them for students to done giving the answers to the
complete. They will be given 20 problems, students can ask questions
minutes to complete them, unless on any problems they struggled with to
everyone is finished before time is get a better understanding.
up. Each problem will be a pictorial
problem and ask the students to
show a fraction representing the
picture shown. Once everyone is
done the teach will go over the
answers with the class and answer
any questions about any problems
they struggled on.

Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity:

Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions

The teacher will then give out an exit ticket Complete the exit ticket and then have
with a word problem on it. The students will
a whole-class discussion on how the
be given 8 minutes to complete the exit
ticket. Once the exit ticket is completed, if word problem is still the same as the
there is enough time left the teacher will go pictorial fractions just in word form.
over the problem with the whole class and
The discussion will also include how to
have a whole-class discussion. If there is not
enough time the exit ticket will be reviewed draw pictures for the word problem in
at the beginning of math class the next day. order to get a visual representation.

Differentiated Instruction
Consider how to accommodate for the needs of each type of student. Be sure that you provide content specific
accommodations that help to meet a variety of learning needs.

Gifted and Talented: Students will solve pictorial fractions and discuss any strategies they might have
for how to solve word problems about fractions using pictures or any other strategy.

EL: Provide the vocabulary sheet with definitions once class begins for them to look over, be able to
read the definitions aloud if they need to and have extra check-ins during independent work.

Students with Other Special Needs: Extend response time and modify exit ticket to fit student needs.
For instance, keeping the fractions will smaller numbers that are easier to understand.

Describe how you will monitor, support, and extend student thinking.

• Whole group discussion about vocabulary and how to represent fractions using pictures.
• Giving the students the vocabulary sheet with definitions to put into their math journal.

(Quizzes, Tests, products)

Given the independent worksheet, students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of representing fractions using
pictorial sets by explaining their thinking in numbers and pictures with at least 85% accuracy. The worksheet will have 4
problems, one point will be given for each correct answer.
B. Explain how the lesson plan from part A could be modified to be a cross -
disciplinary lesson. Include modifications to each of the following in your
The cross-disciplinary lesson will include both English language arts and math.
Students will have the problems in both pictorial fractions and word
problems. The students will also be shown how to write fractions in math
and using English language arts.
● instruction: the modification to instruction is also including word
problems along with the pictorial fractions and showing what fractions
look like in math and how they would look like in English language arts.
● skills: The modification to the skills is how we are focusing on how to
make fractions from pictures and from word problems.
● content: The modification to the content is how we are now focusing on
the literacy side to math, which is word problems.

1. Explain how the modified lesson from part B aligns to all relevant
standards. Include the associated alphanumeric code and full
description for each standard in your explanation.
3 grade math standard:

3 rd grade English Language Arts standard:

• L.3.4a: Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word
or phrase.
• L.3.5.b: Identify real-life connections between words and their use.

This new lesson aligns with all relevant standards because the math
standard, 3.NF.A.1, we are still using to find fractions. We are just
using two English language standards, L.3.4a: Use sentence-level
context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase and L.3.5.b:
Identify real-life connections between words and their use, to
decipher words problems in order to represent what a fraction
would look like from a word problem.
2. Explain how your modifications to the plan’s instruction, skills, and
content would increase the relevance of the lesson and impact student
engagement and motivation in the lesson.
The modifications to the lesson will increase relevance and engagement
because it now has students using skills from other subjects and relating
the word problems to real-world experiences. This will give them
confidence in their skills to be able to figure out what words in a word
problem will be able to give them the information they need to
represent a word fraction, as well as being able to relate the word
problems to the real world.

C. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content

that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Maryland State Board of Education (MSBE). (2024). 3rd grade Math


Maryland State Board of Education (MSBE). (2024). 3 rd grade English

Language Arts Standards.

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