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Content Modeling For Social Media Text: Christina Sauper

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Content Modeling for Social Media Text

Christina Sauper
Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of MAss TTUE
Doctor of Philosophy JUL 01 2012
at the
June 2012
© Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2012. All rights reserved.

Author ................ ...................

Department of 4 lectrical Engineering and Computer Science
May 14, 2012

Certified by........... ...... .... Rg.. Bar...i..

Regina Barzilay
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Thesis Supervisor

Accepted by A...
. cce.. ted
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J -
Leslie A. Kolodziejski
Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses
Content Modeling for Social Media Text

Christina Sauper

Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

on May 14, 2012, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy

This thesis focuses on machine learning methods for extracting information from user-
generated content. Instances of this data such as product and restaurant reviews have
become increasingly valuable and influential in daily decision making. In this work,
I consider a range of extraction tasks such as sentiment analysis and aspect-based
review aggregation. These tasks have been well studied in the context of newswire
documents, but the informal and colloquial nature of social media poses significant
new challenges.
The key idea behind our approach is to automatically induce the content structure
of individual documents given a large, noisy collection of user-generated content.
This structure enables us to model the connection between individual documents and
effectively aggregate their content. The models I propose demonstrate that content
structure can be utilized at both document and phrase level to aid in standard text
analysis tasks. At the document level, I capture this idea by joining the original task
features with global contextual information. The coupling of the content model and
the task-specific model allows the two components to mutually influence each other
during learning. At the phrase level, I utilize a generative Bayesian topic model where
a set of properties and corresponding attribute tendencies are represented as hidden
variables. The model explains how the observed text arises from the latent variables,
thereby connecting text fragments with corresponding properties and attributes.

Thesis Supervisor: Regina Barzilay

Title: Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

I have been extremely fortunate throughout this journey to have the support of many
wonderful people. It is only with their help and encouragement that this thesis has
come into existence.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my advisor, Regina Barzilay. She has
been an incredible source of knowledge and inspiration; she has a sharp insight about
interesting directions of research, and she is a strong role model in a field in which
women are still a minority. Her high standards and excellent guidance have shaped
my work into something I can be truly proud of. My thesis committee members,
Peter Szolovits and James Glass, have also provided invaluable discussion as to the
considerations of this work applied to their respective fields, analysis of medical data
and speech processing.
Working with my coauthor, Aria Haghighi, was an intensely focused and amazing
time; he has been a great friend and collaborator to me, and I will certainly miss the
late-night coding with Tosci's ice cream. I am very grateful to Alan Woolf, Michelle
Zeager, Bill Long, and the other members of the Fairwitness group for helping to
make my introduction to the medical world as smooth as possible.
My fellow students at MIT are a diverse and fantastic group of people: my group-
mates from the Natural Language Processing group, including Ted Benson, Branavan,
Harr Chen, Jacob Eisenstein, Yoong Keok Lee, Tahira Naseem, and Ben Snyder; my
officemates, including David Sontag and Paresh Malalur; and my friends from GSB
and other areas of CSAIL. They have always been there for good company and stim-
ulating discussions, both related to research and not. I am thankful to all, and I wish
them the best for their future endeavors.
Finally, I dedicate this thesis to my family. They have stood by me through good
times and bad, and it is through their loving support and their neverending faith in
me that I have made it this far.


1 Introduction 12
1.1 Modeling content structure for text analysis tasks . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.2 Modeling relation structure for informative aggregation 20
1.3 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.4 O utline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2 Modeling content structure for text analysis tasks 25

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.2 Related work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2.1 Task-specific models for relevance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2.2 Topic modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.2.3 Discourse models of document structure . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3 M odel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.3.1 Multi-aspect phrase extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Model overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Inference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4 Leveraging unannotated data ... 41
2.3.2 Multi-aspect sentiment analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 M odel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Inference . . . . . . . ... .... ... .... .. . 44
2.4 Data sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... .... ... 44
2.4.1 Multi-aspect sentiment analysis .. .. .... ... .... .. 45
2.4.2 Multi-aspect summarization . . .. ... .... ... ... .. 47
2.5 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4g
2.5.1 Multi-aspect phrase extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Baselines . . . . . . . .... .. .... ... .... 50 Evaluation metrics . . .... ... .... ... ... 51 Results . . . . . . . . . ... ... .... ... ... 52
2.5.2 Multi-aspect sentiment analysis .. ... ... ... .... .. 55 Baselines . . . . . . . .. ... .... ... .... . 56 Evaluation metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Results . . . . . . . . ... ... .... ... ... . 56
2.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... ... .... ... 57

3 Modeling relation structure for informative aggregation 59

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.2 Related work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.2.1 Single-aspect sentiment analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.2.2 Aspect-based sentiment analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Data-mining and fixed-aspect techniques for sentiment
analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Multi-document summarization and its application to
sentiment analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Probabilistic topic modeling for sentiment analysis . 70

3.3 Problem formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.3.1 Model components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.3.2 Problem setup. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.4 Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.4.1 General formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.4.2 Model extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3.5 Inference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
3.5.1 Inference for model extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.6 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.6.1 Joint identification of aspect and sentiment . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Domain challenges and modeling te chniques . . . . . 94 Cluster prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Sentiment analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Per-word labeling accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
3.6.2 Aspect identification with shared aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Domain challenges and modeling te chniques . . . . . 104 Cluster prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
3.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

4 Conclusion 109
4.1 Future Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

A Condensr 113
A.1 System implementation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
A.2 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

List of Figures

1-1 A comparison of potential content models for summarization and sen-

tim ent analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
(a) A content model for summarization focused on identifying topics
in text. ....... ............................... 14
(b) A content model for sentiment analysis focused on identifying
sentiment-bearing sentences in text. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1-2 Three reviews about the same restaurant discussing different aspects
and opinions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1-3 An excerpt from a DVD review demonstrating ambiguity which can be
resolved through knowledge of structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1-4 Sample text analysis tasks to which document structure is introduced. 19
(a) Example system input and output on the multi-aspect sentiment
analysis task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
(b) Example system input and output on the multi-aspect phrase
extraction dom ain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1-5 An example of the desired input and output of our system in the restau-
rant domain, both at corpus-level and at snippet-level. . . . . . . . . 21
(a) Example of system input and output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

(b) Ideal per-word labeling for several snippets. . . . . . . . . . . . 221

2-1 An excerpt from a DVD review illustrating ambiguous aspect of a

sentim ent word. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2-2 A graphical depiction of our model for sequence labeling tasks, as de-
scribed in Section 2.3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2-3 A graphical depiction of the generative process for a labeled document
at training time, as described in Section 2.3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2-4 Sample labeled text from the multi-aspect sentiment corpus. . . . . . 45
2-5 Sample labeled text from the three multi-aspect summarization corpora. 46
(a) Sample labeled text from Amazon HDTV reviews . . . . . . . . 46
(b) Sample labeled text from Yelp restaurant reviews . . . . . . . . 46
(c) Sample labeled text from medical summaries . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2-6 Annotation procedure for the multi-aspect phrase labeling task. . . . 49
2-7 Results for multi-aspect phrase extraction on the Amazon corpus us-
ing the complete annotated set with varying amounts of additional
unlabeled data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2-8 Results for multi-aspect phrase extraction on the Amazon corpus us-
ing half of the annotated training documents with varying amounts of
additional unlabeled data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2-9 Screenshot of CONDENSR, our demo system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

3-1 An example of the desired input and output of our system in the restau-
rant dom ain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3-2 Example clusters of restaurant review snippets generated by a lexical
clustering algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3-3 Labeled model components from the example in Figure 3-1. . . . . . 74
3-4 A summary of the generative model presented in Section 3.4.1. ..... 78
3-5 A graphical description of the model presented in Section 3.4.1. . . 79
3-6 A graphical description of the model with shared aspects presented in
Section 3.4.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

3-7 The mean-field variational algorithm used during learning and infer-
ence procedure, as described in Section 3.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
3-8 Variational inference update steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
(a) Inference procedure for snippet aspect, Zii............ . 88
(b) Inference procedure for snippet value, Z. . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
(c) Inference procedure for word topic, ZW . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
3-9 Example snippets from the review data set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3-10 Training curve of DISCRIMINATIVE baseline as number of training ex-
am ples increases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
3-11 An illustration of the tree expansion procedure for value words. . . . 102
3-12 Example snippets from the medical data set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

A-1 Map interface on CONDENSR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

A-2 Browsing interface on CONDENSR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
A-3 Several complete tooltips from a variety of restaurants on CONDENSR. 122
(a) The Beehive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
(b) The Anaheim White House . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
(c) H erbivore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
(d) Luigi's D'italia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
(e) Valencia Pizza & Pasta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
(f) Grendel's Den Restaurant & Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
(g) The Helmand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

List of Tables

2.1 A summary of notation for the multi-aspect phrase extraction task. . 36

2.2 A summary of data set statistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.3 Results for multi-aspect phrase extraction on the Yelp corpus. . . . . 51
2.4 Results for multi-aspect phrase extraction on the medical corpus. 51
2.5 Results for multi-aspect phrase extraction on the Amazon corpus. 52
2.6 Error rate on multi-aspect sentiment ranking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

3.1 Mathematical notation introduced in this chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . 77

3.2 Seed words used by the model for the restaurant corpus. . . . . . . . 94
3.3 Results for the cluster prediction task on both domains, using the MUC
m etric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3.4 Sentiment prediction accuracy of our model compared to the DISCRIM-
INATIVE and SEED baselines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3.5 Correct annotation of a set of phrases containing elements which may
be confusing. These phrases are used to test annotators before they
are accepted to annotate the actual test data. ............... 101
3.6 Per-word labeling precision and recall of our model compared to the
TAGS-SMALL and TAGS-FULL baselines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

3.7 Examples of high-precision, low-recall aspect word labeling by our full
m od el. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
3.8 Results for the cluster prediction task on both domains, using the MUC
metric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

A.1 The full set of terms and locations used for CONDENSR, as well as the
final count of restaurants for each major area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
(a) Set of locations, grouped by major metropolitan area. . . . . . . 118
(b) Set of search term s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
(c) Number of restaurants for each area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118



Across the Internet, there is a growing collection of user-generated text data in many
domains: product and restaurant reviews, personal blogs, stories about events, and
many more. The sheer amount of data can be overwhelming for users who may want
a quick summary of product features or advice on dish selection at a restaurant. The
data found in social media is quite different than traditional formal news text, and
therefore it poses several new challenges: First, there is a notable lack of structure in
social media text. While professional or formal writing has a generally well-defined
layout with a logical flow of topics through paragraphs and sentences, social media
is far more disorganized. Second, social media text is fraught with typos and novel
words. Inventions such as OMG or awesometastic are easily understandable in con-
text to human readers; however, there is no way to anticipate every novel word in the
training data for supervised tasks. Third, the text often requires situational context
for successful interpretation. Rather than including a full explanation with back-
ground information, authors of social media text often assume a significant amount
of knowledge. Addressing these challenges is crucial for the success of text analysis

One way to approach this problem is to induce a representation of document
structure useful for the task at hand. For example, consider the text in Figure 1-1.
As an example application, to summarize this text, it is crucial that a high-quality
summary have good coverage of the information discussed. One approach would be
to rank sentences in terms of their 'goodness' for a final summary, then select the
top sentences; however, this does not guarantee that we get a summary with good
coverage of the topics. By utilizing a content model, we can learn a structure based on
the underlying topic of the text (Figure 1-la); e.g., we can learn that the first sentence
discusses the quality of the food, the second part mentions their opinion of ambiance,
and so on. Then, we can select sentences from each area to ensure the completeness
of our summary. Another possible application would be to predict the sentiment
of the text, one approach would be to use a standard binary classifier (positive vs.
negative) over words in the document; however, because only the subjective sentences
are relevant to this distinction, the objective sentences simply introduce noise. As
in the summarization case, we can leverage the document content to improve the
performance on the task; however, in this case, a different representation will be
helpful. Instead, we can learn a model of structure designed to identify sentiment-
bearing sentences (Figure 1-1b), then apply our sentiment analysis to those sentences
only. This will eliminate the noise from objective sentences. As we examine more
tasks, we find that each text analysis task receives benefit from a different model of
document structure.
These types of content models have been well-studied for a variety of discourse
tasks, such as sentence ordering and extractive summarization. It is well-known
that even basic models of document structure can boost the performance of these
tasks. However, even for discourse tasks, there are many different potential models
of document structure to choose from. For summarization, one approach focuses
on identifying topics, as mentioned above. Alternatively, we could use one of the
traditional discourse models. For example, Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) [52]
focuses on describing the organization of text in terms of key discourse relations,
such as Causality to describe a cause and effect relationship. When combined, these

K foo d. Nice atmosphere. j would go mostly for the ambiance.
We had an early dinner after returning from Logan airport. 3The staff was
frierly and seated us early.
We had the crispy n1lett lls 11nd -a(lad foape izers. sld
,The vas
1'resh an. t~ast Sy b he 1t athalls lacked te Ay gilfried1 Ikd se1ared
sea scalpswhich ;pds1() 1ackI ast( thoigh l e4y ere coo(k1d igh I
bad 41afood risot t1o, The11c taste (ri) 7as ad tl w
p4eny1o squid and good chuck of lob~ster%

O v er1d. fo(1 was unimpri ess The best thing about this restaurant
is the anibiance and h9tel decor, as it is situated within Hotel Marlowe,
which has a chic lobby. It beats dining at the Cheesecake Factory.
(a) A content model for summarization focusing on identifying topics in text. Sentences de-
scribing food are colored orange and labeled with 1, describing atmosphere are colored green
and labeled with 2, and describing service are colored purple and labeled with 3.

OK food. Nice atmosphere. I would go mostly for the ambiance.

We had an early dinner after returning from Logan airport. The staff was friendly
and seated us early.
We had the crispy meatballs and salad for appetizers. The salad was fresh
and tasty, but the meatballs lacked taste. My girlfriend had seared sea
scallops, which also lacked taste though they were cooked right. I had
seafood risotto. The taste was (surprise!) bland...but there was plenty of
squid and good chuck of lobster.
Overall, food was unimpressive. The best thing about this restaurant is
the ambiance and hotel decor, as it is situated within Hotel Marlowe,
which has a chic lobby. It beats dining at the Cheesecake Factory.
(b) A content model for sentiment analysis focused on identifying sentiment-bearing sentences
in text. Sentiment-bearing sentences are colored blue.

Figure 1-1: A comparison of potential content models for summarization and senti-
ment analysis. Note that the two content models are incompatible; some information
relevant to one model is completely irrelevant to the other. For example, several
sentences about food are purely descriptive, rather than sentiment-bearing.

relations form a tree describing the hierarchy of content organization in a document,
which can then be used to distinguish critical pieces of information from the auxiliary
ones. Additionally, the concept of Entity Grids [1] can be leveraged when coherence
is a driving factor in the task, such as sentence ordering or the evaluation of summary
coherence. Each of these models of structure is beneficial for a variety of tasks, but
there is no one standard model of content or discourse structure [84]. When compared
to a field like syntax, where structure is well-defined and there is little disagreement
as to what constitutes a valid syntactic model, the number of possible choices for
modeling content structure is overwhelming. There is a gap between the structure
provided by these models and the needs of the applications we would like to address.
To address the challenges of these tasks on social media text, this dissertation
explores two main hypotheses:

Learning document structure in an application-specific manner improves end task per-

formance. It is difficult to predefine what structure may be beneficial for a given ap-
plication; however, we demonstrate that it is possible to learn an appropriate content
model automatically. By jointly learning a content model in an unsupervised fashion
with a traditional supervised task, we can specifically tailor the content model to
boost task performance. This formulation allows us to capture the relevant structure
that exists in loosely-structured documents such as those in social media without
having to pre-specify what format that structure should take.

Modeling the structure of relations in text allows informative aggregation across mul-

tiple documents. We define text relations as consisting of an aspect (e.g., a property

or main discussion point) and a value (e.g., sentiment or other information directly
tied to the aspect). With this definition, we can design a flexible model for effec-
tive minimally-supervised content aggregation able to discover specific, fine-grained
aspects and their respective values. Rather than creating a pipeline model as in
previous work, our intuition is that learning aspect and value jointly and leverag-
ing information from the entire data set improves the performance of both aspect
selection and value identification.

OK food. Nice atmosphere. I would go mostly for the ambiance.
We had an early dinner after returning from Logan airport. The staff was friendly
and seated us early.
We had the crispy meatballs and salad for appetizers. The salad was fresh and tasty,
but the meatballs lacked taste. My girlfriend had seared sea scallops, which also
lacked taste though they were cooked right. I had seafood risotto. The taste was
(surprise!) bland.. .but there was plenty of squid and good chuck of lobster.
Overall, food was unimpressive. The best thing about this restaurant is the am-
biance and hotel decor, as it is situated within Hotel Marlowe, which has a chic
lobby. It beats dining at the Cheesecake Factory.

Let's start with the restaurant itself. It's inside Hotel Marlowe near the Galleria.
Dimly lit for ambiance with rustic dark wood tables and a flameless candle. It's
different.. .can't decide whether I like it or not though.
Service was average 1MO....
To start if off we got an order of Arancini, a couple orders of Fried Squid and Lobster
Bisque. The waiter brought out a dish that looked like 3 meatballs with tomato
sauce.. .I thought to myself "we ordered meatballs??". That was the Arancini. It was
alright.. .crispy, almost crunchy on the outside and the inside was.. .like a meatball.
For entree - I got the Signature Steak Frites. Let me start off with the fries which
were very good. Thin cut and crispy.. .similar to Burger King fries (this is a compli-
ment) except it doesn't leave an aftertaste of lard in your mouth. The rest of the
dish not so much....
Other entrees at my table were the Shrimp & Clam Linguini (linguini were either
made chewy or it was slightly undercooked), Lobster Risotto (pretty good), Pan
Seared Scallops (scallops were good but only had about 5 smallish pieces in the
dish), Pan Roasted Cod (didn't try it).

A much cooler choice than other restaurants in the area, chains like Cheesecake
Factory and PF Changs are just so blah. If you're looking for someplace American
but kind of new, different, and trendy, go to Bambara!
Very nice ambiance. Very friendly service. Menu is somewhat small, but specialized,
everything is fresh and seems like it is ready to order. I got the veggie burger and it
was seriously the BEST VEGGIE BURGER I've ever had. I also got a margarita,
and it was deliciously strong!
I would totally come again for the veggie burger. Yum!


Figure 1-2: Three reviews about the same restaurant discussing different aspects and
opinions. Note that although there is a large difference in structure and content
between reviews, there is also significant overlap; e.g., all three reviews discuss the
ambiance, service, and various dishes, though they disagree on some aspects.
While not particularly aggressive or immersive in any way, this mix is still
expertly orchestrated. ... Dialogue is clean and clear and never flushed out
by other elements. For a light-hearted quirky picture, Anchor Bay has done a
great job.

Figure 1-3: An excerpt from a DVD review. 1 Given the highlighted sentence alone,
we cannot determine what part of the product the sentiment word great refers to.
Through the use of a content model, we can identify that this section of the review
refers to audio quality.

As a first motivating example, consider the tasks of multi-aspect phrase extraction

and informative aggregation on review text from Figure 1-2. While these reviews
do not follow a rigid format like formal text (e.g., newspaper articles), we can still
distinguish structure to the underlying content. There are pieces of each review
which talk about food, service, and ambiance, and we see a similar pattern across
other restaurant reviews. We can leverage this underlying content structure of the
document to assist in the task of multi-aspect phrase extraction; e.g., if a particular
phrase is salient and appears in the section of the document discussing food, it is
likely food-related as well and should be extracted. We can then design a model
for informative aggregation which identifies fine-grained aspects and their sentiment
rating based on these extracted phrases; for example, in this data set, we would want
to know that the arancini and scallops are generally reviewed negatively, the veggie
burger is rated positively, and the lobster risotto has mixed opinion. In order to
successfully complete both tasks, we must understand the underlying structure of
both overall document content and relations in the text.
A further example can be seen in Figure 1-3. The highlighted sentence is definitely
a positive one; however, there is nothing in that sentence alone to distinguish what the
positive sentiment refers to. Through the use of a content model, we can discover that
this section of the review is discussing audio quality. In both examples, recovering the
overall document structure can be the key to successfully distinguishing the signal
from the noise. For social media text, it is crucial that we can do so in a flexible
fashion, able to adapt to many different tasks which differ greatly in their relevant
representation of content.

These two ideas-a generalized method of incorporating content structure into
text analysis tasks and a formulation for informative data aggregation-are the main
technical contribution of this thesis. I develop these ideas in the context of several text
analysis tasks: multi-aspect phrase extraction, multi-aspect sentiment analysis, and
informative aggregation. Below, I summarize these approaches and their application
to each task.

1.1 Modeling content structure for text analysis tasks

Our first task investigates the benefit of content structure for two standard text
analysis tasks, namely multi-aspect phrase extraction and multi-aspect sentiment
analysis. For the phrase extraction task, we would like to extract phrases for each of
several pre-specified aspects; for example, aspects may be food, service, and ambiance
in the restaurant domain. For the sentiment analysis task, we would like to rate each
aspect (e.g., movie, sound quality, picture quality, and packaging for DVD reviews)
on a scale from 1 (worst) to 10 (best). Figure 1-4 illustrates the input and output of
both tasks.
Both of these tasks are well-studied; however, they are traditionally approached
either with no information about overall document structure or with limited relevance
judgments to limit the scope of each decision; e.g., using only sentences containing
opinions to determine document sentiment. The goal of this work, therefore, is to first
describe a flexible framework for incorporation of document structure in a variety of
tasks, and second to evaluate the effects of information about content structure on
task performance.
We introduce a joint modeling framework which is sufficiently general to express
both multi-aspect sentiment analysis and multi-aspect phrase extraction, as well as
other analysis tasks. This framework consists of a content model which defines latent
variables to represent the content structure coupled with a traditional task-specific
model (e.g., linear-chain CRF or linear regression). By combining the models in this
'Retrieved from http: //bluray. ign.com/articles/107/107949Op2.html.

This collection certainly offers some nostalgic fun, but
Movie at the end of the day, the shows themselves, for the (5)
most part, just don't hold up.
Regardless, this is a fairly solid presentation, but it's
Video (7)
obvious there was room for improvement.

. Bass is still robust and powerful. Fans should be

Audio . .(8)
pleased with this presentation.

The deleted scenes were quite lengthy, but only shelled

Extras (4)
out a few extra laughs.

(a) Example system input and output on the multi-aspect sentiment analysis task.
Each document contains several paragraphs discussing each of four aspects, where the
paragraph aspect labels are not given. The text analysis task is to induce a numeric
score for each aspect, from 1 (worst) to 10 (best).

... ACasual, romantic, french farmhouse inspired.... This

is a farm-to-table restaurant with rs and Iwa igdi-
S.... Our waiter was a true professional, proud of the A = Atmosphere
restaurant and its reputation.... F = Food
We had the six course tasting menu, and it was paced very well. S = Service
...the quabflty of,the
the iui~ ~iiu
entree(and d11 wr1 V = Value

... Swonderful wine advice from our waiter (he suggested 0 Overall
a vsurprisingly affordable wine...). Sure VI winced a
little at the price tag, but 01 can't wait to go back.
(b) Example system input and output on the multi-aspect phrase extraction domain. Each document
contains a free-form social media review which may discuss several desired aspects in addition to ir-
relevant topics. The text analysis task is to identify phrases which discuss any of several pre-defined

Figure 1-4: Examples of text analysis tasks to which we add document structure;
specifically, multi-aspect sentiment analysis and multi-aspect phrase extraction. Us-
ing a consistent framework, we add a content model to each task which is learned
jointly with the task parameters. The quality of the content model-and therefore, the
task performance-can be increased through the addition of unlabeled training data.

fashion, we allow them to mutually influence each other during learning. Through
feedback from the task-specific model, the content model becomes better-suited for
the task, while the information about structure from the content model improves
the performance of the task-specific model. The combined model can be learned
efficiently using a novel EM-based joint training algorithm.
We assume that the task-specific model is given annotated training data standard
for the task, but the content model is learned without any annotations. Instead, we
show that the model can leverage a large volume of unlabeled data to increase the
quality of the content model, which in turn increases the task performance as well.

1.2 Modeling relation structure for informative aggregation

Our second task is to provide a mechanism for effective minimally-supervised content

aggregation. Specifically, for a given data set, we would like to identify a set of
fine-grained aspects representing the main points of discussion and any additional
information relevant to those points. For example, in the domain of restaurant reviews
shown in Figure 1-5, our goal is to identify the relevant aspects for each restaurant,
such as chicken, dessert, and drinks for Tasca Spanish Tapas and to find the associated
sentiment values; in this case, generally positive for dessert and somewhat mixed for
chicken and drinks.
While there has been prior work on multi-aspect sentiment analysis [38, 64, 11,
71, 81], this problem formulation poses several unique challenges. Previous work has
often relied on supervised approaches or pre-defined aspects [11, 71, 74, 80]; however,
in our setup, we cannot predict a priori what fine-grained aspects may be important.
Therefore, we must define aspects dynamically based on the data. Text from social
media outlets often contains many spelling errors and novel words (e.g., the use of
delish as a replacement for delicious), so the model must be able to generalize and
predict how to deal with unseen words. Additionally, in order to effectively aggregate
both aspects and values, it is crucial for the model to distinguish whether each word
should be treated as an aspect word or a value word.

Input Output

Tasca Spanish Tapas Tasca Spanish Tapas

Review 1 Chicken
The chicken was cooked perfectly + The chicken was cooked perfectly
The dessert was good - The chicken was tough and not tasty
Review 2 + Moist and delicious chicken
The red wine's not too cheap Dessert
An excellent creme brulee + The dessert was good
+ An excellent creme brulee
Review 3
They used frozen small shrimp Drinks
The chicken was tough and not tasty - The red wine's not too cheap
Pitcher sangria was pretty good + Pitcher sangria was pretty good

Douzo Sushi Bar Douzo Sushi Bar

Review 1 Sushi
The sushi is creative and pretty good + The sushi is creative and pretty good
The ponzu was overpowering - My torched roll tasted rather bland
Review 2 Condiments
Real wasabi that's so fresh! - The ponzu was overpowering
My torched roll tasted rather bland + Real wasabi that's so fresh!

(a) Example system input, consisting of review snippets across many reviews for each of the restau-
rants in the corpus. Example system output, showing several dynamically selected aspects with the
correspondingly labeled snippets, in addition to sentiment value labeling for each snippet.

The noodles and the meat were actually +pretty good.

I +recommen~d the chicken noodle pho.
The noodles were
The chicken pho was also +good.

(b) Ideal per-word labeling for several snippets from the aspect pho. Aspect words and positive and
negative value words are bolded and underlined; aspect words are blue with a straight underline,
positive sentiment value words are green with a wavy underline and marked with a plus (+), and
negative sentiment value words are red with a wavy underline and marked with a minus (-).

Figure 1-5: An example of our informative aggregation task in the restaurant domain.
The input consists of a collection of review snippets for several restaurants. The out-
put is an aggregation of snippets by aspect (e.g., chicken and dessert) along with an
associated sentiment for each snippet. Words in the output are labeled according to
which distribution they are drawn from; aspect words from one of the dynamically se-
lected aspect distributions and value words from either positive or negative sentiment
value distributions.

To address these challenges, we propose a generative Bayesian topic model where
the set of aspects and corresponding values are represented as hidden variables. Each
piece of text input is assumed to contain one aspect and one value, and each word in
the text is assumed to be generated from the corresponding aspect distribution, the
corresponding value distribution, or a general background distribution. By modeling
transitions, the system can identify common patterns of these word distributions; for
example, in restaurant review text it is common to have a value word followed by an
aspect word, as in great pizza. In addition to the factors within a piece of input text,
our model also incorporates several factors across the text describing each individual
entity, leveraging the intuition from multi-document summarization that important
text should be repeated many times within the input documents.
By utilizing a combination of these pieces of information, our model is able to
jointly induce both the set of relevant aspects and the corresponding sentiment values,
improving performance of both aspect identification and sentiment analysis.

1.3 Contributions
The main contributions of this thesis are threefold:

e Modeling content structure to improve analysis tasks I demonstrate

the benefit of modeling content structure for tasks which traditionally have
not included this information. It is critical to know what form the content
model should take, as each task requires a different set of information about
content. To accomplish this, I introduce a framework which can automatically
induce the correct model of content structure for any particular analysis task by
jointly learning the parameters for an unsupervised content model with those
of the supervised task-specific model.

e Modeling the structure of text relations for better data aggregation

I present a minimally-supervised model for informative data aggregation which
leverages the structure of relations in text. Rather than splitting data aggre-

gation into a pipeline of steps as in prior work, this model provides a joint
formulation that combines aspect identification (i.e., determining the most rele-
vant subjects in text) with value (e.g., sentiment value or other aspect associated
with the text).

* Systems for automatic review summarization I create a complete end-

to-end system capable of analyzing social media review text and producing a
meaningful aggregation over all reviews for each restaurant. This system first
performs multi-aspect phrase extraction designed with the generalized model of
content structure. Then, the resulting phrases are aggregated using the model
of text relations. To put them together in a meaningful way, I present a demo
which integrates the resulting snippets with Google Maps, allowing effective
review summarization for users.

1.4 Outline

The remainder of thesis proceeds as follows:

* Chapter 2 examines generalized content modeling for text analysis appli-

cations. To do this, I introduce a flexible framework for coupling a general
content model with an existing task-specific model. Through joint learning,
this formulation can improve the relevance of the content model for the task at
hand. I demonstrate the benefits of including content structure and of learning
jointly through experiments with two different task-specific models, linear re-
gression and a linear-chain CRF. In each case, task performance increases with
a higher-quality content model.

" Chapter 3 focuses on the task of content aggregation across a corpus through
leveraging the structure of relations in text. These relations are defined as
consisting of aspects and their corresponding values, and their structure in text
can be modeled with an easily-extensible Bayesian graphical model. I perform
experiments on two domains, namely restaurant reviews from Yelp and medical

summary text, and I demonstrate empirical benefit on relevant tasks such as
aspect identification and sentiment analysis.

* Chapter 4 summarizes the work presented in this thesis and discusses oppor-
tunities for future work, such as introducing more complex models of structure
and aggregating data across time.


Modeling content structure for text analysis tasks

In this chapter, I consider the task of generalized content modeling for text anal-
ysis tasks. We introduce a flexible framework for incorporating an unsupervised
document-level model of document structure with traditional approaches for analysis
tasks, such as linear chain conditional random fields for text extraction and linear
regression for assigning numeric scores. The parameters of the model are learned
efficiently using a joint approach in order to tailor the content model to the needs
of the analysis task. We empirically demonstrate that content modeling is useful for
these text analysis tasks, that joint learning does improve the quality of the learned
content model in many cases, and that additional unlabeled data can be used to boost
the quality of the content model.
The remainder of this chapter proceeds as follows: In Section 2.1, we motivate
this problem and give a high-level overview of our solution. In Section 2.2, we de-
scribe how our approach relates to previous work in content modeling. We provide a
problem formulation in Section followed by a description of our model in Sec-
tion We provide a formal description of the learning and inference procedures
Code is available at http://groups.csail.mit. edu/rbg/code/content structure/.

While not particularly aggressive or immersive in any way, this mix
. is still expertly orchestrated. ... Dialogue is clean and clear and
Audio (8)
never flushed out by other elements. For a light-hearted quirky
picture, Anchor Bay has done a great job.

While certainly not a glossy production by any means, the transfer

Video disappoints quite a bit. This is a pretty flat presentation with (6)
surprisingly soft visuals and flat color design.

Figure 2-1: An excerpt from a DVD review. Note that the sentiment word great in
the highlighted sentence is an indicator of positive sentiment; however, the aspect
that it describes is ambiguous in isolation.

in Sections and, respectively. To close the description of our model, we

discuss methods for incorporating additional unlabeled data in Section and for

generalizing to other tasks in Section 2.3.2. For the practical application of our work,

we present our four data sets in Section 2.4 and our experimental setup and results

in Section 2.5, including work on both mutli-aspect phrase extraction (Section 2.5.1)

and multi-aspect sentiment analysis (Section 2.5.2). Finally, we conclude with an

analysis of the benefits of this model and directions for future work in Section 2.6.

2.1 Introduction
Leveraging document structure significantly benefits many text analysis applications,

such as information extraction and sentiment analysis. As a motivating example,

consider determining the sentiment of several aspects of a product, based on the

review excerpt shown in Figure 2-1. In this task, we would like to assign separate

sentiment ratings to each aspect - in this example, the aspects of audio and video

quality. While the "great" is a strong indicator of positive sentiment, the sentence

in which it appears does not specify the aspect to which it relates. Resolving this

ambiguity requires information about global document structure.

A central challenge in utilizing such information lies in finding a relevant represen-

tation of content structure for a specific text analysis task. For instance, when per-

forming single-aspect sentiment analysis, the most relevant aspect of content structure

is whether a given sentence is objective or subjective [59]. In a multi-aspect setting,
however, information about the sentence topic is required to determine the aspect to
which a sentiment-bearing word relates [74]. As we can see from even these closely
related applications, the content structure representation should be intimately tied
to a specific text analysis task.
In this work, we present an approach in which a content model is learned jointly
with a text analysis task. We assume annotated training data for the analysis task
itself, but we learn the content model from raw, unannotated text. Our approach is
implemented in a discriminative framework using latent variables to represent facets
of content structure. In this framework, the original task features (e.g., lexical ones)
are conjoined with latent variables to enrich the features with global contextual in-
formation. For example, in Table 2-1, the feature associated with the word "great"
should contribute most strongly to the sentiment of the audio aspect when it is aug-
mented with a relevant topic indicator.
The coupling of the content model and the task-specific model allows the two
components to mutually influence each other during learning. The content model
leverages unannotated data to improve the performance of the task-specific model,
while the task-specific model provides feedback to improve the relevance of the con-
tent model. The combined model can be learned effectively using a novel EM-based
method for joint training. Because the content model is learned in an unsupervised
fashion, we can additionally improve its quality through the addition of more raw
text. This is especially beneficial for applications to text analysis tasks on social
media, where annotations are expensive to acquire but we often have a large volume
of raw text available.
We evaluate our approach on two complementary text analysis tasks. Our first
task is a multi-aspect sentiment analysis task, where a system predicts the aspect-
specific sentiment ratings [74]. Second, we consider a multi-aspect extractive sum-
marization task in which a system extracts key properties for a pre-specified set of
aspects. On both tasks, our method for incorporating content structure consistently
outperforms structure-agnostic counterparts. Moreover, jointly learning content and

task parameters yields additional gains over independently learned models.

2.2 Related work

Prior research has demonstrated the benefits of content models for discourse-level
tasks; however, the applications considered in this chapter are typically developed
without discourse information, focusing instead on sentence-level relations. In this
section, we first describe work on leveraging document structure in terms of task-
specific relevance models, such as identifying subjective sentences for sentiment anal-
ysis (Section 2.2.1). Then, we discuss approaches for topic modeling, both as a
standalone task and as a component of models for discourse tasks (Section 2.2.2).
Finally, we describe traditional discourse models and the difficulties in applying them
for the analysis tasks we introduce in our work (Section 2.2.3).

2.2.1 Task-specific models for relevance

Outside of discourse, research has focused on modeling document structure in terms

of relevance of specific pieces of text for particular applications. For example, these
models may focus on determining which pieces of text may be relevant for summa-
rization [4, 63] or identifying subjective sentences for sentiment analysis [59, 18, 75].
These models are generally not concerned about the overall structure of the doc-
ument; instead, they focus on the task-specific relevance of smaller pieces, such as
sentences or paragraphs.
One direction of work focuses on relationships between pieces of a document,
through their content and the structure of the document [4, 59]. For example, Berger
and Mittal [4] explore relevance for query-focused summarization, in which there are
several summaries for each of several documents in a corpus and the goal is to select
the most relevant summary of the most relevant document. Because both queries and
summaries are quite short, there is a problem of extreme sparsity if they are matched
directly. To compensate, they use a probabilistic model smoothed with a series of
backoff distributions over related summaries, the entire document, all documents, and

the corpus as a whole. Using similar intuition on a very different task, Pang and Lee
[59] use a min-cut formulation to identify subjective sentences within a document
as a step to improve document-wide sentiment analysis. Specifically, they utilize
not only individual sentence judgments, but also those of related sentences. In their
experiments, they use sentence proximity to define these association scores.
An alternative to this direction is to leverage linguistic resources such as WordNet
or polarity lexicons as a basis for determining relevance [63, 18, 75]. Patwardhan
and Riloff [63] design an approach for sentence relevance in information extraction,
using a set of seed extraction patterns combined with a semantic category parser.
Using an SVM, they are able to expand the set of good extraction patterns, i.e.,
those which extract relevant text. Choi and Cardie [18] and Somasundaran et al.
[75] utilize a combination of linguistic resources and discourse information in order
to make judgments of relationships between sentences and words. Choi and Cardie
[18] use a compositional model which aggregates information such as sentiment and
negation from several lexicons. Somasundaran et al. [75] focus linking words through
discourse relations.
In each of these approaches, the focus is on finding relevance and relationships
within a document in a specific task-oriented approach, rather than finding a global
view of content. In our work, we would also like to approach information extraction
and sentiment analysis; however, rather than creating unrelated models of content
specific to each, our goal is to introduce an easily-extensible framework which can be
used for both tasks.

2.2.2 Topic modeling

Traditionally, many discourse-level tasks such as sentence ordering [2, 27], extractive
summarization [34, 79, 58, 2, 23, 36], and text segmentation [15] have been devel-
oped using content modeling techniques to identify topics within documents. Since
these tasks are inherently tied to document structure, a content model is essential to
performing them successfully. In addition to this work in discourse-level tasks, topic
modeling has been studied as a standalone task [37, 8]. Several divergent techniques

have emerged for topic modeling for these tasks. Here, we explore a subset of these
approaches and explore their potential for generalization to additional text analysis
The first topic modeling techniques focused on the statistical distributions of words
across pieces of a document. For example, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) was
introduced by Deerwester et al. [25] as a means of indexing the content of documents
and first applied to document summarization by Gong [34]. Through singular value
decomposition, they obtain sets of words which generally appear in similar contexts,
which they identify as topics. Then, they select the sentence from the document
which has the highest index value for each topic. To extend this work, Steinberger
and Jeek [79] and Murray et al. [58] proposed alternate selection algorithms which
prioritize sentences which have high scores all-around and allow selection of multiple
sentences per topic, respectively.
Rather than learning topics in isolation, it is also possible to model their presence
throughout a document. In order to capture the probability of transitioning from one
topic to the next and express the latent topic of individual sentences, some work has
utilized Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) [2, 32, 27]. Barzilay and Lee [2] introduced
this approach and applied it for the tasks of sentence ordering and extraction-based
summarization on a corpus of news articles. Their approach first initializes a set of
topics using clustering techniques similar to earlier work [39, 30]. Then, parameters
of the HMM are estimated via an EM-like approach. For our approach, we define
a similar HMM for our content model, as it is straightforward to implement and
analyze, and it effectively provides an overview of content in the document. Differing
from previous work, rather than clustering sentences to initialize the topics in the
document, we find it sufficient to initialize to a near-uniform distribution.
Content modeling has also been combined with work on discourse coherence to
improve the performance of natural language generation [77, 27]. Soricut and Marcu
[77] address a document coherence task by introducing a generic framework that
integrates the global HMM content model of Barzilay and Lee [2] with the coherence
models such as the entity-based model of Barzilay and Lapata [1] and a novel word-

based model. By incorporating all of these models into a single log-linear model, they
are able to boost performance on the document coherence task. Elsner et al. [27]
also studied the incorporation of local and global features from Barzilay and Lapata
[1] and Barzilay and Lee [2]; however rather than combining these in a log-linear
model, they learn them jointly using a non-parametric HMM. While these models are
designed for very different applications than the ones we present, they illustrate that
content structure can be a powerful source of information for certain text analysis
tasks. These combination models are highly specialized to particular tasks, but our
goal is to introduce a generalized, flexible framework suitable for almost any task.
Following from the work on LSA, Hofmann [37] presented Probabilistic Latent
Semantic Analysis (PLSA). Specifically, PLSA aims to capture the intuition that
documents are formed from a mixture of several topics. One limiting factor in this
work is that it is not a proper generative model; it can only assign probability to
documents which are included in the test set. Additionally, the large parameter
space can lead to overfitting [65]. To overcome these issues, Blei et al. [8] introduced
latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), a generative probabilistic topic model which treats
topic mixture weights as hidden variables, rather than parameters linked explicitly
to the training set. Under this model, each word is generated either from one of the
hidden topics or from a background word distribution.
LDA is easily extensible, and there are several notable variations which are relevant
to our work. For example, Blei and McAuliffe [7] extend LDA to include a response
variable for each document. This response variable could represent anything from
the category of the document to the overall rating in a review. Similarly, Haghighi
and Vanderwende [36] present two modifications of LDA designed for summarization
tasks. The first distinguishes between document-specific and corpus-wide content
information using an approach similar to Daum6 III and Marcu [23]. The second
additionally identifies specific sub-topics, such as finance and merchandise of a specific
movie. While these models improve performance overall on their respective tasks,
this type of architecture does not permit the usage of standard discriminative models
which condition freely on textual features. One of the goals in our work is to create a

framework sufficiently general to incorporate existing discriminative methods for text
analysis with as few restrictions as possible.
Building on both LDA and traditional models for ordering, Chen et al. [15] model
not only which topics are present in a document but also topic ordering in the docu-
ment with respect to the "canonical" ordering. Specifically, they model topics at the
paragraph level and constrain that each topic must occur in at most one contiguous
block. Distance to the canonical ordering is measured using the Generalized Mallows
Model [29]. This formulation allows an effective means of topic identification and
segmentation for data sets which follow certain assumptions; namely, that topics ap-
pear in single contiguous blocks and that there exists some canonical ordering. In our
work, these assumptions do not necessarily hold, and we would like to avoid making
additional assumptions in order to keep the model as general as possible. However,
it would be possible to substitute this model instead of our chosen HMM on a data
set and task for which these assumptions hold.

2.2.3 Discourse models of document structure

Besides topic modeling, research in document structure for discourse tasks has ex-
plored linguistically-inspired discourse relations. Rhetorical Structure Theory [52] is
a key method for describing the organization of text in terms of discourse relations
between pieces of text. Relations are defined between an essential piece of text, the
nucleus, and additional information, satellites. For example, the relation Evidence in-
dicates that one piece of text is intended to increase the reader's belief of the nucleus.
These discourse relations can be recovered from text through sentence-level discourse
parsing models [76] trained with using the RST Discourse Treebank [13]. Information
about these relations benefits tasks such as sentence compression, where the goal is
to reduce the number of words by removing nonessential information [78]. After iden-
tifying relations within a sentence, those which are not critical to its meaning can be
Discourse relations have also been used for summarization tasks [53, 6, 57]. Marcu
[53] demonstrates that rhetorical relations of RST can be utilized to identify the most

salient pieces of text by selecting the nuclei and internal nodes closest to the roots. In
the social media domain, rhetorical relations have been investigated for query-focused
summarization of blogs [57]. Specifically, they define schemata for different types of
queries (comparative, suggestion, and reason) which define the types of relations which
should appear in the resulting summary. Then, with the discourse parser of Soricut
and Marcu [76], they are able to identify predicates to fill in the appropriate schema.
In a similar line of work, Marcu and Echihabi [54] introduce a method for rec-
ognizing Rhetorical-Semantic Relations (RSRs), discourse relations comparable to
those of RST. To accomplish this in a mostly-unsupervised fashion, they define cue
phrases and patterns (e.g., but for the CONTRAST relation), then use these to build a
training corpus. Blair-goldensohn and Mckeown [6] demonstrate that RSRs, specifi-
cally relations for cause and contrast can be integrated with existing multi-document
summarization methods to improve performance.
While this body of work provides compelling evidence for inclusion of discourse
relations for discourse tasks, it is not clear how to incorporate these relations for text
analysis tasks like those we define in this paper. Additionally, extraction of these
relations may be difficult, as it would require either that we can acquire labeled dis-
course data to train a traditional parser or that there are standard discourse patterns
to extract from social media text in the style of Marcu and Echihabi [54].

2.3 Model
In this section, we present a generalized framework for incorporating content structure
with standard models for text analysis tasks. First, in Section 2.3.1, we describe the
full model using the example of multi-aspect phrase extraction, where the content
model is an HMM over sentences and the task-specific model is a linear chain CRF
over words in each sentence. Next, in Section 2.3.2 we present the generalization to
another task, multi-aspect sentiment analysis. For the multi-aspect analysis task, the
content model is an HMM over paragraphs and the task-specific model consists of
independent linear regression models for each aspect sentiment rating.

2.3.1 Multi-aspect phrase extraction

Our first task is multi-aspect phrase extraction. In this task, our goal is to identify
phrases in text which correspond to each of several pre-defined aspects; for instance,
it took 30 minutes for our waiter to come would be labeled as service. We implement
a supervised task-specific model with a linear-chain conditional random field (CRF),
where each word in the document receives a label as being part of either one of
the pre-defined aspects or the background text. We also include a large volume of
unlabeled data to train our content model, an HMM over sentences in the document. Problem Formulation

Our approach assumes that at training time we have a collection of labeled documents
DL, each consisting of the document text s and true task-specific labeling y*. For
this task, y* consists of sequence labels (e.g., value or service) for the tokens of a
document. Specifically, the document text s is composed of sentences si,. .. , s, and
the labelings y* consists of corresponding label sequences y1, . . . , y,. 1
As is common
in related work, we model each yj using a CRF which conditions on the observed
document text.
For this approach, we additionally assume a content model, which we fix in this
work to be the document-level HMM as used in Barzilay and Lee [2]. In this content
model, each sentence si is associated with a hidden topic variable T which generates
the words of the sentence. We will use T = (T 1 ,. . . , T,) to refer to the hidden topic
sequence for a document. We fix the number of topics to a pre-specified constant K.
This content model is trained on the complete labeled data set DL, as well as any
available collection of unlabeled documents Du from the same domain.
A summary of the notation used in this section is presented in Table 2.1.
1Note that each yj is a label sequence
across the words in si, rather than an individual label.


Figure 2-2: A graphical depiction of our model for sequence labeling tasks. The T
variable represents the content model topic for the ith sentence s. The words of si,
(wi, ... , wy"), each have a task label (yl, ... , yf"). Note that each token label has an
undirected edge to a factor containing the words of the current sentence, s as well as
the topic of the current sentence Ti.

Data set
DL Set of labeled documents
Du Set of unlabeled documents
s Document text
si Sentence i of the document
w Word j of sentence Zof the document
Content component
T Hidden topic sequence of a document
T Topic corresponding to si
K Pre-specified number of topics
0 Parameters for the content model
Task component
y Task label sequences
yi Task label sequence corresponding to si
y Task label corresponding to w'
#b Parameters for the task model

Table 2.1: A summary of notation for the multi-aspect phrase extraction task, divided
by function. Note that "sentence" here can be exchanged for a different unit of text;
for example, in the multi-aspect sentiment task, the division is instead by paragraph. Model overview

Our model, depicted in Figure 2-2, proceeds as follows: First the document-level
HMM generates a hidden content topic sequence T for the sentences of a document.
This content component is parametrized by 0 and decomposes in the standard HMM

Po(s, T) = JPo(T|T
2 _1 ) fi P(w|T ) (2.1)
i=1 WEsi

For this formulation, we implement a background topic distribution which is shared

between all topics. Each word in a sentence may be drawn from either the topic-
specific distribution or the shared background distribution. This hierarchical emission
model is intended to capture domain-specific stop words.
The label sequences for each sentence in the document are independently modeled


S Text


Y Task

Figure 2-3: A graphical depiction of the generative process for a labeled document at
training time (See Section 2.3); shaded nodes indicate variables which are observed
at training time. First the latent underlying content structure T is drawn. Then,
the document text s is drawn conditioned on the content structure utilizing content
parameters 0. Finally, the observed task labels for the document are modeled given
s and T using the task parameters 4. Note that the arrows for the task labels are
undirected since they are modeled discriminatively.

as CRFs which condition on both the sentence features and the sentence topic:

PO(yIs, T) =J PO(yIsi, Ti) (2.2)

Each sentence CRF is parametrized by # and takes the standard form:

P4(y;|si, Ti) cx exp { T [fN(y1, si, Ti) + E(, +1

where fN(-) and fE(-) are feature functions associated with CRF nodes and edges


Allowing the CRF to condition on the sentence topic T permits predictions to be

more sensitive to content. For instance, using the example from Table 2-1, we could

have a feature that indicates the word "great" conjoined with the segment topic (see

Figure 2-2). These topic-specific features serve to disambiguate word usage.
This joint process, depicted graphically in Figure 2-3, is summarized as:

P(T, s, y*) = Po(T, s)PO(y*|s, T) (2.3)

Note that this probability decomposes into a document-level HMM term (the content
component) as well as a product of CRF terms (the task component). Learning

During learning, we would like to find the document-level HMM parameters 0 and the
phrase extraction task CRF parameters 4 which maximize the likelihood of the labeled
documents. The only observed elements of a labeled document are the document text
s and the aspect labels y*. This objective is given by:

L (#, 0) = log P(s, y*)


= log P(T, s,y*)

(sY*)CL T

We use the standard Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm to optimize this


E-Step The E-Step in EM requires computing the posterior distribution over latent
variables. In this model, the only latent variables are the sentence topics T. To
compute this term, we utilize the decomposition in Equation (2.3) and rearrange

HMM and CRF terms to obtain:

P(T, s, y*) =PO(T, s)Pp(y*|T, s)

= PO(TiTi_')1) Po(w|Ti) - HPOWylsi, T )

\i=1 WEsa \=

=1JPO(TTi1 )- ( PO(w|T)PO(yf*siTi)
i=1 (wCsi

We note that this expression takes the same form as the document-level HMM, except
that in addition to emitting the words of a sentence, we also have an observation
associated with the sentence sequence labeling. We treat each PO(y*Isi, T) as part of
the node potential associated with the document-level HMM. We utilize the Forward-
Backward algorithm as one would with the document-level HMM in isolation [66],
except that each node potential incorporates this CRF term.

M-Step We perform separate M-Steps for content and task parameters. The M-Step
for the content parameters is identical to the document-level HMM content model:
topic emission and transition distributions are updated with expected counts derived
from E-Step topic posteriors.
The M-Step for the task parameters does not have a closed-form solution. Recall
that in the M-Step, we maximize the log probability of all random variables given
expectations of latent variables. Using the decomposition in Equation (2.3), it is
clear that the only component of the joint labeled document probability which relies
upon the task parameters is log PO(y* s, T). Thus for the M-Step, it is sufficient to
optimize the following with respect to q':

Er ,logP(Y*|s,T) = Er log PO (y*Isi, Ti)
n K

Z IP(T = kIsi, y*) log PO (y*Isi, Ti)

i=1 k=1

The first equality follows from the decomposition of the task component into indepen-
dent CRFs (see Equation (2.2)). Optimizing this objective is equivalent to a weighted
version of the conditional likelihood objective used to train the CRF in isolation. An
intuitive explanation of this process is that there are multiple CRF instances, one for
each possible hidden topic T. Each utilizes different content features to explain the
sentence sequence labeling. These instances are weighted according to the posterior
over T obtained during the E-Step. While this objective is non-convex due to the
summation over T, we can still optimize it using any gradient-based optimization
solver; in our experiments, we used the LBFGS algorithm [47]. Inference

We must predict a label sequence y for each sentence s of the document. We assume a
loss function over a sequence labeling y and a proposed labeling i, which decomposes
L(y,Q) = L(y,1y)

where each position loss is sensitive to the kind of error which is made. Failing to
extract a token is penalized to a greater extent than extracting it with an incorrect
0 if Di = y4
L(y', )= c if y- # NONE andy= NONE

I otherwise

In this definition, NONE represents the background label which is reserved for tokens

which do not correspond to labels of interest. The constant c represents a user-defined

trade-off between precision and recall errors. For our experiments, we select c = 4 for

Yelp and c = 5 for Amazon to combat the high-precision bias typical of conditional

likelihood models.
At inference time, we select the single labeling which minimizes the expected loss

with respect to model posterior over label sequences:

Q = in y gL(y, Q
=min E Yjp L(yi, Qi)

In our case, we must marginalize out the sentence topic T:

P(yIls) = P(yi, Ts)


=: Po(T~s)P.0(y Is, T )

This minimum risk criterion has been widely used in NLP applications such as parsing
[35] and machine translation [26]. Note that the above formulation differs from the
standard CRF due to the latent topic variables. Otherwise the inference task could be
accomplished by directly obtaining posteriors over each y' state using the Forward-
Backwards algorithm on the sentence CRF.
Finding Q can be done efficiently. First, we obtain marginal token posteriors as
above. Then, the expected loss of a token prediction is computed as follows:

EP(yj ls) L (yj , Qi)


Once we obtain expected losses of each token prediction, we compute the minimum
risk sequence labeling by running the Viterbi algorithm. The potential for each
position and prediction is given by the negative expected loss. The maximal scoring
sequence according to these potentials minimizes the expected risk. Leveraging unannotated data

As mentioned previously, our model allows us to incorporate unlabeled documents,

denoted DU, during learning to improve the content model. For each unlabeled docu-
ment, we observe only the document text s, which we assume is drawn from the same

content model as our labeled documents. The objective presented in Section
took into account labeled documents only; here we supplement this objective by cap-
turing the likelihood of unlabeled documents according to the content model:

L U(O) S log Po(s)


= log Po(s, T)

Our overall objective function is to maximize the likelihood of both our labeled
and unlabeled data. This objective corresponds to:

L(#, 0) =Lu(O) + LL(, 0)

This objective can also be optimized using the EM algorithm, where the E-Step for
labeled and unlabeled documents is outlined above.

2.3.2 Multi-aspect sentiment analysis

Our second task is multi-aspect sentiment analysis, where the goal is to identify
numeric scores (1-10, where 1 is worst and 10 is best) for each of several pre-defined
aspects given an unsegmented review document. We use the same general model
framework as for multi-aspect phrase extraction; in this case, the task-specific model
is an independent linear regression model for each aspect which utilizes the unigrams
from the entire document. Because the documents in our corpus for this domain are
expert-written and very focused, our content model is an HMM over paragraphs in
the document, rather than sentences. Problem Formulation

For this task, the target y consists of numeric sentiment rankings (yi,... , yK) for each
of K predefined aspects. For the task specific model, we define an independent linear
regression for each aspect over all words in the document. Note that this structure is

not localized to any region of the document; instead, words from the entire document
influence each aspect. For the content model, each paragraph pi is associated with
a hidden topic T. The topic sequence T = (T1,..., T,,) is defined as an HMM. The
number of possible topics K is predefined. As in the phrase extraction case, the task-
specific model is learned in a supervised fashion, while the content model is learned
in an unsupervised way. Model

The model follows the same general procedure as the phrase extraction model. As
before, the document-level HMM generates a hidden content topic sequence T, this
time over paragraphs of the document. Each linear regression model is specific to a
particular aspect we would like to rate and independent from other linear regression
models. We assume that each numeric score is a linear combination of features f(-)
with weights #. To assess whether we have predicted correctly, we consider the
probability of error, which we assume to be a normal distribution:

P(y|T, s) =V(y - f (T, s; #))

1 -- I(y - f (T, S; #))2 Learning

Using this formulation, the model structure still decomposes as in Figure 2-3; however,
the details of learning are changed. Because the task label (aspect sentiment ratings)
is not localized to any region of the document, all content model variables influence the
target response. Conditioned on the target label, all topic variables become correlated.
Thus when learning, the E-Step requires computing a posterior over paragraph topic
tuples T:
P(Tly, s) oc P(s, T)P(y|T, s)

In our experiments, we compute this posterior exactly by enumerating T tuples,

since the number of sentences and possible topics is relatively small. If summation

Documents Document Sizes
Labeled Unlabeled Avg Avg
Train Test # Words # Sents
Multi-aspect sentiment 600 65 1,027 20.5
Multi-aspect summarization
Amazon 35 24 12,684 214 11.7
Yelp 48 48 33,015 178 11.2
Medical 47 47 206 544 38.2

Table 2.2: This table summarizes the size of each corpus. In each case, the unlabeled
texts of both labeled and unlabeled documents are used for training the content
model, while only the labeled training corpus is used to train the task model. Note
that the entire data set for the multi-aspect sentiment analysis task is labeled.

is intractable, the posterior may be approximated using variational techniques [5],

which is applicable to a broad range of potential applications. Inference

At inference time, we must predict the numeric score y for each aspect based on
the learned parameters and a predicted topic sequence T. To do this, we define a
quadratic loss function based on the sum of squared errors:

L(y, y) 1 (ya - Qi)2

We can minimize this loss with gradient descent using the LBFGS algorithm [47].

2.4 Data sets

We perform experiments on four data sets: DVD reviews, Amazon HDTV reviews,
restaurant reviews from Yelp, and medical patient visit summaries. In this section,
we describe each data set and present their respective challenges.

This collection certainly offers some nostalgic fun, but
Movie at the end of the day, the shows themselves, for the (5)
most part, just don't hold up.

Regardless, this is a fairly solid presentation, but it's

Video (7)
obvious there was room for improvement.

. Bass is still robust and powerful. Fans should be

Audio .(8)
pleased with this presentation.

The deleted scenes were quite lengthy, but only shelled

Extras (4)
out a few extra laughs.

Figure 2-4: Excerpts from the multi-aspect sentiment ranking corpus, taken from
IGN.com DVD reviews. Note that the actual paragraphs are longer; these are a few
sentences designed to indicate the type of content. Each paragraph is labeled with a
numeric score from 1-10. Paragraphs are labeled in the corpus, but these labels are
not provided to the model. Text categories are explained in detail in Section 2.4.1.

2.4.1 Multi-aspect sentiment analysis

To evaluate our model on multi-aspect summarization, we use a data set consisting of

editorial DVD reviews from the website IGN.com. 2 Document and sentence statistics

for this corpus are shown in Table 2.2.

Each review is written by an IGN.com staff member and consists of text accompa-

nied by ratings on a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best) in four categories: content, video,

audio, and DVD extras. The content section gives a brief summary and evaluation

of the movie's plot and characters, the video section describes any issues with video

encoding or graininess, the audio section gives a similar account of the sound, and

the extras section details both special features and packaging. Sample excerpts from

each section are shown in Figure 2-4.

In this data set, segments corresponding to each of the aspects are clearly delin-

eated in each document. This segmentation is not given to our full model; however,

having the segmentation allows us to experiment with alternative and "gold" content


Just bought a 3
i i LG TV from Amazon. Fast shipping,
perfect shape (same as usual) Voutstanding picture, 'easy
A = Appearance
V = Video
hookup even for a electrically challenged octogenarian. Highly
I = Inputs
S = Sound
... As far as TV speakers go, I'm Spleased with the sound R = Remote
quality. ... Having the 12 HDMI slots
M = Menu
is really nice.
E = Economy
"Remote works fine, no issues there. The TV Mmenus are
F = Features
very easy to work....
(a) Sample labeled text from Amazon HDTV reviews

... ACasual, romantic, french farmhouse inspired.... This

is a farm-to-table restaurant with r I 4h in.redi-
( .. Our waiter was a true professional, proud of the A = Atmosphere
restaurant and its reputation.... F Food
We had the six course tasting menu, and it was paced very well. S = Service
...the I l f 0 hew fente !anddevse rt peowl V = Value
ths . . = Val
... woniderful wine advice fron our waiter (he suggested 0 = Overall
a Vsurprisingly affordable wine...). Sure VI winced a
little at the price tag, but 01 can't wait to go back.
(b) Sample labeled text from Yelp restaurant reviews

Dear Dr. Smith,

I had the pleasure of seeing your patient, \ J 1)(.on 8 = Visit
September 20.... He was Sexposed to lead-based paint
H = History
S = Lead Source
chips... D = Development
John Dspeaks in 2-word phrases... M = Medication
EHEENT within norIal limiits. N = Nutrition
E.leart rate and C = Countermeasures
rhythm normal. The Lblood lead level was 16 mcg/dl, E = Physical exam
the LZPP was 35/78. ... L = Lab results
A =Assessment
Assessment: ALow body burden lead poisoning. P = Plan
Plan: John will Preturn to the PEHC in one month...
(c) Sample labeled text from medical summaries

Figure 2-5: Excerpts from each of the multi-aspect summarization corpora (Amazon
HDTV reviews, Yelp restaurant reviews, medical summary text) with labels. Note
that sentences generally focus on one or two aspects. Labels for each corpus are
explained in detail in Section 2.4.2.

2.4.2 Multi-aspect summarization

For multi-aspect summarization, we test our model's performance on three corpora:

Amazon.com HDTV reviews, Yelp.com restaurant reviews, and medical visit sum-
maries from the Pediatric Environmental Health Clinic (PEHC) at Children's Hospi-
tal Boston. Statistics of each corpus are shown in Table 2.2.

Amazon HDTV reviews The Amazon.com data set consists of the text from user-
provided HDTV reviews. While there is additional information available such as star
rating for a few areas, we do not include this as part of the data set. To eliminate
noisy reviews, we only retain documents that have been rated "helpful" by the users of
the site; we also remove reviews which are abnormally short or long. Sample labeled
excerpts are shown in Figure 2-5a.
There is a wide range of review content. Some reviewers focus on very technical
aspects of the TV such as the underlying display technology and particular settings
to maximize the picture quality, while others provide lay opinions without technical
detail or discuss extraneous information such as their experience with the delivery
company. To cover this variety, we define eight labels: remote (remote control),
menu (on-screen menu and adjustments), inputs (connectors for external devices such
as HDMI), economy (price and value), video (picture quality), sound (quality of
internal speakers), appearance (opinions and physical description), and features (any
additional content such as built-in weather and games).

Yelp restaurant reviews The Yelp.com data set contains user-authored restaurant
reviews from the Boston area. As in the Amazon corpus, we retain only the text
of the reviews, and we eliminate any reviews which are abnormally short or long.
Sample labeled excerpts are shown in Figure 2-5b.
As in the Amazon corpus, reviews may contain unrelated information, such as
a story of the reviewer's evening as a whole; however, most reviews touch on a few
main points. To label this information, we borrow aspects which have been used
in previous work, e.g., Snyder and Barzilay [74]. Specifically, we define five labels:

food (any aspect of food or drink), atmosphere (decor, music, etc.), value (price or
economy), service (wait for a table, server personality), and overall (general comments

about the restaurant as a whole).

Medical visit summaries The medical summary data set consists of dictated sum-

maries of patient visits from the Pediatric Environmental Health Clinic (PEHC) at

Children's Hospital Boston, specializing in lead poisoning. In the standard medical

work flow, these are dictated - often as a letter - to a professional medical tran-

scription service by a doctor at PEHC at the conclusion of a visit, then sent to the

patient's primary care physician. Here, we work with the transcribed version of the

documents. As in the previous corpora, we eliminate those which are abnormally

long or short. Sample labeled excerpts are shown in Figure 2-5c.

Because these documents are part of the patient's official medical record, they

are extremely focused, touching on many of the same important points with little

extraneous information. By consultation with the doctors, we defined 11 labels on

this set: general visit information (name, age, primary doctor), medical history, med-

ications, developmental status (ability to speak and understand), nutritional status,

lead source (paint chips, lead pans), lead countermeasures (hand washing, official

inspections, etc.), physical exam, lab results, assessment (final diagnosis), and plan

(future labs, medications, follow-ups).

Annotation Each data set was manually annotated with aspect labels. Annotators

are provided with a full document and instructions containing examples of good and

bad phrases. They can then highlight phrases with the mouse, then right click to select

a label for the highlighted phrase, as shown in Figure 2-6. The Amazon and Yelp
corpora were annotated using Mechanical Turk, which has been used for annotation

in previous NLP work [73]. Since we cannot select high-quality annotators directly,
we included a control document which had been previously annotated by a trusted

native speaker among the documents assigned to each annotator. The work of any

annotator who exhibited low agreement with the trusted annotator on the control

My 5 reasons (although I have more) for the 5 stars.

2. O (they have gelato tool)


4. Live music on the weekends

5. Free
I had reai e reviews on Yelp and decided to check out Cafe Luna
myself. U ambiance 'g, I had a 3 minute chat with some of the servers and by
the end c rsation I knew I was going to love this place.
The place id the layout is narrow, but I love the cozy feel of it. I
went on i erase ht before brunch time so I was able to grab a table for
myself ar. ..., ... J.

Figure 2-6: Annotation procedure for the multi-aspect phrase labeling task. An-
notators are asked to first highlight a relevant phrase, then select a label for that

document annotation was excluded from the corpus. Because the medical corpus
is confidential and requires specialized knowledge, we instead receive high-quality
annotations from two doctors from PEHC.
To test task annotation agreement, we use Cohen's Kappa [19]. On the Amazon
data set, two native speakers annotated a set of four documents. The agreement
between the judges was 0.54. On the Yelp data set, we simply computed the agreement
between all pairs of reviewers who received the same control documents; the agreement
was 0.49. On the PEHC data set, the agreement was 0.68. While these agreements
are lower than traditionally desirable (0.6-0.8 indicates significant agreement, while
0.4-0.6 indicates moderate agreement), they are in line with what we expect based
on other experiments in similar domains [17].

2.5 Experiments

We apply our approach to two text analysis tasks that stand to benefit from modeling
content structure: multi-aspect phrase extraction and multi-aspect sentiment analy-
sis. Here, we describe the experimental design, task-specific modeling adaptations,
and results for each task separately.

2.5.1 Multi-aspect phrase extraction

The goal of this task is to extract informative phrases that identify information rel-
evant to several predefined aspects of interest. In other words, we would like our
system to both extract important phrases (e.g., cheap food) and label it with one of
the given aspects (e.g., value). For concrete examples and lists of aspects for each
data set, see Figures 2-5a and 2-5b. Variants of this task have been considered in
review summarization in previous work [43, 9].
This task has elements of both information extraction and phrase-based summa-
rization - the phrases we wish to extract are broader in scope than in standard
template-driven IE, but at the same time, the type of selected information is re-
stricted to the defined aspects, similar to query-based summarization. The difficulty
here is that phrase selection is highly context-dependent. For instance, in TV reviews
such as in Figure 2-5a, the highlighted phrase "easy to read" might refer to either the
menu or the remote; broader context is required for correct labeling.
When incorporating our content model with the task-specific model, we utilize a
new set of features which include all the original features as well as a copy of each
feature conjoined with the content topic assignment; e.g., if the original feature is
w? =great and the topic of the sentence is Topic 3, we add an additional feature
(w2 = great) A (Ti = 3) (see Figure 2-2). We also include a feature which indicates
whether a given word was most likely emitted from the underlying topic or from a
background distribution. Baselines

We define two baselines, both of which are simplifications of our model. In first, No
Content Model (NoCM), all content features are eliminated, so that the system uses
only the task-specific model with the base set of features. In the second, Independent
Content Model (IndepCM), the content model is induced in isolation rather than
learned jointly in the context of the underlying task. The full set of content features
are used; however, they are fixed and cannot change as the task-specific model is

F1 F2 Prec. Recall
NoCM 28.8 34.8 22.4 40.3
IndepCM 37.9 43.7 31.1t* 48.6t*
JointCM 39.2 44.4 32.9t* 48.6t

Table 2.3: Results for multi-aspect phrase extraction on the Yelp corpus. Marked
precision and recall are statistically significant with p < 0.05: * over the previous
model and t over NoCM.

F1 F2 Prec. Recall
NoCM 43.4 50.3 35.3 56.4
IndepCM 55.5 59.8 49.6t* 63.1t*
JointCM 56.6 60.7 50.9t 63.8t

Table 2.4: Results for multi-aspect phrase extraction on the medical corpus. Marked
precision and recall are statistically significant with p < 0.05: * over the previous
model and t over NoCM.

learned. We refer to our full model described in Section 2.3 as the Joint Content
Model (JointCM), where the content and task components are learned jointly. Evaluation metrics

For this task, we measure average token precision and recall of the label assignments
(Multi-label). For the Amazon corpus, we report two additional metrics: First, we
present a coarser metric corresponding to unlabeled phrase extraction, which mea-
sures extraction precision and recall while ignoring labels (Binary labels). Note that
in this case, the word labels are still learned in a multi-aspect setting. Second, we
present the results using ROUGE [45]. To make a fair comparison between systems
for ROUGE, we control for extraction length by requiring that each system predict
the same number of tokens as the original labeled document.
To determine statistical significance, we perform chi-square analysis on the ROUGE
scores as well as on precision and recall separately, as is commonly done in information
extraction [31, 85, 28].

Multi-label Binary labels
F1 F2 Prec. Recall F1 F2 Prec. Recall ROUGE
NoCM 18.9 18.0 20.4 17.5 35.1 33.6 38.1 32.6 43.8
IndepCM 24.5 23.8 25.8t* 23.3t* 43.0 41.8 45.3t* 40.9t* 47.4t*
JointCM 28.2 31.3 24.3t 33.7t* 147.8 53.0 41.2t 57.1t* 47.6t*

Table 2.5: Results for multi-aspect phrase extraction on the Amazon corpus. Marked
ROUGE, precision, and recall are statistically significant with p < 0.05: * over the
previous model and t over NoCM. Results

Baseline Comparisons Adding a content model significantly outperforms the NoCM

baseline on all domains. The highest F1 error reduction - 23.3% - is achieved on
multi-aspect phrase extraction on the medical corpus, followed by the reduction of
14.6% on Yelp multi-aspect phrase extraction, and 11.5% on Amazon multi-aspect
phrase extraction. We also observe a small but consistent performance boost when
comparing against the IndepCM baseline. This result supports our hypothesis about
the advantages of jointly learning the content model in the context of the underlying

Comparison with additional context features One alternative to an explicit content

model is to simply incorporate additional features into NoCM as a proxy for contex-
tual information. Specifically, this can be accomplished by adding unigram features
from the sentences before and after the current one.
When testing this approach on the Amazon and Yelp domains, however, the per-
formance of NoCM actually decreases on both Amazon (to F1 of 15.0) and Yelp (to F1
of 24.5) corpora. This result is not surprising for this particular task - by adding these
features, we substantially increase the feature space without increasing the amount of
training data. This highlights one advantage of our approach: our learned representa-
tion of context is coarse, and therefore we can leverage large quantities of unannotated
training data to improve performance without requiring additional annotation.



0 6,300 12,600
Number of additional unlabeled documents
with complete annotated data

Figure 2-7: Results for multi-aspect phrase extraction on the Amazon corpus using
the complete annotated set with varying amounts of additional unlabeled data. Note
that because we append the unlabeled versions of the labeled data to the unlabeled
set, even with 0 additionalunlabeled documents, a content model is still learned over
the set of training data.

Impact of content model quality on task performance We can explore the impact of
content model quality on task performance by varying the number of unlabeled doc-
uments available to the system. Intuitively, the quality of the induced content model
should be determined by the amount of training data, so if we significantly reduce
the number of documents, we expect performance to decrease. Even in the absence of
additional unlabeled documents, note that our model does still learn a basic content
model over the labeled documents; however, it is likely to be highly overfitted and of
low quality. As Figure 2-7 shows, performance on the multi-aspect phrase extraction
task does improve as the number of unannotated documents used to learn the content
model increases.

Compensating for annotation sparsity Manual annotation is expensive, and in many

domains, there are large quantities of unannotated documents are available. There-
fore, one of the goals of this line of work is to reduce the need for manual annotation
by using a content model which can incorporate rich contextual information. We

JoilIt'I 22.6
22.8 20.8
20 NoCM


0 1,575 3,150
Number of additional unlabeled documents
with half annotated data
Figure 2-8: Results for multi-aspect phrase extraction on the Amazon corpus using
half of the annotated training data (18 documents). The content model is trained
with varying amounts of additional unlabeled data. Note that because the content
model is learned over both labeled and unlabeled data, even with 0 additional un-
labeled documents, a content model is still learned over the labeled data set. The
dashed horizontal line represents NoCM with the complete annotated set, while the
solid horizontal line represents JointCM with the complete annotated set and zero
additional unlabeled documents (as shown in Figure 2-7).

evaluate our progress toward this goal by reducing the amount of annotated data
available to the model and measuring performance at several quantities of unanno-
tated data. As Figure 2-8 shows, the performance increase achieved by doubling
the amount of annotated data can also be achieved by adding only 1,575 unlabeled
documents. Additionally, by providing 3,150 unlabeled documents, the performance
approaches the performance of the full model with no unlabeled documents.

Practical evaluation To find a qualitative understanding of the results, we created a

demo system, CONDENSR, using phrases extracted from the Yelp corpus, shown in
Figure 2-9. First, we use our full model (JointCM) to extract aspect-labeled phrases
for each restaurant. Then, we cluster the phrases which share an aspect to attain the
desired number of clusters; for this demo, we use 6 clusters and force at least 3 to
be food-related. Finally, we tag them as positive or negative using a simple form of

CONDENSR tar n.w
restaurant Boston, MA SEARCH
restaurant Map Satellite
Boston, NA
T he Helmand
Giacomo's Ristorante
0000 1.1 m les - 143 1st St Afghan
0 5 miles e 355 Hanover St- -- -
l E
StThe bread starter is tasty, the food was really good and there was a lot of
Neptune Oyster ft on my plate

O4 mies. 63 Salem St H The warm bread and sauces were great as well,
e F The chowpan was really nice and the lamb lawand was very tasty.
L'Lspalter (IC The room is a bit too cavemous to have anything remotely like a cozy feel
003 74
m sThe wait staff is friendly and so efficient.
1 3 miles- 774 Boylston St
f The waiter was very friendly and helpful
A Ponodor o
05 milese 319 Harover St

Atlantic Fish Company

1 3 miles - 761 Boylston St S

The Helmand

1 1miles e 143 1 st StM

The Capital Grille Food Ambiance E Service O Value a Overall C Positive *Negative

Figure 2-9: A screenshot of CONDENSR, our demo system. This system selects phrases
for each of several aspects, clusters them and performs basic sentiment analysis with
a set of seed words, then displays them using a searchable map interface.

sentiment analysis; specifically, we use a set of positive and negative seed words, then

flip the polarity based on negation within a window of 3 words. These results are

displayed on a searchable map interface which relies on Yelp for search and Google

maps for navigation. This demo is currently online at http: //condensr. com, and

more details and results can be found in Appendix A.

2.5.2 Multi-aspect sentiment analysis

The goal of multi-aspect sentiment classification is to predict a set of numeric ranks

that reflects the user satisfaction for each aspect [74]. One of the challenges in this
task is to attribute sentiment-bearing words to the aspects they describe. Information

about document structure has the potential to greatly reduce this ambiguity. For

instance, in the example given at the beginning of this chapter in Figure 2-1, it is

crucial to know that the highlighted sentence refers to audio quality in order to adjust

L1 L2
NoCM 1.37 3.15
IndepCM 1.28 t* 2.80 t*
JointCM 1.25t 2.65t*
Gold 1.18 t* 2.48 t*

Table 2.6: The error rate on the multi-aspect sentiment ranking. We report mean Li
and L 2 between system prediction and true values over all aspects. Marked results are
statistically significant with p < 0.05: * over the previous model and t over NoCM.

the score for the correct aspect.

Following standard sentiment ranking approaches [86, 60, 33, 74], we employ or-
dinary linear regression to independently map bag-of-words representations into pre-
dicted aspect ranks. In addition to commonly used lexical features, this set is aug-
mented with content features as described for multi-aspect phrase extraction. For this
application, we fix the number of HMM states to be equal to the predefined number
of aspects. Baselines

As in multi-aspect phrase extraction, we define two baselines NoCM and IndepCM

to refer to using no content features and independently-learned content features,
respectively. For this domain, we have gold annotations available, so we additionally
evaluate the system with a gold content model. Evaluation metrics

To evaluate system performance, we report the average L 2 (squared difference) and Li

(absolute difference) between system predictions and the true 1-10 sentiment rating
across test documents and aspects [60]. To determine statistical significance of the
results, we use Student's t-test. Results

Baseline Comparisons As in the multi-aspect phrase extraction task, we see a signif-

icant boost of 8.75% on this task. Likewise, we observe small gains when comparing

our system against the IndepCM baseline. These results indicate that the content
information learned by the system is beneficial for this task.

Impact of content model quality on task performance For this task, we have access
to gold standard document-level content structure annotation. This affords us the
ability to compare the performance of the ideal content structure, provided by the
document authors, with that of the content structure that is learned automatically.
As Table 2.6 shows, the manually created document structure segmentation yields
the best results. However, the performance of our JointCM model is not far behind
the gold standard content structure.

2.6 Conclusion
In this chapter, I have demonstrated the benefits of incorporating content structure
into several text analysis tasks which are traditionally modeled in a local fashion.
We have demonstrated on two tasks and multiple data sets that task performance
improves with higher-quality content models. The improvements we observe are more
pronounced on data sets which have a good amount of structure.
To facilitate this analysis, I have introduced a flexible framework for the joint
learning of an unsupervised latent content model with a supervised task-specific
model. This allows us to benefit from both the task-specific annotations we are
able to acquire and a large volume of unannotated documents such as those available
online. For domains where it is difficult or expensive to acquire task-specific anno-
tations, such as phrase extraction, the ability to compensate with unlabeled data is
especially beneficial.
There are a few open avenues for future work. First, the content models that we
include in this chapter are relatively simple, focusing on finding coarse topics only at
sentence- or paragraph-level. A natural extension to this work is to incorporate a more
sophisticated content model, either one more suited to a particular task or one which
can model fine-grained topics. Because we have demonstrated the connection between

content model quality and task performance, we would expect that improvements in
the content model will yield further gains in task performance.
Second, while the content and task models are learned using information from the
corpus as a whole, the tasks we've examined are all focused on extracting information
from single documents at test time. However, for many applications, the ability to
aggregate information from multiple documents is crucial. For example, in the review
domain, rather than simply extracting phrases from individual documents, we would
like to extract the common topics that users mention across all reviews for a particular
In Chapter 3, I present a model that addresses pieces of both concerns. First, we
look closer at individual sentences and phrases to find a more fine-grained represen-
tation of structure; specifically, the topics of individual words, selected from a set of
dynamic topics. Second, we aggregate information across related documents to help
guide the extraction process.


Modeling relation structure for informative aggregation

In this chapter, we consider the task of data aggregation of social media review text
through fine-grained aspect-based analysis. We develop a model which incorporates
intuitions about the structure of text snippets in order to dynamically determine rel-
evant aspects and their associated values (e.g., sentiment). We demonstrate that our
model is able to successfully distinguish aspect and value words and leverage several
sources of information such as word transitions and parts of speech in order to per-
form effective aggregation across the data set. We also show several model extensions
which allow it to be adapted for alternate domains, such as medical summary text.
The remainder of this chapter is structured as follows: Section 3.1 motivates this
approach and gives a high-level overview of our technique. Section 3.2 compares
our work with previous work on both aspect identification and sentiment analysis.
Section 3.3 describes our specific problem formulation and task setup more concretely.
Section 3.4 presents the details of our full model and various model extensions, and
Section 3.5 describes the inference procedure and the necessary adjustments for each
extension. The details of both data sets, the experimental formulation, and results
Code is available at http: //groups.csail.mit.edu/rbg/code/contentattitude/.

are presented in Section 3.6. We summarize our findings and consider directions for
future work in Section 3.7.

3.1 Introduction
Online product reviews have become an increasingly valuable and influential source
of information for consumers. The ability to explore a range of opinions allows con-
sumers to both form a general opinion of a product and gather information about
its positive and negative aspects (e.g., packaging or battery life). However, as more
reviews are added over time, the problem of information overload gets progressively
worse. For example, out of hundreds of reviews for a restaurant, most consumers will
read only a handful before making a decision. In this work, our goal is to summarize
a large number of reviews by discovering the most informational product aspects and
their associated user sentiment.
To address this need, online retailers often use simple aggregation mechanisms
to represent the spectrum of user sentiment. Many sites, such as Amazon, simply
present a distribution over user-assigned star ratings, but this approach lacks any
reasoning about why the products are given that rating. Some retailers use further
breakdowns by specific predefined domain-specific aspects, such as food, service, and
atmosphere for a restaurant. These breakdowns continue to assist in effective aggre-
gation; however, because the aspects are predefined, they are generic to the particular
domain and there is no further explanation of why one aspect was rated well or poorly.
Instead, for truly informative aggregation, each product needs to be assigned a set of
fine-grained aspects specifically tailored to that product.
The goal of our work is to provide a mechanism for effective minimally-supervised
content aggregation able to discover specific, fine-grained aspects and associated val-
ues. Specifically, we represent each data set as a collection of entities; for instance,
these can represent products in the domain of online reviews. We are interested
in discovering fine-grained aspects of each entity (e.g., sandwiches or dessert for a
restaurant). Additionally, we would like to recover a value associated with the aspect

(e.g., sentiment for product reviews). A summary of the input and output can be
found in Figure 3-1. Our input consists of short text snippets from multiple reviews
for each of several products. In the restaurant domain, as in Figure 3-1, these are
restaurants. We assume that each snippet is opinion-bearing and discusses one of the
aspects which are relevant for that particular product. Our output consists of a set
of dynamic (i.e., not pre-specified) aspects for each product, snippets labeled with
the aspect which they discuss, and sentiment values for each snippet individually and
each aspect as a whole. In Figure 3-1, the aspects identified for Tasca Spanish Tapas
include chicken, dessert, and drinks, and the snippets are labeled with the aspects
they describe and the correct polarity.
One way to approach this problem is to treat it as a multi-class classification prob-
lem. Given a set of predefined domain-specific aspects, it would be fairly straightfor-
ward for humans to identify which aspect a particular snippet describes. However, for
our task of discovering fine-grained entity-specific aspects, there is no way to know
a priori which aspects may be present across the entire data set or to provide train-
ing data for each; instead, we must select the aspects dynamically. Intuitively, one
potential solution is to cluster the input snippets, grouping those which are lexically
similar without prior knowledge of the aspects they represent. However, without
some knowledge of which words represent the aspect for a given snippet, the clusters
may not align to ones useful for cross-review analysis. Consider, for example, the two
clusters of restaurant review snippets shown in Figure 3-2. While both clusters share
many words among their members, only the first describes a coherent aspect cluster,
namely the drinks aspect. The snippets of the second cluster do not discuss a single
product aspect, but instead share expressions of sentiment.
To successfully navigate this challenge, we must distinguish between words which
indicate aspect, words which indicate sentiment, and extraneous words which do
neither. For both aspect identification and sentiment analysis, it is crucial to know
which words within a snippet are relevant for the task. Distinguishing them is not
straightforward, however. Some work in sentiment analysis relies on a predefined
lexicon or WordNet to provide some hints, but there is no way to anticipate every

Input Output

Tasca Spanish Tapas Tasca Spanish Tapas

Review 1 Chicken
The chicken was cooked perfectly + The chicken was cooked perfectly
The dessert was good - The chicken was tough and not tasty
Review 2
+ Moist and delicious chicken
The red wine's not too cheap Dessert
An excellent creme brulee + The dessert was good
+ An excellent creme brulee
Review .3
They used frozen small shrimp Drinks
The chicken was tough and not tasty - The red wine's not too cheap
Pitcher sangria was pretty good + Pitcher sangria was pretty good

Douzo Sushi Bar Douzo Sushi Bar

Review 1 Sushi
The sushi is creative and pretty good + The sushi is creative and pretty good
The ponzu was overpowering - My torched roll tasted rather bland
Review 2 Condiments
Real wasabi that's so fresh! - The ponzu was overpowering
My torched roll tasted rather bland + Real wasabi that's so fresh!

Figure 3-1: An example of the desired input and output of our system in the restaurant
domain. The input consists of a collection of review snippets for several restaurants.
The output is an aggregation of snippets by aspect (e.g., chicken and dessert) along
with an associated sentiment for each snippet. Note that the input data is com-
pletely unannotated; the only information given is which snippets describe the same

possible expression of aspect or sentiment, especially in user-generated data (e.g., use

of slang such as "deeeeeee-lish" for "delicious"). In lieu of an explicit lexicon, we
can attempt to use other information as a proxy, such as part of speech; for example,
aspect words are likely to be nouns, while value words are more likely to be adjectives.
However, as we show later in this chapter, this additional information is again not
sufficient for the tasks at hand.
Instead, we propose an approach to analyze a collection of product review snip-
pets and jointly induce a set of learned aspects, each with a respective value (e.g.,
sentiment). We capture this idea using a generative Bayesian topic model where the

Coherent aspect cluster
The martinis were very good.
The drinks - both wine and martinis - were tasty.
The wine list was pricey.
Their wine selection is horrible.

Incoherent aspect cluster

The sushi is the best I've ever had.
+Best paella I'd ever had.
The fillet was the best steak we'd ever had.
It's the best soup I've ever had.

Figure 3-2: Example clusters of restaurant review snippets generated by a lexical

clustering algorithm; words relevant to clustering are highlighted. The first cluster
represents a coherent aspect of the underlying product, namely the drinks aspect. The
latter cluster simply shares a common sentiment expression and does not represent
snippets discussing the same product aspect. In this work, we aim to produce the
first type of aspect cluster along with the corresponding values.

set of aspects and any corresponding values are represented as hidden variables. The
model takes a collection of snippets as input and explains how the observed text arises
from the latent variables, thereby connecting text fragments with the corresponding
aspects and values.
Specifically, we begin by defining sets of sentiment word distributions and aspect
word distributions. Because we expect the types of sentiment words to be consistent
across all products (e.g., any product may be labeled as "great" or "terrible"), we
allow the positive and negative sentiment word distributions to be shared across all
products. On the other hand, in the case of restaurant reviews and similar domains,
aspect words are expected to be quite distinct between products. Therefore, we

assign each product its own set of aspect word distributions. In addition to these
word distributions, our model takes into account several other factors. First, we

model the idea that each particular aspect of a product has some underlying quality;
that is, if there are already 19 snippets praising a particular aspect, it's likely that
the 20th snippet will be positive as well. Second, we account for common patterns in
language using a transition distribution between types of words. For example, it is
very common to see the pattern "Value Aspect," such as in phrases like "great pasta."

Third, we model the distributions over parts of speech for each type of distribution.
This covers the intuition that aspect words are frequently nouns, whereas value words
are often adjectives. We describe each of these factors and our model as a whole in
detail in Section 3.4.
This formulation provides several advantages: First, the model does not require a
set of predefined aspects. Instead, it is capable of assigning latent variables to discover
the appropriate aspects based on the data. Second, the joint analysis of aspect and
value allows us to leverage several pieces of information to determine which words
are relevant for aspect identification and which should be used for sentiment analysis,
including part of speech and global or entity-specific distributions of words. Third, the
Bayesian model admits an efficient imean-field variational inference procedure which
can be parallelized and run quickly on even large numbers of entities and snippets.
We evaluate our approach on the domain of restaurant reviews. Specifically, we
use a set of snippets automatically extracted from restaurant reviews on Yelp. This
collection consists of an average of 42 snippets for each of 328 restaurants in the
Boston area, representing a wide spectrum of opinions about several aspects of each
restaurant. We demonstrate that our model can accurately identify clusters of review
fragments that describe the same aspect, yielding 32.5% relative error reduction (9.9
absolute F1 ) over a standalone clustering baseline. We also show that the model can
effectively identify snippet sentiment, with a 19.7% relative error reduction (4.3%
absolute accuracy) over applicable baselines. Finally, we test the model's ability to
correctly label aspect and sentiment words, discovering that the aspect identification
has high-precision, while the sentiment identification has high-recall.
Additionally, we apply a slimmed-down version of our model which focuses exclu-
sively on aspect identification to a set of lab- and exam-related snippets from medical
summaries provided by the Pediatric Environmental Health Clinic (PEHC) at Chil-
dren's Hospital Boston. These summaries represent concise overviews of the patient
information at a particular visit, as relayed from the PEHC doctor to the child's
referring physician. Our model achieves 7.4% (0.7 absolute F1 ) over the standalone
clustering baseline.

3.2 Related work
Our work falls into the area of multi-aspect sentiment analysis. In this section, we
first describe approaches toward document-level and sentence-level sentiment analy-
sis (Section 3.2.1), which provide the foundation for future work, including our own.
Then, we describe three common directions of multi-aspect sentiment analysis; specif-
ically, those which use data-mining or fixed-aspect analysis (Section, those
which incorporate sentiment analysis with multi-document summarization (Section, and finally, those focused on topic modeling with additional sentiment com-
ponents (Section

3.2.1 Single-aspect sentiment analysis

Early sentiment analysis focused primarily on identification of coarse document-level

sentiment [62, 82, 61]. Specifically, these approaches attempted to determine the
overall polarity of documents. These approaches included both rule-based and ma-
chine learning approaches: Turney [82] used a rule-based method to extract poten-
tially sentiment-bearing phrases and then compared them to the sentiment of known-
polarity words, while Pang et al. [62] used discriminative methods with features such
as unigrams, bigrams, part-of-speech tags, and word position information.
While document-level sentiment analysis can give us the overall view of an opin-
ion, looking at individual sentences within the document yields a more fine-grained
analysis. The work in sentence-level sentiment analysis focuses on first identifying
sentiment-bearing sentences and then determining their polarity [87, 24, 42, 43, 61].
Both identification of sentiment-bearing sentences and polarity analysis can be per-
formed through supervised classifiers [87, 24] or similarity to known text [87, 42],
through measures based on distributional similarity or by using WordNet relation-
By recognizing connections between parts of a document, sentiment analysis can
be further improved [59, 55, 61]. Pang and Lee [59] leverage the relationship between
sentences to improve document-level sentiment analysis. Specifically, they utilize both

the subjectivity of individual sentences and information about the strength of connec-
tion between sentences in a min cut formulation to provide better sentiment-focused
summaries of text. Mcdonald et al. [55] examine a different connection, instead con-
structing, a hierarchical model of sentiment between sentences and documents. Their
model uses complete labeling on a subset of data to learn a generalized set of parame-
ters which improve classification accuracy at both document-level and sentence-level.
While none of the above approaches attempt to identify aspects or analyze senti-
ment in an aspect-based fashion, the intuitions provide key insight into the approaches
we take in our work. For example, the importance of distinguishing opinion sentences
follows our own intuition about the necessity of identifying sentiment-bearing words
within a snippet.

3.2.2 Aspect-based sentiment analysis

Following the work in single-aspect document-level and sentence-level sentiment anal-

ysis came the intuition of modeling aspect-based (also called "feature-based") senti-
ment for review analysis. We can divide these approaches roughly into three types
of systems based on their techniques: systems which use fixed-aspect approaches
or data-mining techniques for aspect selection or sentiment analysis, systems which
adapt techniques from multi-document summarization, and systems which jointly
model aspect and sentiment with probabilistic topic models. Here, we examine each
avenue of work with relevant examples and contrast them with our own work. Data-mining and fixed-aspect techniques for sentiment analysis

One set of approaches toward aspect-based sentiment analysis follow the traditional
techniques of data mining [38, 46, 64]. These systems may operate on full docu-
ments or on snippets, and they generally require rule-based templates or additional
resources such as WordNet both to identify aspects and to determine sentiment polar-
ity. Another approach is to fix a predetermined relevant set of aspects, then focus on
learning the optimal opinion assignment for these aspects [74]. Below, we summarize

each approach and compare and contrast them to our work.
One set of work relies on a combination of association mining and rule-based ex-
traction of nouns and noun phrases for aspect identification. Hu and Liu [38], Liu
et al. [46] developed a three-step system: First, initial aspects are selected by an
association miner and pruned by a series of rules. Second, related opinions for each
aspect are identified in a rule-based fashion using word positions, and their polarity
is determined by WordNet search based on a set of seed words. Third, additional
aspects are identified in a similar fashion based on position of the selected polarity
words. In each of these steps, part-of-speech information provides a key role in the ex-
traction rules. In Liu et al. [46], there is an additional component to identify implicit
aspects in a deterministic fashion; e.g., heavy maps deterministically to <WEIGHT>.
While their task is similar to ours and we utilize part-of-speech information as an
important feature as well, we additionally leverage other distributional information
to identify aspects and sentiment. Furthermore, we avoid the reliance on WordNet
and predefined rule mappings in order to preserve the generality of the system. In-
stead, our joint modeling allows us to recover these relationships without the need
for additional information.
Other approaches also rely on WordNet relationships to identify not only sentiment
polarity, but also aspects, using the parts and properties of a particular product
class. Popescu et al. [64] first use these relations to generate the set of aspects for
a given product class (e.g., camera). Following that, they apply relaxation labeling
for sentiment analysis. This procedure gradually expands sentiment from individual
words to aspects to sentences, similar to the Cascade pattern mentioned in Mcdonald
et al. [55]. Like the system of Liu et al. [46], their system requires a set of manual
rules and several outside resources. While our model does require a few seed words, it
does not require any manual rules or additional resources due to its joint formulation.
A separate direction of work relies on predefined aspects while focusing on im-
provement of sentiment analysis prediction. Snyder and Barzilay [74] define a set of
aspects specific to the restaurant domain. Specifically they define an individual rating
model for each aspect, plus an overall agreement model which attempts to determine

whether the resulting ratings should all agree or disagree. These models are jointly
trained in a supervised fashion using an extension of the PRanking algorithm [20]
to find the best overall star rating for each aspect. Our problem formulation differs
significantly from their work in several dimensions: First, we desire a more refined
analysis using fine-grained aspects instead of coarse predefined features. Second, we
would like to use as little supervised training data as possible, rather than the super-
vised training required for the PRanking algorithm.
Liu and Seneff [48] also use an approach based on predefined aspects; specifically,
they focus on a three-step model: First, the model uses a set of generation rules to
extract related text and rewrite it as an easily-comparable paraphrase. Second, topics
are generated through a clustering algorithm focused on the descriptive portions of the
paraphrases. Finally, a sentiment classifier is learned through matching paraphrases
with the user's overall star rating. Liu et al. [49] extend this work to include additional
fine-grained topics based on words scraped from online menus and other resources. In
our approach, we would like to capture a similar type of phrase information; however,
we would like to avoid reliance on predefined aspects and outside resources such as
menu information.
In our work, we attempt to capture the intuitions of these approaches while reduc-
ing the need for outside resources and rule-based components. For example, rather
than supplying rule-based patterns for extraction of aspect and sentiment, we instead
leverage distributional patterns across the corpus to infer the relationships between
words of different types. Likewise, rather than relying on WordNet relationships such
as synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, or hypernymy [38, 46, 64], we bootstrap our
model from a small set of seed words. Multi-document summarization and its application to sentiment analysis

Multi-document summarization techniques generally look for repetition across doc-

uments to signal important information [68, 3, 67, 51]. For aspect-based sentiment
analysis, work has focused on augmenting these techniques with additional compo-
nents for sentiment analysis [71, 72, 12, 41]. In general, the end goal of these ap-

proaches is the task of forming coherent text summaries using either text extraction
or natural language generation. Unlike our work, many of these approaches do not
explicitly identify aspects; instead, they are extracted through repeated information.
Additionally, our model explicitly looks at the connection between content and senti-
ment, rather than treating it as a secondary computation after information has been
One technique for incorporating sentiment analysis follows previous work on iden-
tification of opinion-bearing sentences. Seki et al. [71, 72] present DUC summarization
systems designed to create opinion-focused summaries of task topics.1 In their system,
they employ a subjectivity component using a supervised SVM with lexical features,
similar to those in Yu and Hatzivassiloglou [87], Dave et al. [24]. This component is
used to identify subjective sentences and, in Seki et al. [72], their polarity, both in the
task and in the sentences selected for the response summary. However, like previous
work and unlike our task, there is no aspect-based analysis in their summarization
task. It is also fully supervised, relying on a hand-annotated set of about 10,000
sentences to train the SVM.
Another line of work focuses on augmenting the summarization system with aspect
selection similar to the data-mining approaches of Hu and Liu [38], rather than using
single-aspect analysis. Carenini et al. [11, 12] augment the previous aspect selection
with a user-defined hierarchical organization over aspects; e.g., digital zoom is part
of the lens. Polarity of each aspect is assumed to be given by previous work. These
aspects are then incorporated into existing summarization systems - MEAD* sentence
extraction [67] or SEA natural language generation [10] - to form final summaries.
Like the work of Seki et al. [71, 72], this work does not create new techniques for aspect
identification or sentiment analysis; instead, they focus on the process of integrating
these sources of information with summarization systems. While the aspects produced
are comparable across reviews for a particular product, the highly-supervised nature
means that this approach is not feasible for a large set of products such as our corpus
of reviews from many types of restaurants. Instead, we must be able to dynamically
'For task examples, see Dang [21, 22].

identify relevant aspects.
A final line of related work relies on the traditional summarization technique of
identifying contrastive or contradictory sentences. Kim and Zhai [41] focus on gener-
ating contrastive summaries by identifying pairs of sentences which express differing
opinions on a particular product feature. To do this, they define metrics of represen-
tativeness (coverage of opinions) and contrastiveness (alignment quality) using both
semantic similarity with WordNet matches and word overlap. In comparison to our
work, this approach follows an orthogonal goal, as we try to find the most defining
aspects instead of the most contradictory ones. Additionally, while the selected pairs
hint at disagreements in rating, there is no identification of how many people agree
with each side or the overall rating of a particular aspect. In our work, we aim to
produce both a concrete set of aspects and the user sentiment for each, whether it is
unanimous or shows disagreement.
Overall, while these methods are designed to produce output summaries which
focus on subjective information, they are not specifically targeted for aspect-based
analysis. Instead, aspects are identified in a supervised fashion [11, 12] or are not
defined at all [71, 72, 41]. In our work, it is crucial that we have dynamically-selected
aspects because it is not feasible to preselect aspects in a supervised fashion. Probabilistic topic modeling for sentiment analysis

The work closest to our own in the direction of aspect-based analysis focuses on the
use of probabilistic topic modeling techniques for identification of aspects. These may
be aggregated without specific sentiment polarity [50] or combined with additional
sentiment modeling either jointly [56, 7, 81] or as a separate post-processing step [80].
Like our work, these approaches share the intuition that aspects may be represented
as topics.
Several approaches focus on extraction of topics and sentiment from blog articles.
In one approach, they are used as expert articles for aspect extraction in combination
with a larger corpus of user reviews. Lu and Zhai [50] introduce a model with semi-
supervised probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) which identifies sentiment-

bearing aspects through segmentation of an expert review. Then, the model extracts
compatible supporting and supplementary text for each aspect from the set of user
reviews. Aspect selection is constrained as in the rule-based approaches; specifically,
aspect words are required to be nouns. Our work differs from their work significantly.
While we share a common goal of identifying and aggregating opinion-bearing aspects,
we additionally desire to identify the polarity of opinions, a task not addressed in
their work. In addition, obtaining aspects from an expert review is unnecessarily
constraining; in practice, while expert reviewers may mention some key aspects, they
will not mention every aspect. It is crucial to discover aspects based on the entire set
of articles.
There is work in the direction of aspect identification from blog posts. For exam-
ple, Mei et al. [56] use a variation on latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) similar to our
own to explicitly model both topics and sentiment, then use a hidden Markov model
to discover sentiment dynamics across topic life cycles. A general sentiment polarity
distribution is computed by combining distributions from several separate labeled
data sets (e.g., movies, cities, etc.). However, in their work, sentiment is measured
at the document-level, rather than topic-level. Additionally, the topics discovered by
their model are very broad; for example, when processing the query "The Da Vinci
Code", returned topics may be labeled as book, movie, and religion, rather than the
fine-grained aspects we desire in our model, such as those representing major char-
acters or events. Our model expands on their work by discovering very fine-grained
aspects and associating particular sentiment with each individual aspect. In addi-
tion, by tying sentiment to aspects, we are able to identify sentiment-bearing words
and their associated polarities without the additional annotation required to train an
external sentiment model.
Sentiment may also be combined with LDA using additional latent variables for
each document in order to predict document-level sentiment. Blei and McAuliffe [7]
propose a form of supervised LDA (sLDA) which incorporates an additional response
variable, which can be used to represent sentiment such as the star rating of a movie.
They can then jointly model the documents and responses in order to find the latent

topics which best predict the response variables for future unlabeled documents. This
work is significantly different from our work, as it is supervised and does not predict
in a multi-aspect framework.
Building on these approaches comes work in fine-grained aspect identification with
sentiment analysis. Titov and McDonald [81, 80] introduce a multi-grain unsuper-
vised topic model, specifically built as an extension to LDA. This technique yields
a mixture of global and local topics. Word distributions for all topics (both global
and local) are drawn at the global level, however; unlike our model. The consequence
of this is that topics are very easy to compare across all products in the corpus;
however, the topics are more general and less dynamic than we hope to achieve.
One consequence of defining global topics is difficulty in finding relevant topics for
every product when there is little overlap. For example, in the case of restaurant
reviews, Italian restaurants should have a completely different set of aspects than
Indian restaurants. Of course, if these factors were known, it would be possible to
run the algorithm separately on each subset of restaurants, but these distinctions are
not immediately clear a priori. For sentiment analysis, the PRanking algorithm of
Snyder and Barzilay [74] is incorporated in two ways: In Titov and McDonald [80],
the PRanking algorithm is trained in a pipeline fashion after all topics are generated,
while in Titov and McDonald [81], it is incorporated into the model during inference
in a joint formulation. However, in both cases, as in the original algorithm, the set
of aspects is fixed - each of the aspects corresponds to a fixed set of of topics found
by the model. Additionally, the learning problem is supervised. Because of the fixed
aspects, necessary additional supervision, and global topic distribution, this model
formulation is not sufficient for our problem domain, which requires very fine-grained
All of these approaches have structural similarity to the work we present, as they
are variations on LDA. None, however, has the same intent as our model. Mei et al.
[56] model aspect and sentiment jointly; however their aspects are very vague, and
they treat sentiment at the document level rather than the aspect level. Likewise,
Titov and McDonald [80, 81] model "fine-grained" aspects, but they are still coarser

than the aspects we require, as their distributions are shared globally. Finally, Lu
and Zhai [50], Blei and McAuliffe [7], Titov and McDonald [80, 81] require supervised
annotation or a supervised expert review that we do not have. We attempt to solve
each of these issues with our joint formulation in order to proceed with minimal
supervision and discover truly fine-grained aspects.

3.3 Problem formulation

Before explaining the model details, we describe the random variables and abstrac-
tions of our model, as well as some intuitions and assumptions. 2 A visual explanation
of model components is shown in Figure 3-3. We present complete details and the
generative story in Section 3.4.

3.3.1 Model components

Entity An entity represents a single object which is described in the review. In

the restaurant domain, these represent individual restaurants, such as Tasca Spanish
Tapas, Douzo Sushi Bar, and Outback Steakhouse.

Snippet A snippet is a user-generated short sequence of words describing an entity.

These snippets can be provided by the user as is (for example, in a "quick reaction"
box) or extracted from complete reviews through a phrase extraction system such as
the one from Sauper et al. [70]. We assume that each snippet contains at most one
single aspect (e.g., pizza) and one single value type (e.g., positive). In the restaurant
domain, this corresponds to giving an opinion about one particular dish or cate-
gory of dishes. Examples from the restaurant domain include Their pasta dishes are
perfection itself, they had fantastic drinks, and the lasagna rustica was cooked
Here, we explain our complete model with value selection for sentiment in the restaurant domain.
For the simplified case in the medical domain where we would like to use only aspects, we may simply
ignore the value-related components of the model.

,-- Tasca Spanish Tapas

Entity Chicken
+ The chicken was cooked perfectly
Aspects < - The chicken was tough and not tasty
+ Moist and delicious chicken
Values < + Dessert
+ The dessert was good
+ An excellent creme brulee

Douzo Sushi Bar

+ The sushi is creative and pretty good
- My torched roll tasted rather bland

Figure 3-3: Labeled model components from the example in Figure 3-1. Note that
aspects are never given explicit labels, and the ones shown here are presented purely
for ease of understanding; aspects exist simply as groups of snippets which share a
common subject. Also, word topics are not pictured here; a word topic (Aspect, Value,
or Background) is assigned to each word in each snippet. These model components
are described at high level in Section 3.3.1 and in depth in Section 3.4.

Aspect An aspect corresponds to one of several properties of an entity. In the restau-

rant domain where entities represent restaurants, aspects may correspond to individ-
ual dishes or categories of dishes, such as pizza or alcoholic drinks. For this domain,
each entity has its own unique set of aspects. This allows us to model aspects at

the appropriate granularity. For example, an Italian restaurant may have a dessert
aspect which pertains to information about a variety of cakes, pies, and gelato. How-
ever, most of a bakery's menu would fall under that same dessert aspect. Instead,
to present a useful aspect-based summary, it would require separate aspects for each
of cakes, pies, and so on. Because aspects are entity-specific rather than shared,
there are no ties between restaurants which have aspects in common (e.g., most sushi
restaurants will have a sashimi aspect); we consider this a point for potential future

work. Note that it is still possible to compare aspects across entities (e.g., to find the
best restaurant for a burger) by comparing their respective word distributions.

Value Values represent the information associated with an aspect. In the review
domain, the two value types represent positive and negative sentiment respectively.
In general, it is possible to use value to represent other distinctions; for example,
in a domain where some aspects are associated with a numeric value and others are
associated with a text description, each of these can be set as a value type. The
intended distinctions may be encouraged by the use of seed words (see Section 3.3.2),
or they may be left unspecified for the model to assign whatever it finds to best fit
the data. The number of value types must be prespecified; however, it is possible to
use either very few or very many types.

Word Topic While the words in each snippet are observed, each word is associated
with an underlying latent topic. The possible latent topics correspond to aspect,
value, and a background topic. For example, in the review domain, the latent topic
of words great or terrible would be Value, of words which represent entity aspects
such as pizza would be Aspect, and of stop words like is or of in-domain white noise
like food would be Background.

3.3.2 Problem setup

In this work, we assume that the snippet words are always observed, and the cor-
relation between snippets and entities is known (i.e., we know which entity a given
snippet describes). In addition, we assume part of speech tags for each word in each
snippet. As a final source of supervision, we may optionally include small sets of seed
words for a lexical distribution, in order to bias the distribution toward the intended
meaning. For example, in the sentiment case, we can bias one value distribution
toward positive and one toward negative.
Note that in this formulation, the relevant aspects for each restaurant are not
observed; instead, they are represented by lexical distributions which are induced at

inference time. In the system output, aspects are represented as unlabeled clusters
over snippets.3 Given this formulation, the goal of this work is then to induce the
latent aspect and value underlying each snippet.

3.4 Model
Our model has a generative formulation over all snippets in the corpus. In this section,
we first describe in detail the general formulation and notation of the model, then
discuss novel changes and enhancements for particular corpora types. Inference for
this model will be discussed in Section 3.5. As mentioned previously, we will describe
the complete model including aspect values.

3.4.1 General formulation

For this model, we assume a collection of all snippet words for all entities, s. We use
s2 ,jW to denote the wth word of the jth snippet of the ith entity. We also assume a
fixed vocabulary of words W.
We present a summary of notation in Table 3.1, a concise summary of the model
in Figure 3-4, and a model diagram in Figure 3-5. There are three levels in the
model design: global distributions common to all snippets for all entities in the col-
lection, entity-level distributions common to all snippets describing a single entity,
and snippet- and word-level random variables. Here, we describe each in turn.

Global distributions

At the global level, we draw a set of distributions common to all entities in the corpus.
These include everything shared across a domain, such as the background stop-word
distribution, value types, and word topic transitions.
If a label is desired, we can automatically extract one by selecting the highest probability word
or words for a particular aspect. For the examples in this paper, we provide manual cluster labels
for illustration purposes.

Data Set
s Collection of all snippet words from all entities
si'j'w wth word of jth snippet of ith entity
tijw * Part-of-speech tag corresponding to si'j'"
W Fixed vocabulary
Wseed, Seed words for value type v
Lexical Distributions
OB Background word distribution
6o4" (04 *) Aspect word distribution for aspect a of entity i
By Value word distribution for type v
01 * Ignored words distribution
Other Distributions
A Transition distribution over word topics
#i,a (#a *) Aspect-value multinomial for aspect a of entity i
)(' *) Aspect multinomial for entity i
r/ * Part-of-speech tag distribution
Latent Variables
Z Aspect selected for si'j
Z1 Value type selected for si'j
Z' ., Word topic (A, V B, I *) selected for si'iW
Other Notation
K Number of aspects a
A Indicator corresponding to aspect word
V Indicator corresponding to value word
B Indicator corresponding to background word
I * Indicator corresponding to ignored word

Table 3.1: Notation used in this chapter. Items marked with * relate to extensions
mentioned in Section 3.4.2.

Global Level:

Draw background word distribution 0 B ~ DIRICHLET(ABW)

For each value type v,

Draw value word distribution O, DIRICHLET(EW + AVWseed)

Entity Level:

For each entity i,

Draw aspect word distributions 0l" ~ DIRICHLET(AAW) for a = 1,... ,K

Draw aspect value multinomial #i," ~ DIRICHLET(AAVN) for a = 1,. . . , K

Draw aspect multinomial V) ~ DIRICHLET(AMK)

Snippet Level:

For each snippet j describing the ith entity,

Draw snippet aspect Zy @
Draw snippet value ZJ ~ #ziqA

Draw sequence of word topic indicators ZjW ~ AIZ ''-"

Draw snippet word given aspect Zgj and value Z/

A ^ZA when Z' =A

Ov , when ZW'W = V
when Z3'"W = B

Figure 3-4: A summary of our generative model presented in Section 3.4.1. We use
DIRICHLET(AW) to denote a finite Dirichlet prior where the hyper-parameter counts
are a scalar times the unit vector of vocabulary items. For the global value word
distribution, the prior hyper-parameter counts are c for all vocabulary items and AV
for Wse.d,, the vector of vocabulary items in the set of seed words for value v.

Value v
Background word Transition Value word
distribution distribution distributions


Figure 3-5: A graphical description of the model presented in Section 3.4.1. A written
description of the generative process is located in Figure 3-4. Curved arrows indicate
additional links which are present in the model but not drawn for readability.

Background Distribution A global background word distribution 0 B is drawn to rep-
resent stop-words and in-domain white noise (e.g., "food" becomes white noise in a
corpus of restaurant reviews). This distribution is drawn from a symmetric Dirichlet
with concentration parameter AB-

Value Distributions A value word distribution 0y is drawn for each value type v. For
example, in a review domain with positive and negative sentiment types, there will
be a distribution over words for the positive type and one for the negative type. Seed
words Wse.dv are given additional probability mass on the value priors for type v;
specifically, a non-seed word receives e hyperparameter, while a seed word receives
c + Av.

Transition Distribution A transition distribution A is drawn to represent the transi-

tion probabilities of underlying word topics. For example, it may be very likely to
have a Value Aspect transition in a review domain, which fits phrases like "great
pizza." This distribution is given a slight bias toward more helpful transitions; for
example, encouraging sticky behavior by providing a small boost to self-transitions.
This bias is easily overridden by data; however, it provides a useful starting point.

Entity-specific distributions

There are naturally variations in the aspects which snippets describe and how many
snippets describe each aspect. For example, a mobile device popular for long battery
life will likely have more snippets describing the battery than a device which is known
for its large screen. Some domains may have enormous variation in aspect vocabulary;
for example, in restaurant reviews, two restaurants may not serve any of the same
food items to compare. To account for these variations, we define a set of entity-
specific distributions which generate both aspect vocabulary and popularity, as well
as a distribution over value types for each aspect.

Aspect Distributions An aspect word distribution 0"' is drawn for each aspect a.
Each of these represents the distribution over unigrams for a particular aspect. For

example, in the domain of restaurant reviews, aspects may correspond to menu items
such as pizza, while in reviews for cell phones, they may correspond to details such as
battery life. Each aspect word distribution is drawn from a symmetric Dirichlet prior
with hyperparameter AA.

Aspect-Value Multinomials Aspect-value multinomials gi determine the likelihood of

each value type v for the corresponding aspect a. For example, if value types represent
positive and negative sentiment, this corresponds to agreement of sentiment across
snippets. Likewise, if value types represent formatting such as integers, decimals, and
text, each aspect generally prefers the same type of value. These multinomials are
drawn from a symmetric Dirichlet prior using hyperparameter AAV.

Aspect Multinomial The aspect multinomial @f controls the likelihood of each aspect
being discussed in a given snippet. This encodes the intuition that certain aspects
are more likely to be discussed than others for a given entity. For example, if a
particular Italian restaurant is famous for their pizza, it is likely that the pizza aspect
will be frequently discussed in reviews, while the drinks aspect may be mentioned
only occasionally. The aspect multinomial will encode this as a higher likelihood for
choosing pizza as a snippet aspect than drinks. This multinomial is drawn from a
symmetric Dirichlet distribution with hyperparameter Am.

Snippet- and word-specific random variables

Using the distributions described above, we can now draw random variables for each
snippet to determine the aspect and value type which will be described, as well as
the sequence of underlying word topics and words.

Aspect A single aspect ZA which this snippet will describe is drawn from the aspect
multinomial V/f. All aspect words in the snippet (e.g., pizza in a corpus of restaurant
reviews) will be drawn from the corresponding aspect word distribution OiA

Value Type A single value type Z/ is drawn conditioned on the selected aspect from
the corresponding aspect-value multinomial g52O . All value words in the snippet

(e.g., "great" in the review domain) will be drawn from the corresponding value word
distribution Oy .

Word Topic Indicators m is gen-

A sequence of word topic indicators ZW,..., Zy"
erated using a first-order Markov model parameterized by the transition matrix A.
These indicators determine which unigram distribution generates each word in the
snippet. For example, if Zw"' = B, the wth word of this snippet is generated from
the background word distribution 6B.

3.4.2 Model extensions

There are a few optional components of the model which may improve performance
for some cases. We briefly list them here, then present the necessary modifications
to the model in detail for each case. Modifications to the inference procedure will
be presented in Section 3.5.1. First, for corpora which contain irrelevant snippets,
we may introduce an additional word distribution 0 and word topic Ignore to allow
the model to ignore certain snippets or pieces of snippets altogether. Second, if it is
possible to acquire part of speech tags for the snippets, using these as an extra piece
of information is quite beneficial. Finally, for corpora where every entity is expected
to share the same aspects, the model can be altered to use the same set of aspect
distributions for all entities.

Ignoring snippets

When snippet data is automatically extracted, it may be noisy, and some snippets
may violate our initial assumptions of having one aspect and one value. For example,
we find some snippets which were mistakenly extracted that have neither aspect nor
value. These extraneous snippets may be difficult to identify a priori. To compensate
for this, we modify the model to allow partial or entire snippets to be ignored through

the addition of a global unigram distribution, namely the Ignore distribution O1. This
distribution is drawn from a symmetric Dirichlet with concentration parameter A,.
In order to successfully incorporate this distribution into our model, we must allow
the word topic indicator Z "' to consider the Ignore topic. Additionally, because this
distribution is intended to select whole snippets or large portions of snippets, we give
a large boost to the prior of the Ignore Ignore sequence in the transition distribution

Part-of-speech tags

Part-of-speech tags can provide valuable evidence in determining which snippet words
are drawn from each distribution. For example, aspect words are often nouns, as they
represent concrete properties or concepts in a domain. Likewise, in some domains,
value words describe aspects and therefore tend to be expressed as numbers or adjec-
This intuition can be directly incorporated into the model in the form of additional
outputs. Specifically, we modify our HMM to produce both words and tags. Addi-
tionally, we define distributions over tags r/1, r/7,and rB/I similar to the corresponding
unigram distributions.

Shared aspects

When domains are very regular, and every entity is expected to express aspects from a
consistent set, it is beneficial to share aspect information across entities. For example,
in a medical domain, the same general set of lab tests and physical exam categories
are run on all patients. Note that this is quite unlike the restaurant review case,
where each restaurant's aspects are completely different (e.g., pizza, curry, scones,
and so on).
Sharing aspects in this way can be accomplished by modifying the aspect distri-
butions 6 " to become global distributions 6a4. Likewise, aspect-value multinomials

#ia become shared across all entities as as 4a. Treatment of the aspect multinomials
depend on the domain properties. If the distribution over aspects is expected to be

the same across all entities, it can also be made global; however, if each individual en-
tity is expected to exhibit variation in the number of snippets related to each aspect,
they should be kept as entity-specific. For example, reviews for a set of cell phones
may be expected to focus on varying parts, depending on what is most unique or
problematic about those phones. A graphical description of these changes compared
to the original model is shown in Figure 3-6.

3.5 Inference

The goal of inference in this model is to predict the aspect and value for each snippet
i and product j, given the text of all observed snippets, while marginalizing out the
remaining hidden parameters:

P(4Z, Zf3 s)

We accomplish this task using variational inference [8]. Specifically, the goal of
variational inference is to find a tractable approximation Q(.) to the full posterior of
the model.

P(OB, 0 v, A, 6A, V, <p, Z s) ~ Q(OB, 6 v, A, 0 A, 4,, Z)

For our model, we assume a full mean-field factorization of the variational distri-
bution, shown in Figure 3-7. This variational approximation is defined as a product
of factors q(.), which are assumed to be independent. This approximation allows for
tractable inference of each factor individually. To obtain the closest possible approx-
imation, we attempt to set the q(.) factors to minimize the KL divergence to the true
model posterior:

arg min KL(Q(OB, Ov, A, 6 A, @, , Z)||P(OB, 6 v, A, 6 A 4, ,, ZIs))


We optimize this objective using coordinate descent on the q(.) factors. Con-
cretely, we update each factor by optimizing the above criterion with all other factors

Value v
Background word Transition Value word
distribution distribution distributions


Figure 3-6: A graphical description of the model with shared aspects presented in
Section 3.4.2. Note the similarities to Figure 3-5; however in this version, aspects
are shared for the entire corpus, rather than being entity-specific. It would also be
possible to share the aspect multinomial corpus-wide; in that case it would indicate
that all entities share the same general distribution over aspects, while in this version
the individual entities are allowed to have completely different distributions.

Mean-field Factorization

Q (OB, Oy, A, OA, 1p, #, Z)

q (OB) q (A) ( q (Ov) (J q (0) q(0 A ) q (i,a) (fJq (Zb/) q (Z) f q(Z
\V=1 i / a=1 / w

Snippet Aspect Indicator

log q(Z'j = a) oc

Eq(Vl) log <7(a) + E q(Z?'' = A)E log ia (si"W) + q(Z/ =v)Eq(gia) log #i'a(v)
w V=1

Snippet Value Type Indicator

log q(Zi? = v) oc Eq(Z' = a)Eq(iga) log #,a(v) + q(Zw = V )Eqto log(vijW)

a w

Word Topic Indicator

log q(Z'w = A) cK

log P(Zw = A) + Eq(A) log A (ZW , A)A(A, Zw+1)) +I: q(Zy'= a)Eq(9 ") l A

log q(Z7w = V) oc

log P(Zw =V) +Eq(A) log(A (Z'w" ,V)A(V, Zw+1) + Eq(Z 'j = V)Eq(O) logv (si'j'w)

log q(Z4'w = B) oc

log P(Zw = B) + Eq(A) log (A (Zi''- , B) A (B, Z ,w+1)) Eq( log OB(si')

Figure 3-7: The mean-field variational algorithm used during learning and inference
to obtain posterior predictions over snippet properties and attributes, as described
in Section 3.5. Mean-field inference consists of updating each of the latent variable
factors as well as a straightforward update of latent parameters in round robin fashion.

fixed to their current values:

q(.) -- IEQ/q(.) log P(OB, Ov, A, OA, V), q , Z, S)

A summary of the variational update equations is given in Figure 3-7, and a

graphical representation of the involved variables for each step is presented in Figure 3-
8. Here, we will present the update for each factor.

Snippet Aspect Indicator First, we consider the update for the snippet aspect indica-
tor, ZLj (Figure 3-8a):

log q(Zj= a) ocEq(Vi) log V)(a) (3.1a)

+ 1 q(Z]'W = A)E( 0 a) log Qiai(siJ') (3.1b)

+ E q(Z{j = V)Eq(0ia) log <i,a(V) (3.1c)

The optimal aspect for a particular snippet depends on three factors. First, we
include the likelihood of discussing each aspect a (Eqn. 3.1a). As mentioned earlier,
this encodes the prior probability that some aspects are discussed more frequently
than others. Second, we examine the likelihood of a particular aspect based on the
words in the snippet (Eqn. 3.1b). For each word which is identified as an aspect
word, we add the probability that it discusses this aspect. Third, we determine the
compatibility of the chosen aspect type with the current aspect (Eqn. 3.1c). For
example, if we know the value type is most likely an integer, the assigned aspect
should accept integers.


Z 6 Zv,Qv

(a) Inference procedure for snippet aspect, Z j (b) Inference procedure for snippet value, Z"j


zA zV
Z. =Ai.Z =Vii1

(c) Inference procedure for word topic, Zj'w

Figure 3-8: Variational inference update steps for each latent variable. The latent
variable currently being updated is shown in a double circle, and the other variables
relevant to the update are highlighted in black. Those variables which have no impact
on the update are grayed out. Note that for snippet aspect (a) and snippet value type
(b), the update takes the same form for each possible aspect or value type. However,
for word topic (c), the update is not symmetric as the relevant variables are different
for each possible word topic.

Snippet Value Type Indicator Next, we consider the update for the snippet value type
indicator, ZIj (Figure 3-8b):

log q(Z'j = v) c q(Z 'j = a)Eq(pi) log goia(v) (3.2a)


+ E q(Z'w = V)Eq(Ol) log 6'(si'w)


The best value type for a snippet depends on two factors. First, like the snippet
aspect indicator, we must take into consideration the compatibility between snippet
aspect and value type (Eqn. 3.2a). Second, for each word identified as a value word,
we include the likelihood that it comes from the given value type.

Word Topic Indicator Finally, we consider the update for the word topic indicators,
Z ' (Figure 3-8c). Unlike the previous indicators, each possible topic has a slightly
different equation, as we must marginalize over all possible aspects and value types.

log q(Z1'W = A) oc log P(Zw A) + Eq(A) log A(Z?'-, A) A(A, Z ')w+1

+ E q(Z 7 = a)Eq(,ia) log O6'j (si'w) (3.3a)


log q(Z =WV) oc logP(Zw V) + Eq(A) log(A(Z-1,V)A (VZ W+1)

+ Sq (Z
- v)Eq(o ) log Ov (si'"w) (3.3b)

log q(Zj'w = B) oc log P(Zw B) + Eq(A) log (A (Zy'-' B) A (B, Zw+1

+ Eq(OB) log OB (siiw (3.3c)

The update for each topic is composed of the prior probability of having that topic,
transition probabilities using this topic, and the probability of the word coming from
the appropriate unigram distribution, marginalized over all possibilities for snippet
aspect and value indicators.

Parameter Factors Updates for the parameter factors under variational inference are
derived through simple counts of the latent and observed variables ZA, Zv, Zw, and

O(ZA = a) oc P(Zj = a)

qjia(ZV v) OC P(Z 3J V)

y(S = w) o Z P(si'j'w = w Y)
i j W

T(ZT= X A ZT+1 =Y) oc ZP(Z'"w X A Z ,]'w+1 Y)

ij W

Note that this formulation yields partial counts; if a particular snippet has aspect
probability P(Z 7 = a) = 0.35, it would contribute 0.35 count to 4'(a).

Algorithm Details Given this set of update equations, the update procedure is straight-
forward. First, iterate over the corpus computing the updated values for each random
variable, then do a batch update for all factors simultaneously. This update algorithm

is run to convergence. In practice, convergence is achieved by the 50th iteration, so

the algorithm is quite efficient.

Note that the batch update means each update is computed using the values from

the previous iteration, unlike Gibbs sampling which uses updated values as it runs

through the corpus. This difference allows the variational update algorithm to be

parallelized, yielding a nice efficiency boost. Specifically, to parallelize the algorithm,

we simply split the set of entities evenly among processors. Updates for entity-specific

factors and variables are computed during the pass through the data, and updates

for global factors are collected and combined at the end of each pass.

3.5.1 Inference for model extensions

As discussed in Section 3.4.2, we can add additional components to the model to

improve performance for data with certain attributes. Here, we briefly discuss the

modifications to the inference equations for each extension.

Ignoring snippets

The main modifications to the model for this extension are the addition of the unigram
distribution 01 and word topic I, which can be chosen by Zw. The update equation
for Zw is modified by the addition of the following:

log q(Z W' = I) oc log P(Zw = I) + Eq( 1 ) log0O(si'i')

As in the other pieces of this equation (Eqn. 3.3), this is composed of the prior
probability for the word topic I and the likelihood that this word is generated by Oi-
In addition, the transition distribution A must be updated to include transition
probabilities for I* and *I. As mentioned earlier, the II transition receives high
weight, while all other transitions to and from I receive very low weight.

Part-of-speech tags

To add part of speech tags, the model is updated to include part-of-speech distri-
butions qA, gv, and qB, one for each word topic. Note that unlike the unigram
distributions 0"' and 0', the corresponding tag distributions are not dependent on
snippet entity, aspect, or value. These are included and referenced in the updates for

Zw as follows:

log q(Z ?'m =A) oc log P(Zw =A) + Eq(A) log(A(Zi'jw1, A) A(A, Zvw+1))

± Eq(?A) log 11A (t iJw) + S q (Z

= a) Eq(Qga) log A2(si'iw)

log q(Z m
' = V) oc log P(Zw = V) + Eq() log(A (Z$j' , V) A (V, Zv')

+ Eq( 7 1 ) log rv (t ) + (Zij = V)Eq(O,) log Oi(si'ij')


log q(Z w
'" B) oc log P(Zw = B) + Eq(A) log(A(Z ', B) A (B, Z 'w+1)

+ Eq(qB) log r|B (tiw) + Eq(OB) log OB (si'j'w)

Here, we define t as the set of all tags and t as the tag corresponding to the word

Shared aspects

A global set of shared aspects is a simplification of the model in that it reduces the

total number of parameters. This model redefines aspect distributions to be Oa and

aspect-value multinomials to be a. Depending on domain, it may also redefine the

aspect multinomial to be 4. The resulting latent variable update equations are the
same; only the parameter factor updates are changed. Rather than collecting counts

over snippets describing a single entity, counts are collected across the corpus.

3.6 Experiments
We perform experiments on two tasks. First, we test our full model on joint prediction

of both aspect and sentiment on a corpus of review data. Second, we use a simplified

version of the model designed to identify aspects only on a corpus of medical summary

data. These domains are structured quite differently, and therefore present very

different challenges to our model.

3.6.1 Joint identification of aspect and sentiment

Our first task is to test our full model by jointly predicting both aspect and sentiment
on a collection of restaurant review data. Specifically, we would like to dynamically
select a set of relevant aspects for each restaurant, identify the snippets which cor-
respond to each aspect, and recover the polarity of each snippet individually and
each aspect as a whole. We perform three experiments to evaluate our model's ef-
fectiveness. First, we test the quality of learned aspects by evaluating the predicted
snippet clusters. Second, we assess the quality of the polarity classification. Third,
we examine per-word labeling accuracy. Data set

Our data set for this task consists of snippets selected from Yelp restaurant reviews by
our previous system [70]. The system is trained to extract snippets containing short
descriptions of user sentiment towards some aspect of a restaurant. 4 For the purpose
of this experiment, we select only the snippets labeled by that system as referencing
food. In order to ensure that there is enough data for meaningful analysis, we ignore
restaurants that have fewer than 20 snippets across all reviews. There are 13,879
snippets in total, taken from 328 restaurants in and around the Boston/Cambridge
area. The average snippet length is 7.8 words, and there are an average of 42.1
snippets per restaurant. We use the MXPOST tagger [69] to gather POS tags for the
data. Figure 3-9 shows some example snippets.
For this domain, the value distributions are divided into positive and negative
distributions. These are seeded using 42 and 33 seed words respectively. Seed words
are hand-selected based on the restaurant review domain; therefore, they include
domain-specific words such as delicious and gross. A complete list of seed words is
included in Table 3.2.
For exact training procedures, please reference that paper.

Positive Negative
amazing awesome best delicious average awful bad
delightful divine enjoy excellent bland boring confused
extraordinary fantastic fav favorite disappointed disgusting dry
flavorful free fresh fun expensive fatty greasy
generous good great happy gross horrible inedible
heaven huge incredible interesting lame less mediocre
inexpensive love nice outstanding meh mushy overcooked
perfect phenomenal pleasant quality poor pricey salty
recommend rich sleek stellar tacky tasteless terrible
stimulating strong tasty tender tiny unappetizing underwhelming
wonderful yummy uninspiring worse worst

Table 3.2: Seed words used by the model for the restaurant corpus, 42 positive words
and 33 negative words in total. These words are manually selected for this data set. Domain challenges and modeling techniques

This domain presents two challenging characteristics for our model. First, there are

a wide variety of restaurants within our domain, including everything from high-end

Asian fusion cuisine to greasy burger fast food places. If we were to try to represent

these using a single shared set of aspects, the number of aspects required would be

immense, and it would be extremely difficult for our model to make fine-grained

distinctions between them. By defining aspects separately for each restaurant as

mentioned in Section 3.4, we can achieve the proper granularity of aspects for each

individual restaurant without an overwhelming or overlapping selection of choices.

For example, the model is able to distinguish that an Italian restaurant may need

only a single dessert aspect, while a bakery requires separate pie, cake, and cookie


Second, while there are usually a fairly cohesive set of words which refer to any

particular aspect (e.g., the pizza aspect might be commonly be seen with the words

slice, pepperoni, and cheese), there are a near-unlimited set of potential sentiment

words. This is especially pronounced in the social media domain where there are

many novel words used to express sentiment (e.g., deeeeeeeelish as a substitute for

delicious). As mentioned in Section 3.4, the part-of-speech and transition components

of the model helps to identify which unknown words are likely to be sentiment words;

however, we additionally need to identify the polarity of their sentiment. To do

this, we can leverage the aspect-value multinomial, which represents the likelihood of

The noodles and the meat were actually +pretty good.
I +recommend the chicken noodle pho.
The noodles were -sy
The chicken pho was also +good.

The spring rolls and coffee were +good, though.

The spring roll wrappers were a -little drytasting.
My + favorites were the crispy spring rolls.
The Crispy Tuna Spring Rolls are +fantastic!

The lobster roll my mother ordered was -dry and -scant.

The portabella mushroom is my +go-to sandwich.
The bread on the sandwich was -stale.
The slice of tomato was -rather measly.

The shumai and california maki sushi were +decent.

The spicy tuna roll and eel roll were ±perfect.
The rolls with spicy mayo were
I +love Thai rolls.

Figure 3-9: Example snippets from our data set, grouped according to aspect. Aspect
words are underlined and colored blue, NEGATIVE value words are labeled - and
colored red, and POSITIVE value words are labeled + and colored green. The grouping
and labeling are not given in the data set and must be learned by the model.

positive or negative sentiment for a particular aspect. If most of the snippets about

a given aspect are positive, it is likely that the word deeeeeeeelish represents positive

sentiment as well. Cluster prediction

The goal of this task is to evaluate the quality of aspect clusters; specifically the

ZJ variable in Section 3.4. In an ideal clustering, the predicted clusters will be

cohesive (i.e., all snippets predicted to discuss a given aspect are related to each

other) and comprehensive (i.e., all snippets which discuss an aspect are selected as

such). For example, a snippet will be assigned the aspect pizza if and only if that

snippet mentions some aspect of pizza, such as its crust, cheese, or toppings.

Annotation For this experiment, we use a set of gold clusters on the complete sets
of snippets from 20 restaurants, 1026 snippets in total (an average of 51.3 snippets
per restaurant). Cluster annotations were provided by graduate students fluent in
English. Each annotator was provided with a complete set of snippets for a par-
ticular restaurant, then asked to cluster them naturally. There were 199 clusters in
total, which yields an average of 10.0 clusters per restaurant. These annotations are
high-quality; the average annotator agreement is 81.9 by the MUC evaluation metric
(described in detail below). Baseline systems and our full model are asked to produce
10 aspect clusters per restaurant, matching the average annotated number.

Baseline We use two baselines for this task, both using a clustering algorithm weighted
by TF*IDF as implemented by the publicly available CLUTO package [40],5 using
agglomerative clustering with the cosine similarity distance metric [14, 16].
The first baseline, CLUSTER-ALL, clusters over entire snippets in the data set.
This baseline will put a strong connection between things which are lexically similar.
Because our model only uses aspect words to tie together clusters, this baseline may
capture correlations between words which our model does not correctly identify as
aspect words.
The second baseline, CLUSTER-NOUN, works over only the nouns from the snip-
pets. Each snippet is POS-tagged using MXPOST [69),6 and any non-noun (i.e., not
NN, NNS, NNP, or NNPS) words are removed. Because we expect that most aspects
contain at least one noun, this acts as a proxy for the aspect identification in our

Metric We use the MUC cluster evaluation metric for this task [83]. This metric
measures the number of cluster merges and splits required to recreate the gold clusters
given the model's output. Therefore, it can concisely show how accurate our clusters
are as a whole. While it would be possible to artificially inflate the score by putting
everything into a single cluster, the parameters on our model and the likelihood
5Available at http: //glaros.dtc.umn.edu/gkhome/cluto/cluto/overview.
Available at http://www.inf .ed.ac.uk/resources/nlp/local-doc/MXPOST.html.

Precision Recall F1
CLUSTER-ALL 57.3 60.1 58.7
CLUSTER-NOUN 68.6 70.5 69.5
Our model 74.3 85.3 79.4

Table 3.3: Results using the MUC metric on cluster prediction for the joint aspect
and value identification task. While MUC has a deficiency in that putting everything
into a single cluster will artificially inflate the score, all models are set to use the
same number of clusters. Note that for this task, the CLUSTER-NOUN significantly
outperforms the CLUSTER-ALL baseline, indicating that part of speech is a crucial
piece of information for this task.

objective are such that the model prefers to use all available clusters, the same number
as the baseline system.

Results Results for our cluster prediction task are in Table 3.3. Our model shows
strong performance over each baseline, for a total error reduction of 32% over the
CLUSTER-NOUN baseline and 50% over the CLUSTER-ALL baseline. The most com-
mon cause of poor cluster choices in the baseline systems is their inability to dis-
tinguish which words are relevant aspect words. For example, in the CLUSTER-ALL
baseline, if many snippets use the word delicious, there may end up being a cluster
based on that alone. The CLUSTER-NOUN baseline is able to avoid some of these
pitfalls thanks to its built-in filter. It is able to avoid common value words such as
adjectives and also focus on what seems to be the most concrete portion of the as-
pect (e.g., blackened chicken); however, it still cannot make the correct distinctions
where these assumptions are broken. Because our model is capable of distinguish-
ing which words are aspect words (i.e., words relevant to clustering), it can choose
clusters which make more sense overall. Sentiment analysis

We evaluate the system's predictions of snippet sentiment using the predicted poste-
rior over the value distributions for the snippet (i.e., Z 3 ). For this task, we consider
the binary judgment to be simply the one with higher value in q(Z) (see Section 3.5).
The goal of this task is to evaluate whether our model correctly distinguishes the sen-

timent of value words.

Annotation For this task, we use a set of 662 randomly selected snippets from the
Yelp reviews which express opinions. To get a clear result, this set specifically excludes
neutral, mixed, or potentially ambiguous snippets such as the fries were too salty but
tasty or the blackened chicken was very spicy, which make up about 10% of the overall
data. This set is split into a training set of 550 snippets and a test set of 112 snippets,
then each snippet is manually labeled POSITIVE or NEGATIVE. For one baseline, we
use the set of positive and negative seed words which were manually chosen for our
model, shown in Table 3.2. Note that as before, our model has access to the full
corpus of unlabeled data plus the seed words, but no labeled examples.

Baseline We use two baselines for this task, one based on a standard discriminative
classifier and one based on the seed words from our model.
The DISCRIMINATIVE baseline for this task is a standard maximum entropy dis-
criminative binary classifier 7 over unigrams. Given enough snippets from enough
unrelated aspects, the classifier should be able to identify that words like great indi-
cate positive sentiment and those like bad indicate negative sentiment, while words
like chicken are neutral and have no effect. To illustrate the effect of training size, we
include results for DISCRIMINATIVE-SMALL, which uses 100 training examples, and
DISCRIMINATIVE-LARGE, which uses 550 training examples.
The SEED baseline simply counts the number of words from the same positive
and negative seed lists used by the model, Vsecd, and Vsecd_, as listed in Table 3.2.
If there are more words from Vse.d,, the snippet is labeled positive, and if there are
more words from Vsed-, the snippet is labeled negative. If there is a tie or there
are no seed words, we split the prediction. Because the seed word lists are manually
selected specifically for restaurant reviews (i.e., they contain food-related sentiment
words such as delicious), this baseline should perform well.
Available at https: //github. com/lzhanglO/maxent.

SEED 78.2
Our model 82.5

Table 3.4: Sentiment prediction accuracy of our model compared to the DISCRIM-
INATIVE and SEED baselines, as well as MAJORITY representing the majority class
(PoSITIVE) baseline. One advantage of our system is its ability to distinguish aspect
words from sentiment words in order to restrict judgment to only the relevant terms;
another is the leverage that it gains from biasing unknown sentiment words to follow
the polarity observed in other snippets relating to the same aspect.

Results The overall sentiment classification accuracy of each system are shown in
Table 3.4). Our model outperforms both baselines. The obvious flaw in the SEED
baseline is the inability to pre-specify every possible sentiment word. It does per-
form highly, due to its tailoring for the restaurant domain and good coverage of the
most frequent words (e.g., delicious, good, great), but the performance of our model
indicates that it can generalize beyond these seed words.
The DISCRIMINATIVE-LARGE outperforms the SEED baseline on this test set;
however, given the smaller training set of DISCRIMINATIVE-SMALL, it performs worse.
The training curve of the DISCRIMINATIVE baseline is shown in Figure 3-10. While
the DISCRIMINATIVE baseline system can correctly identify the polarity of statements
containing information it has seen in the past, it has two main weaknesses. First,
every sentiment word must have been present in training data. For example, in our
test data, rancid appears in a negative sentence; however, it does not appear in the
training data, so the model labels the example incorrectly. This is problematic, as
there is no way to find training data for every possible sentiment word, especially in
social media data where novel words and typos are a frequent occurrence. Our model's
ability to generalize about the polarity of snippets describing a particular aspect
allows it to predict sentiment values for words of unknown polarity. For example, if
there are already several positive snippets describing a particular aspect, the system
can guess that a snippet with unknown polarity will likely also be positive.



78.6 --- SEED

8 76.8
75 - -- Our model


0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Number of snippets in training data

Figure 3-10: DISCRIMINATIVE baseline performance as the number of training exam-

ples increases. While performance generally increases, there are some inconsistencies.
The main issue with this baseline is that it needs to see examples of words in training
data before it can improve; this phenomenon can be seen at the plateau in this graph. Per-word labeling accuracy

The goal of this task is to evaluate whether each word is correctly identified as an

aspect word, value word, or background word. This distinction is crucial in order to

achieve correctness of both clustering and sentiment analysis, so errors here may help

us identify weaknesses of our model.

Annotation Per-word annotation is acquired from Mechanical Turk. The per-word

labeling task seems difficult for some Turk annotators, so we implement a filtering

procedure to ensure that only high-quality annotators are allowed to submit results.

Specifically, we ask annotators to produce labels for a set of "difficult" phrases with

known labels (shown in Table 3.5). Those annotators who successfully produced

correct or mostly-correct annotations are allowed to access the annotation tasks con-

taining new phrases. Each of these unknown tasks is presented to 3 annotators, and

the majority label is taken for each word. In total, we test on 150 labeled phrases,

for a total of 7,401 labeled words.

The rolls also were ii very wel ipade .
The pita was beyond dryu and tasted like cardboard !
The Falafel King has the best falafel !
The rolls with spicy mayo were niot so gooi
Ordered the spicy tuna and california roll - they were aumzing!

Table 3.5: Correct annotation of a set of phrases containing elements which may be
confusing, on which annotators are tested before they are allowed to annotate the
actual test data. Aspect words are colored blue and underlined; value words are
colored orange and underlined with a wavy line. Some common mistakes include:
annotating n't as background (because it is attached to the background word was),
annotating cardboard as an aspect because it is a noun, annotating Falafel King as
an aspect because it is in subject position.

Baseline The baseline for this task relies again on the intuition that part-of-speech

is a useful proxy for aspect and value identification. We know that aspects usually

represent concrete entities, so they are often nouns, and value words are descriptive

or counting, so they are often adjectives or adverbs. Therefore, we again use the

MXPOST tagger to find POS for each word in the snippet. For the main baseline,

TAGS-FULL, we assign each noun (NN*) an aspect label, and each numeral, adjective,

adverb, or verb participle (CD, RB*, JJ*, VBG, VBN) a value label. For comparison,

we also present results for a smaller tagset, SMALL-TAGS, labeling only nouns (NN*)

as aspect and adjectives (JJ*) as values. Note that each of the tags added in the

TAGS-FULL baseline are beneficial to the baseline's score.

Tree expansion Because our full model and the baselines are all designed to pick

out relevant individual words rather than phrases, they may not correspond well to

the phrases which humans have selected as relevant. Therefore, we also evaluate on

a set of expanded labels identified with parse trees from the Stanford Parser [44].'
Specifically, for each non-background word, we identify the largest containing noun

phrase (for both aspects and values) or adjective or adverb phrase (for aspects only)

which does not also contain oppositely-labeled words. For example, in the noun

phrase blackened chicken, if chicken was labeled as an aspect word and blackened was
Available at http://nip. stanford.edu/software/lex-parser. shtml.

Tree expansion procedure for aspect words:

1. Find noun phrases which contain the aspect word (pork).

The fiovative appetizers and the pork with apple glaze were the highlights

2. Select the largest noun phrase that does not contain value (sentiment) words.
* NPl is valid; it does not contain value words. However, it is not the largest valid NP.

SN P2 is valid; it does not contain value words. It is the largest valid NP, so it is selected.

* NP3 contains a value word (+innovative), so it is invalid.

3. Convert all background words within the selected noun phrase to aspect words
except punctuation, determiners, and conjunctions.

The +iiuovative appetizers and the pork with apple glaze were the +1ighlights

Figure 3-11: The tree expansion procedure for value words, with an example snippet.
The procedure is similar for aspect words, except adjective phrases and adverb phrases
are also considered for expansion.

labeled as a background word, both will now be labeled as aspect words. However, in

the noun phrase tasty chicken where "tasty" is already labeled as a value, the label

will not be changed and no further expansion will be attempted. As a final heuristic

step, any punctuation, determiners, and conjunctions which would be newly labeled

as aspect or value words are ignored and kept as background words. The steps of this

procedure with an illustrative example are shown in Figure 3-11.

Results We evaluate all systems on precision and recall for aspect and value sepa-

rately. Results for all systems are shown in Table 3.6. Our model without the tree

expansion is highly precise at the expense of recall; however when the expansion is

performed, its recall improves tremendously, especially on value words.

While this result is initially disappointing, it is possible to adjust model parameters

to increase performance at this task; for example, for aspect words we could put

additional mass on the prior for ZgW = A or increase the Dirichlet hyperparameter

AA. However, while this increases performance on the word labeling task, it also

decreases performance correspondingly on the clustering task. By examination of the

Aspect Value
Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1
TAGS-SMALL 79.9 79.5 79.7 78.5 45.0 57.2
Tree 74.0 83.0 78.2 79.2 57.4 66.5
TAGS-FULL 79.9 79.5 79.7 78.1 68.7 73.1
Tree 75.6 81.4 78.4 77.1 70.1 73.4
Our model 85.2 52.6 65.0 70.5 61.6 65.7
Tree 79.5 71.9 75.5 76.7 70.9 73.7

Table 3.6: Per-word labeling precision and recall of our model compared to the TAGS-
SMALL and TAGS-FULL baselines, both with and without expansion by trees. Our
model is most precise on aspect and has better recall on value. Note that in general
the process of expanding labels with the tree structure increases recall at the expense
of precision.

The mnoqueca was deliiousm andpee winter food , wmu , filling and hearty but o too y)
The bacon wrapped almond dates were auazig but the plantains with cheese were bJoring
the artichoke and homemade pasta appetizers were goat

Table 3.7: High-precision, low-recall aspect word labeling by our full model. Note that
a human would likely identify complete phrases such as bacon wrapped almond dates
and homemade pasta appetizers; however, the additional noise degrades performance
on the clustering task.

data, this correlation is perfectly reasonable. In order to succeed at the clustering

task, the model selects only the most relevant portions of the snippet as aspect words.
When the entire aspect and value are identified, clustering becomes noisy. Table 3.7
shows some examples of the high-precision labeling which achieves high clustering

3.6.2 Aspect identification with shared aspects

Our second task uses a simplified version of our model designed for aspect identifica-
tion only. For this task, we use a corpus of medical visit summaries. In this domain,
each summary is expected to contain similar relevant information; therefore, the set of
aspects is shared corpus-wide. To evaluate our model in this formulation, we examine
the predicted clusters of snippets, as in the full model.

103 Data set

Our data set for this task consists of phrases selected from dictated patient summaries
at the Pediatric Environmental Health Clinic (PEHC) at Children's Hospital Boston,
specializing in treatment of children with lead poisoning. Specifically, after a patient's
office visit and lab results are completed, a PEHC doctor dictates a letter to the re-
ferring physician containing information about previous visits, current developmental
and family status, in-office exam results, lab results, current diagnosis, and plan for
the future.
For this experiment, we select phrases from the in-office exam and lab results
sections of the summaries. Phrases are separated heuristically on commas and semi-
colons. There are 6198 snippets in total, taken from 271 summaries. The average
snippet length is 4.5 words, and there are an average of 23 snippets per summary. As
in the Yelp domain, we use the MXPOST tagger [69] to gain POS tags. Figure 3-12
shows some example snippets. For this domain, there are no values; we simply con-
centrate on the aspect-identification task. Unlike the restaurant domain, we use no
seed words. Domain challenges and modeling techniques

In contrast to the restaurant domain, the medical domain uses a single global set of
aspects. These represent either individual lab tests (e.g., lead level, white blood cell
count) or particular body systems (e.g., lungs or cardiovascular). Some aspects are
far more common than others, and it is very uncommon for a summary to include
more than one or two snippets about any given aspect. Therefore, as mentioned in
Section 3.4.2, we model the aspect word distributions and the aspect multinomial as
shared between all entities in the corpus.
Also in contrast to the restaurant domain, aspects are defined by words taken
from the entire snippet. Rather than having aspects only associated with names
of measurements (e.g., 'weight'), units and other descriptions of measurement (e.g.,
'kilograms') are also relevant for aspect definition. This property extends to both

He was 113 cm in height
Patient's height was 146.5 cm

Lungs: Clear bilaterally to auscultation

lungs were normal

Heart regular rate and rhythm; no murmurs

Heart normal Si S2

Figure 3-12: Example snippets from the medical data set, grouped according to
aspect. Aspect words are underlined and colored blue. This grouping and labeling
are not given in the data set and must be learned by the model.

numeric and written measurements; for example, the aspect 'lungs' is commonly

described as 'clear to auscultation bilaterally'. In order to achieve high performance,

our model must leverage all of these clues to provide proper aspect identification when

the name of the measurement is missing (e.g., "patient is 100 cm"). While part of

speech will still be an important factor to model, we predict that there will be greater

importance on additional parts of speech other than nouns.

Finally, our data set is noisy and contains some irrelevant snippets, such as section

headings (e.g., "Physical examination and review of systems") or extraneous infor-

mation. As described in Section 3.4.2, we modify our model so that it can ignore

partial or complete snippets. Cluster prediction

As for joint aspect and sentiment prediction, the goal of this task is to evaluate the

quality of aspect identification. Because the aspects are shared across all documents,

clusters are generally much larger, and the set of annotated snippets represents only

a fraction of each cluster.

Annotation For this experiment, we use a set of gold clusters gathered over 1,200

snippets, annotated by a doctor who is an expert in the domain from the Pediatric

Environmental Health Clinic at Children's Hospital Boston. Note that as mentioned

before, clusters here are global to the domain (e.g., many patients have snippets

representing blood lead level, and these are all grouped into one cluster). The doctor

Precision Recall F1
CLUSTER-ALL 88.2 93.0 90.5
CLUSTER-NOUN 88.4 83.9 86.1
Our model 89.1 93.4 91.2

Table 3.8: Results using the MUC metric on cluster prediction for the aspect iden-
tification only task. Note that the CLUSTER-ALL baseline significantly outperforms
CLUSTER-NOUN, the opposite of what we observe in the joint aspect and value pre-
diction task. This is due to the dependence of aspect identification on more than just
the name of a lab test, such as the units or other description of the test results, as
mentioned in Section

was asked to cluster 100 snippets at a time (spanning several patients), as clustering
the entire set would have been infeasible for a human annotator. After all 12 sets
of snippets were clustered, the resulting clusters were manually combined to match
up similar clusters from each set. For example, the blood lead level cluster from the
first set of 100 snippets was combined with the corresponding blood lead level clusters
from each other set of snippets. Any cluster from this final set with fewer than 5
members was removed. In total, this yields a gold set of 30 clusters. There are 1,053
snippets total, for an average of 35.1 snippets per cluster. To match this, baseline
systems and our full model are asked to produce 30 clusters across the full data set.

Baselines & Metric To keep these results consistent with those on the previous task,
we use the same baselines and evaluation metric. Both baselines rely on a TF*IDF-
weighted clustering algorithm, specifically implemented with CLUTO package [40]
using agglomerative clustering with the cosine similarity distance metric. As before,
CLUSTER-ALL represents a baseline using unigrams of snippets from the entire data
set, while CLUSTER-NOUN works over only the nouns from the snippets. We again use
the MUC cluster evaluation metric for this task. For more details on both baselines
and the evaluation metric, please see Section

Results For this experiment, our system demonstrates an improvement of 7% over

the CLUSTER-ALL baseline. Absolute performance is relatively high for all systems
in the medical domain, indicating that the lexical clustering task is less misleading

than in the restaurant domain. It is interesting to note that unlike in the restaurant
domain, the CLUSTER-ALL baseline outperforms the CLUSTER-NOUN baseline. As
mentioned in Section, the medical data is notable for the relevance of the
entire snippet for clustering (e.g., both 'weight' and 'kilograms' are useful to identify
the weight aspect). Because of this property, using only nouns to cluster in the
CLUSTER-NOUN baseline hurts performance significantly.

3.7 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have presented an approach for fine-grained content aggregation
using probabilistic topic modeling techniques to discover the structure of individual
text snippets. Our model is able to successfully identify clusters of snippets in a data
set which discuss the same aspect of an entity as well as the associated values (e.g.,
sentiment). It requires no annotation, other than a small list of seed vocabulary to
bias the positive and negative distributions in the proper direction.
Our results demonstrate that delving into the structure of the snippet can assist in
identifying key words which are important and unique to the domain at hand. When
there are values to be learned, the joint identification of aspect and value can help to
improve the quality of the results. The word labeling analysis reveals that the model
learns a different type of labeling for each task; specifically, a strict, high-precision
labeling for the clustering task and a high-recall labeling for sentiment. This follows
the intuition that it is important to identify specific main points for clustering, while
in the sentiment analysis task, there may often be several descriptions or conflicting
opinions presented which all need to be weighed together to determine the overall
This model admits a fast, parallelized inference procedure. Specifically, the entire
inference procedure takes roughly 15 minutes to run on the restaurant corpus and less
than 5 minutes on the medical corpus. Additionally, the model is neatly extensible
and adjustable to fit the particular characteristics of a given domain.
There are a few limitations of this model which can be improved with future

work: First, our model makes no attempt to explicitly model negation or other word
interactions, increasing the difficulty of both aspect and sentiment analysis for our
model. By performing error analysis, we find that negation is a common source of
error for the sentiment analysis task. Likewise, the model can make errors when
attempting to differentiate aspects such as ice cream and cream cheese which share
the common aspect word cream.
Second, while defining aspects per-entity as in the restaurant domain has advan-
tages in that it is possible to get a very fine-grained set of applicable aspects, it also
fails to leverage some potential information in the data set. Specifically, we know that
restaurants sharing the same type (e.g., Italian, Indian, Bakery, etc.) should share
some common aspects; however, there are no ties between them in the current model.
Likewise, even at a global level, there may be some aspects which tie in across all
restaurants. A hierarchical version of this model would potentially be able to tie these
together and identify different types of aspects: global (e.g., presentation), type-level

(e.g., pasta for the Italian type), and restaurant-level (e.g., the restaurant's special



In this thesis, I have explored the benefits of content structure across a wide variety
of text analysis tasks on social media text. This data poses several challenges to
traditional techniques for NLP, including a lack of formal structure, a propensity for
novel words, and a dependence on outside context. However, I have demonstrated two
methods for overcoming these hurdles: in Chapter 2, a technique for leveraging an
automatically-induced representation of content structure applicable to a wide variety
of text analysis tasks, and in Chapter 3, a method for joint aggregation across multiple
documents that relies on understanding the underlying structure of text relations.
The first of these techniques addresses an important open question from previous
work-how does one select an appropriate content model for a particular task? There
are many ways to define the content structure of a document (e.g., sentiment-bearing
sentences, discourse relations, underlying topics), and it is important not just to have
any content model, but to have a content model which is relevant to any particular
task. With the proposed joint model, it is possible to learn the appropriate content
structure automatically. The task-specific model provides information to the content
model to tailor it specifically for task at hand, and the content model in turn provides

more relevant information for the task-specific model.
The second approach explores the benefit of modeling structure in the form of re-
lations. While previous approaches focus on pipeline models or predefined aspects, we
instead focus on the relationship between aspect and value. We model the interaction
of aspect and value across all documents in the corpus, which allows us to incorpo-
rate intuitions from multi-document summarization, such as the salience of repeated
information. Additionally, we can leverage the varying distributional properties of
aspect and value across the corpus.
Through multiple tasks for each technique, we have demonstrated the importance
of content structure for increasing system performance. While the details of the
approaches differ, in each case, by creating a structured representation of content in
the input data, we are able to compensate for some of the challenges that social media
text presents.

4.1 Future Work

This thesis introduces several opportunities for further research, including the follow-

" Effect on formal text While the work in this paper has been presented
primarily on social media text, these methods should be applicable to formal
text as well. The task of choosing a relevant content model is just as pertinent
to formal text [84], and the models presented here could easily be applied to
a more formal domain, such as newspaper text. The tendency of more rigid
structure in these domains should lead to an increased reliance on the content
modeling component.

" Modeling of more complex structure Our approach to learn content mod-
els automatically is still limited to a particular class of content models by the
HMM structure. We have demonstrated that improving the quality of the con-
tent model (e.g., by including additional unlabeled data) does improve the task

performance; therefore, a natural extension would be to incorporate more com-
plex model structures. For example, a hierarchical structure might allow the
content model to automatically learn subtopics of a particular topic. These
more complex structures should fit into our current model architecture without

The same point holds with our approach to aggregation; while there is flexibility
in the model to define aspects as entity-specific or being shared corpus-wide

(e.g., per-restaurant vs. shared between patients), the model can potentially
benefit from additional layers of structure. For example, in the restaurant
domain, learning a grouping over restaurants could help to identify those with
common aspects; e.g., Italian restaurants will share aspects like pasta and pizza
while bakeries will share cake and bread.

" Temporal aggregation Beyond inducing a structure within documents, we

can also think about structure across the set of documents. One of the inter-
esting features present with social media data is that it usually includes a time
and date. Rather than treating the data as a single snapshot, we can treat the
documents as a sequence and consider aggregation of trends over time. Some
online retailers have started producing a graph of star rating over time; this
could take that to the next level, just as our current system improves on the
aggregation that may be gained from a histogram alone.

" Social media metadata A unique property of social media is its vast array
of user data. Users are typically identified by a particular unique id (username)
through all of their activities on a website, they may have biographical data
or interests listed, and on some sites, they are assigned a 'reputation' which
indicates a trust level. Even individual posts are given ratings on some sites;
for example, Yelp reviews are rated useful, funny, or cool, while other sites
such as Amazon have ratings of helpful and not helpful. Through these ratings
and various user data, we can ask further interesting research questions; for
example, on the restaurant domain: Do locals/tourists/business executives like

this restaurant? What's the overall opinion of "trusted" reviewers, and does
that differ from the general population? Can we ignore false reviews in our
aggregation; i.e., ignore reviews created by businesses to boost their reputation
or tarnish their competitors' reputations? How can we determine standout
reviews based on user personalities (e.g., a user generally posts negative reviews
of burgers and then a highly positive review of one at a particular restaurant)?
These questions transfer easily to other domains of social media.



The CONDENSR demo system is designed to provide a qualitative evaluation of the

results presented in Chapter 2. It incorporates the multi-aspect phrase extraction

system from our work with Yelp restaurant search and a Google Maps interface.

Figure A-1 demonstrates the main interface at http: //condensr. com, and Figure A-

2 shows the tooltip browsing interface at http: //condensr. com/browse. In this

chapter, I will provide details on system implementation (Section A.1) and some

examples of results (Section A.2).

A.1 System implementation

For the purpose of this demo system, all of the computation is performed in advance

for a preselected set of restaurants. First, a set of restaurants is selected and their

reviews are gathered. Next, a set of phrases are extracted using the multi-aspect

phrase extraction system and pruned down to a small display set. Finally, the phrases

for each restaurant are integrated with Google Maps and Yelp in order to produce

the final demo.

CONDENSR Searc er n-e
jrestaurant |Boston, MA SEARCH
near Condensr - Boston, MA
Boston, MA
Welcome! This is a demo for a review summarization system. Try a search for
Mistral Restaurant restaurants in one of the locations we have coverage for. Our system uses machine
learning and natural language processing to automatically find the most useful highlights
from Yelp reviews for those restaurants.
1.0 miles e 223 Columbus Ave
Review highlights by category: We'll always show you a few things about food,
L'Espalier since that's usually what matters most, but we'll also show you some extra
highlights about service, ambiance, or a few other factors as well. See the key
below for details.
1.3 miles e 774 Boylston St
Easy identification: To give you an overview at a glance, we've marked each
Pornodoro highlight with its category and whether people are saying generally positive or
000110 negative things about that.
0.5 miles
* 319 Hanover St * Even more related highlights: In some cases, click the arrows next to the main
highlights to see some extra related highlights.
' Ruth's Chris

0.0 miles * 45 School St

Giacomro's Rtstorante
0.5 miles - 355 Hanover St Food f] Ambiance 13 service Q Value 3 Overall Positive - Negati

CONDENSR Search for near

.restaurant :Boston, MA SEARCH
Boston, MA
Bso MA~iart Mistral Restaurant
Mistral Restaurant 1 miles e 223 Columbus Ave French, Mediterranean

1.0 miles s 223 Columbus Ave w iV steak was a bit overcooked

L'E ie M Was good and delicious
0000C OW
ae [D l Everything was simple, flavorful, and delicious.
1.3 miles 4 774 Boylston St 00 ] The tables are huge

' Mmm-mmm... our server was super nice and helpful
0 The staff is polite and efficient enough

0.5 miles a 319 Hanover St

Ruth's Chris

0.0 miles e 45 School St e

Giacomo's Ristorante

0.5 miles a 355 Hanover St W Food f Ambiance 13 Service £3 Value * Overall a Positive * Negati


Figure A-1: Map interface on CONDENSR. Restaurants may be searched by location

and search term (e.g., restaurant or sandwich). Search results are listed on the left
with basic information, and the map interface functions as a standard Google Maps
interface, where clicking on one of the markers either on the left or on the map itself
will pull up a tooltip.

CONDENSR Search for near
mediterranean - Cambridge, MA SEARCH
near Desfina Restaurant
Cambridge, MA
1.5 miles e 202 3rd St Greek, Mediterranean
Oleana Restaurant I-fJWe had were excellent

0.7 miles * 134 Hampshire St C (1) U- They have consistently good food and I highly recommend the greek

' Greek Corner Restaurant -

iecom lmetar bread basket w good.
0000 -~~~ ~ ~
vi itletc eti rp~
1 9 miles t 2366 Massachusetts Ave
a Tje fodseJ was xcp n
The Blue Room
0000 e
1.1 miles a Hampshire and Portland 1 Kendall Sq,
Ste 200 1inrnglo j AQsi

Desfina Restaurant '

1.5 miles 202 3rd St 8

Aceituna Cafe .

00 . Food fAmbiance 3 service Value f3Overall a Positive a Negath


CONDENSR Seareh for near

indian Philadelphia, PA SEARCH
indian S ~

Philadelphia, PA Palace at the Ben
Palace at the Ben
0,5 miles - 834 Chestnut St Indian
00001 C) M The red curry salmon was good, but not exactly
D.5 miles * 834 Chestnut St
Tiffin T
T fe i nodle' Ver e oki ed o per f e
T rur iitsef
r I a gr at.
1.5 miles * 710 W Girard Ave

. A chiken c rr oodl- dish

Philadelphia Chutney
0.3 miles # 1628 Sansom St

Karma pe
-~ Y
CMCent r
1.1 miles = 114 Chestnut St city Eas

King of Tandoor asseon

Food fl Ambiance f Service (3 Value A Overall E i

Figure A-1: Map interface on CONDENSR. Restaurants may be searched by location

and search term (e.g., restaurant or sandwich). Search results are listed on the left
with basic information, and the map interface functions as a standard Google Maps
interface, where clicking on one of the markers either on the left or on the map itself
will pull up a tooltip.

<< First < Prev Page 249 Next > Last >>

The Gaslite

2030 Wilshire Blvd Santa Monica Santa Monica, CA 90403 Karaoke, Dance Clubs, Lounges

Bar... the beer selection was horrible

Is listed under " dance clubs

C fl lThe lighting is nice

C l8 The red plastic seats are great

Th b-ot-oth seat are grea-t fo-i nmtalgroupk

I l
L : d s I l a kI s1e e y litLe aII

C C L0 This is the best happy hour place during the economic downtown!

a El This is a place to go and just have a good time.

The Greek Lady

222 S 40th St University City Philadelphia, PA 19104

Greek, Breakfast & Brunch, Mediterranean
The lemon ginger mint tea is excellent!

0 The atmosphere is low key

0 The music is funky

O00 The staff is friendly

DOC) This is a great coffee shop and cafe

The Green Line Cafe

4239 Baltimore Ave University City Philadelphia, PA 19104 Coffee & Tea, Sandwiches

COW0It was delicious

c The atmosphere is just spot on cozy and sexy and great

0 The waitstaff is friendly as hell
This place represents a simple concept that is thankfully permeating
philadelphia : small joint with crowd control and incredibly knowledgeable
and friendly bartenders making stiff drinks on demand.
0 The waitress didn't appear very knowledgeable


Figure A-2: Browsing interface on CONDENSR. All system tooltips can be navigated,
and phrase clusters can be examined.

<< First < Prev Page 280 Next > Last >>

Zaftigs Delicatessen
335 Harvard St Coolidge Corner Brookline, MA 02446 Breakfast & Brunch, Delis

C They serve bagel chips and a cream cheese dip which are fun and tasty.

I Their prices are decent

R They all taste fresh and delicious

C3 The staff is always friendly

C£I The service was pretty good.

Cl 0[ This place is amazing


237 St James P1Society Hill Philadelphia, PA 19106 Middle Eastem

The rolls were great - i highly recommend including the spicy crunchy tuna
8 The rice was dry
C The sea urchin (uni), kept fresh in salt water, was sweet and creamy.
It is painted black and there are bars on the window so it feels like a
claustrophobic jail cell
Soothingly toned-down lighting and minimalist pale wood dominated decor
complete the ideal experience.
Service was very nice


128 S 19th St Rittenhouse Square Philadelphia, PA 19103 Sushi Bars, Japanese

C I'd particularly recommend the beets

C The pizza with provelone and mini veal meatballs was amazing

D And boy was it good.

C fl Trendy, fun and exciting

I 3 She was great... very nice and friendly.

C-:1The hostess was very helpful and polite to squeeze us in


Figure A-2: Browsing interface on CONDENSR. All system tooltips can be navigated,
and phrase clusters can be examined.

Boston Los Angeles Seattle
Boston, MA Los Angeles, CA Belltown, Seattle, WA
Cambridge, MA Hollywood, CA Bellevue, WA
Allston, MA Encino, CA Seattle, WA
Harvard Square Santa Monica, CA Redmond, WA
Somerville, MA Anaheim, CA
32 Vassar St (CSAIL)
New York Philadelphia San Francisco
New York, NY Philadelphia, PA San Francisco, CA
Manhattan, NY University of Pennsylvania Berkeley, CA
W 34th St, NY
(a) Set of locations, grouped by major metropolitan area

indian thai Area # Restaurants

chinese bar Boston 557
cafe salad Los Angeles 720
sandwich soup New York 501
coffee tea Philadelphia 295
pizza vegetarian San Francisco 467
sushi Seattle 443
(b) Set of search terms (c) Number of restaurants for each area

Table A.1: The full set of terms and locations used for CONDENSR, as well as the final
counts of restaurants for each area. Locations are grouped by major metropolitan

Restaurant selection

Restaurants are gathered by searching Yelp for the most relevant restaurants for
each of several terms and locations. Specifically, we manually select a list of terms

(e.g., restaurant, Italian, cafe) and a list of locations (e.g., Cambridge, Boston, San
Francisco, Berkeley) and then find up to 20 results (the maximum returned by the
Yelp API) for each term-location pair. For Boston specifically, we additionally include
the restaurants from our original data set. The full set of terms and locations are
given in Table A.1. For each unique restaurant in the resulting list, we scrape the full
set of reviews from Yelp.

Adaptation of the multi-aspect phrase extraction system

For this demo system, we would like to extract a very limited set of phrases for each
restaurant, suitable for display on a map interface. To accomplish this, we would like
to extract a set of very high-precision results, at the expense of recall if necessary.
We can adjust the recall penalty mentioned in Section; specifically, by setting
c = 0.5 we allow the system to focus on high-precision extraction.
After running the multi-aspect phrase extraction system, the set of extracted
phrases for each restaurant is still much too large to display on a map tooltip; there
are an average of 43 phrases per restaurant. To prune this set further, we first separate
food snippets from those with other labels; unsurprising for the restaurant domain,
this is the largest label class. We then cluster the food phrases and other phrases
separately based on the unigrams in the phrase and the category label, specifying
3 clusters for each set. Finally, we take the centroid of each cluster as the set of
displayed phrases. To provide supporting evidence, we additionally select up to 4
phrases which are determined to be close to the centroid phrases; these phrases will
be displayed on a dropdown for each of the centroid phrases.
In addition to displaying labeled phrases, we also would like to provide sentiment
labels for each phrase or group of phrases. To do this, we use a straightforward
sentiment classification algorithm involving a set of positive and negative seed words
and negation trigger words. The algorithm counts the number of positive and negative
words in the phrase, flipping any sentiment word which appears up to 3 places after
a negation trigger word. If the final count falls towards positive, we label the phrase
as positive; likewise, if the final count falls towards negative, we label the phrase as
negative. For groups of phrases, if all phrases agree on sentiment, we display the final
sentiment. Otherwise, we omit the sentiment label.

Integration with Google Maps and Yelp

Interfacing with Google Maps and Yelp is fairly straightforward. Yelp provides a
search API1 with which we can identify the best results for a given search term and
geographic area. We filter these results to select only those in our original set of
restaurants. Google Maps also provides an API2 with which we can display a map
centered on a particular location, place lettered identifying markers, and specify a
tooltip for each marker. We display all relevant results from Yelp on the left side,
and display the map interface with popup marker tooltips on the right. Each tooltip
displays the preselected set of phrases with category and sentiment labels, and for
groups of phrases, there is a button to show or hide the remainder of the group.

Improvements and scalability

At the current point in time, CONDENSR exclusively uses phrases which are generated
offline using the multi-aspect phrase extraction system. In a future version of this
system, results could be improved by pulling these results in real time. There are
two major obstacles to this: first, the text of all reviews for each restaurant must
be acquired quickly, and second, inference for the phrase extraction procedure must
be efficient. While the second of these obstacles is not far away and could easily
be obtained, the first would require a more direct connection to the data than the
one we have available. Furthermore, beyond using the multi-aspect phrase extraction
system, it would be possible to incorporate results like those from our aggregation
system, which provide both more relevant aspects and a more accurate representation
of sentiment.

A.2 Examples
In this section, I present example tooltips from CONDENSR, taken from the browsing
interface. When examining these tooltips, there are several clustering or sentiment

errors; however, as mentioned, clustering and polarity are merely heuristic postpro-
cessing steps for display. Looking at the phrases themselves, the most common errors
are cases where a good phrase is truncated at one end or the other. We also see several
cases where the phrases are overly generic, such as "The food was good". Finally,
there are some entire restaurants which are mislabeled and should not appear in a set
of restaurant data; these are a result of mislabeled data in our input set from Yelp.

The Beehive

541 Tremont St South End Boston, MA 02116 American (Traditional), Music Venues

C To be good

The food proved to be good.

(1 The menu looked promising enough

Promising enough-l

Most of us AEt ei'ggs benelict wiith either hamn or smroke'd s.alrnon

DD Both were so rich and delicious

The fie and gjra,,vvwranaig

Al4 ve ry g-ood6

Th drn ks ar absolutely delicious

01 The: fried havash chips were cold and stale
C The burger looked amazing and huge

The wedce salad was soCFO

yummli y.
01The lobster mac and cheese cs soupy
My frends ftd she got vas luke warn

The beehivelP) I've-- been there 3 of the 5 nights- it s bee oen

To sit downstairs, eat a good meal, and listen to some great live music
01 To be aible to sit dovwnstairs, eat a qood meal, and listen to some great
live rnusic
01 The ve us-ic dded to the hip vibe

The milusi. wL$as good

D Cover for live mLsic is woith sornething] too
The waitress was very attentive and engaged
D 00 The atmosphere is nice

The ip le were ill gorui s lip, at s stuiusI , irJustniusL

The servic was even bette

The atmosphere is warm and inviting

IIl definitely be back

Granted the drinks are a little $ $ $, but it's worth it,
The drink prices are not cheap $ 10,50 for my cocktail
To give this place rore stairs

This place is definitely neat,

(a) The Beehive, http: //www. yelp. com/biz/the-beehive-boston

Figure A-3: Several complete tooltips from a variety of restaurants on CONDENSR.

The Anaheim White House

887 S Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA 92805 Italian, Seafood

0- The food was tasty and very fulfilling.

fl The- food wsas exquisite

( All the food looked good but tasted pretty bland

In The food was not great at all

The food was not bluffet style

C The calamari was delicious but just slightly too ich for my taste
The- -fabau and caaaidish-- isdei s

A1 th1
Ar ofl wa jus on1 ofT myfv( ts
'Aife had the sea bass that she lovedi
)l a.ouffl for dessert

The fish was delicious, it was buttery and melted in my mouth it was
delicious the cacciatore was okay.
M Thez- rhocolate banania tart was very yinmn-y
The presentation oas
The:. salmon v;as flakey and pr etty iood

It was exetional

C Their customer service was awesome and friendly,

SThe staff w.as great.
verall the service was very good
B The service was quick, too
O The staff areO eagei to 'erv'- and plovide the best in (--ustoimier sri.

C The servers were swift on their feet, attentive, and frie ndly,
a They were very helpful and fiendly

a (Ou waitei exhibited great skills

& Our wditer took ouI c.ocktail arid appetizeriodr

a To wait on us

8i This place is bad.

O This place is strange.

0 This is a special occasion type of place
[I The ambiance of it is quite homey, kind of quiet.
13 This place is alnost haird to spot

(b) The Anaheim White House, http://www.yelp.com/biz/


Figure A-3: Several complete tooltips from a variety of restaurants on CONDENSR.

He rbivore

983 Valencia St Mission San Francisco, CA 94110 Vegeta rian, Vegan

The portion was generous

(D I highly recommend the ravioli with basil pesto

Soy chickein shwamaia.
The half veggie burger was pretty good but the hot and soui soup or
whatever the hell was horrible.
Theii vietnamese spring rolls are must
Their grilled vegetables was also pretty good.

It wvas simple

DrivIt was alright

01 Was really big

Their coconut curry soup which was good but nothing memorable
The pancakes were delicious and fluffy,
I had the pasta prirnavera which was excellent
The lenon-herb cream sauce penne pasta dish
Love the penne pasta with lenion thrb saucei

013SF The staff is super friendly too

f3 WNe arrived at the cross streets and looked around
f The vaciitress spilled wartei oi ne not oce but thrice

3 the service is always relatively

~0 I The service was sluggish at best, and ironically subsequently impatient.

f The service wis spotty

E Our service was Sluggishly slow

The wait was sooo not worth it

C I highly recommend this place

O To try this place again

To receive our food
4 And the servers are
The floors and walls are bare

(c) Herbivore, http: //www. yelp. com/biz/herbivore-san-francisco-2

Figure A-3: Several complete tooltips from a variety of restaurants on CONDENSR.

Luigi's D'italia

801 S State College Blvd Anaheim, CA 92806 Italian, Pizza

P9 Salad dressing was great

The salad was the same.

The house salad dressing is also pretty tepid and irreleva it

Food's gotta be authentic italian

k E~ My two favorite entrees are the chicken tortellini and the seafood pasta
"' L dish.
All the pasta tasted fresh
Calarnari was a little dry but good.
Gettinc the calarnari appetizer

G) The pizza wcis good/tasty

r, w Their sauce was so incredibly tasty & tasted homemade,

i absolutely loved

The meat was very tender

G3 The dips it came with were great

It was faniitastic

The sauce was fabulous

She promptly took our drinks and orders.

O To ignore our section

O The owners and staff are really friendly

0 Possibly are not trained well enough to implensent good Service

0 The place was busy with people

B The service was spot on,

C0 This place a great bargain and find

This is a good restaurant.

O This is the best authentic italian food airound here

(d) Luigi's D'italia, http://www.yelp. com/biz/luigis-d-italia-anaheim

Figure A-3: Several complete tooltips from a variety of restaurants on CONDENSR.

Valencia Pizza & Pasta

801 Valencia St Mission San Francisco, CA 94110 Pizza, Italian, Break fast & Brunch

CW Generally the food is consistently good

The food was still qreat

The food is plentiful

The food is comfortincg

Its so good

It's alws i r n-,1 d fir h

(D It wiasn't rn favorite
(D It was ok.
It's grilled to perfection

The pork chop and steaks are fantastic

IDThe sauteerl veggis are akvays deliius.

ID The portion sizes are outrageous

Service is also friendly and efficient.

Service was prornpt, not too friendly

Service is very fiendly

0 The service was decent

13 My service was fantastic and we had no wait at all

The waitress ' attitude was uncalled for

Us had already received their entrees
00 The wait staff is rude

This place is pretty good.

CO This place is awesome.
a This place delivers a really great value,
a This place is goooood!
a This place is magic comfort food.
(e) Valencia Pizza & Pasta, http: //www. yelp. com/biz/valenc ia-pizza-and-pasta-san-francisco

Figure A-3: Several complete tooltips from a variety of restaurants on CONDENSR.

Grendel's Den Restaurant & Bar

89 Winthrop St Harvard Square Cambridge, MA 02138 Bars, Sandwiches

I The food's not spectacular

The food was not spectacular.

The food is jisi- pIb food
The food isn't the best i've ever had
The bar food is decent

The lobster roll my mother ordered was dry and scant -- she also thought
it was "fishy" tasting, however

It wadry
It was a very simall poition

01It was Iighter and a little sweeter

01But the spinach pie is greati
The hoiefries were excellert - whole slices of potato satueed lightly.
The chee-se gnts and spinach frittata w"ias excellent
The flavors were cood
The slice of tomato ws rather rneasly

It just feels like a fun place to be- basement, fireplace, relaxed crowd,
neat tables and seat arrangements
The staff is warm and fiendly, yOu seat yourself but everyone is really
p .
fThe place had a relaxed vibe
O I love this place
fThe place is sort of dairk and almost cav ernous

E) To be helpful
n The tables are small
13 Us to sit wherevei we wanted
C3 The drinks are yum

C f E~ Waiters are also very friendly and attentive.

The service is brisk but attentive.

The atmosphere was nice and comfortable
TIe uirsic was _Aso a little too loud.

(f) Grendel's Den Restaurant & Bar, http://www.yelp.com/biz/

grendels-den- restaurant- and-bar- cambr idge

Figure A-3: Several complete tooltips from a variety of restaurants on CONDENSR.

Grendel's Den Restaurant & Bar

89 Winthrop St Harvard Square Cambridge, MA 02136 Bars, Sandwiches

WV:J The food's not spectacular

01TIe food was not spectacular.

01The food is just pub food
01Th e food isn t the best ive ever had
01The bar food is decent
The lobster roll my mother ordered was dry and scant -- she also thought
it was "fishy" tasting, however

01It wsdr y
01It Vas a VPry sn1all potion
01It vvas, lijhtei and a little -Swv~etp~t-
OWED But the spinach pie is greati

01The honefries were excellent - whole slices of potato satueed lightly.

01The cheese grits and spinach frittata was excellent
01The flavors were good
The slice of tomato was ratheIr asly

It just feels like a fun place to be- basement, fireplace, relaxed crowd,
neat tables and seat arrangements
The staff is warm iand friendly, you seat yourself but everyone is really
The place had a relaxed vibe

I love this place

The place issoit of dark and almost cavernous

C To be helpful
f The tables are small
Us to sit wherever we wAianted
The drinks are yum

C Waiters are also very friendly and attentive.

0The set-vice is bisk but attentive.

l dtniCoSPhie
The was niceand comfortable
fl The music Wds also a little too loud.

(g) The Helmand, http: //www. yelp. com/biz/the-helmand- cambridge

Figure A-3: Several complete tooltips from a variety of restaurants on CONDENSR.


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