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Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Paraffin-Coated Specimens

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Standard Method of Test for

Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures

Using Paraffin-Coated Specimens


1. SCOPE METHOD A paraffin with added hot paraffin in order to fill

any pinpoint holes.

1.1 This method of test covers the 3. APPARATUS 4.3 Mass of Coated Specimen in Water-
determination of bulk specific gravity of Weigh the coated specimen in water bath
specimens of compacted bituminous at 25 ± 1°C (77 ± 2°F). Designate this
mixtures as defined in M 132, Terms 3.1 Balance-Conforming to the require-
mass as E.
Relating to Density and Specific Gravity ments of M 231, for the class of balance
required for the principle sample weight 4.4 Specific Gravity of Paraffin-
of Solids, Liquids, and Gases. Determine the specific gravity of the
of the sample being tested. The balance
1.2 This method should be used with shall be equipped with suitable suspen- paraffin at 25 ± 1°C (77 ± 2°F), if
samples that contain open or sion apparatus and holder to permit unknown, and designate this as F.
interconnecting voids and/or absorb more weighing the specimen while suspended
than 2 percent of water by volume, as from the center of scale pan of balance.
determined by T 166. 5. CALCULATION
3.2 Suspension Apparatus-Wire suspen-
1.3 The bulk specific gravity of the ding the container shall be of the smallest
compacted bituminous mixtures may be practical size to minimize any possible 5.1 Calculate the bulk specific gravity of
used in calculating the unit weight of the effects of a variable immersed length. the specimen as follows-round and report
mixture. The suspension apparatus shall be the value to the nearest three decimal
constructed to enable the container to be places.
2. TEST SPECIMENS immersed to a depth sufficient to cover it A
Bulk Specific Gravity =
and the test sample during weighing. ⎛ D-A⎞
D-E -⎜ ⎟
3.3 Water Bath-For immersing the speci- ⎝ F ⎠
2.1 Test specimens may be either labora- men in water while suspended under the
tory-molded bituminous mixtures or from where:
balance, equipped with an overflow out-
bituminous pavements. The mixtures let for maintaining a constant water level. A = mass of the dry specimen in air, g,
may be surface or wearing course, binder D = mass of the dry specimen plus
or leveling course, or hot-mix base. paraffin coating in air, g,
2.2 Size of Specimens-It is recommended, 4. PROCEDURE
E = mass of the dry specimen plus
(1) that the diameter of cylindrically paraffin in water, g, and
molded or cored specimens, or the length 4.1 Mass of Uncoated Specimens-Weigh
of the sides of sawed specimens, be at F = specific gravity of the paraffin at 25 ±
the specimen after it has been dried to a 1°C (77 ± 2°F).
least equal to four times the maximum constant mass. Designate this mass as A.
size of the aggregate; and (2) that the
thickness of specimens be at least one NOTE 1-Constant mass shall be defined as the METHOD B
and one-half times the maximum size of mass at which further drying as 52 3°C (125 ±
the aggregate. 5°F) does not alter the mass 0.05 percent. The
sample shall initially be dried overnight at 52 6. APPARATUS
2.3 Pavement specimens shall be taken ± 3°C (125 ± 5°F) and then weighed at 2-hour
from pavements with core drill. diamond drying intervals.
or carborundum saw, or by other suitable 6.1 Balance conforming to the
means. 4.2 Mass of Coated Specimen in Air-Coat requirements of M 231, for the class of
2.4 Care shall be taken to avoid the test specimen on all surfaces with balance required for the principle sample
distortion, bending, or cracking of melted paraffin sufficiently thick to seal weight of the sample.
specimens during and after the removal all voids. Allow the coating to cool in air 6.2 Water Bath, thermostatically
from pavement or mold. Specimens shall at room temperature at 25 ± 5°C (77 ± controlled, so as to maintain the bath at
be stored in a safe, cool place. 9°F) for 30 minutes and then weigh the 25 ± 0.5°C (77 ± 0.9°F).
specimen. Designate this mass as D.
2.5 Specimens shall be free from foreign 6.3 Thermometer, ASTM 17°C (17°F),
materials such as seal coat, tack coat, NOTE 2-If it is desired to utilize the specimen having a range of 19 to 27°C (66 to
foundation material, soil, paper, or foil. for further tests which require the removal of 80°F), graduated in 0.1°C (0.2°F)
2.6 If desired, specimens may be the paraffin coating, the specimen may be subdivisions.
dusted with powdered talc prior to coating.
separated from other pavement layers by 6.4 Volumeter1, calibrated to 1200 mL or
sawing or other suitable means. NOTE 3-Application of the paraffin may be appropriate capacity depending on the
accomplished by chilling the specimen in a
refrigerating unit to a temperature of
approximately 4.5°C (40°F) for 30 minutes 1
Aluminum volumeters of different sizes available
and then dipping the specimen in warm from Pine Instrument Co., 101 Industrial Drive.
paraffin (5.5°C or 10°F above melting point). Grove City, PA 16127 and Rainhart Co., 604
It may be necessary to brush the surface of the

size of the test sample. The volumeter Place the coated specimen into the A = mass in grams of the dry specimen,
shall have a tapered lid with a capillary volumeter and cover the volumeter, C = mass in grams of the paraffin
bore. making certain that some water escapes coated specimen,
through the capillary bore in the tapered
lid. Wipe the volumeter dry with a dry D = mass in grams of volumeter filled
7. PROCEDURE absorbent cloth and weigh the volumeter with water at 25°C (77°F),
and its contents. E = mass in grams of volumeter filled
7.1 Dry the specimen to constant mass 7.4 Determine the specific gravity of the with paraffin-coated specimen and
(see Note 1). Cool the specimen to room paraffin at 25 ± 1°C (77 ± 2°F), if water at 25°C (77°F), and
temperature at 25 ± 5°C (77 ± 9°F) and unknown. F = specific gravity of the paraffin at 25
record the dry mass. ± 10C (77 ± 2°F).
7.2 Coat the specimen with melted 8. CALCULATIONS
paraffin until sufficiently thick to seal all 9. PRECISION
surface voids. Allow the coating to cool
in air at room temperature for 30 minutes, 8.1 Calculate the bulk specific gravity of
and then weigh the specimen (Notes 2 the specimen as follows-round and report 9.1 Duplicate specific gravity results by
and 3). the value to the nearest three decimal the same operator should not be
7.3 Fill a calibrated volumeter with places. considered suspect unless they differ by
distilled water at 25 ± 1°C (77 ± 2°F). more than 0.02.
Bulk Specific Gravity =
⎡ ⎛ C - A ⎞⎤
D - ⎢E - C + ⎜ ⎟⎥
Williams St.. Austin. TX 78765 have been found ⎣ ⎝ F ⎠⎦


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