Ethics Questions
Ethics Questions
Ethics Questions
June 2003
Integrating Computer Ethics into the Computing Curriculum: A Framework for Implementation
A Barnard, C de Ridder, and L Pretorius
University of South Africa, Pretoria, South A frica
E. Cohen
Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management, Warsaw, Poland
The advent of the Information Age and global connectivity has placed ethics center stage in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). As the drive towards the establishment of a socalled IT profession gains momentum, ethical conduct and codes of ethics have recently been formulated and introduced formally. Initiatives in this regard can be attributed to, among others, the ACM and the IEEE. Of particular significance is the ImpactCS Project commissioned by the joint taskforce of the ACM and IEEE, and funded by the USAs National Science Foundation. The increased globalization and inherent nature of ICT transcend physical and cultural borders, making it increasingly difficult to enforce accepted laws, regulations, and codes of conduct. It is thus the responsibility of Computer Science and Information Systems instructors to teach and instill professional values and ethical analysis skills in each and every student. Therefore, we investigate some issues pertaining to the teaching of computer ethics. We conclude this paper by presenting a possible framework to be used in the teaching of computer ethics, and apply this framework to our own institution. Keywords: Computer ethics, curriculum studies, computer science education
The terms ethics, and in particular computer ethics (CE), may seem vague and not at all important to many computer scientists, especially those who hold the view that technologists should deal with technology, and philosophers with philosophy and ethics (Couger, 1989). It is therefore perfectly reasonable to expect that the teaching of CE may also be considered by some as of little importance. Yet many computing instructors hold a different view, namely that the teaching of CE to computing students is as important as the teaching of technological to pics. In this paper we explore this topic in some detail, in particular what CE is, and why and how it may be taught. We discuss a generic model based on the ImpactCS proposal (Martin & Yale-Weltz, 1999) that may be used when considering the teaching of CE, and then apply it to our own (distance education) institution. In this paper we restrict our attention to the Material published as part of these proceedings, either on -line or in ACM/IEEE approach to the teaching of CE. print, is copyrighted by Informing Science. Permission to make
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What Is Computer Ethics?
Many authors (Appel, 1998; Couger, 1989; Gotterbarn & Riser, 1997; Pierce & Henry, 1996; Riser & Gotterbarn, 1996; Tavani, 1996) who discuss the topic of ethics simply assume that their audience is conversant with the notion of ethics. We find it useful to state clearly what we consider this broad term to imply, and its particular relevance to CE. The literature offers numerous definitions and notions of the terms ethics and computer ethics (Johnson & Niessenbaum, 1995), but for the purposes of this discussion we concur with Britz (1996) who attempts to define ethics as follows: The ethical actions of a person can be described in general terms as those actions which fall within the range of those activities that would be regarded as good. It relates thus to the question of what is good and bad in terms of human actions, and Baase (1997) who simply says: Ethics is the study of what it means to do the right thing. These definitions may seem somewhat non-precise. Surely that which one individual may understand under the term good may differ from that of another individual. The Odhams Dictionary of the English Language defines the term good as a merit, a moral quality, a virtue, an advantage, benefit, profit. However, what appeals to us here is the strong emphasis on actions, and the practical nature of ethics. This conforms to Aristotles classification of different kinds of science, viz theoretical, productive and practical science (Moor, 1998), with ethics, politics, and economics constituting the practical sciences. This is but one of the reasons why we consider the teaching of CE to form an integral part of the training of any future ICT professional. Again, Baase (1997) supports this by stating that computer ethics involves ethical issues faced by a computer professional as part of the job. We therefore describe the term computer ethics (CE), as the study of those behavioural actions of ICT professionals that will benefit all of society.
remains to be completed. Since we are of the opinion that the introduction of CE into our computing programs is a matter of some urgency, we use the ImpactCS Project framework together with the available CC2001 recommendations. The computing instructor needs to be aware of the numerous ethical and social issues caused by computer technology. According to Martin and Yale-Weltz (1999), these issues have three unique characteristics: 1. new concerns are rapidly emerging, 2. computer ethics presents a continuous stream of new situations, and 3. computerised information systems are usually complex. Ideally students should be equip ped with theories of philosophy and ethics pertinent to these characteristics, as well as the skills to analyse, evaluate, and react appropriately to ethical dilemmas that may arise during their careers as ICT professionals. Forester and Morrison (1994) identified the following main categories (or groupings of topics) in which these ethical and social concerns usually arise: - computer crime and computer security, - software theft and intellectual property rights, - computer hacking and the creation of viruses, - computer and information system failure, - invasion of privacy, - social implications of artificial intelligence and expert systems, and - workplace computerisation. It is often within the context of these categories that the behavioural actions of the ICT professional impact on society. We believe this to be one of the main reasons why computing instructors should sensitise their students, the ICT professionals of the future, to actions that underpin concepts such as good, moral, ethical, and beneficial for society at large. This belief is in agreement with Searls (1988), who states that the teaching of CE should aim towards several important goals, viz.: - increased sensitivity to ethical concerns and situations, as well as reasoning about alternative courses of action and the integrity to make moral decisions.
3) to convey to students a deep understanding of the ways in which computers change and impact on society, and 4) to provide conceptual tools and develop analytic skills for ethical decision making within the computing world. Johnson (1994) maintains that, while having to do with computers, these goals and issues are at base ethical, social, and professional, and that: nothing in the training of computer scientists and engineers prepares them for these types of activities. ... Philosophers are specifically trained to analyse issues, to uncover the assumptions or implications of arguments and claims, and to develop arguments. Philosophers trained in ethical theory have a repertoire of concepts and frameworks that are useful for examining situations, identifying the moral core, and evaluating and justifying courses of action (Johnson, 1994). She therefore envisages the philosopher as the teacher, assisted by computer scientists when and where required. While the goals of Johnson are readily recognised, her conclusions do not enjoy equal acceptance. Indeed, a general view is that computer scientists are capable of learning the ethical theories and strategies. Given some training in ethical issues, provided by books, workshops, seminars, etc., and assisted by philosophers when necessary, they would be able to effectively include computer ethics in their curricula (Gotterbarn as quoted in (Johnson, 1994)). Moreover, the fundamental part that social and ethical issues should play in modern computer science would be best emphasised to students by the involvement of se- nior computer science faculty in the planning, implementation and teaching thereof (Martin as quoted in (Johnson, 1994)). We anticipate that once computer ethics has been established as mainstream computer science, it will be taught and researched like all other fields of computing and that the question under discussion will simply disappear. Having established the role of computer scientists in the teaching of CE, we now focus on the CE contents to be taught, based on proposals in (Huff & Martin, 1995; Martin, Huff, Gotterbarn & Miller, 1996; Martin & Yale-Weltz, 1999).
Unit 3 - Basic skills of ethical analysis 3.a) arguing from example, analogy, and counter-example, 3.b) identification of stakeholders in concrete situations, 3.c) identification of ethical issues in concrete situations, 3.d) application of ethical codes to concrete situations, and 3.e) identification and evaluation of possible courses of action. Unit 4 - Basic elements of social analysis 4.a) social context influences the development and use of technology, 4.b) power relations are central in all social interactions, 4.c) technology embodies the values of the developers, 4.d) populations are diverse, and 4.e) empirical data are crucial to the design and development processes. Unit 5 - Basic skills of social analysis 5.a) identification and interpretation of the social contexts of a particular implementation, 5.b) identification of assumptions and values embedded in a particular system, and 5.c) evaluation by means of empirical data of a particular implementation of a technology.
Grodzinsky, 1996; Townsend, 1999; Wahl, 1999) that in most cases, departmental pragmatics and logistics necessitate a combination of the integrated and stand-alone approach. Since our goal is to make all our computing students aware of the issues in CE, and to equip them with the capabilities and skills of evaluation, decision- making, and appropriate respons ible action, we focus our attention on core (compulsory) modules as the vehicle for teaching CE. Our combined approach will facilitate an early introduction (on first level), continued discussion at following levels, and the integration of CE topics in the core modules. Together with our subsequent stand-alone third level module we expect to achieve maximum coverage with minimum overlap (Martin & Yale-Weltz, 1999). For this reason we propose a generic integr ation of the five ImpactCS project knowledge units and the associated topics, into the computing curriculum.
An Integration Plan
Our own institution, the University of South Africa (Unisa), is a distance education one. It is one of 11 mega distance education universities (more than 100 000 students) in the world. Its Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, with a teaching staff of over 50, has more than 11 000 students, enrolled for 29 000 module papers - arguably the largest computing department on the Afr ican continent! Indeed, teaching CE to thousands of students by means of distance education is ce rtainly a worthwhile cha llenge.
While many of the textbooks and study material used by our department may in passing refer to aspects of CE, we only list those modules where it assumes a somewhat more central role. For each module we also list the relevant ImpactCS topics addressed, in curly brackets { }: End User Computing (ICDL Study Guide, 2002) Topics:Security, copyright and the law, treating issues such as understanding software copyright and security questions, awareness of privacy issues, data protection, viruses and anti-virus measures, what happens in the case of a power failure. {1.a, 1.b, 4.a} Computer Systems - Fundamental Concepts (Shelly, Cashman , Vermaat & Walker, 2002) Topic: Netiquette - focussing on the unwritten rules for acceptable conduct when using the internet. {None} Human Computer Interaction (Kotz et al, 2002) Topics:Netiquette, security of digital data, safety and the repercussions of computer hardware and software failure, the provocative question concerning human failure (which may include unethical conduct) is also posed. {1.a, 1.b, 3.b, 4.a} We observe: The modules in question are all first level modules. Even at this basic level the overlap is significant. End User Computing and Computer systems - fundamental concepts are core modules in the BCom Informatics and the BSc degree programs respectively. Human Computer Interaction is an elective module. The positive side however is that students are sensitised at an early stage in their studies, and the spreading of the CE material across a number of modules emphasises the importance thereof. The negative side is that CE is neglected at the second and later levels. Many of the key CE issues and topics are not addressed. The ImpactCS topics 1.a, 1.b, 3.b, and 4.a are addressed in these modules. However not in an integrated manner, with the bulk of these topics dealt with in Human Computer Interaction, an elective.
Step 2 - Identify the CE and ImpactCS topics that can be addressed by the existing study material or textbook information
Three programming core modules as well as one introductory module have been identified as modules which allow the inclusion of certain aspects of CE. We briefly mention the CE topics which could be incorporated in these modules - the associated ImpactCS topics are indicated in round brackets ( ). Computer systems - fundamental concepts - History and evolution of computers and their impact on society (1.a, 4.a, 4.b). - Virus protection, security and safety issues (1.a, 3.b, 3.c, 3.e). - Internet-related security and privacy issues (3.c, 3.e, 4.a). Introduction to programming - The history and evolution of computers and their impact on society (1.a, 4.a, 4.b). - Copyright and virus protection (3.b, 3.c, 3.e). Programming: data structures - Ethical dilemmas should be introduced to students, with an emphasis on situations, which present difficult choices, sometimes even no good option (2.a, 2.b, 2.c). - Arguing from example, analogy, and counterexample (3.a). Programming: practical - Ethical models should be studied informally, and rational decision-making should be emphasized (1.c). - ACM and IEEE codes of conduct should be introduced (3.d). - Students must be sensitised to ethical issues related to program design and should be provided with at least one programming assignment in which they should identify some of the ethical and social issues pertaining to the specific program (3.c). Applicable examples may be found in (Gotterbarn & Riser, 1997; Riser & Gotterbarn, 1996).
The topics to be integrated into Introduction to programming is thus: {3.b, 3.e}. Programming: data structures - Ethical dilemmas should be introduced to students, with an emphasis on situations which present difficult choices, sometimes even no good option (2.a, 2.b, 2.c). - Arguing from example, analogy, and counterexample (3.a). The topics to be integrated into Programming: data structures is thus: {2.a, 2.b, 2.c, 3.a}. Programming: practical - Ethical models should be studied informally, and rational decision-making should be emphasized (1.c). - ACM and IEEE codes of conduct should be introduced (3.d). - Students must be sensitised to ethical issues related to program design and should be provided with at least one programming assignment in which they should identify some of the ethical and social issues pertaining to the specific program (3.c). The topics to be integrated into Programming: practical is thus: {1.c, 3.c, 3.d}. We therefore propose that the following ImpactCS topics be integrated into our present computing curriculum: {1.a, 1.c, 2.a, 2.b, 2.c, 3.a, 3.b, 3.c, 3.d, 3.e, 4.a, 4.b}.
- The implications of the fact that systems are designed for real people of different social and cultural backgrounds (4.a, 4.d, 4.e, 5.a). - File systems, security protection from hackers, viruses, worms and Trojan horses (1.a, 4.b). Summarising, we discussed steps for mapping the ImpactCS topics to module in a meaningful manner. We also applied these steps to our own institution and showed how we integrated the teaching of CE into our particular existing module structure. In the Appendix we provide an example of the computer ethics specific tuition material for use in the core module Computer systems - fundamental concepts.
Appel, F. (1998). Including the social and ethical implications of computing in the computer science curriculum, Computers and Society, Vol. 28, no. 2, pp.56-57. Baase, S. (1997). A gift of fire: Social, legal, and ethical issues in computing, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N. J. Benbunan-Fich, R. (1998). Guidelines for using case scenarios to teach computer ethics, Computers and Society, vol. 28, no. 3, pp.20-24. Britz, J. J. (1996). Technology as a threat to privacy: ethical challenges and guidelines for the information professionals, Microcomputers for Information Management: Global Internetworking for Libraries, 13 (3-4), pp.175-193. Cohen, E. and Cornwell, L. (1989). A question of ethics: developing information system ethics, Journal of Business Ethics, 8, 431-437. Computing Curricula, (2001. Computing Curricula 2001 - DRAFT version, (February 1, 2001);,. Cortada, J. W. (2002) Researching the History of Software from the 1960's; IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Jan. - March 2002, pp. 72-79 . 274
Barnard, de Ridder, Pretorius, & Cohen Couger, J. D. (1989). Preparing IS students to deal with ethical issues, Management Information Systems Quarterly, Vol. 13, no. 2, pp.211-217. Forester, T. and Morrison, P. (1994). Computer ethics: cautionary tales and ethical dilemmas in computing , Second edition, MIT Press, Cambridge MA. Gotterbarn, D. and Riser, R. (1997). Ethics activities in computer science courses: goals and issues, Computers and Society, vol. 27, no. 1, pp.10-15. Huff, C. and Martin, C. D. (1995). Computing consequences: a framework for teaching ethical computing, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 38, no. 12, pp.75-84. Hutchinson, S. E. and Sawyer S. C. (200) Computers, Communications & Information, A Users Introduction, Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, MA. ICDL Study Guide, (2002). ICDL Module 1: Basic concepts of IT, University of South Africa, Pretoria. Published under licence from ElementK, formerly Ziff-Davis Education, Rochester, N. Y. Johnson, D. G. (1994). Who should teach computer ethics and computers and society?, Computers and Society, Vol. 24, no. 2, pp.6-13. Johnson, D. G. and Niessenbaum, H. (1995). Computers, ethics, and social values, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Sadle River, NJ. Johnson, D. G. and Snapper, J. W. (1985); Ethical Issues in the Use of Computers, Wadsworth, Belmont, CA. Kizza, J. M. (1985). Civilizing the Internet - Global Concerns and Efforts Towards Regulation, McFarland and Company, Jefferson, NC. Kotz et al, (2002). Study guide for INF120, University of South Africa, Pretoria. Martin, C. D., Huff, C., Gotterbarn, D. and Miller, K. (1996). Implementing a tenth strand in the CS curriculum, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 39, no. 12, pp.75-84 . Martin, C. D. and Yale-Weltz, E. (1999). From awareness to action: Integrating ethics and social responsibility into the computer science curriculum, Computers and Society, Vol. 29, no. 2, pp.6-13. Moor, J. H. (1998). If Aristotle were a computing professional, Computers and Society, Vol. 28, no. 3, pp.13-16. Orwant, J. C. (1991). Computer ethics - part of computer science!, Computers and Society, Vol. 21, no. 2-4, pp.40-45. Pierce, M. A. and Henry, J. W. (1996). Computer ethics and social issues case analysis: an environmental algorithm, SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 28, no. 4, pp.50-54. Pistorius, M. C. (1995) COS113 study guide, Pistorius et al, UNISA. Riser, R. and Gotterbarn, D. (1996). Ethics activities in computer science courses, Computers and Society, Vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 13-17. Roberts, E. (1998). Strategies for using technology in the teaching of ethics, SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 30, no. 3, pp.209-212. Rosenberg, R. S. (1998). Beyond the code of ethics: The responsibility of professional societies, Computers and Society, Vol. 28, no. 2 , pp.18-25. Schulze, K. G. and Grodzinsky, F. S. (1996). Teaching ethical issues in computer science: what worked and what didnt, Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 28, no. 1, pp.98-101. Searls, D. E. (1998). Teaching computer ethics, SIGCSE Bulletin, Vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 45-48. Shelly, G. B., Cashman, T. J., Vermaat, M. E. and Walker, T. J. (2002). Discovering computers 2003: concepts for a digital world, Web and XP enhanced, Thomas Learning, Cambridge MA. Stair, R. M. and Reynolds, G. W. (1999); Principles of Information Systems, fourth edition, Thomson Course Technology, Cambridge, MA. Tavani, H. T. (1996). Selecting a computer ethics coursebook: a comparative study of five recent works, Computers and Society, vol. 26, no. 4, pp.15-21. Townsend, G. C. (1999). The TenthStrand == 3*Ethical Debate+Solution, SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 31, no. 1, pp.17-21.
Integrating Computer Ethics into the Computing Curriculum Wahl, N. J. (1999). YAATCE - Yet another approach to teaching computer ethics, Proceedings of the Thirtieth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 31, no. 1, pp.22-26. Yale -Weltz, E. (1998). A staged progression for integrating ethics and social impact across the computer science curriculum, Computers and Society, Vol. 28, no. 1, pp.30-34.
In the CC2001 proposal (Computing Curricula, 2001) learning objectives or outcomes assoc iated with SP.1 (referred to as SP.1.Os) are incorporated into said proposal and is listed below: SP.1.O.1 SP.1.O.2 SP.1.O.3 list the contributions of several pioneers in the computing field, compare daily life before and after the advent of personal computers and the Internet, as well as identify significant continuing trends in the history of the computing field.
SP.2 (Social context of computing) elaborates on the contents and learning objectives of ImpactCS topic 4.a and suggests that the following issues should be addressed in the curriculum: SP.2.1 SP.2.2 SP.2.3
introduction to the social implications of computing, social implications of networked communication, as well as growth of, control of, and access to the Internet.
Again CC2001 proposes some learning objectives (outcomes) to supplement the course material and assessment strategies: SP.2.O.4 describe positive and negative ways in which computing alters the modes of interaction between people.
SP.2 (Social context of computing ) elaborates on the contents and learning objectives of ImpactCS topic 4.b and suggests that the following issues should be addressed in the curriculum: SP.2.3 SP.2.5 growth of, control of, and access to the Internet, as well as international issues.
CC2001 also proposes some learning objectives (outcomes) to supplement the course material and a ssessment strategies: SP.2.O.5 explain why computing / network access is restricted in some countries. What remains is to apply the ImpactCS framework (supplemented by the CC2001 topics and outcomes) to our own Department, and in this Appendix in particular, to the Computer Systems - fundamental concepts course material.
SP.1.2 and SP.1.O.3 - The Internet globalisation process that facilitated the spread of cybercrimes. Attention is paid to the following cybercrimes related to the Internet: o Espionage viz Internet information gathering (Kizza, 1989, p.50). o Internet fraud (Kizza, 1989, p.48). SP.8.1 - The history of computer crime and examples of computer crime (Forester & Morrison, 1994, pp.1-27). SP.1.3 and SP.O.1 - The contributions of the following four computing pioneers will be discussed: o o o o Alan Turing John von Neumann Edsger Dijkstra Alan Kay
Topic 4.a - Social context influences the development of technology Shelly et al: SP.2.1, SP.2.2, SP.2.3 and SP.2.O.4 - Certain social issues are covered in (Shelly et al, 2002, c hapter 11), Computers and Society: Home Work and Ethical issues, as well as (Shelly et al, 2002, chapter 12), Computers and Society: Security and Privacy). The issues relevant to our curriculum are: o The use of computers at home. o The evolution of society re education, entertainment, finance, government, health care, science, publishing, and travel brought about by the age of computing. o The digital divide. o E-commerce and its affects regarding the conduction of business. o The manners by which virtual reality, intelligent agents, and robots are being used in daily life. o The prevention of injuries and health related disorders due to computer use. o Symptoms of computer addiction. o Green computing. o Ethical issues surrounding computer use, amongst others information accuracy. o The ergonomic design of the workplace. Study guide: SP.2.1 and SP.2.2 - Social implications of computing and networked communities: o New range of social problems or issues (Forester & Morrison, 1994, p.4). o Downside issues relating to the use of the Internet and Web (Hutchinson & Sawyer, 2000, chapter 8, pp.25-26). Topic 4.b - Power relations are central in society Study guide: SP.2.O.4 - Computers and social power (Johnson & Snapper, 1985, pp.271-280): o The relevance of power. o Power, influence, authority and organisations. o Routine use of AIS (Automated Information Systems) in organisations. o New reporting systems. o Shifts of power and influence across organisational boundaries. SP.2.3, SP.2.5 and SP.2.O.5 - International issues (Kizza, 1989, pp.97-145): o Regulating the Internet. o Network access restrictions in some countries.
Andries Barnard, associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of South Africa, holds a PhD (Computer Science). He teaches undergrad uate courses in automata theory and formal languages and project management, as well as postgraduate courses in project management and research methodology. His research interests include computer ethics and graph grammar languages. Corn de Ridder, a postgraduate student in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of South Africa, is currently enrolled for an MSc (Computer Science). Her research interests include computer ethics and related philosophical theories. Laurette Pretorius , professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of South Africa, holds a PhD (Applied Mathematics). She teaches undergraduate courses in numerical methods, automata theory and formal languages and computer graphics, as well as postgraduate courses in computability theory and research methodology. Her research interests include computer ethics and natural language processing, in particular computational morphology of the African languages. Eli Cohen is, among other others, full professor at the Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management (Warsaw), principal, Informing Science Institute, principal, Management Technologies, editor of the Informing Science Journal, and editor of the Journal of IT Education. He holds a PhD (Measurement and Methodology, Statistics) from the Indiana University. His research interests are interdisciplinary and spans a wide variety of fields, including computer ethics.