N Kourakos Abstract For ICTPI 2006
N Kourakos Abstract For ICTPI 2006
N Kourakos Abstract For ICTPI 2006
Nikolaos Kourakos
Phd Candidate SOI, Centre for HCI Design, City University, London, UK.
e-mail: snadek@gmail.com
Literature review
There is large variety of studies focus on ICT acceptance (Ngai, Poon & Chan,
2005; Abdul-Gader, 1996Adams, Nelson &Todd, 1992; Igbaria, Guimaraes & Davis,
1995). As mentioned before a plethora of models have been developed to explain the
technology acceptance in general and Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) in particular.
The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) proposed by Fishbein and Ajzen
(1975) to explain and predict the people’s behavior in a specific situation (figure1 &
table1 in appendix)
The Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is another well-known model.
TPB is a well known theory (grounded on sociology) that has been used to explain
social behavior and information technology use (Ajzen, 1985, 1991; Conner &
Armitage, 1998; Dillon & Morris, 1996; Sutton, 1998; Kwon & Onwuegbuzie, 2005)
(figure2, table2, appendix).
More specifically, according to Ajzen (Ajzen, 1985, 1991), intension is an
immediate predictor of behavior. This intension is loaded by SN (i.e. perceived social
pressure), PBC (the beliefs about the ability to control the behavior) and one’s attitude
towards a behavior. Further more, a behavioral belief (a specific behavior lead to a
specific outcome), weighted by the evaluated desirability of this outcome forms an
attitude (Kwon & Onwuegbuzie, 2005).
Task technology fit model (TTF).Dishaw and Strong (Dishaw & Strong, 1988)
claims that the only reason for IT use is if the available to the end user functions fit
the user needs and activities. The basic version of TTF that has been tested (Goodhue
& Thompson, 1995) (figure3 appendix). Actually, the TTF match the demands of a
task and the capabilities of the chosen technology. The very early version does not
include the ‘Actual Tool Use’ as an outcome variable, because they didn’t focus on
behavior. As Goodhue (1998; 1995) notice, individual abilities, such as computer
literacy and experience become common additions in later versions of TTF. Dishaw et
al (2002) provide us with another modification of the TTF including the factor of
computer self-efficacy.
Innovation diffusion theory (IDT) (Rogers, 1993), is another model also
grounded in social psychology. Since 1940’s the social scientists coin the terms
diffusion and diffusion theory (Rogers, 1983). This theory provides a framework with
which we can make predictions for the time period that is necessary for a technology
to be accepted. Constructs are the characteristics of the new technology, the
communication networks and the characteristics of the adopters. We can see
innovation diffusion as a set of four basic elements: the innovation, the time, the
communication process and the social system. Here, the concept of a new idea is
passed from one member of a social system to another. Moore and Benbasat (1991)
redefined a number of constructs for use to examine individual technology acceptance
such as relative advantage, easy of use, image, compatibility and results
Expectation-disconfirmation model (EDT) according to Premkumar &
Bhattacherjee (2006) is based on expectation-disconfirmation-satisfaction paradigm.
Oliver (1980) introduced EDT to explain the critical factors of consumer
satisfaction/dissatisfaction, in the marketing area. Here product information and
marketing formed a pre-usage initial expectation. After that the customers use the
product and form a perception of product performance. The comparison of initial
expectation vs. perceived performance drives to the disconfirmation for the product.
After that the customer forms his/her satisfaction level..
The EDT is validated in IT by Bhattacherjee (2001) in a study for online
banking services. Further more Bhattacherjee and Premkumar (2004) used EDT in
order to explain changes in beliefs and attitudes toward IT usage.
Technology acceptance model (Davis, 1989; Davis, Bagozzi & Warshaw, 1989). TAM
was adapted from the Theory of Reasoned Action –TRA-. Maybe the most well-
known and widely accepted and cited model is the technology acceptance model
(TAM). Davis (1985; 1989) developed the TAM to explain the computer usage and
acceptance of information technology. As Money & Turner (2004) notice, the
Institute for Scientific Information Social Science Citation indexed more than 300
journal citations of the initial TAM paper published by Davis et al. (1989). (The
Davis’s model is shown in figure5, appendix).
According to Davis (1993, p.1) ‘user acceptance is often the pivotal factor
determine the success or failure of an information system’. The term external variables
include all the system design features. These features have a direct influence on perceived
usefulness (PU) and perceived easy of use (PEOU), while attitude toward using has an
indirect influence effect to the actual system use. Davis (1993, p. 477) defines PEOU as
“the degree to which an individual believes that using a particular system would be free of
physical and mental effort”, and PU as “the degree to which an individual believes that
using a particular system would be enhance his/her job performance. As Davis et al (1989)
states, the goal is to provide us with an explanation of the determinants of information
systems acceptance. Similar to TRA user beliefs determine the attitude toward using the
information system. This attitude drives to intention behavior to use which lead to actual
system use.
Dishaw and Strong (1999, pp. 9-21) pointed out a weak point of TAM about task
focus. According to them TAM differs from TRA “in two keys”. The first is that define
PEOU and PU as external variables that determine the intension to use not the actual use.
The second key is that TAM does not include subjective norms.
Yi (Yi et al., 2005), claims that TAM and IDT have similarities, More specific PEOU and
PU are conceptual similar to relative advantage and complexity (the opposite of easy of
use). As Taylor and Todd (1995) claims, TAM performs slightly better compared with the
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB).Table3 (appendix) summarizes the implementation of
TAM in wide range of areas.
Venkatesh and Davis (2000), proposed an extension of TAM, the TAM2. TAM2
include social influence process such subjective norm, and cognitive instrumental process
such as job relevance, output quality and result demonstrability. The figure6 (appendix)
describes the revised TAM
Venkatesh et al. (2003), proposed the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use
as a composition of eight prominent models (TRA, TAM, Motivational Model, TPB,
Combined TAM-TPB, PC Utilization, IDT and Social Cognitive Theory).
Figure3. A basic task-technology fit (TTF) model, adapted from Dishaw & Strong, (p. 11)