Unit I
Unit I
Unit I
Features of Ms-Excel, Parts of MS-Excel window, entering and editing data in worksheet, number formatting in excel,
different cell references, how to enter and edit formula in excel, auto fill and custom fill, printing options.
1. Features of Ms-Excel
Microsoft excel is an integrated electronic spread sheet program developed by Microsoft corporation. It is a core part
of Microsoft office Package. It includes the following features.
Autocalc: This feature is very useful to sum a group of numbers is selected them. Their sum will automatically appear
in the status area.
Auto complete: Excel now intelligence to anticipate what you are going to type! Based upon entries you’ve already
made, AutoComplete will try to figure out what you intended to type, once you’ve entered few letters.
Autocorrect: Excel can support automatically correct mistakes. These include the same features you’ve used in word
and you can create your own AutoCorrect entries.
Better Drag-and-Drop: Do you want to move a group of cells? Excel’s drag and drop feature lets you reposition
selected portion of your spreadsheet by simply dragging them with your mouse.
Cell tips and Scroll Tips: To help you get around better with mouse, Excel now includes scroll tips. When you click and
drag a scroll bar, a small window tells you what row or column you are heading for.
Number Formatting: It’s easy to format numbers with excel’s new number formatting feature. Select your numbers
and choose cells command from format menu.
Templates and Template wizard: Excel’s template facility has been greatly enhanced. You can choose from a variety
of elegantly designed templates for your home or business. You can even have a template wizard link your
worksheets to a database.
Shared Lists: you can now have worksheets that are shared simultaneously over a network.
Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting, as its name suggests, changes the format of a cell dependent on the content of the cell, or a
range of cells, or another cell or cells in the workbook. Conditional formatting helps users to quickly focus on
important aspects of a spreadsheet or to highlight errors and to identify important patterns in data.
Excel spreadsheets help us make sense of large amounts of data. To make it easier to find what you need, you can
reorder the data or pick out just the data you need, based on parameters you set within Excel. Sorting and filtering
your data will save you time and make your spreadsheet more effective.
Excel Charts
Excel charts help you communicate insights & information with ease. By choosing your charts wisely and formatting
them cleanly, you can convey a lot.
Ribbon – The main set of commands and controls organized task in Tabs and groups, you can also customize the
ribbon according to your preference.
Column Headings – The letters that appear along the top of the worksheet to identify the different columns in the
Worksheet Window – A window that displays an Excel worksheet, basically this is where you work all the tasks.
Vertical Scroll Bar – Scroll bar to use when you want to scroll vertically through the worksheet window.
Horizontal Scroll Bar – Scroll bar to use when you want to scroll horizontally through the worksheet window.
Zoom Controls – Used for magnifying and shrinking of the active worksheet.
View Shortcuts – Buttons used to change how the worksheet content is displayed. Normal, Page Layout or Page
Break Preview.
Sheet Tabs – Tabs the display the name of the worksheet in the workbook, by default its name sheet 1, sheet 2, etc.
You can rename this to any name the best represent to your sheet.
Sheet Tab Scrolling Buttons – Buttons to scroll the sheet tabs in the workbook
Row Headings – The number that appears on the left of the worksheet window to identify the different rows.
Select All Button – A button that selects all the cells in the active worksheet
Name Box – A box that displays the cell reference of the active cell
Formula Bar – A bar that displays the value or formula entered in the active cell
Office Button/File Tab – It provides access to workbook level features and program settings. You will notice that in
Excel 2007 there is a circle.
Important terms
You have several options when you want to enter data manually in Excel. You can enter data in one cell, in
several cells at the same time, or on more than one worksheet at the same time. The data that you enter
can be numbers, text, dates, or times. You can format the data in a variety of ways. And, there are several
settings that you can adjust to make data entry easier for you.
To enter data on a new line within a cell, enter a line break by pressing Alt+Enter
If there are multiple lines of text in a cell, some of the text might not be displayed the way that you want.
You can display multiple lines of text inside a cell by wrapping the text.
A formula performs calculations or other actions on the data in your worksheet. A formula always starts
with an equal sign (=), which can be followed by numbers, math operators (like a + or - sign for addition or
subtraction), and built-in Excel functions, which can really expand the power of a formula.
For Example, in the above worksheet, the formula = B5+C5+D+ adds the contents 10+20+30 and produce
the results. One can enter and edit formula in two ways.
1. Directly into cell by double clicking where the formula wants.
2. At formula bar after selection of required cell.
5. Number Formatting.
It is very common to enter various types of numbers for various applications. In Excel, you can use number formats to
change the appearance of numbers, including dates and times, without changing the number behind the appearance.
The number format does not affect the actual cell value, it changes the appearance only.
A cell reference refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used in a formula so that
Microsoft Office Excel can find the values or data that you want that formula to calculate. There are three
types of cell references
Relative references A relative cell reference in a formula, such as A1, is based on the relative position of
the cell that contains the formula and the cell the reference refers to. If the position of the cell that
contains the formula changes, the reference is changed. If you copy or fill the formula across rows or down
columns, the reference automatically adjusts. By default, new formulas use relative references. For
example, if you copy or fill a relative reference in cell B2 to cell B3, it automatically adjusts from =A1 to =A2.
Absolute references An absolute cell reference in a formula, such as $A$1, always refer to a cell in a
specific location. If the position of the cell that contains the formula changes, the absolute reference
remains the same. If you copy or fill the formula across rows or down columns, the absolute reference does
not adjust. By default, new formulas use relative references, so you may need to switch them to absolute
references. For example, if you copy or fill an absolute reference in cell B2 to cell B3, it stays the same in
both cells: =$A$1.
Mixed references A mixed reference has either an absolute column and relative row, or absolute row and
relative column. An absolute column reference takes the form $A1, $B1, and so on. An absolute row
reference takes the form A$1, B$1, and so on. If the position of the cell that contains the formula changes,
the relative reference is changed, and the absolute reference does not change. If you copy or fill the
formula across rows or down columns, the relative reference automatically adjusts, and the absolute
reference does not adjust. For example, if you copy or fill a mixed reference from cell A2 to B3, it adjusts
from =A$1 to =B$1.
A formula in a cell that directly or indirectly refers to its own cell is called a circular reference. This is not possible.
1. For example, the formula in cell A3 below directly refers to its own cell. This is not possible. Excel returns a 0 if you
accept this circular reference.
A formula in a cell that directly or indirectly refers to its own cell is called a circular reference .This causes the formula
to use its result in the calculation, which can create errors. When a workbook contains a circular reference, Excel
cannot automatically perform calculations. You can use error checking in Excel to locate circular references in a
formula, and then remove them.
To find your circular references, on the Formulas tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click the down arrow next to
Error Checking.
All the lists such as days, months are predefined in the excel list command. When you dragged it
this command it executed. Here the default list commands series.
We can also create a list that is displayed like auto fill in the order we define is known as the custom fill.
In office 2003:
It can be achieved as by selecting the custom list option under the options in the tools menu. That is select Tools-
options-from the options dialog box-custom list. you can see the window like above. In the List entries box type the
list order what you want and click on Add. Then your list is added to previous list and you can use it as auto fill.
4. Click Popular.
5. In the Top Options for Working with Excel section, click Edit Custom Lists.
6. Click Import.
7. Click OK twice.
8. Select a blank cell, enter the first item in the list, and then expand the fill handle to complete the list.
8. Printing options