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Cloud Computing

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University Exam April 2021

MCQ Section
Subject: Cloud Computing Course Code: MEITDLO1013
Semester: I Branch: Information Technology
Year : ME-I Marks :40

1] All questions are Compulsory

2] Assume suitable data wherever required.

Q1. Attempt all questions. [20*2=40M]

1) Which of the following technologies distributes the workload of heavy loaded machine into other
lightly loaded machine?

a) Load Balancing
b) Load performing
c) Sniffing
d) Load scheduling

2) Which of the following category of virtualization provides a Vitrual Machine Environment

(VME) that completely simulates the underlying hardware small and midsize organization

a) Para virtualization
b) Hardware-assisted virtualization
c) Operating System virtualization
d) Full Virtualization
3) Which of the architectural style is further subdivided into Batch sequential and Pipes & filters?
a) Data Flow Architecture
b) Call and Return Architecture
c) Data Centered Architectures
d) Shared Architecture

4) What is incorrect among the following?

a) Make use cases that uniform in size and complexity
b) Organize use cases by actor, problem domain categories or solution categories
c) Use cases can last for more than one session
d) Achieve a stakeholder goal in a use case

5) Which of the following is not a user interface design process?

a) User, task, and environment analysis and modelling
b) Interface design
c) Knowledgeable, frequent users
d) Interface validation

6) Which of these are followed in case of software design process?

a) Analysis occurs at start of product design with a product idea
b) Analysis occurs at the end of engineering design with the SRS
c) Product design resolution produces the design document
d) Engineering design resolution produces the SRS

7) The PERT in project management means program evaluation and _____ technique.
a) resource
b) reconciliation
c) reconsideration
d) review

8) COTS product reuse means

a) Class and function libraries that implement commonly used abstractions are available for reuse
b) Shared components are woven into an application at different places when the program is
c) Large-scale systems that encapsulate generic business functionality and rules are configured for
an organization
d) Systems are developed by configuring and integrating existing application systems

9) Which of the following is not an advantages of software reuse?

a) lower costs
b) faster software development
c) high effectiveness
d) lower risks

10) Which of the following describes a message-passing taxonomy for a component-based

architecture that provides services to clients upon demand?
a) SOA
b) EBS
c) GEC
d) QOS

11) Agile Software Development is based on

a) Incremental Development
b) Iterative Development
c) Linear Development
d) Both Incremental and Iterative Development

12) Which one of the following is not a fundamental activity for software processes in software
engineering ?
a) Software Verification
b) Software Validation
c) Software design and implementation
d) Software evolution

13) Arrange the steps in order to represent the conducting of Wideband Delphi Technique.
i. Conduct a group discussion
ii. Conduct another group discussion
iii. Present experts with a problem
iv. Collect expert opinion anonymously
v. Iterate until consensus is reached
vi. Feedback a summary of result to each expert
a) i, iii, ii, iv, v, vi
b) iii, i, ii, iv, v, vi
c) i, ii, iii, iv, vi, v
d) iii, i, iv, vi, ii, v

14) How many steps are involved in Feature Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA) ?
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five
15) Which model in system modelling depicts the static nature of the system ?

a) Behavioral Model
b) Context Model
c) Data Model
d) Structural Model

16) Which of the following diagram is not supported by UML considering Data-driven modeling ?
a) Activity
b) Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
c) State Chart
d) Component

17) ___________ classes are used to create the interface that the user sees and interacts with as the
software is used.
a) Controller
b) Entity
c) Boundary
d) Business

18) How is generalization implemented in Object Oriented programming languages?

a) Inheritance
b) Polymorphism
c) Encapsulation
d) Abstract Classes

19) Which of the following early OOD methods incorporates both a “micro development process”
and a “macro development process.” ?
a) Booch method
b) Rumbaugh method
c) Wirfs-Brock method
d) Coad and Yourdon method

20) Which of the following is not included in Architectural design decisions?

a) type of application
b) distribution of the system
c) architectural styles
d) testing the system
Descriptive Section

Attempt all questions. [40M]

Q2. Attempt the following (Any 4 each for 5 Marks)

A) what are the advantages of Mobile cloud computing
B) Give the difference between cloud computing and mobile cloud computing.
C) Explain cloud mobile media application
D) Explain the significance of resource allocation.
E) What is offloading explain in detail

Q3. Attempt the following (Any 2 each for 10 Marks)

A) Write the characteristics of cloud computing. Explain the different types of cloud
computing deployment models with examples
B) Define mobile cloud computing. Explain the architecture of mobile computing

C) What is meant by green mobile cloud computing? Explain energy saving in mobile
cloud infrastructure

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