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Ancient Greece

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Ancient Greece

History | UKS2 | Planning Overview

In this unit about ancient Greece, children will gain an understanding of where and when some key events during the ancient Greek
period took place. They will explore what is meant by the terms ‘trade’, ‘civilisation’ and ‘empire’ and explore how, towards the end
of the ancient Greek period, Alexander the Great grew an empire resulting in the Greek civilisation spreading more widely. When
learning about daily life in ancient Greece, children will explore what life was like for different people who were enslaved during
ancient Greek times. They will then independently research and feed back on different elements of daily life in ancient Greece.
Children will also explore the differences between life in ancient Athens and ancient Sparta. They will learn about early democracy
in Athens and take part in a debate about life in Athens and Sparta. Children will use ancient Greek pottery as a primary source to
help them gather evidence about the ancient Greek Olympics and make comparisons between the ancient Games and the modern
Olympics. In addition to this, children will learn about the beliefs of the ancient Greeks, producing fact files about the Greek gods.
Children will sequence a simple story map of a version of the Trojan War and will explore historical evidence relating to the Trojan
War. Studying ancient Greece will help children to develop their questioning skills and make comparisons; learn to use historical
sources and help them to understand how past events have helped to shape the world that we know today.

Home Learning
Greek Pottery Legacies of Ancient Greece
In this task, children produce a design for a Greek pot that In this task, children choose a legacy of ancient Greece to
demonstrates their learning about life in ancient Greece. Once they research themselves and record their findings.
have drawn their design, they describe the scene and explain what
information it provides about life in ancient Greece.

Assessment Statements
By the end of this unit...
Working Towards the Expected Level:
• With some support, children can order a number of finding evidence from primary sources and with
significant events from ancient Greek times on a some support, start to understand the difference
timeline. between primary and secondary sources.
• With support, children can identify some of the • With support, children can make some simple
impacts of Alexander the Great’s Empire. comparisons between the modern and ancient
• With support, research and describe some key Olympic Games.
features of the everyday lives of people living in • With support, children can find some basic
ancient Greece. information about ancient Greek gods and
• With support, children can name a similarity and a goddesses.
difference between life in ancient Athens and life in • Children can use primary and secondary sources to
ancient Sparta. gather clues about the myth of the Trojan War.
• Children can answer some simple questions by
Working At the Expected Level:
• Children can order a number of significant events evidence from primary sources and start to
from ancient Greek times on a timeline. understand the difference between primary and
• Children can identify some of the impacts of secondary sources.
Alexander the Great’s Empire. • Children can make some comparisons between the
• Children can research and describe some key modern and ancient Olympic Games.
features of the everyday lives of people living in • Children can find out about some ancient Greek
ancient Greece. gods and goddesses.
• Children can name some similarities and • Children can use primary and secondary sources
differences between life in ancient Athens and life to gather clues about the myth of the Trojan War,
in ancient Sparta. beginning to evaluate the usefulness of different
• Children can answer some questions by finding sources.

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History | UKS2 | Ancient Greece | Planning Overview

Working At Greater Depth:

• Children can confidently order a number of language.
significant events from ancient Greek times on a • Children can answer some questions by finding
timeline, researching some key facts about some of evidence from primary sources and understand
these events. and be able to confidently discuss the difference
• Children can independently identify a range of between primary and secondary sources.
different impacts of Alexander the Great’s Empire. • Children can independently make a range of
• Children can research and describe some key comparisons between the modern and ancient
features of the everyday lives of people, including Olympic Games.
understanding some of the differences between the • Children can find out more detailed information
lives of men and women, in ancient Greece. about some ancient Greek gods and goddesses.
• Children can confidently name similarities and • Children can use primary and secondary sources
differences between life in ancient Athens and to gather clues about the myth of the Trojan War,
life in ancient Sparta, using the correct historical evaluating the usefulness of different sources.

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Lesson Breakdown

1. Who Were the Ancient Greeks? Resources

Develop an awareness of ancient Lesson Pack
Greece – a study of Greek life and • Scissors
achievements and their influence
• Glue sticks
on the western world.
• Whiteboards and pens
Continue to develop a
chronologically secure knowledge
and understanding of British, local
and world history, establishing
clear narratives within and across
the periods they study.
Develop the appropriate use of
historical terms.
To explore some of the key events
during the ancient Greek period.

2. Alexander the Great’s Empire Resources

Develop an awareness of ancient Lesson Pack
Greece – a study of Greek life and
achievements and their influence
on the western world.
Continue to develop a
chronologically secure knowledge
and understanding of British, local
and world history, establishing
clear narratives within and across
the periods they study.
Develop the appropriate use of
historical terms.
Note connections, contrasts and
trends over time.
To examine how Alexander the
Great’s Empire grew and the
effects of this.

3. Daily Life in Ancient Greece Resources

Develop an awareness of ancient Lesson Pack
Greece – a study of Greek life and
• Whiteboards and pens
achievements and their influence
on the western world. • Internet access (optional)

Address and sometimes devise • Non-fiction books about ancient

historically valid questions about Greece (optional)
change, cause, similarity and
difference, and significance.
Develop the appropriate use of
historical terms.
To research aspects of daily life
and society in ancient Greece.

National Curriculum Aim Child Friendly

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Lesson Breakdown

4. Athens and Sparta Resources

Develop an awareness of ancient Lesson Pack
Greece – a study of Greek life and
• Whiteboards and pens
achievements and their influence
on the western world. • Two large pots or buckets, labelled
as ‘Athens’ and ‘Sparta’ (optional)
Note connections, contrasts and
trends over time. • Pebbles or cubes – one per child
Develop the appropriate use of
historical terms.
Address and sometimes devise
historically valid questions about
change, cause, similarity and
difference, and significance.
To make connections and draw
contrasts between life in ancient
Athens and life in ancient Sparta.

5. Discovering the Resources

Ancient Olympics Lesson Pack
Develop an awareness of ancient
• Whiteboards and pens
Greece – a study of Greek life and
achievements and their influence
on the western world.
Understand how our knowledge
of the past is constructed from a
range of sources.
To explore the Olympics in ancient
Greek times through examining
primary sources.

6. The Olympic Games Then Resources

and Now Lesson Pack
Develop an awareness of ancient
• Whiteboards and pens
Greece – a study of Greek life and
achievements and their influence • Scissors
on the western world. • Glue sticks
Address and sometimes devise
historically valid questions about
change, cause, similarity and
difference, and significance.
Note connections, contrasts and
trends over time
To explore the similarities and
differences between the Olympic
Games in ancient Greek times and
the modern Olympic Games.

National Curriculum Aim Child Friendly

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Lesson Breakdown

7. Greek Gods and Goddesses Resources

Develop an awareness of ancient Lesson Pack
Greece – a study of Greek life and
• Whiteboards and pens
achievements and their influence
on the western world. • Flipchart (optional)

Develop the appropriate use of

historical terms.
Address and sometimes devise
historically valid questions about
change, cause, similarity and
difference, and significance.
To explore the beliefs of the
ancient Greeks.

8. The Trojan War Resources

Develop an awareness of ancient Lesson Pack
Greece – a study of Greek life and
• Whiteboards and pens
achievements and their influence
on the western world.
Understand how our knowledge
of the past is constructed from a
range of sources.
Develop the appropriate use of
historical terms.
To explore what the ancient Greeks
believed about the Trojan War and
how we know about their beliefs.

National Curriculum Aim Child Friendly

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