Numerical Investigating The Effect
Numerical Investigating The Effect
Numerical Investigating The Effect
On inland waterways the ship resistance and propulsive characteristics are strictly related to the depth of the waterway,
thus it is important to have an understanding of the influence of water depth on ship hydrodynamic characteristics.
Therefore, accurate predictions of hydrodynamic forces in restricted waterways are required and important. The aim of
this paper is investigating the capability of the commercial unsteady Reynolds– Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) solver
to predict the influence of water depth on ship resistance. The volume of fluid method (VOF) is applied to simulate the
free surface flow around the ship. The hull resistance in shallow and deep water is compared. The obtained numerical
results are validated against related experimental studies available in the literature.
When the ship approaches a restricted depth water region,
the interaction begins between the ship and the seabed, which
leads to the velocity increase and pressure decrease under the b) Critical
Figure 3 shows the influence of water depth on the total TEST CASES
resistance coefficient as a function of Froude number and
depth Froude numbers. The computations were performed on the model scale
for the following conditions: design draft TM = 0.23 m
corresponding to the model volume M = 0.455 m3, and LCB
measured from AP equal to 2.602 m in shallow water (water
depth hM = 0.46 m) and in deep water.
The following settings were considered in the simulations:
• Calm water condition;
• Six model scale speeds: 0.597; 0.799, 0.995; 1.199; 1.291,
1.394 m/s for shallow water and deep-water simulations,
corresponding to six depth Froude numbers: 0.281, 0.376,
0.469, 0.564, 0.608, 0.656 for shallow water case.
• The vessel is free to trim and sink;
• The hull mass is constant.
The water parameters for all case studies (density, viscosity)
corresponded to real values used in the experimental set up
(water density ρ = 998.7 kg/m3, kinematic viscosity of water
Fig. 3. Influence of water depth on total resistance coefficient ν = 1.079x10-6 m2/s).
Physics modelling
The computation was carried out using the unsteady
Reynold Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equation model.
The free surface was modeled with the volume of fluid
(VOF) method. Fluid turbulence was simulated employing
the Realizable K-epsilon Two-layer model with Two-layer all
y+ wall treatment. To ensure accurate representation of ship
motions, Star-CCM+ offers a Dynamic Fluid-Body Interaction
Δt = 0.005 ~ 0.01 L/V, [s] (2) ε12% = (S1 – S2) / S1; ε23% = (S2 – S3) / S2 (4)
where V [m/s] is the ship speed and L [m] is the characteristic The presented cases show that the resistance changes
length. monotonically with mesh density, and the comparison
shows quite a good agreement between simulation (CFD) and
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION experimental values (EFD), especially for the fine mesh (the
relative error equal to only 3.28% for shallow water simulation
Mesh independency study and 0.47% for deep water simulation). As a result, the fine
The first step of the research was to carry out the mesh mesh was used in further studies.
sensitivity study, i.e. to determine the mesh density at which
the difference between total resistance values obtained from Numerical simulation results
two subsequent meshes reaches a sufficiently low level. The goal Table 4 and Figure 7 compare the predicted and measured
of such a study is to obtain the “grid-independent solution”, total ship resistance values in shallow and deep water for the
i.e. to ensure that further mesh refinement does not improve depth Froude number ranging from 0.281 to 0.656. As can be
the quality of the results. In the presented case, the mesh seen, the difference between the numerically predicted and
sensitivity was studied for shallow water and deep-water cases experimentally recorded ship resistance results varies from
at V = 1.199 m/s. The studies were conducted using three 1.45% to 4.47% for the shallow-water simulation and from
grids with the Non-integer grid refinement ratio rG = 0.47% to 3.57% for the deep-water simulation.
(the value recommended by the ITTC-Quality Manual 7.5- Comparing the values of ship resistance components
03-01-01, 2008 [19]). These grids were referred to as coarse for shallow and deep water is summarized in Table 5 and
(grid#3), medium (grid#2) and fine grid (grid#1), with the Figure 8. As can be seen, two of the resistance components
corresponding cell numbers equal to 0.54, 1.23 and 2.85 increase when the ship moves in shallow water. The change
million, respectively, for shallow water, and 0.65, 1.42 and of the friction resistance component can be explained by the
Tab. 3. Total resistance predicted on different grids at V = 1.199 m/s (Frh = 0.564) in shallow and deep water (Model scale)
Shallow water
V&V Study
Parameter EFD(D) ε32% ε12%
Grid#3 Grid#2 Grid#1
Deep water
V&V Study
Parameter EFD(D) ε32% ε12%
Grid#3 Grid#2 Grid#1
Fig. 7. Comparing predicted ship resistance results in deep and shallow Fig. 8. Changes of ship resistance components
water at different speeds with experimental values in shallow and deep water
Tab. 5. Changes of ship resistance components in shallow and deep water (model scale)
increasing flow velocity under the keel when the vessel moves water at different depth Froude numbers. The selected
from deep to shallow water. This flow velocity change, clearly ship speed values were the same as in the towing tank
shown in Figure 9, results from the interaction between the experiments performed in CTO [14, 15]. In all analyses,
ship and the seabed. The change of the pressure resistance use was made of the commercial RANS solver Star-CCM+
component can be explained by the change of the wave version 12.02.011.R8.
pattern in shallow water, accompanied by significant pressure The predicted ship resistance and model test results were
drop (see Figures 10 and 11). presented for the DTMB model. The CFD results obtained
for all simulation cases show quite good agreement with
the experiment.
CONCLUSION The increase of ship resistance in shallow water, compared
to the deep-water case at the same speed, is due flow velocity
The unsteady RANS calculations were performed to change under the keel and significant pressure drop along
predict the resistance of the DTMB model in shallow the hull, all this leading to wave pattern change.
Fig. 10. Dynamic pressure distributions along the hull in deep and shallow water,at the same speed (V=1.199 m/s)
4. Geerts, S., Verwerft, B., Vantorre, M., and Van Rompuy, F.,
Improving the efficiency of small inland vessels. Proc., 7th
European Inland Waterway Navigation Conf., Budapest Univ.
of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary., 2010.
Vu Ngoc Bich