DO Letter To MD Milk Fed-Submission of New Projects
DO Letter To MD Milk Fed-Submission of New Projects
DO Letter To MD Milk Fed-Submission of New Projects
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Varsha Joshi qllJcrd{ \'ii ffi fdqrrr
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Jolnt Socretary
Government ol lndia
Ministry of Fisheries, Anlmal Husbandry E Dairying
Deparlment ol Animal Husbandry and Dalrylng
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-'110001
Subject: - Submission of New Project Proposal under restructured "National Programme for
Dairy Development (NPDD)" scheme.
would like to inform you that administrative approval and operational guidelines of
restructured National Programme for Dairy Development (NPDD) scheme has been issued on
03.08.2021 (copy enclosed) for implementation duting 2021-221o 2025-26.
2. Component A of NPDD scheme will primarily focus towards creating/strengthening of
infrastructure for quality milk testing equipment as well as primary chilling facilities for State
Cooperative Dairy Federations/ District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union/SHG run private
dairies/Milk Producer Companies/Farmer Producer Organizations etc. Accordingly, all the States are
required to prepare fresh proposals/ revise proposals in pipeline (if any), along with DPR as per
revised operational guidelines and based on existing gap in milk chilling and testing infrastructure. All
such proposals may be submitted through State Level Technical Management Committee (SLTMC),
headed by Pr.Secretary/Secretary of State Dairy Development Department to DAHD, GOI for
consideration. As regards ongoing projects, as per the restructured scheme, it is stated that during the
first 2 years i.e. during 2021-22 & 2022-23, committed liabilities on account of pre.approved projects
(till 31 .03.2021) shall be met. Therefore, implementation of ongoing projects needs to be expedited so
as to complete the projects within these two years.
3. You are therefore requested to direct the respective implementing agencies in your State to
initiate preparing new project proposals under restruclured NPDD scheme as per revised operational
guidelines. The proposal of implementing agencies having no pending UCs against the releases made
upto 31.03.2020 will be considered on priority.
Yours sincerely,